Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 12: Yuzu Preserve]
Who are you?
What? It's a frog.
[Do you remember Woong's Love cell
who entered Yu-mi's heart]
Hi, Yu-mi's Love cell.
Who are you?
I'm Woong's Love cell.
[disguised as a frog?]
It's true!
Aren't you going to go back home?
I will. When the time is right.
-When the time is right?
When a man and a woman kiss,
a wormhole of love opens up.
The wormhole of love is open!
Guys, I'm going to leave now.
♫ Should auld acquaintance be forgot ♫
-♫ And never brought to mind? ♫
-Thank you for everything!
We've gotten close.
It's sad to see you leave.
There's no need to be.
We'll see each other often.
♫ And days of auld lang syne? ♫
♫ For auld lang syne, my dear ♫
That hurt!
Even your hands are pretty.
-Go on in.
-Okay, bye.
[After that day,
the wormhole opened often.]
They must be kissing again.
Hi, Hunger! I'm back!
[And he came to visit
the village occasionally.]
-Can you give me one?
Good boy.
Woong. It's hot.
It's not? No, that's not good.
It's hot at night too.
It's really summer now.
You're right.
We still have an hour left
until the movie starts.
Want to wait inside somewhere cool?
-Sounds good.
-Let's go.
[Mauritius Brown]
Go have a seat. I'll bring it.
There's something
I want to try doing with you.
-What is it?
-Well, it's
-You have to use your body.
I have to use my body?
I don't understand what you mean by that.
You know. It's
After you do it, you run out of breath,
and you sweat a lot too.
I wonder what that is.
Yes. But
I honestly want to do it,
but I wasn't sure if you'd like it.
I like it.
-I didn't say what it is yet.
-I still like it.
-You can't change your mind later.
-No way.
Then let's do this!
Run a marathon.
I always participated in it alone,
but I won't be lonely this year.
What is it?
You tricked me.
What is it? What were you thinking?
It's nothing.
What is it?
Your black sugar milk tea is ready.
Thank you.
Wait for me.
How refreshing. It's so good.
Hold on. I keep getting messages
from the office.
These punks must be struggling
with something.
[-The call can't be connected]
-What is it?
Why are you looking at me?
-Just because.
-Just because?
-Can't I look at you?
-You can.
I'm handsome, right?
You're not handsome, but you are cute.
[Gosh. You're the one who's cute.]
[I'm a bit sexy.]
[-Sexy? Who is?]
[-I'm sexy.]
-You called, so talk.
Hello? I didn't realize you picked up.
What's the problem?
Yes. Louis didn't pick up.
Tell him to try it with mine.
Mine didn't have any issues.
Yes. Tell him to call me
when he gets back in.
What is it? Is there a problem?
No. It's nothing big.
It's that friend, right?
The one you're closest with.
-No, not Louis.
Wasn't it your friend
that is the art director?
-Was it Sae-yi?
-Yes, Sae-yi,
but we're not that close.
What? Didn't you guys start a company
together because you were close?
We needed an art director.
We're like cats and dogs.
We're always fighting.
You sound really close
when you put it like that.
I'm telling you, it's true.
But Sae-yi
is such a feminine name,
so people must mistake him for a girl.
She's a girl.
-Sae-yi's a girl.
I didn't know she was a girl.
Did I forget to tell you?
[1-second Debate:
Can men and women be friends?]
[Can men and women be friends?]
We don't have time,
so let's get straight into it.
-First, Reason--
-Me! I want to go first!
Men and women can't be friends!
It's because
It's because
It's impossible!
Friendship or not! I won't allow it!
The reason why I won't allow it is
Just because.
I won't allow that at all.
What are you talking about?
Try to make sense.
Reason, give us your argument.
I'll explain why men and women
can be friends in a clear and concise way.
I even prepared a lot of material--
I don't want to hear it!
Reason might be able to accept it,
but I can't!
There is no such thing as friendship
between men and women!
Emotion. The debate is running out time.
A second has already passed. At this rate,
Yu-mi's going to end up looking upset.
I'm really upset right now.
This won't do.
Come out Reaction Number One.
Did you call for me? How should I react?
