24 Hours in Police Custody (2014) s01e06 Episode Script
Honour Thy Father
1 WOMAN: If I show you some photos of your daughter How hard did you hit her? Are you embarrassed by her? Do people look down at you and your family because of her? Do you want to have control of her? You are laughing.
Why are you laughing? Is that funny? Once a suspect is in custody, the police have 24 hours to investigate and interview.
After that, it is either charge or release.
'You have been arrested on suspicion of human trafficking.
' .
On suspicion of stalking On suspicion of GBH.
Possession and making of indecent images of children.
'On suspicion of conspiracy to murder.
' Start explaining.
It is the police's job to ask what really happened.
Where were you on March 28? It was not me! I was not there.
There could have been 101 people, but it is nothing to do with me.
Police! Open the door now! HE SHOUTS Who's innocent? Who's guilty? Why would Pete say that you have assaulted him? Because he is deluded.
He is a drunk.
Well, that is nonsense.
Police! HE SHOUTS From the streets to the interrogation rooms.
Where is the knife? Did you have a knife? -No.
He made a specific threat that he's going to kill her.
From the suspects to the head of CID.
That is one hell of a shirt, David.
I am loving it.
SIREN, SHOUTING These are the men and women who have just 24 hours to find the evidence.
I am not letting him get away with it.
I want him nicked and charged.
If it kicks off, I am out the door.
SCREAMING I'm a lover, not a fighter! Will they discover it before time runs out? Oh-h-h! Good news.
Got him.
Think of your most exciting sex.
And you are nearly there.
I can't wait on Monday, I can't wait to see Why Monday? When they going to I've got a Forest game ticket.
Six of us are going, all the family are going.
Is that when they are having the break? What are you going to sing? Champions.
The Freddie Mercury song.
# We are the champions # What else do you sing? We're on our way back, we're on our way back What else? # Fuck the FA, we're on our way back! # Right! I'm out! SHE LAUGHS When I tell people I'm a detective, sometimes they are a bit shocked.
People outside of work.
I am a bit girlie, I suppose.
A bit ditzy sometimes.
I'm not a typical police officer.
Is that my Curly Wurly you are eating? Why? Do you want come out with me and get this boy? Yes.
I don't know what address he is at, though.
Do you? Yes.
So we will go out and get him, shall we? 'I was a travel agent when I first left school.
' And then I was a personal banker for a couple of years.
And then I wanted something that was different every day.
I was 22, so I decided to join the police force.
These stab vests? Yes? It comes up like that.
They don't fit properly.
And when you wear them, they are so uncomfortable.
I haven't even got mine.
That doesn't fit, does it? I think your problem is your top half is too high.
WOMAN GIGGLES Yes, but look Somebody could stab me in there.
Yeah, they could, if they No, but I am being serious now.
They are not fit for purpose.
My new one doesn't even fit me.
When I was in uniform, going out to scenes and everything like that, I wanted to take it that step further actually investigating it.
Because when you are in uniform, you leave it at the arrest stage.
You don't really know what happens.
Whereas when you are a detective, you can follow it through to the court stage.
And it is a lot more interesting, I think.
It is Hold on, let me just get my bearings.
I love the job.
I didn't think I would still be in it now after nine years, but I wouldn't do anything else.
Cathy, we are going.
A 60-year-old man has turned himself in at the police station.
This morning, a distressed 999 call was received from his 25-year-old daughter.
TRANSLATION: Sergeant, I have got a gentleman in.
He came and handed himself in the front office.
Do you speak English? He's got Is it a language line? No, I think he is all right.
I think between you, Hob and me, we can sort it out.
Pakistani, Bengali and Indian.
I think we can sort it out.
Give us some grounds? The RP is his daughter.
Basically, she has recently been married.
The family is not happy with the marriage.
Where were you born? Pakistani, yeah? Do you understand why you have been arrested? Do understand the allegation your daughter has made? OK.
Don't talk to us about it now, because we are not interviewing you.
Another set of officers will interview you.
And that will be an opportunity for you to give us your side of the story, OK? Can he have his prayer books inside? Sorry? He's asking if he can have his prayer bits.
Have we got a prayer mat in here? Yeah, we do.
Koran, prayer mat, the works.
We have got it all.
Are you properly washed for the Koran? Hmm? Are you properly washed to handle the Koran? Have you got wuzu? No.
We don't have a prayer room as such, but you can pray in your cell.
How do I know which way I am going to be facing? We will be able to tell you.
Ash, do you have your iPhone on you? IPhone? When you take him down to the cell, just get the compass on the iPhone and show him where Mecca is, will you? All right.
Luton being one of the most diverse towns in the country brings its own kind of problems and issues.
Communities themselves, within the Muslim community, do kind of like to deal with matters themselves.
Because calling the police is embarrassing to the community.
Because it could be frowned upon or shame is brought on the family.
Would you like us to tell anyone you are here with us? No.
No? OK.
OK, this officer is going to take you to a cell.
Be patient.
At some point, we will interview you and then we will decide what is happening after that.
OK? M6 room, please.
INDISTINC Huh? TRANSLATION: A quarter of Luton's population is Muslim.
Hello, there, are you all right? In charge of maintaining good relations between the police and the community is Inspector Hob Hoque.
Are you all right? How are you? Are you well? Are you keeping well? How are you doing? You good? Yeah, not bad.
Yourself? 'There isn't a significant amount of Muslim officers within the organisation.
' I'm the only Bangladeshi officer in Bedfordshire Police, for example.
You have my number, you can contact us.
'Certain parts of the community probably frown upon the fact 'that I'm a police officer.
' They feel that I signed an oath to the Queen and some people are against British values.
How you, all right? But there was nothing that was going to stop me.
Do you know what, watching The Bill, and Tony, the area car driver as he was known as, the Bill character, made me want to join the police service.
And from there, I used to think, one day, I could lock away bad people and I could help people, as well.
Five years ago, Bedfordshire Police set up a department to deal solely with cases of honour-based violence.
Honour is How can I explain honour? How can I explain I can't explain it.
I can explain it in my cultural way.
It is a str Not a strength, that is not the word.
It is a bond within the family.
It is to do with the reputation.
Reputation is the key.
It is the key.
Because you have such loyalty, is the big word.
Bringing shame on the family is seen as a really disrespectful thing.
And it could lead, in the worst-case scenario, to death.
It is not something we want to be dealing with.
The honour crime case has been handed to Sgt Jim Kinnear and PC Simon Day.
So she has been beaten? Tonight, they will ask the suspect to give his account of the incident.
That is her statement.
