Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Careful. Follow me quietly.
This is delicious.
It's so good.
Oh no, Kkot-sun!
Gosh, she's doing it again!
You've eaten up a million won's
worth of strawberries already!
Get her!
Your grandmother's worried!
Hey, Ms. Kkot-sun, put down the gun!
Stop, stay right there.
-This way, this way.
Oh, seriously. Stop right there!
Jeez, where did she go? It's cold out.
I know.
Do you think she crossed the road?
Wait, I think that truck has a black box.
I'll go look.
Where's the owner?
Sir. Sir!
Ma'am, the black box isn't here.
But the key's in the ignition too.
I wonder where he went.
This isn't blood, is it?
I hope not.
Here, look at this.
Oh, wow. What's this smell?
Call for backup right now.
We're at 278 Gisannam-ro.
There seems to be a fire.
Requesting backup from available officers.
Jeez, clean it regularly, would you?
It's filthy.
Use a cleaner. You'll leave fingerprints.
You've never cleaned this before?
Probably not.
Never mind that.
Look at this. Do Jun-ha was arrested
without a warrant
six months ago on charges of rape.
There was a video on his phone
that he took himself,
but the evidence was illegally obtained
so he apparently got off free.
Choi Yeong-seop's daughter
killed herself the day after.
So you think Choi Yeong-seop murdered
-his daughter's rapist to get revenge?
He has a clear motive,
and while he doesn't remember
what happened because of his overdose,
he admits that he killed Do Jun-ha.
So he admits to the murder
but doesn't remember doing it.
You're saying you have it all, the motive,
the evidence, and the confession.
What's bothering you
that you asked me for help?
Why didn't he run away,
staying at the scene of the crime
and taking an insufficient dose
of medicine to kill himself?
Did you kill him?
He's dead.
He's really dead.
I killed him.
You're asking the wrong question.
No wonder you can't find an answer.
You're asking the question
under the assumption that he did it.
Why didn't he run away
after committing a brutal murder?
Am I wrong?
Why would he admit to a crime
he doesn't even remember?
That's what you should be asking.
Because Choi Yeong-seop didn't do it.
Choi Yeong-seop didn't do it?
On what grounds?
Is a cup of coffee
all I get for my professional analysis?
Of course not.
I shall find a restaurant
that's right up your alley, Mr. Profiler.
Somewhere really trendy.
But legal.
Okay, I have your word.
-All right, let's go!
-Go where?
-To the scene of the crime.
-Right now?
You can only learn about people and cases…
If you go see them for yourselves?
There you go.
How many times do I have to tell you that?
You drive.
The cause of death was
pressure exerted on the victim's neck.
That means the murderer took
the victim to the warehouse,
unconscious from the blow,
then choked him to death.
But this is the weird part.
Look. There are gaps
between the bloodstains.
He moved an adult man on his own,
but there are no drag marks?
Don't you find that odd?
Choi Yeong-seop is
10cm taller than the victim.
He's much bigger too.
Then we should
at least see his footprints.
The scene's too clean.
So he had an accomplice?
The officer reported to have seen
smoke when they arrived.
Choi Yeong-seop was just waking up.
Judging from the ketamine level
in his blood at the time of arrest,
he must have been out
for at least an hour.
It takes 30 minutes at most
to burn the exterior of a body
like that with benzene.
Arsonists enjoy watching their work.
Especially if they committed murder.
If he did this,
this would have been an act of punishment,
and he would have wanted to watch.
But you said he had just woken up
when the officer got there.
-If that's true,
then that means Choi Yeong-seop
didn't see Do Jun-ha die
or his body burn.
You mean someone's framing
Choi Yeong-seop?
But I don't think
this is their first time.
What are you talking about?
It takes skill, special equipment,
and practice to use benzene
to scorch the exterior of a body
without burning up the internal organs.
And the way he's framing Choi Yeong-seop.
Wow, how fun.
There is no way
-this is their first crime.
