Away (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

A Little Faith

Do you ever have a moment
where you think to yourself,
"I'm watering a plant in space"?
Every day. [chuckles]
Would you like to try?
Gardening is good for the soul.
Wow. It's remarkable
this is all the water they need.
Yes, it's why they will thrive on Mars,
and the desert itself
will be transformed into a garden.
You have very steady hands.
Well, I wouldn't be much of a surgeon
if I didn't.
And what about you?
How does one become a space botanist?
[birds singing]
[in Fante] Do you like this?
As for us, we like this garden very much.
I hope you like it too.
Myself and your mother
want you to be happy here.
[in English]
My adopted father was a gardener.
Here, let me refill that for you.
Oh, bollocks.
[Kwesi] Can't be out of water.
I'll be back.
[ethereal music playing]
You sure you wanna move it there?
My hand is still on the piece, Lu.
Take your time. Take your time.
What do you mean, "check"? This
[curses in Russian]
[in English] Hey, Misha, how's
how's the extra time you spend in the pod?
-Has it--
-It's fantastic. Please don't disturb me.
[door opens]
I'm terribly sorry to interrupt,
but there seems to be another clog
in the water system.
Okay, unfortunately,
we will have to call it a draw,
just as I was about to launch
a massive counterattack.
-[Misha grunting]
-[Emma] What's going on?
We have a problem with the DA.
What's the problem?
Distillation assembly is the heart
of the ship's water recovery system,
a mechanism that filters urine and sweat--
[Emma] I know what it is.
Are you saying our ship's heart
is diseased?
I'm saying it's dead.
But isn't that why we have
a backup system?
Can't we run on that till we get to Mars,
where Pegasus will be waiting?
No! Backup is like spare tire.
It helps a little. Not for a long time.
You're recommending we fix the prime?
We must remove dead heart from prime,
replace it with the backup's DA.
That sounds like a
a substantial operation.
It's like a heart transplant.
When was Misha's last eye exam?
Excuse me?
If we are doing a heart transplant,
I'd like to make sure our surgeon can see.
My eyes are fine.
Well, it has been a few days
since I've tested them.
[Misha] And what was the result?
My vision got much better
since I'm spending more time
in my pod, right?
Are they really, Misha?
We were just playing chess in your pod,
and you barely--
I can do my job.
With respect, that's not your call.
It's mine.
I'll update Ground on the water system
and get a second opinion.
It will take them 30 minutes
to tell you what I just said.
Then that gives Ram plenty of time
to conduct another exam.
Assuming Misha's eye exam checks out okay,
we'll start the process
unless we hear otherwise.
Matt, hi. How are you?
Okay, so
The WRS is shot.
Misha wants to pull the DA
from the backup.
I'm waiting on the recommendation
from Ground, but you're the one I trust.
God, I hate this.
I hate that I can't talk to you.
I just wanna hear your voice
telling me everything's gonna be okay.
I miss you guys.
Give Lex a hug for me.
And, um
And please, please let me know.
[Matt breathing heavily]
Come on.
How's that left hand, buddy?
Travis, what are you doing here?
[Travis] Well
System finally caught on to me.
Seems I've reached optimal recovery.
I'm down to two hours of PT a week
in this joint.
Yeah, they told me the same thing,
but I refuse to believe it,
so I'm pulling as many hours on my own
as I can.
-Without a therapist?
Yeah, it's been ten months
since my injury.
I'm in what they call
the acceptance phase.
-I'm sorry to hear that, man.
-Hey, acceptance has its merits.
-You remember that OT, Veronica?
She took me out
to look at all this adaptive equipment
to get me back up on the horse,
and we ended up going for a ride together.
And the rest is history.
Man, that is Wow, I'm happy for you.
You should come riding with us sometime.
Bring that daughter of yours.
-That sounds great. We'd love that.
So, uh, how about you?
-How are you doing, Matt?
-Uh, I'm I'm good.
I'm happy to be home.
Back to normal. You know, the new normal.
-With a wife floating through space?
-[chuckles] Yeah, that too.
You know, completely normal.
-[phone buzzing]
Speaking of space, this is Emma. One sec.
Matt, hi. How are you?
So, the WRS is shot.
I'm sorry, Travis, but I gotta run.
-Is everything okay?
-No. [grunts]
[motorcycle engines revving]
So, you got clutch, throttle, brake.
