Actress (2023) s01e06 Episode Script


Fuck. Fucking shit.
Call the ambulance.
- Check the back too!
She's here.
- Who?
Convicted of rape
Istanbul fire
Yasemin Derin turns out to be in Nepal!
You're really taking the piss now!
It's been months! Enough already!
What if he was watching cartoons?
Are we supposed to arrest Mickey Mouse?
Sir, do you think
this is the only evidence I have?
She was late for the gala! Fucking shit!
Like she killed the guy and went there.
She was in Nepal, man. Nepal!
What's wrong with that?
My uncle's son went to Nepal too.
Are we supposed to take him in
as a suspect as well?
Deadly fire in Istanbul.
Mazhar Egemen and his two daughters die.
Their names are Yasemin and Derin.
Well, I've been through all the archives.
This Yasemin Derin story is a lie.
It's as if she didn't exist
before she was 18.
Like she was born that day.
This Mazhar Egemen guy adopts both girls.
There are numerous complaints about him.
Not sure if he was threatening the girls
or what, but all the cases were closed.
So, Son? So what?
So, young Yasemin didn't die in that fire.
Fatih, none of this
will count as evidence, Son.
She's definitely not your regular person.
Listen, I have to give it to you.
You've never been wrong before.
But we'll be ridiculed
if you're mistaken this time.
That's why I need something concrete.
Just give me two months, sir.
Let's rent the café.
Let me get a bit closer to her.
If I can't find anything,
you can say whatever you want.
No one else knows about this, right?
Only Gunes.
You have one month.
Do whatever it takes.
But this case is closed if you turn up
empty-fucking-handed in a month's time.
You won't even be seen at her movies
without my permission.
And you'll get a month in the filing room
just so I don't have to see your face.
Got that?
Now beat it!
Fire in historic Istanbul mansion
kills three people including two children.
I guess we're lucky
you only asked to run the café, Chief.
With this confidence, you could have asked
to be in a movie with her.
You must at least get
a signed photo from her.
You don't want to ruin your career
for nothing.
Enough already, Gunes!
- Hi, Dad.
- Hello, Son.
There's a parent-teacher meeting
next Friday, Mom.
Okay, honey.
- Don't I count as a parent, Son?
Did storks leave you on the doorstep?
All that nonsense he told you about doing
time in prison, it's all a lie, a fake.
But that story about him causing
someone's death three years ago is true.
A suspect put his hand in his pocket
during an operation.
He thought the guy was pulling out a gun,
so he killed him right there.
It's no surprise
that it's all quickly covered up.
But he couldn't get over it for a while.
The divorce, the severe depression.
Your guy really lost it.
His ex-wife is Raside Gunes Yılmaz.
She's a detective too.
And of all things,
she's from the same unit.
We used to seize truckloads of cash.
Now, this motherfucking piece of metal
is worth more than all of them.
- What was it called? "Mitcoin"? Bitcoin?
- It's Bitcoin, sir.
But, Yusuf's death
is a bigger blow to them.
- Sure, their bank is bust.
- Mmm.
We continue working with Organized Crime.
It looks like this path will lead us
to the Hunter.
Did you find any leads
in the girl's house?
Unfortunately not, sir.
Yasemin does a photo shoot
at the hotel Yusuf is staying at,
and the guy gets murdered
later that night.
The victim profile matches too.
Sir, that hotel is a known location
for celebrity photo shoots.
The guy at the scene
where we found the Flakka.
He pointed at Yasemin's poster too.
Until recently,
you had labeled him a nutjob.
What changed?
What's the matter with you?
It's you who got us into this.
- And now you're changing your tune.
- Okay. Get out and fight it out.
You've got a week left.
What's going on with you?
Now you're foolishly defending her?
And I want to know what your problem is.
First, you turn up at the café,
then you befriend her.
You used Ateş to meet up with her,
damn it. You drive me mad.
You used my son to hook up with
the woman you claim is a murderer.
Damn, I told you dozens of times.
This wasn't my intention.
- It's just how it played out.
- How it played out?
You'll see what happens
if you involve Ateş in this ever again.
Fine. The same goes for you.
Stay away from Yasemin.
Are you in love with this woman?
What the hell are you talking about?
All this protective crap!
She talked my ear off
like a teenager in love the other night.
Yeah, right. As if I asked you
to take the girl to a fucking bar.
Listen, Fatih,
I don't know what shit you're up to,
but if you forget your job,
I won't give a flying fuck.
Chief Semih will hear all about it.
You don't give a fuck about duty.
We broke up years ago.
It's none of your business what I do
with who, so long as I do my job.
Mm-hmm. Sure, so long as you do your job.