You're not saying the real murderer
is a serial killer, are you?
That's not important.
What's important here is the link
between the victim, Choi Yeong-seop,
and the killer…
No. That's pretty important to me.
This is so confusing.
-Hey, you go that way.
-Jeez, you scared me.
Hey, who do you think you are,
Captain America?
And what are you supposed to be, Thor?
Let me pour you a cup, sir.
Is there anything you wanted
to report to the police, sir?
Yes, there is.
That day,
the day of the murder,
I saw something very strange.
I was working out in the field,
when I saw smoke
coming from the warehouse.
I kept watching because I thought
some outsider was burning garbage
That's when someone
walked out of the warehouse.
he just swept the ground
with a broom or something and then left,
leaving the car behind.
Sir, do you remember when that happened?
Yes. I had just had lunch,
so it was a little after one o'clock.
The officer arrived at the scene at 1:08.
Yes. That was when we requested backup.
But you're going to let
Choi Yeong-seop go? Why?
We found a witness
who saw another man at the scene.
That doesn't mean
Choi Yeong-seop isn't the killer.
You should have seen his eyes.
He was smiling, I'm sure.
There was something off about him.
I hear you,
but there was another suspect at the scene
and no concrete physical evidence.
On top of that, the profiler says
Choi Yeong-seop didn't do it.
So you trust the profiler but not me?
Jeez, who's the quack?
He's not a quack.
His name is Nam Han-jun, the one
who solved the Mi-sun case recently--
Nam Han-jun? How do you know Nam Han-jun?
Are you two close?
Yes, he's my friend from high school.
I guess he's pretty famous
if you know about him too, Jang-mi.
You know how much
I love and respect you, right?
-Set me up with Nam Han-jun. Please?
-What's with you? Why?
Why not me?
Does he have a girlfriend?
Am I not his type?
He doesn't have a girlfriend,
but why would you want to go out with him?
I guess I'll have to meet up with him,
if only about the Choi Yeong-seop case.
Do you want to talk to him about the case,
or have a date with him?
The case, of course!
I mean, I did a pretty good job
growing up.
I think I can take him on this time.
Choi Yeong-seop.
I'm going to catch you
and make a majestic entrance
when I go see Nam Han-jun.
Why is he back at the crime scene?
I'm going home for the first time
in I don't know how long. Don't stop me.
You said the guy who framed
Choi Yeong-seop
-must've done it before, right?
I think I found the link that connects
the victim, Choi Yeong-seop,
and the killer together.
What is it?
If you want to know, come over
to my place with jokbal and soju.
No, I don't want to know.
I find I've suddenly lost all interest.
Stop right there. This is the police.
Put it down.
This is my last warning.
Put it down.
Mr. Choi Yeong-seop.
Did you kill Do Jun-ha?
I said I killed him.
Why couldn't you have believed me?
Why did you have to mess this up? Why?
Don't move!
Don't resent me.
Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong's going to die
and it's all your fault.
Jae-jeong. Choi Yeong-seop did it.
He was back at the crime scene, and…
The crime scene?
Hey, are you tailing Choi Yeong-seop?
Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt?
I'm fine. I was following him,
and he came to the crime scene
to get his cell phone.
The phone had a video of the murder.
A video?
Oh, and Choi Yeong-seop said
something weird.
He said it was my fault
if Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong died.
So be careful.
Okay, I'll be careful.
Hey, you be careful too, you punk. Okay?
Jang-mi. Come over to my place right now.
I've found something.
-I'll tell you the details in person.
-You found something?
Why Choi Yeong-seop…
What's going on?
Are you okay?
Hey, big bro's here. Open the door.
You little…
I brought you your jokbal.
Come on and open the door.
Hey, open the door.
Don't you want the jokbal?
Hey, what are you doing here?
Hey, why are you here?
Well, this is my beat,
so of course I'm here,
but what brings you here from HQ?
This is my friend's house.
You're friends with Prosecutor Han?
