Beyond Paradise (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

"Just as the Tide Was Flowing" plays
One morning in the month of June ♪
Down by a rolling river ♪
There a weary traveller
chanced to stray ♪
And he beheld his lover ♪
Her cheeks were red,
her eyes were brown ♪
Her hair in ringlets hanging down ♪
She'd a lovely face without a frown ♪
Just as the tide was flowing ♪
Sorry, Lucy.
We'll be out of your way soon.
We'll need a list of what was stolen
as soon as you can do it for us.
And I'd like you to think
back over this past week.
Did you notice anything
out of the ordinary?
Anyone you didn't recognise
knocking on the door,
hanging around outside,
that sort of thing?
You think they've been watching me?
To be honest, it's more likely
to be opportunistic.
A spur of the moment thing,
seeing you were out,
But it's worth having a think.
I'll send PC Hartford in.
One of the neighbours says
she saw a figure walking down
the side of the house
around half past midnight.
It was too dark to get a description,
but it looked like
they were carrying a sack.
Eh. That'll be the missing pillowcase.
And, um, time fits with
when the dog monitor was moved.
Why didn't she call it in?
Well, she said she couldn't be
sure what they were doin',
and they were leavin',
so she didn't bother.
Okay. Go back in and finish
getting the victim's statement.
No fingerprints inside the house,
but there is something
on the window frame,
so get it processed.
The inspector is not
answering his phone,
so I'm going to drive over there.
I'll see you back at the station.
It isn't in a strong wind
ripping up and down ♪
It isn't in the heartbreak
beating on the ground ♪
It isn't in the blinding sun
waking from the night ♪
It's written in your eyes ♪
It isn't in the tall fields
crumbling to dust ♪
It's how you make 'em up ♪
Make 'em up ♪
Morning, Margo. Is Kelby back?
Five minutes ago.
Doing room service.
Drunk from last night.
Found her in a shopping trolley
outside Lidl's.
Ironically, she woke up
demandin' porridge.
Yeah. Seems like everyone's got
the munchies.
Burglar on Stamford Road
helped himself to a sandwich
before he left.
Didn't we have that before?
Last Halloween?
Remember, three break-ins
on the Romney Estate,
did the same thing.
Atticus Styles.
Didn't he get a custodial?
Probably would have liked that --
three meals a day, talk shop.
12 months suspended for two years.
There you go.
Margo, you're amazin'.
That's what I'm here for.
Wait, I -- I still don't have
any porridge!
I haven't eaten all day!
That girl's proper hard work.
Uh, she's given me the number
for someone to come get her.
Right. I'll be out for an hour or so;
when the inspector comes in,
show him the crime report and tell him
I've gone to question
a possible suspect.
Yes, Sarge.
Oh! There you are.
Sorry, I got, um, held up.
What've I missed?
Burglary -- just on my way
to see a suspect,
I can fill you in on the way.
Well, this is a bloody mess!
It's for the best.
For who?
Both of us.
Not sure Humphrey would entirely agree.
Well, he will in time.
He'll meet someone
and have the future he deserves.
And you?
Well, I won't have to
feel guilty all the time.
Has he told you what he's going to do?
He talked about going back to London.
He needs to give notice here and
check the Met will take him back
and then we'll have to sort money out.
Can't let him go back with nothing.
You've obviously given it some thought.
Well, we need to be practical.
It's strange.
I've always regarded love
as being rather an impractical thing.
Or are we pretending you don't love him?
Of course I do.
That's the whole point of this.
So the point is, you --
you both being miserable.
So you can't confirm your whereabouts
between midnight and 1:00 a.m.?
Well, I told you, I was in bed.
But we've only got your word for that.
Mum! What time did I go bed last night?
After the news, love!
So, that's about 11:00,
played "Call of Duty"
about an hour, and then I fell asleep.
These gardens back onto
Stamford Road, don't they?
Easy enough to jump over the fence,
get there and back
without anyone noticing.
Mum?! Did I sneak out and rob
anywhere last night?!
No, love! You didn't!