"I make this statement to the police in relation to "an assault on myself by my father.
"My father and my family did not approve of my marriage "they have done everything possible to end it" WOMAN: My dad wanted me to stay at home.
And just cook and clean at home.
That's it.
I didn't go college, didn't go uni, never worked.
They were very strict.
Not very modern.
I wanted to go out, work and make my life.
I did tell my parents, my dad, that there was this guy I want to marry.
But he didn't approve.
And he just flipped.
I escaped from there.
Then we got married.
"Both of my parents told me to pack my bags "and leave my husband as they were taking me back to Luton.
"At that time my husband was out, I was alone.
"I felt pressured, so I did what they asked me to do.
"I spoke to my sister in regards to the situation, "how much I missed my husband, and want to see him.
"My father overheard the conversation.
"He said, 'Who are you missing?' "I told him I was talking about my husband.
"My father lost his temper.
"Angry, shaking, grabbed an iron off the" Oh, it was an iron off the ironing board, I thought it was an iron bar! It's an iron.
He grabbed an iron and started beating me, beating me, hitting me, hitting me.
And then he strangled me, kicked me I thought he was going to kill me that second.
In front of my niece and nephew.
He was saying to my mum, "I'm going to kill her, I'm going to kill her.
"She ruined our family name.
" "I am aware my father will be arrested for the assault on me "but I do not want to go to court.
"If I return to Luton, "I will be found, located by my family "I'm in fear of further assault and intimidation.
"I will not give evidence against my father.
" OK.
Now, we know honour-based violence.
We know where it leads.
Often in the UK, it leads to Murder.
sometimes murder, manslaughter.
So we know how serious it can get.
So where do we want to go with this? Well, we want to interview him, obviously.
That would be a good one for you, as well.
Always a good one to have under your belt.
All right.
Crack on.
Thanks, guv.
The only thing about safeguarding that really worries me, that concerns me about this girl, is that I believe she has gone back to her address where the rest of the family know she is at.
She has said that she just wants to find somewhere safe now where she can no longer be located.
Do you want me to come back? I'm finished.
You pray, yeah? OK.
No worries.
You will be back here soon, anyway.
I will speak to this guy tonight and just see exactly what we can do with him.
With the daughter unwilling to testify, the police must now try and probe whether her father's version of events stacks up.
Over here.
Have you ever been interviewed before? No.
Never been arrested? Yeah Yes.
You obviously take your religion very seriously.
BEEP The first question is, are you responsible for causing injuries to your daughter? No.
Do you think this man, her husband, is part of this gang? OK.
He's beating her? OK.
No, I'd like to know.
Tell us what happened on the 27th.
Yes, yeah, what happened on the 27th.
Can you tell me what happened? OK.
So then what happened? Did anything happen at all? Any other arguments? Has anything happened between you? Anything physical? I'll see you in a minute, yeah? INDISTINC Yeah, go on.
I'll take it for you.
That's my water.
Your water.
No worries.
Have we got any cloths? Obviously wants to wipe his toilet seat.
He says it's disgusting.
There you go.
There's your tissues.
And there's a bit of wet All right? You've done what you had to do.
And at least she's safe for tonight.
They're going to put her in a hostel or something, a bed-and-breakfast or a hostel.
She's agreed to that for one night, until we get him dealt with.
Hi, how are you doing? Couldn't sleep? Do you want any breakfast? Do you want a drink? Right, OK.
M1, common assault on his nan.
She's in her late 70s.
Apparently, it's not the first time he's assaulted her.
I don't know how he'll be this morning, but he'll be off to court soon enough anyway.
M3, he is harassment.
They found Hob said he was wanded and didn't have anything on him.
Ash said he found a lighter on him.
He said it was just tucked in his waistband.
Hob has a feeling it was hidden in an orifice.
He was intoxicated, we find now, I dare say, but anyway, he'll be out of your hair soon enough.
No issues.
Is that a joke? Out of his hair? He hasn't got any.
Has he not? Um, M6 .
is an honour-based violence job.
A young girl, she married against her family's wishes.
Same religion, but they didn't want her to marry him, so Dad took it upon himself to attack her with an iron.
Good morning.
Could you put me through to Safeguarding Adults? The daughter's file has now been passed to the force's dedicated honour-based violence department.
I deal with the high-risk incidences that come in.
And I'm up to my ears.
In the last six months I've had round about 120 referrals made directly to me.
And that's incidences of forced marriage or honour abuse.
OK, thanks, then.
'It's not a religious matter.
' 'No religion endorses honour violence.
' The thing that makes me most angry about all of it is how can anybody treat their daughters like this? I've got a daughter.
I can't imagine for one minute subjecting her to abuse.
It's not honour, is it? It's dishonour.
"Honour" is the wrong word for it.
The severity of the case means it's being passed up to CID.
PC Esther Morris will brief DC Rachel Chandler.
Arranged marriage or? No, love marriage.
That marriage is all right? Yes, fine marriage.
'In the past, these cases weren't dealt with properly.
'People didn't speak about it.
'And when they did, a lot of the victims weren't believed.
'And we have to believe them.
' Don't have a choice.
We have to believe them.
You know, we have one chance.
And that's a favourite saying in amongst Forced Marriages & Honour Abuse.
One chance to get it right, to save these people.
Otherwise it might be too late.
Dad's beaten her with the iron.
He has done this in front of a two-year-old and a six-year-old, her sister's children.
And in front of the sisters and mum.
None of them will make a statement.
They will all side with the dad.
What I find a little bit worrying is there is a warning marker for mental health and learning difficulties.
I've contacted the mental health team, SEPT, and social services, adult social services, and there is no issue with her mental health at all.
Has she got a worker there, a mental health worker or something? No, she hasn't.
Nothing at all? There's nothing.
They've got no record of her? They've got referrals from members of her family saying she's mental.
Which comes into play with something else, actually.
Apparently, he was first-account interviewed last night.
Father turns round and says, "It's a pack of lies.
" "She's mental.
" "She's mental.
" No, she's not.
She is not mental.
WOMAN: When did he get nicked, then? 19:28 last night.
We'd better get on with it.
Because of time.
Charge remand? Yeah.
Cheers, guys.
Thank you.
If you could do the MG3 for me If you start LAUGHTER What? Can you start typing it? MG3? I've heard this about you, Rachel.
You get everyone else to do the job.
You've got all that.
If you can start scanning it for me so I'm ready for the CPS.
If you go and do the interview, and then No, I'm not scanning I'm the victim.
You can bugger right off! LAUGHTER MAN: I'll be disappointed if he's not remanded.
Ten minutes, on my desk.
