Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Did you bring in my underwear?
No, why?
I left it out to dry, but it's gone.
Maybe it was blown away by the wind.
I'll go out and check.
Have a nice day, Father.
Why did you just sit there
and stare at him
without even saying bye?
He never responds anyway.
He just looks at me blankly
no matter what I do.
Why are you being so cold today?
I've always been like this.
But you seem especially cold today.
That girl.
All the underwear
that I hung up to dry disappeared.
This is already the second time.
So the thing is,
I bought a set of rainbow-colored panties
for all the days of the week
from a home shopping channel
for 39,900 won.
Red, orange, yellow…
My yellow one went missing.
And that means,
I have no panties to wear on Wednesdays!
But today is Wednesday.
And that means,
I'm going comman--
Don't! You can stop now.
Please take over.
My panties…
That rude little jerk completely lacks
respect for his superiors.
I'm also lacking something today.
What are you talking about?
Today is Wednesday.
And my yellow panties got stolen.
So I'm going command…
- What's the cause of death?
- A meth overdose.
She worked as a high-end escort
until recently
but stopped showing up for work
a month ago.
Does she have a butterfly tattoo
on her arm near the track marks?
This is Baek's doing.
He got rid of her when she lost her value.
Then he must be looking for
her replacement somewhere.
Most gangsters these days
try to evolve with the times,
but this punk
still uses such primitive methods.
Insufficient evidence again?
What's the point of evidence?
Any evidence tied to Baek isn't accepted.
I bet the bastard has something
on the prosecutors.
Any case related to him is dismissed
due to insufficient evidence.
I don't even know
what they want us to do anymore.
Still, you can't just sit by
when people are dying.
We may be detectives,
but we still live on salaries.
What if digging into this
ends up biting us in the ass?
Just hurry back
and investigate this yourself.
I wish I could do that too.
Baek's been strutting around like a king
since you were sent off to Mujin.
What about Seung-gil?
Have you located him?
No, he's completely off the radar.
Even an eraser leaves traces behind,
but there's no sign of him.
- Auntie.
- Yes?
Why aren't there any patients today?
You have to visit Gwang-sik's farm today.
Again? Why?
I said I'm not treating cows anymore
since we're making enough.
Gwang-sik has been our regular
even when things were hard for us.
We can't just turn our back on him
just because we're doing well.
We should help him out.
And the ride?
He's busy today, so he can't pick you up.
Then how am I supposed to get there?
Take the bus.
I'll have to walk for so long.
Where are you going, Bong?
I'm going on a house call, why?
Where is it?
At Gwang-sik's farm.
Get in. I'm going in the same direction.
This isn't like you.
You're usually so cold-hearted.
Get in. I'm not going to offer twice.
I was about to get in.
Some rock offered me a ride
so I'm in his car, but only for a bit.
Please don't get me wrong.
Are you more of a left brain type?
You don't know, do you?
I think you definitely are
a left brain type.
You have no empathy.
You don't try to
understand people or their emotions.
And most importantly,
Left brain types
tend to have psychopathic tendencies.
And since I'm a right brain type,
we don't get along.
I never wanted to get along with you.
I haven't been getting enough sleep
because of you.
I need a nap.
Wake me up when we get there.
What's that?
Is that the bank?
What the…
Isn't that the Lotte World Tower?
What's going on?
Are we in Seoul?
You were supposed to
drop me off on the way.
It was on the way.
Are you out of your mind?
You've pretty much abducted me.
How could you be so selfish?
I really have to go to Gwang-sik's farm!
He's been our regular
through thick and thin.
You and all your talking!
It's so pretty.
I guess stuff in Seoul
really is on a different level.
So pretty.
What are you doing?
I didn't bring my wallet with me.
Can you lend me some money?
What are we here for?
A guy who looks like a total asshole
is going to get out of that car.
You have to touch his butt
and find out what he's been up to
and what he's planning to do.
Is he getting out?
That's him. Let's go, Bong Bong.
