Belgravia: The Next Chapter (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

The Duke, I should warn you,
still holds some reservations
regarding your approach.

Promise me that this is the last time.

What happened to Lily?
[NELL] She froze
in the night, in my arms
Aphrodite, I presume?
- Yes.
- Well, I hope you enjoy the
experience, Lady Trenchard.
- But he saw you.
- Please stop it.
We have been experiencing
some difficulties of late.
I wish more than anything
that we could find a way
back to how we were,
and it's slipping away.
He told me about the new adventure
that you're planning together,
- the silver mine.
- Ah, yes.
You shouldn't have done that.
[CLARA] It wasn't long ago that
you were asking for my help.
As you can see, we must borrow.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- [CRYING] I'm losing him!
I'm losing him!
I don't want to live my life like this,
and I would hope that you don't either.
I want to live with trust and love!
So do I
What have you done?

[CLARA] I don't really know
what I expected of marriage.
I was probably naive.
So much has happened.
I didn't know that someone
could be so complicated.
And troubled.
- I've tried to help.
- [STEPHEN] I'm sure you have.
Everything I do seems to be wrong.
It seems to me he should be thinking
more about your happiness.
You've been married a matter of months,
and he's managed to distress
you and push you away.
[CLARA] I'm sure it's
been my fault as well.
He's had great difficulties
to deal with in his life.
He may have had difficulties,
but he shouldn't be expecting
you to suffer for that.
He doesn't. Not really. I
It's hard to explain.
He can be so loving
and wonderful.
[STEPHEN] All right there, Peter.
Thank you for listening to me.
I will always want to listen to you.
- [STEPHEN] What are we playing?
- [AMELIA] Chase!
[STEPHEN] All right. Let's go!

Come on!
[STEPHEN] Come on! You've got to get me!
Miss Dunn is in the
drawing room, Your Ladyship.
Is she?
She's been waiting for
half an hour or more.
You sat for a lurid painting?
It isn't lurid.
But I confess, I
I didn't think it would
ever appear in a window.
- I thought it lurid.
- Well, it's not.
It's in the Pre-Raphaelite style.
The artist is extremely
talented and reputable.
But I don't understand. How
did this even come about?
I met him through a mutual friend,
a doctor, an acquaintance
of the Duchess of Rochester,
and he asked me to sit for him.
So, you went to an
- artist's
- Studio.
And he told you to take off your clothes
and pose as the Goddess of Love?
It wasn't like that.
You're being prudish.
- Am I?
- Yes.
There were other people there with me,
- the doctor
- Oh, "the doctor."
And other people. My maid was with me
Ah! And your husband?
Does he know about any of this?
Em, you're making far too much of this.
You say it's in the window
of Findlay and Hodge?
They are extremely
respectable dealers, I think.
Yes, where respectable people
might go to buy their art.
People will see it. People who matter.
- I'm hardly recognizable
- Oh, I recognized you
- Yes, because you're my sister!
Emily? How are you?
Well. Thank you, Frederick.
And your mother?
Tolerably well.
Please send her my regards.
[EMILY] I will. Thank you.
[WHISPERS] There's
something wrong between you.
[WHISPERS] No, there isn't.
I'm not a fool, Clara Dunn.
[NORMAL VOICE] All marriages
have good days and bad.
May I remind you that if you should lose
your husband's goodwill,
it will affect not only
you but mother and me.
He's not about to stop your allowance
Yes, not only financially,
but in terms of our
standing and my future.
Perhaps you could think of that
next time you're unfastening your corset
- in an artist's studio.
The very idea that you
would risk our reputation.
I must go. Mother will be wondering.
I've been here too long.
Someone bought it a couple of hours ago.
"Snapped up," he said it was.
Did he say who bought it?
Only that it was a regular client.
That's probably a good thing.
It will hang in someone's
collection somewhere,
and that'll be that.
Did you know that it
would be sold like this?
I did tell Mr. Dearden that
I didn't want it myself.
I could hardly have taken it home.
I'm sure it will be fine.
Do you think it will be fine?
Most likely, Your Ladyship.
- Dinner will be ready in five minutes, Vicar.
[JAMES] Thank you.
Mrs. Warren?
I hope you know how much I appreciate
have always appreciated
everything that you do for me.
Oh, that's very kind
of you. I hope you know
how we all appreciate
you, the whole parish.