- Well, well, Chief Inspector!
- What's up, Müco?
- Fine, sir. How are you?
- Thanks. I've got a favor to ask, Brother.
Sure, sir. Go ahead.
Run a test on this drug.
See what it contains.
Of course, sir. What's this about?
Nothing important.
There's no need to open a record.
All right, sir.
We will meet soon!
I can feel it. And I can't wait!
What's this apology video about,
Yasemin? Huh?
Talking about appearing in
shitty TV soaps.
Am I supposed to find out everything
about you on social media?
That's where I heard I was fired
from those advertisement deals.
Join the club.
Yeah, as if that was my fault!
Like it had nothing to do with you!
Listen, this afternoon
you have the final rehearsal
for tomorrow's fashion show.
This is your last chance to save face.
And don't forget,
you're Ms. Deniz's guest of honor,
so I beg you, don't fuck it up.
Your wife called, like, eight times.
Maybe you should call her.
Hmm. Fine, I will.
Are you married?
Gunes - Inspector
I've distracted you from work.
I've really smothered you, right?
I like the whistle.
Hmm. So sweet.
Fatih got it.
You had doubts the last time we spoke.
Well, I took your advice.
You said he might have an explanation.
So you're back together,
though I'm not sure if you were a couple.
A couple?
What does that entail?
A couple. What does it mean? A couple.
Well, I don't know.
We do everything couples do,
so I guess we are.
That's great.
Not-- Not copied.
Fatih, Atikali neighborhood.
Incident at Number 12.
Assistance requested.
4532 to dispatch,
I'm nearby and headed there now.
That's Riza's place. Fuck!
I take it Riza is a bigwig.
Last night he gave us the address
of a person we'd been after for ages.
A businessman called Yusuf Ramin.
Can I come? I'd stay in the car.
I promise to stay put and take notes only.
- Buckle up.
You stay right here.
Room clean!
Check thoroughly, guys!
This way, Chief.
Sorry, I had to leave urgently.
Got a call for the rehearsal! Take care!
You too!
Fuck! The rehearsal.
- Excellent! Fantastic!
Feel the vibe of the catwalk.
Keep to the rhythm as you stride, please.
- Don't dawdle.
- Come, honey. Come.
- Look ahead.
- Please do justice
to the creations you're wearing.
Very good! Very good!
- Where have you been?
What's that smell?
You literally smell of shit.
- What happened?
- Nothing.
- What do you mean--
- The star of the show is here!
Welcome, honey.
- How are you?
- Fine. You?
All good.
I'm okay.
You know, it's at full speed now.
Let's do it like this.
Let's rehearse on the catwalk
without the dresses.
We tried them already
and that's all perfect.
So, I'll not tire you
changing in and out of them.
- Great idea.
- Great idea. Let's do it.
Deal. I'd better get back to rehearsal.
I'll see you later.
- See you.
Do I look bad?
Bad? You reek of shit.
You need to take a shower, like now.
Go. Off you go! Hurry.
- Ew!
- Faster, faster!
Whoa! Look at my sketch.
What do you think?
The street was just off
Yavuz Sultan Selim Avenue.
It was around noon.
Could he be the guy
who was after you the other day?
The one who started the fire.
No. He had a different build.
I mean, I'd know if it was him.
Then it was one of Cihan's henchmen.
I take care of this guy,
and you deal with Fatih.
How exactly?
You need to find out
what they have on you.
How are you doing?
How am I doing?
How am I doing?
Tired, angry,
and worst of all,
I feel I've been taken for a fool.
- What's so funny?
It's nothing.
What's so funny?
Why are you laughing?
You fall in love
for the first time in your life,
and the guy turns out to be
the cop who's onto you.
That would make a great movie.
The Goober Lover.
- Yasemin?
- Huh?
Take a shower before you go.
- Don't!
Oh, put that phone away.
You can't be working all the time.
Tonight, we have fun.
This way.
This is it.
Looks closed. Maybe try another place?
Oh, no! This is how the place works.
No customers. He's waiting for me.
- Here.
- There he is!
What's up?
Fine. Yourself?
What do you think? Does it suit me?
He's such a romantic.
He got me a first aid kit on my birthday.
Of course! You haven't met.
Fatih, Gunes. Gunes, Fatih.
Get acquainted.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Likewise.
Gunes is a homicide detective.
- Oh.
- Exactly.
She's helping me out
with my role in the movie,
but I can say we've talked about
everything but the movie.
We talked a little about you too,
of course.
Is that so?
Hope all good things.
Well, I did talk about some bad things,
but she comforted me.
Right. Are we having fun or what?
Where are the drinks, huh?
