24: Legacy (2016) s01e06 Episode Script
5:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
1 How can it be a great work if it makes us do this to our own father? - What does that mean? - Maybe we should think about this.
[phone rings.]
We've gotten the activation code.
We're launching the attack.
You told John you gave the identities of the Army Rangers to Jadalla Bin-Khalid.
I swear, I've never even heard of this Jaballa person.
DONOVAN: You have signed those Rangers' death warrants! You have a chance here to make this right, to save people from dying, and you're pulling this?! I don't know what you're talking about.
CARTER: You better be telling me the truth about Gabriel.
I am.
Eric, I swear.
Ben is taking me to Gabriel, and I'm using the Onyx missile schematics as bait.
We can find out what he knows about Jadalla Bin-Khalid.
Bring him up to speed.
Gabriel fronted me some money.
It's gone.
Kill him.
CARTER: Ben and I fought together, and we swore an oath.
I'm not doing it.
Jadalla Bin-Khalid I need to know where they are.
- LOCKE: Carter, it's Locke! - I got Gabriel! No, you don't.
Son of a bitch.
CARTER: This might be our only lead.
Our tech's still scrolling through the hard drive's data.
If we find something.
Copy that.
You steal classified missile specs to use as bait, draw out Gabriel, only for him to end up dead before we can question him? I told you it couldn't be helped.
I get it.
But all Mullins and CTU can see is some Hail Mary operation that's looking like a screwed pooch.
There's got to be something on that laptop, okay? Some kind of lead that can help us find Jadalla Bin-Khalid and his men before they launch any attacks.
And you're basing that on what? Your degenerate friend's word that Gabriel smuggled the terrorists into the country? He was right.
He came here with me voluntarily to broker this meeting, even though he knew Gabriel was likely going to kill him.
So, yes I'm pinning my hopes on my degenerate friend's word.
[phone beeps.]
[line ringing.]
[phone vibrating.]
Did you make it to Christine's? No, no, I'm still Isaac's.
Why? Isaac's going through a rough time.
A rough time? We don't need to talk about it right now, okay? No, listen, no.
I-I want you out of there, Nicole.
All right? It's fine.
No, it's not fine.
Look, I'm gonna send CTU to pick you up.
When? I'll, uh, I'll call them right now.
Are you meeting me there? [sighs.]
I'll see you soon.
I love you.
I love you, too.
[phone beeps.]
[phone beeps.]
Eric's having me picked up by CTU.
We're gonna meet there once he's finished what he has to do.
How Eric gonna send CTU here? Hmm? It's just for a minute, Isaac.
- He should know better.
- Just enough time for me to get in the car relax.
You don't have to go.
Not right away.
Look, if he's still got business going on, ain't no reason that you can't wait here.
Hmm? Nicole, you're safe right here with me.
You know that, right? I know.
But I'm still leaving.
All right.
[phone ringing.]
Sir, it's Locke.
Tell me you got something.
Shipping manifest from the port of Baltimore, dated a week before last.
Notation in the margins: "LS 17 out of Ash Shihr.
" Carter says Ash Shihr is a port terminal in Yemen.
Right, I know that, but what's "LS"? Cargo designation for livestock.
Looks like Grimes was right.
This is the how, when and where Jadalla Bin-Khalid and his crew got in the country.
Scroll through that subfile.
Wait, go back.
That's one of the men who broke into my home.
And the other one, he came after Ben after we reconnected.
Rashid and Malik Al-Sabi.
And there's Jadalla, using the name Aashiq Raza.
The addresses on the passports, they're all the same.
CTU, we have it Aliases and a potential address.
Sending all to you now.
Don't waste any more time.
Gather your assault team, set up a perimeter at that location.
We'll redirect satellite uplinks and reconnect with you on site.
Copy that.
Uh, it's Carter.
Carter, I got your text.
I'm sending agents to retrieve your wife.
They'll bring her to CTU.
She'll be safe.
Thank you.
I need to speak to Rebecca Ingram.
Rebecca's indisposed.
What do you need from her? I want to assist in Jadalla Bin-Khalid's takedown.
Uh, look, Carter, uh, you got us the lead we needed, and we're grateful, but But you're not a CTU agent.
Listen, my entire squad is dead because of Jadalla Bin-Khalid and his followers, so I deserve to see this through, to keep them from killing anyone else.
You're right.
You're on the team.
Locke, circle back with me in ten.
[phone beeps.]
Let's go.
: Thank you.