Do you think I'm some kind of bongo
that you can play anytime?
You can't just drag me to Seoul
to work for you.
You want to see
how a left brain type works?
My psychopathic side?
We really don't get along.
Hey, Baek!
Touch me and you're dead.
How have you been?
Did you miss me?
I missed you so much too.
How have things been while I was away?
You're going inside?
Sir, you have some gum on your…
She says he has gum on him.
What did you see?
He's bought
a lot of fishing boats recently.
what do I do now?
How much did you want to borrow?
128,000 won.
I'm leaving you here if you take too long.
Get out of her way.
No, you can go.
New lights?
What are you doing?
Are you studying?
Or are you drawing up
some recruitment plans?
What brings you here, Detective Moon?
Weren't you sent to Mujin?
Isn't the air so nice there?
I've been breathing in
all that nice air thanks to you.
Come on, you shouldn't be thanking me.
It's all thanks to your hard work.
Like getting stabbed in the back
by a gangster.
You're humble as always.
Let's see.
I saw your latest masterpiece.
Why make the girls get butterfly tattoos
when you don't have one?
What are you, Papillon?
So you showed up here after all this time
just to spout nonsense to me?
Do you serve fish at your bar?
Why else would you buy
so many fishing boats?
But you're not actually catching any fish,
since there's no record of you
in the fish markets.
So what are you up to?
Smuggling drugs?
You also seem very well-connected.
I see you've been pulling some strings.
Stop being so clueless
and just, you know.
I'll be back in no time, all right?
Moon Jang-yeol…
was here.
Did you see him?
I think…
we better kill him.
Did you see anything else
other than the fishing boats?
Like what?
Like the guy you saw
when you touched my butt a while back.
That guy?
I only touched him for a second,
so the boats were all I saw.
But what happened
between you and that guy?
That's none of your business.
I could drop you off at your place.
I can't have rumors spreading
about how I was riding your car.
It'd be terrible if someone saw us
in this tiny town.
Like who? The convenience store guy?
I didn't mean anyone specifically.
I'm kind of a celebrity in Mujin.
Right, Ms. Celebrity.
You better pay me back
my 128,000 won by tomorrow.
That ungrateful little…
Are you just getting back?
Some rock that I'd never seen before
dragged me to Seoul
because he had to investigate something.
What a crazy little…
So that's what happened.
I haven't seen this outfit before.
You haven't.
So what happened is…
I spotted this beautiful dress in Seoul.
So I borrowed 128,000 won from that rock,
promising to pay him back tomorrow.
128,000 won?
- So he basically bought it for you.
- Why are you…
Are you going to rip my new dress?
I can't rip you instead, can I?
No more exchanges of any sort.
You're smart,
so I trust you get what I mean.
Get home.
Try to avoid your aunt if you can.
You little brat!
Where have you been all day
instead of making the house call?
Hurry over to Gwang-sik's farm!
The calf is really weak,
which is why it's been having diarrhea.
I gave it some shots,
so it'll get better soon
if it stays with its mother.
Thank you so much, Dr. Bong.
Being here with you like this
reminds me of that night.
Me too.
It's been so exhausting.
Why did I have to get a power like this?
Why would you say it's exhausting?
It's a blessing.
How is this a blessing?
You just haven't been using it properly.
This power is amazingly useful
when it comes to dating.
Touching a person shows us everything.
Since we can learn anything about anyone,
there's no heart we can't win.
Don't you have anyone
you'd like to ask out?
Not really.
If you think about it,
we might not have this power forever.
It can be gone
just as suddenly as it came to us.
So don't hesitate
to make the most of it while you can.
If you don't mind,
may I have a look?
All right.
How do you understand me so well?
- Go out with me.
- I like you so much.
- Let's go on a date.
- I adore you.
- I feel like we're soulmates.
- Are you okay?
- Go out with me.
- Are you hurt?
Thank you.
Dr. Bong,
don't let your power go to waste.
Make the most of it.
Here's some raw milk.