I can stay late this
evening, keep you company.
Don't worry. I have
some work I need to
I need to think about [EXHALES]
Well, if you change your mind
You said it would be the last time.
[GORTON] I changed my mind.
I wish I could pray
for you, but I can't.
Because I can't find God.
I can't reach him anymore.
Oh, dear, oh, dear.
But I don't need your prayers.
I just want what's due.
I'm not giving you any more money.
Oh, I Oh, I think you are.
I'm not.
I don't have it.
You can do what you want with me.
You poor pretty sod!
Next time you bring it!
You bloody bring it!!
You go near him again,
and I will kill you.
I know who you are.
And I know where to find you.
And I will come to you in the night,
and I will slit your
wretched throat as you sleep.
- Do you understand me?!
- Yes.
- Hmm?
- Yes!
You don't do this!
[GROANS] Leave me here.
No, I think I should
see you inside, sir.
- Fetch a doctor
- No, no. Go. [GASPING]
I know you were trying to help.
I I thank you for it.
What's happened?
Sit down.
Someone was getting a beating.
Why do people have to be such animals?
Thank you.
First thing I did,
when I was 15,
once I learned to walk again,
once I got my strength again,
I learned how to fight.
No one gets the better of me.
Not anymore.
I swore it then.
I can find something to
help you cover this up,
but you'd better have a story ready.
Corner of the cupboard?
I couldn't walk away.
But you shouldn't run
risks, Lucian Wood.
I haven't heard my name for years.
It was His Lordship's brother
who I helped.
I recognized him from that
time he came to the house.
I've seen him
the same place I go.
Is he all right?
And whether he's all right
We can't do anything.
We can't say anything.
These are the terms they're offering.
We could approach other banks,
but the existing relationship is useful,
and with the time we've got,
well as you see,
- if you should default
- I won't default.
I'm sure, Your Lordship,
but the loan is secured
against your interest
in the foundry and
against Trenchard Imports.
If you're satisfied, the manager says
he could make some time
for us this afternoon,
and we can get things signed.
Please ask him to see us
- as early as is convenient.
- Yes, Your Lordship.
[CLEARS THROAT] There is one
other matter, Your Lordship.
It's, um, personal to an extent.
I've been setting a
little of my wages aside
for some time now to see
myself through my later years.
And, uh, as you know,
the mine is
well, it's a rare opportunity.
I was wondering if you'd
object to my speaking to Madame
about the possibility of making
a small investment myself.
It would be a conflict
of interest, would it not?
I'll think about it.
Thank you, Your Lordship.
- [ROSS] Lady Trenchard.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Mr
- Easily forgettable.
- Of course.
Good morning, Mr. Ross.
May I say how glad I am
to see you looking so well?
Does my heart good.
Thank you.
Reverend Trenchard?
Oh, my goodness.
- I shall fetch a doctor!
- No, no.
No doctor.
I'll try to explain.
I've made some new friends.
They're good people
a little bohemian.
How thrilling.
Well, one of them is a doctor.
They're all respectable.
A doctor?
And now I am wondering
if this might be the
doctor who was at Maywood?
A very handsome man. N'est-ce pas?
And one of them is an artist,
and I posed for a painting of a goddess.
Of course.
And I couldn't buy the painting myself.
And it was in the window of a dealer's,
Findlay and Hodge, only briefly,
but my sister saw it,
and I didn't think I was recognizable,
but she did recognize me.
And now it was sold.
And I hardly slept last night.
Forgive me. Dear Clara, this is
why you are wearing that frown?
I don't want to give Frederick
reason to think more badly of me.
So, one of our acquaintances
sees this painting,
and perhaps they do not
recognize you at all.
But if they do, they think
"Mon Dieu.
Can this really be the
enchanting Lady Trenchard?"
It only adds to your mystique.
Frederick should consider himself lucky
to have a wife with
- such allure.
This is nothing.
Do you really think so?
Now, if you had said to me
that you have taken a
passionate love affair
with one of these bohemians,
this artist, this doctor, perhaps?
Then that would be something
something to keep you awake at night.
- Let us have coffee.
Dear Clara, if you are to
live your life to the full,
I think you must grow a thicker skin.
I saw Clara yesterday.
Did you, dear? You didn't say.
I forgot.
I called her on impulse.
- She sends her love.
- Ah.
And Frederick sends his regards.
