Bulletproof (2018) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Ray has killed Dan Brown, Curtis Cox and Michael Sharp.
Sharp was killed for a reason.
We were taken off the case for the same reason.
It makes no sense.
Bruv, we could have been killed.
So why weren't we? What did Sharp have to say that was so important? What do you think "access denied" means? It means we're no longer on the case.
This stays low.
No one else knows.
But we don't stop.
Graham Borlock? I'm here to ask you about Michael Sharp.
I'm retired.
Leave me alone.
Bish, fancy a hot date? Are we cool? Yeah, we're cool.
I'm taking the job.
I'm out, bro.
Undo it, man.
You and Sharp was in something together and I'm gonna find out what you did.
Then I'm coming for you.
No! Dad, no! Dad! Armed Police.
Get off the bike! All right? How's he doing? He's stable.
But the blunt-force trauma from a bullet ruptured his spleen.
Big internal bleed.
He was lucky.
If it wasn't for the stab vest You all right? Yeah.
You OK? Thanks for staying with him.
Anything I can do, Ronnie.
You know that.
Any information on the gunman? That scum's gonna be in there forever.
Well, we'd better be getting back.
All right? Yeah.
I'll see you at home.
Bish, man You wanna talk? Yeah, we can talk about how to find out who Ray's working for.
Nah, nah, nah, I'm talking about me and you - us.
We can do that another day.
No, no.
Bish I'm sorry about the Bakur thing.
Yeah? I had mad pressure on me and I made the wrong call.
You know I don't like it when we're not talking, man.
Yeah, man.
Thanks, man.
Hold on? Thanks? I just poured out my heart, you're walking away and telling me thanks? Bruv, you know I don't have anyone else except you.
You know that.
I know.
And I I wanna find out who Ray's working for.
Are you in? Bruv, I was never out.
We need to find out who my dad was calling.
Tanner's on it.
Also, there's someone you should meet.
Who? You've got a fucking nerve.
Desperate times Desperate measures.
Why don't you tell my man what your name is? I'm Ronald Pike .
Now, you gave me a picture of Sharp and his dad.
He's now lying in a hospital bed, eating his dinner through a straw.
Yeah, I saw it on the news.
He's alive, then? Just.
We can put you in Witness Protection.
Tell us the story.
How you ended up here in this fucking shit hole.
Who are you scared of? Ah Him, yeah? Yeah, we've got him in custody.
Never seen him before.
He killed Sharp.
And he tried to kill my dad.
I want to know why.
And if we hadn't caught him, you may have been next on his list.
So I'm not gonna ask you again.
Sharp was part of a cocaine smuggling ring .
and I ran the unit that brought them down.
But I could never put him away.
Every time, he walked.
So I dug into him, like any good copper would.
And the further I dug the uglier it got.
Turns out he was untouchable.
When he was police, he was part of an undercover unit.
With your father.
Doing what? They were set up to fight the war against organised criminals but ended up becoming organised criminals themselves.
You set out with good intentions.
These things always do.
But money corrupts.
Your father never mentioned Black Heart to you? That was the name of the unit.
So, apparently, this little bitch used to be in the top five of Europol's most wanted list.
I guess your rep's been knocked since I arrested your pandemicking arse.
But if Sharp and Director Pike were contracts .
who hired you? I won't lie.
I feel a little giddy sitting here with you two.
I'm such a fan.
That's why I spared you.
I'll be real with you, man.
We're busy and you're not gonna get out of this.
So why don't you just tell us who you work for? What about Black Heart? You heard that name before? Who hired you? In another life, we three could be partners.
Partners? You wish! Well, are you gonna tell him, or shall I? My old man he's still alive.
What you thinking? A man like Ray will be pissed off he didn't finish the job.
I mean, you look at him - his hair, his nails, the way he grooms himself.
He feels pride in everything he does.
Fuck him.
He don't feel nothing.
Nah, he does.
He does, man.
We all feel something.
Let's take this to Tanner, see what she says.
Got the diagnostics back on the phone your dad used.
Dead end.
How's your father doing, Pike? Since you asked Found a retired officer called Borlock.
He arrested Sharp twice but could never make the charges stick, so he did more digging and realised that Sharp wasn't just a criminal, he was a police officer.
He was in an undercover unit called Black Heart.
And guess who else was in that unit? Pike Senior knew Sharp.
They were working together.
Hang on.
This Borlock.
I mean, do you trust him? Cos this is a fucking wild conspiracy.
Well, explain the photos, then.
An undercover unit called Black Heart? Doing Doing what exactly? I don't know.
It's clear they didn't want it getting out.
They hired Ray to clean up anyone and anything to do with it.
Fuck, I thought I'd seen it all.
Well, I hate to be the one who said I told you so, but So why don't we find out who's been trying to keep this all quiet? I know someone who worked with your old man back in the day.
I'll see if I can find him.
Does that bug you? Huh? That bug you? I need your phone.
