All That Glitters (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Dad! Dad, are you inside?
Get up.
Wake up!
What is it?
The loan shark set fire to the place.
Yet you could still sleep so soundly.
Did you want to be burnt to death?
There's no fire, only smoke.
Smoke is good. It keeps mosquitoes away.
This isn't the first time anyway.
Nothing to fear.
What do you want?
You are Gambler Tong's son?
Bro Hai!
I was about to look you up.
We go back a long way.
I won't run away.
You don't have to send men
to set fire to my flat.
Hey, you are our VVIP.
How dare they do that to you.
The newbies are lacking.
I'll give them proper training.
A loan shark runner
needs to undergo training?
Of course.
We are professionals, you know.
How much does your stall make a day?
We make about S$100 a day.
After deducting the cost
of ingredients and utilities,
we make about S$40 to S$50.
S$40 to S$50?
You must be kidding me. I've asked around.
Your stall enjoys a brisk business.
You meant S$400 to S$500, right?
I wish it was S$400 to S$500.
I'd be laughing my way to the bank.
Surely you take home S$200 to S$300?
Of course not.
Fine. I've decided to hold a stake here.
What you saying?
I'll have a stake in your satay stall.
I'll come by to collect payment daily.
S$200 a day, not a cent less.
Come on, Bro Hai.
My stall makes only S$100 a day.
The satay costs 60 cents a stick.
No way I'll make S$200 a day.
OK Say no more. Let's make it S$100.
-To a happy partnership.
-Bro Hai
-Bro Hai, I don't have S$100 to give you
Sure. Come and get it from me.
Crazy man!
You're the crazy one. I quit!
Where are you off to?
I'm going to look for a job.
Whatever for?
You have neither a skill
nor a qualification.
You wish to join those friends of yours
doing menial labor?
What you earn can't even pay for
your back pain treatment.
We should just run our own business.
The cheek of you to say
it's our own business.
I slog away at this stall
only for the loan shark
to collect the earnings?
You can do that if you wish.
You're a fool, but I am not!
No need to check. The amount is correct.
Where did you get this money from?
Leo and Tommy paid
Zhenting and me S$1,000 each.
You need this money.
No hurry to pay me back.
It's okay.
School vacation is round the corner.
I can take on jobs during the vacation.
Would your mom allow it?
Of course not.
But I'll go ahead with it.
Don't you have to be at the stall?
Are you feeling bored?
Shall we catch a movie?
With you?
Why not?
Bro Musen will kill me if he finds out.
Afraid that he'll think
you're hitting on me?
Don't you know he sees you
as his real kid sister?
My friend will be there too.
Forget it. I don't know your friend.
You know Zhenting too.
Hi, shall we catch a movie?
We'll go for dinner after that.
Why aren't you replying my messages?
Are you in class or still in bed?
I won't reply to you yet.
Let's get you worried.
What's he doing here?
Bro Jianzhi doesn't have to be
at the stall today.
He seemed bored so I asked him to join us.
Sure! Let's buy the tickets now.
It's rude if we don't let a guy
do the gentlemanly thing.
Right, Bro Jianzhi?
Okay, I'll buy the tickets.
Get us popcorn and iced lemon tea too.
Thanks, Bro Jianzhi.
What movie are we catching?
A Ghost By Your Side.
No. No horror films for me.
I won't dare go to the restroom.
It's a comedy. It's hilarious.
Bro Jianzhi will be around.
What's there to be afraid of?
I'll pick this movie then.
Sure! We'll wait over there.
That chap seems daft.
Does he? I find him rather cool.
Don't tell me you have a thing for him?
Why are you calling him Bro then?
So old-school.
He is my cousin's good friend.
So I also see him as an older brother.
That's even more old-school.
Who is calling you?
Why aren't you taking the call?
"Bo Bo Mee?"
Prince Bo Bo Mee?
Why aren't you taking his call?
It's Prince Bo Bo Mee.
Well, I won't.
He sells instant noodles, nothing fancy.
It's not just any instant noodles.
He comes from one of
the richest families in Indonesia.
Their business empire
includes a hotel, a department store
and a bank.
Their instant noodles business alone
has an annual turnover of
tens of millions in USD.
How come you know so much about them?
Their family business is
one of our project topics.
I did some reading up on them.
I knew about all that already.
He's good-looking too.
Why are you playing hard to get?
That's the way to go.
What's easily attained is not cherished.
I've gone out with him twice.
So I want to play it slow with him.
Liu Mu, Boss is here.
Boss is here.
Hey, do you know what day it is today?
No idea.
It's the 15th of the lunar month.
So? Is it the Mooncake Festival?