Why are you doing this? Huh? I have to go.
Do you know what our religion is really about? The reason we pray? Family and peace.
That is what we seek.
Anything else is a twisted perversion.
Don't let your brother lead you down the wrong path.
I raised you better than this.
I have to go.
Wait, stop.
Amira [whispers.]
: Amira.
He said something to you, didn't he? That's how he is.
Always trying to be heard when no one asked any questions.
Ignore him.
He's worried.
Now he's worried? We're his children, Khasan.
Was he there for us when we were growing up? No.
He only came around to raise his voice, puff his chest, and beat us into behaving.
Hmm? Or have you forgotten? Hey, Amira, this is our moment.
This is no time for doubt.
[door opens.]
[door closes.]
Dad, I'm asking you one last time please tell them what they want to know.
Help them find these terrorists.
If for any reason you think that by holding back you're protecting me, you're wrong.
Because if these attacks happen, whatever blood is on your hands will be on mine, too.
So Son, I I can't tell them something I don't know anything about.
[intercom beeps.]
REBECCA: John, can you come out for a minute, please? [door opens.]
I'm sorry, I can't get to him.
[door closes.]
We might be okay.
I just heard from Keith.
An operation Eric Carter is running has turned up a promising lead.
We may be able to find Jadalla without your father's help.
CTU's launching an operation.
Keith's asked if I'll oversee it with him.
I don't know if it's you that can't do without this place or them who can't do without you.
[door opens.]
[door closes.]
Uh, this is Senator John Donovan.
Nilaa Mizrani is she done with her debriefing yet? Okay, good.
Uh, please tell her I'd like to see her.
[gun clicking.]
[phone ringing.]
This is Locke.
Go ahead.
Uploading satellite feed and property schematics to you now.
Okay, thanks.
You seem to be the only one running point for field operations today.
Where's Andy? I think you better ask him yourself.
Okay, put him on.
Hold on, I'll transfer you.
[line beeps.]
This is Andy.
What the hell is going on? Why aren't you point on this? Mullins revoked my clearance.
He knows I'm the one that gave Eric Carter the classified missile specs.
Some might consider what I did an act of courage.
Courage? Yeah, something you could've used a little bit more of.
I got to go.
[phone beeps.]
I questioned your loyalty.
I'm sorry John.
Rebecca told me you were the one who knew I was innocent.
That you turned in your father.
Is there anything I can do to help? [sighs.]
Uh, yeah, there is.
If you can reach out to the party chair and set up a meeting.
I want to be able to tell him in person that I'm withdrawing from the race.
Yes, I'll set that right up.
Are they any closer to finding these terrorists? I think so.
Maybe this will all be over soon.
Get the last barrels ready.
[knocking on door.]
[gun clicks.]
You have it? I couldn't get ahold of fulminic acid, so I combined two parts nitric acid, two parts alcohol.
You'll still need to combine it with one part mercury.
A strong concussive force will still set it off, but it'll be more stable during transport.
This is good.
You're quiet.
Is something wrong? This is harder than I thought it would be.
Because of what happened with Drew? We crossed a line there, didn't we? It's my father.
He showed up here all of a sudden.
H-He's in the house? Khasan tied him up.
He's so angry with us.
And he's not well, David, he's got diabetes.
I-I'm sorry, I'm not, I'm not getting this.
W-Why would Khasan tie him up? Papa knows what we're doing.
And he doesn't approve.
Says we're perverting our religion.
Disgracing our family.
Amira, you don't have to do this.
We can leave now.
Right now.
W-We can be together like we used to talk about.
That's not an option.
Listen, you don't have to be afraid of your brother anymore.
You've done more than enough for him.
He'll just have to understand.
Harris? I need you here.
I need help pouring mercury.
Be careful.
Go very slow.
REBECCA: Yeah, I understand.
Thank you.
That was D.
Since all we have on Henry is what John heard him say, we can't detain him past 24 hours.
Okay, let's keep him on ice till this plays out.
What's Locke's E.
? We got one satellite feed on the property Jadalla's holed up in, waiting for a second to come online.
You can also piggyback into traffic cams from District D.
Of course, you already knew that.
Yeah, but it never hurts to be reminded.
You sure you want me here? Absolutely.
MARIANA: Sir? I think you need to see something.
A video was posted of the firefight with Gabriel's men.
NEWS ANCHOR: Although no law enforcement agencies have confirmed involvement, at least one of the victims has been identified as former military operative MULLINS: I ordered immediate blackout.