-I'm here
because my boss told me
to come right away.
What the hell? What is this?
Hey, call 911.
Jae-jeong, Jae-jeong!
Jae-jeong, Han Jae-jeong!
Jae-jeong, Han Jae-jeong!
Is this 911? I'm calling
from Seoju Apartments. Send someone now!
Get out of the way.
Where's the fire extinguisher?
Come here, you bastard!
Damn it!
Go chase him!
Is someone hurt?
-Goodness, what's going on?
-Oh, no.
I think they're dead.
Goodness, someone died.
-What happened?
-Oh, gosh.
Excuse me, could you move aside?
Oh, no, he's been burnt black.
-Gosh, I can't look.
Oh, I can't believe this.
You're Prosecutor Han's sister, right?
I'm Cha Do-won, the prosecutor in charge.
Who killed
my brother?
We found
Choi Yeong-seop's ID at the crime scene.
Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong's going to die
and it's all your fault.
It looks like Choi Yeong-seop did it.
They found his ID in the wallet
that the suspect dropped.
Choi Yeong-seop didn't do it.
You said you couldn't see anything
because it was so dark.
I did see one thing.
The burn scar on his arm.
He must've gotten it
while starting the fire. Come on.
It was an old scar.
Choi Yeong-seop
doesn't have a scar on his arm.
Then who did this, if not him?
I shouldn't have…
I shouldn't have tried to catch him.
I should have…
I should have saved Jae-jeong first…
I think I found the link that connects
the victim, Choi Yeong-seop,
and the killer together.
Jae-jeong must have found something.
Here you go.
What are you talking about? What is it?
He said he found the link that connected
Do Jun-ha, Choi Yeong-seop,
and the killer together.
What he knew is why…
the killer murdered Jae-jeong.
So what did Prosecutor Han find
and what did the killer take?
That's what we need to find out.
It's okay. Let's go.
You saw the killer?
He was running away from the scene.
I tried to catch him--
Did you see his face?
Can you be sure it wasn't Choi Yeong-seop?
I didn't see his face, but on his wrist…
So you only saw him run away.
You didn't see him
commit the murder yourself.
Jeez, Choi Yeong-seop admitted it too!
When he woke up, Do Jun-ha was dead!
He told me three years ago
that he killed Do Jun-ha.
He was very creepy about it too.
Honestly, you're driving me crazy.
You should trust me
since it's coming from me--
I can't, because it's coming from you.
I can't trust you
because you go around conning people
pretending to be a shaman!
Excuse me, could you stop fighting and--
You are a terrible judge of people,
no wonder you're a bad investigator!
That's freaking rich coming from you.
What? Coming from me?
I'm the famed shaman of Yonghaedong,
how dare--
I guess you aren't good,
compared to your reputation.
All you're saying is it isn't him.
You haven't caught the killer yet either.
You found proof
at Choi Yeong-seop's place?
White dress shoes and benzene?
Things like that?
How did you…
Anyone could have put those there.
Don't be so certain that he's the killer
based on those things.
If you're truly a police officer,
and if you're truly a prosecutor,
you should at least have checked
your suspect's alibi.
Got it?
Jeez, what are you looking at?
as important as the evidence is,
you need to rely on your gut feeling.
You know, when it feels like…
Protecting the witness is
more important than your gut feeling.
Of course it's important
to protect your witness.
But Mr. Shaman has a point too.
Why would the hit-and-run driver
have tried to kill Choi Yeong-seop?
Because Choi Yeong-seop knows something.
Sir, I think you made a mistake this time.
Ms. Han.
You need to be more flexible
with your investigations.
Be more reasonable
about utilizing the people around you.
You can't solve cases so rigidly.
And your idea of being reasonable
is using a shaman?
I won't be like
those incompetent detectives--
No, that's not what I meant…
Oh, really?
Fine. You're competent and I'm not.
Since you're so great and competent,
Ms. Han,
good luck solving the case on your own.