Clutch, throttle, brake.
And the clutch has to be in
when the bike is in gear.
Clutch in. Got it.
Start off with just a little throttle.
Too much,
you'll fly and land on your back.
Roger that.
Does your dad know you're riding?
I'll take that as a "No, he does not."
My dad doesn't need to know everything.
You ready?
-[boy] Let's see what you got.
And just take it slow.
Stay in first until you're comfortable.
[motorcycle engine revving]
Whoa. She's gonna be good.
Her mom's an astronaut.
[Ram] Okay, fifth row from the bottom.
Uh, first letter, O.
I mean, he's close enough.
Close isn't good enough.
No. Ah, it's D! D. Sorry.
-Now he's guessing.
-[Misha] Next, V.
Then, N
-Z R
-[computer chiming]
Next, H, V
D, S
And the next row down?
S, H, Z
O, K.
Commander, good enough?
-We've just heard back from Ground.
They are recommending we remove
the backup DA and repair the prime,
but they suggest
we first give Misha an eye exam.
That's a very timely recommendation.
What do you recommend?
Ram is good with technology,
and he's also a surgeon.
He removes healthy heart from backup.
I'm in charge of prime.
I'm prepping the patient for transplant.
Lu keeps track of the pieces.
Very important. There's hundreds of them.
We can't lose any.
But Lu is perfectly anal
for the mission, in a good way.
Yes, I am.
That's it.
I want, uh,
Kwesi acting as your assistant,
as a second set of eyes.
Given that our lives are at stake,
I'm taking every precaution.
Sure. Sure.
Let's hope you're a better
assistant engineer than a puppet actor.
-Well, this should be fun.
-Let's get to work.
[Ram] He wasn't lying.
Ten liters.
It's only half the water
the prime puts out.
That's why we're fixing the prime.
So, I'm okay to take this offline?
'Cause once I do,
this bag is the only water we'll have.
There's enough water in there
for two days.
This repair will be over in two hours.
Shut it down.
[Ram] Okay.
That's quite the system.
One hundred seventy-three
nuts, bolts, and screws.
That's what we need to remove
to transplant the DAs.
Misplacing a single one
could mean disaster.
And organization comforts me.
I'd hate to see the inside of your closet.
[Misha exhales] Okay.
I have faith in you, Misha.
Thank you, Kwesi.
[Misha] Are you not gonna say a prayer?
For success?
Oh, of course.
Okay, so this is a good time.
I would join you, but to be honest,
I don't always believe.
No, neither did I.
[Misha exhales deeply]
[in Hebrew] We praise you, Eternal God
Sovereign of the Universe,
who creates the fruit of the vine.
[in English]
Praise to you, Hashem, our God,
Sovereign of the Universe,
for giving us life
and for enabling us to reach this season.
Every seder begins with a question,
and tonight we ask,
"Why is this night different
from all other nights?"
We ask this question to commemorate
the Israelites' escape
from slavery in Egypt,
to commemorate the freedom
of the Jewish people.
[in Fante] Why does this family
get to have a god?
But my family did not.
[in English]
He asks why we get to have God
and his family did not.
[man] Kwesi.
[in Fante] It is not God
who killed your family.
[pensive music playing]
Matt! Oh!
Welcome back!
-What are the specs on the WRS?
-Uh, we've got them over there.
-[woman] Matt's back.
-Good to see you.
You too.
-[woman 2] Welcome back.
-[woman] Matt's back.
[man] Welcome back.
Hey, Matt.
Did, uh, Darlene call you in?
Emma gave me the lowdown.
So, where are we at?
We, uh, agree
with Misha's recommendations.
Uh, we're going through the repair
on the schematic now.
And what are we estimating
is the likelihood of success?
[man 2] It's too soon to say.
How so?
We won't know the other issues
until Misha gets in there.
So you're suggesting
we just sit back and do nothing
while both water systems are shut down?
-Of course not.
-Get Trevor in here.
He built the first three prototypes
for both filtration systems.
Trevor left two months ago.
Uh, took the paycheck. Silicon Valley.
And no one's sitting back,
but we can't solve the problem without--
Doesn't seem like
you're trying to solve it at all.
Look, just hold on.
I won't let my wife and crew die
because you didn't do your job.
[Darlene] Matt.
Conference room.
[Matt] We need to be ready.