Oh, that's nice.
And how how how is she?
Well, enough, if a little distracted.
You don't think she's expecting?
No, Mother.
At least not as far as I know.
Because that can make
one a little dizzy.
When I was carrying you,
I was nowhere near as
sharp as I usually am.
- Heavens.
- I'm sure it won't be long now.
Perhaps. Or perhaps not.
Thank you, Nell, how kind.
I can't wait to hold a
baby in my arms again.
Can you imagine? There is
no greater joy for a woman.
The smell of their little heads
Thank you, Mother.
Very poetic, I'm sure.
Pass me the butter, please.
Here, the "ah" is
actually pronounced "ay"
rather than "ah."
I know it's confusing.
B-a-b-e Babe?
That's right. "Babe."
"A woman came up with
a babe at her breast."
Well done.
I don't think I shall
ever get it, Your Ladyship.
Of course you will.
Think of all the perfect fools
you know who can read and write.
Are you still studying
your alphabet book?
Yes, I look at it every night.
Only I'm that tired,
and my eyes start closing.
That's understandable.
I don't wanna let you down.
You won't.
Really, Mawd, you need to have
more confidence in yourself.
The world conspires to make us feel
that we're weak and foolish women.
I mean, we're not.
I think it will be my
mission to make you understand
that you are a clever,
strong young woman,
and you can do so much
more than you think you can.
Where are you going with that?
Sorry, Miss Davison. She
gave it to me Her Ladyship.
She said she's tired of it.
I tried to say it was too much, but
Take it, please, if you think
It's fine.
If Her Ladyship gave it to you
keep it.
Thank you, Miss Davison.
I'm sorry if my mother upset you.
It's all right, miss. I'm
sorry for making a fuss.
[EMILY] You didn't.
I've been thinking about your parents.
Do Do they know about the
You don't have to tell
me if you don't want to.
But if I had a daughter who
Well, I would badly want
to know where she was.
They threw me out
when I started to show.
My father, he
He was very strict.
But they might have forgiven you if
They don't want me.
I don't want them.
What about the baby's father?
Did he know?
He'd left the town.
What town is this?
That's why I came to London
to find him.
I didn't know where else to go.
He didn't know about the baby.
He would have wanted to know, I think.
But you couldn't find him?
- Oh, Nell.
Would you still like to find him?
I have thought about it.
But he left.
What use is it to make
him suffer as I suffer?
- How are you?
- As you see.
I happened to see the Duke today.
He and the Duchess have invited us
to lunch with them on
Saturday. Will you come?
- After the last time
- No, I won't come. How can I?
The last time you spoke to me,
you were accusing me of
"theatrics" and "impropriety."
- Clara
- You might be able to push
our problems out of sight, but I can't.
I know I spoke strongly after the ball,
and I hope you can forgive me for that.
You must acknowledge that I
had some reason to feel hurt.
All I want is that we
talk together, honestly,
- and listen to each other.
- Which is what we're doing.
And I'm simply asking
you to come with me.
I am simply refusing.
So, unless you mean
to take me in chains
- Your Lordship?
- I will dine out.
- Thank you, Mawd.
F R Ay
Thank you, Mr. Ross.
This is a check.
We require a banker's draft.
We cannot wait for this to
pass through the clearing house.
The funds are there, Madame.
Oh, I don't doubt it.
But we did specifically
request a banker's draft.
There is urgency, yes?
I'm sorry. I thought a check would be
I will have a banker's draft issued
and in your hand within the hour.
Thank you. Good.
So, this must wait, but not for long.
I'm sorry, Your Lordship.
I should get to the
bank as fast as possible.
No, I shall go myself.
A draft isn't usual practice.
I wanted to be certain
You knew we had to act quickly.
Yes, Your Lordship.
Mrs. Warren? Is the Reverend at home?
I was expecting him at the
bazaar committee meeting.
Uh, he's not well,
Madame. Uh, a slight cold.
Oh, I'm sorry.
But I do have some pressing business to discuss with him.
Do you think he might see
me for a few minutes just to
No, Madame. Sorry.
So, it is quite a severe cold?
Well, please tell him
that things are a great
deal better with Nell
and that we are the best of friends!
Didn't you spend some time in France?
Yes, more's the pity.
My grandfather's French.
They sent me and one of
my brothers over there.
Slave labor, if you ask me.
- Whereabouts was this?