Would it be easier if your mum
came down and joined us?
No. She don't like strangers.
She gets a bit anxious.
Cheesy puff?
No, thanks.
Suit yourself.
See you like peanut butter, Atticus.
Mmm! Mm, loves it.
Only, whoever did
the burglary last night
helped themself to a sandwich.
That's your thing --
having a snack before you leave.
Well, hungry work, housebreakin'.
Yeah. There was something else
on your file, too.
On your last job, you used a pillowcase
to carry out what you'd stolen.
So the same thing
was used last night.
Or is all this just a coincidence?
Must be. Or it's one of them
copycat crimes.
Whoever it was left their fingerprints.
So, if they're yours,
you'll be back in custody by teatime.
You can threaten me as much as you like.
It wasn't me.
Are we done?
Only, I told my mum I'd go
shopping for her
before "Bargain Hunt."
Anything else?
Oh, um, no. I think we're, um,
uh, no, I think pretty much
covered everything, Sergeant.
Excuse me.
See ya later -- shut the door
on the way out?
You've got to speak to him
It's better I don't.
And I've turned off voicemail.
Two six. Is that right?
Yeah. Zero zero. Yeah. Great.
Right. Thanks a lot.
Margo, can you organise someone to do
a door to door in Stamford Road?
See if any private security
or doorbell cameras
picked up Atticus Styles
out on the street
around midnight last night?
And talking of your burglary,
I've just had the lady's
insurance company on.
She's already put a claim in.
That was quick.
I thought we were still waiting
for a list of what was stolen.
I'll bet she's done it herself
for the insurance.
It's pretty elaborate if she did,
the M.O. fits Atticus Styles perfectly.
And he lives less than
a hundred yards away from
where the burglary took place.
So it's a pretty obvious fit.
What do you think, sir?
W-well, if something's too obvious,
it often turns out not to be true.
Huh! Okay, now that's a bit weird.
The fingerprints from the
window frame in Stamford Road.
We got a 100% match.
Atticus Styles?
No, it's not Atticus Styles.
Her prints are on file after
being convicted of shoplifting,
October 2021.
What time did you bring her
in last night?
Uh, half 11:00.
She was in a shopping trolley,
singing Culture Club's
"Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?"
That can't be.
It might have been "Karma Chameleon."
No, the time!
It had to be later.
Well, I logged it.
Got there at 10 past 11:00,
got back here at half past 11:00.
Took me a while
to get her out of the trolley.
She got her arm caught in
the baby seat bit at the front.
What was she wearing on her feet?
Boots. It's in the bag
with the rest of her stuff.
Get them checked against the impression
taken from outside the window
at the scene.
Say what you have to say,
but don't overstay your welcome.
This really isn't a good time.
I know about you and Humphrey.
This is Shipton Abbott, remember,
news travels fast.
I need to ask --
is this because of what happened?
Between you and me?
No, 'cause nothing happened.
No, of course.
Oh, thank God.
I felt sick when I heard;
I just assumed that --
It's not about anyone else.
It's between me and Humph.
I'm sorry.
Are you?
That's not fair.
Isn't it?
Wasn't that long ago
you weren't quite so concerned
about my relationship with Humphrey.
Okay -- okay.
Well, maybe I deserve that.
I care about you.
I want you to be happy.
And for a moment there,
I was arrogant enough to think
that might be with me
and not with Humphrey.
But that doesn't mean that
I take any pleasure in,
you know, in this.
Can't you tell me what happened?
Nothing happened, we're just
not right for each other.
I thought we were, and we're not.
That's it.
Look, it's really sweet of you to come,
but I'd rather be on my own.
It's not great, you know
Losing someone you love.
Make sure this isn't a mistake
you'll regret making
somewhere down the line.
Sir, can you look at this for me?
We're waiting for confirmation
from the lab,
but what do you think?
Yes, I'd say that was a match.
That's what I thought.
So it's her?
How can it be?
The burglary took place
at 25 minutes past midnight,
when, according to you,
she was locked up in one of our cells.
