Your Honor (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Part Five

Previously on Your Honor
[Michael] The boy that
they arrested died.
[Lee] Actually,
he was murdered.
After being tortured
by the NOPD.
[Carlo] Fucking motherfucker
killed my brother.
My baby brother.
I was taking care of it!
That's not what Mom said.
There's no homicides in myjail.
And this never happened.
[Lee] You haven't even spoken
to the family yet?
[crying] Kofi dead.
[Little Mo]
Your brother was fam.
That means you fam.
We got eyes on you, little man.
[Jimmy] Watch her.
Bring her back.
Why don't you just buy her
a motorcycle?
[indistinct chatter]
[chuckles] Oh.
Hey, sorry.
Th-That's okay, um
[Michael] Adam, after the accident,
did you stop anywhere?
[Adam] I-I stopped for gas.
[camera clicks]
It was Desire payback.
If we do nothing, we look weak.
The city is waiting.
What is Jimmy Baxter gonna do?
[festive music playing]
[festive music slows]
[cymbals crash rhythmically]
[cymbals crash rhythmically]
suspenseful music ♪
All right, Counselor,
what's the story?
Uh, theft of meat
from Rouse's on De Gaulle.
And what are you offering?
Four years.
For stealing meat?
$502 dollars of meat.
Why'd you do that, Mr. James?
I wanted my family back.
What does that mean?
Well, my wife told me
I was dead to her.
- When?
- Three months ago.
You don't look
I been sober 59 days now.
So where are you living?
Where on Claiborne?
- Under it.
- [phone chimes]
[phone chimes]
Whose phone is that?
[James] It was our tenth
wedding anniversary.
The day we got married,
we had a barbecue for everybody.
I just wanted to show her
what I've done.
I've given up the booze.
Holding it all together.
I thought maybe
she'd have me back
if I could just turn
the clock back ten years.
But I ain't had no money, so
So you stole the meat.
It's difficult to
give up drinking.
Yeah, Mojo Coffee House
saved my life.
I go to a 6 a.m. AA meeting
every morning, rain or shine.
Proof of that?
Me standing right here.
I'm betting you don't need no
piece a paper to judge a man by.
You can see
right inside of a man.
Am I right?
Well, here I am.
Ain't no way you wouldn't know
if I wasn't telling the truth.
A daily meeting at Mojo's,
uh, stands a better chance
at putting this man's life back
together than time in prison.
It's not my life
I'm worried about.
It's my boy.
I want him to have a father
that's gonna provide
and keep him safe.
I just want him to have somebody
that he can be proud of.
That's it.
That's all I got.
[phone chimes]
Jesus, please.
- [slaps hands on desk]
- Come on.
[phone chiming]
tense music ♪
Sorry, Mr. James,
I'm gonna put you
out of your misery right now.
12 months probation.
- Call a recess.
- [bailiff] Recess!
We'll resume in 15 minutes.
[indistinct chatter]
[phone beeps]
Is there anything
I can do, Judge?
Uh, no.
I'm good, Alan. Thank you.
Oh, uh, Alan, wait a second.
When you come in
and open up the courtroom
in the morning, are there times
when you go back out again?
Yeah, I come and go a little.
Okay. So the courtroom is
open and empty?
Is there anything wrong, Judge?
No, uh, no.
No, but would you
please tell Betty
I had to leave?
[tires squealing]
- [tires screech]
- [horn honks]
Call Adam.
This is Adam. Leave a message.
[Michael] Adam, pick up
your phone, please.
Where are you, son?
Call me.
suspenseful music ♪
[keys jingling]
[door creaks open]
[keys jingle]
[dog whining]
[thudding nearby]
[Michael panting]
- Oh, shit! Oh, no!
- [Django whines]
Hey, I'm sorry, buddy.
Okay. Okay, here we go.
Here we go, here we go, come on.
- [whines]
- Here we go, here-here we go.
Okay, there we go.
[birds chirping]
[Michael huffing]
I saw someone.