- The North.
Near a river called the Somme
that no one's ever heard of.
Did you ever come across
a place called "Étagnac"?
No. But France is a
very big country. Why?
There's this woman we're
doing business with
the Marquise D'Étagnac.
She's very wealthy. Impressive.
Unusual, a woman in business.
She certainly knows what she's about.
But I don't know.
My nose is starting to twitch.
What do you mean?
Do you still have family out there?
Well, my brother stayed.
There are hundreds of cousins.
I don't suppose you
could, uh, write to him?
He farms sheep.
If you want to know
where this place is
It's more about what's there.
- Is there a castle or
- Ah, a château?
What's said about
her? Does she go there?
I doubt he can help.
But for you and your
twitching nose, I'll try.
Christ! What are you
creeping up on me for?
Sorry, I wasn't.
- What's all this then?
- Don't you like it?
Yeah, I like it.
Her Ladyship gave me this.
It's one she's finished with.
You've done your hair different.
And what's this? Is that rouge?
Just a touch.
Where are you off to?
If you don't mind my asking, Miss Mawd?
Meeting my friend Alice.
Well, you watch out for
yourself, looking like that.
Why have you never been
for a drink with me?
You never asked me.
We shall have to put
that right, shan't we?
Your next afternoon off?
[ROCHESTER] Do you think
we should go and visit
this mine of ours?
Really, my dear, I can't
imagine you traveling to Mexico.
[ROCHESTER] I don't see why not.
I can be quite adventurous in my dreams.
Perhaps one day.
[ROCHESTER] I can see
why you are addicted
to this business of business.
Rather thrilling, the
element of risk, like,
staking a little wager on a horse, what?
So, where is the lovely Clara today?
She had a prior appointment
to meet some friends.
She was very sorry
not to be able to come.
I am glad she's making acquaintances,
settling into her life here.
I wouldn't say "settling" exactly.
[ROCHESTER] Wait until
the first infant arrives,
then she'll settle.
No choice, eh, Mary?
We have seen a great
change in Peter recently.
He's been going for walks,
playing with the other children.
He has color in his cheeks
and is so much happier, isn't he, Percy?
He is, I I must say.
An encouraging change.
I couldn't be more pleased to hear that.
This claret is excellent,
don't you think?
So, you're saying that people
were wrong to demonstrate
against the Match Tax
or the Enclosures or
[RICHARD] Not wrong,
but I remember something
William Morris said to me once
about how strikes and rallies
are really no more than a plaster,
when it's the sickness
in the whole body,
the whole means of
production, which needs curing.
I still think it's better
to have your voice heard.
At least you don't feel invisible.
What do you think, Clara?
I don't know.
But I should think even a small gain
- or victory is worthwhile.
- I agree.
You should come with us next
time we take to the streets.
- [RICHARD] She's teasing.
Do you ever see people like me,
- I suppose, at rallies or
- [STEPHEN] Occasionally.
But they tend to be politicians,
and they're always men.
I'm afraid I can't imagine a time
when it would be possible
for me to join you.
I really am sorry about the fright
I gave you with the painting.
It's residing with an extremely
private lady and gentlemen
and will never be on public display.
- More's the pity.
I still have a couple of
my preliminary sketches.
If you would rather I destroyed them
[STEPHEN] Please let him keep them.
Nothing so exquisite should be
lost to the world completely.
Are things no better with Clara?
I can't talk about it anymore.
It's too painful, Mary.
I think perhaps she can't love me.
You must have faith.
I am sure she loves you.
How could she not?
Thank you for a delightful afternoon.
Miss Davison.
Good evening, Your Lordship.
Do you know where your mistress is?
With friends, Your Lordship.
I expect her back soon.
What friends?
- Where?
- Bloomsbury, Your Lordship.
- They read poetry
- Where?
In a public space?
- In a private house?
- A private house.
But there are always
a lot of people there.
What sort of people?
Why aren't you with her?
I often am, Your Lordship.
As I say, there's always
a lot of people there.
Safely in a hansom cab
and on her way home.
I had the feeling she
wanted to stay, didn't you?
It compromises her, doesn't it?
Coming here.
I don't see why it should.
What's your point, Annie?
My point is
what are you doing with her?
I mean, what do you think
will happen between you?
She's a married woman and a Lady.
I didn't realize you
were such a reactionary.
