Beast Tamer (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

The Lost Woods

So these are the Lost Woods?
It's kind of
dreary, wouldn't you say?
Indeed. They're dark even in midday.
What would you say to burning
the entire place down?
You know we can't do that!
These woods are a fully inhabited ecosystem!
I-I didn't seriously mean it.
So it's deep within these woods, is it?
The Shield of Truth,
which only the Hero can wield
Beast Tamer
The Lost Woods
The Lost Woods
They say the Lost Woods
are in a state of constant, rapid growth.
I'll bet the map Arios's party made
is totally worthless now.
But we definitely have to
find the item within?
We definitely have to.
That's our current job, after all.
We're sorry.
You call that an apology?
You don't look sorry to me!
I think you'd better try to sound
a little more sincere!
W-We're sorry!
I still can't hear you!
We're sorry!
Should we forgive them?
I've gotten it out of my system.
I'd say we can put this behind us.
Very well.
I accept your request.
Now, let's get to the issue.
Apparently, the Shield of Truth
is in the possession of monsters
that dwell in the deepest depths
of the Lost Woods.
It's indispensable
for defeating the Demon King.
We must acquire it as swiftly as possible.
For me, the Hero.
The fate of the world is at stake.
I don't see how you could possibly refuse.
Is he attempting to order us around?
I bet he's not really sorry!
Hey, hold it, you two.
Let's take the job.
I said we'd take the job, but
Hey, are you really going to help that Hero?
I don't like this one bit!
I very much agree!
I don't need those fools' help!
I could defeat the Demon King all on my own!
I'm not saying that
because I'm worried about you, Rein!
Rein, are you sure you're okay with this?
Why did you just start rubbing our heads?!
S-Sorry, I wasn't thinking!
Th-That's okay
I was happy to see you guys
get mad on my behalf.
But I think we need to help Arios.
He's the only one
who can defeat the Demon King.
Sorry to drag you along
with this unpleasantness, though.
I've come this far with you, after all.
You're too kind for your own good,
so it's my duty to look after you.
Yeah, yeah!
I like seeing you stay true to yourself!
Thanks, Kanade, Tania.
In that case, let's get in and out!
But we need to first identify a strategy.
We can't use the map, can we?
I'd rather not just stumble
our way around, either
Let's change our approach.
I'll assimilate with a bird, like before.
I can get the lay of the forest from above.
You two look after my body
and keep your eyes on our surroundings.
Okay, be back soon!
Take care!
It sure is a big forest
But although it's hidden,
I can just make out a path.
I should be able to find a route
to its deepest point.
I'm back!
Welcome back, Rein!
Well? Did you find a path?
Yeah, it went perfectly!
Then, let's get going!
Wait, you!
You don't know the way, Kanade!
Oh, that's right!
We've been walking for some time now
How much longer, Rein?
That stone
We set it there to mark
the way back, didn't we?
We're back at square one.
Seems so.
Y-You think we picked the wrong path?
That seems unlikely.
I shared the information I gathered
from above with the other birds.
Even if I got it wrong,
there's no way they all did.
I think we followed the right path, as well.
I think there's something more
to these woods.
Allow me to investigate, would you?
Material Search.
Wh What are these lights?
This way.
I found it.
This tree is emitting illusionary magic.
That's the reason we lost our way.
I-Illusionary magic?
It establishes an expansive magical field
that permeates the target's brain.
Then by exposing the audiovisual processing
center of the brain to its influence
In other words,
a spell has been cast on us that prevents us
from doing anything but walking in circles.
Though the scale of it suggests
it's more of a barrier than a spell.
I see
Now then, Kanade.
Break down this tree, would you?
How come?
Venting frustrations?
Certainly not!
Just who do you think I am?!
Please don't fight!
The tree is projecting the barrier.
Eliminating it should allow us
to make progress.
Oh, got it!
Er, Tania
Can't you just take down the barrier?
Without destroying the tree
It's quite powerful.
I could do it, but it may take a long time.
I see.
If we're too late,
that Hero will make fun of Rein!
I won't let it happen!
Rein, let me do it!
Wait, Kanade—
Leave this place.