Oh, yeah.
Uh, right, um, yes, uh, hmm, so
Uh, we -- we -- we have
the fingerprint evidence
from the window used for entry
into the property
and a match from her boots
with the impression taken at the scene.
Um, so there is, uh,
little doubt, if any,
that, um, Martha gained entry.
Uh, no. Hayley Collins.
Um A-and yet,
if the crime was committed
at the time of day, you say it was,
uh, then Hayley was already in custody.
Which means
It's a bit of a mystery, isn't it?
Can I ask where you were last night?
Not sure I remember.
I had a blazing row with Katie
and went on a bender.
My girlfriend.
Go on.
The plan was to get so drunk
and be all tragic,
and she'd come and save me.
Started at Kitty J's and then
went on to Harbour,
and then it just gets
a bit hazy, to be honest.
We have reason to believe
you may have entered a property
last night unlawfully.
What would you say to that?
Wouldn't surprise me if I'm honest,
I was totally off my face.
Oh, wait, I think I tried to get
into the supermarket
to get chocolate.
Is that it?
I'll do it.
Um, the lady's come here
to -- to pick her up.
Well, tell her to wait.
She's being interviewed.
Can you do it?
You're here to pick up Hayley Collins?
Mm, I'm her partner.
Well, that's fine,
but you'll have to bear with us,
she's being interviewed.
No, I want to be taken straight to her.
That's not possible, I'm afraid.
He clearly didn't explain.
I'm not just her partner.
I work for Maxstead and Hamilton.
I'm also her lawyer.
So, what do you remember
after trying the doors
of the supermarket?
I'm not sure.
All I know is I was wasted,
I needed to lie down,
tried to ring Katie,
but she was ghosting me.
You don't recall going anywhere else?
I think she's made it perfectly clear
that she can hardly remember
being at the supermarket,
let alone anything afterwards.
I'd still like to hear it from Hayley.
You don't recall going to Stamford Road?
Do I really need
to repeat myself, Sergeant?
Stamford Road?
You know it?
How is this relevant?
My e-- My ex lives there.
Lucy Elliot.
You were in a relationship with her.
Until about four months ago.
You lived together at Stanford Road?
No, I've never been there,
I just know that
she bought a house on
Stamford Road when we broke up.
You've never been there.
It was Lucy's house
that was broken into last night.
You know anything about that?
God, no! Is she all right?
Yeah, she's fine.
Hayley, we know you were at
Lucy's house last night.
But I wasn't!
We found your fingerprints
at the property
and an impression of the boots
you were wearing when you were arrested.
Can you explain that?
No --
This alleged offence, Sergeant.
Can you tell me what time it took place?
Excuse me.
It's a simple enough question.
We believe it was between
midnight and 1:00 a.m.
When she was in police custody.
So in what grounds
is she being questioned?
Well, that was fun.
Yes, look, I'm sorry.
I don't feel I was much help.
I've got a suspect with enough
evidence against her to charge.
Yet at the time of the offence,
she was actually in police custody.
Then I've also got a known burglar
who lives 100 yards away
with the exact M.O.
who I can't place at the scene.
We got a couple of CSOs
to knock on doors
in Stamford Road like you asked.
A house two doors down from Lucy Elliot
found this on their door camera
taken just after 11:00 p.m.
the night of the burglary.
Atticus Styles.
Aah! Chill out!
Mum, can you call AJ and tell him
I'm not going to make rhumba class?
You're making a very big mistake.
Yeah, you lied to us.
Yeah --
I --
I couldn't tell you where I
really was last night
'cause Mum was listening.
If she knew I snuck out,
she'd batter me.
So you admit
you snuck out the house?
Yeah. I went to Stanford Road?
But I didn't rob no one.
And I can prove it.
Come on. It's on the way.
Come on.
I've been here before.
What is going on?
Just knock on the door.
Oh, hello, love!
All right?
Where is he?
He's got an alibi.
Eh, love?
Someone dodgy has just
come out of Lucy's house.
Should I call the police?
