7Seeds (2019) s01e06 Episode Script
Grain Rain
Good morning, Mr.
Good morning.
Did you sleep well? Yes, thanks to all of you.
It's been a long time since I've slept with a roof over my head.
It made me happy.
Thank you.
We all built it together.
But lately, it leaks a lot because of all the rain.
It will keep raining.
The rainy season has only just begun.
- The rainy season? - Hey.
Is it true you really wandered around on your own for 15 years? It is.
You sure clean up well.
To us, you're a real sight for sore eyes.
Can I interest you in a morning bath, Mr.
Aramaki? Sure.
- I really love taking baths now.
- Hey.
I'm not sure if it's wise for us to trust this guy so easily.
- If you want, I'll wash your back for you.
- You think so? Well, he is handsome though.
Time for breakfast, everyone! - Okay.
- Much appreciated.
- Out of the way.
- Sorry about that.
Stay away from me, you filthy dogs.
Oh, my apologies.
Diamond, Battery, calm down.
Fubuki, Miss Mitsuru, please keep an eye on them.
Why do you only call that one "Miss"? What? Oh, because she's a lady.
Her namesake was very beautiful.
He said he once traveled with two people who had those names.
I don't know if what he says is true, but he doesn't seem like a bad person to me.
GRAIN RAIN You've been to the storage shelter in Hokkaido, right? Yes, I found that one.
Was there some sort of statue to mark its location? Oh, yes.
There was.
A figure with many arms was carved into the nearby rocks.
The thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara.
It figures.
What does? That's the guardian deity of the north.
I like that kind of stuff.
Anyway, how about the Tohoku region? I didn't find a shelter there.
The climate was warmer than in Hokkaido.
Can someone really last 15 years out here all alone? - There were no tiger-like beasts either.
- If he did, he might be crazy.
If he's lying, he has an ulterior motive.
The dogs were with him.
That makes a huge difference.
That hurt! You need more practice.
Oh, hush, Momotaro.
That looks like fun.
You would think so, but I can't figure out how to control it very well.
Oh, shoot! It's stuck up there.
Well, it's useless now.
A perfect strike.
Oh, would you mind doing that again? A straight throw.
Takahiro Aramaki This guy and Fubuki Samejima from Hiroshima are destined for the majors.
Watching them play really helps motivate me.
Fubuki? Do you mean Fubuki Samejima? He was there with you? And by Miss Mitsuru, do you mean Mitsuru Kagurazaka? Yes.
Were you a friend of hers? No, but anyone who does traditional Japanese dancing knows her.
So she passed away? That's such a shame.
We should be the same age.
I saw you in the Koshien Tournament on TV.
But I've lived for 15 years more than you all have.
Okay, come here.
Charcoal? It looks like someone lit a fire here.
But who? Well, it might have been those three.
Some time ago, I ran across three people traveling near Tokyo.
I wonder if they're the same people who left that note in the shelter? Was one of them a girl named Natsu Iwashimizu? I never got their names.
"This was the only voyage which I may say was successful in all my" What can you tell me about those three? One looked like a serious athlete type, the other had long hair, and the last was a quiet young girl.
What about the athlete's hair and his height? He was slightly shorter than me.
I actually saved him from drowning.
- Drowning? - Yes.
However, they were suspicious of me and departed rather quickly.
I should have asked for their names when I had the chance.
No, that can't be Arashi.
He was always a good swimmer.
- It started raining.
- Let's go back.
Let's get going, Ms.
Oh, right.
What is this weird, gooey, purple stuff? I feel like this is definitely from the first half of Robinson Crusoe.
I have the second half that I borrowed from Arashi.
Is it just a coincidence? But even if it isn't, if I saw Arashi again, would he still be the same person? If he woke up earlier than we did, then Even if he did, I still need to find him.
Arashi will always be Arashi to me.
You've sure got it good, Hana.
What do you mean? Having someone you love.
That's what keeps you so optimistic.
I'm not so sure.
What about you, Fujiko? Is there someone you're fond of? I wouldn't say "fond," but there used to be someone I looked up to.
A doctor.
Oh, that's news to me.
I had a sneaking suspicion.