Really? I thought she was a guy.
No wonder. I thought her name
sounded feminine.
Right. It's not a masculine name.
[This guy's name is Intuition cell.]
[He lives alone away from the village.]
[It's because he has a peculiar talent.]
Oh, no!
[Intuition cell can see Yu-mi's future
in advance.]
Guys. Intuition cell is here.
Intuition cell. What are you doing here?
Guys, I have a hunch.
I heard that Woong's friend
Sae-yi is a girl.
Yes, that's right. So what?
Will something happen to Yu-mi?
Sae-yi sounds like she's really pretty.
I don't think she has a boyfriend!
Oh, right.
Is that why?
Louis was the only one who came out
to have drinks last time.
Was Sae-yi unable to come because
she was meeting her boyfriend?
I doubt it. She doesn't have a boyfriend.
I'm going to use the restroom.
She doesn't?
Why not? Did they break up?
No. I've never seen her with a boyfriend.
I'll be right back.
I got another hunch!
What? He's back.
Why are you here again?
About his friend, Sae-yi
I have a feeling that she likes Woong.
And I think that Woong used to like--
I don't think this is the right time
for you to step up.
There are no facts to support
your theories.
Right. There aren't.
Plus, we don't know if it's correct.
I'm just telling you so that
you can refer to it.
Yu-mi and Woong are getting along
really well right now.
-They're happy.
But why must she worry in advance
over baseless ideas?
She doesn't need to worry in advance.
Then I'll get going now!
What's wrong with him?
Let's not think about it.
What does gender have anything to do
with work? How childish.
Kim Yu-mi. Stop worrying about it.
Yes, hello?
Yes, Mr. Nam.
I already left for the day.
Yes, I'm outside
[Nam Joo-hyuk]
Can you revise it
and send it over right away?
I need to send it to them by 9 o'clock.
[Oh, really?]
But I'm already in Ilsan.
I can't go back into the office
Then I'll go to an internet cafe
and give you a call back.
Okay. Thank you.
What is it? Is something wrong?
He says I need to revise a report
all of a sudden.
Do we still have time before the movie?
We have about 40 minutes.
Do you want to stay here?
I'm going to run to an internet cafe.
I don't have my laptop with me.
Let's go to my place then.
-My place is close.
Why would you go to an internet cafe?
[Isn't this better?]
I keep
ending up here.
You didn't leave
your laptop somewhere again, did you?
I'm kidding.
There you go.
Thank you.
It's going to take some time.
Will it take long? Should I cancel
our movie tickets?
What? No. That's plenty of time.
I just need 20 minutes.
I need 20 minutes.
Do you want some coffee?
Do you have something other than coffee?
I drank a lot of coffee today.
Wait here.
Something other than coffee Let me see.
I have yuzu tea, juice, and
Oh, this is expired.
I have wild parsley extract too.
I'll have yuzu tea. Make it cold.
Wild parsley extract.
[Ms. Kim Yu-mi]
Hello, Ms. Kim. Did you finish?
I'll check.
This is good.
Yes, Mr. Nam.
It's okay. I checked it.
[Thank you.]
Thank goodness.
Call me back if there are
any further issues. Bye.
Woong. Where are you?
I came to get something to drink.
Are you done already?
That was quick. I'll be right up.
We still have time before the movie,
so take your time.
His place is always clean.
How does he keep it so clean?
Does he clean every day?
Gosh, this is really good.
Is this homemade,
not store-bought?
[The slices of yuzu are thick and uneven.]
And the visible grains of sugar
prove that it was made at home.
At home?
So if it's homemade,
did Woong's mom make it?
Then Yu-mi's drinking
her mother-in-law's yuzu tea.
Is that really it?
There's no label on it.
No. Something is suspicious.
The jar that the preserve is in
is a design that young people like.
Plus, it's not a lot.
So what?
Moms don't put preserves
in bottles like that.
Moms usually fill jars like this
all the way to the top.
Am I wrong?
So what's your conclusion?
[Hurry up and get better, Goo Woong.]
No way.