Make sure to heat it up
- before you drink it.
- Okay.
Or else you might get a stomachache.
I'll do that. Thank you.
Come with me to the car.
I'll drive you into town.
You really don't have to.
- I insist.
- Thank you.
What are you doing?
Shamans need to be fit.
I ran here backward from my house.
You're exercising?
You know,
this is the age of MeTube.
Different shamans
have different themes for their channels.
Some do mukbangs,
some sing, some play video games,
and some assemble furniture.
I'm thinking of branding myself
as the buff shaman.
What a nice idea.
Dr. Bong.
What brings you here?
Did you come to buy something?
Someone gave me some raw milk.
So I came to give some to you.
- Thank you.
- Sure.
This power is amazingly useful
when it comes to dating.
I've done a lot of good things
for the world.
Why not use my power for myself for once?
Thank you, God.
I'm beat.
Can I drink this?
But that's…
Yes, sure.
Go ahead.
I'll bring you some more another time.
What a shame.
My stomach!
Oh, right.
You're supposed to heat it up
before you drink it.
Where's the bathroom?
It's this way.
Not yet!
Serves you right,
you clueless fake shaman.
All right.
My Friday panties…
Where did Friday go?
We have a case!
- Let's go!
- What kind of case is it?
There's been a series of disappearances.
- Hurry!
- What?
Is this what you meant
by a series of disappearances?
People's underwear have disappeared
for two days in a row.
That would make this
a series of disappearances.
This is the scene of the crime, okay?
I hung up my Friday panties here,
and they vanished into thin air!
Hang on.
My Saturday and Sunday panties
are also gone.
Someone must have stolen them too!
I've already lost three!
What in the world?
What kind of pervert is doing this?
So for the rest of the week,
I'll be going comman…
Everyone, calm down.
Just trust me.
I'll make sure to put
this sick bastard behind bars.
My goodness!
- Of course, Captain.
- What a relief.
- Thank you.
- We're good now.
Any security cameras or dash cams?
None, sir.
- Any witnesses?
- None, sir.
This investigation is going to be tricky.
I know.
We're pulling all-nighters from today.
A stakeout is the only way
to catch such a bastard.
We're not going home until we catch him.
A stakeout for some underwear thief
is too much.
Listen, punk.
Have you ever been without your underwear?
It makes you feel
empty, irritated, ashamed,
and uncomfortable all day.
We'd be neglecting our duties
if we turned away
from citizens in discomfort.
And do you only care about cases
that will send you back to Seoul?
Do the other cases mean nothing to you?
The thief is bound to show up here.
investigations shouldn't be
based on hunches.
Have you not heard of forensics?
You need scientific evidence.
The culprit's not going to show up
just because you stake out
in random places.
No cops rely on their hunches anymore.
I chose this place based on evidence.
What evidence?
That family only has daughters.
Their grandmother even collapsed
from frustration when they were born.
You still think it's a hunch?
Yes, that's exactly what a hunch is.
Get down.
That bastard is at it again.
Don't mess this up
when we've almost got it.
Stay where you are.
He's here!
He's here.
Let's go!
Open the door!
Catch him!
Are you okay, Captain?
Go get him.
Stop, you bastard!
What the hell?
Where did that bastard go?
What the…
What kind of detective
gets whacked in the head by a thief?
Can you believe it?
You're one to talk.
You were the first one to go down.
Hey, that was because he was so fast.
I bet he was faster than Usain Bolt.
But if he's that fast,
he could've just run away.
Why did he have to hit Detective Moon?
It's because he looks down on us.
"No matter what you guys do,
you can't catch me."
"Catch me if you can."
That's it.
Don't you think?
Anyway, let's call it a day
- and strategize again tomorrow--
- Says who?
No one's going home until we catch him.
We're doing another stakeout right away.
Got it?
Answer me! Got it?
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Why did I say, "Yes, sir"?
Let's split up
and cover different areas this time.
We'll never catch him
if we chase him all at once like before.
Detective Bae,
position yourself under the wall.
