You Cannot Hide (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

En peligro

Who are you? A cop?
I don't understand you!
Who are you? A cop?
No, I'm not a cop! No
Yeah, you're a cop.
-Shit, shit, shit!
-No, no, I'm not a cop!
Please don't shoot!
No, please don't! Please!
You're going to die, you fucking cop!
I'm looking for my daughter,
Natalia Saldaña.
She's 19, Mexican.
Your daughter isn't here.
Why'd you come to this bar?
-I came because
Your tattoo!
I saw it in the surveillance footage.
You took her, didn't you?
No! Are you crazy?
I can't let her go. She knows everything.
Not here!
You've gotten me in enough trouble.
Then what do you suggest? She saw us.
Take her somewhere far away
and do whatever you want.
I don't want any more trouble!
Where's my daughter?
Where are you keeping her?
Everything's in order.
All that's left is to drop off
the shipment and add a seal.
You know I don't like transporting girls.
They're always trouble.
Why are you complaining
so much now, friend?
Because I don't like it. I don't like it.
How long before she wakes up?
Any minute now.
We'll have to give her another dose
before we put her inside.
I discarded tourists, businessmen, couples
and people who aren't connected to Torres,
but I have a few pictures to review.
Who are those girls?
Beatriz Prats mentioned
his young lovers in the recording.
They didn't sign in so I have no way
of knowing who they are.
Then look for pictures
of Torres' surroundings.
People from the office,
relatives, friends of friends,
anyone who was ever pictured with him.
Run that through
a facial recognition program.
Something will come up.
Here you are.
"Daniel Romero.
Homicide detective
with several commendations
Kicked off the force
for reckless behavior
in the death of his partner."
"Traffic accident
on a standard two-way road
as a result of a head-on
and lateral collision
due to a blood alcohol level
of 0.5 grams per liter of blood.
Passenger died.
Psychological report.
Not apt for active duty.
Signed by Inspector Laura Urrutia."
Goddamn it.
"The detective shows signs
of chronic anxiety due to stress
caused by the death
of a partner while on the job.
Excessive drinking during his shift
is a reckless behavior
for which counsel requests
he's permanently dismissed
from active duty effective immediately."
Talk to whomever you have to so I can go.
It's very important.
What's your problem?
Don't you ever get tired?
Could you at least call Velasco?
He knows me.
What will it cost you?
Tell him you've detained Daniel Romero
and that I want to see him.
That's all I ask.
You're a real pain in the ass.
If you want more money,
forget it.
You said there'd be no more girls.
That the last one was the last one.
Listen closely.
Do you think we have no other way
to get to Morocco?
As cheap as this? No.
We paid you well.
You think we have money to spare?
Well, you're wrong.
But we have plenty of bullets.
You were in Daniel Romero's unit?
Are you friends?
Partners. Why?
Why didn't you tell me
you signed off on his report?
Know how much trouble
you're getting me in?
It's not relevant to the case.
It's not Damn it!
What do you know about him?
What does he do now?
Are you interested in older cases now?
You asked me for a favor
for someone who has a record
that leaves much to be desired.
Trust him. He's not a bad guy.
Above all, trust me for once, OK?
May I speak
with Inspector Velasco?
He's not in. May I take a message?
Yes, there's a detainee asking to see him.
Daniel Romero.
Thank you.
Where's my daughter?
At least tell me she's OK.
I don't give a shit about your daughter.
I hope she's dead.
You son of a bitch!
If anything happens
to my daughter, I'll kill you!
Got it? I swear I will!
Get back.
No! I said not here!
We have to wait 10 minutes
before we can leave her here.
Help me. Please help me.
After her.
-Call the police.
-OK, calm down.
-They're coming!
-Calm down!
Get her inside.
-Go, go, go.
Close it, damn it!
Urrutia, it's great to see you.
Talk to your partner
who handles missing persons.
I have a lead on Monica's daughter.
I doubt she wants to see you.
Why were you arrested?
-What does it matter?
-What do you mean?