Based on my deductions
[The person who bought the yuzu,]
[washed them in baking soda,]
[disinfected the jar,]
[cut up the yuzu into thin slices,]
[mixed them with sugar,]
[and gifted them to Woong]
Was it Sae-yi?
"Hurry up and get better, Goo Woong."
-Are you done?
-Then let's go.
Let me just put these in first.
I went to buy drinks
because I didn't have any here.
Why? The yuzu tea was good.
-Yes. It was really good.
Is it homemade?
Who made it?
-Goo Woong.
-This is sour.
Take one.
-What is it?
-Yuzu preserve.
Are you going to sell yuzu preserve?
I have one for you. Take it.
For me?
I heard you had a cold.
Drink some morning and night.
It'll make you feel better.
[Hurry up and get better, Goo Woong.]
You didn't make it, did you?
Oh, this?
When I had a cold--
["When I had a cold,
Sae-yi made it for me"]
"so that I would get better quickly."
You want to say this?
I don't want to hide anything from Yu-mi.
I don't want to lie to her.
Who said we should lie?
I'm just saying we shouldn't add
unnecessary details.
Someone gave it to me.
[Someone gave it to him?]
[That's it?]
[I feel like something big was taken out.]
It's really good.
I don't know who made it,
but it's really good.
I see.
Let's go. We're going to be late.
No. I shouldn't tell them.
They won't want to hear it.
[Intuition cell,]
[whose talents were too scary to live
with the others in the village]
Nobody can hear me here, right?
I got another hunch! I got a hunch!
Yu-mi and Woong will end up
[At times, he figures out things
he wishes he never knew.]
[Episode 13: Yu-mi's Birthday]
I won't need to do a pedicure, right?
He won't see my toes
because I'll be wearing socks.
[But what if you have to take them off?]
[Who knows?]
[Tomorrow is a special day.]
What should I wear?
[What about underwear?]
[You should pick out what you'll wear.]
[Tomorrow is a special day, you know.]
You need to look good.
Hey, Lust.
Don't get too ahead of yourself.
You never know.
It's her birthday tomorrow.
It's her birthday, but so what?
Come on. You know.
What's with him?
Emotion, you're still up?
I can't fall asleep.
This birthday will be a happy one, right?
She was so lonely in the past three years.
I know.
It's been so long since the last time
she wasn't lonely on her birthday.
By the way, what's that?
It's the moon.
The moon is over there.
Then what is that?
Do you see the stalk at the top?
It's green
-A yuzu fruit!
-A yuzu fruit!
-What is it doing here?
-What's going on?
[The one
that Sae-yi might have given him?]
Woong is not on social media.
Woong was Ugi's senior in college,
and Sae-yi and Woong were classmates
in college.
[College friends]
[Met in college]
I should check Ugi's social media page.
[Looks delicious. Did you go with Woong?]
Found her.
This is Sae-yi.
Seo Sae-yi.
She's pretty.
[Another late night.]
[We, Three Eagles, got this.]
[It's the weekend.]
[I made some yuzu preserve.]
[I'll give it to my loved ones as gifts.]
[Who made it?]
[Oh, this?]
[Someone gave it to me.]
Sae-yi was the one who gave it to him!
That yuzu thing!
He said someone gave it to him.
It was Sae-yi!
Emotion, calm down.
We have to deal with Sae-yi
now that Ruby is gone?
Calm down, Emotion.
It's her birthday tomorrow.
She can't see Woong when she's this upset.
Let go. I said, let go!
-Let go!
-Come here.
What's your problem? Let go!
Repeat after me.
We're calm.
-We're calm.
-We're calm.
Forget yuzu.
-Forget yuzu.
-Forget yuzu.
How do you feel now, cells?
Have you found inner peace yet?
Yes, Emotion.
Have you managed to find inner peace?
Finding inner peace
is certainly not easy.
So I'm just going to
teach her a lesson!
Emotion! Calm down.
I can't.
Yu-mi needs to take it up with Woong.
She should warn him now!
[This late? It's almost midnight.]
[Who cares?]
[Lack of honesty
can destroy a relationship.]
[Who gave you the yuzu preserve?]
[Who gave you the yuzu preserve?]
[Happy birthday.]