Detective Na, you follow on a scooter.
And you…
I'm the captain here.
My mistake. Please understand.
I want to understand,
but it didn't seem like a mistake.
It was a mistake.
Captain, you block the exit
from the end of the alley.
But why do you keep giving orders?
Why is that important?
Catching the thief is what matters now.
It's important to me.
Come on, let's get moving. Go!
I'll get into position for now,
but this is wrong.
What the hell?
Damn it.
So you got hit with a bowl this time?
It was a dog bowl. Get your facts right.
What did I tell you?
You shouldn't underestimate the guy.
Where are you going?
I'm going home to change my underwear.
You can't. We have to catch the culprit.
You two send me a list of ex-cons
with the same MO.
You get the car ready
for tonight's stakeout.
Then go to the community office
and compile a list of families
who have women in their houses.
We're not going home until we catch him.
That's a bit too much for me.
Don't you want to catch him?
I do.
Are you going to make
the citizens go without underwear?
But still, I'm the captain here.
Getting the car ready isn't my job.
Then Detective Bae can take care of that.
You come with me to question people.
You tenacious bastard.
I'll ask the higher-ups
to install security cameras
all over the place here.
So let's use those.
That's going to take forever.
Do you know what my nickname is?
Mad Dog.
Once I bite, I never let go.
I'm getting him no matter what.
I think I'm the one who got bitten here.
Just my luck.
For crying out loud.
What do I do with this?
Damn it.
Who are you?
What do you think?
We're detectives going after
the underwear thief.
Who are you calling an underwear thief?
You should know since you're the one
wearing women's panties.
What are you talking about?
I never stole any underwear.
Then run away.
What do you…
Come on. What if we lose him?
All right. Stop.
I'm telling you it's not me.
He can't run as fast as him.
Then why are you wearing women's panties?
I'm not supposed to tell anyone.
That never stops people from talking.
Someone gave them to me.
Was this from you?
Why would you hand out women's underwear?
His yang energy was so strong
that it had to be brought down
by the yin energy.
Where did you get the underwear?
He said they weren't new.
Why aren't you answering?
Did you steal them or something?
They were…
worn by me.
Where in the world would I get
used women's underwear?
I guess I was blinded by money.
My living depends on my shaman work.
Of course.
My living depends on my detective work.
So I understand where you're coming from
better than anyone.
May I take a look around
to verify your statement?
What did I tell you?
He's not that kind of guy.
You shouldn't suspect him
just because he's alone here
with a family to support abroad.
He's still our prime suspect,
so let's keep an eye on him.
- What's that sound?
- Attention, please.
I have an urgent announcement.
Recently, a perverted thief
has been going around the neighborhood,
stealing women's underwear.
So I ask all residents
to take all their underwear from outside
and dry them indoors.
Then was my underwear stolen as well?
A police investigation is underway,
but they haven't made much progress.
They say the thief can run extremely fast.
Detective Moon Jang-yeol from Seoul
chased the thief with everything he had
but didn't even manage
to catch up to his shadow.
He even got hit not once but twice
in the noggin… I mean, head.
The thief's weapon of choice
was a dog bowl.
So don't leave any dog bowls outside.
If any of you run into
Detective Moon Jang-yeol,
make sure to give him your heartfelt words
of comfort and encouragement.
Detective Moon.
Is your head okay?
I bet it hurts.
It's not like his head is a bowling ball.
Where are you going?
Why are you running away?
Off to go bowling?
Don't tease him like that.
He did what he could.
Hey, Jang-yeol!
That nutjob must be really embarrassed.
my undies must've been stolen.
What do I do?
Let the police handle it.
That's the issue here!
I'll be so embarrassed if they find them!
What about yours?
Mine are fine.
What is it? Are your undies missing too?
You heard the announcement?
What kind of style are you looking for?
- Something not embarrassing when stolen.
- Sorry?
Something that won't be humiliating
even when found by the police.
Something that stands out.
I feel so relieved now.