You've been sun-bedding again? No.
No, bottle.
WOMAN: Is it out of a bottle, your tan? Is it? Check her feet.
They're nice and white.
An honour-based violent crime is a good crime to investigate.
It's got lots of different aspects around it.
You've got to make sure you cover every single angle.
I feel so sorry for the victim.
Obviously, I've been brought up in a different background and I'm not aware all this goes on.
DC Chandler's goal is to remand the suspect in custody in the hope that his family will feel safe enough to give evidence against him.
'24 hours isn't long, 'especially when you need to get the victim's statements, 'the offender's interview, all other aspects of it.
'You do need further time.
' Rachel, what is the matter, my sweetheart? What's the matter? Nothing.
You're very quiet.
I'm trying to get on with this.
'It is frustrating, but I like the pace of it.
'It's a challenge to get a charging decision within that time.
' So why have you got to do a second interview? I'll tell you in a bit.
I know what I've got to do, don't worry.
Rach, from an evidential point of view, did we recover the iron that she was hit with? No.
Simon Hancock is DC Chandler's superior officer.
Don't underestimate Rachel Chandler for, on the face of it, how she talks.
'Behind that, there is a very intelligent person.
She is actually waiting to go on to the Major Crime Unit 'that deal with murders, kidnapping, child death, stuff like that.
She's got what we call the investigative mindset.
But you'd have thought you would have recovered the iron.
You'd have thought so, wouldn't you, for tests? Well, you'd have recovered it as well, cos it's evidence, cos Yeah.
They could look at the size of the iron plate to see about injuries and stuff, if they come down to it, couldn't they? It's consideration, innit? PHONE RINGS It is Rachel.
Oh, we came round to see about the incident that happened with your sister yesterday.
Are you willing to give a statement to the police? You And you're willing to go to court to say that, are you? Are you If you give a statement, you can be called to court.
OK, thank you.
Thanks, bye.
I've just had a call with one of her sisters and she's saying that on Friday at nine o'clock, she had a phone call from the victim saying, "My husband is beating me up.
" And she put her mum on conference call and said, "Can you come and get me?" I don't believe her.
Neither do I.
But they've been talking, haven't they, and discussed? Don't believe her.
Why would she do that to her? Because the dad is such an influence on them.
Who do you want to ring? The wife, actually.
My sergeant has asked if you can be interviewed before you can ring your wife.
Because it's a family issue, we need you to be interviewed first.
My name's Rachel.
I'm a detective at Luton police station.
Hi, are you all right? There's been a breakthrough in the investigation.
The suspect's daughter has accepted protection as a significant witness.
She will now testify against her father.
I'm trying to keep him at the police station.
But I will let you know, OK? OK, that's excellent.
If you can keep this number, I'll give you a call and let you know what's happened.
Is that all right? Bye-bye.
The suspect has been in custody for 15 hours.
So far, he's refused the offer of a lawyer.
OK, so that's why I'm asking, do you want a solicitor? We're offering you free legal advice.
The duty? OK.
Let me sort that out for you, OK? I'm going to sort that out for you now, OK? The Central Mosque in Luton has learnt of the suspect's arrest.
Its president has asked for a meeting with the police's community cohesion inspector, Hob Hoque.
Within the Muslim community, they don't want to almost trouble the police, to an extent.
The Muslim community like to kind of go to the mosque leaders or faith leaders before coming to the police to try and resolve their situation.
Assalamu alaikum.
I'm going to introduce you to Inspector Hoque.
How are you? All right.
I've been wanting to meet you for a while actually.
You're welcome.
OK? Come in.
It's a mess - I'm having work done here.
You know he's been in this mosque for the last 20 years now.
He's You know, he prays here, mostly comes in the evenings or weekends.
You know, he seems a very good person.
What the wife told me, "This is a story, my husband never beat my daughter.
"This is all a lie.
They framed him.
" That's what she said, yeah.
There is a great concern in the community that guys coming from abroad, especially, you know, on visit visa, they come here and they prey on our girls.
When the girls go out, they make them friends, then they tell them they love them.
They show them that they're millionaires, so and so.
And they trap them, yeah? And then they marry them for the reason to stay in the country.
This has happened in our community a lot, yeah.
A lot.
But I have five daughters as well, yeah.
If something happens like that, I wouldn't like it either, yeah.
You know, I've given choice to my daughters wherever they want to get married, but not the guys coming as a visit visa.
You know, you got to check on the guy.
Was he a visitor before he got married? Yes.
Then he's framed up the girl's father as well now.
You're talking about framed up a lot here.
The police are duty bound to investigate it impartially and they'll look at the vulnerability of this victim.
You know, they will do everything possible to get the best evidence from her.
HE CHANTS IN OWN LANGUAGE Part of the father's story has proved to be true.
The immigration records of his son-in-law have been checked.
I know that he is here illegally and they are looking to deport him.
So that could be the case.
But just because he's here illegally doesn't mean that he's assaulted her.
And when you were at home, when your dad came to get you, your husband wasn't there, was he? He's gone out.
OK, that's excellent.
If he keeps 'From speaking to her, I don't think she has got mental health issues.
'I think she's just a vulnerable girl who's not streetwise.
' Bye-bye.
'I think she is in love with him and she has genuinely' married him because she wants to be with him.
Whether he feels the same about her I don't know.
There are several other incidences.
Um Esther Morris has discovered that the daughter says her father has assaulted her on more than one occasion.
She disclosed that she'd been assaulted by her father on the 14th of the 3rd.
He had slapped her around the face after she'd gone into his room to talk to him, informing him that she wanted to get married.
Um, she's alleged abuse between 2004 and 2012.
He regularly hits her and abuses her.
HE CHANTS IN OWN LANGUAGE Esther Morris has now spoken to the police force that's looking after the daughter as a significant witness.
And she's actually said to them that she was under threat to go back.
Dad said to her, "If you don't come back with us, "you'll get your head smashed in.
" Can we get that in a statement? Yeah.
I don't know if you want to give them a ring, if you're carrying more bones.
Hi, is that Simon? Simon, it's DC Chandler from Bedfordshire Police.
We've got a prisoner in custody at the moment, an offence of kidnap's been disclosed and the kidnap's happened in your area.
Now an allegation of kidnap's been made, the chances of charging and remanding the suspect have strengthened.
But I just need a couple of lines in a statement saying that she got in the car with him because her dad's threatened her, which I haven't got in her statement already.
The problem is I'm on a tight clock.
Thank you.
He goes, "Oh, you're a star dealing with it for me.
" So what, we're going to CPS for kidnap? For kidnap and assault.