[Happy birthday.]
[It's past midnight,
so it's your birthday.]
[Goo Woong: It's past midnight,
so it's your birthday.]
[Sweet dreams.]
[Sweet dreams.]
-A heart!
-It turned into a heart.
Emotion, must you give Woong a warning?
No, there's no need.
I've suddenly found inner peace.
[Who gave you the yuzu preserve?]
[Thanks, Woong.]
[Thanks, Woong.]
[Sweet dreams to you too.]
[Sweet dreams to you too.]
[Add another heart.]
[One more.]
[Thanks, Woong. Sweet dreams to you too.]
Do you like this place?
Yes, the food is good.
Everything is so delicious.
Right, I forgot because I was too hungry.
Stop eating for a second.
I have to take photos.
Of what I ate and who I was with
on my birthday.
If I don't post photos like that,
my friends will pity me.
There's no birthday card though.
I can't write stuff like that.
I want photos of this too.
Open it.
-Why not?
What could this be?
[The length of the box
is approximately 45cm.]
[But it feels pretty light.]
Then it must be a clutch.
It has to be a clutch.
I'm betting all this money.
I think I know what this is.
Doesn't it start with "C"?
Why don't you find out?
I don't think it starts with "C".
What? You tricked me.
Let me guess again.
The wrapping paper smells good.
-Does it?
-The sales clerk must've sprayed perfume.
So this must be
It must be perfume. I'm sure of it.
It's not perfume.
What is this?
I'm not sure.
It's too big for a pair of earrings.
So it must be
It's got to be a necklace.
I'm betting everything I own.
All in.
All right. If you've placed your bets,
I'm going to spin the wheel.
Let's go!
-Here we go!
-Let's see!
-My gosh.
-Oh, my!
-What's that?
-It's stopped.
What does it say?
No. Please, no.
That can't be.
-What is that?
[Gift that makes you angry]
"Gift that makes you angry"?
A portable charger?
It seemed like you needed one.
Am I wrong?
No, you're right.
Do you like it?
Yes, of course. I totally needed this.
Gosh, I'm glad you like it.
Thanks. I'll put it to good use.
Darn it. What is that?
You call that a birthday gift?
It's because
Woong is an engineering major.
Engineering majors are obsessed
with electronic gadgets.
Are you kidding me?
Not electronic gadgets are the same.
A portable charger,
not even a Bluetooth speaker?
Still, it must've been pricey.
It's a high-capacity one.
It's not romantic.
This is her first birthday
with a boyfriend in three years.
I was really excited about her birthday
this year.
Look at all this garbage.
Turn it on. Let's make sure it works.
I'll do it at home.
Just turn it on.
Hit the power button
and see if the light comes on.
I'm sure it works.
My gosh.
Wait, hang on.
It hasn't fully stopped yet.
-Hey, look.
-What is going on?
-Gosh, look!
-Oh, my!
Happy birthday.
This is so pretty.
[Gift that makes you angry]
Nice! I knew it!
Here you go.
I totally trusted Woong.
I knew Woong wouldn't let us down.
It's so pretty.
I love it so much. Thanks.
Sae-yi, then when do you need me back by?
Right, okay. I'll call you back.
See you later.
Do you have somewhere to be?
Right. You mentioned
that you wanted to check out our office.
What? Yes.
Looks like I have to stop by the office
for a moment.
Shall we go together after we finish this?
Or you can wait at the cafe--
I'm totally fine with it.
Let's go together.
-No, if you're uncomfortable--
-No, not at all.
-Let's go together.
-Okay, sure.
Everyone will be there, right?
Louis and Sae-yi too.
[Hold on.
Does Yu-mi look presentable right now?]
She's wearing her new clothes.
She even did her own manicure
and pedicure!
She also applied a facial mask last night,
so her skin looks great too.
She's even wearing nice underwear.
And that necklace too,
which is just perfect.
-Yu-mi looks perfect today!
-Yu-mi looks perfect today!
[If she must cross paths with Sae-yi,
today is the day!]
I'm done. Let's go.
-Let's go.
This is where I work.
This entire building?
No, we're renting one of the offices here.
I see.
