Begins Youth (2024) s01e06 Episode Script


This series is based on a fictionalized story inspired by the story of BTS's album,
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life,
and is not related to BTS members and their families.
Child actors and animals were filmed
in safe conditions under the supervision of their guardians.
Don't leave your mother's side today
No matter what
You just need sleeping pills?
Stay in bed.
I'll be back soon with the pills
If there's not enough stove oil,
there's an oil box outside
Come back safe
Watch out for cars
Take your time
Sleep tight
Piano Academy
Don't leave your mother's side today
No matter what
Who are you?
The 45th Songjoo Jeil Junior High Graduation Ceremony
Congratulations on your graduation!
We have flowers for the ceremony
Flowers for the ceremony
Take a look at colorful flowers
Flowers for the ceremony
Flowers for the ceremony
Flowers for the ceremony
Congratulations on your graduation
The 45th Songjoo Jeil Junior High Graduation Ceremony
It pains me to say goodbye to you all
with whom I've grown close
But every meeting leads to a parting
I believe you'll grow into a better person
Ask yourself in the mirror
During my three years of junior high,
did I really cherish every moment?
Did I make any indelible memories?
Did I ponder about my future?
If not
Jooan Kim!
Best of luck. Congratulations
Thank you
- Haru Park
- Yes
Best of luck. Congratulations
Thank you
- Haru, here
- Haru
- You have a beautiful mother
- Thank you
For a year, we had
our ups and downs together
I hope you enjoy your high school
I'll always be here for you
Class captain
- Bow
- Thank you
- Thank you
- Thank you, ma'am
- What do you want to eat?
- Jajang!
Really? Ok, let's go eat
Dad, are you really not coming?
Ready? One, two, three
I'll take one more
Move a little closer
- Smile
- Here we go
One, two, three!
- Let's take a photo
- No, I won't
Come on, it's our graduation
Leave me alone. Go take it yourself
- Come on
- Wow, what's that?
Where is Jooan Kim!
Jooan Kim!
Why are you doing this?
What? Hosu?
Jooan Kim, stop there!
Congratulations on your graduation
Jooan Kim, congratulations!
Jooan Kim, congrats! Congrats!
Jooan Kim, congratulations!
Congratulations! Congrats!
Stop it
We'll have those for now
We'll order more if that's not enough
- Thank you
- Thank you. It won't be long
Mom and Dad wanted to have
a meal together after the ceremony
I wanted to thank you
for being good friends with Haru
School wouldn't have been easy,
so let's stuff ourselves today
- Thank you
- Thank you
How did you come up with the idea?
Dinosaur costume
will definitely stay
in your memories for long
He used to talk about
the Halloween party back in the States
Hwan paid for the dinosaur costumes
- Oh, really?
- Really?
Oh, right. Your father's
a well-known figure!
- Ah
- Oh, Mom, remember?
Ah, Sangmin. Take them out
- Oh, yes
- We should give each one out
Yes, take one each
Oh, it's a padded coat!
would've cost you a lot
Oh, you even recognized the brand
- How expensive is it?
- I don't know
I'm not sure whether
we should accept this
Mom wanted to buy these for you, right?
Yes, though the winter's coming to an end
we still have the last cold snap
Everything has the same design and color
Sorry we couldn't consider individual taste
No, they're incredible!
- Thank you
- I'll wear this every day
- Thank you
- Thank you
- Thank you
- Thank you
take care of our Haru
Of course, I'll look out for him
It's so good
I'm not trying to flatter you
but I thought you're Haru's older siblings
You're so young and good-looking
He has a good eye
You didn't say that during
the parent-teacher meeting
It was my first time meeting them
so I couldn't
Haru always talked about you
I really wanted to meet in person
- He did?
- Yeah
My brother's in the States
He goes to a freaking good college
- I have an awesome brother
- When did I say that?
Did Haru happen to mention me
Maybe not
Please have some yuringi
He might've mentioned
a great dancer guy
It's ugly, stop it
International Restaurant of Chinese Food
- Thank you for the meal
- Thank you for the meal
Thank you
Thank you for the padded coat
- I'll wear it well
- Thank you
You're going home with us, right?