I know. Imagine if ours got stolen.
It would've been so humiliating.
Let's burn all our
current worn-out underwear.
Sounds good.
Have you eaten?
Do you think I have an appetite right now?
He must be too busy to even eat.
His face looks so gaunt.
The poor thing.
This won't do.
I should catch the thief.
So he's fast?
Where's Da-eun's brother?
He said he had to grade
midterm exam papers today.
Okay, girls.
Here's what this is about.
I'm sure you've heard about
the perv in our town.
I need you to catch him with me today.
- Yes, sis!
- Yes, sis!
They say the bastard is too fast to catch.
That's why I need some fast runners today.
- Are any of you fast runners?
- Yes, sis.
I had to run fast
to skip self-study sessions.
I had to run fast
so my dyed hair wouldn't get cut!
I had to run fast
so that I wouldn't get caught smoking!
I'll just run as fast as I can!
Then show me what you've got.
Don't you have midterms to grade?
You come before midterms, sis.
Too bad. The race has already started.
May I still participate, sis?
- Sure.
- Okay.
You're really fast.
I'm the head of discipline.
I run after students who skip classes,
smoke cigarettes,
and dye their hair.
So I had to get faster.
The future of education
looks bright thanks to you.
Thank you, sis.
Education is the cornerstone
of the future, sis.
Have you seen anyone suspicious lately?
What do you mean?
Anyone who seems off
or people you haven't seen around before.
Outsiders like you.
There is an outsider
who recently came to town.
What are you doing?
What do you think?
I came to buy something.
You have something on you.
Were you going to brush it off him?
- Yes.
- I see.
But what's with the gum?
- You son of a…
- That's how you chew gum?
You spit it out, pop it back in,
then chew it again…
What is this all about?
I need your help with an investigation.
What is it this time?
The underwear thief.
What about him?
You didn't catch him yet.
Unless you bring him in, I can't do--
Touch me.
Your power has improved a lot.
Maybe you'll see something I missed.
touch me.
Are you being serious?
That's how desperate I am.
Here. Touch me.
Are you sure about this?
Yes, go ahead and touch me.
Wait, but…
But what?
Only look at things relevant to the thief.
I'll try.
Jang-yeol, it's been so long.
Hello, Sister.
You look even better.
What? The police station?
Tell me what happened, you punks.
He's here for underage drinking,
assault, and illegal gambling.
I'm a minor! Hurry up and let me go!
Answer me. Do you have money or not?
Hey, Seung-gil.
Damn it.
Let's just go.
What is this?
It's your birthday.
It's still two years
before you come of age.
I won't get many points
by arresting you now.
So I'm going to arrest you
once you come of age.
I'd like to celebrate
that day drawing nearer.
One more year to go.
But why aren't you
getting in trouble lately?
I want to be rewarded
for waiting all these years.
Blow out the candles. They're melting.
Come on.
A cake with handcuffs?
You're no longer a minor.
The next time you meet me,
you'll be in cuffs.
You can't catch me.
I can catch anyone.
Blow out the candles.
Where's my song?
I'm not here to celebrate.
- Come on, sing.
- No, you punk.
Then I'm going to
let someone else arrest me.
Then sing with me.
- Happy birthday to you…
- Happy birthday to you…
That punk.
What are you doing here?
What did you see?
I didn't see enough. Let me look again.
I told you not to look at anything else.
It's too small for me to see.
What are you doing?
Just wait. I'm trying to zoom in.
It's working.
I know this person.
- What?
- He came to my hospital before.
That dog bowl!
I'm the one who sold it to him.
- Is this where he lives?
- Yes.
What are you doing?
I'm going to catch this bastard.
- Good evening, Detective.
- Why are you here?
No one's faster
than the head of discipline!
Stop right there!
I'll go this way and cut him off!
You're hurting me.
I caught him, sis.
Seung-gil, what are you doing here?
I'm a minor!
Hurry up and let me go!
Detective Moon!
Detective Moon!