-Let's go inside.
[SLW Studio]
It's here.
Hold on. Can I use the restroom quickly?
-It's over there.
-You can go inside.
I'll be in the office.
What's with me? Why am I so nervous?
Guys, don't be nervous.
-This will go well.
Just follow my plan. Listen up, okay?
[First, she'll say hello
as soon as she sees Sae-yi.]
Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Yu-mi.
Nice to meet you too. I'm Seo Sae-yi.
[She's been working all evening,
so she must look tired.]
[But Yu-mi looks like
the most perfect girlfriend today,]
[so Sae-yi will feel intimidated.]
[What? What is this?
This girl is so pretty.]
Reaction Number One,
make sure she keeps a smile on.
Yes, got it!
[Here's what's important.
Her eyes can't be smiling.]
[Why not?]
[Because Yu-mi will shoot laser beams
from her eyes upon saying hello.]
Nice to meet you, Sae-yi.
[What's her deal? This girl's intense.]
After the intimidating stare,
Sae-yi will be too scared,
and Yu-mi will have the upper hand.
[After letting Sae-yi know
she's in control here, she'll throw bait.]
Right, thank you for the yuzu preserve.
I had some when I was at Woong's place.
It was delicious. You made it, right?
You made it for Woong, but I finished it.
[That moment, obtain all the information
from the look on Sae-yi's face.]
Don't miss anything.
Scan everything right at that moment.
I, the Detective cell,
can find out everything about Sae-yi
in just ten seconds.
Okay! It's perfect.
Guys, we can do this.
-Yes, we can do this!
-Yes, we can do this!
Guys, we've got a problem.
What problem?
Look, behind her.
[-It's Sae-yi!
-It's Sae-yi!]
What? I can't believe
Yu-mi ran into her here.
Our plan is useless now!
She should say hello.
No, she can't.
This is her first time meeting Sae-yi.
Saying hello to her now
is like telling her that she already
checked out her social media page.
[For now, she should pretend
she doesn't know her.]
Excuse me. Aren't you Yu-mi?
You are Kim Yu-mi, aren't you?
What? Sae-yi recognized her first.
This wasn't part of our plan.
Guys, what should she say?
Guys, where are you?
Darn it. No!
Yu-mi's mind is going blank.
Aren't you Kim Yu-mi?
-You are Yu-mi.
Hello, I'm Woong's colleague.
It's funny we ran into each other here.
It's so nice to meet you.
-I really wanted to meet you in person.
[Episode 14: Yu-mi's Birthday 2]
Right, I see.
How do you know me?
Oh, you and Ugi work together.
I checked out your social media page
through Ugi's and saw your photos.
Woong told me he's got a girlfriend,
and I got so curious.
Right, I see.
And I must say,
you look much cuter in person.
Thank you.
You can use this one, Sae-yi.
Thank you.
Hold on.
You know my name.
Guys, I'm scared.
Guys! Where are you?
What do we do? Sae-yi is very confident.
We shouldn't underestimate her.
I'm afraid we'd fall for her tricks.
[Yu-mi, snap out of it.]
How do you know my name?
I heard you're the only female employee.
Woong told me.
Oh, I see.
I guess Woong has told you about me.
He just told me that you two
have been friends since college.
How could he not have told you about me?
Woong and I have been friends
since we were 20.
My gosh. That means we've known each other
for over a decade.
We became so close right off the bat.
[Don't listen to her going on
about their memories. Ignore her.]
We were classmates in our first year.
And we hung out every day
because we shared the same hobbies.
Then later in college,
we coordinated our class schedules
so we could eat
and play video games together.
We practically did everything together.
What did you say?
Back in college, Woong and I
always hung out together,
so the two of us and Louis
Our friends called the three of us
Our friends called us "Three Eagles"
Gosh, I'm sorry.
Why won't it stop?
What's wrong with this?
Oh, finally.
What were you saying? I couldn't hear you.
I see. Nothing.
Good job, Yu-mi.
Now, let's go with our plan.
The great shot. Yuzu!
This way.
Oh, that's right.
Thank you for the yuzu preserve.
I tried it at Woong's house.
