1899 (2022) s01e06 Episode Script
The Pyramid
[eerie, disembodied laughter, chatter]
[trees creaking]
[bird cawing]
[in Danish] Ada!
[eerie, echoing laughter]
[eerie laughter echoes]
Where are you?
[Ada] Come and get me.
It's not funny anymore.
We need to go home now.
Come and get me.
[glitchy audio squawks]
[Maura in English] Wake up.
[panting heavily]
[telegraph buzzing]
[in German] Nothing. No reply.
[tense, percussive beats]
[in Danish] Where's the boy?
[in English] Where is boy?
[in Danish] My mother was right.
The boy is the cause!
That they're all dead!
Krester and Ada!
What's happening?
[in English] Where is boy?
[in Danish] Tove, stop.
- [in English] I don't know.
- Look.
We're in the middle of the ocean,
and the engine is down.
If we don't get it up and running again,
then we're all going to die out here.
[dramatic music plays]
He's right.
We need to find land.
We have to split up.
Olek, Franz.
[in German] The engine room.
Fire up the engines.
[in English] You need help.
Take the men to the engine room.
The two priests, you stay with him.
[in German] Show them
how the telegraph works.
[in Danish] What did he say?
[in German] We will send
a distress signal with our coordinates.
[in English] We need
to search for survivors.
Mrs. Wilson, you're in charge of that.
Take the women with you.
- [in French] Clémence?
- We need to leave with Madam Wilson.
[Olek in Polish] It's okay now.
And Miss Franklin,
you will help me find the boy.
If we want to survive this,
we need to trust each other.
[tense synth music plays]
[panting heavily]
- [brooding cover of "White Rabbit" plays]
- One pill makes you larger ♪
And one pill makes you small ♪
And the ones that Mother gives you ♪
Don't do anything at all ♪
[singer vocalizing]
When logic and proportion ♪
Have fallen sloppy dead ♪
And the White Knight is
Talking backwards ♪
And the Red Queen's off with her head ♪
[singer vocalizing]
[song trails off]
[power surges]
[console buzzing]
Why didn't you tell them?
About my father?
You could have told them.
Why didn't you tell them
I was somehow captain of the Prometheus?
None of this makes any sense.
Thank you.
For not thinking I'm crazy.
We'd better get going.
[Mrs. Wilson] Hello?
Anyone there?
[in French] Is anyone there?
[door hinge creaks]
[in Danish] Hello?
[jolting stinger]
[Ada] Come and get me.
[shakily] Did you hear that?
[Iben] What?
[Tove] I thought I heard something.
You believe me now. Don't you?
It's all true.
You are chosen.
Mother. Stop.
[ominous creak in distance]
[in English]
It'll be faster if we split up.
You two go down there. We'll go down here.
[in French] What is that thing?
It's strange. It wasn't there before.
[Ángel in Spanish] What is he saying?
Could someone please explain
what the fuck is happening?
[in French] I've never seen
anything like that before.
What's going on here?
[Daniel in English] Stop!
Don't touch it.
We don't know what it is, or what it does.
[Franz in German]
Enough. I want to get off this ship.
[protrusion rustling]
[rustling, crackling intensify]
[unsettling audio swells, fades]
[Maura] He took me down there,
then he disappeared.
Maybe you were right.
Maybe this is some kind of dream.
Well, who's dreaming it then?
You or me?
[unnerving music plays]
[wind rushing]
[Eyk] Where are we?
Have you been here before?
It looks like the place where I grew up,
but it feels different.
[Eyk] How is this even possible?
I don't know.
But that building over there,
it belongs to my father.
[foreboding music plays]
You think he's there?
The boy?
[in Danish] There's no one here.
It's a waste of time.
[grunts in pain]
[in French] When are you due?
[in English] The
The baby?
[in Danish] Two months.
[in French] I always wanted children.
Lots of children.
Until my sister had her first two.
They're quite annoying, to be honest.
But, well
I suppose it's like all those things
you want so badly when you're little.