For you she can be another
of your grand passions
- I beg your pardon
- But for her?
What happens to her once it's over?
First of all, you're
leaping way ahead of things.
And secondly, she is a grown woman,
and she can make her own
choices and her own decisions.
You really believe that?
You have no idea.
I can't help feeling responsible.
For what?
The difficulties between
Frederick and Clara.
We introduced them in this very room.
Good Lord. Growing
pains that's all it is.
Perhaps I should speak to her mother.
[CLEARS THROAT] I hardly think
that would be a fruitful exercise.
Mrs. Dunn resides in fairyland,
as far as one can tell.
You didn't mind my
mentioning Peter, did you?
Frederick has been so loyal, so tactful.
No, I didn't mind.
Percy, if Peter continues to improve,
do you think we might consider
reintroducing him to society?
- Mary
- Taking him to church with us one day, perhaps.
He's so much better.
- We don't know that
- Oh, you have seen it.
And I have great faith in Ellerby.
Everything he has
done so far has worked.
Oh, please.
Let's see how the boy is at Christmas.
- If he has stayed well
- Thank you.
I adore you.
Well, I am extremely adorable.
Where's dear Reverend James?
Perhaps he's still unwell.
Oh, poor man.
How disappointing.
[MRS. DUNN] Yes, isn't it?
I do so look forward
to his lyrical waxings.
Where is dear Reverend James?
I've come to enquire about the Reverend.
Is he no better?
No, Madame, not really.
I hope it isn't something serious.
What does the doctor say?
- Mrs. Warren?
Could you come in, Madame?
I don't know what to do.
Reverend Trenchard?
Don't be embarrassed.
I saw my father through
a bout of influenza once,
so, I'm no stranger to the sick room.
Now, what's this I hear
about you not eating?
And I really think you
must see a doctor at once.
Please go. [GROANS]
But why ever not?
I have said no doctor.
I regret that this is unfair,
that I am concerning you
You are.
But please, please
leave me alone.
I'm afraid I won't.
I sent Monsieur
Nicoli to speak to the dealer.
Then he spoke to the
people who had bought it,
made them a very generous offer.
They were reluctant at first but voilà!
I can't believe it.
You don't need to thank me.
I would have done anything
to get rid of that terrible frown.
This, on the other hand,
is far from terrible.
We should destroy it. Don't you think?
- Burn it.
- Burn it?
I'm sorry, I know you've paid
a lot of money for it, but
No, no, that is not necessary at all.
I will keep it safely locked away.
No one will ever see it.
I promise you.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
Beautiful Clara.
You ready for another adventure?
I heard back from my brother.
One of the farmhands
travels up from the Charente.
I looked it up on a map Étagnac.
There is a château marked there.
This boy has been there.
He says it's just a ruin
and has been for as long
as anyone can remember.
Is it now?
Perhaps it doesn't mean anything.
That lot have houses
and titles to spare.
She probably has a grand
house in Paris.
The Charente is the back
of beyond, apparently.
[AMELIA] Come on, Peter!
Why haven't I seen this patient before?
Those injuries are days old.
He wouldn't allow it,
and I couldn't go against his wishes.
You should have done.
He has three broken ribs,
and one of his lungs is compromised.
How did this happen?
[EMILY] He won't say.
He will be all right, won't he?
Just tell me he'll be right.
[STEPHEN] How are things
with Lord Trenchard?
Do you mind if we don't talk about it?
It doesn't feel right,
especially with you.
Why especially with me?
you may not be able to
speak frankly, but I can.
I must.
I'm falling in love with you.
More than falling.
The truth is, I'm completely lost.
- Too far gone for help.
- Stephen
And I know you can't say
anything. Not now, at least.
But I need you to know
that I exist only for you.
- And if
- [MAN] Help!
- [WOMAN] Help.
- [NANNY] Dr. Ellerby!
Oh, God!
[AMELIA, RANDOLPH] Peter! Peter, get up!
I'm here, Peter!
- Get them back to the carriage!
[NANNY] Come along. Come on, children.
- Can I help?
- No, you'd better go.
It's all right, Peter. You better go!
[MAN] That lunatic
should be kept indoors!
Or locked away. Is he yours?
[MAN] Who are his parents?!
- [STEPHEN] Shh. It's okay.
It's disgraceful!
- Good boy.
Take them downstairs at once.
