X-Men (2011) s01e05 Episode Script


Okay, really high, really high!
That's it! I didn't sign up for this!
Let me go, you bucket of bolts!
I just started, I can't die yet!
Oh, come on!
You don't really wanna do this.
It's fake anyway.
It's just like my dream.
Up and at 'em, kiddo.
If that had been the real thing,
you'd be just a skid mark.
Sorry, Emma.
I really blew it.
You're still learning
to use your powers
don't be so hard on yourself.
Just curious, what exactly
have you been teaching her?
Every one of us has to come to grips
with who we are, Frost.
Learning the extent of her mutant powers
should have been first on the list.
Yeah, not to mention
working on her guns.
If you misperceive that
you'll fall prey to the temptations
of an evil organization.
Hold on a minute!
Do you mean Emma?
I don't know what you think
but Emma Frost saved my life!
And she risked her own to do it!
You hear me?
You owe her an apology!
-That's enough, Hisako.
-Why are you always so hard on her?
Is that the type of teamwork
I can expect from the X-Men?
She isn't a member of the X-men,
and I don't owe her a damn thing.
Before you criticize others
you'd better quickly prepare yourself
to be a full-fledged mutant.
A full-fledged mutant?
What exactly are you?
He told you. Don't get so worked up.
The latest risk of outbreak
of Damon-Hall Syndrome due to
secondary mutation is quite high.
It's just like we saw in that boy.
Speed up the vaccine production.
The secondary mutation
is already developing in Emma.
We must vaccinate her immediately.
I understand.
I'll need the team to pay
another visit to northern Japan
to get to the bottom of this
once preparations have been made.
Is that the type of teamwork
I can expect from the X-Men?
I've brought you all here for Hisako,
nothing else.
We shall welcome her as a junior member
of the X-Men. No objections, I assume?
I think she'd fit in well with the X-Men.
And we shall welcome Emma
as a member of the X-Men.
She will be Hisako's instructor.
What's there to argue about?
She did a hell of a job
protecting Hisako in Japan.
How about it, Emma?
I'm against it.
You still have doubts about me?
I didn't have anything to do
with Jean's death.
If that's so, let the Professor perform
a telepathic probe.
Let's prove you're not lying.
I refuse. If that's what it takes
for you to believe me,
I don't need to be a member.
I'm not sharing my private thoughts
with anybody, is that clear?
Hey, has Cyclops always
been so nasty?
Who? Scott?
He always has such a stern look
on his face!
He said, "Before you criticize others
you'd better quickly prepare yourself
to be a full-fledged mutant."
He's the one who goes
around judging everybody!
I know Emma feels bad
about being part of the Inner Circle.
Yet, isn't it just like a man to throw
salt into an open wound?
Scott harbors deep wounds
in his heart.
He won't be rid of them easily.
Even now, he's struggling
to find an answer.
Just like you, Hisako.
I'm struggling?
If Emma refuses
I don't intend to perform
a telepathic probe against her will.
Thank you, Charles.
Scott, Emma's joining us
has been decided.
I will abide by your decision, but
-Should Emma double-cross us
I will not be responsible.
I don't think Emma is tangled up
in Jean's death.
But, for a guy like Scott
he's sure persistent in keeping
an eye on Emma.
If it wasn't Emma, who was the woman
he saw a year ago?
For a leader in the Inner Circle
projecting my likeness
would be a fairly simple matter.
Do you mean Mastermind?
I heard that even a year later,
there's no trace of him to be found.
The Inner Circle have, in fact,
suspended their activities.
If Mastermind does live,
those activities will no doubt resume.
What's wrong, Scott?
Hisako has been made a junior member
of the X-Men.
We'll begin
intensive training immediately.
I'm in the X-Men?
Is Emma joining us
as Hisako's trainer?
-Emma too?
-Hisako, let's get going!
I don't want to be taught by you.
Emma's my instructor.
That doesn't cut it.
I lead the X-Men. You follow my orders.
Who's my training opponent?
A giant robot again? A combat machine?
Bring it on. Even Frankenstein's fine.
-You'll be fighting me.
When you're fighting imaginary enemies,
there's no real risk.
If you know in the back of your mind
that there's no danger, you'll hesitate.
Take me as your enemy.
Do not hold back, because I won't.
-That kind of
-We begin.
Hold on! I can't think of you
as my enemy!
What are you doing? This is dangerous!
This isn't a joke!
Sorry. I'm not the joking type.
I think he really means it.
You! Are you really trying to kill me?
I thought I told you.
I'm not going to hold back.
Stop it! Help me! Emma!
Hey, hey! I don't mind tough training,
but she's still just a child!
This is overkill!
I'm stopping this.
Just a little longer.
-We'll be too late by then!
-I know. But
The child hasn't yet released
her true power.
Help me! Please!
Stop already! Cyclops!
Your enemy isn't going
to let up because you ask him to.
If you fall into the enemy's hands
you'll suffer the same fate
as the mutants who died.
Don't I don't want to
You better try to overcome this situation
with your own power.