Fall in love.
Get married. Have children.
It always ends up being
the complete opposite
of what you imagined.
I admire you.
You seem so strong.
So free.
I feel ridiculous.
[mysterious music plays]
Do you know what they say?
That men invented dresses and heels
so that women can't run away.
[in Spanish] I don't like this one bit.
[in Polish] Okay,
we have to make the fire on both sides.
[in English] Start here. Come on.
[loud clanking]
[in Polish] Fuck.
[in English] I must go up for coal.
[in Cantonese]
You think I'll stay down there with them?
You must be crazy.
[in Polish] It gets stuck all the time.
[in Cantonese] Let me help.
[in Polish] Thanks.
[coal clattering loudly]
[clattering subsides]
[in Cantonese] Is this yours?
Is this from a girl?
[in English] Girl?
No girl.
[in Polish] My brother.
[in English] Brother.
[in Polish] He lives in America, and
It's a long story.
[in Cantonese]
You're so different from other men.
[tense, charged music plays]
I am sorry.
[door creaks]
[in English] What is this place?
A mental hospital.
[Maura] My father built this
for my mother.
She was the only one
he could ever show affection to.
She had two children, me and my brother.
With each birth, she became
less and less of who she used to be.
At first, she just started
to forget things.
And then she started to forget our names.
And, eventually, us.
My father, he resented us for it.
He wanted her to get better.
So, he built this.
He wanted to learn
how the human brain worked.
How to repair it if damaged.
What's down there?
[glitchy audio burst]
[door unlocks]
What happened here?
I don't remember.
It looks like the ship's hull.
[telegraph clicking]
[Ramiro in Portuguese] Hey!
Where are you going?
[in German] It's pointless.
We're not going to reach anyone.
[in Portuguese] Hey, wait!
[footsteps receding]
I'm sorry for your loss.
[in Danish] I never wanted to be a priest.
I was a farmer.
Like my father before me,
and his father before him.
And we didn't have a lot of money,
but we were happy.
But then something happened.
After that, Iben, my wife,
she started to hear God's voice.
He told her that
He had other plans for us.
Bigger plans.
It gave her hope
when everything seemed hopeless, and I
And I wanted so badly
to feel the same hope.
But most of all
I just wanted her to be happy.
[solemn, melancholy music playing]
But I'm a liar.
I've never heard His voice.
And if I'm honest
I don't believe He exists.
[sinister notes play]
[in Portuguese] I don't know.
All your sins will be forgiven.
All your sins will be forgiven.
[inhales deeply, shudders]
[in Danish] Thanks.
[footsteps approach]
[Mrs. Wilson in English]
No one here either.
I'm sorry for your loss.
[Iben in Danish] They say
we should write our own story.
But that's not true.
It has already been written.
God writes our story.
There's nothing you can do
but to accept His choices.
Everything that happens
is part of His plan.
[exhales heavily]
[low, disturbing music plays]
[residue crinkling, rustling]
- [gasps]
- [jarring stinger]
[ragged breathing]
[residue crinkling, rustling]
[Clémence in French] No one here either.
[unsettling whoosh]
[in Danish] Did you see that?
[in French] What did you say?
Wait, where are you going?
[in Danish] Hello?
Is anyone there?
[distant clattering]
[unsettling whoosh]
[glitchy audio squawks]
[door shuts]
[unnerving music plays]
I've been waiting for you.
[glitchy audio squawks]
[Clémence in French] What's going on?
[Clémence exclaims]
Easy. Easy.
Calm down.
It's me.
I've been looking for you.
[in Danish] Tove, what's going on?
Let's continue on the lower deck.
[low, menacing music plays]
[energy pulses]
This makes no sense.
There used to be a door here.
The entrance to my father's office.
[resounding thud]
It's as if all of this
was somehow part of the ship.
The boy.
Before he brought me here, he spoke.
He said something strange.
They're listening,
and if I wanted answers,
I needed to ask the Creator.
The Creator? As in God?
Maybe we've both gone mad.