Get on.
Lucy's neighbour.
He's having affair with her.
Turns out his mum doesn't approve,
so he has to sneak out to see her.
But she's willing to sign a statement
saying that he arrived at her's
at just after 11:00 and didn't
leave until 5:00 a.m.
So, that rules him out.
Mm? Mm.
Any thoughts?
Uh, uh, ju-- Just processing.
I think we need to go back
to Lucy's house.
To -- to Lucy's house?
Uh, to do what?
Well, as the other two lines of enquiry
are currently dead ends,
I think Margo's right.
It's an insurance fraud.
And if that's your plan,
why not frame your ex into the bargain?
Yes. Okay.
I don't understand.
You don't need to.
If they contact you again,
just say nothing.
I'll deal with it.
They got my fingerprints.
Fingerprints on their own
are meaningless
unless they connect 'em to
a crime, which they can't.
But they know I was there.
They don't know anything,
And it'll stay that way if
you just let me deal with it.
I'll take care of it --
like I always do.
Wait, I thought we were going
to the house?
We are. Or rather, I am.
There's really no point
taking you the way you are.
There's obviously
something on your mind,
so I thought I'd drop you off here.
You can grab yourself a coffee
or something.
I'll pick you up on the way back.
Sorry. I've been a bit useless,
haven't I?
Pretty much.
Oh, sorry.
Whatever it is,
maybe you should take some time.
Unless you want to talk about it?
Wouldn't know where to start.
She doesn't want to be with me anymore.
I'm sorry.
I guess Archie coming back into her life
has confused things a little.
Archie? You mean they've been --
No, M-Martha would never do that.
She was feeling
things for someone e-- I mean,
she would tell me, I know --
I know she would.
I-I mean, she would tell me. I
What do you think?
That's what they're doing now.
Is that what this is all about?
No, I don't know, sir.
I called you "sir" then.
Yes, you did.
Sorry! I don't know the
etiquette when, you know
I mean, I'm assuming it hug's too much,
but to call you sir is probably
too far the other way.
Um, luckily, this isn't awkward at all.
Absolutely not, no.
Look, take the afternoon off.
If anyone asks, I'll tell them
you're following up some leads.
Come back fresh in the morning.
Would you mind?
Not at all.
You want me to take you home?
No, no, I could do with a walk.
Bit of see air.
Yes, um
Thank you.
You're very welcome Sir.
I promise you ♪
It'll all make sense again ♪
I promise you ♪
It'll all make sense again ♪
I promise you ♪
It'll all make sense again ♪
Well, I lost my job a few weeks ago,
and I'm a bit skint.
The money from the insurance
will really help.
Every cloud and all that.
It's just more usual for us
to get a list of
what's stolen first, that's all.
So You went out last night
and you returned at
Around 1:30.
Did you see anyone when you were out?
It was a date.
Someone I met online.
And you met her at what time?
8:00? It was a bit late,
but she'd stood me up the night before.
I waited in a bar for an hour
before she called to say
she'd missed her train.
We'll need their details at some point.
Can I talk to you about Hayley Collins?
Has she ever been to this house?
No. Doesn't even know where I live.
We had a flat together
on Broughton Road,
and when we split up,
my dad helped me buy this place.
We were getting married.
We both lost our mums, so I had both
their wedding rings melted down
to make a single ring.
I can't wear rings,
I get eczema on my hands.
She was going to wear it.
I found out she'd been seeing
the Rottweiler behind my back.
She broke my heart, I moved out,
and now they're both threatening
to take me to court
saying that I stole Hayley's mum's ring.
But I didn't.
She gave it to me
to make the wedding ring.
Couldn't you just have given it to her?
My mum's ring is in there, too.
She's not having that.
She's the one that ruined
everything, not me.
And I don't care
if her girlfriend's a lawyer.
I would rather chuck it in
the river than give it to her.
Except I can't now, can I?
It was in the jewellery box.
So it was stolen with everything else.
So, this ring thing gives me
a motive for Hayley Collins,
as well as fingerprints and
an impression of her footwear.