It was very good.
Did you make it?
Thank you for taking good care of Woong.
[-That's right. Nice one, Yu-mi.
-That's right. Nice one, Yu-mi.]
You're welcome. We're friends.
Of course I should take care of him.
Still, that was nice of you.
By the way, I knew it'd look good on you.
The necklace. I picked it with him.
He said it was for your birthday.
He kept picking a weird one,
so I picked it for him.
It looks good on you. Do you like it?
Let's go.
How did you come together?
We met in the restroom.
We even said hello.
Then you all said hello.
You've met Louis before.
Yes. Hello.
-You interrupted their date.
You should be responsible.
I'm sorry, Yu-mi.
It's fine.
Yu-mi. It will take only ten minutes.
Wait here please.
Yes, it's all right. Don't mind me.
Take your time.
-Have a seat here.
Sit down and hurry up.
Would you like something to eat?
I've eaten a lot. I'm full.
Oh, right.
The yuzu preserve I made is also here.
Do you want it?
I'm good.
Is that how it came out?
The fog is gone, but where is everyone?
Where did they all go?
What's this?
I've never seen this flower before.
There's one too. Over there too.
Don't get close.
Be careful. If you inhale the pollen,
you'll be addicted.
This is the flower of doubt.
It makes you doubt.
I think Sae-yi spread them. Look.
-Did Woong and Sae-yi
What's going on between him and Sae-yi?
The yuzu preserve is annoying.
What are you doing in there?
Why did you pick the necklace with her?
Did you get the UI getting cut off
in the notch screen?
I can't fix it right now,
so I left it as it is.
What about the new icons in the shop?
I edited them and built them again.
What about the in-app purchase problem
when we tested it?
I don't think that was us.
Then is it the store?
I think so.
Let's try it first. If it still doesn't
work, let's send an inquiry.
Are you bored?
-It's taking longer than I thought.
What do you want to grab after this?
Anything? That's hard.
You can go there.
-The place we always go.
The pajeon place.
I think Yu-mi doesn't like dongdongju.
My. You don't like dongdongju?
Well, it's not that I don't like it.
Dongdongju is Woong's favorite.
When we work overnight,
we always have pajeon and dongdongju.
It's not my favorite.
Yes, it is.
Even if you don't like it, you should
drink it with him from time to time.
He goes crazy for dongdongju.
They drink dongdongju together every day.
What's going on between you two?
What are we supposed to do, Love?
More flowers are growing.
I keep cutting them, but they won't stop
because of Sae-yi.
Sae-yi keeps planting them.
-What do we do?
we should get away from Sae-yi.
The code is working now.
Let's run it one more time
and wrap it up for today.
Okay. Let's take a break.
I have to go pee.
Yu-mi. Isn't it boring? I'm almost done
Where did she go?
Maybe she went to the restroom.
[Woong. It looks like
it's going to take long.]
[I'll just leave
before I get in your way.]
[Call me.]
[Goo Woong]
[Yu-mi. Where are you?]
Are you done?
I didn't know you texted.
I thought you went to the restroom.
You looked busy.
I thought I'd only bother you.
[I said I'll be done soon.]
It was taking longer than I thought.
Still. Why would you leave
without telling me?
I couldn't interrupt you.
That's why I texted you.
I was going to take you to a nice bar.
It's okay.
Grab a drink with your friends.
You worked hard.
It's your birthday today.
You already treated me out.
You already got me a gift.
That's enough. You don't have to try more.
You don't have to worry about it.
Are you angry?
Why would I be angry?
You bought me delicious food
and an expensive necklace.
I'm not angry.
I'd be a bad person if I'm angry.
Did you have to pick the necklace
with Sae-yi?
Why didn't you say Sae-yi gave you
that yuzu preserve?
-I'm hanging up.
Enjoy dongdongju and sleep well.
[Wait. Hello?]
Where's Yu-mi?
She went home.
She thought it'd take long
and she'd interrupt us.
Still, it would've been nice
if she came along.
You said it's her birthday today.
Is everything all right?
Why did she leave without any words?
Is she mad?
Why is she mad?
You don't know?
How would I know?
I think you know.