We should keep searching.
[delicate, restrained music plays]
[low, menacing music plays]
[ominous chords swell]
[keening, plaintive music plays]
[Clémence in French] Are you okay?
I'll give you a minute.
I'm going to find the others. Okay?
[unsettling whoosh]
[in Danish] Hello?
Is anyone there?
[tense music plays]
Krester, is that you?
- [gasps]
- [lantern clatters]
Remember me?
[glitchy audio burst]
[eerie whispering]
[electronic trilling]
Look who we have here.
But one of you is still missing.
Where's your sister?
In school. She's in school.
[man] Krester?
I'm curious to hear your opinion.
Do you think
telling the truth is a virtue?
[Krester] Yes. Yes, I think so.
And do you think telling a lie is a sin?
And do you agree with me
that one should be punished for a sin?
- I don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know.
- [Anker] Wait.
Listen. Listen to me.
I'm sure we can come
to an agreement on this!
[Anker, Krester, Iben whimpering]
Your son stole something from me.
And now he's lying about it.
I cannot have people working for me
on my land who don't have any values.
[man] You touched my son
and took his innocence.
And now I take something
from all of you in return.
I'm sorry.
I'm begging you.
[Tove's cry echoing]
[distorted, rhythmic grunting]
[rapist grunts]
[Tove choking]
[rapist growls]
[Tove coughing, wheezing]
- [Tove cries out]
- [forceful blow]
[cries out]
- [screams]
- [rifle cocks]
[glitchy audio squawks]
[gunshot echoes]
[Clémence in French]
Tove! I heard you screaming.
Are you okay?
What happened? What happened?
What is it?
[Tove whimpering]
Is that blood? Tove?
[Tove sobbing]
[in French] You probably won't believe me,
but I'm sorry.
About everything.
Everything? Really?
You're sorry for being a fucking liar?
You're sorry for turning me in
as a deserter?
You got what you wanted.
That's where you're wrong.
I didn't get what I wanted.
I got what I deserve.
There's something inside my head.
I might only have a few days left.
That's why I need to go to America.
There's a doctor there.
He's going to try and operate,
get this thing out.
He's never done it
on someone who's still alive.
But hey, you never know.
See? Your wish came true.
The only thing you wanted
was to see me dead.
Fate is taking care of that for you now.
[machinery whirs]
[power surging]
[in Polish] It's working again.
We did it.
It works.
[pistons pumping rhythmically]
[tense music plays]
[stokehold whistle blows]
[in Portuguese] They've made it.
They've made it! It's moving again!
[in Danish] Who's steering the ship?
[in Portuguese] Hmm?
[in Danish] The man who left before,
shouldn't he be here steering the ship?
[in Portuguese] You're right.
Where are we going?
Forty-three north
[in Danish] We have to figure out
how to steer this ship.
[in Portuguese]
Forty-three north, 53 west.
Here. Here there is land.
Now what?
You must be kidding.
You want to learn
how to steer a ship by reading?
It won't work.
[in Danish]
All the pages are covered with it.
It's all it says.
[foreboding music plays]
[in Portuguese] What does it mean?
[in English] "May your coffee
kick in,
before reality does."
[tense percussive music plays]
[music trails off]
You broke protocol.
[man] The situation got out of hand.
How much longer?
Approximately 48 hours for the transfer.
And the boy?
Find him.
We need the pyramid.
You know how much depends
on the success of this project.
Yes, sir.
People are oblivious to reality.
They only see what they want to see.
Imprisoned by their mind's restrictions.
When all they have to do
is shift their perspective
to see the full scope of things.
[Eyk] We searched the whole goddamn house.
He's not here.
What is that?
[Maura] This wasn't here before.
[formations rustling, chirring]
Stop! Don't get any closer to it.
- [gun cocks]
- What are you doing here?
I followed you.
You're working for him.
You are working for my father.
Don't you remember?
Don't you remember who I am?
[Eyk] Stop!
Stay where you are.