Yes, you should come home with us today
Who is the last coat for?
Ah, this is for my friend
He's graduating today as well
Oh, the one who goes to
Munhyeon Junior High?
You're close enough to give him a present?
That's surprising
- No, I was just
- Uh? Your dad's coming
Let's get in the car
- Goodbye
- Thanks for the present
- Goodbye
- Bye
I'll get going, too
Congrats on your graduation
Me, too!
Congrats on becoming a high schooler!
They're leaving right after the meal?
- Let's go to your dry container
- No, I
I can't go today
You're going to Dohyeon again?
I mean
today's my graduation
Shouldn't I deserve
the man-of-the-hour treatment?
Cut him some slack. It's about his brother
I'm also his brother!
Just for today. I'm really sorry
So happy that you graduated
Forget it. Go
Come to my place tomorrow
- Ok?
- No, I won't
Let's go
I'll get going.
Congrats on your graduation!
- Bye
- Bye
Darn it!
Do you want to go to the gaming room?
Jooan, one kill for me
That was me
You can't tell
your enemies from your ally?
Even just now,
after killing your teammate
you screamed "yes," didn't you?
No, I
What "No?" You screamed
"Yes, Jooan, one kill!" just now
Yea he's going down
Yea he's going down. That's what I said
I was watching you play, and
I couldn't believe my eyes
How come you do one tap
headshots only when you team kill
Really? Was that a headshot?
My goodness
You suck at games
You don't just suck at it
I think you have to battle
against yourself, not against your enemy
The elder wants to have dinner with you
before you return to the States
- Do you have time tomorrow?
- Tomorrow?
I was supposed to meet my friend
I'll check with him
I also want to go
- Hello
- Oh, you graduated today!
- You'll attend Jeil High then?
- Yes
Your brother flew from the States for you.
You must be very happy
- Goodbye then
- Goodbye
The door's closing
How was your graduation ceremony?
I have a present for you next time we meet
It's just a padded coat
I bought yours, too,
when I was buying for my friends
It's same as mine
Ribbit Ribbit! Ribbit!
Come to me whenever you miss your mom
I'll make one for you every day
Now, let's go play! Whoosh!
Yangji Orphanage
You don't meet them anymore, right?
Why aren't you answering Mom's calls?
Mom and Dad worry about you a lot
They want to know whether
you're sleeping and eating well
I told them it's different from
other juvenile halls, but still
- Mom wanted to come
- No, tell her not to come
You don't want me to come as well?
They said it's expensive. Try it on
Go on. Try it
It looks good on you
If you have any problems,
call me right away
If you can't reach me,
you can talk to Hosu
How can I trust him?
You can trust Hosu
I also want someone like Hosu
to look after me
Yangji Orphanage
Please take care of Dohyeon
Don't worry.
Your brother is my brother, too
I'll get going
- Take this. I can run back in
- No, keep it
- I said take it!
- I'll run home
- I'll get going
- Ok, bye
You're looking at it
as if it's a stranger's house
Congratulations on your graduation
Should've come to the school
I did
But you were with your friends
I was the only one without
my family
I think I was the only one
in my entire school
Mom also wanted to attend your ceremony
She worried she might run into Dad
- Mom also misses you a lot
- If she misses me
tell her to come herself
instead of sending you
Munhyeon-si Siyoung Apartment!
Just in case Dad hits you again
Damn it!
It was my graduation today!
Your son's graduation!
Are you going to stay stuck here forever?
You said you're afraid to die
that you can't even go out
You said you don't want to die
like your Foundation friends!
You'll kill yourself
if you keep drinking like this!
Shut it
If you continue living like this
I'll go and live with Mom
I mean it!
As the dry spell continues,
especially around
Yeongdong and Yeongnam
in Gangwon, forest fires
Is Haru really going with us tomorrow?
We told the elder,
Haru has a heart problem
What can we do?
He should do as he wishes
When are you going to stop doing this?
Stop what?
Doing things as you please
How much more should we put up with you?
As if we did something wrong
If so
I'm the way I am because
I did something wrong?