Wh-What was that voice?!
Leave this place. Leave this place.
Leave this place.
Leave this place.
Leave this place.
It can't be
A fairy.
One of the ultimate species
like Kanade and Tania.
Spellcasting specialists with magic power
even greater than dragonoids!
But humans haven't seen a fairy
in two hundred years.
As denizens of the mountains and forests,
they viewed humans, who harvested the forests
for resources, as their mortal enemies.
Soon, conflict sprang up
between the two groups,
and the fairies retreated to the hinterlands
where humans couldn't reach them.
Because of that, fairies hold humans
in a great deal of contempt.
Leave this place.
Um I was hoping to talk—
Leave this place.
I'm Rein. These are my comrades
Leave this place.
There's actually something
we have to do in this—
Leave this place.
If you won't leave this place
I'll remove you from it.
W-We'll come back later!
Very well!
Sh-She didn't pursue us?
No, I think we're safe.
What a shock!
What in the world was that?
Just threatening us
out of the blue like that
Aren't fairies supposed to be
a warm and welcoming species?
It's unusual that she even
showed herself like that.
It would be one thing
if it were just the two of you,
but with a human like me there?
She'd never usually show herself.
Are you suggesting
there's something more at play?
I think it's because we got
close to the barrier.
Indeed, she revealed herself
when Kanade tried to break it
Because you said it was
the only way to move on!
Didn't you say there's a monster
with the Shield of Truth inside that barrier?
But when I tried to break the barrier,
that girl came out and
It does seem strange.
Would she really cooperate with monsters
out of sheer hatred of humans?
Well, her motives aside
We're in quite a hurry, aren't we?
I believe we should take down
the barrier and proceed.
She caught us by surprise before,
but I can keep her spellcasting at bay.
While I do, Kanade, you destroy the tree.
I see!
Then we won't actually harm her.
You can agree to that, can't you?
Well I'd really rather
talk to her one more time.
You can't!
She clearly had no interest in talking!
Yeah! It's not safe!
I'd rather avoid use of force if possible
Besides, we were kind of defensive
back there ourselves, weren't we?
If we approach without hostility,
I think we can work it all out.
Rein is just
too kind for his own good!
Leave this place.
We're not your enemies.
We want to talk to you.
Leave this place.
We aren't here to disrupt the forest.
We just have business inside!
If you won't leave this place
Go on and attack me if you want.
If that will build trust between us,
I'll accept that.
But please don't hurt these two behind me.
Hey, wait!
Really? In that case
I will purge you now.
It's okay.
I can endure one attack.
But I won't give up, no matter what.
I'm a beast tamer.
I've been through countless situations
where I couldn't communicate with words.
And yet
If you engage in good faith,
your feelings will get through.
I know that.
Illusion Arrow!
Why won't you run away?
Don't you remember?
All I want to do is talk!
You let my attack hit you,
merely to earn my trust?
I do not understand.
Are you truly human?
Like those who stole, defiled,
and trampled on our lands?
I am.
But we're not all like that.
There are plenty of good humans out there.
I can't promise you that I'm one of them,
but I do hope you'll trust me.
I shall not be deceived!
You two Why?!
We couldn't just stand back and watch!
Even if you told us to leave it to you,
we were still worried!
Yes, you went too far.
You clearly weren't getting through!
Listen to me!
Rein really isn't a bad person!
He saved me when I was in trouble.
And he helped the people
in the city, and, um
Precisely! I, as a dragonoid,
vouch for him, as well.
Remember? Rein was against
destroying the forest from the start!
When Tania wanted to burn
the place down, he got really mad!
I-I wasn't serious about that!
But when you attempted to destroy
the tree, Rein stopped you!
You're the one who told me to!
But you still wanted to do it, correct?
But it was still your idea!
This is no time to fight, you two!
What a curious human.
A curious cat spirit and dragonoid, as well
Never before have I met
creatures like yourselves.
What is your name?
Rein Shroud.
I am Sora.
I will hear what you have to say.
I see.
You seek the Shield of Truth
in that Hero's stead.
Is this correct?
But the barrier's holding us back.
It was I who erected the barrier.