If a goddamn filter is compromised,
we need to be ahead of the game.
But we're not ahead of the game,
and with the half-hour delay,
we can't backseat-drive anymore,
and you need to accept that.
I don't accept it,
and I'm ready to get back to work,
so you can tell Ryan his tenure
as acting chief engineer is over.
That's not your decision.
There have been concerns
you're too emotionally involved
-to effectively do your job.
-Come on, Darlene.
Anyone's got issues,
they can talk to George.
It was George who voiced the concerns,
and based on what I just witnessed,
I can't say I disagree.
Of course I'm emotionally involved.
It doesn't affect my ability to do my job.
It doesn't affect your
You've been on medical leave
for five months.
I didn't have a stroke because of my job.
-I think that's debatable.
-If something happens to you again
it would compromise
Emma's ability to command,
and you know I'm right because last time
something happened to you,
she was ready to abandon the mission
and come home.
Your expertise is unparalleled,
and you will continue to support
this mission,
but from a consulting capacity.
You're off the floor.
This is bullshit.
I'll get you an update on the water system
as soon as we have it.
-[Misha groans]
-[Kwesi] This should be the last bolt.
Careful not to dislodge a wire.
Thank you very much, Kwesi.
This is very helpful.
[Kwesi] Your hand's as steady as Ram's.
You could have been a surgeon as well.
Nah, not a big fan of blood.
Okay, may I present you with piece 173?
It's actually piece 171.
[Misha] But who counts?
[Misha] Okay, Dr. Kwesi
you may remove
-dead heart.
-Nice work.
Captain Arya,
can we have the second heart, please?
En route.
Thank you. Okay
[curses in Russian]
[curses in Russian]
-[Emma in English] What is it?
When DA had malfunction,
contaminants must have gotten stuck
in in the pipes and pumps.
Are you
You're saying it's more than the heart
that needs to be replaced?
Arteries too.
Okay, we must replace or fix
everything that was damaged. Everything.
But if we start pulling parts
from the backup too,
how are we gonna put it back together
if this repair doesn't work?
-It will work.
-But if it doesn't?
Well, if it doesn't work,
I will put every nut
bolt, and screw back, okay?
[Lu] It's thousands of parts.
That's correct.
No. That's no.
I think we should just, uh,
reassemble the backup
while this is still manageable
and run on that.
You're not an engineer.
And you're not at full strength.
-Well, you know what?
We need to stay calm.
You've been by Misha's side
this whole time. What's your take?
Well, um, his work thus far
has been exemplary.
[Lu] He hasn't faced
anything this complex.
Maybe Ground should weigh in.
It'll take 30 minutes
for them to write back,
and they'll want hours to run scenarios.
-We don't have that time.
-No, we don't.
I trust whatever your gut's telling you.
It's your life at stake too.
And I place it in your hands.
As do I.
I do too.
You need to tell me
if you're not up for this.
I am. I promise.
I want status updates every 15 minutes.
If it becomes too much for you to handle,
I need to know immediately.
Our lives are in your hands now.
Raker's mouth was totally hanging open.
He never saw a girl
get on a bike first time like that.
"A girl"?
Okay, I didn't mean it like,
"Girls can't ride." I just meant
-You were amazing.
Please. I was I was okay.
No, really. You're pretty much a natural.
But wash the mud off your boots
if you don't want your dad finding out.
Right, thanks.
The last thing I need
is him busting me again.
Yeah, remember when you took me
to Midnight Mass?
That sounds familiar.
Well, he caught me sneaking back in
that night.
I didn't tell him I was with you.
What would he have done?
[Matt] Hey, it's me.
And you're wrong.
You can still hear me telling you
it's gonna be okay.
And it is, Em. It's gonna be just fine.
-I'll be working on this around the clock.
-[phone ringing]
Freddie, what's up?
Uh, Misha discovered
contaminated pipes and pumps.
-So he's stripping the backup?
-Yeah. Um, specs are coming to you now.
[tapping keyboard]
-[tires screech]
-[car horn honking]
[tense music playing]
[Misha grunts]
This looks worse than ever.
Just stopping by for a status update.
[Misha] Status is the same as it was
when you checked five minutes ago.
It's been 20 minutes,
and we're all getting a little antsy.
How how are we looking in there?
[Misha] It'll look better if all of you
stop breathing down my neck, okay?
All right.