Come on, let's have a good time.
Are you taking lessons in firearms?
Oh, well, she's helping me out
with my movie. I'm grateful to Gunes.
- Let's say we chat.
- Great.
No biggie.
How did you meet?
How we met?
The real question is
where we met.
Remember I congratulated you
on your second customer.
- Hmm?
- Mm-hmm.
She was your second customer.
But you missed her.
I'd come in for a coffee. You weren't in
and I have to say, Ms. Yasemin here
made an amazing coffee for me that day.
- Coincidence. [chuckles] Huh.
- Life is strange though, right?
- It's crazy she's working on such a movie.
- Indeed.
- Yes.
- You?
- Coffee.
- Coffee. Well, come on then!
- Open us another bottle! Huh?
Haven't we had enough?
Oh, no! Please, come on!
- Another bottle.
Come on.
Very well.
What do you think?
- Nice catch.
Well, it's great
if he's as serious as you.
What do you mean?
Please don't get me wrong.
I'm only saying that celebrities like you
seem quite unreal to these guys.
Quite unr--
I don't know.
It's part of their dirty fantasies.
But when it finally comes true,
all they do is brag about it
to their friends for a couple of days,
that's all.
Then, they find a real woman, of course.
Oh! I'm sorry,
I'm not implying you're fake.
I'm just trying to explain how they think.
I mean, I'd hate it if you were
perceived as a photoshopped butt
that appears on the cover
of those dumb magazines.
Photoshopped butt.
Photoshopped butt.
Photoshopped butt.
Photoshopped butt.
- Photoshopped butt!
Photoshopped butt. That's great.
You know what, you're so right.
I've met my fair share of those guys,
but Fatih doesn't come across
as one of them.
- Sure.
- Well, I can't be totally sure.
It's just the way I'm thinking right now.
But if that were the case,
do you think he'd introduce me to his son?
Look, let me show you his son.
Oh, isn't he adorable?
Hmm, so sweet, so cute.
Between you and me,
the mother is mental.
Fatih told me all about her.
The boy stays with her,
but you should see how unhappy he is.
I don't know what goes on in that house,
but you can tell just looking at his face.
When he first saw us together,
he was so psyched out.
He was ecstatic, bordering delirious.
- You should've seen. He literally lost it.
- Okay.
- Are you okay?
Hmm. I feel a little sick.
We had too much.
- What can you do? I did.
- I should be going.
- I could give you a ride if you want.
- No, I'll be fine. Good night.
So sorry.
- Oh.
What happened? Where did your friend go?
I think she had a little too much.
She felt sick.
You can hardly stand straight.
It's late, best you stay.
Then let's do it like this.
Uh, it's cold. Let's go in.
So sweet.
Ateş made it.
- Why don't I make you a coffee?
- No.
Don't go.
- Do it! Hey-ho! Down it goes.
- Fatih.
- Hmm.
Do you think I'm real?
Where's that coming from?
Tonight, we speak the truth. Okay?
I'd fallen in love with you.
What changed?
No questions.
Your turn.
I never planned to fall in love with you.
What was your plan?
No-- No questions.
Your turn.
I never meant it to be this way.
You-- You-- You are real.
Would you like me to get involved?
In what?
Your thing with Taner.
How did you--
Stay out of it. I'm dealing with it.
I had no idea he was married.
You know what I thought of today?
Killing Taner.
- Yasemin.
- Hmm?
I'm lucky to have you.
Same here.
This is the day!
The guy was picked up
by a vehicle on Yavuz Selim Avenue.
The same vehicle is in the Haliç area.
Okay. Don't do anything alone.
I'm just tailing them.
You focus on the show
and don't worry about me.
What did you do about Fatih?
I'm running late. See you later.
Fucking shit.
Sorry I missed your call, Müco.
Are the results in?
They're in, sir.
What does it say?
It contains oxidase and protease,
but there is a large amount
of phosphodiesterase.
This is what the Hunter uses to kill, sir.
I'll be in Haliç in half an hour.
Did you track them down?
Are you sure?
I won't accept any slipups!
Everything must go perfectly!
- You're shining, honey.
Thank you.
It's going to be an amazing show.
All right, good luck.
What's the matter? Any news from our guys?
Yes. They're here.
Ms. Yasemin, they're ready for you.
You go on. I'm waiting here.
Yasemin, dear.
What was that like?
You were amazing, honey. Just amazing.
Do you have a moment?
- Hmm?
- Look who I have here to meet you.
We finally met with Mr. Cihan in person.
I've been mentioning him.
The coproducer of our film.
He came here just to see you.
Mr. Cihan, Yasemin.
Ms. Yasemin.
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