Bleach s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky One, two The sound resonates Into my heart, so hard and deep A field of stars spans endlessly And through it I carve a passageway In step with time as generations change Close your eyes and listen closely Shooting stars stream on silently until the goodbye Keep the Light inside of you, never give up don't ever Lose Transcend time and you will prove, there is a special place for you A blaze of glory is there, It's all a part of our estate, Life is our story to create Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of Light Throughout the age, never fade away A secret fire, a scream of Light, voices calling through twilight Cast your thoughts to the wind, hang your wishes on the moon Live your Life with all your strength for dreams will reach you very soon Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of Light Throughout the age, never fade away Someday your dream will find its place somewhere Keep shining like a star Not much left.
This side, too.
It's almost time to replenish.
Kurosaki Clinic Internal Medicine Pediatrics Hey, I brought you breakfast.
Come on out! Hey! Hey! I said breakfast-! Huh? She's not here Where'd she go? That idiot! Don’t you think Brother's acting weird lately? He eats so much more now.
And he always rushes back to his room.
Ichigo is 15 years old.
An impressionable boy in the springtime of Life would only go and lock himself in his room for just one thing- Cut it out! And quit analyzing me, dirty old man! What are you saying?! It's because I'm your father! Why can't you understand? Who'd understand such a thing?! Your breakfast will get cold.
How peaceful Clean up batter, Jinta Hanakari.
Here's the wind up and the pitch! With a perfect back swing, he lets it go! A homerun! Jinta, you'd better get to work or Tessai will scold you.
Urahara Store Shut up, Ururu.
I'm not cleaning up out of fear of Tessai! Huh? Aren't you sweeping because you're scared? I'm not scared! Besides, you're too cocky! You're my underling! Am not! I'm three years older than you! I'm not talking about age! I'm talking about rank! W-Who are you?! Huh? Never change, do you, runt? Is the boss in? Welcome Hey Jinta It's too early to open up shop.
Huh? Ms.
Kuchiki! One moment, please.
I'll wake the boss up.
Sorry, but I'm already up today.
Good morning, Tessai, Jinta, Ururu And welcome, Ms.
I just received a delivery yesterday.
What would you like today? One spare of the Kikanshinki fuel and which rank? The cheapest one.
"D" then.
And 60 pieces of Somafixer and This may be none of my business, but too much of this can be toxic.
If you over synchronize with the gigai, it'll be quite painful when you Leave it.
I know that, but Lately, my connection with the gigai has been weak.
And it's difficult to move my body.
Want me to check you out? I'll give you a discount.
No, thank you! Right.
By the way, has the thing I ordered been delivered? Oh, yes it's here.
Ururu, get it from the storehouse.
Uh, yes! It says "new item" on the box.
Um new item new item Oh Found it! Is this the only kind you could get? Don’t say that.
That one's the second most popular and was hard to get.
But You can't fake it forever.
I know that.
Everyone, good morning! Oh, good morning, Kuchiki.
You Look so lovely again today, Kuchiki! It's not like you.
Third period is over already.
I had to go home for something.
By the way, Kurosaki May I see you a moment? Huh? What is it? If you need to talk, tell me here.
Are you all right, Kurosaki? Oh no, I'd better take you to the infirmary! Didn’t she just hit him? Nah, we didn’t see that.
Here! Huh? What is it? Gikongan, Substitute Soul Pills.
It's a capsule that will force a soul out of the body.
When one swallows that, a substitute soul will enter and the real soul can Leave the body.
If there's ever a time when I'm not here and you confront a Hollow, use that and transform into a Soul Reaper.
It says "Soul Candy".
T-That's because the Women Soul Reapers Society complained that Gikongan didn’t sound nice, so it was changed.
Why's it a duck? Shut up! I personally wanted the rabbit shaped container, Chappie! I see You wanted a rabbit, huh? Why're you looking at me Like that?! Are you belittling me?! I didn't really get your explanation just now.
Take one! Then you'll understand.
Huh? My soul really did leave! Are you shocked? In that empty shell of a body, there's a substitute soul.
So no one will notice that your true soul is gone! Oh! Nice to meet you.
My name is Ichigo Kurosaki.
Huh? My favorite phrase is "Early to bed, early to rise.
" Early to bed, early to rise?! Isn't it amazing? It's not amazing? What IS that thing? What part is like me?! Huh? A mission.
Perfect timing.
Leave him here.
And we'll head for the site! A-Are you crazy?! Let’s go! No way! They’ll know he's a fake! Hey! You! Make sure you attend the next class! Leave it to me, Master! Take your time.
Huh? Huh? Defective Merchandise Look closely.
What does it say? Read it.
De fictive Merchandise? Defective merchandise! Defective! You sold a customer damaged goods! Get your act together! You and your stupid bangs! Oww! Hey, hey No fighting.
But this Gikongan is going to be trouble.
I know.
We'd better take care of this right away.
Otherwise, who knows what he'll do? Awright feels great.
I finally found a mobile body.