First you ask us for help
and now you're in trouble.
What's with you? Damn it.
Damn it.
There's the Urrutia who ruined my life.
No, you ruined your own life.
Don't get it twisted.
I, along with our peers,
signed a report
that detailed what happened
and why it happened.
Dani you were fucking wasted
and you got into an accident
that killed one of ours,
widowed his wife and orphaned his kids,
so cut the shit.
Then why the fuck are you here?
Why are you helping that woman?
She saved my life after the attack.
Is that good enough for you?
I was a fucking mess.
I would've done anything to keep drinking,
to forget everything.
And then I suddenly felt
like I could help her,
like I owed her.
I'm not doing it for her.
I'm doing it for me.
Do you really want to help that woman?
Then get me out of here.
You asked to speak to Velasco.
You can tell him that, too.
I missed you.
Your favorite, right?
Alberto, I've been thinking
about all this.
What's all this?
Our relationship, what happened to Bea,
the police, the press,
the elections, the future.
I think it's best if we end things
I'd love to be with you,
but we have no other choice.
You don't have to worry.
I won't say anything.
I know it'd be terrible timing
for you if I did.
I'm sorry to say this,
but I think you're right.
It's for the best.
But maybe later on,
when this is all over
No. There won't be a later on.
OK. As you wish.
Is that it?
I don't know. You tell me.
I thought you were crazy about me
and couldn't stop thinking about me.
What's all this about?
You used me when you wanted to fuck
and now that you're worried
about your political career,
you're so relieved that I'm ending things.
I'm not relieved!
Don't touch me again, you son of a bitch.
The whole party will know
what the kind of trash you are.
Listen up, punk!
Don't even let an idea like that
cross your crazy mind.
You have no fucking clue
what it takes to get here.
Think it over.
It won't be the first time
someone fucks with me
-and regrets it.
-Alberto, let her go.
Look, we're all very nervous.
The pictures of Beatriz,
the investigation
It's fine.
I quit.
Never write to me again, Alberto.
What the hell just happened?
Not now, Gabriel. Not now.
I need some fresh air.
You left the hospital
without being discharged
after being in a terrorist attack,
you walk around with a gun
bought in the black market.
What did you expect? A kiss and a bouquet?
Then fine me, but let me go, Goddamn it!
I'll say it again.
I just need you to let me check my phone.
Fuck off, Dani. You know I can't do that.
Velasco, I'm helping that woman
find her daughter.
I was told of a Russian
who may have been involved hours ago.
Maybe there's still time,
but I need the phone.
The address of the Russian's hideout
is on my phone.
You can look at if you want. I don't care!
My pin is 4136. Is that so much to ask?
You're such a pain.
You have one new message.
Daniel, pick up, damn it!
I'm at JL Bar.
The waiter is looking at me funny.
Come here or call me.
Just don't stand me up.
Everything's very strange.
Goddamn it.
Voice mail box.
I'm at JL Bar on Entrevias.
Daniel has news about on Natalia,
but he's not answering my many calls.
If he calls you,
please tell him where I am.
Call Monica.
You have to go to a hospital
or you'll go into hypovolemic shock.
Shut up.
You're going to die.
Shut up or I'll kill you.
-We're closed.
Yes, I see. I just have one question.
Have you seen this woman?
Yes. She was at the bar.
She had a drink and then she left.
Did she come in alone or with someone?
I don't know, pal.
There were lot of people around.
Right. How long ago did she leave?
I'm in a hurry.
What's the rush?
Isn't it too early to be closing?
Hey, wait! Where's Monica?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
I'm going to call the police.
Alex, run!
All right, all right, calm down.
Say another word
and I'll cut you.
Get out!
We have more trouble.
He's after the woman.
He's going to call the police.
We're screwed!
Take away his phone.
Frisk him.
He's clean.
-Are you OK?
Yes, yes.
Daniel, pick up, damn it!
I'm at JL Bar.
Damn it!
The waiter is looking at me funny.
Come here or call me.
Just don't stand me up.