How the hell'd this get out? Uh, some stringer must've posted it.
Find out who else is running the story.
[speaks foreign language.]
[newscast playing quietly.]
The man that brought us into this country, how much did he know about us? JAD: Wipe the equipment.
Destroy what we can't take with us.
Get ready to move out! Get ready.
We're 30 seconds out.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Do you miss it? What? The action.
The way you were working your weapon before, you seem like you miss it.
I just want to get the son of a bitch who killed my squad.
We'll get him.
Copy that.
[phone ringing.]
Locke, there's a chance your op may be compromised.
Compromised how? Well, we're not sure how, but some stringer posted what happened between Gabriel and his men.
Now it's on the news.
- If Jadalla sees it - We'll find out soon enough.
We're here.
Okay, standing by.
[steady beeping.]
LOCKE: Assault teams move into position.
They're in position.
Do you have visual confirmation on any of the targets? Negative.
Most of the windows are boarded up.
We're going in blind.
On my signal.
AGENT: Go, go, go, go! Ops, targets have vacated the immediate entryway.
Are you detecting any movement on SAT surveillance? None.
There's too much tree coverage.
Visibility's limited.
All units, initiate room-to-room search procedures.
Go! Damn it.
Widen the satellite grid.
And put out a full interagency alert on Jadalla Bin-Khalid.
Hey! No.
They killed my men.
And they almost killed me and my wife.
We'll find them.
But we had them.
I had them! I found them.
For you.
I tracked Jadalla, and you and your men lost them.
Okay, we're set.
Close it up, Harris.
South and Elm to Fourth Street.
No, it says here you take Elm to make No, no, no.
Fourth Street's less traffic.
It'll be quicker.
Should be fine, yeah.
It's okay, Amira.
Get behind me.
What are you doing? Saving you.
You said you didn't want to be a part of this anymore.
Give me back my gun.
We've given you everything you need to martyr yourself, Khasan.
But me and Amira, we want to live.
We're done.
And we're going.
Amira, get behind me! Amira.
David, stop! Stop, David! He'll come after us! You know as well as I do, we'll never be safe.
We'll never have peace.
[metal stabs.]
Khasan, you're all right.
Come here, come here.
- You're all right.
- [grunting.]
I'll bandage you.
I'll clean you up.
Shh, shh.
You're all right.
You're gonna have to do it.
What? What, Khasan? You're gonna have to drive the truck.
[grunts weakly.]
I can't.
If you don't succeed I don't die a martyr.
Khasan, I can't do this by myself.
Oh, you're all right.
Come here.
God is with you, little sister.
- Khasan, no.
- To the end.
Khasan, no.
You understand me? To the end.
Khasan! No, Khas Khasan! Khasan! [crying.]
I'm sorry, baby.
I don't know what else to say.
You don't have to say anything.
To be honest, just, uh, hearing your voice helps.
Yours, too.
Look, CTU should be there any minute.
I'm headed over there now, so I should see you soon.
All right? Eric? Yeah? I'm sorry.
M-Me, too.
I love you.
[phone beeps.]
[vehicle approaching.]
Looks like your ride's here.
Want to walk me down? [quietly.]
: Yeah.
NICOLE: You know, you really should think about getting out of this business, Isaac.
Oh, is that what it would take to get you to stay, hmm? This is the only thing I know how to do.
You don't know what you can do until you try.
You're smart, Isaac.
You know, I got faith in you.
Thank you.
For what? Saving my life.
All right.
[Nicole shrieking.]
Nicole! [tires screeching.]
Isaac! Take him, too.
Right there! [Nicole shrieks.]
Go! Go! Go! Go, go! Let's go, let's go! [tires screeching, men shouting.]
Isaac! Isaac! Isaac! [phone ringing.]
[Nicole crying.]
We have her.
Isaac, talk to me.
Isaac! And we took the brother as well.
Meet you at the warehouse.
[engine starts.]
I heard something.
It sounded like a gunshot.
I came to tell you good-bye, Papa.
What do you mean? Where are you going? Oh, no.
Amira, you listen to me.
We're not murderers.
What you're doing is not the way to change things.
Khasan is wrong.
Khasan is dead.
What? What? Wh-What happened? Khasan? It's all right.
I took care of it.
And now I take his place.
No, he's not No, wait, wait - [muffled grunting.]
- Shh.
He and I will be together again soon.
And someone will find you.
I'm sorry, Papa.