He did volunteer work overseas and such.
Actually, that was where we first met.
There was a civil war and a lot of people got injured.
It was a shocking experience.
This one guy's guts were coming out.
When I tried to push them back in, he shouted at me, "Don't just shove them back in!" You pushed a guy's guts back in? I just want to faint at the thought.
I looked up to him, but I wouldn't search for him now.
That must mean my feelings are different from yours, Hana.
Makes sense.
Well, what do you think about Tsunomata? I don't really like a guy who avoids conflict.
Well then, how about Mr.
Aramaki? I was really suspicious of him at first, but he turned out to be quite handsome after he shaved.
So it all comes down to looks with you? I'm surprised.
Well, it's about time for lights-out.
Okay, Hana? Oh, sure.
It has started to spread.
Hana, you shouldn't go this far all by yourself.
Stand back! This stuff shows up early in the rainy season.
It turns whatever plants and animals it touches into slush.
Is there a cure? I don't know.
It might be a poison, or a fungus, or something entirely unknown.
But we'll be fine as long as we don't touch it.
If we don't touch it It's on the verge of death, now.
It can't move anymore.
Turn to slush There has to be some kind of medicine.
For boils or rashes, aloe vera, chamomile, or even plantains would help.
Where the hell am I going to find any of those? I should talk to Fujiko.
She might know of some way to treat this.
No, I can't.
I don't want to worry anyone.
And what's worse, it may spread to them if they touch me.
Are you in there, Hana? Are you ready to take a bath? Maybe later.
Okay, we'll take ours first.
If I stay here like this, I'll just become a problem for everyone.
That means I only have one choice.
Wait a minute.
I'm dead either way, so This was for the best, right? Right? "I'm leaving to look for my boyfriend.
Fujiko, I'm sorry for not telling you.
" Why would she do this? Now that you mention it, I noticed she seemed down these past few days.
But even so, you would think she would at least come and talk to me.
I thought we were close enough to be honest with each other.
I bet she just didn't want us to worry.
It still pisses me off.
Hana, why did you keep to yourself? The current is getting stronger.
I'm starving.
Why am I even complaining? I should just let it go.
There's no point.
You made up your mind and gave up, right? It hurts! My whole body hurts! I can't take this anymore.
I just want it all to end.
Hana! Over here! Come on! What are you doing? Hurry up! It's too late, just leave me here.
Don't give up! The game doesn't end until the umpire calls the final out.
I finally met you after all this time.
I will not let you die! We could see you, but the strong current made it hard to catch up.
I'm glad we never lost sight of you.
Don't! Stay away from me! Is it that purple stuff? There's no cure, right? You should just leave me behind.
That's true.
I don't know how to cure it.
But I feel that, if we take a closer look, there must be a hint.
We just need to figure out what it is.
Stay back! It will spread if you touch it.
I see an island.
It kind of looks like a cat.
The ocean looks rough.
Let's stay here for a while.
I'm sorry I caused all this trouble.
It would have been better if you two had stayed with everyone else.
You don't need to apologize.
I came here of my own free will.
So I don't have any regrets about it.
Why are you being so kind to me? We only just met and you hardly know anything about me.
It may be difficult for you to understand just how much I wanted to meet another person.
When you smiled at me, it was a moment of pure joy.
I'm taking requests.
Then play a funeral march.
No jokes.
Okay, play "Morning Mood" again.
Her fever must be getting worse.
She's struggling to breathe.
- Maybe what we need is salt.
- Salt? Do you remember when Battery jumped close to Ms.
Hana? Yes, Mitsuru dunked him in the ocean water.
I wonder if it's vulnerable to salt.
There was none of that purple stuff near the coast at all.
If only we had a water source with a higher concentration of salt.
I'll go look for some.
Please do.
Are you awake? What's that? I boiled down some ocean water.
This is going to sting, but hang in there.
It hurts! I'm going to fetch more water.
I'll be back soon.
Fubuki, keep an eye on her.
Miss Mitsuru, with me.
Dad always used to tell me, "Unless you can decide and act on your own, then you won't survive during a crisis.
" Also, "Make sure to end things on your own terms.