But you still can't charge her
because she was in our cells
when the burglary supposedly happened?
Then I've got Lucy Elliot
saying she'd rather throw ring
in the river
than give it to Hayley --
and she's skint.
So that gives her two motives
to stage the burglary herself
and claim on the insurance.
The most annoying part
is everything still points to it
being Atticus Styles.
What if all three of them
are in it together?
How? And why?
Well, I've no idea!
I didn't know you were going
to ask questions.
Where's his nibs, anyway?
He's good at all this stuff.
He's, uh, following another
couple of leads.
Well, you better give him a call.
Chief Superintendent Woods
wants to see you both.
What for?
Didn't say.
So you're just going to give up?
Is that what you think I'm doing?
Well, you do rather seem
to have accepted it.
Well, if by acceptance you mean
honouring Martha's wishes
rather than trying to browbeat
her into changing her mind,
then yes, I've accepted it.
I went to see her this morning.
I asked her if there was any
part of her finishing with you
that had anything to do with me.
She says not.
And if she said yes?
Because that's what
you were hoping for, isn't it?
Why else ask the question?
I won't pretend I don't have
feelings for her,
but I went there to see if I could help.
Nothing else.
Just because Martha and I have history
doesn't mean that we can't have
a grown up conversation about this.
Police -- step aside!
Right, what's going on?!
Aah! What the bloody hell
are you doing?!
Sir? What -- What are you doing?
I understand you're angry,
but I am not your enemy!
A friend of a friend, he got beaten ♪
Stop, whoa.
What are you doing?! Stop!
Sir! Sir! Let 'im go!
Tell him to let go!
You've got him in a headlock!
I'm restraining him, Constable!
He's gone a funny colour!
Let him go, sir!
Ow! He bit me!
I can't bloody breathe!
There's no need for fighting.
All right. Stop it. Stop it!
That's enough, all right?
Don't make me draw my baton.
Hey! I've got pepper spray, too.
Stop it. Just calm down.
Can I ask why the inspector
isn't with you?
He's following up a lead
on the Stamford Road burglary.
We thought that should take priority.
Are you close to an arrest?
We have a number of suspects.
Well, as you're here on your own,
have you given any more thought
to our conversation.
About moving to HQ?
I think I'd rather stay where I am.
Despite it being something
of a career cul-de-sac.
Despite that.
I like what we do at Shipton.
I know we're a small team,
but it means we're more hands-on,
part of the community.
I understand the attraction,
Esther, I really do.
But it's a method of policing
that we're moving away from.
Well, maybe we shouldn't.
And the inspector?
How's your working relationship?
Good. Excellent, in fact.
I hear some in the community
think he's a little odd.
He is.
But he's also a brilliant detective.
But word on the police
grapevine is that yesterday
the inspector made enquiries
about returning to the Met.
You didn't know.
Esther, your loyalty
is to be admired.
But it does seem it's unreciprocated.
I'm not the enemy here.
I just want what's best for you.
You've got a bit of a bump
coming but I doubt it's fatal.
Oh, thanks, Margo.
Sorry about all this.
It's all rather embarrassing, really.
Don't mind me.
I have no expectations at all
where men are concerned.
I've travelled through surprise,
rounded corners of heartbreak
and disbelief
and arrived safely.
And couldn't give a toss.
Can I, uh,
help you?
Sorry. I was just looking at your --
Yeah, I know you were.
Stop it. You'll go blind.
No, no, no, no!
Your tattoo!
Oh, it's a Nazca Line from Peru.
I had it done there first time I eloped.
Don't ask.
Just a bit weird seeing you
with a tattoo.
Actually, I got nine.
But unless there's a set
of unforeseen events
which I can't even begin to imagine,
you'll never get to see the other eight?
Now, make yourself useful
and get him a cup of strong tea.
Oh, yes, please.
I'll have one as well
seeing as I'm first responding.
What's happened?
He was fighting.
Who with?
Well -- well, I wouldn't
call it fighting exactly.
