6Degrees (2012) s01e06 Episode Script
Episode 6
1 What happened with us was a one-off.
It It will happen again.
It's just who you are.
I'm sorry.
Justin! I know, Conor.
I wish I could just be with you, Sandie.
You're not on your on.
Mum, wake up.
Mum! I can't keep doing this.
I want my mum back.
I'm right here.
You're not even close.
Man, you have no standards.
I have standards! 'Fellas do the weirdest things to try and be one of the lads.
' I don't need a stalking bunny boiler on my case all night! Oh, Leech has grown a pair! That's piss! You lose, Leech.
What are you doing? I've got a boyfriend! Stay here.
You and Eva? Kept that one quiet, didn't you? I told you nothing happened.
I just think you could do better.
What, like you? My sister killed herself.
You know you have to go home.
Why? Same reason I'll end up going back to my mum's.
It's family.
All right? I thought you might have gone.
No, my flight's not until tonight.
And I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.
Well, let me know when you're heading.
I was going to grab a coffee after, if you fancy it? Yeah.
Leech and I were thinking of heading anyway so see you there.
Well, I'll catch you up.
Ah, nice one.
It's a one-off.
You said that last time.
What's the rush? Haven't packed for home yet.
Sure, you only own about two Gaelic tops.
So how do they do Christmas in Cork? Midnight mass and carols by the fire, is it? More like drinking all day and me trying to keep my brother from killing my old man.
That's why I'm getting the hell out.
I'm spending it in London.
I thought I told you.
Who are you staying with? Friends.
OK, what's with the weirdness? I thought you said you didn't do jealous.
I don't.
I'm just curious.
Curious? Conor, you've spent the past few weeks sneaking in and out of here.
What? All of a sudden you're ready to be seen in public with me? Maybe Maybe I am.
Ready for a place like London, I mean.
Well, then.
What's up? We've been sat here for ten minutes and you haven't made one inappropriate comment.
I'm grand.
It's not Carly, is it? What? Of course not.
I'm well over that.
I don't think I'm up for giving advice on girls.
Yeah, well, I don't need it, mate.
Happy Christmas! I'm not really in the Christmas spirit, Sandie.
Me too.
Will you go and put yourself out of your misery already? What's up? She's getting her coursework results.
We know she's passed.
No, we don't know that, Sandie.
I was supposed to work hard this term.
For some reason I thought drunken mystery tours to the back arse of nowhere were a good idea.
I refuse to let anyone head home without doing something festive.
Back in a bit.
Come on, guys! Get in the mood.
We survived our first term! Eva! You just walked straight past us.
I know.
I'm too hungover for Tinkerbell and her Christmas shite.
You're off, then? Looks like it.
Here, how come you get to hide out in halls for Christmas and I don't? Because it's your sister's anniversary mass.
You can't not go.
And no matter how depressing it is, you still have a family to go home to.
Who knows what state mine's in? I'd still swap you.
Have you heard from her? Thought she might have called, but Why don't you call her? See if she's OK No.
No, I'm done with that.
It's up to her now.
If she doesn't care, why should I? You could still check on her.
See if she Hey.
Eva, nice try.
Stop stalling.
You're going to miss your bus.
Come with me? Eva Ah, it's OK.
Forget about it, I'll be fine.
So, Christmas together.
Does that mean we have to do presents? Me coming to London is your present.
Oh, is that right? Yeah.
Can I uninvite you and get an actual present, then? No, you're stuck with me now.
Justin! Hold on! Can I come in? I'm just on my way to work.
I'm already late.
Can I catch you later? Don't worry about it.
Are you all right? It's no big deal.
I'll text you in a bit, yeah? So you're ready for London, then? What's he doing? Robbing from the poor to give to the poor.
What? I'm making hampers for the homeless.
Church is collecting.
Aw, Leech, that's so sweet! Yeah, it's amazing.
So selfless, giving away food that's not actually yours.
I think it's a great idea.
You can have whatever of mine you want.