" Wait, was Dad really the one who told me that? Thank you, Mr.
Aramaki and Haru.
I'm so sorry.
This island is where things come to die.
It feels so nice and cool.
Do you want to die, Hana? All you have to do is say it.
"I want to die.
" Before you fester and rot, say "I want to die.
" That's the reason I'm here.
I'm here for you.
Am I dreaming? Who is this man? Do you want to die, Hana? Oh, you're the Grim Reaper.
That's right.
I left everyone behind with the intention of dying.
Is that a wall painting? TEAM SUMMER B WAS HERE.
ARASHI AOTA Arashi has been here.
Arashi is still alive.
I'll kill you now before you have to suffer.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
Let go of me! I won't die here! I refuse to die! Get lost, Grim Reaper! ARASHI AOTA - FOR HANA: LET'S MEET AGAIN Arashi Ms.
Hana! Ms.
Hana, what is this? He's here Arashi is still alive.
Arashi Aota, the man I love.
He must have the power to draw you to him.
Haru found it.
A way to save you.
Let's go, Ms.
Can you walk? Yes, I can walk.
I will walk.
I want to walk.
Thanks so much, both of you.
I'm going.
Hana! What are the odds that two people in love would both get picked for this project? It could have been deliberate.
Deliberate when it comes to love? Well, perhaps they were betting that love might make a difference.
What? You want to look for him? Yes.
I know that we don't even know where we are, but I want to look for him.
I realize it's selfish, but please.
- I figured you might say that.
- What? Once you feel better, we'll go together.
What? Do you really think we would just let you go alone? If we did that, you would just get yourself in trouble again.
Thanks, Haru.
You too, Mr.
But if the boy I met was really Arashi, then I'm a little concerned, because he seemed like he had already lost hope.
I thought you liked having long hair.
I do, but I hate the split-ends that make my hair look like a bird's nest.
Wow, that pocket knife is really useful.
It's something that my father really treasured.
Do you want me to get rid of those annoying bangs for you? These are part of my style.
How about you get a cut, Mr.
Aramaki? The fish are dead.
Is that ash? A volcano must have erupted.
Dear Arashi, Semimaru, Nat, and Mozu.
"Arashi"? This must be from Team Summer B.
Ashes have been falling for a few days now.
They piled up more than a meter deep very quickly.
We definitely can't survive here, so we're moving.
We will make our way towards Mt.
Kobe Fuji.
So, it's from the other members of Arashi's team.
I can't read this name, what is it? It's pronounced "Mozu.
" Prime Minister Mozunoto spells his name the same way, right? "Mozu"? Was he that man? Ms.
We should also head east.
Goddamn it! I don't know how many more days of this rain I can take! Meanwhile, this gloomy lug is about to start growing mold.
So what books did you like when you were a kid? What? Oh, I liked No No Nursery School I guess.
I've never heard of it.
I loved that book, too.
They built a boat from blocks and pretended to hunt for whales, right? The S.
Elephant n' Lion.
What? Going to the bathroom, I bet.
I see Semimaru! How long are you going to mope? If moping really makes a difference, then keep moping.
- But - I know.
I know, but hearing you say it ticks me off.
Hey! What's wrong? I let the pot float away.
Jeez, you're such a klutz.
That pot is the only big one that we have.
Not my problem.
I'll take care of it.
Arashi Sorry about everything! I really appreciate what you've done, Ms.
Iwashimizu, Semimaru! It's nothing.
And please, call me Natsu.
Natsu! Just look at her hitting on him.
Isn't that Way to go, Arashi! This is definitely another one of those shelters.
We can finally eat some rice again.
What's over there? Amazing.
They left this here for us to use, right? I know just what to name it.
The S.
Elephant n' Lion.
Looks like Team Autumn's village was buried by the ash, too.
Even after building this whole village, they were still forced to move on.
You realize nobody is going to return to this place.
I know.
But even so, I want to leave something behind.
Do you mind if I make a quick stop? Go ahead.
This hat belonged to Fubuki.
I'm sure Fubuki's spirit is here with us.
Summer days come once again Time, please stop just this once For the youth who brought a miracle Clouds dance with excitement At Koshien Bring it on.