I think that's still a good tactic to put it to CPS anyway.
Let them underwrite the decision.
We've got to anyway to protect her.
Cos if she's killed, then at least we've tried.
The suspect's solicitor has arrived and will be sitting in on DC Chandler's interview.
At this time, I'm going to further arrest you for kidnap, OK? You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something you later rely on in court.
Everything you do say may be given in evidence.
I need to ask you, before we start the interview, are you responsible for the offence of ABH? Are you responsible for the offence of kidnap? 'If an offender goes "no comment" in interview, ' I look at it as if they're saying they've something to hide.
Either they've committed the offence or there's aspects around it which is likely to put them in the situation of being involved in the offence.
'With no-comment it does raise suspicion levels.
' We've spoken to your daughter.
She said that you and your wife told her to leave her husband and to come back to Luton and to pack her bags.
Why was that said? Did you threaten to assault her if she did not come back to Luton? You're laughing.
Why are you laughing? Is that funny? Was she making that happen? That's why you were laughing? She's told her sister how much she's missing her husband and how much she wants go back to him.
How did you react to this? You weren't happy, were you? You got angry.
You started shaking with rage - you were THAT angry.
Why do you not want her to go back to this husband? Do you want to have control of her? Do you scare her, so you have got control of her? OK, if I show you some photos of your daughter, the first photo is showing her face.
You can see all the reddening around there.
Have you caused that? Was she like that when you picked her up? The answer to that question would be no, because you've told us that you picked her up and that she had no injuries.
So those injuries must have been caused since she came back and she was in your house, weren't they? How hard did you hit her? Are you embarrassed by her? Does she cause problems to your family? Do people look down at you and your family because of her? Her marrying this man that you don't know, has that caused problems for you in the community? OK.
Is there anything you want to say before I turn the tapes of? Is there anyone I can speak to which would disprove your involvement in the offence of ABH or kidnap? OK.
If there's nothing else you want to say, the time is now 12.
14, interview concluded.
DC Rachel Chandler is waiting to hear from the Crown Prosecution Service.
Cathy, you making tea? No! I can't get up and leave the phone, in case the CPS phone.
Strange, isn't it? Can you hear the phone ring over there, Sarge? I should think you could hear the phone ring from the town centre.
There's no reason why she can't get the kettle on.
LAUGHTER She wants to convince the CPS to remand the suspect to prison and charge him with kidnap.
PHONE RINGS Hello, Robbery.
It is.
All there is outstanding, obviously, in our view The mum, and there is a sister, obviously, we've got problems at the moment with them providing evidence, because he's going to go home.
If he's remanded and he's locked up, there is potentially those statements, which we can get that way.
But obviously there's risks to the victim.
'It would be very, very difficult to prove the kidnap side of things.
'I'm not going to charge it today.
'Because what I'm going to do, I'm going to say he's bailable.
' Is he saying they don't believe her about the kidnap side of things? Let me just speak to him.
It's DS Hancock.
You all right? Am I right in thinking, then, that what we are saying is that the complainant, we don't really believe what she's saying? What she's saying is that, against her will, she was taken to Luton.
Based on what happened in the past, she perceived that to be that, if she didn't do it, she'd face harm.
That's a kidnap made out, isn't it? No, let's take it a stage at a time, because I really don't understand that.
If I say to somebody, "Get in my fucking car, "otherwise I'm going to smash your face in", and they get in my car, that does not constitute fraud under a kidnap legislation? Is that what we're saying? My perspective, and I do mean this, is making sure that justice is seen to be done and that the victim of crime gets looked after and protected in a way that I would want one of my family members to be looked after and protected.
Well, would YOU not, then? So if somebody pulled up next to you and said, "Get in my car, otherwise I'm going to shoot you?" Yeah.
So, what I'm asking you to do is just be specific about what point of the kidnap you don't feel as though we've demonstrated under the lower threshold test? Why not? At the end of the day, I'm sure we're singing from the same hymn sheet, in that honour-based violence cases are very delicate and sensitive.
And as you'll appreciate, the evidence gathering is frustrated sometimes when the head of the family is is Exactly.
So I would hope that we would stand up and say there is a very real and evident danger to the complainant, to the complainant's husband, to the police, not being able to secure the evidence to prove one way or the other who is telling the truth in this case.
I know where you're coming from, there's an argument for both sides, but let's have that in court.
I think, from a prosecution point of view, we should be protecting the complainant and the investigation.
No problem.
What's your name? Andrew.
It's Simon, by the way.
Thanks for the chat, I'll put you back on to Rachel.
We don't know where this guy is, he might not realise what an inflammatory town Luton is for this sort of Why don't you just say to him, "Get in my fucking car now, I'm going to beat you up!" You'll be all right, you'll get away with it.
He seems like quite At least you can He seems like quite a nice chap.
The CPS will call back when they've reached a decision.
Yes, all right, I'll put the kettle on.
Are you going to murder her? (Cup of tea.
) Don't you start blinking your eyelids at me! And showing me your wobblies.
Bear with me a minute.
Where's Hanks? Can you phone Hanks urgently? Whenever we call CPS now, we always get Manchester.
You're the best? We'll decide if you're the best in a minute, after this phone call.
Wait a minute.
Andy? Yeah.
Hi, Andy, you all right? Are you all right? I know, and thanks for reconsidering it.
That's brilliant.
He needs an MG7.
I'll just do that MG7 for you now.
OK, will do.
Yeah, he reread it and he's convinced.
I'm going to charge, yeah.
Three offences.
So, what are they going for, then? Kidnap.
Wow! ABH and common assault.
OK, you are charged with the following offences.
You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention now something which you later rely upon in court.
Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
Kidnap, actual bodily harm, common assault.
Do you want to say anything to those charges? No? OK.
In this case, I've made an assumption that if I allow you to leave this custody you'll go on to interfere with this witness, that is your daughter.
OK? And/or commit further offences, OK? I don't know.
People do it all the time.
Kidnap is a very serious offence, so what more are you capable of doing? Personally, we don't want to find out, OK? Can I ask your name, please? Sorry? DC Chandler.
DC? Chandler.
I am underestimated sometimes.
I am switched on and I do know what's going on out there.
People do, people get charged with things and then they go out and they interfere with things, which is why you're getting kept here.
At the end of the day, you're staying here, OK? Have you got your shoes off? I hope, if he has done it, then he is convicted, because I want to make sure that that girl is safe and she can get on and live her life and be happy.
There you are, madam.
Thank you.
You can't forget what has happened to you, no matter what.
How has it changed you as a person? Well lost everything.
