Yosi, the Regretful Spy (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Una Alfombra

Although this story
is inspired by real events,
the characters and events are fictional.
Any similarities are unintentional.
Hold the drip up.
You took your time getting here.
I was at dinner with Nora.
She's giving me a hard time.
I screwed up a few times.
I'm behaving until she calms down.
Who's this potz
bringing you such a problem?
-A potz.
-A potz.
Is he worth that?
Not now, but in his day, he cost me a lot.
Save him.
He can't die in my home.
-Know who he reminds me of?
Of that midget, Gershon.
I had to patch him up without anesthetic.
He was tough, huh?
He had a belly
Open like a fish.
That was a job.
Trying to sew up his liver and put
his guts back in in that chaos.
Cleaning his belly with saline
to get the flying sand out.
That wound That was my personal war.
Sand gets everywhere.
His liver wouldn't fit.
What's he up to?
He shot himself a couple of years ago.
After all the work I did on him.
Put up the drip. There are enough
antibiotics and painkillers for a horse.
He's lost a lot of blood.
What are his chances?
If he makes it through the next 24,
48 hours, he may live.
As long as he can walk out
Afterwards, he can fall where he lands.
Was that Samantha you brought in today?
I have no fucking idea.
She got her tits done.
-You want some?
The case I got is unbelievable.
How much can I get from it?
-I don't know.
-Throw out a number.
It's a gift, man. It's cheaper for him
if I make the case go away.
The judge is asking for a fortune.
It won't be any less.
The file is like this big.
-There's nothing about Menachem?
-Not much. That Jew is quite clever
He has two lawsuits that came
via the front desk, but no files.
Either the judge put them in a safe
or Menachem paid a lot,
otherwise, it makes no sense.
Can you bug a fax machine?
Are you starting a new business?
I'm watching my ass.
Yes, you can,
it's not cheap.
Done. When it rings there, it rings here.
-Okay. What do I owe you?
-I'll settle that with Garrido later.
It was pointed out that
it was not possible to agree
because there was an increase
in tariffs and taxes,
and that what was at stake
was to increase salaries and provide
greater resources to the provinces.
Your first passport, baby boy.
Nothing else?
The recordings show nothing.
-Did Saúl say where you're going?
-Do you think he suspects you?
-No, not at all.
It must be because it's not confirmed yet.
Don't trust him.
Guys like him use people.
When he no longer needs you,
he'll dump you.
What about your boss?
Aren't you scared he's dealing
with Army intel? He might abandon us.
Don't worry, baby boy.
I can protect myself from Castaño.
Be very careful with Menahem.
Have a good trip.
I've come to ask you
to follow me
for the hunger of the poor children,
for the sadness of the rich children,
for the Argentines without work,
for the homes without roofs,
for the tables without bread,
for us, for the others!
I ask you to follow me for our homeland
for Latin America,
for God!
Follow me, I will not let you down.
-Hello, Mr. Menachem.
-Hello, Mr. Captain.
A pleasure as always.
Thank you for flying with us.
-Good morning.
-Good day.
Do you know what such a welcome costs?
-100,000 dollars the round trip.
Open it for him.
Let him through, let him pass.
Close the barrier!
Here's the money.
No, not enough. Hand over more.
It's so good. Here you are.
There you go, see if this works.
Come on. Go on, may God be with you.
our dear Saul.
Peace be with you!
Welcome, my friend.
We were waiting for you.
The truck is already here.
It arrived a few hours ago
without any problems.
Bless your beard.
It's a work of time,
like the erg built the dunes,
an ever-changing landscape.
I am grateful for such praise
but it has little influence on the price.
What do you want?
The best carpet at the best price
Come on.
Come on.
Three hundred.
A real gift, my friend,
a real gift!
For two hundred,
I take the carpet
and you experience a moment of joy.
For two hundred fifty,
you'll get the carpet
and we'll split the happiness.
My friend! Come on, my friend.
Look, Iosi.
This is the real Berber design.
These carpets are worth that much
as they're woven by married women,
wise women.
For Berbers,
the path is the destiny.
They write their stories in their rugs.
For a Berber, the road is the destination.
On the carpets,
they write their stories.
Menachem, Menachem.
There's a phone call for you.
A phone call, my friend.
The area is very turbulent,
I was very worried for your safety.
The war in Iraq is coming to an end.
This may be our last business together.
This business will never end.
With the price of satellite minutes
and these Swiss who play music for you.
Ten percent in gelt,
as we agreed.
Diamonds are real.
Everything else is an act of faith.
this is the sample
that our friend Saúl sent us.
These rifles are FAL.
Argentinian. Why are they here?
What are we buying, Saúl?
A carpet for my house.
Good morning, guys.
Hello. How are you, Mr. Menahem?
How can I help you? I'm always helpful.
The anklet won't let me lie.
Come in, come in.
You'll even be good company.
I don't get many visitors lately.
I was just cooking something.
But yes. The noise woke me.
It must have been a drunk or
a stupid junkie. But I didn't see anyone.
And what time was that?
3:00 a.m. or so.
I lose track of time. I have insomnia.
And the security guard?
He was walking around the block.
He goes every two hours.
Big house,
double frontage,
60 meters long
No, no thanks.
Thank you.
I'm perfecting it.
Now I have time,
I spend it watching cooking shows on TV.
Well, if you have any questions,
just pop around.
We'll leave you alone for now.
Let's go.
Let me know when you return.
I'll fix you something nice to eat.
How is Inspector Velardez?
How is he doing?
eat, dance.
Come on, let's sing.
It's good to have you here.
-Have you known them a long time?
-For years.