Where are you going?
Aren't you going for dongdongju?
Louis. Let's have dongdongju.
That sounds good to me.
My favorite is dongdongju?
My favorite is beer.
I drank it only because you ordered it.
Thank you.
Is there any more?
Why did you say that?
You should've just said
goodnight and hang up.
Emotion. Are you okay?
Reason. How's the situation here?
No more flowers are growing.
Because we're away from Sae-yi.
Sae-yi's pretty toxic.
It was a good idea to avoid Sae-yi,
but what now?
She can't wrap up her birthday like this.
She has to meet Woong.
[Woong. Where are you?]
I'll go handle the rest of the flowers.
Stay ready to go out until then.
Fashion. Get up.
-She's on standby to go out.
The date is not over yet.
Clean-up. She's on standby to go out.
Don't wash up and check makeup again.
Okay. I will fix it smoothly.
[Woong. Where are you?]
Anything from Woong yet?
He's not reading the texts.
And there's no call.
Is he busy drinking dongdongju
with his friends?
What if he's not reading on purpose?
He must be angry too.
She shouldn't have said that.
Let's wait. He'll call when he reads it.
Reason. I feel weird.
I'm so anxious.
It's normal to feel anxious right now.
What if they break up?
Don't say that.
If he doesn't text tomorrow,
they might break up.
It's a date after many years.
It's so vain.
[I'm the one who's upset.]
[I'm the birthday girl.]
[Why does it feel like
I'm getting punished?]
[I'm upset.]
[I'm the one who's upset.
I'm the birthday girl.]
[I hate myself.]
[Why does it feel like
I'm getting punished?]
[I miss you.]
[Let's call him.]
He's not even reading the texts.
[So let's call him.]
[If not now, it'll be even harder
to call him tomorrow.]
Why isn't he picking up?
He's not picking up.
It's really over.
Be quiet.
[This is Louis.]
[Woong left his phone in the office.]
Oh, did he?
[I thought you might be curious.]
where's Woong now?
[He said he's going home.]
He's here.
Woong's here. Woong came to her house.
They're not breaking up.
You were really anxious, weren't you?
Where are you going?
Where are you going at this hour?
What do you mean well?
What about you? What are you doing here?
What am I doing here?
[I'm here]
[to explain
because your voice bothered me.]
"And we didn't blow the candles."
"So I'm here to blow
the candles together."
"Let's have some cake and talk."
Let's go with that.
That's too long.
Let's not say what's not necessary.
[I'm here to explain
because your voice bothered me.]
[And we didn't blow the candles.
So I'm here to blow the candles together.]
[Let's eat.]
Let's eat.
Oh, and about the necklace
[I wanted to get you
the most beautiful necklace.]
[But I have a terrible taste.]
[So I asked Sae-yi.]
[That I want to get you a necklace
that looks best on you.]
[I just needed a woman's advice.]
[I just needed a woman's advice.]
[I have a terrible taste.]
I have a terrible taste.
That's why.
Oh, and the yuzu preserve
[I didn't tell you that yuzu preserve
was from Sae-yi]
[only because]
[I didn't think it'd matter.]
[I even forgot it was from Sae-yi.]
[Sorry I didn't tell you.]
[But it's a misunderstanding.]
[It's a misunderstanding.]
It's a misunderstanding.
Is that all?
-Do you think that explains everything?
Because that's all.
Let's eat together.
It's your favorite strawberry cake.
But it's too late.
My birthday is over.
No, it's 11
It's past midnight.
Still, the bar will be open late.
Is there a bar nearby
Let's go up.
Let's eat together.
[Yumi's Cells]
[Shall we go on a trip?]
[-A trip?
-For two nights on the weekend.]
[There's a beach right in front.]
[They can go for a walk
early in the morning.]
That is indecent.
That's nice.
They only get reservations via phone
after noon.
[It's so popular.
If we're late, we'd miss it.]
-Don't worry.
-That doesn't matter.
I love the glass shower.
Give me the glass shower.
-Let's play innocent.
-She can't be a pervert.
[I got the room I didn't want.]
So I'm filing a complaint.
[Woong. No.]
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