Perhaps we should take a short break.
I don't need a break.
All I need
is to be left alone to do my job.
Back away from the panel.
-Emma, I already told--
-You can't see a thing.
-A screw just flew right by you.
Oh! Oh!
That's that's a catastrophe!
I'm exhausted!
-How many fingers am I holding?
-[Misha] What?
How many fingers?
-Oh, go to hell.
-[Emma] Answer the question.
-You can't be serious--
-Answer the question, Misha.
No. No, I don't understand,
because the eye test
was absolutely perfect.
I, uh
I learned it by heart.
[speaking Mandarin]
[Misha in English]
When my eyes started going bad,
I memorized the chart.
-Why would you do that?
Because I knew this would happen.
I knew
I knew you wouldn't let me do my job.
Look, I I can do it by feel.
They trained me to do it by feel. They
I would put together everything
with my eyes covered.
I know this ship like the back of my hand.
I I have the best hands in space,
you know that.
-No, stop it! No "Misha."
This is what I do.
I'm sorry.
I I apologize.
I shouldn't have lied.
-You betrayed us.
-[Misha] But I can do it.
I know I can.
It it might take me a little longer,
but I can make it work.
We have to make it work. Please trust me.
I did trust you.
-[Emma] Stand down.
I'm running point on the repair now.
I want all hands on deck.
Every effort goes into reassembling
and reinforcing the backup.
If you have to strip the prime for parts,
do it.
Ram, you'll assume Misha's duties.
We will not make it to Mars on backup.
Because of you,
the backup might now be destroyed.
Kwesi, tell them.
Tell them what?
Tell them. You you saw what I can do.
You said I was like a great surgeon,
so just tell them
to have your faith.
Come on.
You don't know the first thing
about my faith.
And our commander issued you an order.
Stand down.
["Real Love Baby" by Father John Misty
Our hearts ♪
Are free ♪
So tell me ♪
-What's wrong with the feeling ♪
-[phone ringing]
It's my dad.
Hey, Dad.
Sorry. I I'm almost home.
Homework Club ran late.
[Matt] Oh. Okay, good,
'cause, uh, I'm gonna be late myself.
I I'm waiting on AAA.
Is everything okay?
[laughs] Yeah.
I just had a run-in with a ditch.
-Uh, no, it's it's okay.
It's a small ditch. Not a big deal.
I should be home within an hour.
-Where are you?
-Uh, the shortcut on Merrick.
Yeah. Yeah, we're headed that way now.
Wait. Who who's "we"?
Uh, I'm
I'm with a friend.
We'll see you in a minute, okay?
No, Lex. Lex, it's really
It's not a big deal.
-They're already on their way.
-Then we'll wait with you.
[rain pattering]
[phone chimes]
It's really starting to rain.
Remember we used to just love lying in bed
listening to the rain?
Close your eyes and listen to this.
[rain pattering]
This is what the backup
water recovery system
should look like when they're finished.
And you've drawn up a procedure
for the reassembly?
In theory.
They've spent the past several hours
breaking down
a notoriously delicate system.
Parts will be stripped and altered.
They'll have to improvise.
And we can't do it with them in real time.
[Freddie] And they're probably dehydrated.
They've been working nonstop
on little water,
sweating, burning calories.
They'll start to get headaches,
have trouble focusing.
How many parts exactly
do they need to reinstall?
Roughly 4,000.
[approaching vehicle]
Hey, are you okay?
I'm fine. Can you just get the chair
out of the back, please?
[Alexis] That it?
-This is Isaac.
-Sorry, sir. Isaac Rodriguez.
Nice to meet you, Isaac.
Nice to meet you too, sir.
Anything else I can do to help?
You can stop calling me "sir."
Just call me Matt.
And also help me get out of here.
You got it, sir Uh, Matt.
Hey, you're good at this.
My dad was a medic,
so I kinda know what I'm doing.
Ready? One, two, three.
If organization comforts you,
this must be a special kind of hell.
It's too much to keep track of.
I don't wanna make a mistake.
Not too tight, Ram.
You don't wanna strip the bolt.
What's next?
-[Ram] Kwesi, what's next?
-I think you're supposed to secure that--
-You think?
[Kwesi] Ram, I'm doing my best here.
This is a highly complex 3D rendering,
and I'm not an engineer.
I wish we knew someone who was.