This arrived for you.
Just stick it in my room, will you? OK.
What is it? Just something I ordered.
I like this new Leech.
Right, so who am I playing? Me.
Just as soon as I annihilate Sandie here.
Na-ha! Leech, you can have my shot.
Leech? This is our song.
What? Me and Carly.
What's going on? What's he doing? No idea.
You all right, bud? Yeah.
Just time to go to the church.
What are you up to? You'll see.
Jess, what's wrong? I only just scraped through.
Jess, I'm sure they'll understand.
Just explain to them, it's a tough course.
They won't listen.
They think if you work hard, you get the grades.
They won't consider for a second that I'm just not good at it.
I'm sure that's not true.
It is.
I can't do it, Danny.
Jess, you can't put this pressure on yourself.
You can only do what you can do.
It's no wonder I'm so crap at it when I never wanted to do it.
What are you talking about? I only chose Law to make them happy.
Give me two minutes.
What are you doing? What's it look like? What? Eva, you shouldn't be here.
Yeah, well, I didn't feel like going back, did I? You can't I'm not talking about it, Danny.
So, it's going well with Justin? I don't know.
Really? Yeah, I suppose.
What happened? Well he invited me to London for Christmas.
Oh! And what did you say? I said yes.
So what's the problem? Nothing.
Well, uh I kind of Something happened and I kind of blew it.
Justin's been really patient with you all the way through this.
I mean, really patient.
What's your point? Don't mess him about.
Is there anything I can do? Call my parents, tell them I'm dead? Jess.
When they find out I'm not they'll be so relieved, they won't care about my shitty performance.
I think you're overreacting.
I know you do.
You don't know my parents.
Private party or can anyone join? Can you just give us a minute, Eva? Like that, is it? Didn't realise I was interrupting.
You're not.
Just give us a sec, will you? I just wanted to say how nice this was.
You guys friends again.
Everything's just forgotten.
It's like, McCann who? What are you trying to do? Ignore her.
You're good at that, aren't you, Danny? Shouldn't you be going home by now? Pack it in.
Sure Mummy and Daddy miss their princess.
That's enough! Ignore her.
Like you're some angel, Danny.
Called home yet? Hasn't told you about his alkie ma yet, has he, Jess? But then again, why would he? He's been avoiding her for weeks.
I know.
Amazing son, right? Danny Feel better when you try to take everyone down with you? Thought Jess should know the real Danny.
Leave her out of it.
She doesn't deserve your shit.
None of us do.
What's wrong? She not letting you into her knickers? Grow up, Eva! You're like a child.
If you're miserable, everyone has to be.
Go back to Jess.
Sure she's bored without her toy.
Have a drink! Maybe that'll help.
Yeah, cos you've got your shit together, haven't you? Hiding from your ma? Do you think Maeve would be proud of how you're paying your respects to her today? Or would she just see how you're using her death as an excuse to be your vile self? For all you know, your ma's drunk herself stupid and lying dead somewhere.
And you know what, it'll be all your fault.
Danny! Eva Just get away, Jess.
I'll catch you later.
What are you doing here? Just doing my bit.
Good for you.
I'm sorry.
I was an idiot.
Yeah, understatement.
I was a complete prick.
I behaved like McCann and those twats.
And worst of all, I I hurt you.
That's the last thing I wanted to do.
You're the only one that gets me.
I can't.
Please, give me another chance.
I've changed.
You said it would take something like this What? That I had to change if you were going to take me back.
When did I? Hold on.
Have you been reading my emails? No.
Well You have! You've hacked my account.
That's why you're here! Carly, listen.
Stop! Just stop.
It's over, Chris.
It doesn't have to be.
I've started seeing someone else.
I'm sorry.
Bye, Chris.
Yeah, look, don't worry about it.
The flight's not until half past so I should be in good time to check in.
No, it's fine.
Look, I'll see you then Mum! Mum, I've got to ring you back.
OK, bye.