Now I'm free.
Hey! W hat are you doing?! Huh? You're Kurosaki in ninth grade group three.
What did you just do? That fence is broken! W-What's with that Look?! Huh?! He flew! Hah hah, he's surprised all right.
Yahoo! It's lunchtime! This girl! Don’t get so excited over lunch.
What're you saying, Tatsuki? A healthy high school girl comes to school just to eat her lunch! Okay, okay.
I get it, so sit down.
Tatsuki, what do you have for lunch? I have bread with sweet bean jam.
How nice.
Unfortunately, I only have an ordinary Lunch.
See? You make your own bean jam rolls.
Good girl! Hime! Let’s eat lunch together! Yeah.
Oh, how cute! You bite into a whole loaf of bread and smile with crumbs around your mouth! This is ninth grade, group three, right? I got a bad feeling Y-You! How did you get up here? How? You saw, didn't you? I jumped.
Well, wasn't that amazing? Are you surprised? Maybe he came from the next class room through the window.
He jumped from the ground! You saw it? No, I didn’t.
Righteous! Everyone's eyes are on me! They must think I'm amazing.
What a feeling! And the girls in this class are good looking! Every single one of them is above average I've been cooped up for so Long Huh? Oh! Super size! Hello, pretty girl.
Will you tell me your name? Ichigo! Do you know what you're doing?! This better not be some joke! Hey, up close you’re pretty cute too.
Huh?! Why the rush back to the classroom? I'm worried if he's doing okay.
You don't have to worry, he'll be fine.
I don't know about that.
I've been getting these bad vibes.
As you said, we'd better hurry.
Told you.
Why you! Die! Watch out! What's the problem? I just kissed your cheek.
What's the big deal? You're not in grade school.
Shut up! Stop her, Chizuru D-Don’t be stupid! How could I stop a beast like that? Stop right there! You He's coming, Ichigo! Right! Now, there's nowhere to run.
You, I mean, me! Why?! Kurosaki What's he doing by himself? Who cares?! W-What's going on?! It's a poltergeist! So Long! What's going on with him? He can’t be No, there's no mistake he's a Mod Soul! Ichigo! That was Kuchiki, right? I didn't see I didn't see anything.
W ho cares about that?! But Ichigo! I'll never forgive him! She's a demon.
Tatsuki Orihime? Weren't you scared? Poor Hime! It's all right.
Think of it as just an attack by a stray dog.
No That wasn't Kurosaki.
Huh? Dammit! We Lost him! Lost me! It's a moratorium.
What?! This is no time for your mumbo jumbo talk! I have to capture me, no, him! You saw it, too! The riot he caused in class.
I, I mean, he used my body and took advantage of Inoue and Tatsuki and k k k Kissed them.
Arghh! Don't say it! How embarrassing! Huh.
A kiss is like a greeting.
It's no big deal.
In the book I read recently, even worse things have happened to Don’t lump it all together! My classmates were grabbed and kissed! That is a big deal! What books do you read anyway?! After I built up my image so carefully! He was building up his image? You called him a Mod Soul, right? Just what is that? Once, a project called "Spearhead" was begun in the Soul Society.
Spearhead? Yes.
A soul that had been modified for combat was placed into a person who had died and whose soul had Left its body.
They were to be used to fight Hollows.
It was a despicable plan.
Mod Soul These souls that were transformed for this project once placed into a body, they could make one part of the body super human An Artificial Soul made for fighting That is a Kaizo Konpaku, Mod Soul.
Do you understand so far? Yeah.
That drawing of yours erased all the tension, though.
But the Spearhead Project was cancelled because it would force corpses to fight.
Furthermore, all the Kaizo Konpaku, Mod or Modified Souls that were in the development stage were ordered destroyed but to think, some are still around.
Does that mean that guy was created by the Soul Society and rejected at the whim of the Soul Society?! Exactly that.
And you accept that?! It's not a matter of accepting or not.
Mod Souls must be destroyed.
That's the order of the Soul Society.
Do not forget.
The laws of the Soul Society are made for the purpose of protecting human souls! Now let's go! You want to get your body back, don't you?! I wonder how he feels in my body.
They were created thoughtlessly and condemned thoughtlessly But he survived somehow and found a body Yet he has to keep running.
I wonder what he's feeling? Yay! This is great! Everyone's looking at me and they’re in awe! This is unbelievable! There! I heard that Mod Souls had all sorts of power.
I'm glad my power makes me stand out! Go! Huh? What’s going on? P.
is so boring! Cutting class Perfect! Darn! Lost again! Fight! Who do you think created you? Kill him off.
Yeah, those who don’t obey their masters die! You really deleted him! So what? I'll make a better one.
W-What do you want? Cut it out! Though the voyage must continue on May seas always be calm When the cycle of the moon has renewed may it shine It's Light to guide your boat I offer this voyage a prayer With each new day that still awaits On vividly shining seas To the end of the journey Hmm in the next episode I can't do it.
What now, Chad? After all that? Oh no the time!
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