Yeah Kelby found him
rolling around in the street.
Excellent. Must have been
around the same time
I was telling the Chief Superintendent
how brilliant you were.
I feel like I've let you all down.
Well, that's something you won't have to
worry about for much longer, isn't it?
I'm going to interview
Hayley Collins again.
I'm not sure which you're most
upset about,
the fighting or having to cover for me,
but I'm really sorry for both.
Why didn't you tell me
you'd been talking about
going back to the Met?
What's up?
Not exciting enough for you down here?
No --
Find it's all a bit dull?
Is that it
No, I --
Look, I thought we were
building something.
That we had each other's backs.
Were you going to tell me at all
or just disappear,
like you were never really here?
Yes, I made the call, but it
was nothing to do with you.
How am I supposed to be here
if I'm not with Martha?
Seeing her every day?
We're just trying to work out
how to exist.
Look, what my life would look
like, you know,
without the person I thought
I was going to spend it with.
I'm sorry.
I -- I didn't think about that.
I shouldn't have snapped.
This isn't your fault.
I love it here, working with you.
So, uh You're going?
I don't know if I have a choice.
Look, at least I'm trying to
accept I might have to.
That's a shame.
Yes, it is.
Look, um
While you're still here,
fancy making yourself useful?
Of course.
Then please help me solve
this flaming burglary case.
Be glad to.
I take it this isn't a formal interview?
No, it's just a few questions.
About a crime
you accept Hayley knows nothing about.
About a crime that's still
under investigation.
Lucy Elliot took Hayley's mum's
wedding ring.
It's been the only subject
of conversation between them.
I understand you've threatened
legal action.
Yes, we have.
Though there seems little point
now the ring's been stolen.
Uh, Ms. Collins, have you any
explanation at all why
your fingerprints
were found at Lucy's house?
Or why a footprint that matches
the boots you were wearing
was found in a flower bed
under the broken window?
Hayley has now answered
that same question twice.
She has no idea how any
of these things happened.
Your evidence may be
contaminated in some way.
Or maybe it's just incompetence.
What I do know is that
when the crime took place
between midnight and 1:00 a.m.,
Hayley was already in custody,
locked away in one of your cells.
Do you have a favourite
sandwich, Miss Collins?
Only, our burglar helped
themself to a snack before they left.
Okay, I've heard enough.
We've already established
that Hayley couldn't have
committed the crime
that you're questioning her about.
So I'm calling an end to this.
We simply want to find out the truth.
The truth is, Hayley
has not committed any crime,
nor does she have any reason
to be anywhere near
her ex-girlfriend's house,
let alone break in.
I really must insist you leave.
Well, you certainly pushed her buttons.
That was the general idea.
Another domestic, is it?
Excuse me.
They were at it
night before last as well.
It's like listening to two
banshees wrestling a warthog.
Yeah two of them
pretend police turned up.
Community support officers.
It was louder when they left
than when they got here.
And this happens a lot
does it, the arguing?
My Rosie is a nervous wreck.
Your wife?
She lives out back.
You've got a llama
in the back garden.
Well, Peggy won't have her
in the house.
Your wife.
And could you hear
what they were arguing about?
Well, the one with a face
like a wasp's armpit
was telling the soppy one
she was stupid.
Sounded like she'd done something wrong.
Couldn't hear what --
looked at her the wrong way,
Betty said.
Other half. Someone else has
made a complaint, have they?
No. Well, we are just --
Monitoring the situation.
I can take notes.
Thanks. We'll be in touch.
Thank you.
The forensics report is back.
They've confirmed a match on the boots.
I'm not sure if that's good news or bad.
They've also got a soil match
from the house
mixed with a couple
of strands of blue carpet.
That would be the Kitty J's.
They've had the same carpet
in there for years.
And we know she went there.
I checked through the arrest reports
and court files
of the Atticus Styles case.
I mean, nothing much in there
we didn't know about,
but I couldn't find
his interview transcripts.
Maybe his lawyers have a copy.
Maxstead & Hamilton's --
do you want me to ask?
