Angels of Death (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Against the Horde

Kazarion! No!
In blood you are armoured!
No. No!
!!! Hope you enjoy the show !!!
I am vengeance! I am wrath!
I am death!
Lower. Your. Sword.
It passes.
I remember
Can you stand, Kazarion?
Close ranks!
Tiro, lay down hellfire.
Sangrael, retrieve Brother Melchior
and take right flank.
Virgilio, left flank.
On your feet, brother.
This is no place to die.
For the Blood!
We are surrounded.
Glory and death!
We need Kazarion's aid!
He has more need
of ours in this moment.
Stand firm!
Make them pay
for every inch with blood!
Are you with us, Kazarion?
I am
with you
Rest, child, and know
you shall soon be avenged.
A vessel
is on a collision heading, Ship Mistress.
Fire the batteries, full broadside.
Several targets are
above the plane of gun traverse.
Increasing engine burn.
They mean
to ram us, Ship Mistress.
Then they will hasten their doom.
All hands! Brace for impact!
We have been boarded, Ship Mistress.
Enemy contacts in decks forty
through forty-seven.
Lord Hadrael,
we're a sitting target.
We need to be free of the dock now.
I am working as swift
as mercury, Mistress Solken.
With respect, the bridge is under threat
and if we are not free soon
I am aware of
the consequences.
My optimism appears to
be unfounded, Ship Mistress.
I cannot release us
from the dock from here.
It might be possible
from within the docking limb,
but the enemy strength
is too great for me alone.
- We shall come to aid you.
- Negative.
The bridge must hold.
I am withdrawing.
There is another possibility of aid.
What is this place?
Who are you?
You are in the Last City, Captain Orpheo.
Welcome to Niades.
I remember the attack.
The xenos.
You have need
of contextual data.
You were ambushed while meeting
with one of my servitor proxies.
The corporaptor hominis xenos
overwhelmed you
and your fellow Adeptus Astartes.
Who are you?
I am Magos Dominus
designated Castia-Theta-9.
I have already identified myself
via remote holo-projection
and code identification
when my proxy servitor unit
met you prior to the ambush.
I am the last component
of the Imperial mechanism of this world.
What became of my brothers?
Why are they not here beside me?
All expired.
You alone survived.
For efficiency in this interaction
I have projected your likely queries.
Your kind can absorb
information at several times
above standard comprehension.
What are you showing me?
tithe grade Exactis Prima.
Location of an Adeptus Telepathica
relay choir and a Warp travel transit hub.
Everything within bounds,
limited levels of civil instability
and acceptable levels of corruption
Nothing outside the standard weaknesses
bred by human flesh.
But a parasite
found a home in that flesh.
The gene-vector of the
corporaptor hominis sub-species.
Through human hosts they bred,
becoming stronger with every generation.
They spread and multiplied,
until eventually they were
as a serpent wrapped
around the throat of this world,
undetected, waiting.
They feel the call
of their parent species draw closer,
the call of the hive fleet
that they believe is the voice
of their many-armed god.
They took this world
to prepare for its coming.
Their war blighted the land
and sky.
But their false god never comes.
The parasites are left
with a ruined world
and no way of reaching their false heaven.
Their biocycle enters dormancy.
They begin to wither,
the population they have
infected, dwindling.
But they are resourceful.
They adapt.
They enslaved the Astropaths
in the tower
and sent a call through
the storm. 'Safe harbour'.
Ships come and they take them.
An armada with which
to leave the planet.
They fill the ships with their breed
and wait for the storms to pass.
They hunger to spread the infection
of their flesh to other worlds.
Millions dead
and yet you survive.
There was no other acceptable outcome.
Iron endures where flesh fails.
So, I have waited.
For what?
For you, Captain Orpheo.
What are they doing?
What does it matter?
Do you need help reloading?
No, do you?
They won't face us piecemeal,
give them a moment.
This is the end then.
It has been my honour
to stand with you, brothers.
To the slaughter then.
To the end.
By the Angel's grace
There's more work here
than our father´s grace.
We are designated proxy units
for Magos Dominus Castia-Theta-9.
I have data-knowledge of your Captain.
Enemy have reached
the command deck, Ship Mistress,
and are closing in on the bridge.
All remaining armsmen
to the primary bridge junction.
Tell the Navigator to secure himself.
Nothing gets through.
Quickly quickly, faster
more speed, yes,
more speed and all will be safe
all shall be well.
You were waiting for me?
Random chance brought us
to your world.
You could not have predicted
events would unfold as they have.
Chance is just an imprecise
understanding of probability.
You, or someone like you,
would come eventually.
And you did.
In time, the improbable
becomes inevitable.
That's bolter fire.
The weapons of my brothers.
Your Blood Angels
have come for you, Captain.
Another factor that is so predictable
as to be near certainty.
Do not be concerned.
I will bring them
to where they need to be.
Release me, tech-priest.
I must go to them.
You are not shackled here, Captain.
You have been betrayed by your flesh.
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