Everything is on my own now, so just have a husband, don't have anyone else.
No family, nothing.
They hate me.
I've been disowned.
Why are you laughing? Is that funny? Once a suspect is in custody, the police have 24 hours to investigate and interview.
After that, it is either charge or release.
'You have been arrested on suspicion of human trafficking.
' .
On suspicion of stalking On suspicion of GBH.
Possession and making of indecent images of children.
'On suspicion of conspiracy to murder.
' Start explaining.
It is the police's job to ask what really happened.
Where were you on March 28? It was not me! I was not there.
There could have been 101 people, but it is nothing to do with me.
Police! Open the door now! HE SHOUTS Who's innocent? Who's guilty? Why would Pete say that you have assaulted him? Because he is deluded.
He is a drunk.
Well, that is nonsense.
Police! HE SHOUTS From the streets to the interrogation rooms.
Where is the knife? Did you have a knife? -No.
He made a specific threat that he's going to kill her.
From the suspects to the head of CID.
That is one hell of a shirt, David.
I am loving it.
SIREN, SHOUTING These are the men and women who have just 24 hours to find the evidence.
I am not letting him get away with it.
I want him nicked and charged.
If it kicks off, I am out the door.
SCREAMING I'm a lover, not a fighter! Will they discover it before time runs out? Oh-h-h! Good news.
Got him.
Think of your most exciting sex.
And you are nearly there.
I can't wait on Monday, I can't wait to see Why Monday? When they going to I've got a Forest game ticket.
Six of us are going, all the family are going.
Is that when they are having the break? What are you going to sing? Champions.
The Freddie Mercury song.
# We are the champions # What else do you sing? We're on our way back, we're on our way back What else? # Fuck the FA, we're on our way back! # Right! I'm out! SHE LAUGHS When I tell people I'm a detective, sometimes they are a bit shocked.
People outside of work.
I am a bit girlie, I suppose.
A bit ditzy sometimes.
I'm not a typical police officer.
Is that my Curly Wurly you are eating? Why? Do you want come out with me and get this boy? Yes.
I don't know what address he is at, though.
Do you? Yes.
So we will go out and get him, shall we? 'I was a travel agent when I first left school.
' And then I was a personal banker for a couple of years.
And then I wanted something that was different every day.
I was 22, so I decided to join the police force.
These stab vests? Yes? It comes up like that.
They don't fit properly.
And when you wear them, they are so uncomfortable.
I haven't even got mine.
That doesn't fit, does it? I think your problem is your top half is too high.
WOMAN GIGGLES Yes, but look Somebody could stab me in there.
Yeah, they could, if they No, but I am being serious now.
They are not fit for purpose.
My new one doesn't even fit me.
When I was in uniform, going out to scenes and everything like that, I wanted to take it that step further actually investigating it.
Because when you are in uniform, you leave it at the arrest stage.
You don't really know what happens.
Whereas when you are a detective, you can follow it through to the court stage.
And it is a lot more interesting, I think.
It is Hold on, let me just get my bearings.
I love the job.
I didn't think I would still be in it now after nine years, but I wouldn't do anything else.
Cathy, we are going.
A 60-year-old man has turned himself in at the police station.
This morning, a distressed 999 call was received from his 25-year-old daughter.
TRANSLATION: Sergeant, I have got a gentleman in.
He came and handed himself in the front office.
Do you speak English? He's got Is it a language line? No, I think he is all right.
I think between you, Hob and me, we can sort it out.
Pakistani, Bengali and Indian.
I think we can sort it out.
Give us some grounds? The RP is his daughter.
Basically, she has recently been married.
The family is not happy with the marriage.
Where were you born? Pakistani, yeah? Do you understand why you have been arrested? Do understand the allegation your daughter has made? OK.
Don't talk to us about it now, because we are not interviewing you.
Another set of officers will interview you.
And that will be an opportunity for you to give us your side of the story, OK? Can he have his prayer books inside? Sorry? He's asking if he can have his prayer bits.
Have we got a prayer mat in here? Yeah, we do.
Koran, prayer mat, the works.
We have got it all.
Are you properly washed for the Koran? Hmm? Are you properly washed to handle the Koran? Have you got wuzu? No.
We don't have a prayer room as such, but you can pray in your cell.
How do I know which way I am going to be facing? We will be able to tell you.
Ash, do you have your iPhone on you? IPhone? When you take him down to the cell, just get the compass on the iPhone and show him where Mecca is, will you? All right.
Luton being one of the most diverse towns in the country brings its own kind of problems and issues.
Communities themselves, within the Muslim community, do kind of like to deal with matters themselves.
Because calling the police is embarrassing to the community.
Because it could be frowned upon or shame is brought on the family.
Would you like us to tell anyone you are here with us? No.
No? OK.
OK, this officer is going to take you to a cell.
Be patient.
At some point, we will interview you and then we will decide what is happening after that.
OK? M6 room, please.
INDISTINC Huh? TRANSLATION: A quarter of Luton's population is Muslim.
Hello, there, are you all right? In charge of maintaining good relations between the police and the community is Inspector Hob Hoque.
Are you all right? How are you? Are you well? Are you keeping well? How are you doing? You good? Yeah, not bad.
Yourself? 'There isn't a significant amount of Muslim officers within the organisation.
' I'm the only Bangladeshi officer in Bedfordshire Police, for example.
You have my number, you can contact us.
'Certain parts of the community probably frown upon the fact 'that I'm a police officer.
' They feel that I signed an oath to the Queen and some people are against British values.
How you, all right? But there was nothing that was going to stop me.
Do you know what, watching The Bill, and Tony, the area car driver as he was known as, the Bill character, made me want to join the police service.
And from there, I used to think, one day, I could lock away bad people and I could help people, as well.
Five years ago, Bedfordshire Police set up a department to deal solely with cases of honour-based violence.
Honour is How can I explain honour? How can I explain I can't explain it.
I can explain it in my cultural way.
It is a str Not a strength, that is not the word.
It is a bond within the family.
It is to do with the reputation.
Reputation is the key.
It is the key.
Because you have such loyalty, is the big word.
Bringing shame on the family is seen as a really disrespectful thing.
And it could lead, in the worst-case scenario, to death.
It is not something we want to be dealing with.
The honour crime case has been handed to Sgt Jim Kinnear and PC Simon Day.
So she has been beaten? Tonight, they will ask the suspect to give his account of the incident.
That is her statement.
"I make this statement to the police in relation to "an assault on myself by my father.
"My father and my family did not approve of my marriage "they have done everything possible to end it" WOMAN: My dad wanted me to stay at home.