-Oh, come on.
-Let go, jeez.
Ma'am, "incompetent"? Really?
Hey, you're not quite incompetent.
I think I should go check
Choi Yeong-seop's alibi.
Because of what Mr. Nam said?
And Mr. Jang too.
He might be a quack, but his words stung.
I don't think I can ignore it.
I need to be certain
that Choi Yeong-seop did it.
My god, why does it smell
so moldy in here?
Wow, that's better.
-Mr. Nam.
There's something I've been meaning
to ask you--
Are you not busy?
Being a prosecutor must be easy.
Of course not. There's nothing
in the world such as an easy job.
I've had my share of tribulations.
-He's gone insane.
-In 2015,
-Close it.
-I became a prosecutor
and every single case I got that year
-Why won't this close?
-was so hard.
-What's with this?
-But I didn't give up.
On April 8th, 2016, I was assigned
my first criminal case,
and I was so busy
I was lucky to go home once a week,
-but I was proud after solving it.
-I think my ears are bleeding.
-I felt proud of my job.
-He's still doing it.
-And my second case was on
-May 15th, 2016.
-Jeez, he's still going?
-You know, the Teacher's Day murder.
-Oh, gosh, he's here again.
-The culprit insisted it was an accident,
-Shut up!
but the wound seemed off.
-The victim was stabbed in the ribs.
-He looks normal, what's with him?
-Hey, hurry up.
-Yes, okay.
-This is as fast as this car goes.
-I interrogated
the culprit for over a week, then…
Have you gathered the info on Lim Min-jun?
Choekang Constructions ran into a problem
three years ago in a bid,
and he was hired as a director
under the condition
that he solved the issue.
Did Choekang Constructions contact him?
No. Someone high up gave the order.
I'll look into who it was.
You're the vice president.
Don't you have a business to take care of?
Your business is my business.
-Don't you know that?
I don't see Hye-jun.
Who cares where she is?
She said she had a date,
so she dolled up and left.
-Oh, a date.
-Oh, a date.
what's all this?
I hope you didn't go
through too much trouble.
Oh, I waited so long for this moment.
-I'm so excited.
-Just a minute.
I'll go check on the mic
and the background music.
What are you doing!
You'd better put me down right now.
Can't you see he's about
to confess his love for me?
No, that's not what he's doing.
Let's go before the situation turns ugly.
No, I'm not going.
Stop getting in the way of my love life
and get lost.
This is a thriller with a twist.
-And it might turn into a horror movie.
What the hell are you…
He's not confessing his love for you.
He's trying to rope you
into a pyramid scheme.
Jeez, I wonder
what that idiot's smiling about.
That crazy little…
The smile of a man soon to die.
How philosophical.
You son of a bitch!
I hope you choke on your jam and die!
I hope you step on your nephew's Legos,
fall, and bash your head in!
-Let's go.
-I hope your drink burns your throat!
I'm going to kill you!
Excuse me, have you seen this man?
Oh, Choi?
Oh, he works at our agency.
Can you tell me
where he was working this week?
It was in the provinces…
I'm Mr. Park's friend's
school friend's brother's friend.
You know, I'm a detective
at Daeun police station, remember?
Oh, yes.
-The detective, right.
-Yes, right.
Well, what brings you here?
It's nothing, it's just this thing.
Here it is.
Do you know…
-Oh, Choi?
We were worried about him.
Did something happen?
-Can you confirm when he was last here?
He worked the night shift two days ago.
It overlaps with the victim's
estimated time of death.
Detective Na, it's me. Choi Yeong-seop
was in Hancheon until last week
and went to Seoul two days ago.
What about Mr. Jang? Is he still angry?
No. He's determined to find something
before we go back to Seoul.
That's good.
I'm going to stay at the hospital,
so check his movements
then come back to get rest.
Yes, ma'am!
I'll check on that and go back.
It seems Choi Yeong-seop
has an alibi.
Yes, it seems so.