What the hell is he thinking?
He's trying to provoke Hisako
into unleashing her power.
Stop it! Stop it!
Don't hold back your power!
Hold back my power?
Let go completely!
Try to focus. Control your power,
don't let it control you!
-That son of a
-He's talking about Jean.
-Don't come near me!
-Don't give in to it!
Don't lose sight of yourself!
It's no good. Get back.
Clear your mind!
Focus your power!
She stopped it.
Nicely done.
There was nothing nice about it!
This power is turning me
into a monster!
It's no use.
We've already seen what happens
when symptoms of Damon-Hall arise.
It's only natural
that she considers herself to be
a ticking time bomb, a potential monster.
Then, if her heart breaks,
she'll be of no use to the X-Men.
Hey there. Got a minute?
These powers Like you, I didn't
understand how to use them at first.
Everything around me thought
I was a freak.
I was worried, very worried.
If I hadn't met Charles,
I don't know what would have happened.
He protected you, didn't he?
He didn't just protect me.
He showed me the way, and guided me
on how to be true to myself,
how to use my powers.
Humans and mutants are different. But
they have one thing in common, a heart.
A heart.
The X-Men are a bridge between
the hearts of mutants and of men.
Now, take pride in your powers
and in your role as an X-Man.
I want to lead a normal life.
I want to forget about my powers.
You're only running away
from your future and your fate.
That's right, Hisako.
That's your weakness.
If you don't learn to master it,
you'll succumb to it
just as Cyclops fears.
Whether you want it or not,
you were born a mutant.
-You can't run away from your destiny.
If you accept everything, you have to have
a strong heart and toughen up.
I don't have confidence.
I'm not a confident person like Emma.
I'm a weak-hearted person. It's no use.
Come with me, Hisako.
Are you sure, Emma?
Yes, but I have one condition.
I want you to project everything you see
inside my mind to the entire team.
Yes. Hisako, as well, of course.
Let's begin.
This is Emma as a young child.
That girl gives me the creeps.
It's like she can read your mind.
What's worse is her icy stare.
-They say she's a mutant.
-Mutant? That's creepy!
This is around high school.
Why did your boyfriend
suddenly change his mind?
It's her fault!
You're a great girl, but I can't forgive
you for deceiving me with telepathy.
And Emma on her 20th birthday.
-Miss Frost is wonderful.
-Yes. She's the perfect woman.
Then that man appeared.
You're bored with human society,
aren't you?
I want to provide you
with the perfect place.
Welcome to our Inner Circle.
But, Miss Frost, I think I'd like to
proceed cautiously with this investment.
Actually, it's a brilliant proposal.
Let's draw up the contract
just like you said.
Well done.
His fortune now belongs to us.
We'll ask for your help again.
Not understanding the significance of her
power, she made mistake after mistake
until finally,
she drove a man to his death.
Do you feel guilty?
The man lost all hope,
and threw his own life away.
I am the one who made him lose hope.
Enough of this, already.
Wait. Are you trying
to act self-righteous?
You fool!
And a year ago, on this same day
Emma was with a boy
who had a wounded heart.
A mutant boy.
Go ahead and cry. Let it all out.
But someday, you'll understand
the true significance of that power.
This is what happened on the day
of the battle.
When Jean died, Emma was not there.
You innocence has been proven.
You understand now, don't you, Hisako?
I'm neither a strong person
nor a pure one.
I now see that I made mistakes
and I regret them.
If I can change, so can you.
I'll be your strength.
I believe you, Emma.
I'll do my best as an X-Man.
I'm sorry for everything.
From now on, we're allies,
aren't we, Cyclops?
Or should I call you Scott, perhaps?
-It's Cyclops.
-Well, nice to meet you again.
This vaccine is for all of you, of course.
Distribute it to Hisako's parents
and to the mutants in the Tohoku area.
-Make sure to have them all vaccinated.
-We understand.
Nice duds, ladies.
-You both look marvelous.
-I think so too.
Now that we're all here
take a look at this.
So far, here is where
mysterious events thought to be
mutant phenomena have occurred.
Here is the center point,
a remote mountain region.
Most likely the causes
of the mutant detection interference
and the secondary mutations
are to be found there.
That's correct. Investigate it thoroughly.
-Okay. Departure time.
-Here we go, Hisako.
Charles, is that
all we should investigate?
What do you mean?
The woman, Sasaki Yui.
You read my thoughts.
When you performed the probe,
our minds were linked.
Even if you try not to see something,
sometimes you do.
That's okay. If you want to hide it,
I won't pursue it any further.
Yes, I was anxious
about what I was hiding.
What we are attempting
to go up against
may be an existence
beyond our imagination.
At the behest of Professor X
the X-Men fly
to northern Japan once again.
With their two new members,
the X-Men soon find themselves
facing the remnants of the U-Men,
hungry for revenge.
With the U-Men's
high-tech capabilities
giving them the upper hand
the X-Men find themselves
fighting an uphill battle.
Backed into a corner,
their chances of survival appear grim.
Next time on X-Men: Conflict.
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