Good morning.
Did you sleep well? Yes, thanks to all of you.
It's been a long time since I've slept with a roof over my head.
It made me happy.
Thank you.
We all built it together.
But lately, it leaks a lot because of all the rain.
It will keep raining.
The rainy season has only just begun.
- The rainy season? - Hey.
Is it true you really wandered around on your own for 15 years? It is.
You sure clean up well.
To us, you're a real sight for sore eyes.
Can I interest you in a morning bath, Mr.
Aramaki? Sure.
- I really love taking baths now.
- Hey.
I'm not sure if it's wise for us to trust this guy so easily.
- If you want, I'll wash your back for you.
- You think so? Well, he is handsome though.
Time for breakfast, everyone! - Okay.
- Much appreciated.
- Out of the way.
- Sorry about that.
Stay away from me, you filthy dogs.
Oh, my apologies.
Diamond, Battery, calm down.
Fubuki, Miss Mitsuru, please keep an eye on them.
Why do you only call that one "Miss"? What? Oh, because she's a lady.
Her namesake was very beautiful.
He said he once traveled with two people who had those names.
I don't know if what he says is true, but he doesn't seem like a bad person to me.
GRAIN RAIN You've been to the storage shelter in Hokkaido, right? Yes, I found that one.
Was there some sort of statue to mark its location? Oh, yes.
There was.
A figure with many arms was carved into the nearby rocks.
The thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara.
It figures.
What does? That's the guardian deity of the north.
I like that kind of stuff.
Anyway, how about the Tohoku region? I didn't find a shelter there.
The climate was warmer than in Hokkaido.
Can someone really last 15 years out here all alone? - There were no tiger-like beasts either.
- If he did, he might be crazy.
If he's lying, he has an ulterior motive.
The dogs were with him.
That makes a huge difference.
That hurt! You need more practice.
Oh, hush, Momotaro.
That looks like fun.
You would think so, but I can't figure out how to control it very well.
Oh, shoot! It's stuck up there.
Well, it's useless now.
A perfect strike.
Oh, would you mind doing that again? A straight throw.
Takahiro Aramaki This guy and Fubuki Samejima from Hiroshima are destined for the majors.
Watching them play really helps motivate me.
Fubuki? Do you mean Fubuki Samejima? He was there with you? And by Miss Mitsuru, do you mean Mitsuru Kagurazaka? Yes.
Were you a friend of hers? No, but anyone who does traditional Japanese dancing knows her.
So she passed away? That's such a shame.
We should be the same age.
I saw you in the Koshien Tournament on TV.
But I've lived for 15 years more than you all have.
Okay, come here.
Charcoal? It looks like someone lit a fire here.
But who? Well, it might have been those three.
Some time ago, I ran across three people traveling near Tokyo.
I wonder if they're the same people who left that note in the shelter? Was one of them a girl named Natsu Iwashimizu? I never got their names.
"This was the only voyage which I may say was successful in all my" What can you tell me about those three? One looked like a serious athlete type, the other had long hair, and the last was a quiet young girl.
What about the athlete's hair and his height? He was slightly shorter than me.
I actually saved him from drowning.
- Drowning? - Yes.
However, they were suspicious of me and departed rather quickly.
I should have asked for their names when I had the chance.
No, that can't be Arashi.
He was always a good swimmer.
- It started raining.
- Let's go back.
Let's get going, Ms.
Oh, right.
What is this weird, gooey, purple stuff? I feel like this is definitely from the first half of Robinson Crusoe.
I have the second half that I borrowed from Arashi.
Is it just a coincidence? But even if it isn't, if I saw Arashi again, would he still be the same person? If he woke up earlier than we did, then Even if he did, I still need to find him.
Arashi will always be Arashi to me.
You've sure got it good, Hana.
What do you mean? Having someone you love.
That's what keeps you so optimistic.
I'm not so sure.
What about you, Fujiko? Is there someone you're fond of? I wouldn't say "fond," but there used to be someone I looked up to.
A doctor.
Oh, that's news to me.
I had a sneaking suspicion.
He did volunteer work overseas and such.