Won't hurt.
Wait. Who?
You said Maxstead & Hamilton's?
That's the practise Hayley
Collin's girlfriend works in.
Well, it's coincidence.
I don't believe in them.
Are these the note.
Thank you, Margo.
I wonder
Can I see the forensics report?
Have you got something?
I'm not quite sure.
Our feisty lawyer, Kate
said something I thought quite strange.
We were talking about the ring.
She said there was little point
in pursuing their legal claim
now that the ring had been stolen.
But how could she know that?
Did we tell them that the ring
was amongst the missing items?
And the sandwich? Looking at
the case notes, it was decided
not to make public
what kind of sandwich it was.
The lawyers representing
Atticus Styles would have known.
But like everything else in this case,
it still doesn't make much sense
until you add one more ingredient.
The carpet fibres, almost
certainly from the Kitty J pub,
were found embedded in the soil
from Lucy Elliot's house.
Which means
That she went to the pub after
the break-in.
Yes, but how?
If the break-in didn't happen
until after midnight, and if her
boots were taken from her
by Kelby when he put her in the cell?
So there is only one explanation.
It must have happened
the day before.
Determined to get back what she saw
was her mother's wedding ring,
I think Hayley came here to steal it --
but on the night
before the actual burglary.
However, on that night,
as we heard from Lucy,
she'd been stood up by her date
missing the train,
so she came home early.
So Hayley had no choice.
She had to abandon her plans,
and leave the house.
I think she went home,
told her girlfriend Kate.
How could you be so stupid?!
You said yourself
she'd never give it back!
And when they found it gone,
who do you think she'd blame
for taking it?
The police would have
been here waiting by the time
you got home.
Yeah, well, it's my mum's ring!
I know, and I said
I'd get it back for you!
Yeah, except you won't, will ya?!
I know her, she'll never let me have it.
I said I'd get it back, and I will!
This is the argument
the neighbour said he heard
the night before the burglary.
The next day, the argument continued.
This was an issue
that wasn't going to go away.
I think they each had their
different ways to deal with it.
Hayley decided to try and drown
her sorrows
and by her own admission, hope that Kate
would come to comfort her.
This is where the blue carpet
fibres stuck in the mud
she'd picked up at Lucy's house.
Kate, however, had no intention
of rescuing Hayley.
Knowing the window latch
had already broken,
Kate went back to the house
to finish what Hayley had started.
She'd only come for the ring,
but realised she had to hide that fact
by taking other items too.
I dare say, Hayley had told Kate
where Lucy was likely to keep
her jewellery.
So there wasn't much searching to do.
So she took all the other stuff
just to disguise
what she was really there for.
Pretty smart, really.
Oh, but she was even smarter than that.
Her law firm had recently
represented local
house-breaker Atticus Styles,
who she knew lived a stone's
throw from Lucy's house.
So what better way
to put us off her scent?
By putting us on someone else's.
Using the things she knew from her work
helping to defend Styles,
she simply replicated his M.O.
Including making yourself
a peanut butter sandwich
before she left.
But she made a fatal misjudgment.
She didn't consider that Hayley
might have left evidence
from the night before.
Oh that she would get herself
Okay, let me get --
Do you really -- ♪
Hey, get off!
Make me cry ♪
Do you really wanna hurt me? ♪
I don't. I just want to get you home.
The things we do for love.
Right. Let's organise the arrest
warrant and pick her up.
Check with CPS there's a case
against Hayley Collins, too.
Do you want to go to the seaside? ♪
I'm not trying to say that
everybody wants to go ♪
I fell in love at the seaside ♪
I handle my charm with time
and sleight of hand ♪
It's all right. It's okay.
Do you want to go to the seaside? ♪
I'm not trying to say
that everybody wants to go ♪
I fell in love at Seaside ♪
She handled her charm with
time and sleight ♪
I haven't spoken
to the superintendent yet.
I-I just need to take some time out.
I'll talk to her when I'm back.
-Where will you go?
I don't know.