Me going to psychiatric hospitals,
hiding my own illness
unable to make friends
because of the rumors
transferring schools every time
All those because I'm at fault?
You couldn't help it
You couldn't help it, not me
Even then, even at the hospital
That was all for you
If people start talking about
what happened again
you think you can take it
when you're still weak?
I'm ill not because I'm weak
but because you forced me to hide it
- Haru
- So!
it's not me who decides when to stop
it's Dad and Mom, okay?
If you let me talk about
what happened that day
If only you let me, I can live
like other people
Dear Heavenly Father
Honey, are you ok?
Haru, are you ok?
Is he out of his mind?
Haru, are you alright?
Excuse me, you cut in out of nowhere!
What do you mean "out of nowhere?"
You suddenly cut in in front of us!
My bumper was already in
- It was already in!
- I didn't speed just now!
I didn't, and you cut in out of the blue
Not "out of the blue!"
My car was already in!
- What! Are you a novice or what?
- Don't push my shoulder!
- Are you drunk driving?
- I didn't drink!
- Why cut in out of the blue?
- What nonsense!
- Hello, I'm candidate number four
- Hello
Oh, sir
How do you do?
- I'm good
- Is your business doing well?
- Please help us
- I also need your help
- We'll meet again
- Thank you
- Oh, candidate Park
- Yes, candidate Kim
All the best for your campaign
It's not an easy work
- Wish you the best of luck
- Yes
- All the best
- Yes, good luck to you
- Hello, sir
- Candidate number four
Songjoo-si's First Candidate for
the National Assembly, Jaechan Cho
Songjoo-si's Fourth Candidate for
the National Assembly, Changjun Kim
- Isn't that Hwan?
- That's Hwan?
- That's Hwan
- You're right!
- It's him
- Hey!
Have a safe trip
you did well
Thank you
Do you want to come to my place?
My dad went to Seoul
- Wow!
- Come on, hurry up
Oh? Hwan!
It's cold. Let's get inside
- We're here!
- Wow, is it a palace or what?
Well, I'm used to this place
- How do we get in?
- Let's go in
Not that door. Here
Oh, there?
Wow, Hwan. What's this room for?
- This is a guest room
- What about here?
- That's also a guest room
- Let's go in quickly
- Ok
- Haru, come quick
- Let's go in
- Did you shoot everything?
Oh, this!
I knew he was rich,
but he was freaking rich
You're freaking rich! What's all this?
The ambience is amazing, Hwan
Like the rich guy's house
- in dramas
- It's not
Don't, don't touch that
Yes, Secretary Kim
Transfer three billion
to New York right away
Hey, Director Kim
Sir, how about your trip to Maldives?
For mere three billion, you did what?
Manager Kim
Don't overstep the mark
Oh, Director Jeon
Oh, Chairman Park
Oh, Chairman Park, what is
a humble person like you doing here?
So obvious
you've never been out in society
Hey, how about me?
Do I look like I own this place?
At least be like me
to say you own this place
Hey, take a photo for me
Wear a tracksuit, and
it would've been perfect
The fact that you're taking a photo
means it's not your house
Who takes a photo inside their own house?
One, two three!
Why did you get up?
It's ok. He already knows
Had dinner?
- Here you go. Thank you
- Yes, thank you
Thank you, sir
No problem. Enjoy the food
He even wraps a chicken inside a pizza
That's him, right?
- Living with his stepdad in our apartment
- Yes
The one next to him
looks normal unlike the rumors
and the first impression
That's all gossip
Cein's a good guy
Well, if you say so
If it weren't for you
I would've been kicked out that day
Hwan Kim!
Come back in
No, you know your father's not like that
He cares about you a lot
The only thing he learned from his father
is about being a politician. That's why
My dad
Is he really going for the redevelopment?
I'm not sure
I know what you're thinking
From that day onward, you stayed low,
went to school
followed him around in his campaign
all because of them, isn't it?