Kadar is one of my best enemies.
We know each other very well.
You don't look like enemies.
We met in Sinai.
A prisoner exchange.
We were bargaining chips.
We were worth the same then.
You know your worth
by the enemies you have.
What are we doing here?
What did you bring me here for?
Saúl, I thank you for your trust, but
I think Aaron should have come here
with you.
Aaron stayed in Buenos Aires. He was busy.
What's wrong, are you afraid?
This is a chance for you to grow.
You're supposed to be my son-in-law soon.
What's going on with Aaron?
Do you have an issue with him?
No, not at all.
Did he say something?
You're hiding something.
Don't judge him, it's his job.
He distrusts for me.
Although sometimes
that Jewish nose of his is wrong.
What about me?
I'll never tell you what I think.
I'm doing you a favor.
You'd never have dreamed
to be here now.
Talk to me!
Don't come between us.
You're getting mixed up, Babayan.
I'm not leaving empty-handed.
Haven't got my money yet.
Are you out of your mind?
I'll take the diamonds
and the Jew as a hostage.
I don't care about Saul.
You're complicating things.
You took these things
and will pay for them.
Fulfill your promise or I'll kill the Jew.
Release Saúl.
-Drop it. Don't complicate things.
-It's already complicated.
Put down your gun, or I'll kill the Jew!
Now or he'll kill me.
Lower the gun!
Allah is great.
Forgive him, O Lord,
and deliver him of his misery.
Give him a better dwelling
and a better family than his.
Allah is great.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you.
Where'd you learn to shoot?
My dad liked to shoot.
And I was on the shooting range
in the army.
You used automatics in military service?
Quite often.
In some situations
you act like someone else, right?
When I first went into combat,
I was about your age.
I know what you're thinking.
You didn't kill a man.
You killed an enemy.
And that makes all the difference.
Meet the Red Sea, Iosi.
Up to here we were slaves.
Past that sea,
we were free.
It's beautiful.
And yes, it's unique.
There's no other sea
as magical as this one.
When I was eight years old,
my dad wanted my mom and me
to go to see the sea.
We left very early from my hometown,
in Basavilbaso,
we were going to Miramar
in a Di Tella 1500
that my dad had bought about a year before
and had prepared it for that trip.
It didn't go more than 45 miles per hour.
It started making strange noises.
My dad stopped at the side of the road.
It was the connecting rod, the engine.
My mom said to go on.
And he had to decide to get to Miramar
or go back.
That was their last trip together.
I never saw the sea until today.
Your destiny wasn't to see just any sea.
The road to freedom began here.
5000 years ago, in this place,
three million Jews
are looking at the sea as we are now.
Moses promised them the waters would open,
but it's as it is now.
They have two options.
Go forward and take a gamble
or go back to Egypt,
like your dad.
But with an army approaching.
The sea is cold, strange, dangerous.
Egypt is warm and familiar, comfortable.
But the Egyptians are dangerously close.
The Jews panic.
There's a guy, one guy, Nachshon,
puts his feet in.
He's the first.
But the sea still doesn't part.
He continues until he's up to his ankles,
then his knees, but the sea doesn't part.
Nachshon goes deeper,
up to his waist, then his chest.
The sea doesn't part.
Nachshon thinks,
"Maybe we return to Egypt."
Then he remembers,
"Life is about growing up,
leaving slavery behind,
moving on towards the unknown."
Nachshon knew,
Egypt was not even an option.
When the water was up to his nose,
at the last possible moment,
the Red Sea opened.
And all the Jews ran after him at last.
Freedom, Iosi.
This sea and you
You both saved my life.
Thank God.
Now you've seen the sea,
we can go home.
Let me make up for last night's trouble,
I offer you a better carpet.
No, no.
This one has history, it's worth double.
-Peace be upon you.
-You too.
One glass is enough for two people.
At 10,000 meters above sea level,
alcohol is twice as strong.
Thank you, Saúl.
If you told me a few years ago
he'd be president,
I wouldn't believe it.
-Is that good or bad?
-For the country, who knows?
For us, it could be very good.
He comes from Aleppo, his name is Saúl
and we've some vices in common.
-Can I confess something?
-Of course.
I thought we were coming to buy weapons.
What could we want weapons for?
I thought it had to do
with The Andinia Plan.
As if we're going to invade Patagonia!
I thought you knew about politics.
It's anti-Semitic superstition.
Very romantic, by the way,
in vogue among the services these days.
But do the intelligence services
eat that rotten fish?
Talking about Argentine intelligence
is a contradiction.
80 percent of them
spy and shit on each other.
Ten percent work for some politician,
to justify their salary.
And the other 10 percent make money.
They are good for nothing.
Not even to find Perón's hand.
They manipulate their people with stories.
They need believers and an enemy,
we Jews are the most obvious, by the way.
They recruit useful idiots
and then they discard them.
Want a mint?
I think the worst is over.
The doctor said the first day
was the worst, after that, you'd be fine.
How can I thank you for doing this for me?
I didn't do it for you.
While you had the fever, you said a lot.
You talked of your son.
But with you I learned not to ask
questions so I don't hear lies.
I was wrong about you.
I thought you were just hiding
a huge ambition.
That's what made you loyal,
someone like me when I was young, but no.
It was something far worse.
There are clean clothes.
Change and get out.
I'm leaving.
The car?
Cut up in some junkyard.
Can you walk?
Take it.
I don't owe you anything.
But you still owe me.
You owe me this one.
No one escapes punishment,
in my case that'll be to die alone,
imprisoned in my own home.
And from what I see, Iosi,
yours is your own life.
They're waiting outside.
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