Amy, he's had seizures
and he could have more.
- I've got to get him to the vet right now.
- I saw someone.
A-Amy, please not now.
- He was at the house.
- Django's
- Well, w-who?
- White male, green Toyota Camry
- with a horseshoe in the window.
- Horseshoe?
- No, a U shape.
- Yes.
Two fits, definitely.
- There could be more though.
- Right here, Michael.
The last one was 20 minutes ago.
Here I go, okay.
Okay, here we,
here we go, buddy.
- There we go, there we go.
- Here we go.
Can I get a temperature, please?
- Sure.
- Yeah, is he gonna be okay?
Michael, we got him now.
Oh-oh, yeah, okay.
Hey, buddy, okay.
All right, buddy.
- That's a good boy.
- Okay, after vitals,
we're gonna put him on oxygen.
- jazz music ♪
- Moonbeams got me on my way ♪
Let your subtle glow
be all I need to know ♪
That I'm in love ♪
[dialogue inaudible]
Sometimes it's hard
to figure out ♪
If it's night or day ♪
When two hearts
are left here on their own ♪
So shine down
all your beams upon me ♪
Let me know the way ♪
Without you here
to guide my heart ♪
- She just might get away ♪
- [Carlo chuckles]
[exhales sharply]
You look
Uh, older.
Yeah, so what are you up to?
What am I up to?
You know, same old stuff.
Lots of drinking
and sleeping around.
Any guy comes near
my little sis
Who said it's a guy?
Always with the jokes, right?
People say revenge doesn't help.
What you did,
the move you made
it won't bring him back,
My heart will never heal.
Do I feel better?
bluesy music ♪
[speaking inaudibly]
Hey, son, stay strong.
[low, indistinct conversations]
[women talking
and laughing nearby]
- [woman] Ooh!
- [woman 2] Uh, it look like
It look like it ain't been
in the oven yet.
Little man.
Why don't you explain it to him.
How you had it all
under control.
How you was the big man making
all the calls by yourself
and got his mama and them babies
blown to pieces
in their own fuckin' home.
Go ahead, Little Mo, tell him.
The cop that keeps
the heat off us
he needed a car to get stole,
so I had to make it get stole
You didn't need to do shit.
That's why I pay him
five grand a week.
Now I got this baby
with holes in his heart
where his family used to be
and a mob boss motherfucker
with a blowtorch.
Now we go to war?
That's your ass.
Follow me.
You pay for my mama funeral?
[indistinct chatter continues nearby]
Everybody say you did.
I ain't never spoken on this.
Don't tell no one.
You hear?
When my mama died,
she died in her bed.
Nobody came.
Only me there.
I was three years old.
Kept her warm after she dead
with blankets and shit, but
nobody came.
Something else?
Baxters gotta pay.
They will, little man.
But Big Mo play the long game.
So I need you to get
real patient with some shit.
You do that,
then Desire here for you.
If not [mutters]
you can go your own way.
[indistinct chatter]
[children chattering nearby]
Your dad's got stones, bro.
What makes you say that?
The gas leak.
It was a gas leak.
It was a gas leak.
What's up, prison shit?
Heart-to-heart I had with
that fuck that killed Rocco.
How's his heart?
His head?
Cracked open
like a fucking watermelon.
So here's the thing.
Fentanyl cut with heroin.
You tried that shit?
You kidding me, that shit?
It's too beautiful to even touch.
[dialogue inaudible]
So, what, are you talking
to someone?
Angola gives its guests
so much more than just Jesus.
Is this a meeting?
Why don't you go spend
some time with your mother?
- [indistinct chatter]
- hip-hop music ♪
You ain't come here to hunt.
All right, little man.
This fell out
of your pocket before.
Or was you just testing me?
You only know me
on the video ♪
Now you say
you got a crush on me ♪
Now you say you got
a crush on me ♪
[phone chimes]
Hey, the thing with a cluster
of epileptic fits
is that kidney failure
is a real concern.