You expect that if you act like a good son
perhaps you'll be able to
persuade him in the future
- I'll eat this first
- Right
- Why? Eat this first
- Eat slowly
Now, the water park's open
At first, I worried about you hanging out
with kids from this neighborhood
But after I thought about it
my friends weren't anything special either
But even so, they meant a world to me
Well, that's what friends are for
I think
we're meant to meet one another
I know it sounds weird
but I feel like
we were meant to be
as if it's written somewhere
I can't explain it
I also wish that's how things
worked in this world
- Still
- You'll upset your stomach
just maybe
Yes, just maybe
Eat up, clean after, and
don't get into trouble
Enjoy your food
- Thank you
- Thank you
I remembered what you've told me before
so I rummaged through the storage
- Did you find anything?
- Yes, like you said
my dad and your mother were
members in the same year
But, other than that not really
The rumor
You've heard it too, right?
The member of the Liberal Innovation Party
talked about it, right?
- Changjun Kim was involved in sexual assault
- That?
I heard that's a false report
My mom reported it
That's what the principal said
My mom used to have a crush on your father
But your father didn't accept her
so she filed a false report
I can't say that's not true
I can't ask her
because my mom's not around
It doesn't mean I'm doubting your father
I just want to know the truth
That's all
That's my mom
Oh, she's beautiful
She looks like you
That's interesting
I don't look like my mom at all
No way
I saw the photos in your house
You're the spitting image of
your father and grandfather
Lucky for me
My father doesn't like me anyway
He would've hated me more
if I looked like my mom
My parents didn't get along
I only have memories
up until I was seven
It was the worst in my house
After Mom closed her dear piano academy
her depression turned for the worse
Dad hated her for being weak
The same goes for
the fire incident last year
The fire incident
I heard they didn't catch the culprit yet
How could they?
How would they catch the culprit?
The culprit's dead
My mom started the fire
It's not her first time
Mom! Mom, get up! Mom!
Mom, get up!
Mom, I'm leaving
Mom, mom!
I thought
I should let her go at some point
When she woke up, she felt sorry for me
but regretted that she
didn't die the next day
I was so scared she might die
but she was scared that she survived
At some point,
whenever I left for school
It may be my last exchange with my mom
That's what I thought
There was the only thing
I could do for her
There is something about your house
I don't usually talk about this
I'll help you
whatever it is
Anything I can do, no
even if it's something I can't do
Thanks, Hwan
thanks for telling me how you feel
I didn't know you liked me for so long
Whenever you call me "Eunjoo"
The Seventh Songho Scholarship Foundation
Changjun Kim, Eunjoo Kim
My mom used to have a crush on your father
Whenever you call me
"Eunjoo," my heart pounds
I must like you a lot, too
There's something I must tell you
I'll put it in my
second favorite thing after you
Please find it
Her favorite thing?
- Oh, you're in this class?
- Yeah
Great, where are you sitting?
- Stop eating, stop
- Jeha
What? Already finished your lunch?
Our lunchtime is 30 minutes ahead of yours
Go queue up. It's bulgogi today
- You should've waited for me a little
- Whew
Are you pissed again, our junior high?
Junior high student?
I don't see any junior high student here
There are only high schoolers here.
Where's he, but here!
He's here!
He's here
Hey, junior high, clean this up
Come on, quickly
And let's play a game of basketball
I'll be the referee
- Fine
- I'm down
- I'm not good at basketball
- What should we bet on?
How about the losing team
prevent the elderly from lying down?
- Ok!
- That sounds good
We'll wait for you tomorrow
Enjoy your lunch
Hey, Jeha Jeon
You're the only junior high student here
Why would high schoolers hang out with you?
What? Are you scared?
I didn't do anything
Do you lie to my dad that I bully you
with that face?
Quit messing around just
because my dad likes you these days
Whatever you do
your mom will never be my mom
You'll never be my dad's son
It splashed on your uniform a lot
That's two for you. Eat up
Come to the snack bar after basketball
Bow to the teacher
- Hello
- Hello
Why did you ignore my message?
- Who's he?
- What's wrong with him?
Hey, junior high
Did you eat something wrong this morning?
- Can we all have recess at the same time?
- No
You think the school's your playground?