Didn't I tell you this before?
I meditate at the temple every first
and 15th day of the lunar month.
If I leave halfway,
things can go very wrong for me.
That troublesome woman
wanted to see our boss.
Who's the boss? It's you.
I'm not the boss, right?
All would be peaceful if not for you,
troublesome woman.
Look at this!
There is a scratch. A deep one too.
Take a good look at it.
Boss, do you need a magnifying glass?
It's so obvious
that this is an old scratch.
It's not an old scratch.
And this one.
You people broke the arm.
See for yourself.
Hello! See for yourself.
It has super glue on it.
It broke long ago.
Get a better prop next time.
The TV set too.
See for yourself.
It can't be powered on now.
Auntie, no one knows
when your TV set broke down.
And no batteries.
Of course it doesn't work.
You people owe me an explanation.
Or I'll lodge a complaint.
Auntie Liu
Allow me.
My professional eye tells me that
the minor scratch, the broken arm,
and the TV that won't power on
are open to dispute.
Since it's hard to decide who's at fault,
let's do this.
I'll halve the moving fee
as a gesture of goodwill.
I won't pay you a single cent.
In fact, pay me damages or I'll sue you!
How much are the damages?
S$8,000? So little?
Let me pay you S$8 million.
It's currency printed by Hades.
I'll burn you those hell notes.
You have a foul mouth!
Fire him!
Pay me damages or I'll sue you.
Utter rubbish.
I can't be bothered with her. I quit.
If Liu Mu quits, I quit.
I quit too.
Come on. Why are you doing this?
Look at this.
You read it this way:
Keep the peace and you will succeed.
It urges us not to act on impulse.
Impulsiveness is a devil.
It will make you commit a big mistake.
Forbearance will keep the peace.
Meet halfway and you see further ahead.
A passing boat
leaves no trace on the waters;
a flying bird leaves no trace in the sky.
All will become water under the bridge.
All will come to naught.
Guys, learn to relax.
All the better if you can do this:
if I don't brave hell, who will?
To put it simply, put others first.
What nonsense are you spouting?
I'm not so noble.
Then the least
you can do is, put me first.
As you already know,
I've been tormented by life.
My wife had an affair.
I got divorced in mid-life.
My son doesn't call me Dad
and treats me like a stranger.
I'm riddled with illnesses.
I have the "three highs,"
chronic gastroenteritis,
an enlarged prostate
In fact, I have a strong urge to
Boss, don't you commit suicide.
Don't commit suicide.
I mean, I have a strong urge to
renounce the world and become a monk.
-Even Buddha gets angry.
All three of you are
suddenly quitting on me.
Where does that leave me?
I'll be so dead.
Come here
Let's do this.
Here you go.
Take half the day off.
Get a tea and a massage.
Get a massage with S$20?
You give him a massage
and he gives you a massage.
Massage each other.
Believe that tomorrow
will be a better day.
Money doesn't come easy. All okay?
This settles it. Bye.
Let's go.
He's called you many times. Take his call.
Wait a while more.
There was a long queue.
He Jianzhi.
You'll talk to me when I cue you.
-What do I say?
-Say this.
"Shall we have Japanese food
after the movie?"
Speak louder, okay?
Hi, Arthur.
Sorry, my handphone was on silent mode.
Let's go for Japanese food
after the movie.
Today is out for me.
Yes, I'm with a friend.
Where am I?
What are your plans?
You don't have to.
All right, I'm going into the theater now.
How did it go?
Let's go see the movie now.
A rich guy is wooing Zhenting.
She's playing hard to get.
Let's go.
What happened to him?
That was scary.
I'll have to sleep with the lights on
the next few nights.
You're a scaredy-cat.
You grabbed my arm so tightly.
I was scared stiff.
Why didn't you grab Jianzhi's arm instead?
He Jianzhi.
You really showed up.
I said I'd show up
if you told me where you were.
I thought you were joking.
You're not turning me away, are you?
Well, I need to see how sincere you are.
Let's have dinner together. My treat.
That's so nice of you.
Let's go.
I've got something on. I'll pass.
Count me out too.
You two are finally shaking me off.
OK, enjoy your couples time.
Let's go.
Prince Bo Bo Mee cares enough
about Zhenting to show up here.
His dad owns an instant noodle empire.
He drives a limited edition
million-dollar sports car to campus.
Bro Jianzhi, are we still going
to have dinner?
I'll skip dinner.
You'd better go home now.
Or your mum will tell you off.
Come, I'll see you home.
Good hit.
Give me a handicap?
Game over. You've won this game.
Just get on with the game.
He Jianzhi. What's got you spaced out?