It's touch and go, Michael.
We'll do everything
we can for him.
Okay, uh
Uh, I-I
I-I need to go now.
We'll call you.
[line ringing]
[phone ringing]
[phone beeps, ringing stops]
[low, indistinct chatter]
I know you, right?
Yeah, uh, maybe, um
Uh, uh, Rocco's memorial.
I'm his sister.
Right, um
What are you doing?
Uh, college interview tomorrow,
so I'm just,
- you know
- Reading David Foster Wallace.
Of course, the interview scene
at the start.
Where are you applying?
Uh, NYU.
Was that your first choice?
My mom went there.
And she wants you
to repeat her past?
Ah, she's dead, so
[laughs] Sorry.
So I guess we have
something in common.
Mm-hmm, death and grief, yeah.
Uh, what-what was he like?
Your brother.
An idiot.
I'm sorry.
- I shouldn't have asked you
- No, no, no.
It's, uh it's good.
Too many of my friends
have stopped talking to me
'cause they don't know
what to say.
How'd you know Rocco?
I just met him once actually.
When? Where?
Uh, Tipitina's, th-that club.
Um no, uh
he was wearing my T-shirt
the day he died
my Tipitina's T-shirt.
I mean, they told us
he died instantly.
Head injury like that,
he wouldn't have suffered.
I wonder if that's true.
I mean, what are they gonna say?
You know
he was in terrible pain?
He choked on his own blood?
You think they'd tell you
the truth?
I understand.
Do you?
My mom, she was murdered.
Yeah, I-I wasn't there, so
You know, I think about
her last moments all the time.
What it was like for her.
Um, so I guess
this question matters
even more now that we've
established that your
dead mom went there, um
is NYU your first choice?
Uh yeah, I think so.
I mean, New York seems cool.
And their photography program
seems cool to [laughs]
- I-I guess.
- You guess?
Yeah, no, 'cause you can't
say any of that tomorrow.
'Cause you get in anywhere
with that emo vibe.
You know what, dress rehearsal.
You ready?
I'm, uh
Professor Big Brain.
I don't know your name.
what does a, uh,
a Southern boy like you
who seems to have trouble
remembering his own surname
hope to learn
from attending our
big-city New York University?
I hope to gain
the interpersonal skills
to finally achieve
some sort of social life.
- Mm-mm.
- Is it something I-I've lacked
during high school
'cause I was too busy
reading books
and taking photographs?
Well, I, uh I have
to tell you, here at NYU,
we love nerds
without social skills.
Um, what social and political
issues are you passionate about?
Dogs. An-Anything with dogs.
Hmm. Um, okay.
Rottweiler or Chihuahua?
Great Dane or Newfoundland?
Ooh. Um Leonberger or sh
- Oh, Leonberger.
- [laughs]
one last thing.
Other than the death
of your mother,
tell me about an experience
that's had a big impact
on you recently.
I-I just met a really cool girl.
What do you like about her?
She's good at fishing.
You're in.
[distant siren wailing]
[distant shout]
slow, suspenseful music ♪
[dog barking]
Hold on.
Help you, lady?
Got blow. Base? Blues maybe?
I could be a cop.
[laughs] In this car?
You don't remember me?
I'm Kofi's lawyer.
Kofi dead.
I'm still his lawyer.
You don't think
they're exploiting you?
So you came all this way
just to tell me
I can't take care of myself?
What then?
I want to know
what happened to Kofi.
To do that,
I need a second autopsy.
To do that,
I need the signature
of a relative
who's over the age of 18.
You know, you lawyers take
a long time to say shit.
You know where your father is?
- I'm on my own.
- [door bells tinkle]
- [door bells tinkle]
- [door closes]
Yo, little man, back to work.
- [door opens]
- [door bells tinkle]
You notice how ever since
you came around here
trying to help people,
them same people ended up dead?
Same could be said about you.
[exhales sharply]
Where were you raised?
- Garden District.
- Ah. Explains it.
- Explains what?