Would you be willing
to take it down to let us—
I cannot.
The barrier severs the path
to the fairies' village.
I must not expose my comrades to danger.
It sounds to me like you're
covering for a monster.
I am not.
There is no monster in this forest
which holds the Shield of Truth.
All that exists in its depths
is the path to the fairies' village.
It is the fairies who protect
the Shield of Truth.
Huh? But what about the monster?
I'm sure someone fed bad intelligence
to that ridiculous Hero.
If it is necessary to vanquish
the Demon King, I shall give it to you.
Allow me a moment.
Take it.
A-Are you sure about this?
I am.
Though I may despise humans,
my hatred for monsters runs deeper.
Th-That seemed a little too easy
We did it, though!
Is there anything I can do to thank you?
No need, I'm sure.
To pass along the Shield of Truth
was an ancient pact made between
the fairies and the previous Hero.
I merely upheld that pact.
Yes. I deserve no gratitude.
She says you don't need to thank her,
so I'm sure it's fine!
Well, that's one job complete!
Let's get back to the city and hand it over!
Y-Yeah, sure thing.
Thanks, Sora.
Now that your business is done,
leave this place.
Rein, Rein!
Can I have a better look at that shield?
Sure thing!
Just don't break it.
I won't!
What's the matter?
Hey, Sora
There's something bothering you, isn't there?
I can't say why. It's just a feeling I got.
Even if it's a small thing,
I'm happy to listen.
And you did fetch us
the Shield of Truth, so
there's a chance I could help you.
Well the truth is
No, I must not reveal it.
If I reveal the truth
he'll likely aid me
and they could all be hurt.
No it's nothing.
I don't mind.
Even if it's dangerous, I don't mind.
If you're in trouble, I want to help.
Won't you let me?
That's just the kind of guy he is.
He's so excessively kind
that it's frankly disgusting.
He simply won't accept "no" for an answer.
Well? Why not give us a chance?
I think you should do it, too!
Don't worry!
We're a lot stronger than we look!
I really think we could help you!
having deemed you worthy
of my trust, I shall reveal all.
I have a younger twin sister.
Her name is Runa.
Her personality is the opposite of mine,
yet we remain close.
She is precious to me.
In truth, there is more than one path
to the fairies' village.
There are many, found all over the world.
Together, Runa and I maintained
the barrier within the Lost Woods.
It was, in truth, dull work.
But in Runa's company,
there was much joy to be found.
That day, we were obliged to leave
the barrier for a time, for certain reasons.
And there
we encountered a monster
working for the Demon King's army.
We swiftly attempted
to return from whence we came,
but it pursued, and we were
forced to fight back.
However, we failed to defeat it.
And then
Runa was captured.
A monster even fairies couldn't beat?
The monster's name was Shadow Knight.
I see that explains it.
Wh-What do you mean?
A Shadow Knight is a C-rank monster,
so it shouldn't be able
to beat an ultimate species.
But it does have one tricky characteristic.
It nullifies all magic attacks.
In other words, only physical attacks
can hurt a Shadow Knight.
Meanwhile, fairies specialize
exclusively in magic.
It was a bad match-up for them.
I was wondering what could
possibly beat two fairies.
That does explain it.
The Shadow Knight's aim was to eliminate
the ultimate species that might oppose them.
It ordered me to lower the barrier
in exchange for Runa's release.
But I refused to place
my other comrades in danger.
Powerless to save her alone,
I entreated our village's leader for aid.
But he encouraged me, instead,
to abandon her.
"We must celebrate the fact that
the others are safely within the barrier."
"It was you two who erred
by leaving the barrier's safety."
"You must accept
the consequences of your actions."
That's awful
I understand our leader's reasoning.
He prioritizes the lives
of all fairies over that of my sister.
I understand that and yet
And yet I
I am unable to simply abandon my sister.
You've been working so hard.
You've been enduring all that pain alone.
But you can rest easy now.
I make you this promise.
We will save your sister.
We won't expose your people to danger.
And we will defeat the Shadow Knight.
All of it.
We'll grant all of it, together.
The Captive Fairy
Next Time: "The Captive Fairy."
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