Nothing in particular.
If you're worried,
go back to the satay stall.
-Am I even worried?
-Shall I get you a mirror?
Liu Mu, why did you place
the white ball over there?
You asked me for a handicap.
This is called placing.
Got it?
-Yeah, right.
Here's the thing.
Have you thought about,
what if your parents
never died in the accident,
how life would be for you now?
I never think about it.
How come?
So what if I dwell on it?
I can't change things.
I'm thinking that
if the accident
never took place back then,
life would be pretty good for you now.
Your dad was an engineer.
He'd give you the best in life.
Are we here for a game or a chat?
We'll chat then play the game, okay?
Go have your snacks.
Why dwell on it?
The most useless word is "if".
There are no "ifs" in this world.
What's real is now.
I have nothing now.
I started selling satay at 14.
During my two years of doing NS,
I'd be either in the camp
or at the satay stall.
I'm already 24 this year
and I'm still selling satay.
Ten years have passed.
All my assets add up to
less than S$1,000.
Do you know why?
You're too soft-hearted, that's why.
If you were able to walk away like I did,
never mind if the loan sharks
hacked up or set fire to your dad,
your problem would be solved.
Your situation is different from mine.
Yes, our situations are different.
You have your dad while I have my uncle.
The love we have for them is different.
Pah! What love between him and me?
I'm worried about
the stall being set on fire.
You know my dad.
He can scoot off to the floating casino
and leave the satay cooking on the grill.
Never mind.
Let the stall burn for all I care.
Let the fire raze the stall to the ground.
What I make at the stall now
goes to the loan sharks anyway.
Tell me.
Just how much does your dad owe them?
No idea.
I doubt the loan sharks
lent him a huge sum.
You can raise about
S$30K to pay off the debt,
and tell your dad that you'll have
nothing to do with him from then on.
You're your dad's only child.
To keep you by his side,
he may just quit gambling for good.
You're talking about S$30K here.
Where do I find the money?
Rob someone?
Let's have a game.
Watch me.
Hello. Li Zhenting, where are you?
I told you to come home
to cook for your brother.
Do you take me for a fool?
Poly students started
their school break long ago.
What project are you talking about?
Don't give me that nonsense.
Come home right now.
Li Zhenyu.
You're the big sister.
You can do better than this.
What did I not do?
Your younger sis goes out every night,
only to come home way past midnight,
reeking of alcohol.
Have you spoken to her?
-Yeah, right.
I'd say both of you
cover up for each other.
Mom, Zhenting is no longer a kid.
You can't keep her at home.
Don't worry. She's a smart girl.
That's precisely why I'm worried.
Heard of this saying?
The smart people sabotage themselves.
She thinks she's smart,
but there are smarter people out there.
Mom, I'll talk to her.
George, you've finished work?
-A cup of coffee for you?
-No, thanks.
May I speak to Zhenyu?
I'd like to return something to you.
What is it?
Your birthday gift for me.
It's OK. It's just a tie.
It brings me sadness.
Each time I see the tie,
I'll think of you.
In that case, throw it away.
I I can't bear to do that.
Let me return it to you.
If you don't mind,
I hope to take back the gifts I gave you.
Sure. Come back tomorrow.
I'll be flying off tomorrow.
How about I drive you home
to pick them up now?
My turn.
Should I say you're lucky
or that I'm unlucky?
Here you go.
Since you're on a roll,
shall we up the stakes?
-Get rich.
-Get rich.
Where are we?
George, where are you taking me?
I just want to have a talk with you.
There's nothing to be said between us.
Please take me home.
Or take me back to the coffee shop.
We're almost there.
What do you want?
I spent so much time and money
you wouldn't even let me
kiss or touch you.
If we break up now, it'll be my loss.
Let me go!
Zhenyu, come back.
Come out.
I acted on impulse.
Come out.
I'll drive you home.
I'm sorry.
I promise I won't hurt you again.
Weihao, is your second sis back home?
That horrible girl.
What about your big sis?
She said she'd go home for a while.
All right then.
-Zhenyu is out?
Hello, George?
Is Zhenyu with you now?
Zhenyu is
-What's wrong?
Why do you sound odd?
Auntie What's wrong?
What happened?
Auntie, I'll look over there.
You go there.
Li Zhenyu.
Li Zhenyu!
-Come out.
-Scum, where's You're-so-Pretty?
George, where is Zhenyu?
I really don't know, Auntie.
What is going on?
Zhenyu told me you'd drive her home
to pick up some stuff.
I just wanted a goodbye hug with Zhenyu.
Then she suddenly
Auntie, call the police.