Detective! Are you okay?
What do I do?
Let me see. What do I do?
That Seung-gil or whoever it is
stabbed you, didn't he?
Hang on. Let me call the police.
Why not?
Detective Moon.
Detective Moon!
Stay with me, Detective Moon.
Dr. Bong!
Captain Won.
What in the world happened?
He just went into emergency surgery.
Who on earth did this?
Did you see anything?
Fortunately, he'll be fine.
You two check all the security cameras
and dash cam footage
from where he got stabbed.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
What about the underwear thief?
I'll interrogate him.
You two go after the bastard
who stabbed Detective Moon.
Understood, sir.
You didn't tell anyone, right?
For now.
But why shouldn't I tell anyone?
Mind your own business.
How could he stab you
when you were so good to him?
You broke your promise.
Everything else was off-limits.
I couldn't help it.
What are you doing? You need more rest.
I can take care of myself.
So go. I want to rest.
You're unbelievable.
Run, Hany
To the end of the world
The world
- Run, Hany
- Run, Hany
You should feel honored.
She hasn't sung this
since she tore her knee ligament way back.
Take her with you when you leave.
Hello. Hi, Seon-woo.
What are you…
Are you okay?
Yes, well…
It looks like you were stabbed
near your spleen.
I guess the knife missed it, thankfully.
You seem to know
a lot about human anatomy.
Just things I've picked up
from here and there.
I didn't want to come empty-handed.
There's no need.
That one's for a speedy recovery.
And that one's good for men.
I see.
You didn't have to visit me.
Your neighbors are here.
Come in.
How are you doing?
- Are you hurt badly?
- Are you okay?
What is going on here?
Hospital visits are just as important
as attending weddings and funerals here.
- Why?
- Since no one knows what may happen.
They want to see you before you die.
Listen up, everyone.
His injuries are not
life-threatening at all.
He's fine.
That's good news.
I burned the roof of my mouth
so I wouldn't have been
able to eat the funeral food.
He's so happy that you survived
- that he wants to cry.
- Thank you.
I saved my kids' tuition.
He says he'll pay
a lot of condolence money
when you actually die.
Didn't Yeong-beom's old man
also say he was fine,
then just suddenly drop dead?
He says you should stay vigilant
and take care of yourself.
I was so worried on my way here
that my mouth is all parched.
He's asking
if he can have one of these drinks.
Give them here.
Everyone take one. Drink.
you don't even know
Detective Moon personally.
I've seen him around a couple of times.
Is that right?
Then it's good you came.
This hospital is so nice.
He'll be back tomorrow.
- Those polka dots are mine.
- Those over there.
- Saturday, Sunday…
- They're mine!
- That perverted bastard.
- I can't believe this.
My goodness.
Where did you steal
those leopard-print panties from?
The house with the persimmon tree.
Eun-sil's house.
And these polka-dot ones?
The family that runs the rice cake store.
Ji-yeong's place.
You sick bastard.
You stole panties from the elders too?
You really don't discriminate, do you?
Where did you steal those from?
That's from Bong's--
Die, you bastard!
- You deserve to die!
- What…
- Die!
- Calm down.
- All right.
- Don't get worked up.
What were you saying?
- Bong's--
- Die!
- Die, you piece of crap!
- You…
How dare you steal panties from an elder?
You sick bastard!
I almost got caught.
Take this with you.
What is it?
I didn't mean to look at them.
But when you were 21,
you only liked pretty things.
Whenever I see you,
I want to be 21 again, Jong-muk.
Look at me, bringing comic books
for that thankless jerk.
Mr. Cha.
What are you doing here?
I heard Detective Moon was hospitalized
and thought I should stop by.
I'm here to see him too.
Let's go together.
How have you been?
- Who do we have here?
- Look who's here.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hello, everyone.
I don't think we've met.
No, we haven't.
- Nice to meet you, sir.
- Hello.
The whole neighborhood has gathered today.
May I take this opportunity
to ask for your vote?
- Of course.