: Amira.
Amira! [muffled shouting.]
[exhaling sharply.]
Amira! Amira! Amira! [panting.]
Amira! [door opens.]
Amira? [whispers.]
: Oh, no.
[line ringing.]
[phone ringing.]
Who is this? Amira? Please, listen to me.
You can't do this.
I already told you, Papa.
I'm going to teach the infidels a lesson.
Infidels? That's not you talking.
That's your brother.
He was always the angry one, not you.
And now he's gone.
They took him away and they left me here alone.
I am here now.
I know I wasn't there before.
I should've been a better father.
I'm sorry.
But if you come home, I promise I will be.
It's too late to stop.
Even if I wanted to.
No, Princess.
It's never too late.
Don't worry.
This will all be over soon.
[line ringing.]
What is your emergency? Last time we spoke, you said you were moving in on Jadalla Bin-Khalid.
Now you're telling me he escaped? Jadalla may have gotten a heads up that we were tracking him because of the leaked story.
So you dropped the ball? This wasn't Director Mullins's fault.
It's become almost impossible to maintain operational discretion.
[phone vibrating.]
Sir, will you excuse us? I'm-I'm just getting word of a potential situation.
Of course.
Keep me apprised.
We have a credible terrorist threat on the George Washington Bridge.
It's one of Jadalla's cells.
Yeah, might be.
Bring us up to speed.
911 call from Mikail Dudayev, father of Amira and Khasan.
Daughter's driving a truck full of explosives under the George Washington Bridge.
What makes us think this is genuine? Read the call transcript, confirmed the father's I.
His kids immigrated from Chechnya two years ago on student visas.
He thinks they may have been radicalized before they got here.
Have we located the daughter yet? Not yet.
The son rented a box truck three days ago.
We're scanning traffic cameras for the license plate.
[computer beeps.]
I got a hit.
Track it on satellite.
- Patch me through to highway patrol.
- THEO: Copy that.
MARIANA: She's already on the bridge.
Highway patrol's two minutes out.
We need to cut her off.
Get me through to someone on the bridge.
[phone ringing.]
This is Jenkins.
What's up? This is Keith Mullins, Director of the National Counter Terrorism Unit in Washington, D.
I need you to listen to me very carefully.
There's a truck bomb on the bridge as we speak.
Truck bomb? It's a white box truck coming from the west.
New Jersey license plate, LDJ8053.
Female driver.
Sir, it's j-just me in this booth.
What-What am I supposed to do? New Jersey PD's moving in, and NYPD's closing roads to the east, but I need you to close the bridge and get as many people clear as you can.
Jenkins, if you get a shot at the truck, take her out.
[car horn blaring.]
[car horns honking.]
[tires screech, horns honking.]
[tires screeching.]
Okay, okay, patch me through to his cell.
Copy that.
You need to get off the bridge! Off the bridge! [people clamoring.]
[phone ringing.]
Please tell me I got the right truck.
You did.
What's the status of the driver? Let me check.
I think she's dead.
There's a lot of barrels in here, wires all together.
Detonators on them.
Do you see the trigger? She's got something in her hand.
No! [sirens wailing in distance.]
[newscast playing quietly.]
a large explosion on the George Washington Bridge that crosses the Hudson River This is the work of one cell.
There are 14 more cells, and they must strike as one.
But without the flash drive Carter will deliver the solution.
He'll do whatever we ask.
We're dispatching forensics crews to the girl's house and to the site.
We don't have confirmation, but as far as we know, this was one of the 15 cells.
[urgent chatter, various newscasts playing.]
How many? They don't know yet.
They're still counting.
How many? At least a hundred.
I tried to stop them.
Yeah, we all tried, and we all failed.
I just keep thinking, if I hadn't left CTU when I did Rebecca, that wouldn't have made any difference.
I could've done more.
They're still out there.
Okay? Either we give up or we hunt them down.
[cell phone ringing.]
It's my wife.
You should talk to her.
[speaks foreign language.]
Nicole? NICOLE: Eric, don't do anything he says! Nicole? Nicole.
I have your brother as well.
Now that I have your attention, listen to me carefully.
The flash drive we got from Grimes is damaged.
We need someone to recover the data.
Carter, did you hear me? I c I can't help you with that.
Find someone who can.
And bring them to us.
You let my wife go, and then we'll talk.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm not negotiating with you.
I'll free your wife and your brother when you do what I ask.