Can you pull over here? Mum? Eva? Eva, I'm so sorry, I didn't know.
I've been up here before.
But I've never got this close.
I wish you'd said something.
All right, then.
What are you doing? I'm not leaving without you.
So things are going well, then? With your course and everything? Uh, yeah.
Yeah, I passed first term.
Got second highest in my last assignment.
That's great, son.
You did a shop.
Don't say it like I've never done one before.
So, you've settled in, then.
Halls OK? Yeah, I'm in with a nice bunch, actually.
Next thing you'll be telling me you've got a girlfriend.
There was someone, but Oh.
I just kept messing it up.
Still don't know how.
So are we allowed to crack open these posh biscuits on top of the fridge or what? Hawk eyes.
I've been going to meetings.
I mean, it's only been a few weeks, but it's a start.
You've got every right to be angry, Eva.
You know, she called me that night.
Wanted to meet up.
You didn't know what she was going to do.
I could've stopped her.
You don't know that.
Eva, you're blaming the wrong person.
It's not your fault.
I just miss her so much.
Let's go.
Jess Thanks.
Don't worry.
I thought I might not get to see you.
Hello? Yeah, OK.
I take it that was her.
She wants to meet.
Maybe you'll come and see me soon.
Can you keep this for me? I'll open it on Christmas Day.
Leech, come on.
You have to see this, bud.
Come on.
You better shape up Cos I need a man And my heart is set on you You better shape up You better understand To my heart I must be truuuue! Ooh! Ooooh! You're the one that I want, you're the one I want, ooh-ooh! Come on, you're up next! Jess.
I thought you might have been gone already.
Long story.
You OK? Yeah.
I think I will be.
Did you go home? You know, you can tell me anything, Danny.
I know that.
I think I'm going to switch courses.
To English.
I decided three years was too long to do what someone else wants you to do.
Jess, that's great.
I also decided something else.
I'm sorry I waited so long.
I just I didn't want to get hurt again.
An old man said to me Won't see another one Hello! And then I was out of line earlier.
Same here.
I'm going home tomorrow.
Come on.
It It will happen again.
It's just who you are.
I'm sorry.
Justin! I know, Conor.
I wish I could just be with you, Sandie.
You're not on your on.
Mum, wake up.
Mum! I can't keep doing this.
I want my mum back.
I'm right here.
You're not even close.
Man, you have no standards.
I have standards! 'Fellas do the weirdest things to try and be one of the lads.
' I don't need a stalking bunny boiler on my case all night! Oh, Leech has grown a pair! That's piss! You lose, Leech.
What are you doing? I've got a boyfriend! Stay here.
You and Eva? Kept that one quiet, didn't you? I told you nothing happened.
I just think you could do better.
What, like you? My sister killed herself.
You know you have to go home.
Why? Same reason I'll end up going back to my mum's.
It's family.
All right? I thought you might have gone.
No, my flight's not until tonight.
And I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.
Well, let me know when you're heading.
I was going to grab a coffee after, if you fancy it? Yeah.
Leech and I were thinking of heading anyway so see you there.
Well, I'll catch you up.
Ah, nice one.
It's a one-off.
You said that last time.
What's the rush? Haven't packed for home yet.
Sure, you only own about two Gaelic tops.
So how do they do Christmas in Cork? Midnight mass and carols by the fire, is it? More like drinking all day and me trying to keep my brother from killing my old man.
That's why I'm getting the hell out.
I'm spending it in London.
I thought I told you.
Who are you staying with? Friends.
OK, what's with the weirdness? I thought you said you didn't do jealous.
I don't.
I'm just curious.
Curious? Conor, you've spent the past few weeks sneaking in and out of here.
What? All of a sudden you're ready to be seen in public with me? Maybe Maybe I am.
Ready for a place like London, I mean.
Well, then.
What's up? We've been sat here for ten minutes and you haven't made one inappropriate comment.
I'm grand.
It's not Carly, is it? What? Of course not.
I'm well over that.
I don't think I'm up for giving advice on girls.
