Ark: The Animated Series (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Element 6

Han! Han! Han! Han!
- Han! Han! Han! Han!
- Han! Han! Han! Han!
I ask again, Meiyin,
where is the girl hiding?
My life is already forfeit.
You have nothing left
with which to threaten me.
And I don't wish to.
You see, I've never understood
why we are enemies.
Do you remember, Meiyin,
when you first arrived here?
When I pulled you,
shivering, from the waters,
and showed you the ways
of this savage land?
Together, we were the strongest,
the fiercest, the most powerful!
The consul
you could have been in Rome
and what
we could have built there.
We could have eaten
this place down to the marrow,
and returned home with an army,
fit to make the gods themselves
tremble in fear.
Your appetite
is not to my taste, Nerva,
- and your home is not my home.
- You told me of your past.
You fought a bloody war
to overthrow
your corrupt emperor,
as did I,
as I am still doing now.
When you first, as you put it,
"pulled" me
from the waters, Nerva,
I did not know you as I do now.
I did not see, for a time,
what you really were,
much like a mantis masquerading
as a grasshopper,
your true nature
soon revealed itself.
I will never forget
what you did that day.
I would rather die
than walk in stride
with a slaver and a murderer.
And that is all
you will ever be.
You will die
before you see another sunrise.
You two.
So popular I am tonight.
Why do you make it
so much worse for yourself? Hmm?
Should I betray my friends
as you did, Rockwell?
You should simply tell him
what he wants to hear.
That's what I do.
Don't you understand, Meiyin?
No one is coming for you.
I don't want them to.
Always so eager to die.
After all, in the Alliance,
it was you who insisted
on that suicidal assault
against Nerva
when you had no hope of victory!
We could have won
if you'd stayed loyal.
This new world
is far too valuable
to be left
to your petty squabbles.
This place contains more wonders
than you can dream of,
secrets that only I can unlock,
secrets meant for me alone.
I could not risk
leaving the ARK's fate
to your absurd "Alliance"!
So, I put my thumb on the scales
of life and death itself.
All it took
was a simple manipulation
of that buffoon, Kor,
to keep him away from battle,
and your "Grand Alliance"
crumbled from within.
A little concentrated narcotic
of my own design,
placed within his creatures'
feeding troughs,
and soon, they all passed
silently into oblivion.
He never even knew
what befell his many friends,
the mad fool.
Yes, you should be thanking me
for sparing your life.
I'm sorry we couldn't come
to an understanding, Meiyin.
But then you never could accept
the true order of the world,
could you?
That plan
won't work either, Henry.
Nerva's stronghold
is the most heavily
fortified position
on the entire island.
Its stone walls are too high
to rappel over
and too strong to batter down.
We have to find a way.
We can't abandon our friends,
especially Meiyin!
She would do the same for us.
I don't know why or how
we have all come to be here,
but I do know
that if we don't protect
and defend each other,
we will not be here
for very long.
In the short time
that I've known her,
Meiyin has made me
a different person.
She helped me find a strength
that I didn't know I had.
She's done the same
for so many of the people here,
lifting us up when we fall.
She believes in us.
That belief is why
she founded the Alliance,
and she is the best chance
anyone has of defeating Nerva.
I agree, Helena.
What Meiyin tried to tell me
is clear now.
We will never truly be
safe or free
while Nerva controls the island,
and we will need her strength
and her vision
to bring him down.
Henry, if it's still possible
to make this right,
no matter the cost,
we must find a way.
Then we will, old friend.
If we can't knock down
the walls,
perhaps we can blow them up.
I've been experimenting
with a new explosive compound.
- That sounds promising.
- Promising, but volatile.
We'll still need to first
get inside the stronghold
to place this spark powder
where the walls are vulnerable.
So, unless you can climb
a 200-foot vertical incline,
we'll have to find
some other way
- to get up and over.
- Hey!
Who's been stealing my savoroot?
I think we have our answer.
Alasie, how much of that stew
can you make?
Are you kidding me?
I can feed the whole island
if I need to.
Ready yourselves.
We leave at first light.
Here you go!
There. All set for tomorrow.
I know I've said this before,
but I will say it again.
I am proud of the person
you have become, Alasie.
Thanks, Dad.
I know how scary everything is
and how bad it might get,
but, Dad,
I can't help but be grateful
that we're doing what's right.
We're going to rescue Meiyin,
reunite the Alliance,
and then we're gonna free
the whole island.
