A Simple Murder (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Bachhe Kahaan Hain?

Let me go! Let me go!
Let me go!
Come on!
Take my hand, sir.
- Catch him, you fucking moron!
You rascal!
Damn it!
Hey! Hey!
Rahul! Rahul!
Rahul, wake up!
Let me take you to the hospital.
I just need money to go to the hospital.
Please wake up, Rahul!
I'm so sorry!
Rahul, where's the money?
In the boot of my car.
Where's the car?
Behind Dwarka Police Station, Sector 4.
You bitch!
Don't you understand?
You can't do anything on your own!
You are a nobody!
You already had the money, right?
You had it, right? What happened?
I made you lie down on the bed
and took the money from under it!
All you're good for is warming the bed.
Get it in your head that you are
a fucking cunt and nothing else!
Don't forget who you are!
Sir, we didn't find anything.
You didn't find anything?
- No, sir.
Sir, take a look.
I'm on duty, man!
Sir, I found it here.
Sir, we didn't find anything here either.
The CPU is lying here dismantled.
And the hard-disk is missing.
Sir, the CCTV wires are unplugged too.
So, we are late again. Let's go.
What is it?
- Sir, it's a message from the cyber cell.
It's a recording of Pandit's phone calls.
I'll play it for you, sir.
- Send it to me.
Come on.
Hey! What is this?
Sir, you had asked for this last night.
Sir, check the one I just sent.
This one?
- Yes, sir.
Darned technically challenged people
'She has tarnished our reputation
in the community.'
'Finish her off
and pin it on the boy.'
'Don't worry, sir. It will be done.'
'Pandit, she shouldn't get away.'
What the hell!
'Himmat, go.'
'Why should I go? Why don't you go?'
'Whose name is Himmat (courage)?'
'Whose idea was it?'
- Hello, Manish.
Where are you?
- I
Are you alright?
Yes. Are you two alright?
Manish, we're leaving.
We're leaving for Mumbai.
I see.
We need some money.
'If you can respect yourself,
and everyone will respect you.'
Where were you shot?
- Sir!
- Oh. The right side. But like this?
Your left side should
have been in the front.
Come on, man!
Give him the balloons.
Give it to him.
- Sir.
It's okay.
- Nurse!
Did you buy cheap balloons?
So, there's a hole in your ideals now.
Sir, are you here to check up on me
or to make me feel worse?
Okay. No problem.
Forget what happened.
But thanks to your ideals,
we've got some solid information.
A man named Pandit was involved
in the case of honour killing.
And Pran Davas used Pandit
for all his illegal work and businesses.
Sir, have you told anyone this yet?
Are you crazy?
Come on. Get better and come back fast.
It's no fun without you.
Even these idiots don't laugh these days.
They don't have the presence of mind.
Sir, it's a sense of humour.
- Yes, they don't have that either!
Come on. Take care.
Come on.
- Hello, sir.
There's an update about
your fiancée's case.
At least, say 'irshad', sir.
Anyway, forget it.
There's some good news, sir.
You know Rahul, right?
He's dead.
- Fuck
How is that good news?
Fucking idiot.
'On the one hand, in his party manifesto,
Pran Davas speaks of women's safety.'
'And on the other hand,
his own daughter, Priya Davas,'
'has accused him
of attempted honour killing.'
'Priya Davas recently uploaded
a video, which went viral'
I'll come straight to the point.
You see, minister, someone stole
all my money and disappeared.
I don't see my money
coming back by a long shot.
All I can see is you.
So, I want my money from you.
Otherwise, I'll expose
all your secrets with proof.
I can't show my face to anyone
because of my daughter.
Pandit is dead too.
You bring her to me and
- I want 50 million rupees.
Bring her to me.
It will be done.
'Survival comes first,
everything else can wait.'
'Anyone else other than Richa
would have thought the same'
'and turned back home.'
'But Richa was chasing money,
and she had come too far.'
'Too far to stop.'
'I want a bed of currency notes.'
'Rahul, I want
to get out of all this.'
'Manish, the marriage'
- Trust me.'
'You can't do anything on your own!
You are a nobody!'
'Do you want to spend
all your life like this?'
'But where this is a will,'
'there is surely a way.'
'The question arises.
Will today's patriarchal politicians'
'never understand the meaning
of freedom for girls like Priya?'
'And my father, Pran Davas,
is behind all this.'
'Pran Davas is behind all this.'
'Pran Davas is behind all this.'
'Unless Pran Davas gets his daughter
married to the man of her choice,'
'we can't trust him.'
'After the video uploaded by Minister
Pran Davas' daughter went viral,'
'the minister is on verge
of losing his power.'
What is this?
Look! Manish wants you to convert too.
You idiot, we've become
an internet sensation in the world.
Didn't I tell you that Manish would
- Shut up.
What happened?
I had suggested that we take Richa's help.
But Usman told me
that she was very cunning.
So, he said that you would help us
without asking too many questions.
No, buddy.
Richa would have helped you too.
Take care, Manish.
Please find a proper job.
Get out of this mess.
Call me when you get there.
- Yes.
Shall we?
- Thank you.
Shut the door.
I don't understand your honeyed words.
Come to the point.
Minister, I have nothing
to do with this scandal
I mean, I have nothing
to do with this matter.
All I want is that the next time
you go on the prime-time TV,
your daughter should be present
by your side, smiling.
That's when people will know
that you are a politician second
and a father first.
I just want a small amount in return.
You're back!
What have you done to this house, buddy?
How can one live in this house?
Do you know?
I used to live in a similar house.
My father
didn't get along with my mother at all.
There was no love lost between them.