Actually, that was where we first met.
There was a civil war and a lot of people got injured.
It was a shocking experience.
This one guy's guts were coming out.
When I tried to push them back in, he shouted at me, "Don't just shove them back in!" You pushed a guy's guts back in? I just want to faint at the thought.
I looked up to him, but I wouldn't search for him now.
That must mean my feelings are different from yours, Hana.
Makes sense.
Well, what do you think about Tsunomata? I don't really like a guy who avoids conflict.
Well then, how about Mr.
Aramaki? I was really suspicious of him at first, but he turned out to be quite handsome after he shaved.
So it all comes down to looks with you? I'm surprised.
Well, it's about time for lights-out.
Okay, Hana? Oh, sure.
It has started to spread.
Hana, you shouldn't go this far all by yourself.
Stand back! This stuff shows up early in the rainy season.
It turns whatever plants and animals it touches into slush.
Is there a cure? I don't know.
It might be a poison, or a fungus, or something entirely unknown.
But we'll be fine as long as we don't touch it.
If we don't touch it It's on the verge of death, now.
It can't move anymore.
Turn to slush There has to be some kind of medicine.
For boils or rashes, aloe vera, chamomile, or even plantains would help.
Where the hell am I going to find any of those? I should talk to Fujiko.
She might know of some way to treat this.
No, I can't.
I don't want to worry anyone.
And what's worse, it may spread to them if they touch me.
Are you in there, Hana? Are you ready to take a bath? Maybe later.
Okay, we'll take ours first.
If I stay here like this, I'll just become a problem for everyone.
That means I only have one choice.
Wait a minute.
I'm dead either way, so This was for the best, right? Right? "I'm leaving to look for my boyfriend.
Fujiko, I'm sorry for not telling you.
" Why would she do this? Now that you mention it, I noticed she seemed down these past few days.
But even so, you would think she would at least come and talk to me.
I thought we were close enough to be honest with each other.
I bet she just didn't want us to worry.
It still pisses me off.
Hana, why did you keep to yourself? The current is getting stronger.
I'm starving.
Why am I even complaining? I should just let it go.
There's no point.
You made up your mind and gave up, right? It hurts! My whole body hurts! I can't take this anymore.
I just want it all to end.
Hana! Over here! Come on! What are you doing? Hurry up! It's too late, just leave me here.
Don't give up! The game doesn't end until the umpire calls the final out.
I finally met you after all this time.
I will not let you die! We could see you, but the strong current made it hard to catch up.
I'm glad we never lost sight of you.
Don't! Stay away from me! Is it that purple stuff? There's no cure, right? You should just leave me behind.
That's true.
I don't know how to cure it.
But I feel that, if we take a closer look, there must be a hint.
We just need to figure out what it is.
Stay back! It will spread if you touch it.
I see an island.
It kind of looks like a cat.
The ocean looks rough.
Let's stay here for a while.
I'm sorry I caused all this trouble.
It would have been better if you two had stayed with everyone else.
You don't need to apologize.
I came here of my own free will.
So I don't have any regrets about it.
Why are you being so kind to me? We only just met and you hardly know anything about me.
It may be difficult for you to understand just how much I wanted to meet another person.
When you smiled at me, it was a moment of pure joy.
I'm taking requests.
Then play a funeral march.
No jokes.
Okay, play "Morning Mood" again.
Her fever must be getting worse.
She's struggling to breathe.
- Maybe what we need is salt.
- Salt? Do you remember when Battery jumped close to Ms.
Hana? Yes, Mitsuru dunked him in the ocean water.
I wonder if it's vulnerable to salt.
There was none of that purple stuff near the coast at all.
If only we had a water source with a higher concentration of salt.
I'll go look for some.
Please do.
Are you awake? What's that? I boiled down some ocean water.
This is going to sting, but hang in there.
It hurts! I'm going to fetch more water.
I'll be back soon.
Fubuki, keep an eye on her.
Miss Mitsuru, with me.
Dad always used to tell me, "Unless you can decide and act on your own, then you won't survive during a crisis.
" Also, "Make sure to end things on your own terms.
" Wait, was Dad really the one who told me that? Thank you, Mr.
