Angry Birds: Summer Madness (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

The Big Bird Bake Off

[Mighty Eagle whistling]
[Mighty Eagle]
Camp Splinterwood ♪
Our summer home ♪
[driving rock music]
For catapultin'!
Slingshottin'! Getting thrown! ♪
Campers rocket through the trees ♪
Cannonballing where they please ♪
Zippin' in the air ♪
Crashin' everywhere! ♪
Archery, Dodgebird
Borb tennis-- it's absurd! ♪
Here they come!
Red, Stella, Bomb, Chuck! ♪
Flyin' Fast!
Look out, duck! ♪
All your life, you'll be glad
You had this ♪
Angry Birds Summer Madness! ♪
[light music]
[Matilda] Campers,
there is something in the air.
-[passes gas]
[Matilda] And, no, it's not that.
It's the Camp Splinterwood Bake-Off!
only one cake can be the winner.
[air horn blows]
Which means most of you are losers,
and I get to use this…
-[air horn blows]
-…a lot.
[air horn blows]
And… go!
[urgent music]
I'm feeling good about mine.
Hey, any ideas
what goes well with cardboard?
Uhh! You're never gonna win, Red.
I'm making poundcake!
Uhh! Heavy on the pounding!
I read that the faster you stir,
the more air you whip into your batter!
But how much is too much? Huh…
Maybe that was a little too much?
What are you making, Bomb?
Hold on. Fizzberries, bluebernut butter,
truffles? What's this?
Uh, nothin'! Just a recipe idea
I've been, uh, you know, toyin' with.
Hey, Stella, Chuck. Check this out.
Why is my mouth suddenly watering?
Why is your mouth watering?
What's happening to us?
It's Bomb's recipe. It's great.
No, actually, it's brilliant!
You think so?
Well, I've never told anyone,
but I have a dream of the perfect cake.
A cake that makes the world better
just by existing.
Bomb, you gotta make this cake
for the Bake-Off!
Even if I tried, I don't have
the right ingredients.
Well, you know what I always say--
when something's important to one of us,
we all band together to help!
When have you said that?
I've said all of those words…
just maybe not in that order.
So, who's with me?
You had me at cake.
We are making cake, right?
I stopped paying attention
right after I heard the word "cake."
Yes! Now, let's get Bomb what he needs
and show Camp Splinterwood
what a cake should really be made of!
[exciting music]
[gasps] Fizzlenut berries below!
One serving of bluebernut butter
coming up!
Only one place
to get the truffles Bomb needs.
The Pig Camp!
[Bomb] Wow! Because of you,
I can actually make my dream cake!
You know, with friends like you--
Yeah, yeah, we're awesome.
No time for speeches!
Tickity-tock, tickety-tock.
Clock's ticking!
You got this, Bomb.
[urgent music]
-[Neiderflyer] And… time!
-[air horn blows]
Bomb, you are, like,
disturbingly good at this.
Okay, campers,
-I'm ready to be disappointed.
-[air horn blows]
I am sure you all did great, great, great!
Now, please bring your cakes
up to the judging table.
[dramatic music]
[all cheering]
-What a cake!
-Ooh, the acoustics on this one are nice!
Maybe… to the untrained ear.
All I hear is--
[air horn blows]
The competition is really tough.
-[clang clang]
Oh, come on, campers!
It's like you're
trying to be utter failures!
[air horn blowing]
Bomb, you made this?
Uh… maybe?
[fuse sizzling]
It's… [blows] incredible! Oh!
-That's my friend!
-All right! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Let me have a look.
Girthy, aerodynamic…
Oh, thanks. Is, uh, that good?
It's close to, but not quite,
the worst thing I've ever laid eyes on…
We have a winner!
-Yeah, Bomb!
-That's my friend!
-Yes! Yes! Yes!
-Whoo! All right, Bomb!
I won? Wow!
I never could've made it without you!
This cake's the best thing I've ever done!
[Neiderflyer snaps fingers]
Wh-Wh-What's going on?
I know, I'm just as surprised
as anyone that you won,
but your cake will be the perfect ammo
to win the food fight
against the Pig Camp.
That's what this Bake-Off was for?
Uh, duh.
Wait, Bomb. You really didn't know?
Yeah, I mean, what else
are you supposed to do
with a delicious, appetizing,
mouthwatering cake?
Exactly! And this one's a real beaut!
Now excuse me while I hurl it
at those big dumb pigs.
Wait! Oh… uh…
Hey, look over there! It's a diversion!
Uh, where's Bomb?
Who gives a flying tail feather?
Where's the cake?
The food fight's gonna start soon,
and that cake's our only shot.
We have to find it!
[birds cheering]
Where could he be?
Don't take my cake! Please!
Bomb, what's wrong? You won.
You don't understand.
The reason I don't compete in stuff
is so there's no chance of me losing.
But then you made me think
I could actually win.
And you did!
Yeah, but it turns out winning is worse.
This cake is the best thing
I've ever done.
If they fling it, well, it's gone forever.
Bomb, you made a winning cake,
and you deserve to hold onto that win.
Like I always say, when something
is important to one of us--
[sighs] This again?
Red, I've known you for years
and have never, ever heard you say that.
I said it earlier,
like not even that long ago.
He did, I can vouch for that.
[sighs] Whatever.
Point is, Bomb, if you don't
want that cake to get flung,
then we're gonna--
Band together…
Band together to keep it un-flung.
-Couldn't have said it better myself.
-[branch cracking]
-My cake!
-[all shouting]
-[all grunt]
[Neiderflyer] There's the cake!
Get it!
[exciting music]
I got it! I got it!
Nice catch, Bomb!
[trumpet blowing]
Commence food fight!
[cannon booming]
[Bomb shouts]
[Stella] Run!
[dramatic music]
[Stella whimpering]
Quick, under the slide!
I think I saw them run over here.
Oh, man, they're gonna find us!
My poor cake. It's doomed!
[cannon booming]
Aah! Uh-oh?
Is my fuse lit? It's lit, isn't it?
Ohh. I don't want to kill Cakey!
I don't want you to kill Chucky!
Don't worry, Bomb. We got this.
It's like Red always says, when something
is important to one of us…
Okay, we give up! You caught us!
Where is the cake?
Like we'd ever tell you, Neiderjerk!
Uh, yeah!
Bomb is definitely not hiding it
anywhere nearby, that's for sure.
-[cannon firing]
Uhh! Ptuh!
Blah! Ugh.
Okay, fine. If we can't fling the cake,
guess we gotta fling you!
Ah, birdfeed.
Bon voyage, losers.
[Bomb] Stop!
Bomb, what are you doing?
Take the cake. Here.
Okay, fine. I'll fling the cake.
And the traitors!
[maniacal laugh]
What? I don't think so!
Let's bake!
Oh, could you, like,
take care of him or whatever?
[exciting music]
Neiderflyer, step away from the catapult!
Mm… nah.
[western guitar twanging]
[knuckles cracking]
[knuckles cracking]
Whoa! [blubbing]
Stick a fork in me. I'm done.
[slurp] Mmm.
[Stella] Uh, what about us?
[cannon booming]
[exhales] It's been an honor.
[air whistling]
[dramatic choral music]
[all screeching]
[laughter and cheering]
-We did it!
I don't get it.
You could have saved the cake.
Why did you fling it?
I realized I could always
bake another cake,
but I can't bake new best friends.
[fuse sizzling]
[theme music playing]
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