No, Auntie!
Don't call the police.
-It wasn't me.
It was Zhenyu. She
Zhenyu, don't scare me.
Liu Mu, is Zhenyu okay?
How is Xiaomei?
She's fine too?
Oh, I wanted to play hero
and give her some comfort.
Hold on.
Who are you?
The company sent me to take over.
Who in the company?
Liu Mu, someone stole our jobs.
You saved his daughter,
but he's kicking us out now.
I'll go ask him.
Boss wants to see you.
Boss, he is here.
You're alone? Where's Thunder?
Liu Mu's girlfriend got injured.
He's at the hospital with her.
Are her injuries serious?
No. She's okay now.
Then tell him to come.
Now. Right away.
Xuemin, we need to know our priorities.
Sorry, don't mind my daughter.
It's okay.
Give him my name card.
Tell Thunder to call me.
You may go now.
Why have we lost our valet jobs?
We didn't make any mistake at work.
Why did you fire us? Why?
Just go.
I just want to know why.
What a windbag. Go.
Tell him why.
What's your name?
I'm Huang Jintiao.
I like gold.
But I don't like gold bars.
Don't ask me why.
I like steamboat, but not barbecue.
Don't ask me why.
I like blue skies, but not the clouds.
Don't ask me why.
I like caterpillars, but not butterflies.
Don't ask me why.
I like today, but not yesterday.
Don't ask me why.
There are endless whys in this world.
If you want my answer,
I'll tell you this,
don't ask me why.
Good one! Another plate of beef, Boss!
Sis, Mom.
Zhenting, you are here?
Mom told me. How are you?
I'm okay.
What did the doctor say?
It's concussion, but a mild one.
If she feels fine, she may
be discharged tomorrow.
Where is that jerk?
The police arrested him.
I didn't expect him to be such a scumbag.
He actually tried to violate your sis.
Never judge a book by its cover.
Sis picked the right guy in Lin Musen.
Don't speak too soon.
He went to Sis's rescue.
Sis should just marry him.
I just wanted to lighten up the mood.
I got you here to convince your sis
not to let George off.
Your sis wants to let that guy off.
She's going to tell the police that
it was all a misunderstanding.
Don't be silly, Sis.
He tried to rape you.
He should be jailed and caned.
Let his bottom split open.
If I talk about it,
his future will be ruined.
He had it coming! Don't feel bad for him.
Exactly. You cannot go soft
on people like him.
If he can do this to you,
he could do the same to others.
Let's rid society of this menace, okay?
All right
Let me think it over.
That's my sis for you.
She has her own mind.
She won't do it just because you said it.
She can be very stubborn.
I like that about her.
That's what I like about your sis.
Lin Musen.
Mom, you were eavesdropping on us?
Just because you went to Zhenyu's rescue
doesn't mean I'll approve of you.
Auntie, it's now two against
No, it's three against one.
Auntie, I want you to know that
whether you approve of it or not,
I won't give You're-so-Pretty up.
You are tired. Go back and rest.
-I'll stay with Zhenyu.
-Okay! Thank you.
Let's go. Don't play gooseberry.
I really don't get it.
What don't you get?
I don't get why you object to
Sis seeing Lin Musen.
One man's meat is another man's poison.
If it were me,
I'd certainly not pick Lin Musen.
But Sis isn't me.
So she has her own likes and dislikes.
She's free to choose
who she wants to be with.
You know nothing.
I beg to differ.
You disapprove of their relationship
because Lin Musen didn't go to college
and he makes little money.
So he can't give Sis a good life.
Mom, though he is an average Joe now,
he can still do well in the future.
There are many success stories
of common folk made good.
Why do you look down on him?
Am I such a snob in your eyes?
I don't look down on him.
I'm also an average
person who sells coffee.
Then you've got me there.
A mother's instinct.
You'll know what I mean
when you become a mother.
You're saying that
your instinct tells you that
the two of them won't have a good outcome?
What's so funny?
Show me
You may stop selling coffee.
You should be a fortune teller.
Don't be silly.
Young Master.
Who's in there?
Boss and his second wife.
Boss. Young Master is here.
Dad, Auntie Xin.
Hello, my kid sister.
Hello, Bro Richard.
Dad still likes coming here for his meals.
Yes. He'd rather get himself all sweaty
than dine in places with air con.
Auntie Xin, I often came here
with Dad as a kid.
He loves the authentic local taste.
Not many places offer
charcoal steamboat these days.
Xuemin, have you had your fill?
Go home with Mummy first.
Bro Cong, go easy on the beer.
Richard. See you.
Bye, Bro Richard.
What a good girl.