And if by some chance you fail, or make a single wrong move trust me, I'll make sure that their deaths will be slow and agonizing.
[phone beeps.]
[phone rings.]
We've gotten the activation code.
We're launching the attack.
You told John you gave the identities of the Army Rangers to Jadalla Bin-Khalid.
I swear, I've never even heard of this Jaballa person.
DONOVAN: You have signed those Rangers' death warrants! You have a chance here to make this right, to save people from dying, and you're pulling this?! I don't know what you're talking about.
CARTER: You better be telling me the truth about Gabriel.
I am.
Eric, I swear.
Ben is taking me to Gabriel, and I'm using the Onyx missile schematics as bait.
We can find out what he knows about Jadalla Bin-Khalid.
Bring him up to speed.
Gabriel fronted me some money.
It's gone.
Kill him.
CARTER: Ben and I fought together, and we swore an oath.
I'm not doing it.
Jadalla Bin-Khalid I need to know where they are.
- LOCKE: Carter, it's Locke! - I got Gabriel! No, you don't.
Son of a bitch.
CARTER: This might be our only lead.
Our tech's still scrolling through the hard drive's data.
If we find something.
Copy that.
You steal classified missile specs to use as bait, draw out Gabriel, only for him to end up dead before we can question him? I told you it couldn't be helped.
I get it.
But all Mullins and CTU can see is some Hail Mary operation that's looking like a screwed pooch.
There's got to be something on that laptop, okay? Some kind of lead that can help us find Jadalla Bin-Khalid and his men before they launch any attacks.
And you're basing that on what? Your degenerate friend's word that Gabriel smuggled the terrorists into the country? He was right.
He came here with me voluntarily to broker this meeting, even though he knew Gabriel was likely going to kill him.
So, yes I'm pinning my hopes on my degenerate friend's word.
[phone beeps.]
[line ringing.]
[phone vibrating.]
Did you make it to Christine's? No, no, I'm still Isaac's.
Why? Isaac's going through a rough time.
A rough time? We don't need to talk about it right now, okay? No, listen, no.
I-I want you out of there, Nicole.
All right? It's fine.
No, it's not fine.
Look, I'm gonna send CTU to pick you up.
When? I'll, uh, I'll call them right now.
Are you meeting me there? [sighs.]
I'll see you soon.
I love you.
I love you, too.
[phone beeps.]
[phone beeps.]
Eric's having me picked up by CTU.
We're gonna meet there once he's finished what he has to do.
How Eric gonna send CTU here? Hmm? It's just for a minute, Isaac.
- He should know better.
- Just enough time for me to get in the car relax.
You don't have to go.
Not right away.
Look, if he's still got business going on, ain't no reason that you can't wait here.
Hmm? Nicole, you're safe right here with me.
You know that, right? I know.
But I'm still leaving.
All right.
[phone ringing.]
Sir, it's Locke.
Tell me you got something.
Shipping manifest from the port of Baltimore, dated a week before last.
Notation in the margins: "LS 17 out of Ash Shihr.
" Carter says Ash Shihr is a port terminal in Yemen.
Right, I know that, but what's "LS"? Cargo designation for livestock.
Looks like Grimes was right.
This is the how, when and where Jadalla Bin-Khalid and his crew got in the country.
Scroll through that subfile.
Wait, go back.
That's one of the men who broke into my home.
And the other one, he came after Ben after we reconnected.
Rashid and Malik Al-Sabi.
And there's Jadalla, using the name Aashiq Raza.
The addresses on the passports, they're all the same.
CTU, we have it Aliases and a potential address.
Sending all to you now.
Don't waste any more time.
Gather your assault team, set up a perimeter at that location.
We'll redirect satellite uplinks and reconnect with you on site.
Copy that.
Uh, it's Carter.
Carter, I got your text.
I'm sending agents to retrieve your wife.
They'll bring her to CTU.
She'll be safe.
Thank you.
I need to speak to Rebecca Ingram.
Rebecca's indisposed.
What do you need from her? I want to assist in Jadalla Bin-Khalid's takedown.
Uh, look, Carter, uh, you got us the lead we needed, and we're grateful, but But you're not a CTU agent.
Listen, my entire squad is dead because of Jadalla Bin-Khalid and his followers, so I deserve to see this through, to keep them from killing anyone else.
You're right.
You're on the team.
Locke, circle back with me in ten.
[phone beeps.]
Let's go.
: Thank you.
Why are you doing this? Huh? I have to go.