And just cook and clean at home.
That's it.
I didn't go college, didn't go uni, never worked.
They were very strict.
Not very modern.
I wanted to go out, work and make my life.
I did tell my parents, my dad, that there was this guy I want to marry.
But he didn't approve.
And he just flipped.
I escaped from there.
Then we got married.
"Both of my parents told me to pack my bags "and leave my husband as they were taking me back to Luton.
"At that time my husband was out, I was alone.
"I felt pressured, so I did what they asked me to do.
"I spoke to my sister in regards to the situation, "how much I missed my husband, and want to see him.
"My father overheard the conversation.
"He said, 'Who are you missing?' "I told him I was talking about my husband.
"My father lost his temper.
"Angry, shaking, grabbed an iron off the" Oh, it was an iron off the ironing board, I thought it was an iron bar! It's an iron.
He grabbed an iron and started beating me, beating me, hitting me, hitting me.
And then he strangled me, kicked me I thought he was going to kill me that second.
In front of my niece and nephew.
He was saying to my mum, "I'm going to kill her, I'm going to kill her.
"She ruined our family name.
" "I am aware my father will be arrested for the assault on me "but I do not want to go to court.
"If I return to Luton, "I will be found, located by my family "I'm in fear of further assault and intimidation.
"I will not give evidence against my father.
" OK.
Now, we know honour-based violence.
We know where it leads.
Often in the UK, it leads to Murder.
sometimes murder, manslaughter.
So we know how serious it can get.
So where do we want to go with this? Well, we want to interview him, obviously.
That would be a good one for you, as well.
Always a good one to have under your belt.
All right.
Crack on.
Thanks, guv.
The only thing about safeguarding that really worries me, that concerns me about this girl, is that I believe she has gone back to her address where the rest of the family know she is at.
She has said that she just wants to find somewhere safe now where she can no longer be located.
Do you want me to come back? I'm finished.
You pray, yeah? OK.
No worries.
You will be back here soon, anyway.
I will speak to this guy tonight and just see exactly what we can do with him.
With the daughter unwilling to testify, the police must now try and probe whether her father's version of events stacks up.
Over here.
Have you ever been interviewed before? No.
Never been arrested? Yeah Yes.
You obviously take your religion very seriously.
BEEP The first question is, are you responsible for causing injuries to your daughter? No.
Do you think this man, her husband, is part of this gang? OK.
He's beating her? OK.
No, I'd like to know.
Tell us what happened on the 27th.
Yes, yeah, what happened on the 27th.
Can you tell me what happened? OK.
So then what happened? Did anything happen at all? Any other arguments? Has anything happened between you? Anything physical? I'll see you in a minute, yeah? INDISTINC Yeah, go on.
I'll take it for you.
That's my water.
Your water.
No worries.
Have we got any cloths? Obviously wants to wipe his toilet seat.
He says it's disgusting.
There you go.
There's your tissues.
And there's a bit of wet All right? You've done what you had to do.
And at least she's safe for tonight.
They're going to put her in a hostel or something, a bed-and-breakfast or a hostel.
She's agreed to that for one night, until we get him dealt with.
Hi, how are you doing? Couldn't sleep? Do you want any breakfast? Do you want a drink? Right, OK.
M1, common assault on his nan.
She's in her late 70s.
Apparently, it's not the first time he's assaulted her.
I don't know how he'll be this morning, but he'll be off to court soon enough anyway.
M3, he is harassment.
They found Hob said he was wanded and didn't have anything on him.
Ash said he found a lighter on him.
He said it was just tucked in his waistband.
Hob has a feeling it was hidden in an orifice.
He was intoxicated, we find now, I dare say, but anyway, he'll be out of your hair soon enough.
No issues.
Is that a joke? Out of his hair? He hasn't got any.
Has he not? Um, M6 .
is an honour-based violence job.
A young girl, she married against her family's wishes.
Same religion, but they didn't want her to marry him, so Dad took it upon himself to attack her with an iron.
Good morning.
Could you put me through to Safeguarding Adults? The daughter's file has now been passed to the force's dedicated honour-based violence department.
I deal with the high-risk incidences that come in.
And I'm up to my ears.
In the last six months I've had round about 120 referrals made directly to me.
And that's incidences of forced marriage or honour abuse.
OK, thanks, then.
'It's not a religious matter.
' 'No religion endorses honour violence.
' The thing that makes me most angry about all of it is how can anybody treat their daughters like this? I've got a daughter.
I can't imagine for one minute subjecting her to abuse.
It's not honour, is it? It's dishonour.
"Honour" is the wrong word for it.
The severity of the case means it's being passed up to CID.
PC Esther Morris will brief DC Rachel Chandler.
Arranged marriage or? No, love marriage.
That marriage is all right? Yes, fine marriage.
'In the past, these cases weren't dealt with properly.
'People didn't speak about it.
'And when they did, a lot of the victims weren't believed.
'And we have to believe them.
' Don't have a choice.
We have to believe them.
You know, we have one chance.
And that's a favourite saying in amongst Forced Marriages & Honour Abuse.
One chance to get it right, to save these people.
Otherwise it might be too late.
Dad's beaten her with the iron.
He has done this in front of a two-year-old and a six-year-old, her sister's children.
And in front of the sisters and mum.
None of them will make a statement.
They will all side with the dad.
What I find a little bit worrying is there is a warning marker for mental health and learning difficulties.
I've contacted the mental health team, SEPT, and social services, adult social services, and there is no issue with her mental health at all.
Has she got a worker there, a mental health worker or something? No, she hasn't.
Nothing at all? There's nothing.
They've got no record of her? They've got referrals from members of her family saying she's mental.
Which comes into play with something else, actually.
Apparently, he was first-account interviewed last night.
Father turns round and says, "It's a pack of lies.
" "She's mental.
" "She's mental.
" No, she's not.
She is not mental.
WOMAN: When did he get nicked, then? 19:28 last night.
We'd better get on with it.
Because of time.
Charge remand? Yeah.
Cheers, guys.
Thank you.
If you could do the MG3 for me If you start LAUGHTER What? Can you start typing it? MG3? I've heard this about you, Rachel.
You get everyone else to do the job.
You've got all that.
If you can start scanning it for me so I'm ready for the CPS.
If you go and do the interview, and then No, I'm not scanning I'm the victim.
You can bugger right off! LAUGHTER MAN: I'll be disappointed if he's not remanded.
Ten minutes, on my desk.
You've been sun-bedding again? No.
No, bottle.
WOMAN: Is it out of a bottle, your tan? Is it? Check her feet.
