365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Lee Shin Might Be Responsible for the Recent Deaths of the Resetters

Hey, do you think
I've been too harsh on your future wife?
What are you talking about?
Even if so, I'm glad that it was closed as a falling accident.
Finding a murderer of a murder case would be a huge headache.
Hey, why don't we get together with Ms. Shin Ga Hyeon sometime?
- It's my treat. I'll apologize - Bye.
Okay. Bye.
I should go home too.
They caught the bad guy.
I'm not relieved at all.
I wish
I could go back.
Detective Ji.
What brings you here?
What happened to Ga Hyeon?
Her alibi checked out.
That's a relief.
- What about Yeon Soo? - She tripped and fell.
Is that why you're here.
That and
I had something to tell you.
(Violent Crimes Investigation)
What are you looking at so intently?
Hyeong Ju.
I was keeping an eye on him so he wouldn't cause more trouble.
Let's go.
After you two left,
Jae Young said something strange.
- No way. - What? Let me see.
The deliveryman sat on that empty seat.
The guard sat next to him.
Then it was Seo Yeon Soo.
Do you still think I'm spewing nonsense?
Then are you saying
he's next?
It may have been his turn already.
We haven't been able to reach him.
Then the next person is
He's just trying to make sense of what's happening.
Don't think too much of it.
Now that Yeon Soo's dead, it's hard to ignore what he said.
I can't even focus on work these days.
Can you check
on Bae Jung Tae for me?
It would help me be at peace.
Please, sir.
Deliveryman, killed.
That old man.
And lastly
Ko Jae Young just killed everyone.
How are you so good at this new game?
It feels like you've played this before.
Of course, I have.
I've played all the games out there. Bring it on.
- I'll beat you all. - I admit that you're good.
But I know you never played this before.
They released this game today.
Gosh, this is boring.
I mean what I said.
I guess he's played this before.
Why do you look so scared?
Darn it. I died because of you.
Let's play one more round.
Royal Officetel, Unit 716?
There's still someone living there.
There are many other places that you can move in immediately.
They're cheaper and nicer. Would you like to take a look?
No, thank you.
It has to be that house.
I'll pay a higher commission,
so please call me first when that place is available.
We don't know when that'll be. Are you just going to wait?
It'll happen soon.
Please give me a call.
(Real Estate)
(Real-time: "Famous webtoon artist", "Webtoon artist murder")
I heard her fans confirmed her alibi.
Her work has become even more popular.
Did she become a killer herself?
No wonder her drawings looked so realistic.
Only her initials were posted, but everyone knows that it's her.
These darn comments
Why are people like this?
Still, it's a relief that her alibi checked out.
Ga Hyeon must've been distraught.
Do you think we're really dying in the order of our seats?
Of course, not.
It's just a coincidence.
I can't confront Ms. Lee either.
I have trouble sleeping these days because I'm scared.
Let's not worry in advance.
Do you want some more tea?
Yes, please.
(Sunghee Sanatorium, Specializes in Dementia and Strokes)
How did you know about the hit-and-run accident
at Sodam Park even before the detective in charge did?
Why would I tell you something that I didn't even tell Captain Heo?
We're colleagues.
Ahn Gyeong Nam, Oh Myung Chul, and now, this?
You're full of secrets these days.
Are you really a clairvoyant? Do you see the culprits' faces?
Stop watching dramas.
What is this?
Its Kim Dae Sung's alibi.
When Seo Yeon Soo died,
he had met this man at Pungjin Hotel.
Naeilro Junkyard? Go Dong Cheol.
He threatened me and said
he'll hand over the security footage unless I pay him, so I met him.
What is it?
Yes, he's the worker from the junkyard.
Did Seo Yeon Soo know him as well?
Yeon Soo?
I'm not sure. I don't think they met.
Why do you ask?
Don't trust that woman, Lee Shin, too much.
It's me, Shin Ga Hyeon.
Ma'am! Ma'am!
Hello, I'll be helping you from today on.
My name is Koo Seung Min.
Right, I heard.
I wasn't in charge of webtoons,
but I volunteered as your fan.
It's truly an honor.
I hope we get along.
I prepared these for you myself.
And these
are from your fans. They're cheering you on.
And I was specifically ordered to buy these macarons
by our team manager.
I heard you liked their macarons.
I was told to help you focus
- on writing - I'm sorry.
- But I need to head out. - Are you going somewhere?
I'll drive you.
That's okay.
You can put all of them in front of my door.
I'll call you later.
These macarons are organic, so they'll go bad
I couldn't say bye properly.
This is where Seo Yeon Soo died.
You're not even alarmed.
Mr. Hwang visited me.
