Zero (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

You have to choose.
Your friends
or your family.
If you choose them, you go against me.
You got the balls?
[somber electronic music plays]
[machine noise]
[insects chirping]
[Omar] Officer, we know who stole
the head and where he lives.
- We know everything.
- Do you want to be sued?
He's a Cuban who's wrecking our hood
Hey, kid! Out of here!
Let's go, guys.
[Sharif] This time,
we have the white-collars against us.
- [Sara] Yes.
- [Sharif] Let's start a media war.
The hood needs to know
Sirenetta's behind the vandals.
Where the love go? ♪
Five, four, three, two, I let one go ♪
Bow, get the f though
I don't bluff, bro ♪
Aimin' at your head like a buffalo ♪
You a roughneck, I'm a cutthroat ♪
You're a tough guy
That's enough jokes ♪
Then the sun die
The night is young though ♪
The diamonds still shine
Get it rough ho ♪
What the f though?
Where the love go? ♪
Five, four, three, two
Where the ones go? ♪
It's a sh show, put you front row ♪
Talkin' sh, bro?
Let your tongue show ♪
Money over b and above h ♪
That is still my favorite love quote ♪
Put the gun inside ♪
[all cheering]
What the f yo?
Where the love go? ♪
Trade the ski mask for the muzzle ♪
It's a blood bath ♪
It's a Swizz beat, there the drums go
If she's iffy, there the drugs go ♪
[indie rock music plays]
All around us, in empty space ♪
Why don't you swim?
I don't feel like it, Mom.
- Stop thinking.
- About what?
- Heartache.
- [Anna grunts]
- Oh!
- [friend laughing]
The only aches worth having.
[mother laughing]
[Anna] Okay.
- He gave me tickets for an event.
- [mother] Where to?
A comics event.
That's what he does for a living.
- Is he an artist?
- Well
- Isn't he a delivery boy?
- That's just to support himself.
[mother] He's a good boy then,
- [scoffing] A funny way to earn a living.
- I like him. He's cute.
We even persuaded Edo
to come and celebrate her going to Paris.
And she still prefers the one
sitting in his room all day drawing.
And who leaves when he shouldn't.
What the fuck are you saying, Carol?
Girls, what a shit surprise it was.
Edo and sushi, that I hate.
Well, use your brain.
[Carolina] You don't like sushi?
You like Omar.
Stop making a fuss.
Go to this fucking event!
[distant traffic noise]
[springs creaking]
[liquid pouring]
We need to talk.
At this fucking time?
Come on. You're my brother.
You can't do this to me.
You steal my money.
[Honey] I told you I need it.
It's your money, right?
No. It's the crew's.
The crew's?
- [Honey] Well, tell the crew I need it.
- [Sharif] I can't.
[moody synth music plays]
[Honey chewing]
You need to choose.
Your friends
or your family.
[Honey] If you choose them,
you go against me.
You got the balls?
[music rises]
[Sharif breathing, sighing]
[digital chiming]
[muffled chatter]
Your invitation letter, please?
I've been in phase four for months.
Do you have your invitation letter?
I keep calling, but you always delay me.
[clerk] Look, that's the procedure.
- Come back when you have that letter.
- [phones ringing]
- I specified it was urgent.
- [clerk] Why urgent?
It's in my file.
I'm a professional footballer.
For us, urgent means single mothers,
family reunification. You'll have to wait.
I've waited my whole life
for these fucking documents.
I was born in Milan!
I'm sorry, but without that letter,
I can't access your application.
Don't judge me, take care of mе ♪
[R&B music plays]
Don't judge me, take care of my heart ♪
- [man] Here's yours.
- Thank you.
Don't judge me, be there for me ♪
[indistinct conversation]
Don't judge me
Just hold me in your arms ♪
Don't judge me ♪
[Omar] I've never played on that court.
It's always been there,
but I've never had a go.
Not even once.
I wonder if I'd be able to score.
Don't judge me, bе there for me ♪
[Moreno] Got the cash?
Don't judge me ♪
Hold me in your arms ♪
Say we'll make it through ♪
Don't judge me ♪
I got a precious heart open for you ♪
I know that shit fuckery ♪
Say why you're breakin' for me ♪
Every day
You didn't love me ♪
I'll send the precious kinda love
Your way ♪
Don't judge me ♪
Don't judge me ♪
[coach] Guys, today we'll go over
some free kicks tactics
and double man-marking.