- I don't know.
Your sense of entitlement,
the way you look.
How you shouldn't be here.
You threatening me?
You done with that, baby?
Oh, you can go now.
- I got this.
- [waitress] All right now.
[car alarm chirps]
Thank you for lunch.
Thank him. He's paying.
Kofi dad and my dad,
not the same man.
You know where he is?
And his kidneys?
Oh, God.
Please don't let him die.
That dog is
Please just do everything
that you can.
- Thank you.
- [elevator bell dings]
PWID? Shit was only
for you and Joshua.
Oh, don't matter.
It's still distributing.
- But they only had, like
- No.
It don't matter
if it's commercial.
You're still a dealer.
Well, at least
what the law thinks.
Huh? Who's the judge?
Who's the judge?
- McCallister.
- Yeah.
in your family have cancer?
- My grandmama.
- All right.
Judge McCallister's wife died
of breast cancer.
You tell him that you bought
the weed for your grandmother.
You'll still need to bring in
a script of her other pain meds
and records of chemo and
I mean, she needs something
from the doc.
- Yeah.
- All right.
[Michael sighs]
Either of you know how
to trace a burner phone
to where it was purchased?
slow, suspenseful music ♪
There we go.
In Algiers.
Where in Algiers?
dramatic, lively music,
featuring violin ♪
[indistinct crowd chatter]
suspenseful music ♪
[Big Mo sighs]
I didn't invite you to my hotel.
Well, who invited you
to Female Jones's house?
[sucks teeth]
You blew up that house
with her babies inside.
Tragedy in it all:
you did it for nothing.
I come down here to help you
get your facts straight.
Little Mo got a call
to steal that Volvo
the day after your son
was kilt.
Say what you've come to say.
Little Mo told Kofi
to steal that car on October 10.
Kofi was arrested on October 10.
Your son was killed when?
I don't know
who killed your son,
but it sure the fuck
wasn't Kofi.
'Cause he was dead
well before Kofi took
that motherfucking car.
Why are you telling me this now?
Didn't have reason
to tell you fore now.
And blowing shit up
ain't getting nobody nowhere.
If you want a war
I can give you a war.
Due diligence.
Who the fuck is that?
Your rabbi?
I need to confirm
what you're telling me.
Tell Mr. Diligence [exhales]
to confirm the shit out
of this shit
real quick.
slow, suspenseful music ♪
[door closes]
Get me Cusack.
I had Kofi every weekend
for a few years.
And then he got into the game.
You know, the truth is,
once I had my girls,
I just couldn't expose 'em
to that.
He was a good kid.
You're either in or you're out.
And if you're in,
you're dead.
I got a wife now
and two really good kids.
I need your consent.
Without it,
I can't get a second autopsy.
The last thing I want to do
is go up against some gang.
That's not how it would be.
Could be, though.
It could be.
You're Kofi's father.
You couldn't help Kofi
when he was alive
because of how things are.
Now he's dead.
You could help change
how things are.
slow, somber music ♪
Body's been washed.
Does that mean?
No. Uh, remnants of DNA
still possible.
But the brain's the thing.
Wait, the brain?
The coroner puts it
in a garbage bag
after he's done examining it,
with, uh,
all the other organs.
And then that gets put
in the chest cavity [exhales]
before it is sewn up.
This is what counts.
This is the story.
[Little Mo]
Back here, little man!
[grunts softly, sniffing]
Finally had a minute
to set you up proper.
No more sleeping bag.
For how long?
Man, as long as you want.
[chuckles softly]
[laughs] Ain't no need
to be shy about it.
Man, didn't skimp
on the thread count.
Never had my own room before.
[chuckles] Well
just keep your head down
and your mind sharp
and your loyalty with us.
We'll take care of you.
[chuckles softly]
[Michael] When your phone rings
and it's me,
you answer it.
Whatever you're doing,
whoever you're with,
you pick up.
Where were you?
All day?
Prepping for my interview.
Who were you with?
Who were you with?