They're nice and white.
An honour-based violent crime is a good crime to investigate.
It's got lots of different aspects around it.
You've got to make sure you cover every single angle.
I feel so sorry for the victim.
Obviously, I've been brought up in a different background and I'm not aware all this goes on.
DC Chandler's goal is to remand the suspect in custody in the hope that his family will feel safe enough to give evidence against him.
'24 hours isn't long, 'especially when you need to get the victim's statements, 'the offender's interview, all other aspects of it.
'You do need further time.
' Rachel, what is the matter, my sweetheart? What's the matter? Nothing.
You're very quiet.
I'm trying to get on with this.
'It is frustrating, but I like the pace of it.
'It's a challenge to get a charging decision within that time.
' So why have you got to do a second interview? I'll tell you in a bit.
I know what I've got to do, don't worry.
Rach, from an evidential point of view, did we recover the iron that she was hit with? No.
Simon Hancock is DC Chandler's superior officer.
Don't underestimate Rachel Chandler for, on the face of it, how she talks.
'Behind that, there is a very intelligent person.
She is actually waiting to go on to the Major Crime Unit 'that deal with murders, kidnapping, child death, stuff like that.
She's got what we call the investigative mindset.
But you'd have thought you would have recovered the iron.
You'd have thought so, wouldn't you, for tests? Well, you'd have recovered it as well, cos it's evidence, cos Yeah.
They could look at the size of the iron plate to see about injuries and stuff, if they come down to it, couldn't they? It's consideration, innit? PHONE RINGS It is Rachel.
Oh, we came round to see about the incident that happened with your sister yesterday.
Are you willing to give a statement to the police? You And you're willing to go to court to say that, are you? Are you If you give a statement, you can be called to court.
OK, thank you.
Thanks, bye.
I've just had a call with one of her sisters and she's saying that on Friday at nine o'clock, she had a phone call from the victim saying, "My husband is beating me up.
" And she put her mum on conference call and said, "Can you come and get me?" I don't believe her.
Neither do I.
But they've been talking, haven't they, and discussed? Don't believe her.
Why would she do that to her? Because the dad is such an influence on them.
Who do you want to ring? The wife, actually.
My sergeant has asked if you can be interviewed before you can ring your wife.
Because it's a family issue, we need you to be interviewed first.
My name's Rachel.
I'm a detective at Luton police station.
Hi, are you all right? There's been a breakthrough in the investigation.
The suspect's daughter has accepted protection as a significant witness.
She will now testify against her father.
I'm trying to keep him at the police station.
But I will let you know, OK? OK, that's excellent.
If you can keep this number, I'll give you a call and let you know what's happened.
Is that all right? Bye-bye.
The suspect has been in custody for 15 hours.
So far, he's refused the offer of a lawyer.
OK, so that's why I'm asking, do you want a solicitor? We're offering you free legal advice.
The duty? OK.
Let me sort that out for you, OK? I'm going to sort that out for you now, OK? The Central Mosque in Luton has learnt of the suspect's arrest.
Its president has asked for a meeting with the police's community cohesion inspector, Hob Hoque.
Within the Muslim community, they don't want to almost trouble the police, to an extent.
The Muslim community like to kind of go to the mosque leaders or faith leaders before coming to the police to try and resolve their situation.
Assalamu alaikum.
I'm going to introduce you to Inspector Hoque.
How are you? All right.
I've been wanting to meet you for a while actually.
You're welcome.
OK? Come in.
It's a mess - I'm having work done here.
You know he's been in this mosque for the last 20 years now.
He's You know, he prays here, mostly comes in the evenings or weekends.
You know, he seems a very good person.
What the wife told me, "This is a story, my husband never beat my daughter.
"This is all a lie.
They framed him.
" That's what she said, yeah.
There is a great concern in the community that guys coming from abroad, especially, you know, on visit visa, they come here and they prey on our girls.
When the girls go out, they make them friends, then they tell them they love them.
They show them that they're millionaires, so and so.
And they trap them, yeah? And then they marry them for the reason to stay in the country.
This has happened in our community a lot, yeah.
A lot.
But I have five daughters as well, yeah.
If something happens like that, I wouldn't like it either, yeah.
You know, I've given choice to my daughters wherever they want to get married, but not the guys coming as a visit visa.
You know, you got to check on the guy.
Was he a visitor before he got married? Yes.
Then he's framed up the girl's father as well now.
You're talking about framed up a lot here.
The police are duty bound to investigate it impartially and they'll look at the vulnerability of this victim.
You know, they will do everything possible to get the best evidence from her.
HE CHANTS IN OWN LANGUAGE Part of the father's story has proved to be true.
The immigration records of his son-in-law have been checked.
I know that he is here illegally and they are looking to deport him.
So that could be the case.
But just because he's here illegally doesn't mean that he's assaulted her.
And when you were at home, when your dad came to get you, your husband wasn't there, was he? He's gone out.
OK, that's excellent.
If he keeps 'From speaking to her, I don't think she has got mental health issues.
'I think she's just a vulnerable girl who's not streetwise.
' Bye-bye.
'I think she is in love with him and she has genuinely' married him because she wants to be with him.
Whether he feels the same about her I don't know.
There are several other incidences.
Um Esther Morris has discovered that the daughter says her father has assaulted her on more than one occasion.
She disclosed that she'd been assaulted by her father on the 14th of the 3rd.
He had slapped her around the face after she'd gone into his room to talk to him, informing him that she wanted to get married.
Um, she's alleged abuse between 2004 and 2012.
He regularly hits her and abuses her.
HE CHANTS IN OWN LANGUAGE Esther Morris has now spoken to the police force that's looking after the daughter as a significant witness.
And she's actually said to them that she was under threat to go back.
Dad said to her, "If you don't come back with us, "you'll get your head smashed in.
" Can we get that in a statement? Yeah.
I don't know if you want to give them a ring, if you're carrying more bones.
Hi, is that Simon? Simon, it's DC Chandler from Bedfordshire Police.
We've got a prisoner in custody at the moment, an offence of kidnap's been disclosed and the kidnap's happened in your area.
Now an allegation of kidnap's been made, the chances of charging and remanding the suspect have strengthened.
But I just need a couple of lines in a statement saying that she got in the car with him because her dad's threatened her, which I haven't got in her statement already.
The problem is I'm on a tight clock.
Thank you.
He goes, "Oh, you're a star dealing with it for me.
" So what, we're going to CPS for kidnap? For kidnap and assault.
I think that's still a good tactic to put it to CPS anyway.
Let them underwrite the decision.
We've got to anyway to protect her.
