A Shop for Killers (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Jeong Jin Man

Bravo's location is compromised!
Send backup now!
There's no backup. You must hold out.
For fuck's sake!
Do you want us to all die here?
Control, Alpha's four o'clock, east.
RPG 100m away. Take it out now!
Control will take out the RPG.
Stay where you are.
Four o'clock, RPG!
RPG eliminated.
Sir, if we get hit with one more RPG,
we're all done for.
Honey! Mom!
-I want to go home.
-If you want to see your honey and mom,
lower your head a little more. Okay?
We have to get out of here now!
Or we'll all die!
Seongjo's in danger too!
Listen up.
Our mission is to make sure
he gets back to Korea safely.
That's more important
than our lives, okay?
God damn it!
Hang on for three more minutes.
If we can't reach Seongjo,
we'll make our way to Bale's car. Got it?
Sir, Bale has left area
of operations and is moving towards Bravo.
That son of a bitch.
Get lost, asshole. Damn it!
You saved my life.
Great job, boy!
Don't move!
Put your gun down!
Put it down.
Backup's here.
Great timing.
I'll stop the guys who climb the building.
You provide backup to our boys.
Fine. Okay.
How diligent.
Aren't we?
It's Seongjo.
-My God.
-Great job.
Sir, I really thought today was the day!
I mean it.
The day we go to hell?
When are we going to hell again?
-Not today!
-Sure as hell not today!
Bale and Seongjo's team
haven't reached the base camp yet.
Did you try the radio?
It's been an hour since radio silence.
Juncheol, get ready to head back first.
-Let's go, Pasin.
Do you copy? Answer me.
Where are you?
Do you think something happened?
To Bale?
He could survive hell and come back.
Okay? See?
After Bale went down,
not a single person has come up here.
It means they're all dead.
Go down and search for him
if you're that worried.
I'll catch my breath here.
So tired.
Hey, rookie.
You were great today.
I'd be in hell right now
if it weren't for you.
Not today.
Not today!
-Sir, help! Please!
-My son!
My son Our son!
Please, help him!
Help! Please save our son!
What do you think you're doing?
Damn it.
You found him so quickly, didn't you?
Let's get going. Okay?
What's this?
What's wrong?
Did you see a ghost?
No, that's not
Bale killed those civilians
What on earth
Bale, don't tell me
I didn't kill them.
He did.
Is that our story?
Then, what about him?
You poor bastard.
How could you go like this?
We would've taken care of everything.
Jeong, you're here.
What happened?
This kid went overboard
trying to save the civilians.
I told him that we should just leave.
It was just in his nature.
I hope you attain enlightenment,
There can't be witnesses.
The defendant's mission
was to escort a Korean businessman.
The murder
of these nine civilians occurred.
Murdered a kilometer away
from the operation area,
and had nothing to do with him.
So let me ask you again.
Did you not see any civilians
in the building
during the operation?
How many times do
I have to tell you? I didn't see anyone.
We barely survived.
How could we know
who was coming and going?
What are you doing? Interpret.
No, I didn't.
Did you see the people on the roof
being slaughtered?
Those people
on the rooftop weren't civilians.
They were rebels.
And those rebels killed the civilians
and even killed our man, Seonghwan!
You'd better interpret properly!
Please answer "yes" or "no."
He saved my life!
Your Honor, the prosecution
would like to call on Mr. Jeong Jinman,
commanding officer of the operation,
as a witness.
You came late,
so you don't know what happened.
Those bastards almost killed me
so many times.
If it wasn't for Bale,
I wouldn't have been
able to help you guys!
Also, that kid had a gun.
It was right to pull the trigger.
People like us are killed
by child soldiers all the time.
The gun didn't even have a magazine.
There could've been a bullet
in the chamber.
said there couldn't be any witnesses.
What about it?
Witnesses to what?
The bullet lodged in Kim Seonghwan's head
was a .45 caliber.
But out of the guns
we collected from the rebels,
there was no .45 caliber gun.
Are you digging up information on us now?
You just need to say what you saw.
Aren't I right?
Let me ask you again.
During the mission,
did you or did you not see
the defendant killing civilians?
Have you ever looked
at Bale's face properly?
-Excuse me?
-Have you ever looked him in the eye?
He has no soul in his eyes.
He feels no guilt about killing someone.
He's a natural combat machine.
He could become a hero
if this were a war between nations, but
did you know?
You and Bale are similar.
There's something creepy about Bale.
I'm not sure if he's a human or a monster,
and he scares me sometimes,
but when we're together,
it reassures me that I won't die today.
That I won't be going to hell today.
It puts me at ease!
But it's not like that with you.
To you, the mission is always
more important than our lives.
Am I wrong?
You're cold as ice too.
You keep your composure
even in bloodbaths.
We're different.
I don't enjoy those situations.
But he
We're mercenaries.
We're not soldiers anymore.
When you carry out
those types of operations,
collateral damage is inevitable.
Inevitable collateral damage
and deliberate murder are different.
Sir! I need your answer!
I didn't.
Due to lack of evidence,
the defendant was found
not guilty.
You are both precious to me.
The only person who can control Bale
is you.
I understand.
But I have one condition.
From now on,
don't put Bale in my operations.
What the fuck?
I think I got some on me.
Honestly, I didn't think
our captain would do that in court.
I mean, he's always been
such a stickler for rules.
I was worried that
he'd screw us over in court.
But it turned out
he was the loyal type, right?
Of course, family comes first.
I see him in a new light now.
Don't you agree?
Shut the fuck up, Seongjo.
Your dick will fall off.
You talk too much.
Too What?