Everything's very strange.
I've been trying to tell you for hours!
Why the hell would you send her there?
I didn't! I didn't know she'd go!
She didn't even have the address.
Are we going to keep
shitting on each other
or are we going to do something?
She photographed his hand.
She had to get close for it.
Send someone to that bar!
I've had it with your friend!
I don't care if you were once partners!
You're right. He's a pain in the ass.
He fucked everything up
back in his day, he hit rock bottom,
but listen to me, Ana.
Dani is a good cop. He always was.
There are two people in danger
and it's our duty to save them.
When we're done, he's all yours.
Now's not the time, though.
Locate JL Bar in Entrevias.
And reach out
to any patrolling units nearby.
Everything will be alright. You'll see.
-Do something!
Don't just stay there! They could see you!
Hello? Police!
Is anyone inside?
The bar is closed. There's no one here.
That can't be!
There has to be a woman there!
It's closed. I can't get inside.
Then knock the door down!
With what warrant? Who's this?
Inspector Velasco.
There was a woman there
just two hours ago.
She may be in danger
and she may still be inside.
Are there any other entrances?
I'll check the alleyway.
If you move, I'll kill you both.
There's blood over here.
There are blood droplets
around the bar's back door.
Find a way to get inside.
Break the door if you have to,
just be careful
because it could be dangerous.
They're inside.
Let's leave now.
The place will be swarming with cops soon.
Start the car!
No, the place is empty.
They couldn't have gone far.
Monica's last message
was sent half an hour ago.
-What are you going to do?
-Look for her! What else?
Do I have to spend the night here?
Give him his belongings and send him away.
We'll press charges tomorrow.
If you meddle again, I'll lock you up
for endangering two women, got it?
Please find her.
Now what?
I'll never be able to return to my bar,
Goddamn it!
Let's leave the city.
We'll get rid of the bodies
and then we'll see.
You're crazy.
Why? What else can we do?
They're looking for them!
But they haven't found them, Goddamn it!
Your partner is right.
It's only a matter of time
before they find us
and you need medical attention
or you won't last much longer.
I know a bit of Russian.
The Chechen War.
Talk to me Alex.
What do you gain by killing us?
A longer jail sentence?
Shut up!
How long do you think
it'll take the police to find us?
I'm sure there are lots of vans
like this in Eastern Europe,
but not so much around here.
Why do you want life in prison
for something you don't care about?
-Are you that close?
-Shut up! Don't talk!
You're the one who shouldn't be talking.
You're bleeding out.
That doesn't look good.
It looks infected, doesn't it?
He has a fever, right?
She can help you. She can treat you.
She studied medicine. Right?
I'll have to clean
and disinfect the wound.
You'll also have to take antibiotics.
I'm not going to any hospital.
Do you think I'm stupid?
You don't have to go to a hospital.
I'm going to make you an offer.
Hear me out, OK?
I won't.
Hey, I have a lot of money at my house.
You can use it to cross the border.
You won't be able to stay after all this.
I also have everything necessary
to treat your friend.
I only ask for one thing in return.
Take me with you, but let her go.
Could you please pull over?
We just want to find her daughter.
Your friend doesn't have to die
and you don't have
to spend life in prison for
-Shut up or I'll kill you!
Pull the trigger and we'll all get fucked!
No, no. Don't shoot.
Stop it, Dimitri!
Don't you see the state you're in?
Where do you live?
Close to Callao Square.
Change of plans. Drive back to Callao.
Inspector Ana Gonzalez, please.
Daniel. She knows who I am.
Right, so get to Mendez Alvaro.
Inspector, some guy named Daniel
wants to talk to you.
Put him on.
-What the fuck do you want?
We're working here. What is it?
The Russians have Monica
and her boyfriend.
I didn't know if you'd be back.
I always come back.
Alberto, are you fucking stupid?
What happened with Eli this afternoon?
I've had it with that child.
She's obsessed.
Oh, good, I see you've matured. Very good.
Better that she knows and fears me.
Now she won't do anything.