Cos if she's killed, then at least we've tried.
The suspect's solicitor has arrived and will be sitting in on DC Chandler's interview.
At this time, I'm going to further arrest you for kidnap, OK? You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something you later rely on in court.
Everything you do say may be given in evidence.
I need to ask you, before we start the interview, are you responsible for the offence of ABH? Are you responsible for the offence of kidnap? 'If an offender goes "no comment" in interview, ' I look at it as if they're saying they've something to hide.
Either they've committed the offence or there's aspects around it which is likely to put them in the situation of being involved in the offence.
'With no-comment it does raise suspicion levels.
' We've spoken to your daughter.
She said that you and your wife told her to leave her husband and to come back to Luton and to pack her bags.
Why was that said? Did you threaten to assault her if she did not come back to Luton? You're laughing.
Why are you laughing? Is that funny? Was she making that happen? That's why you were laughing? She's told her sister how much she's missing her husband and how much she wants go back to him.
How did you react to this? You weren't happy, were you? You got angry.
You started shaking with rage - you were THAT angry.
Why do you not want her to go back to this husband? Do you want to have control of her? Do you scare her, so you have got control of her? OK, if I show you some photos of your daughter, the first photo is showing her face.
You can see all the reddening around there.
Have you caused that? Was she like that when you picked her up? The answer to that question would be no, because you've told us that you picked her up and that she had no injuries.
So those injuries must have been caused since she came back and she was in your house, weren't they? How hard did you hit her? Are you embarrassed by her? Does she cause problems to your family? Do people look down at you and your family because of her? Her marrying this man that you don't know, has that caused problems for you in the community? OK.
Is there anything you want to say before I turn the tapes of? Is there anyone I can speak to which would disprove your involvement in the offence of ABH or kidnap? OK.
If there's nothing else you want to say, the time is now 12.
14, interview concluded.
DC Rachel Chandler is waiting to hear from the Crown Prosecution Service.
Cathy, you making tea? No! I can't get up and leave the phone, in case the CPS phone.
Strange, isn't it? Can you hear the phone ring over there, Sarge? I should think you could hear the phone ring from the town centre.
There's no reason why she can't get the kettle on.
LAUGHTER She wants to convince the CPS to remand the suspect to prison and charge him with kidnap.
PHONE RINGS Hello, Robbery.
It is.
All there is outstanding, obviously, in our view The mum, and there is a sister, obviously, we've got problems at the moment with them providing evidence, because he's going to go home.
If he's remanded and he's locked up, there is potentially those statements, which we can get that way.
But obviously there's risks to the victim.
'It would be very, very difficult to prove the kidnap side of things.
'I'm not going to charge it today.
'Because what I'm going to do, I'm going to say he's bailable.
' Is he saying they don't believe her about the kidnap side of things? Let me just speak to him.
It's DS Hancock.
You all right? Am I right in thinking, then, that what we are saying is that the complainant, we don't really believe what she's saying? What she's saying is that, against her will, she was taken to Luton.
Based on what happened in the past, she perceived that to be that, if she didn't do it, she'd face harm.
That's a kidnap made out, isn't it? No, let's take it a stage at a time, because I really don't understand that.
If I say to somebody, "Get in my fucking car, "otherwise I'm going to smash your face in", and they get in my car, that does not constitute fraud under a kidnap legislation? Is that what we're saying? My perspective, and I do mean this, is making sure that justice is seen to be done and that the victim of crime gets looked after and protected in a way that I would want one of my family members to be looked after and protected.
Well, would YOU not, then? So if somebody pulled up next to you and said, "Get in my car, otherwise I'm going to shoot you?" Yeah.
So, what I'm asking you to do is just be specific about what point of the kidnap you don't feel as though we've demonstrated under the lower threshold test? Why not? At the end of the day, I'm sure we're singing from the same hymn sheet, in that honour-based violence cases are very delicate and sensitive.
And as you'll appreciate, the evidence gathering is frustrated sometimes when the head of the family is is Exactly.
So I would hope that we would stand up and say there is a very real and evident danger to the complainant, to the complainant's husband, to the police, not being able to secure the evidence to prove one way or the other who is telling the truth in this case.
I know where you're coming from, there's an argument for both sides, but let's have that in court.
I think, from a prosecution point of view, we should be protecting the complainant and the investigation.
No problem.
What's your name? Andrew.
It's Simon, by the way.
Thanks for the chat, I'll put you back on to Rachel.
We don't know where this guy is, he might not realise what an inflammatory town Luton is for this sort of Why don't you just say to him, "Get in my fucking car now, I'm going to beat you up!" You'll be all right, you'll get away with it.
He seems like quite At least you can He seems like quite a nice chap.
The CPS will call back when they've reached a decision.
Yes, all right, I'll put the kettle on.
Are you going to murder her? (Cup of tea.
) Don't you start blinking your eyelids at me! And showing me your wobblies.
Bear with me a minute.
Where's Hanks? Can you phone Hanks urgently? Whenever we call CPS now, we always get Manchester.
You're the best? We'll decide if you're the best in a minute, after this phone call.
Wait a minute.
Andy? Yeah.
Hi, Andy, you all right? Are you all right? I know, and thanks for reconsidering it.
That's brilliant.
He needs an MG7.
I'll just do that MG7 for you now.
OK, will do.
Yeah, he reread it and he's convinced.
I'm going to charge, yeah.
Three offences.
So, what are they going for, then? Kidnap.
Wow! ABH and common assault.
OK, you are charged with the following offences.
You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention now something which you later rely upon in court.
Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
Kidnap, actual bodily harm, common assault.
Do you want to say anything to those charges? No? OK.
In this case, I've made an assumption that if I allow you to leave this custody you'll go on to interfere with this witness, that is your daughter.
OK? And/or commit further offences, OK? I don't know.
People do it all the time.
Kidnap is a very serious offence, so what more are you capable of doing? Personally, we don't want to find out, OK? Can I ask your name, please? Sorry? DC Chandler.
DC? Chandler.
I am underestimated sometimes.
I am switched on and I do know what's going on out there.
People do, people get charged with things and then they go out and they interfere with things, which is why you're getting kept here.
At the end of the day, you're staying here, OK? Have you got your shoes off? I hope, if he has done it, then he is convicted, because I want to make sure that that girl is safe and she can get on and live her life and be happy.
There you are, madam.
Thank you.
You can't forget what has happened to you, no matter what.
How has it changed you as a person? Well lost everything.
Everything is on my own now, so just have a husband, don't have anyone else.
No family, nothing.
They hate me.
I've been disowned.