Yeah, well, I don't need it, mate.
Happy Christmas! I'm not really in the Christmas spirit, Sandie.
Me too.
Will you go and put yourself out of your misery already? What's up? She's getting her coursework results.
We know she's passed.
No, we don't know that, Sandie.
I was supposed to work hard this term.
For some reason I thought drunken mystery tours to the back arse of nowhere were a good idea.
I refuse to let anyone head home without doing something festive.
Back in a bit.
Come on, guys! Get in the mood.
We survived our first term! Eva! You just walked straight past us.
I know.
I'm too hungover for Tinkerbell and her Christmas shite.
You're off, then? Looks like it.
Here, how come you get to hide out in halls for Christmas and I don't? Because it's your sister's anniversary mass.
You can't not go.
And no matter how depressing it is, you still have a family to go home to.
Who knows what state mine's in? I'd still swap you.
Have you heard from her? Thought she might have called, but Why don't you call her? See if she's OK No.
No, I'm done with that.
It's up to her now.
If she doesn't care, why should I? You could still check on her.
See if she Hey.
Eva, nice try.
Stop stalling.
You're going to miss your bus.
Come with me? Eva Ah, it's OK.
Forget about it, I'll be fine.
So, Christmas together.
Does that mean we have to do presents? Me coming to London is your present.
Oh, is that right? Yeah.
Can I uninvite you and get an actual present, then? No, you're stuck with me now.
Justin! Hold on! Can I come in? I'm just on my way to work.
I'm already late.
Can I catch you later? Don't worry about it.
Are you all right? It's no big deal.
I'll text you in a bit, yeah? So you're ready for London, then? What's he doing? Robbing from the poor to give to the poor.
What? I'm making hampers for the homeless.
Church is collecting.
Aw, Leech, that's so sweet! Yeah, it's amazing.
So selfless, giving away food that's not actually yours.
I think it's a great idea.
You can have whatever of mine you want.
This arrived for you.
Just stick it in my room, will you? OK.
What is it? Just something I ordered.
I like this new Leech.
Right, so who am I playing? Me.
Just as soon as I annihilate Sandie here.
Na-ha! Leech, you can have my shot.
Leech? This is our song.
What? Me and Carly.
What's going on? What's he doing? No idea.
You all right, bud? Yeah.
Just time to go to the church.
What are you up to? You'll see.
Jess, what's wrong? I only just scraped through.
Jess, I'm sure they'll understand.
Just explain to them, it's a tough course.
They won't listen.
They think if you work hard, you get the grades.
They won't consider for a second that I'm just not good at it.
I'm sure that's not true.
It is.
I can't do it, Danny.
Jess, you can't put this pressure on yourself.
You can only do what you can do.
It's no wonder I'm so crap at it when I never wanted to do it.
What are you talking about? I only chose Law to make them happy.
Give me two minutes.
What are you doing? What's it look like? What? Eva, you shouldn't be here.
Yeah, well, I didn't feel like going back, did I? You can't I'm not talking about it, Danny.
So, it's going well with Justin? I don't know.
Really? Yeah, I suppose.
What happened? Well he invited me to London for Christmas.
Oh! And what did you say? I said yes.
So what's the problem? Nothing.
Well, uh I kind of Something happened and I kind of blew it.
Justin's been really patient with you all the way through this.
I mean, really patient.
What's your point? Don't mess him about.
Is there anything I can do? Call my parents, tell them I'm dead? Jess.
When they find out I'm not they'll be so relieved, they won't care about my shitty performance.
I think you're overreacting.
I know you do.
You don't know my parents.
Private party or can anyone join? Can you just give us a minute, Eva? Like that, is it? Didn't realise I was interrupting.
You're not.
Just give us a sec, will you? I just wanted to say how nice this was.
You guys friends again.
Everything's just forgotten.
It's like, McCann who? What are you trying to do? Ignore her.
You're good at that, aren't you, Danny? Shouldn't you be going home by now? Pack it in.