I saw her not too long ago.
Xuemin has grown taller again.
You were overseas a few days ago?
I took Mom on a trip to Bangkok.
She's been in a foul mood lately.
She'd take it out on me.
Dad, visit Mom when you can.
She's busy paying
those male hostesses at the bars.
She's too occupied to throw tantrums.
She's doing that to spite you.
I can't be bothered with her.
Tell her I'll give her
what's rightfully hers.
I won't stop her
from spending it on gigolos.
But don't play games with me.
Dad, I really don't get you
Drop the act.
Being away in Bangkok
doesn't mean you weren't involved.
What happened?
Get this clear.
If anything should happen to
Suxin and Xuemin,
I don't care if your mom
and you are behind it,
but I'll hold you responsible.
Don't get mad.
I knew nothing about it.
Let me check with Mom.
If Mom was involved, rest assured
I'll talk her round.
Tell her this. I care about old ties.
At the same time, I can be heartless.
Yes, Dad.
Here you go.
Ten sticks of chicken.
Hey, what are you doing?
That should be my line.
Yelling at your boss, eh?
I cancel my order.
Take the satay to the customer.
Go on.
Bro Hai.
Gambler Tong, your son has a bad temper.
Well, that's young men for you.
But you're the bigger man.
Don't hold it against him.
The satay stall is doing brisk business.
I've hit jackpot by staking my claim here.
Bro Hai, you've got to be kidding me.
My son has taken over the stall.
He and I are two different persons.
I can't let him take on my debts.
Why not?
Haven't you heard the saying,
"The son takes on the father's debts"?
This happens only when the father is dead.
-But I'm alive and kicking.
-Enough said. Give me S$100 now.
I've only made S$100 all day.
I'll be left with nothing if I pay you.
Stop whining.
Just give me the S$100.
Take the S$2,000 and get lost!
-Don't show him the money
-Gambler Tong!
Here's the S$2,000.
S$2,000, eh? Young man, you're rich.
Money talks for me.
I never say no to money.
The more, the merrier.
Good to have money in one's pocket.
We've paid you back.
Don't let me see you again!
Watch your words.
You want to get rid of me with S$2,000?
Do you know how much your dad owes me?
It's not S$2,000.
Not S$20,000 either. It's S$200,000.
When did I borrow S$200K from you?
Gambler Tong.
I record in the computer
when and how much
you borrow each time and
when and how much you return each time.
Young man.
You'd better not die young.
I still want to see
you for the next 20 years.
Go, grill the satay.
Get back to it.
I don't owe you S$200,000.
No, I don't owe him S$200,000.
I've borrowed about S$20,000 at most.
Those loan sharks are bloodsuckers.
Then don't give them a chance to do that!
If he comes again, just ignore him.
Let me pay him back what I owe him.
Oh yes.
Where did you get the S$2,000 from?
Don't show the money so easily.
I mean,
don't give him the money.
Keep it for yourself.
If I need money urgently,
I can get it from you.
I mean, if I fall sick,
I'll have some money to seek treatment.
New arrivals?
Russian girls?
I'll have a Russian feast tonight.
I want a sweet young thing.
I was away and the house
turned into a mess.
Hey, wake up!
Stop lazing in bed.
Wake up.
Get up.
Get up, quick.
Get up.
Do I look nice?
Why are you in this get-up?
Your make-up too
Your face is as red
as a monkey's backside.
-How dare you.
-Not at all.
-Grandma, take a seat.
-Come on.
Her cheeks are so pink.
-You're the one who looks like a monkey.
The Westerners called me a hot grandma.
Am I hot?
Sizzling hot.
Grandma, you speak English too?
I am Granny Thunder.
Your English is not bad.
Did you get down to looking for him?
Of course I did.
I looked everywhere but no news of him.
Those Westerners told me
to pass the photo to them,
and they posted it on some "book".
I know that one.
People all over the world
will be able to see the photo.
What? You know about it too?
Of course.
Then why didn't you tell me?
Whatever for?
I don't wish to look for him.
How dare you! Unfilial son!
-The money.
So much money?
How did you get this stack?
Liu Mu and I made money from a venture.
A venture?
You robbed someone?
You're speaking for yourself.
You didn't ask us if we did okay
while you were away.
Money is the first thing you asked for.
How did you get this much money? Talk.
We pooled our resources for
Liu Mu to take part in a pool game.
He won S$5,000.
Jianzhi took home S$2,000
as he contributed the most.
Liu Mu and I each won S$1,500.
How dare you!
What have I been teaching you?
No gambling and no soliciting prostitutes.
How dare you disobey me.
Subtitle translation by: A Han
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