Neither mom nor dad loved each other.
But I really loved Richa.
She left me, buddy. She is gone.
I'm not mad that she left. It's her life.
If she wanted to leave, it's okay.
But she killed a part of me when she left.
She made me feel like
I don't deserve love.
Nobody can ever love me again.
But you
You saw it, right?
Those kids love each other so much.
'I've cracked this problem.'
'Let's hand the kids over
to the minister.'
'Problem solved.'
He died because of me!
I had asked him to go ahead.
I betrayed him,
but he still accepted me again.
Well, we'll be out of here soon.
But what will we do next?
We'll think of something.
Just a second
The train is about to leave.
Hello. This is Richa.
Where are you two?
Richa, we have left.
- Where are you going?
Oh, God! Wait!
Pull the chain and stop the train!
Why? What happened?
Your father has found out
where you two are.
I've spoken to Manish.
He is arranging a safe house for you.
But, Richa
- Listen to me carefully!
Look, Priya.
Manish and I want you
to achieve your goal.
Perhaps, in the process,
we'll rekindle our connection too.
All that is fine, but
- Just get off the fucking train, man!
The train hasn't left yet.
It's still at the station.
Okay. I'm coming there.
Wait for me at Roshni Movieplex.
Manish will pick us up from there.
And yes, buy burqas for you both.
They both want us to wear burqas.
Hey! Cover your faces!
Let's go in.
'She has called me to her house.'
'And are you planning to go?'
'Why? Should I not?'
I've been wanting to see this movie!
'If you ask me, you shouldn't go.'
'But if I don't go,
how will we make progress?'
'You're being fooled.
She's taking advantage of you.'
'Why don't you try to understand?'
- Priya.
Let's go to the bathroom.
- 'You misunderstand her.'
I don't want to
- Let's go.
'She will sell you off.
Mark my words.'
'Look, she is in trouble too.'
'She is wounded like me.'
'And a wounded lioness is very dangerous.'
Where is Manish?
He'll be here.
'There's still time.'
'Run away with your girlfriend.'
Your house is next to the railway station.
Why did you call us here?
'Your girlfriend's life is in danger.'
'What should I do?'
'You should have never
left her alone!'
'Why don't you understand?'
'What could I have done?
There was no other way.'
'Look, Usman.'
'Now, you must go and save her.'
'But she hasn't come back yet!'
'Go and save her.'
'You're not getting my point!'
'I can't go where she is right now.'
'True love is very powerful, Usman.'
'You two can really achieve a lot
if you put your minds to it.'
'She is very lonely.'
'Please have faith in your love.'
'Go, Usman. Go.'
'Go and save Priya.'
What do you think?
That life is easy?
That you'd run away from home,
and your father won't kill you?
All this love Usman is showing you now
will disappear soon!
He loves me a lot.
You will never understand it.
I'll count to three.
Come out before that.
Otherwise, I'll shoot you.
- No, Richa! I'm coming out.
We must get out of here! Hurry up!
Shut up!
Yes. This is the same woman
who had come to your house.
But the kids are missing.
Pick up the girl.
She must know where Priya is.
So, Manish,
do you see this
freshly burned wall behind you?
In all of Delhi, this week, there has
been such a fire in only two flats.
And your residence is the only place
that matches with this video.
'My name is Priya Davas.
And this is Usman.'
So, where shall we start?
Sir, how did the fire start?
- Shut up!
When was it extinguished?
- When did it start?
What were the kids doing
in his house? - Yes.
Where are the kids?
May I smoke a cigarette?
- Will you tell the truth then?
You may smoke.
Where are the kids?
- Mumbai?
Why do I get the feeling
that you're lying?
I feel that the kids are somewhere nearby.
I'll clap once, and the kids will appear.
Like that.
Your story does hold water.
But why should I believe
that Santosh killed Ved Prakash?
Sir, both the evidence and the dead bodies
are at the junkyard.
Do you know
how many laws you have broken
in the last three days?
But, sir, please let the kids go.
Your wife is missing,
and you're obsessed with kids.
Sir, my wife has run away from me
four times before this.
Perhaps, she wants to complete
the relay race all alone.
I've chased her enough.
Now, she'll come to me if she wants to.
But, sir, why drag these kids
into this matter?
They really love each other.
Not everyone is so lucky, sir.
You're talking about yourself, right?
Because I am very lucky!
Just a moment.
Hello, sub-inspector.
Are all your parts working well now?
Yes, sir. I've recovered.
Where are you, sir?
- I'm at the scene of the crime.
When are you joining duty?
- I am on duty, sir.
Sir, you have been posted
at the checkpoint.
At the checkpoint?
Yes, sir. There are orders from the top.
From the top? Who do you mean?
Never mind all that, sir.
Just go to your post.
Darn it!
Sir, we're leaving.
Why? - Sir, there are orders
from the commissioner.
He wants us at the checkpoint.
You come with me.
Hey, what are you doing?
This bus will take you to Jaipur.
Once you reach there,
call the number I gave you.
- He will help you.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, Manish.
- Bye.
Come on.
- Thank you.
Go on.
Move it!
'You are lucky'
'that my senior is a fucking moron.
'Just bring my daughter to me.'
'And Pran Davas used Pandit
for all his illegal work and businesses.'
'Sir, have you told anyone this yet?'
'Minister, I wanted to talk to you
about Inspector Amit Mehta.'
'He has found out the truth about Pandit.'
'You must put him off the case.'
'Sir, you have been posted at
the checkpoint. - At the checkpoint?'
'Sir, just go to your post.'
'Yes, Dingre.'
'I'm sending you a phone number.
Trace its location and update me fast.'
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