Aramaki and Haru.
I'm so sorry.
This island is where things come to die.
It feels so nice and cool.
Do you want to die, Hana? All you have to do is say it.
"I want to die.
" Before you fester and rot, say "I want to die.
" That's the reason I'm here.
I'm here for you.
Am I dreaming? Who is this man? Do you want to die, Hana? Oh, you're the Grim Reaper.
That's right.
I left everyone behind with the intention of dying.
Is that a wall painting? TEAM SUMMER B WAS HERE.
ARASHI AOTA Arashi has been here.
Arashi is still alive.
I'll kill you now before you have to suffer.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
Let go of me! I won't die here! I refuse to die! Get lost, Grim Reaper! ARASHI AOTA - FOR HANA: LET'S MEET AGAIN Arashi Ms.
Hana! Ms.
Hana, what is this? He's here Arashi is still alive.
Arashi Aota, the man I love.
He must have the power to draw you to him.
Haru found it.
A way to save you.
Let's go, Ms.
Can you walk? Yes, I can walk.
I will walk.
I want to walk.
Thanks so much, both of you.
I'm going.
Hana! What are the odds that two people in love would both get picked for this project? It could have been deliberate.
Deliberate when it comes to love? Well, perhaps they were betting that love might make a difference.
What? You want to look for him? Yes.
I know that we don't even know where we are, but I want to look for him.
I realize it's selfish, but please.
- I figured you might say that.
- What? Once you feel better, we'll go together.
What? Do you really think we would just let you go alone? If we did that, you would just get yourself in trouble again.
Thanks, Haru.
You too, Mr.
But if the boy I met was really Arashi, then I'm a little concerned, because he seemed like he had already lost hope.
I thought you liked having long hair.
I do, but I hate the split-ends that make my hair look like a bird's nest.
Wow, that pocket knife is really useful.
It's something that my father really treasured.
Do you want me to get rid of those annoying bangs for you? These are part of my style.
How about you get a cut, Mr.
Aramaki? The fish are dead.
Is that ash? A volcano must have erupted.
Dear Arashi, Semimaru, Nat, and Mozu.
"Arashi"? This must be from Team Summer B.
Ashes have been falling for a few days now.
They piled up more than a meter deep very quickly.
We definitely can't survive here, so we're moving.
We will make our way towards Mt.
Kobe Fuji.
So, it's from the other members of Arashi's team.
I can't read this name, what is it? It's pronounced "Mozu.
" Prime Minister Mozunoto spells his name the same way, right? "Mozu"? Was he that man? Ms.
We should also head east.
Goddamn it! I don't know how many more days of this rain I can take! Meanwhile, this gloomy lug is about to start growing mold.
So what books did you like when you were a kid? What? Oh, I liked No No Nursery School I guess.
I've never heard of it.
I loved that book, too.
They built a boat from blocks and pretended to hunt for whales, right? The S.
Elephant n' Lion.
What? Going to the bathroom, I bet.
I see Semimaru! How long are you going to mope? If moping really makes a difference, then keep moping.
- But - I know.
I know, but hearing you say it ticks me off.
Hey! What's wrong? I let the pot float away.
Jeez, you're such a klutz.
That pot is the only big one that we have.
Not my problem.
I'll take care of it.
Arashi Sorry about everything! I really appreciate what you've done, Ms.
Iwashimizu, Semimaru! It's nothing.
And please, call me Natsu.
Natsu! Just look at her hitting on him.
Isn't that Way to go, Arashi! This is definitely another one of those shelters.
We can finally eat some rice again.
What's over there? Amazing.
They left this here for us to use, right? I know just what to name it.
The S.
Elephant n' Lion.
Looks like Team Autumn's village was buried by the ash, too.
Even after building this whole village, they were still forced to move on.
You realize nobody is going to return to this place.
I know.
But even so, I want to leave something behind.
Do you mind if I make a quick stop? Go ahead.
This hat belonged to Fubuki.
I'm sure Fubuki's spirit is here with us.
Summer days come once again Time, please stop just this once For the youth who brought a miracle Clouds dance with excitement At Koshien Bring it on.