Do you know what our religion is really about? The reason we pray? Family and peace.
That is what we seek.
Anything else is a twisted perversion.
Don't let your brother lead you down the wrong path.
I raised you better than this.
I have to go.
Wait, stop.
Amira [whispers.]
: Amira.
He said something to you, didn't he? That's how he is.
Always trying to be heard when no one asked any questions.
Ignore him.
He's worried.
Now he's worried? We're his children, Khasan.
Was he there for us when we were growing up? No.
He only came around to raise his voice, puff his chest, and beat us into behaving.
Hmm? Or have you forgotten? Hey, Amira, this is our moment.
This is no time for doubt.
[door opens.]
[door closes.]
Dad, I'm asking you one last time please tell them what they want to know.
Help them find these terrorists.
If for any reason you think that by holding back you're protecting me, you're wrong.
Because if these attacks happen, whatever blood is on your hands will be on mine, too.
So Son, I I can't tell them something I don't know anything about.
[intercom beeps.]
REBECCA: John, can you come out for a minute, please? [door opens.]
I'm sorry, I can't get to him.
[door closes.]
We might be okay.
I just heard from Keith.
An operation Eric Carter is running has turned up a promising lead.
We may be able to find Jadalla without your father's help.
CTU's launching an operation.
Keith's asked if I'll oversee it with him.
I don't know if it's you that can't do without this place or them who can't do without you.
[door opens.]
[door closes.]
Uh, this is Senator John Donovan.
Nilaa Mizrani is she done with her debriefing yet? Okay, good.
Uh, please tell her I'd like to see her.
[gun clicking.]
[phone ringing.]
This is Locke.
Go ahead.
Uploading satellite feed and property schematics to you now.
Okay, thanks.
You seem to be the only one running point for field operations today.
Where's Andy? I think you better ask him yourself.
Okay, put him on.
Hold on, I'll transfer you.
[line beeps.]
This is Andy.
What the hell is going on? Why aren't you point on this? Mullins revoked my clearance.
He knows I'm the one that gave Eric Carter the classified missile specs.
Some might consider what I did an act of courage.
Courage? Yeah, something you could've used a little bit more of.
I got to go.
[phone beeps.]
I questioned your loyalty.
I'm sorry John.
Rebecca told me you were the one who knew I was innocent.
That you turned in your father.
Is there anything I can do to help? [sighs.]
Uh, yeah, there is.
If you can reach out to the party chair and set up a meeting.
I want to be able to tell him in person that I'm withdrawing from the race.
Yes, I'll set that right up.
Are they any closer to finding these terrorists? I think so.
Maybe this will all be over soon.
Get the last barrels ready.
[knocking on door.]
[gun clicks.]
You have it? I couldn't get ahold of fulminic acid, so I combined two parts nitric acid, two parts alcohol.
You'll still need to combine it with one part mercury.
A strong concussive force will still set it off, but it'll be more stable during transport.
This is good.
You're quiet.
Is something wrong? This is harder than I thought it would be.
Because of what happened with Drew? We crossed a line there, didn't we? It's my father.
He showed up here all of a sudden.
H-He's in the house? Khasan tied him up.
He's so angry with us.
And he's not well, David, he's got diabetes.
I-I'm sorry, I'm not, I'm not getting this.
W-Why would Khasan tie him up? Papa knows what we're doing.
And he doesn't approve.
Says we're perverting our religion.
Disgracing our family.
Amira, you don't have to do this.
We can leave now.
Right now.
W-We can be together like we used to talk about.
That's not an option.
Listen, you don't have to be afraid of your brother anymore.
You've done more than enough for him.
He'll just have to understand.
Harris? I need you here.
I need help pouring mercury.
Be careful.
Go very slow.
REBECCA: Yeah, I understand.
Thank you.
That was D.
Since all we have on Henry is what John heard him say, we can't detain him past 24 hours.
Okay, let's keep him on ice till this plays out.
What's Locke's E.
? We got one satellite feed on the property Jadalla's holed up in, waiting for a second to come online.
You can also piggyback into traffic cams from District D.
Of course, you already knew that.
Yeah, but it never hurts to be reminded.
You sure you want me here? Absolutely.
MARIANA: Sir? I think you need to see something.
A video was posted of the firefight with Gabriel's men.
NEWS ANCHOR: Although no law enforcement agencies have confirmed involvement, at least one of the victims has been identified as former military operative MULLINS: I ordered immediate blackout.
How the hell'd this get out? Uh, some stringer must've posted it.