Sorry, uh
Your voicemail doesn't seem
to be working, so I --
I thought I'd try your mum's number.
Anyway, uh..
I just wanted to say I'm off
I thought I'd go and clear
my head a bit.
Yes. Uh, so
But a-also
I've been thinking about
what you said -- a lot.
'Bout you thinking
you're not enough for me.
And, well, I don't want you
to think that --
that you're not enough.
Because how could someone
like you not be enough?
And I know you think that not
being able to have children
would leave a hole in my life.
And I'm not going to pretend
that's not true.
But it would leave a teeny
weeny little hole.
Whereas not having you
would leave a hole bigger
than I think I can bear.
One I could never fill.
So, I know you think you do me a favour.
But you're not. Okay?
You're really not.
A-and I'm sorry,
but if you love someone,
then you stay with them.
And whatever life throws at
you, you face it together.
And it's not that things wouldn't hurt,
because they would,
but we would hurt together.
And not on our own.
Not on our own.
I just wanted to say that.
And I love you.
Hello, old friend.
Inspector Goodman.
No, no, no. Don't get up.
I assume there's a reason
you didn't tell us you were coming.
I tried Catherine's bar first,
but then I remembered
how much you loved this place.
The sea's a wonderful thing.
It's as though just staring at it
calms the soul.
Seeing something so vast,
so endless puts,
everything into context.
Makes us realise how small we are.
And therefore
How small our troubles are.
They don't seem that way.
You've been missed.
Well, thank you, sir. I appreciate that.
I didn't say I missed you.
Or that I hadn't.
See, I remember this feeling,
not being entirely
sure what you're saying.
You haven't asked how I knew
you were here.
I know.
So how did you know?
Because you booked your hotel
on my credit card.
O-oh, yes. Sorry.
Because you left
quite a big hole yourself.
You got my message?
Went to see Archie.
Bought him out of the cafe.
Y-you didn't need to do that.
No, but it uncomplicates things.
And I think we need uncomplicated,
just for a while.
Did you mean what you said about us
not being able to have kids?
You're all the family I need.
I swear:
There is no me
without a you.
Oh, it looks lovely there.
But where are you?
We're in Saint Marie.
Where is that?
In the Caribbean.
It's all right for some.
It looks amazing, sir. Like paradise.
Yes, it is.
Listen, I wanted to let you know
we're booked on
a flight tomorrow morning.
You're not staying longer?
Martha's got a business to run,
and, well, I need to get back to work.
Well, that's great.
The chief super's been asking about you.
Yeah! Well, you can tell her from me,
we're coming home.
Oh, yeah!
See you soon!
Gosh, it's strange.
I really miss them.
Even Margo?
Especially Margo.
Gosh, I nearly forgot!
You left this behind.
I love you.
How are you?
Martha! Hello.
It's lovely to see you.
Oh, I couldn't believe it
when the commissioner
said you were here.
I'd forgotten how beautiful it is.
Oh. I must introduce you to some people.
Oh, yes, yes.
Humphrey, this is
Inspector Neville Parker.
Neville. I've heard so much about you.
You too.
How are you finding Saint Marie?
Oh, some place, isn't it?
Certainly is.
Oh, this is -- this is Martha.
Oh, hi!
Pleased to meet you.
You too.
And this is the rest of my team.
Naomi and Marlon.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
So how goes it with the commission?
Well, it's funny you should ask that
because he is --
I see you all found each other.
Yes. Neville was just telling
me how much she enjoys
working with you, sir.
Is that so?
In that case,
you can buy me a large rum.
Fair enough. Drinks all round?
Sounds good to me.
Oh, Humphrey!
You should tell the commissioner
about your duck.
Yes, I
Well, you see, the thing is
Sir, I was missing this place terribly,
and especially you, sir.
And I befriended a duck.
First time I swallowed ♪
Now, you're on your own ♪
I won't return ♪
Forever you will wait ♪
You're wondering now ♪
What to do ♪
Now you know this is the end ♪
You're wondering how you will pay ♪
For the way you misbehaved ♪
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