What phone? It's me.
Are you erm What er What you Er What you doing? Er currently purchasing some er very high-end lingerie.
Really? No, you emotional juvenile.
I'm just picking up bread and milk.
Well, I'm just calling, really, to to see how you're doing.
I haven't seen you in a couple of days, so I just thought I would call and check in see how you are.
Good, yeah.
It was good.
It's funny that you mentioned the lingerie.
I know you're not buying it, cos you said you're not, but if you were you know, I just wanted to let you know that .
I liked the ones you had on the other day.
They were nice.
Oh, fuck off, Bish! Too soon for that sort of chat? Yeah, definitely too soon.
I'll see you tomorrow, yeah? OK.
See you tomorrow.
I'm in with a chance.
Just tell him I'll ring back.
Hi, Charlotte.
Sorry if it's a bad time.
Arjana, can I call you back? I'm in the middle of something.
Unless it's really important.
It's the development.
There's a few things I'm not entirely happy about, and I want to talk them through.
Look, this has got to be signed off.
All right? So just do what you need to do and I'm sorry, I've really got to go.
Call me when it's been signed off.
OK? Thanks, bye.
Sh Oh! Ow, ow Babe, dinner's ready.
I know it just came out of a microwave but I promise it's organic.
Babe? Are you OK, baby? I've got to do something that I don't want to do and I don't know if it's right to do, but I know I have to do it.
Does that make sense? Absolutely not.
I've found something out, and whilst it's not strictly illegal, it stinks and it's not right or fair.
Has this got something to do with Charlotte? There are people who will be unhappy with me.
I've got to do something about it.
I'm sure you'll make the right decision.
You always know right from wrong.
That's why I love you.
You'll be fine.
Where would you know this guy from? He was my boss in Paddington.
He's a complete arsehole.
Do you know how bodybuilders put on bulk? Muscular hypertrophy.
You force it, really get your pump on, and what that does is cause microscopic damage to the muscle, which then repairs and gets larger.
Not stronger.
That's funny.
They always say that.
Until I fucking hit 'em.
Fucking mug.
You might look big, but .
you're as much use as a glass hammer.
What? That all you got? You're a small fish in a fucking big pond, you prick.
Hello, Eddie.
Well, Sarah Tanner.
Looking good.
These are my colleagues.
This is Aaron Bishop and Ronnie Pike.
Ronnie Pike? They'd like to ask a few questions.
Yeah, I'm sorry to hear about your dad.
How is he doing? He'll live.
What do you know about Black Heart? Not a lot.
Long time ago.
Was my dad part of the unit? Yeah.
Yeah, he was.
They tried to recruit a few of us.
What about Michael Sharp? We know he was a part of it.
We just want to know who'd want to kill him.
Who else was involved? You wanna know who'd want him dead? It's quite a long list.
Who was in the unit? There were six guys.
There was your dad, Sharp, there was er some older bloke, a Glaswegian Jeff Sterling, a bloke called Dodds.
I don't know about the other two.
You absolutely sure about that? Yeah.
I never knew the other two names.
Where can we find Sterling and Dodds? Well, Sterling was killed in a car crash.
Er Dodds - cancer.
So, what went wrong? You know, you gotta understand it was a war back then.
Something had to be done.
They gave the units free rein.
Unfortunately, this one got out of control.
Who were the last two members of Black Heart? I've told you.
I don't know any more.
Hey, hey, hey! Boys.
Boys! Start talking.
What were they doing? Come on.
Fitting people up for crimes they hadn't committed.
You name it.
Ended up with half the Black Heart squad involved in a robbery in Plaistow.
The security officer got killed.
Your dad blew the whistle and the shit hit the fan.
They pulled the unit and your dad gave evidence and Sharp never came back.
So was my dad on the take? What, Ronnie? No.
Your dad wasn't corrupt.
But you've gotta remember what it was like back then for a black cop.
He had to turn a blind eye to a lot of stuff.
So, who was? Rumour was that the corruption went to the top.
A lot of things where hushed up, but Sharp was a dirty little secret.
He'd been blackmailing people for years.
With what? He had enough evidence to sink a few careers.
Maybe he finally rattled the wrong cage.
You better not be lying.
Two Black Heart members to find What? Shit.
Ray's been stabbed.
He's being transferred to a hospital.
There's no way a man like Ray gets attacked.
No way.
They're not picking up.
Can you hurry up, please? Yo! Service! I heard you the first time.
Why didn't you answer the first time? Don't worry about him.
I'm Officer Pike.
We're here to stop Ray Schmitt from leaving this facility.
You're too late.
If we could just come in.
I can't help you.
Why not? Because he's not here.
He's in there on his way to London Central.
That's where my dad is! Sharp was killed for a reason.
How badly injured? Stab wound to the lower abdomen.
Not as bad as I'd have liked.
Which hospital? London Central.
Where your dad is.
Where my old man is, yeah.
I'll send a squad immediately.