[STEPHEN] I'm afraid
he had another seizure.
It was severe.
[ROCHESTER] Where did this happen?
- Where?
- On the heath.
In public view? God's sake, man!
Peter, my dearest boy
[ROCHESTER] This is an end to it.
As soon as he is recovered,
you leave this house,
and you do not come back!
And he
This is an end to it!
No. No, it's bad enough
that this will be the end of my name,
the finish of this family.
I do not want to have to look at him!
I will not have people
witness his imbecility!
I want him gone!
He was shaking all over.
Why does he do that?
Oh, he can't help it, Randolph.
We don't know why it happens.
That's what Clara said.
- Clara?
- She means Lady Trenchard.
Lady Trenchard was there?
- Why?
- She walks with Dr. Ellerby.
[DAVISON] Oh, Your Ladyship.
What's happened?
- What?
[ROSS] Mr. Keck.
Thought I might find you here.
Well, I'm damned. Mr. Ross.
- Come to frighten the fishes?
- Shh.
- Tinker.
- Oops.
Quiet as mice, remember?
The Enrights' room
is just down the hall.
They won't be in there now, but
- Maybe I should go.
- Oh, no, no, no.
No need for that. You can
take your coat off, if you like?
Been wanting to do that all week.
[KECK] They call her
"La Grande Marquise."
She's famous in Paris.
Connections at the very top.
Rich as Croesus, they say.
- She has this safe.
- Oh, yes, I know about the safe.
What's bothering you?
I don't think this business with
the château means much.
I've been trying to work out what it is.
Take away the fancy
clothes and the titles,
I look at her methods.
She pushes. She wants
everything in a hurry.
- Don't we all?
- She flatters.
She has this man, her agent.
He watches everything.
I don't trust him.
You were in Paris a
long while, weren't you?
Nearly eight years.
Didn't wanna leave.
But you can't run a factory when
all your workers have walked out
and your machines have
been smashed to pieces.
How would you feel about going back?
- [GIGGLING] Ah! It tickles!
- Shh.
Blimey, girl.
You'll get us the sack, you will.
Imagine old Enright's face
if he walked in here now.
Don't say that.
I reckon he'd die of shock.
I reckon it's a long time
since he saw anyone kissing,
- let alone anything else.
I don't know. I reckon
he's got a fancy woman.
- Enright?
- He writes to her.
- What?
- It must be a woman.
He lies to Mrs. Enright,
doesn't want her to
know anything about it.
- You're kidding.
- I'm not.
And do you know where
his fancy woman lives?
You have to get well.
I don't know what I would do
if anything happened to you.
You'll live your life.
You will be happy.
I I won't.
Will you do something for me?
Really, I I would I
would do anything for you.
You dear, dear man.
Your Lordship, Miss Dunn is here
and wishes to speak with you.
Please tell her I cannot be disturbed.
- I'm sorry, Miss Dunn,
Lord Trenchard cannot be disturbed.
[EMILY] But it's urgent!
- [EMILY] Lord Trenchard!
- [ENRIGHT] Miss Dunn!
I need to speak to you.
It's all right, Enright.
If you've come to speak
on your sister's behalf
It's about your brother.
Reverend Trenchard is extremely sick.
Perilously so.
He's asked to see you.
I'm afraid that won't be possible.
He has asked for nothing this last week.
This is his only wish.
I will not leave this room
until you agree to come with me.
- Emily
- I will not leave this room!

What happened to you?
Who did this to you, James?
Miss Dunn says you've stopped eating.
Why would you do that?
Dear Freddie
I wish you had come
when Mother was dying.
I wish you had come.
Well, she didn't need me.
She had you.
Just as father had you.
She wanted to tell you something.
And so she told me,
and I can't carry it any longer.
It's too heavy.
I can't I can't carry it to my grave.
Well, you're not going to your grave.
You're young and strong.
You weren't his.
She said that you
you weren't Father's.
You were someone else's.
An affair.
And Father knew.
He knew.
They thought that they
couldn't have a child together,
then I was born,
and he rejected you.
Do you see?
It wasn't your fault.
None of it was your fault.
I am my father's son.
I am Lord Trenchard.
You will always be
Lord Trenchard, but
you are not Father's son.
Even now you want to crush
me and undermine me
and take my place.
She swore. It's not your fault.
You didn't stand a chance.
- I love you.
Oh, Freddie.


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