I have something for you,
after all this is settled.
Oh. Is it a new bow?
No, daughter.
Something that has
already been yours
for a long time.
Now, rest.
Tomorrow will be difficult.
You have become
quite the archer.
I wish that was any comfort.
- Hmm. Nervous?
- Terribly.
Hmm. Good.
Understanding fear
can keep you alive.
Courage is simply
the recognition
that there are things
more important than fear.
has experienced
so much pain in her life.
She warned me
we couldn't rest, and I
There is darkness in this world.
But here, we have a chance
to write a new story.
And your story,
yours and Meiyin's together,
it's not done yet.
I'm so scared for her,
for you, for all of us.
Don't you feel the same?
How can I fear death, Helena?
I have already died.
As have we all.
These are not my stars.
And this is no afterlife.
If it were,
I would see my wife again.
I would hold my son in my arms.
But this place
has given Alasie a new life.
And for that alone,
it must be something sacred
and surely
has a purpose of its own.
Here, she will get to become
who she has always meant to be.
- It's time to go, Helena.
- Not tomorrow?
I'm sorry, Scary.
You can't come
with us this time.
Find Meiyin.
I'll get into position.
You have the spark powders?
Place them
near something flammable.
Nerva's oil stores should do.
And take this.
Fire it into the sky
so I know you are safe.
Meiyin, I'm here.
Hold on, Meiyin.
Just a moment more.
I've got you.
you came for me.
As I hoped you would.
It was it was a trap.
You let your own soldiers die
just to capture me.
And you told me you were clever.
Oh, don't fear for Meiyin.
She'll stay alive
as long as you cooperate.
And now, you still have
something of mine, puella.
- Surrender, Nerva.
- What was that?
Surrender now, General Nerva.
No one else needs to die.
And why would I
surrender to you?
Because I'm the only person
who will let you
surrender at all.
- John!
- Not today.
Today, you answer
to Wakíya Natá U!
Get to Meiyin!
Helena, go! Go now!
Come on!
Stand and face me, coward!
"My daughter, Alasie
there will never be
enough time."
"There will never be
enough words."
"These days we were given
were a gift
because of you."
"And what I can give you now
is your life
to make of it
whatsoever you will."
"Your life, and a Lakota name
that has always been
yours to claim."
"My daughter
more than there are stars
in the sky,
more than there is salt
in the sea
this is how much
I have loved you."
this is how it has to be!
Why are you smiling?
The Beast Queen
may have escaped,
but you are mine.
Hunt them down!
And you
you will feast.
Prophet, I bring ill tidings.
Thunder Comes Charging
has been slain by Nerva.
And Meiyin?
There is no word as to her fate.
Can you feel it?
The balance of nature
has been altered.
Such movements are ominous.
Soon, the very pillars
of the Earth will be alight,
and everything that we know
will be destroyed!
We have a new home here now.
I would like to recognize
one of the newest
of our number, Helena.
Scary, I have something for you!
Leave me alone!
You don't know what it's like!
I do.
I know how much it
it hurts to have
someone you love taken from you.
I don't deny your estimable
intelligence, Helena,
but leadership
and individual aptitude
are two very different species.
"There are more things
in Heaven and Earth, Horatio,
than are dreamt of
in your philosophy."
- Water. I need water.
- That voice.
Miss, do you have any water?
I'm so thirsty.
But you made the choice
that I could not.
You chose to save me.
Welcome, Helena, to our home.
Alasie, how you've changed
since I last saw you.
Monkey and I
have missed hearing your laugh.
They like this ship.
It's the fastest one
they've ever seen.
Did they tell you that?
We still need to finish
our match.
I was so lost, and you found me.
An island haunted
by serpents and ghosts.
You should have
stayed away, Prophet!
She cries out to me,
and she will be avenged!
Yes, I understand it now,
what this all means.
You know,
I once thought you mad.
I must admit,
I am impressed, Rockwell.
For what are the laws of nature
before the genius of man?
I did the impossible!
I did it! I alone!
And for you,
I will remake the world.
will be served.
Only the gods may judge me.
Give it to me!
Some target practice
is gonna feel so good right now.
Indeed, Alasie.
Let's do this.
We had the funeral reception
for my mom there today.
Everything's still
covered up in black.
There's no one left.
It's just me now.
Well, that's not exactly true,
is it? You're here
and I'm here.
I'm Victoria.
Helena. Helena Walker.
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