We're not taking any chances.
We need to know where that ambulance is.
Get us a location and we'll intercept it.
Get on it.
Kamali stay here with me.
Nell, make sure those boys don't get into trouble.
Kamali's on that ambulance location.
Nell, for Bish.
I'm gonna join you en route.
Jonsey's heading to the hospital.
Fuck you, you piece of shit! We've got it.
Ambulance on Kirkstall Road, five minutes from the hospital.
We're on it.
Tracing the call from Ray's phone now, ma'am.
Tanner for Bishop.
Yeah, boss.
Speak to me.
Prison guards found a phone in Ray's cell with one logged call.
As soon as we know who it was to, we'll let you know.
Got it.
Oi! Come on, mate! This guy ain't getting away again! Fuck! Oi! Hurry up! Too much heat.
We'll finish the old man later.
Go! Go! Go, go, go! Let's go! Come on! You! Fucking get out! Police! Get out! We need your car.
Come on! Come on, man! Tanner for Bishop.
Speak to me! They traced the call to City Hall.
Get there ASAP and I'll send more backup.
All units to City Hall.
City Hall? Fuck.
Here you are, love.
Thank you.
Bishop for Tanner.
We're at City Hall.
Where's this back-up? Nell's on her way.
Hey That's Arjana, man.
What's she doing here? Arjana! Arjana! Shit.
Nell for Bish.
I'm five minutes away.
Got it.
You gotta call her, bro.
I am.
Arjana Pike for Charlotte Carmel.
Sorry to disturb you.
I have Arjana Pike in reception.
Ms Carmel's actually busy at the moment.
It's gone to message.
We should've taken the lift! Charlotte, we need to speak.
I don't mean to be rude, Ms? Pike.
Mrs Pike but I'm afraid my business comes first.
Arjana, I really must insist that you wait outside.
Well, I think you should take a seat.
Arjana, please leave.
You shouldn't have come.
Sit down.
This has gone too far.
I didn't want this.
You lied about the value of that deposit box.
You should have told me you were running for Mayor.
That doubles the price.
You wouldn't want me to expose you as a corrupt ex-cop.
- Yeah, where are you? - It's over.
- I've paid you what we agreed.
- It's not enough.
You wouldn't want your association with Black Heart to ruin your election campaign, now, would you? It's Carmel.
Good morning.
How can I help you? Morning, Rebecca.
Deputy Mayor's office, please.
No, no, no.
Don't call her.
Bish, Bish.
Nell for Bish.
I've just arrived at City Hall.
Go, go! This fucker's dead, man.
Stay there.
Stay down, man.
Open that door! Get the card.
Get the card! The key card! Open it! Open the door! You need Open it! You need a code! You need a code! Go.
Move it! Aarghh! Move it! You all right? Yeah.
All right, all right, all right.
It's all right.
Calm down.
Calm down.
It's all right.
It's all right.
I'm sorry.
Armed police! Nell! Nell! Nell! No! Nell.
You all right? Speak to me.
Baby, please Hey, come on.
Babe, talk to me.
Oi! Bruv! Go on! Go and get him! Officer down! City Hall! Oh, shit! Nell, Nell, Nell.
Oh, shit.
Fuck! Shit.
Oh, shit.
Aarghh! Argh! You have one new message.
About what you said.
Well, I think I was wrong about it being too soon.
So I did find a lingerie shop and purchased a little um Well, whatever I bought, I thought you might wanna see it.
Maybe even tonight.
I mean, unless you're busy.
Sitting in that empty flat of yours.
Anyway Call me back.
It should be you lying in there .
bleeding out all over the floor.
Ronnie you've really got to listen to what I have to say.
Sharp was blackmailing me.
Deposit box? Yeah.
I really don't give a shit.
Well, there was enough in there to Black Heart? You and my Dad and a bunch of corrupt cops, yeah? Yeah, well Sharp had been blackmailing us for years.
I got a tip-off where the box was and decided to end it once and for all.
He had enough on us to bring down the whole of the Met, me included.
There was no choice.
So you killed four people? What about my dad? Why did you order Ray to kill him? He just He just couldn't take the lying any more.
He was gonna tell you everything.
I couldn't let I didn't want to.
He left us no choice.
I feel sorry for you.
I really fucking do.
Do you know what the problem is with you? You're a ruthless, corrupt, self-serving, fucking bitch .
and my dad was always better than you.
You know I got you, innit? And I'm never gonna let you down, you know.
Whatever happens.
We know shit goes down in this job.
You're family.
My family.
I miss her too, man.
But we're here.
We're alive.
She'd want you to move on.
You good? Yeah, man.
I'm good.
Don't make me cheer you up.
Hey! What you doing? Pike! Pike! Stop! Stop! Let's go.
What's wrong? Oh! Oh, oh! Stop it! Stop being stupid! What's wrong with you, man? I just enjoy driving, bruv.
Pike! Pike, don't do it! Don't you do it!
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