- Yes.
Thank you.
This way, sir. I can take you there.
Thank you. Well then.
- See you.
- Goodbye.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
Second floor.
Going up.
The doors are opening.
Going up.
The doors are closing.
Detective Moon is this way.
Dr. Bong?
Captain, the guy who stabbed
Detective Moon is here.
You said you didn't see who did it.
I'll explain everything later,
so please come to the hospital.
I'm right out front.
Stay away. It's dangerous.
He's going down the stairs right now.
Please hurry. He's running away.
Yes, I'm following him.
But I think…
I've just been caught.
Who are you?
Why are you following me?
You're the one…
who stabbed Detective Moon, right?
How do you know that?
Is he alive?
Why did you come here?
I asked if he was alive!
How hurt is he?
You want to know how hurt he is
instead of whether he's dead or not?
Don't tell me you're worried about him
after stabbing him yourself.
Why did you do it?
You two were close.
He trusted you.
Who are you?
We're Detective Moon's friends.
I know you need money
with the surgery and everything.
I have a job for you.
I don't need one.
Is that the nun?
I heard the surgery went well.
But she might not make it past tonight.
I'll pay you handsomely.
We even provide comprehensive
employee insurance too.
Hey, Byeong-ho.
I have a hundred mouths to feed.
If we don't get rid of him,
all 100 of them would starve to death.
So what should we do?
I'll get rid of him.
You will?
Moon Jang-yeol ended up here
because of me.
Shouldn't I wrap things up?
You have a point.
Jang-yeol, what's that scar
on your stomach?
A bastard named Baek stabbed me.
I got my spleen removed back then,
so I won't die
if I get stabbed here again.
Isn't that cool?
Seung-gil, what are you doing here?
You didn't stab him to kill him,
but to save him?
Who are you?
You knew he wouldn't die
if you stabbed him there.
Detective Moon knew it was you,
but he told me not to report it.
Let's go.
He'll understand all of this…
Shut it. What do you know?
Dr. Bong!
Dr. Bong!
Dr. Bong, there you are.
Are you okay?
- Yes.
- Where's the culprit?
Who was it? Why won't you say anything?
I'm sorry.
I was mistaken.
I mean,
how could you mistake something like that?
I'm out of breath.
I guess I have to go
buy some more porridge.
What the…
Why did you call?
I saw that guy.
The guy who stabbed you. Park Seung-gil.
He stabbed you to save you.
What are you talking about?
Do you think you're alive
because you were lucky?
Think about why he stabbed you
in that very spot.
what's that scar on your stomach?
A bastard named Baek stabbed me.
I got my spleen removed back then,
so I won't die
if I get stabbed here again.
Isn't that cool?
He never wanted to betray you.
Baek was threatening him,
and he did it to save the nun.
I'm sorry?
He still betrayed and stabbed me.
Nothing has changed.
He's still a criminal.
He came here
because he was worried about you.
If you don't believe me, ask him.
He'd still be here somewhere.
Forget it!
What is there to talk about
with the bastard who stabbed me?
Oh, my gosh.
Hang on. I'll call a doctor.
Don't go.
I'm sorry.
No, don't talk.
I know what you want to say.
I know everything.
- Happy birthday to you…
- Happy birthday to you…
Just blow them out.
What are you doing here?
Stay with me!
No, Seung-gil!
This bastard killed Seung-gil.
It wasn't him.
He's not the one who killed him.
Help me.
You're all I have right now.
Would you like a talisman?
Can it make sure
things don't work out between them?
It'll bring bad luck to whatever they do.
I need to know
what happened to him here that night.
Where is a snake's butt located?
You're the vet. How would I know?
The culprit is definitely
a Mujin resident.
Looking at it now,
he was wearing a raincoat.
A raincoat that looks like a cape.
A rain poncho.
Don't walk around alone at night.
Make sure to call me.
Do you remember anyone
who recently bought a rain poncho?
Subtitle translation by: Yoon-ji Chi
Ripped and synced by
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