Find out who else is running the story.
[speaks foreign language.]
[newscast playing quietly.]
The man that brought us into this country, how much did he know about us? JAD: Wipe the equipment.
Destroy what we can't take with us.
Get ready to move out! Get ready.
We're 30 seconds out.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Do you miss it? What? The action.
The way you were working your weapon before, you seem like you miss it.
I just want to get the son of a bitch who killed my squad.
We'll get him.
Copy that.
[phone ringing.]
Locke, there's a chance your op may be compromised.
Compromised how? Well, we're not sure how, but some stringer posted what happened between Gabriel and his men.
Now it's on the news.
- If Jadalla sees it - We'll find out soon enough.
We're here.
Okay, standing by.
[steady beeping.]
LOCKE: Assault teams move into position.
They're in position.
Do you have visual confirmation on any of the targets? Negative.
Most of the windows are boarded up.
We're going in blind.
On my signal.
AGENT: Go, go, go, go! Ops, targets have vacated the immediate entryway.
Are you detecting any movement on SAT surveillance? None.
There's too much tree coverage.
Visibility's limited.
All units, initiate room-to-room search procedures.
Go! Damn it.
Widen the satellite grid.
And put out a full interagency alert on Jadalla Bin-Khalid.
Hey! No.
They killed my men.
And they almost killed me and my wife.
We'll find them.
But we had them.
I had them! I found them.
For you.
I tracked Jadalla, and you and your men lost them.
Okay, we're set.
Close it up, Harris.
South and Elm to Fourth Street.
No, it says here you take Elm to make No, no, no.
Fourth Street's less traffic.
It'll be quicker.
Should be fine, yeah.
It's okay, Amira.
Get behind me.
What are you doing? Saving you.
You said you didn't want to be a part of this anymore.
Give me back my gun.
We've given you everything you need to martyr yourself, Khasan.
But me and Amira, we want to live.
We're done.
And we're going.
Amira, get behind me! Amira.
David, stop! Stop, David! He'll come after us! You know as well as I do, we'll never be safe.
We'll never have peace.
[metal stabs.]
Khasan, you're all right.
Come here, come here.
- You're all right.
- [grunting.]
I'll bandage you.
I'll clean you up.
Shh, shh.
You're all right.
You're gonna have to do it.
What? What, Khasan? You're gonna have to drive the truck.
[grunts weakly.]
I can't.
If you don't succeed I don't die a martyr.
Khasan, I can't do this by myself.
Oh, you're all right.
Come here.
God is with you, little sister.
- Khasan, no.
- To the end.
Khasan, no.
You understand me? To the end.
Khasan! No, Khas Khasan! Khasan! [crying.]
I'm sorry, baby.
I don't know what else to say.
You don't have to say anything.
To be honest, just, uh, hearing your voice helps.
Yours, too.
Look, CTU should be there any minute.
I'm headed over there now, so I should see you soon.
All right? Eric? Yeah? I'm sorry.
M-Me, too.
I love you.
[phone beeps.]
[vehicle approaching.]
Looks like your ride's here.
Want to walk me down? [quietly.]
: Yeah.
NICOLE: You know, you really should think about getting out of this business, Isaac.
Oh, is that what it would take to get you to stay, hmm? This is the only thing I know how to do.
You don't know what you can do until you try.
You're smart, Isaac.
You know, I got faith in you.
Thank you.
For what? Saving my life.
All right.
[Nicole shrieking.]
Nicole! [tires screeching.]
Isaac! Take him, too.
Right there! [Nicole shrieks.]
Go! Go! Go! Go, go! Let's go, let's go! [tires screeching, men shouting.]
Isaac! Isaac! Isaac! [phone ringing.]
[Nicole crying.]
We have her.
Isaac, talk to me.
Isaac! And we took the brother as well.
Meet you at the warehouse.
[engine starts.]
I heard something.
It sounded like a gunshot.
I came to tell you good-bye, Papa.
What do you mean? Where are you going? Oh, no.
Amira, you listen to me.
We're not murderers.
What you're doing is not the way to change things.
Khasan is wrong.
Khasan is dead.
What? What? Wh-What happened? Khasan? It's all right.
I took care of it.
And now I take his place.
No, he's not No, wait, wait - [muffled grunting.]
- Shh.
He and I will be together again soon.
And someone will find you.
I'm sorry, Papa.
: Amira.
Amira! [muffled shouting.]
[exhaling sharply.]