What do you know?
Now we're really in trouble.
If anyone heard you,
they'd think you killed your wife.
I'll make sure she keeps quiet.
You should come with me.
He'll call too much attention to himself.
I'll go with her.
No. It's my house.
She doesn't know
where I keep the money or the medicine.
Then tell her.
And you'd better be honest.
If she tries anything,
I'll slit her throat.
I wouldn't want to,
but I'll do it if I have no other choice.
Is that clear?
All right.
The keys are in my pocket.
The money is in the safe.
The combination is 45-36-23-A.
You'll go upstairs together,
like good friends would.
No funny business.
If you're not back in 10 minutes
I'll kill him.
Everything will be all right.
Just do what they say.
Let's go.
Where's the safe?
Don't try me.
Tell me where it is.
The bedroom. That way.
Go on! Move it!
Hurry up!
Get back!
No more nonsense! Let's go!
I need to get first aid kit.
We're not taking it.
It's too late for Dimitri.
We'll say there wasn't one.
-Is that clear?
Let's go.
Keep going.
Monica! How are you?
Is Alex home?
-No, he's not.
-We're in a bit of hurry, right?
Yes, I'm in the middle of something.
It's important that I speak to him.
We have to go.
It's about the patio.
Has he mentioned anything?
-We're in a hurry.
-I'll only be a minute.
Tell him that Ana,
his upstairs neighbor, 2C,
the one who works with Urrutia
Tell him she'll be
at the association meeting.
I'll tell him.
I told you they'd find us,
but you wouldn't listen.
Start driving.
Quit wasting your time.
You know it won't work.
The police are here
and they're looking for this van.
You son of a bitch.
Listen to me.
I promise I can help you,
but only if you help me.
Put the gun down.
Where's Natalia, the girl who was taken?
I won't tell you where she is, asshole.
Then shoot me already and try to get away.
I don't know how the hell
you're going to do it,
but make up your mind already
because you're running out of time.
You tricked me!
No, no!
Drop the knife!
Drop the knife!
Get back!
Or I'll kill him!
-Are you OK?
Call an ambulance.
Come on.
Open it.
Open it! Police!
Come out with your hands up!
Come on!
He needs a doctor.
I performed CPR, but he's unresponsive.
Call SAMUR. Stay right there.
Are you OK?
Did they hurt you?
What happened to him?
He didn't make it.
I tried to resuscitate him but couldn't.
Did he know anything about Natalia?
Yes, he did.
I think he felt remorseful
in the end so he came clean.
She's alive.
Natalia is alive.
Thank you.
You saved us.
Are you thirsty?
Where am I?
Don't get up.
What happened to me?
Am I in Mexico City?
That's right.
Welcome to CDMX.
Were they Russians?
Yes, that's what he said.
Any names?
Someone named Maxim.
Right. Any other details?
It doesn't seem like any vital organs
were compromised,
but you'll have to undergo more testing.
Thank you, but I don't think
that's necessary, Doctor.
We'll still have them done.
What is it?
Was Alex alone with Dimitri?
Yes, why?
Those guys won't say a word
unless you pressure them.
What do you mean?
Come on. I'm taking you upstairs.
We'll be there for 30 minutes.
You can wait in the waiting room.
All right.
I don't know
what happened, Humberto.
I told him it'd be better to end things
and he looked so relieved.
He's an asshole!
He threatened me. It was scary.
He's crazy.
And he's dangerous.
This was in your wife's phone.
Why do you think your wife
recorded your conversations?
I honestly don't know.
Did you kill your wife?
I don't know what happened
with that guy in the van,
but thanks to that,
I know Natalia is alive.
Relax, everything will be fine.
Listen, you're about to reach
your final destination.
Behave yourself
and we'll all be just fine.
What happened?
I'll tell you later.
I need you to take me somewhere.
We need to be patient.
They'll find who's responsible.
Whoever he or she may be.
Elisabeth Molina?
Inspector Urrutia.
We're investigating the murder
of Beatriz Prats.
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