(Lee Shin)
He said people were anxious
due to Ms. Seo's death.
What about you?
You had already met her before the reset.
How do you feel?
To me, Ms. Seo Yeon Soo
was a bit special.
Seo Yeong. Ms. Lee Seo Yeong.
- My client left after a session. - Are you listening to me?
And she called me and alluded to ending her life.
I went to her as fast as I could.
Seo Yeong! Seo Yeong!
It wasn't my client.
- It was Ms. Seo Yeon Soo. - No.
Hold my hand now!
Are you all right?
Let me see.
That's how we met, and I suggested a reset.
I promised her that
she could turn back everything.
She was special to you,
but why did she tell me that I shouldn't trust you?
As I promised, we came back in time,
but everything was the same.
And she had the same misunderstanding as you.
That I had already known about the connection between you two.
I can see how you'd think so.
Even I can't believe it.
I thought about for days how it must have felt
for the both of you.
And I finally found an answer.
It was fate.
You were fated to meet in this way.
If that's truly the answer,
it's too easy.
And it's cruel too.
I'm sorry to come at this hour.
No, it's okay. Come on in.
Why are they together in this photo?
The worker at the junkyard was Bae Jung Tae.
Then, Bae Jung Tae and Seo Yeon Soo
It's possible that they knew each other before the reset.
My gosh.
Then, Ms. Lee was lying even to the end.
We met this afternoon.
She told me it was a coincidence Seo Yeon Soo and I met.
She even talked about it being our fate.
I just came back from a meeting with Ms. Lee as well.
You didn't call ahead. What brings you here?
Well, you were the one who told us to feel free to come to you.
That's right. Take a seat.
You probably heard what happened to
Ms. Seo Yeon Soo,right?
Yes. I am very sad about what happened.
Everyone underwent the reset to live a better life.
I don't know why this keeps happening.
Just like someone's claim,
you don't believe there's a rule about death, do you?
I came here to ask you for a favour.
Are you in touch with Mr. Bae Jung Tae?
I've been calling him,
but I can't reach him at all.
Why do you want to reach him?
It has to do with an investigation. I can't tell you the details.
I take it that it's not good news, then.
I understand.
I would like to ask you
for a favour, Detective Ji.
She knew that I was a detective.
And she knew about the weird rule Ko Jae Young talked about.
Seo Yeon Soo must have told her.
They knew each other before the reset.
She must've reported
Seo Yeon Soo wasn't at the funeral.
She wouldn't know about the rule.
The owner of the café told me that he was at Zian Clinic.
Did he tell her about the rule?
I already called him.
He talked about Seo Yeon Soo's death,
but he didn't talk about anything else.
I mean, then who on earth told her?
Here's what's even more strange.
I would like to ask you
for a favour, Detective Ji.
I need information about the people who went through the reset.
I only offered them the chance,
but I don't know much about the people
who went through the reset.
As this all began from my offer,
I think I have the responsibility to keep them safe.
Will you help me?
She's asking me to dig information about the people.
What do you think her agenda is?
First of all, we must find Bae Jung Tae.
If we can prove that he knew Seo Yeon Soo before the reset,
she won't be able to play innocent anymore.
how can we find him?
He already quit the junkyard.
We don't even have his phone number.
I am a detective and all,
but I cannot officially launch an investigation on this.
Doing this by myself would be difficult.
So that's why I'm here.
This is Bae Jung Tae's call record.
You know, you're very intelligent.
Since you're a webtoon artist, you're great at drawing.
So this is
Will you be my partner?
- Hey. - Darn it.
Did you think we wouldn't find you once you quit the junkyard?
Who are you? Who sent you?
You know that we don't reveal our clients.
You must know how this works. You were one of us.
Get him.
- Come on. - Hey.
- Darn it. Come on. - Hey, you jerk!
(Trustworthy police, safe country)
- Yes? - What did you find out?
Did you get in touch with Bae Jung Tae?
Not yet.
I'm looking into that now.
I see. You must be busy, but I'm sorry to bother you with this.
No one would take it seriously.
But I'm glad that I have you.
Don't mention it. If I hear anything,
I'll call you right away.
What happened?
The detective couldn't reach him yet.
Did something really happen to him?
I'm so nervous my heart is about to give out.
You don't think all of us will end up dead, right?
You're finally taking what I said seriously.
I figured out the pattern.
We must create a hack if it means we can survive.
What? A hack? What do you mean by that?
We must make our own weapon.
We can't just sit here and be killed.
What should we do?
We must find the answer now.
I'm sure the answer must be within the rule.
Hey, wake up.
Darn it.
Hey. Wake up.
What's going on?
I'll hand him over once you settle the balance.