We don't have much time. It's spreading.
You know what's going on?
Maura, please, you have to remember.
[Eyk] Move!
[foreboding music builds]
Keep moving.
I'm not gonna let this happen again.
I'm not gonna leave you again.
Get in there!
[Eyk grunts]
[device trilling]
[glitchy audio squawks]
[panting heavily]
[Maura] Where is he?
What have you done with him?
I didn't want this to happen.
I can explain.
Just give me a chance to explain.
Who are you?
- Please, you have to
- Stay where you are.
Look at me.
Don't you know who I am?
It's me, Daniel.
We got married 12 years ago.
[tender, emotional music plays]
You're lying!
This is one of his games!
You're working for my father!
Please, I know that you know!
Look around you!
This isn't real! None of this is real!
You have to remember.
That thing, drop it.
Get in there.
Get in there!
Maura, please.
I love you.
Please, wake up.
[music halts]
[Maura panting]
I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy.
My name is Maura Franklin.
Born in Morefield.
My name is Maura Franklin. I'm not crazy.
I know that you're here watching me!
Where are you?
[material stretching]
[metallic clang]
[ominous music plays]
This can't be real.
[high-pitched, mysterious tones playing]
[Clémence in French] They're all dead.
[in English] They're all dead.
[in French] We are on our own.
[thunder rumbling]
[in Danish] This can't be real.
["All Along the Watchtower"
by Jimi Hendrix plays]
There must be
Some kind of way out of here ♪
Said the joker to the thief ♪
There's too much confusion ♪
I can't get no relief ♪
Businessmen, they drink my wine ♪
Plowmen dig my earth ♪
None will level on the line ♪
Nobody offered his word ♪
This can't be real.
No reason to get excited ♪
The thief, he kindly spoke ♪
There are many here among us ♪
Who feel that life is but a joke ♪
But, uh But you and I
We've been through that ♪
And this is not our fate ♪
So let us stop talkin' falsely now ♪
The hour's getting late ♪
Hey ♪
[song fades away]
[atmospheric outro music plays]
[eerie, disembodied laughter, chatter]
[trees creaking]
[bird cawing]
[in Danish] Ada!
[eerie, echoing laughter]
[eerie laughter echoes]
Where are you?
[Ada] Come and get me.
It's not funny anymore.
We need to go home now.
Come and get me.
[glitchy audio squawks]
[Maura in English] Wake up.
[panting heavily]
[telegraph buzzing]
[in German] Nothing. No reply.
[tense, percussive beats]
[in Danish] Where's the boy?
[in English] Where is boy?
[in Danish] My mother was right.
The boy is the cause!
That they're all dead!
Krester and Ada!
What's happening?
[in English] Where is boy?
[in Danish] Tove, stop.
- [in English] I don't know.
- Look.
We're in the middle of the ocean,
and the engine is down.
If we don't get it up and running again,
then we're all going to die out here.
[dramatic music plays]
He's right.
We need to find land.
We have to split up.
Olek, Franz.
[in German] The engine room.
Fire up the engines.
[in English] You need help.
Take the men to the engine room.
The two priests, you stay with him.
[in German] Show them
how the telegraph works.
[in Danish] What did he say?
[in German] We will send
a distress signal with our coordinates.
[in English] We need
to search for survivors.
Mrs. Wilson, you're in charge of that.
Take the women with you.
- [in French] Clémence?
- We need to leave with Madam Wilson.
[Olek in Polish] It's okay now.
And Miss Franklin,
you will help me find the boy.
If we want to survive this,
we need to trust each other.
[tense synth music plays]
[panting heavily]
- [brooding cover of "White Rabbit" plays]
- One pill makes you larger ♪
And one pill makes you small ♪
And the ones that Mother gives you ♪
Don't do anything at all ♪
[singer vocalizing]
When logic and proportion ♪
Have fallen sloppy dead ♪
And the White Knight is
Talking backwards ♪
And the Red Queen's off with her head ♪
[singer vocalizing]
[song trails off]
[power surges]
[console buzzing]
Why didn't you tell them?