Why are you coming to me?
Did you fucking curse at me?
By the way, you seemed very dissatisfied
with the judge's ruling.
I'm more dissatisfied
with your bad breath right now.
Go brush your teeth
and play with the twins.
What's with your head?
Your Korean has improved.
You can even joke around now.
It wasn't a joke.
Twins, take him away.
You little bastard
They say experience is the best teacher
Wow, you're fast.
Gurkhas sure are different.
Gurkhas are from Nepal. I'm from Thailand.
That's right.
You can bite, can't you?
But you know what? So can I.
Go ahead and try to kill me if you dare.
Yeah, okay. You'll die today.
Twins, you can come too.
Come on.
What the fuck?
Lee Seongjo, that's enough.
Twins, take your knives out.
Come at me all at once.
Come on.
Sit down.
This bastard
Keep your promise.
I don't want Bale in this mission.
Right, I should keep my promise.
the mission
is a little bigger this time.
It's the biggest drug supplier
into China from Laos.
We can do it
-without Bale
-I know that.
It's not because
I don't trust your abilities.
It's just
you fail this mission,
the company will bear a huge loss.
That's the problem.
So for this mission,
upper management has made this decision.
My hands are tied.
Also, there are no civilians
who will get in the way
around the area of operations.
I promise.
This is the last time.
After this mission,
I'll exclude Bale from your operations.
Upper management and Bale
have both agreed on this.
This will be the last.
It doesn't matter who you kill,
but capture this man alive.
Get him before Bale kills him.
I'm warning you.
Don't cause trouble by acting alone
like you did before.
I'll get Tao.
Get back here.
I'm not done talking.
I'll get Tao. You take care of the rest.
If we run into any locals,
we'll hand them over to the cops.
-Got it?
You don't want me on the team, do you?
Am I wrong?
Stop talking nonsense and answer me.
The way you looked at me
in court that day
You looked like you wanted to kill me.
Answer me.
Get up.
Captain said to hand over
unarmed men to the police.
They're armed now.
And I'm unarmed.
God, it reeks of blood.
You cleaned the place up, huh?
Where's Captain?
Let go of me! Fuck!
They got Tao.
-What's this!
-Buy something nice.
Not hard cash.
Don't you know anything about loot?
Why do you have two?
Is it buy one, get one free?
Shit, mine feels kind of thin.
It seems they were partying with women.
Seongjo, I checked over there.
They indeed are twins.
They're both clueless.
Do you think I'm looking for survivors?
Wow, is that
It's fake. Fuck.
What's that?
Hey, did you check here?
Oh, fuck. Didn't they say
there wouldn't be civilians?
Help. Please. Help!
It's okay.
Stay here.
Don't worry.
Hey, give me the thing.
Bale, what are you going to do with that?
Hey, Captain
It's just, I found those women,
but they all died like that.
Was it you?
Wow You sure are fast.
I clearly told you
not to act alone,
and if civilians were found
The general said
there would be no civilians.
So you killed them all?
As always,
your eyes don't lie.
I guess today's the day I go to hell.
Pull it.
Jeong, we're family. Don't do this.
We'll all die if you don't stop.
Hey, put all your guns down.
What do you think you're doing
to the captain?
Everyone, guns down.
I'm going to report this to the company.
Blast everything here and return to base.
All right. You all heard the man.
Let's finish this quickly
and go home, okay?
If you're going to kill me,
do it quickly.
Who are you?
What a long day.
Go on ahead. I'll stay here and
Sir, I'll stay behind and help you.
No, I'm going to hand Bale over
to the inspection team when we get there.
So make sure to stay with him.
Do you want to live?
Let's get out of here.
You stayed behind
to have some fun?
Do you know
why I'm a mercenary?
I just like killing people.
That's why I applied to become one.
Because as long as I follow
some simple rules,
I make money killing people
as much as I want.
Protection of civilians
and no friendly fire
Don't try to force those principles on me.
It makes me
just want to kill everyone,
allies or enemies.
In the end, we're the same type of people,
Jeong Jinman.
We both get paid to kill people.
Stop pretending to be righteous.
It makes me gag.
That's the face you make
when you're scared.
Is that all you got?
Jeong Jinman.
You listen to me.
If you don't kill me now,
I'm going to kill
your entire family,
your friends, and anyone
who has anything to do with you.
Then, I'll kill you last.
Die, you son of a bitch!
We have to go now!
After we set the bombs,
as we were trying to leave the building,
we were met with the rest of the rebels.
They almost got me
when Bale came to help.
We fought together.
Then, the bombs went off.
I was close to the entrance,
so I was able to escape.
But Bale
There was no time
to stay and recover the body.
Is it because of what happened?
That's one of the reasons.
I've been working long enough.
I want a break.
It's me.
Put someone on Jeong Jinman.
My word.
I thought you'd be different.
I guess psychopaths are
just as mortal as us.
What's this?
Hi, baby.
Why were you in the dark like that?
Thanks, Bale.
I thought Bale was made of steel.
But he went to hell before us.
Please attain enlightenment, Bale.
I hear you're taking time off.
I know it wasn't too long ago
that we almost shot each other,
but I still think we're a team.
I hope you come back soon.
So that we can make more money with you.
Hey, it's me.
Who is this?
It's me.
Your little brother, Jeong Jinman.
Hey, you little bastard!
Where are you?
Do you have any idea what's going on?
-You call after eight years
-It's good to hear your voice too.
I don't feel the same at all!
It's okay. He's your uncle.
What's your name?
Jian. Jeong Jian.
Oh, my. What's gotten into me?
I'm on a roll today.
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