What are you doing? Get him!
(Daeshin Tech)
- Get him! - Go after him.
- You jerk. - My gosh.
Get him.
- Go around. - Did you get him?
My gosh. He's driving me crazy. Darn it.
(Trustworthy police, safe country)
Thank you.
What about Sun Ho?
He had to do something. He said he'd eat later.
Did you get the autograph from her?
What autograph? I didn't get anything.
Seriously? You were anxious about getting her autograph.
You didn't even get an autograph?
No way. I don't believe this.
Is it that you don't have games or that artist is so cold-hearted?
It's not that. It sounds like
he won't be satisfied with just an autograph now.
What else do you want then?
There you go again. Stop making stuff up.
You should use your passion and your intense gaze
during interrogation. Okay?
Hey, should I lock you up in the box and interrogate you?
Besides, Sun Ho is already onto you. He said something is off with you.
Why did he say that?
Why are you asking me? You're the suspicious one. You should know.
(Corporal Ji Hyeong Ju)
His ID is
(KICS Verification)
His passcode
Is it 1234?
(KICS Verification, Passcode)
That simple-minded punk.
(Violent Crimes Investigation Team 1)
- Sun Ho. - Where are you?
I'm on my way now.
You didn't even eat. What's going on?
I'm thinking if I should kill you or spare you.
- Why? - Come with me.
(Background Check)
Bae Jung Tae. What is this about?
I saw it when I was on KICS at your desk.
Fraud, assault, and gambling. He works for loan sharks too.
His rap sheet is a mile long.
What are you up to? You didn't even tell me about him.
I came across his file when I was checking Kim Dae Sung's alibi.
I see. The guy from Pungjin Hotel is Bae Jung Tae?
- Yes. - Even I didn't know
who this guy was. And I'm in charge of this case.
How did you find out so quickly?
Come on, Sun Ho. He looks like he had a record.
He popped up when I compared his face
to the facial recognition system.
Gosh, something is definitely up with you.
This isn't your case.
Why are you working so hard all of a sudden?
You nag me when I work hard.
And you nag me when I don't work hard. What should I do?
It's not that. You're clearly hiding something now.
There shouldn't be any secrets between us. Right?
Both of us should know what the other one is up to,
so we can either protect each other or work together to solve the case.
Who's the man that came to see you?
- Who? - I saw you two whispering
and going to a corner like a couple of suspicious punks.
I see. He works at a stock firm.
I lost some money with stocks.
He came to the station to apologize. My goodness.
You have no money.
- Darn it. - You
I have money, Sun Ho.
You're hurting my pride. Seriously.
I'm not in the mood to play. Let go.
Sun Ho, I got a call. I need to go answer this.
I'm leaving.
That punk.
(Base stations for Bae Jung Tae's burner phone)
(Paseon-dong, Howoon-dong)
(Burner phone 1, burner phone 2)
(Burner phone 3, burner phone 4)
(14 pings, 16 pings)
(Yimyeon-dong, Eulmi-dong, Howoon-dong)
(Banho-dong, sinyeong-dong, bukhae-dong)
My gosh, no way.
How did you pull this off?
You could take the test to become a cop.
You're better than our rookie.
You really should be nice to your rookie.
This was exhausting.
The area with the most pings
is probably where Bae Jung Tae lives.
Luckily, there's a cluster of factories.
So the residential area is
only between these two alleys.
Have you seen this man around here?
I don't know.
I don't know! Darn it.
This man? I know him.
- You do? - Yes.
Go straight down. Was his house number 41?
Mr. Bae Jung Tae.
Mr. Bae Jung Tae.
Mr. Bae Jung Tae.
What is this?
Choi Kyung Man.
Seo Yeon Soo.
Mr. Hwang.
Ko Jae Young.
Se Rin.
Why are there Why on earth
(Decline with a Text Message)
Clean it up.
Ms. Lee?
(Bae Jung Tae)
(Bae Jung Tae)
(Bae Jung Tae)
(Power off)
The person you have reached is unavailable.
You'll be connected to the voicemail box.
(Lee Shin)
(010-710-2744, unsaved number)
(Mobile, 010-352-4775)
The numbers are different.
(Shin Ga Hyeon)
(365: Repeat the Year)
I'm Bae Jung Tae.
- How did he die? - You must be very shocked.
It's "Hidden Killer". Don't people die in the webtoon?
It's not suicide.
Since you underwent the reset several times,
you must know what it is.
It's not just the two of them.
You knew each other before the reset, right?
If someone is after us
Kill me when you have the chance.
Has she been stalking us all this time?
No way. It must be a coincidence.
It's dangerous.
Should I commit murder?
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