About my father?
You could have told them.
Why didn't you tell them
I was somehow captain of the Prometheus?
None of this makes any sense.
Thank you.
For not thinking I'm crazy.
We'd better get going.
[Mrs. Wilson] Hello?
Anyone there?
[in French] Is anyone there?
[door hinge creaks]
[in Danish] Hello?
[jolting stinger]
[Ada] Come and get me.
[shakily] Did you hear that?
[Iben] What?
[Tove] I thought I heard something.
You believe me now. Don't you?
It's all true.
You are chosen.
Mother. Stop.
[ominous creak in distance]
[in English]
It'll be faster if we split up.
You two go down there. We'll go down here.
[in French] What is that thing?
It's strange. It wasn't there before.
[Ángel in Spanish] What is he saying?
Could someone please explain
what the fuck is happening?
[in French] I've never seen
anything like that before.
What's going on here?
[Daniel in English] Stop!
Don't touch it.
We don't know what it is, or what it does.
[Franz in German]
Enough. I want to get off this ship.
[protrusion rustling]
[rustling, crackling intensify]
[unsettling audio swells, fades]
[Maura] He took me down there,
then he disappeared.
Maybe you were right.
Maybe this is some kind of dream.
Well, who's dreaming it then?
You or me?
[unnerving music plays]
[wind rushing]
[Eyk] Where are we?
Have you been here before?
It looks like the place where I grew up,
but it feels different.
[Eyk] How is this even possible?
I don't know.
But that building over there,
it belongs to my father.
[foreboding music plays]
You think he's there?
The boy?
[in Danish] There's no one here.
It's a waste of time.
[grunts in pain]
[in French] When are you due?
[in English] The
The baby?
[in Danish] Two months.
[in French] I always wanted children.
Lots of children.
Until my sister had her first two.
They're quite annoying, to be honest.
But, well
I suppose it's like all those things
you want so badly when you're little.
Fall in love.
Get married. Have children.
It always ends up being
the complete opposite
of what you imagined.
I admire you.
You seem so strong.
So free.
I feel ridiculous.
[mysterious music plays]
Do you know what they say?
That men invented dresses and heels
so that women can't run away.
[in Spanish] I don't like this one bit.
[in Polish] Okay,
we have to make the fire on both sides.
[in English] Start here. Come on.
[loud clanking]
[in Polish] Fuck.
[in English] I must go up for coal.
[in Cantonese]
You think I'll stay down there with them?
You must be crazy.
[in Polish] It gets stuck all the time.
[in Cantonese] Let me help.
[in Polish] Thanks.
[coal clattering loudly]
[clattering subsides]
[in Cantonese] Is this yours?
Is this from a girl?
[in English] Girl?
No girl.
[in Polish] My brother.
[in English] Brother.
[in Polish] He lives in America, and
It's a long story.
[in Cantonese]
You're so different from other men.
[tense, charged music plays]
I am sorry.
[door creaks]
[in English] What is this place?
A mental hospital.
[Maura] My father built this
for my mother.
She was the only one
he could ever show affection to.
She had two children, me and my brother.
With each birth, she became
less and less of who she used to be.
At first, she just started
to forget things.
And then she started to forget our names.
And, eventually, us.
My father, he resented us for it.
He wanted her to get better.
So, he built this.
He wanted to learn
how the human brain worked.
How to repair it if damaged.
What's down there?
[glitchy audio burst]
[door unlocks]
What happened here?
I don't remember.
It looks like the ship's hull.
[telegraph clicking]
[Ramiro in Portuguese] Hey!
Where are you going?
[in German] It's pointless.
We're not going to reach anyone.
[in Portuguese] Hey, wait!
[footsteps receding]
I'm sorry for your loss.
[in Danish] I never wanted to be a priest.
I was a farmer.
Like my father before me,
and his father before him.
And we didn't have a lot of money,
but we were happy.
But then something happened.