Sure Mummy and Daddy miss their princess.
That's enough! Ignore her.
Like you're some angel, Danny.
Called home yet? Hasn't told you about his alkie ma yet, has he, Jess? But then again, why would he? He's been avoiding her for weeks.
I know.
Amazing son, right? Danny Feel better when you try to take everyone down with you? Thought Jess should know the real Danny.
Leave her out of it.
She doesn't deserve your shit.
None of us do.
What's wrong? She not letting you into her knickers? Grow up, Eva! You're like a child.
If you're miserable, everyone has to be.
Go back to Jess.
Sure she's bored without her toy.
Have a drink! Maybe that'll help.
Yeah, cos you've got your shit together, haven't you? Hiding from your ma? Do you think Maeve would be proud of how you're paying your respects to her today? Or would she just see how you're using her death as an excuse to be your vile self? For all you know, your ma's drunk herself stupid and lying dead somewhere.
And you know what, it'll be all your fault.
Danny! Eva Just get away, Jess.
I'll catch you later.
What are you doing here? Just doing my bit.
Good for you.
I'm sorry.
I was an idiot.
Yeah, understatement.
I was a complete prick.
I behaved like McCann and those twats.
And worst of all, I I hurt you.
That's the last thing I wanted to do.
You're the only one that gets me.
I can't.
Please, give me another chance.
I've changed.
You said it would take something like this What? That I had to change if you were going to take me back.
When did I? Hold on.
Have you been reading my emails? No.
Well You have! You've hacked my account.
That's why you're here! Carly, listen.
Stop! Just stop.
It's over, Chris.
It doesn't have to be.
I've started seeing someone else.
I'm sorry.
Bye, Chris.
Yeah, look, don't worry about it.
The flight's not until half past so I should be in good time to check in.
No, it's fine.
Look, I'll see you then Mum! Mum, I've got to ring you back.
OK, bye.
Can you pull over here? Mum? Eva? Eva, I'm so sorry, I didn't know.
I've been up here before.
But I've never got this close.
I wish you'd said something.
All right, then.
What are you doing? I'm not leaving without you.
So things are going well, then? With your course and everything? Uh, yeah.
Yeah, I passed first term.
Got second highest in my last assignment.
That's great, son.
You did a shop.
Don't say it like I've never done one before.
So, you've settled in, then.
Halls OK? Yeah, I'm in with a nice bunch, actually.
Next thing you'll be telling me you've got a girlfriend.
There was someone, but Oh.
I just kept messing it up.
Still don't know how.
So are we allowed to crack open these posh biscuits on top of the fridge or what? Hawk eyes.
I've been going to meetings.
I mean, it's only been a few weeks, but it's a start.
You've got every right to be angry, Eva.
You know, she called me that night.
Wanted to meet up.
You didn't know what she was going to do.
I could've stopped her.
You don't know that.
Eva, you're blaming the wrong person.
It's not your fault.
I just miss her so much.
Let's go.
Jess Thanks.
Don't worry.
I thought I might not get to see you.
Hello? Yeah, OK.
I take it that was her.
She wants to meet.
Maybe you'll come and see me soon.
Can you keep this for me? I'll open it on Christmas Day.
Leech, come on.
You have to see this, bud.
Come on.
You better shape up Cos I need a man And my heart is set on you You better shape up You better understand To my heart I must be truuuue! Ooh! Ooooh! You're the one that I want, you're the one I want, ooh-ooh! Come on, you're up next! Jess.
I thought you might have been gone already.
Long story.
You OK? Yeah.
I think I will be.
Did you go home? You know, you can tell me anything, Danny.
I know that.
I think I'm going to switch courses.
To English.
I decided three years was too long to do what someone else wants you to do.
Jess, that's great.
I also decided something else.
I'm sorry I waited so long.
I just I didn't want to get hurt again.
An old man said to me Won't see another one Hello! And then I was out of line earlier.
Same here.
I'm going home tomorrow.
Come on.