You really wanna stay quiet right now.
Look, I'll consult with Ground
and get a definitive answer.
There are hundreds of steps
to this procedure.
If you consult with Ground
every time there's a question,
it's gonna take a week.
Great! We'll only be dead for six days.
-And whose fault is that?
-[Misha] Emma.
Excuse me?
I told you, you need to let me finish,
but no, you--
If you hadn't lied to me,
-we wouldn't even be in this position.
-[all arguing]
[yells] All right! That's enough!
Can't you see what's happening?
[Misha exhales]
We're being tested.
Not everything
is an act of your god, Kwesi.
I'm not sure that's what he meant.
No, that is exactly what I mean.
We're all angry and scared.
I mean, I spent the day by Misha's side.
I have more cause than anyone
to feel foolish and betrayed.
But I believe
that God intends for us to survive,
and the reason I believe that
is that he has put
the five of us together.
We have everything we need right here
to figure this out.
So, no, it's not about faith in God.
It's about having faith in each other.
Misha, I really can't do this on my own.
I need you to guide me.
Of course.
Well, perhaps I can help
with the schematic.
I'm rather good at puzzles.
[Misha] Where are we now?
[melancholy music playing]
[in Fante] I have something for you.
Do you know what this is?
We had one growing in our garden.
My mother called it papaya flower.
This flower resembles papaya.
Its real name is
the flame tree.
Can you help me grow it in the garden?
So that it will remind you
of your old garden
anytime you look through the window.
When I came to this country,
I was a young man,
but my heart was like yours.
I was sad
and scared.
When I met Miriam,
I didn't know we would fall in love.
We started as friends.
Or she tried to be my friend.
But I wasn't interested.
We worked together
at the World Relief Fund.
I was so sad
that we couldn't help
all of the people.
Miriam told stories
from the Old Testament.
About people who had so many troubles,
slaves who wanted to leave the desert.
They had no food
nor water.
But in all of this,
God came to their rescue and helped them.
I used to make fun of God.
I was just like you.
I didn't believe
there was a God who can do wonders.
my life started to improve.
The pain in my heart
also started to fade away.
I started to think about
the slaves in the desert.
I thought
it was their will,
their faith in each other,
that made God possible in the desert.
we make God.
God does not make us.
Kwesi. Me and Miriam
are not asking you
to believe in what we believe in.
Also, we are not asking you
to think about us
as your mother and father.
We are telling you the important things
so that you can follow and choose
when you want.
[in English]
How long have you been friends?
Uh, just a few months.
-And what grade are you in?
-I'm a junior.
What does that make you?
Are the bikes yours?
Yeah. Yeah, I've been riding
for a couple years now.
Your parents, are they cool with that?
Dad. You're like the Spanish Inquisition.
Oh. No, it's it's okay.
Uh, my mom was freaked out at first,
but then she saw me ride.
Uh, she knew I needed an outlet,
and I guess she figured
riding is a pretty good one.
Why did she think you needed an outlet?
Uh, well, my dad, like I said,
he was a medic in the Army,
and the Humvee he was traveling in
hit an IED.
They say he was killed immediately.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Your dad sounds like
he was an honorable man.
He was.
It was nice to meet you, Isaac.
And thanks again for the ride.
I'll be in in a minute.
So, you didn't tell your dad
about me at all?
I'm sorry.
I guess I just didn't want him
to freak out
and say I'm too young
to be hanging out with you.
Or whatever it is
dads are supposed to say.
Besides, I don't really
talk to him about that sort of thing.
Like when I was 12,
and I had my first celebrity crush,
I told my mom.
Who was the crush?
No way. I'm not telling you.
I'm just messing.
You must really miss her.
But at least she's still there
even if I can't tell her everything.
I can't imagine what it's like for you.
I still tell him things in my head.
He knows all about you.
-It looks right.
-[Ram sighs]
[Ram] Right.
Only one way to find out.
-[Ram] Okay.
[Kwesi praying]
[whirring, clanging]
Shit! Shit! Sh Shut it off.
No, no, no. Wait. Wait. Wait. Let it run.
[clanging slows]
[machine humming]
[water pattering]
[rumbling, clanging]
What Why did it stop?
[Ram] I don't know.
This is half the water
the backup's supposed to produce.
Yeah, we're getting half the water
because the backup is working
half as well.
Well, did we damage it during reassembly?