After that, Iben, my wife,
she started to hear God's voice.
He told her that
He had other plans for us.
Bigger plans.
It gave her hope
when everything seemed hopeless, and I
And I wanted so badly
to feel the same hope.
But most of all
I just wanted her to be happy.
[solemn, melancholy music playing]
But I'm a liar.
I've never heard His voice.
And if I'm honest
I don't believe He exists.
[sinister notes play]
[in Portuguese] I don't know.
All your sins will be forgiven.
All your sins will be forgiven.
[inhales deeply, shudders]
[in Danish] Thanks.
[footsteps approach]
[Mrs. Wilson in English]
No one here either.
I'm sorry for your loss.
[Iben in Danish] They say
we should write our own story.
But that's not true.
It has already been written.
God writes our story.
There's nothing you can do
but to accept His choices.
Everything that happens
is part of His plan.
[exhales heavily]
[low, disturbing music plays]
[residue crinkling, rustling]
- [gasps]
- [jarring stinger]
[ragged breathing]
[residue crinkling, rustling]
[Clémence in French] No one here either.
[unsettling whoosh]
[in Danish] Did you see that?
[in French] What did you say?
Wait, where are you going?
[in Danish] Hello?
Is anyone there?
[distant clattering]
[unsettling whoosh]
[glitchy audio squawks]
[door shuts]
[unnerving music plays]
I've been waiting for you.
[glitchy audio squawks]
[Clémence in French] What's going on?
[Clémence exclaims]
Easy. Easy.
Calm down.
It's me.
I've been looking for you.
[in Danish] Tove, what's going on?
Let's continue on the lower deck.
[low, menacing music plays]
[energy pulses]
This makes no sense.
There used to be a door here.
The entrance to my father's office.
[resounding thud]
It's as if all of this
was somehow part of the ship.
The boy.
Before he brought me here, he spoke.
He said something strange.
They're listening,
and if I wanted answers,
I needed to ask the Creator.
The Creator? As in God?
Maybe we've both gone mad.
We should keep searching.
[delicate, restrained music plays]
[low, menacing music plays]
[ominous chords swell]
[keening, plaintive music plays]
[Clémence in French] Are you okay?
I'll give you a minute.
I'm going to find the others. Okay?
[unsettling whoosh]
[in Danish] Hello?
Is anyone there?
[tense music plays]
Krester, is that you?
- [gasps]
- [lantern clatters]
Remember me?
[glitchy audio burst]
[eerie whispering]
[electronic trilling]
Look who we have here.
But one of you is still missing.
Where's your sister?
In school. She's in school.
[man] Krester?
I'm curious to hear your opinion.
Do you think
telling the truth is a virtue?
[Krester] Yes. Yes, I think so.
And do you think telling a lie is a sin?
And do you agree with me
that one should be punished for a sin?
- I don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know.
- [Anker] Wait.
Listen. Listen to me.
I'm sure we can come
to an agreement on this!
[Anker, Krester, Iben whimpering]
Your son stole something from me.
And now he's lying about it.
I cannot have people working for me
on my land who don't have any values.
[man] You touched my son
and took his innocence.
And now I take something
from all of you in return.
I'm sorry.
I'm begging you.
[Tove's cry echoing]
[distorted, rhythmic grunting]
[rapist grunts]
[Tove choking]
[rapist growls]
[Tove coughing, wheezing]
- [Tove cries out]
- [forceful blow]
[cries out]
- [screams]
- [rifle cocks]
[glitchy audio squawks]
[gunshot echoes]
[Clémence in French]
Tove! I heard you screaming.
Are you okay?
What happened? What happened?
What is it?
[Tove whimpering]
Is that blood? Tove?
[Tove sobbing]
[in French] You probably won't believe me,
but I'm sorry.
About everything.
Everything? Really?
You're sorry for being a fucking liar?
You're sorry for turning me in
as a deserter?
You got what you wanted.
That's where you're wrong.
I didn't get what I wanted.
I got what I deserve.
There's something inside my head.