So not to give chances to the opposition.
Here he comes, "Golden Ball."
Want a medal?
Come here. You're late. Hurry up!
[coach] Come on.
[birds chirping]
I'm sorry, coach.
[coach] You're always late.
Every time! How many warnings do you need?
Coach, I'm late because I work all day.
You guys always have the same, old excuse.
- And if you react, they call you racist!
- [players chuckling]
- [Inno] I said I'm sorry.
- [coach] You better be.
You're disrespecting your team and me.
I've had enough of you. Go home.
Come on, guys! You're not on holiday!
Ten laps, 30 push-ups every two. Go!
[coach whistling]
[indistinct chatter]
Hurry up. Dad will be back soon.
[Omar] I just need my drawings.
There's a comics event.
[sighing] I miss you.
How are your eyes?
[Awa sighing]
You were a bit harsh with Dad last time.
No, Awa.
I don't think I'll ever forgive him.
What's the first thing you do
when you wake up?
- Check your phone.
- [Awa sighing]
Don't sigh. You do that.
You know what I've always done
first thing in the morning?
Thought it's my fault that Mom's not here.
Omar, do you think
the world revolves around you?
Not having Mom here
has been hard for me too.
[muffled traffic noise]
The first thing I do
in the morning is feel angry
because I look at my phone and can't see.
I'm sorry.
[Omar] But I made my decision.
[Omar sighing]
[Omar sighing]
- If you need
- Nothing.
I don't miss you that much after all.
Oh the more I hate
Oh the more they hurt me ♪
It's not a drama
If I don't party anymore ♪
Party anymore ♪
Lo, are you serene
Or are you just waging war? ♪
Life is a bitch
That must be kept on a leash ♪
Living haunts me
Everything around me made me mean ♪
If I miss, I start over
When I'm sad I sing ♪
Never give it all to me
In this world the devil is king ♪
They tell me that I have bad luck
Joke aside becomes Lous apart ♪
[net swishing]
Alone, alone, I was alone ♪
Alone ♪
If I could I would live alone ♪
Far from problems and dilemmas ♪
Na na na na na ♪
If I could I would live alone
Far from my chains and the people I love ♪
Na na na na na ♪
If I could I would live alone ♪
Far from problems and dilemmas ♪
Na na na na na ♪
If I could I would live alone
Far from my chains and the people I love ♪
Na na na na na ♪
[crowd murmuring]
Oh the more I advance
The more I get ahead of them ♪
Too bad if you don't follow the rhythm ♪
I don't even know what foot
I'm dancing on anymore ♪
Another too cool nigga, it bothers ♪
The melody rocks me and gnaws at me ♪
Every word pierces me and so I dive ♪
[Anna] Come here.
I swim, drown, in the dark ♪
- [Omar] What are you doing here?
- Guess. Why are you waiting in line?
Have you got your ticket?
[bowling alley noise]
[children laughing]
[birds and insects chirping]
I think those guys need a lesson,
especially that Instagram mocoso.
[Rico] I'm sure it was them
who broke into my place.
I'll make them regret it.
[man] If the police catch you,
we're all in trouble.
I've got this.
[Rico] We don't need the police.
I'll get rid of them.
Rico, maybe I didn't make myself clear.
Keep away from that neighborhood for now.
[man] Take a holiday.
[motor humming]
- [yelling] How dare he?
- [chewing] Keep cool, man.
He just told you to take a holiday.
And where's the fucking money
for a holiday if I'm staying home?
That brat will pay for it!
[moody instrumental music plays]
[bag crumpling]
[motor humming]
[music grows louder]
- Thanks, Betty.
- Pleasure, señor.
[music crescendos]
[melodic electronic music plays]
- Look at that.
- Don't touch!
[indistinct chatter]
[bowling pins knocking]
- [gasping] Look at him! He's amazing.
- Yes, yes!
- Hi. Amazing.
- Sorry.
- Hey!
- [Anna giggles]
- What?
- If you keep staring, they'll feel uneasy.
Actually, they dress like that
to get the attention.
Or maybe they dress like that
to hide themselves.
Or maybe, if I were you,
I wouldn't talk about hiding.
- Okay, you made your point.
- A point for me.
I saw your story.