I don't know.
It's it's a problematic system.
That's that's why I wanted to
Fix the prime.
-But the prime was damaged beyond repair.
We were right to strip it for parts.
Not everything damaged is useless, Ram.
If the backup works half as well,
will we have enough water
to make it to Mars?
Probably, but we will have to, um
reduce our water consumption.
We prepared for this contingency.
We move to emergency rations.
[Emma] I'm sorry.
The garden consumes
a considerable amount of our water supply.
I understand, Commander.
[in Fante]
This tree was not made for this weather.
We will use fertilizer
with nitrogen.
We will also add
phosphorous and potassium.
But it still may not grow.
The tree may not survive.
Can she say a blessing?
[in English]
He asks if you would say a blessing?
Of course.
[chuckles] Of course.
[in Hebrew] Take pleasure in your land.
Bestow abundance upon it
from the goodness of your loving kindness.
And strengthen the hands of all who toil
in the labor of the holy earth
and make her desolate areas fruitful.
[in Fante]
And make her desolate areas fruitful.
[in Hebrew]
And make her desolate areas fruitful.
[in Hebrew]
And make her desolate areas fruitful.
[in English] That's right.
[in Hebrew]
And may their work be favored by you.
[in English] Amen.
What is that?
Does it have to do with Atlas?
[Matt] It's, uh
It's a puzzle I'm working on.
Isaac's a very nice young man.
I'm really glad you think so.
Is that who you were with
on, uh, Christmas Eve?
He took me to Midnight Mass
with his family.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.
I just want you to feel like
you can talk to me about that stuff.
Isaac's been through a lot, and
now you have too.
I just, uh
Yeah, I I just don't want you
to rush into things.
Dad, I'm not. Don't worry.
And promise me
you won't get on one of those bikes.
-I love you.
-I love you too.
Oh. Oh, I'm sorry to bother you.
[Kwesi] Oh.
No, it's all right.
I, um, hate to intrude.
This place has just become
a little refuge for me.
No need to apologize.
How long until
Well, they are resilient by nature,
but they do need some water to survive.
[breathes deeply]
Give it a week, and they'll start to wilt.
-I'm sorry.
-No, Commander.
You did the right thing.
Sacrifices must be made.
I can't keep plants alive, even at home.
You have quite a gift.
Oh. No.
[breathes deeply]
As a boy, gardening
I guess it was a way for my father and I
to feel at ease with one another.
As you know,
my birth parents died in Ghana,
but when I was adopted
and brought to England,
I really struggled to adapt.
He just made me feel at home.
Do you mind if I join you guys?
[laughs] Of course.
I try and spend as much time in this place
as I can.
[Misha] Hey.
I would love to smell the plants too,
if it's okay?
-It's fine. I'll go to my pod.
-It's okay.
Come in.
Thank you.
[Ram] It's so ironic, isn't it?
We're literally surrounded by water.
There's enough in the walls of this ship
to keep us alive for weeks.
Yeah. Yeah, I wish we could access it.
Even if we could, we still need that water
to shield us from radiation.
[Ram] But that's the irony.
We're like those sailors who die of thirst
in the middle of the ocean.
Except that we are not going to die.
[praying in Hebrew]
[in English] "the Master of Mercy
will protect him forever,
from behind the hiding of his wings,
and will tie his soul
with the rope of life.
The Everlasting is his heritage"
Go on.
"And he shall rest peacefully
upon his lying place,
and let us say"
[Kwesi breathes deeply]
[melancholy music playing]
[Kwesi sniffles]
[sniffs, exhales]
[phone buzzing]
You're calling late, Darlene.
Is everything all right?
You mean, she wasn't able to
When you say
the backup system's compromised,
how compromised are we
Okay, listen.
I don't care what my title is
or what room I'm working in.
I am working on this, okay?
I'll see you in the morning.
[melancholy music continues]
[computer chimes]
-[keyboard clicks]
-[Matt's voice] Hey, it's me.
And you're wrong.
You can still hear me telling you
it's gonna be okay.
And it is. It's gonna be fine.
I'm gonna be working on this
around the clock.
It's really coming down here.
[keyboard clicks]
Remember how much we used to love
lying in bed listening to the rain?
[rain pattering]
Just listen to this.
[pattering intensifies]
Close your eyes.
[uplifting music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[melancholy music playing]
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