Nobody. What happened to Django?
You forgot to give him his meds.
What happened?
- [phone chimes]
- [whines]
tense, dramatic music ♪
- [box closes]
- [lock clicks]
[Frankie] He's here.
[Jimmy] Bring him in.
What did you find
at Kofi's house?
Bloody clothes?
Rocco's phone?
Cash. Weed.
I don't give a fuck
how you made it look.
I want how it was.
Had Forensics at the scene?
Jimmy, he was driving the car.
He pled guilty.
He, he confessed.
It's done.
What the fuck
is the matter with you?
This is my son
we're talking about.
Do not fucking insult me
with police shit.
I want the truth.
[Jimmy] What's this?
It's a flash drive.
It's all there.
All the evidence we got.
Is the call on there?
The 911 call.
It's on there.
Then I want to hear it.
You're gonna take a huge hit
withdrawing this much cash.
The college fund, too.
- You didn't say that.
- No, I did. I told you.
Well, that-that's
gonna take a while.
No, no, i-it can't.
I need it now.
This is a bank.
This is the 21st century.
Get my money now.
Uh, all right.
I'll be right back.
suspenseful, dramatic music ♪
- Hey.
- [banker] I'm sorry.
I'm afraid
we need 48 hours' notice
before we can release funds
from this account.
[horns honking]
- [crying softly]
- [Jimmy] Gina.
Gina, you okay?
What is this?
This is the 911 operator.
- [man] You filled up. Now fuck off.
- [horn honks]
[dispatcher] Just stay on the line.
We'll get you some help.
- This isn't it.
- We just need to work out where you are.
- Please, if you can
- Should be Rocco breathing.
This is the 911 operator.
- [man] You filled up. Now fuck off.
- [horn honks]
[dispatcher] Just stay on the line.
We'll get you some help.
We just need to work out
where you are.
- Please, if you can
- [beep]
- They called back.
- What?
The operator called back.
While that
that monster who killed our son
was getting gas.
He killed Rocco, he drove away,
he stopped for gas.
[people shouting and laughing]
[loud, upbeat music playing]
[shouting and laughter]
This is the 911 operator.
- [man] You filled up. Now fuck off.
- [horn honks]
[dispatcher] Just stay on the line.
We'll get you some help.
- We just need to work out where you are.
- [door opens]
- Jimmy.
- [horn honks]
The 911 call came from
a cell tower in Chalmette.
There's three gas stations.
atmospheric music ♪
Were you working October ninth?
What day was that?
That's a Wednesday.
I work every weekday.
Have you ever seen this kid?
You're kidding me, right?
What about your
security cameras?
- [loud, upbeat music playing]
- [phone ringing]
Where the hell are you?
Listen, I'm on my way,
but I gotta talk to
[phone rings]
I did not hang up on you.
No, I'm-I'm-I'm doing it,
but I-I I needed to
tell you something.
- You're out of time, man.
- I can't-I can't hear you.
- Do you hear me?
- Wait-wait a second.
Give me a moment.
Hold on, hold on.
Listen, I don't have
all the money yet.
[man] What?
I need more time.
Well, you're out of time, man.
Get the fuck off me.
Do you hear me?
You're out of time.
I don't think you have it.
Have what?
The evidence that you need.
Or the balls
to see this through.
Shitty Camry, living in Algiers.
I don't know,
I wouldn't back you.
[call disconnects]
dramatic music ♪
This fella here?
[man] Yeah.
You sure about that?
Loves his Leonard Cohen
and his bourbon.
You the guy who's been running
around with his wife?
What are you talking about?
He came here.
Wanted to see
the surveillance video
from my camera.
Said he's looking for the guy
who's been sleeping
with his wife.
You, uh do you still have
the footage?
It got erased.
By who?
Dylan Thomas.
This guy right here.
- He deleted the footage?
- Yeah.
- [shouting and laughter]
- [phone chimes]
[phone chimes]
[phone chimes]
somber music ♪
gentle music ♪
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