Congratulations on finishing the model,
and on your friends.
Omar, it wasn't for Edo.
I'm really not that kind of person.
I don't like double-crossing.
[Anna] Let's go and show your drawings!
- Come on. Let's go!
- [Omar] Anna!
[man] Is it a specific place
or an imaginary one?
[Omar] Specific.
It's called Barrio.
It's also an imaginary place for me,
every so often.
Because sometimes,
you want to run away from there.
There's also a basketball court.
[Omar] Full of kids playing every day.
- [Sharif grunting]
- You can meet everyone if you want.
[Sharif panting]
- They were born and raised there.
- [sirens approaching]
They stayed there
because they have to protect it.
[grim synth music plays]
[Omar] Because it's being attacked,
very much so.
By very dangerous people.
[Sharif gasping]
- I can't believe this.
- Don't move.
[detective] We were right then. Take him.
[Honey] It was you.
- You made your choice.
- It wasn't me.
- [Honey] You betrayed your family.
- [Sharif pants]
- Honey, it wasn't me!
- You're not my brother.
- [detective] Come here.
- [Sharif sighs]
- [Sharif] Leave me. Don't touch me.
- Keep cool.
Things are changing in this hood.
People with money will get in.
There won't be room
for people like you anymore.
Is that clear?
[music grows louder]
[background music plays faintly]
Your drawings are good.
Bring me some more.
[Omar gasping]
[Anna giggling]
[indistinct chatter]
- [whispers] Well done!
- [Omar gasps]
Someone does like the Barrio now.
I've just found that out.
Maybe you won't leave anymore.
- You know that wherever I'll be
- [laughing] What?
In my mind everything wanders
I get lost in your eyes ♪
I'm drowning in the wave
Of your loving gaze ♪
I only want your soul
Wandering on my skin ♪
A flower, a woman in your heart Romeo ♪
I'm just your name ♪
How amazing!
Of our bodies in the dark ♪
[Anna cheering]
Not fair!
Not true.
- Ah!
- Woo!
[Anna groans]
[Omar] I'm not ready to meet your father.
[laughing] Oh, come on.
It's not an official engagement.
It's just a dinner.
- You'll like him. Come on.
- [Omar sighing]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Omar sighs]
[Anna] Hi, Dad.
Here you are!
[Anna chuckling]
- How was it?
- Great. Great.
- Nice to meet you. Omar.
- Nice to meet you. I'm her father.
- Anna talks about you all the time.
- Really?
I thought she only talked about
urban planning, industrial design
Yes, she also talks about
urban planning and industrial design.
- [laughing] Omar, he's just kidding.
- Ah!
- All right. Shall we get something to eat?
- [Anna] Yes.
Are you buying?
Shall I buy?
I'll buy. Let's go.
Don't worry. It's all good. Let's go.
Manga are amazing.
Some of them are real masterpieces.
Don't you like manga, Sirenetta?
[Anna] Dad, please
Sorry, Omar. Anna doesn't want me
to call her Sirenetta in front of others.
[Anna] I don't want you
to call me Sirenetta, period.
[father] I even named my company
like that.
- [Omar gasps]
- [grim music rises]
Are you okay?
- Omar, are you all right?
- Is he carsick?
[Anna] I don't know.
I just remembered I have a shift tonight.
- I can't believe it.
- [father] Calm down. Breath in.
- We can take you.
- No, no! No, no.
Here is fine. It's not that far.
- Here where?
- I'm sorry.
[Omar] Here is fine.
- I can walk. It's not far.
- [brakes screeching]
- Omar, walk where?
- [door alarm beeping]
- [Omar] I'll cut through the fields.
- What fields?
[Omar] I'm sorry.
[Anna] Hey!
[grim synth music plays]
[Sharif sighing]
[Rico] Here's the mocoso.
It took me a while to find you.
Now that I've found you,
I'll beat you to a pulp.
- [Sharif gasping]
- [Rico] Got it?
I get it.
[Sharif grunting]
I get that you're a son of a bitch.
One of Sirenetta's minions.
My brother should have stayed out of this.
[Sharif grunting, gasping]
[Sharif groaning]
[laughing, grunting]
[music builds]
[Rico panting]
[fist smacking]
[in Spanish] Mami.
[grim electronic music plays]
[Omar panting]
[melodic electronic music plays]
by Angelica Lacetera
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