Hold them higher
The ultimate end of the edgelord
Yes, come in
- Hello
- Yes, take a seat
I know why you're here
- You need to leave early for your father's campaign?
- Yes
Yes, there's something to learn there
A very important life lesson
Oh, did you notice?
Thanks to you, the orchid grew this much
Even plants that are unaware
show their good sides when loved
Even more so if it's a human
Until when
should I care for the orchid?
The midterm exam is approaching
What was my father like?
When he was at school
- Hello
- I'm number four
Hello, I'm candidate number four. Hello
- He was like you
- The economy is terrible
- He was kind, upright
- It must be hard
and delicate
Yes, thank you
- Let me say he was an interesting student to look after
- Tasty, isn't it?
- Yes, it's really good
- It's more correct to say
he bore fruit as much as he was cared for
Thank you
- Yes, wish you the best
- Yes, thank you
- Please give me your support
- Ok
Candidate number four
The Seventh Songho Scholarship Foundation
Seonghun Kim, Changjun Kim
We've met during the resident meeting
He's number four.
Look forward to your support
He had a similar circle of friends to you
I remember him being close
to a small group of friends
When are you coming again?
Doesn't that depend on you?
Are you angry at me?
Can't you at least try to understand
why I'm like this?
Do you remember that day?
After that incident, you asked
whether you're good or bad
for three years straight, 24 hours a day
Three of us had to
answer you for three years
What more should we do?
What's going on?
What's going on here?
I'm sick of all this
He's your brother. Try to be understanding
Until when should we live like this?
Haru's ill
I think my family's upset because of me
Yeah, because of me
I thought my brother would understand
Haru, it's Mom
- Open the door
- You're right
Haru, open the door
I can be like this
- It's the only way I can survive, like you said
- Haru
It's your mom. Open the door
I don't think I can see you today
What are you doing here alone?
You still see them, right?
It doesn't concern you
If you care about Dogeon,
you shouldn't do this
You know your brother's
going through a lot
Even about the bike
I also don't want to do this!
If you continue seeing them
I can't help but call your brother
Who do you think you are?
I'm not doing this for you
but I'm doing this for my friend
Get lost
You're just an orphan
Dohyeon's still seeing those friends
I caught him on his way out
Bus number 87
In front of Munhyeon-si Siyoung Apartment
Munhyeon-si Siyoung Apartment
Are you taking the bus?
Are you?
You stay here
Let's go
- Start the engine
- Ok
What are you doing? Do you
Jooan, sorry, but let's talk later
What the
He just hung up on me
- Run
- You thieves!
- Run!
- You thieves!
- Hurry
- Run
Hey, you!
Stop there!
You, with the coat!
Yes, is it 112?
Some young vagrants
broke in and stole all my money
Yes, please come
It wasn't me
Where are you going, you little thief!
Hey, hop in
Hop in quick!
You thieves!
You morons!
I'll do it
We're wearing the same clothes
You live in A-dong,
Mokryeon Mansion, right?
I live in C-dong
I don't smoke
Let's go home together.
I'll give you a ride
Forget it
Your chat ID is Anpanman, right?
Not "pan", but with two Bs
I'll message you
When you get hit, don't block with your arms.
Dodge it
Or else, you'll end up like me
I should've held back
Seems like Dohyeon
didn't plan to go out today
Forget it
how's your narcolepsy?
It's alright
It will get better
I wouldn't be like this forever
- I'll get going
- Bye
Are you out of your mind?
You know who they are?
They're the one who turned you like this!
Hosu Jeong, darn it!
Hey, Dohyeon Kim
He's my friend
not yours
- How dare you!
- You think you're the only one with friends?
They're my friends, too
- They're my bros!
- They're not your friends
Get hold of yourself!
Your friend, too
He's also a pathological liar
- What are you talking about?
- Your friend
That orphan
He's a straight up liar
I told you not to talk about him like that
He's not even taking his medications
He throws it all away!
I saw it myself!
You can go
Yangji Orphanage
Chugga chugga choo choo!
Why are you all by yourself?
We oppose the redevelopment
- Please tell us how you feel about winning the election
- What are your plans now?
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