Amira! Amira! Amira! [panting.]
Amira! [door opens.]
Amira? [whispers.]
: Oh, no.
[line ringing.]
[phone ringing.]
Who is this? Amira? Please, listen to me.
You can't do this.
I already told you, Papa.
I'm going to teach the infidels a lesson.
Infidels? That's not you talking.
That's your brother.
He was always the angry one, not you.
And now he's gone.
They took him away and they left me here alone.
I am here now.
I know I wasn't there before.
I should've been a better father.
I'm sorry.
But if you come home, I promise I will be.
It's too late to stop.
Even if I wanted to.
No, Princess.
It's never too late.
Don't worry.
This will all be over soon.
[line ringing.]
What is your emergency? Last time we spoke, you said you were moving in on Jadalla Bin-Khalid.
Now you're telling me he escaped? Jadalla may have gotten a heads up that we were tracking him because of the leaked story.
So you dropped the ball? This wasn't Director Mullins's fault.
It's become almost impossible to maintain operational discretion.
[phone vibrating.]
Sir, will you excuse us? I'm-I'm just getting word of a potential situation.
Of course.
Keep me apprised.
We have a credible terrorist threat on the George Washington Bridge.
It's one of Jadalla's cells.
Yeah, might be.
Bring us up to speed.
911 call from Mikail Dudayev, father of Amira and Khasan.
Daughter's driving a truck full of explosives under the George Washington Bridge.
What makes us think this is genuine? Read the call transcript, confirmed the father's I.
His kids immigrated from Chechnya two years ago on student visas.
He thinks they may have been radicalized before they got here.
Have we located the daughter yet? Not yet.
The son rented a box truck three days ago.
We're scanning traffic cameras for the license plate.
[computer beeps.]
I got a hit.
Track it on satellite.
- Patch me through to highway patrol.
- THEO: Copy that.
MARIANA: She's already on the bridge.
Highway patrol's two minutes out.
We need to cut her off.
Get me through to someone on the bridge.
[phone ringing.]
This is Jenkins.
What's up? This is Keith Mullins, Director of the National Counter Terrorism Unit in Washington, D.
I need you to listen to me very carefully.
There's a truck bomb on the bridge as we speak.
Truck bomb? It's a white box truck coming from the west.
New Jersey license plate, LDJ8053.
Female driver.
Sir, it's j-just me in this booth.
What-What am I supposed to do? New Jersey PD's moving in, and NYPD's closing roads to the east, but I need you to close the bridge and get as many people clear as you can.
Jenkins, if you get a shot at the truck, take her out.
[car horn blaring.]
[car horns honking.]
[tires screech, horns honking.]
[tires screeching.]
Okay, okay, patch me through to his cell.
Copy that.
You need to get off the bridge! Off the bridge! [people clamoring.]
[phone ringing.]
Please tell me I got the right truck.
You did.
What's the status of the driver? Let me check.
I think she's dead.
There's a lot of barrels in here, wires all together.
Detonators on them.
Do you see the trigger? She's got something in her hand.
No! [sirens wailing in distance.]
[newscast playing quietly.]
a large explosion on the George Washington Bridge that crosses the Hudson River This is the work of one cell.
There are 14 more cells, and they must strike as one.
But without the flash drive Carter will deliver the solution.
He'll do whatever we ask.
We're dispatching forensics crews to the girl's house and to the site.
We don't have confirmation, but as far as we know, this was one of the 15 cells.
[urgent chatter, various newscasts playing.]
How many? They don't know yet.
They're still counting.
How many? At least a hundred.
I tried to stop them.
Yeah, we all tried, and we all failed.
I just keep thinking, if I hadn't left CTU when I did Rebecca, that wouldn't have made any difference.
I could've done more.
They're still out there.
Okay? Either we give up or we hunt them down.
[cell phone ringing.]
It's my wife.
You should talk to her.
[speaks foreign language.]
Nicole? NICOLE: Eric, don't do anything he says! Nicole? Nicole.
I have your brother as well.
Now that I have your attention, listen to me carefully.
The flash drive we got from Grimes is damaged.
We need someone to recover the data.
Carter, did you hear me? I c I can't help you with that.
Find someone who can.
And bring them to us.
You let my wife go, and then we'll talk.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm not negotiating with you.
I'll free your wife and your brother when you do what I ask.
And if by some chance you fail, or make a single wrong move trust me, I'll make sure that their deaths will be slow and agonizing.
[phone beeps.]