I might only have a few days left.
That's why I need to go to America.
There's a doctor there.
He's going to try and operate,
get this thing out.
He's never done it
on someone who's still alive.
But hey, you never know.
See? Your wish came true.
The only thing you wanted
was to see me dead.
Fate is taking care of that for you now.
[machinery whirs]
[power surging]
[in Polish] It's working again.
We did it.
It works.
[pistons pumping rhythmically]
[tense music plays]
[stokehold whistle blows]
[in Portuguese] They've made it.
They've made it! It's moving again!
[in Danish] Who's steering the ship?
[in Portuguese] Hmm?
[in Danish] The man who left before,
shouldn't he be here steering the ship?
[in Portuguese] You're right.
Where are we going?
Forty-three north
[in Danish] We have to figure out
how to steer this ship.
[in Portuguese]
Forty-three north, 53 west.
Here. Here there is land.
Now what?
You must be kidding.
You want to learn
how to steer a ship by reading?
It won't work.
[in Danish]
All the pages are covered with it.
It's all it says.
[foreboding music plays]
[in Portuguese] What does it mean?
[in English] "May your coffee
kick in,
before reality does."
[tense percussive music plays]
[music trails off]
You broke protocol.
[man] The situation got out of hand.
How much longer?
Approximately 48 hours for the transfer.
And the boy?
Find him.
We need the pyramid.
You know how much depends
on the success of this project.
Yes, sir.
People are oblivious to reality.
They only see what they want to see.
Imprisoned by their mind's restrictions.
When all they have to do
is shift their perspective
to see the full scope of things.
[Eyk] We searched the whole goddamn house.
He's not here.
What is that?
[Maura] This wasn't here before.
[formations rustling, chirring]
Stop! Don't get any closer to it.
- [gun cocks]
- What are you doing here?
I followed you.
You're working for him.
You are working for my father.
Don't you remember?
Don't you remember who I am?
[Eyk] Stop!
Stay where you are.
We don't have much time. It's spreading.
You know what's going on?
Maura, please, you have to remember.
[Eyk] Move!
[foreboding music builds]
Keep moving.
I'm not gonna let this happen again.
I'm not gonna leave you again.
Get in there!
[Eyk grunts]
[device trilling]
[glitchy audio squawks]
[panting heavily]
[Maura] Where is he?
What have you done with him?
I didn't want this to happen.
I can explain.
Just give me a chance to explain.
Who are you?
- Please, you have to
- Stay where you are.
Look at me.
Don't you know who I am?
It's me, Daniel.
We got married 12 years ago.
[tender, emotional music plays]
You're lying!
This is one of his games!
You're working for my father!
Please, I know that you know!
Look around you!
This isn't real! None of this is real!
You have to remember.
That thing, drop it.
Get in there.
Get in there!
Maura, please.
I love you.
Please, wake up.
[music halts]
[Maura panting]
I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy.
My name is Maura Franklin.
Born in Morefield.
My name is Maura Franklin. I'm not crazy.
I know that you're here watching me!
Where are you?
[material stretching]
[metallic clang]
[ominous music plays]
This can't be real.
[high-pitched, mysterious tones playing]
[Clémence in French] They're all dead.
[in English] They're all dead.
[in French] We are on our own.
[thunder rumbling]
[in Danish] This can't be real.
["All Along the Watchtower"
by Jimi Hendrix plays]
There must be
Some kind of way out of here ♪
Said the joker to the thief ♪
There's too much confusion ♪
I can't get no relief ♪
Businessmen, they drink my wine ♪
Plowmen dig my earth ♪
None will level on the line ♪
Nobody offered his word ♪
This can't be real.
No reason to get excited ♪
The thief, he kindly spoke ♪
There are many here among us ♪
Who feel that life is but a joke ♪
But, uh But you and I
We've been through that ♪
And this is not our fate ♪
So let us stop talkin' falsely now ♪
The hour's getting late ♪
Hey ♪
[song fades away]
[atmospheric outro music plays]