He didn't do it,
at least with the body
found in the sewers.
Of all the people you could have dated,
you just had to meet that guy.
You're such a dummy.
Jeez, you dated a pyramid scheme marketer.
How stupid are you?
So, I lie down, pretending
to be Choi Yeong-seop,
and catch Gopuri when he shows up?
-Yes, that's it.
In the meantime, I'll take Choi Yeong-seop
and sneak him to the VIP room
with this dummy.
Oh, she's just naive.
That's why she got fooled again.
-She's not a dummy.
-Naive, my foot.
Damn it!
I told you to stop it.
He'll leave his room
for a test in 20 minutes, so hurry.
I hope we don't run into
a pyramid scheme marketer.
Choi is being moved to the exam room.
Get ready.
I'll put the bed in the waiting room
and distract the police.
-Check the name tag before lying down.
-Okay, okay. Don't worry.
Please stay outside
until his test is over.
Oh, this is it.
Oh my, this is nice.
Wow, it's so soft and comfy.
Oh, I'm getting sleepy.
I can't fall asleep.
Where's Kong Su-cheol? Jeez.
Hey, Kong Su-cheol. Where are you?
Where are you?
Kong Su-cheol!
What? Where am I?
Sir, if you could stay
on your side like that.
-Oh, okay.
-You haven't changed into a gown.
I'll just lower your pants.
Why? That's so embarrassing.
-You need to get the test.
You're very tense.
You'll fall asleep in a moment,
so close your eyes.
Wait, what test?
It'll be over soon. It won't take long.
What test? Let me go.
Now, Mr. Choi Il-seop,
-we'll begin the test.
-Choi Il-seop?
I think there's been a misunderstanding.
I'm not Choi Il-seop.
I'm the hot barista of Minamdang, Kong Su…
Oh, this is it.
-What about the CCTV? Did you install it?
-Check your phone.
Kong Su-cheol. Where on earth have…
Mr. Choi Yeong-seop?
I heard your surgery went well yesterday.
Does it hurt anywhere?
You're recovering nicely,
so the neurologist won't need
to operate on you. The medication will do.
-Here's your shot.
I don't need the shot.
Oh, Mr. Choi. It's just a sedative.
No, you can't.
I don't see a way out of this,
so I'm just going to tell you the truth.
I'm not Choi Yeong-seop.
I'm an undercover detective.
-A detective?
-A detective.
This is all Kong Su-cheol's fault…
Can you tell me how many fingers
I'm holding up, Mr. Choi?
Oh, I'm not Choi Yeong-seop.
And you're holding up three fingers.
I'm not Choi Yeong-seop.
I'm an undercover
detective. I'm undercover.
This sometimes happens after surgery.
It's a delirium of sorts.
Get the barbiturates.
-Now, hold on to him.
-"Barbie" what?
-Now, lie down. Come on.
-I'm a detective.
-Flip him over.
Hold on to him tight.
-I'm a detective…
-Now, lie down.
-Wait, please. Wait, don't do that.
-This will sting.
Mr. Choi, you'll feel better
after some sleep.
Let's go to the next room.
Kong Su-cheol. Darn it. I swear,
I'm going to kill you.
Goodness, what's all this?
Here you go.
Hye-jun said she'll kill me
if the pizza's cold, so hurry.
Yes, okay. Call me
if something happens at the cafe.
-Isn't he the barista at Minamdang?
-No problem.
Those people, I can't believe this.
-Follow me.
-What? Okay.
I feel bad eating without him.
But why's he still unconscious?
They sedated him
because he was in too much pain.
I see.
-It'll be a while before he wakes up.
-Oh, okay. Right.
Choi Yeong-seop?
Nam Han-jun!
Ma'am, calm down.
Where's Nam Han-jun?
Well, about that…
We were just
trying to save Mr. Choi.
Yes. The spirit wouldn't stop telling
us to switch hospital rooms, so…
Detective Na.
You guard Choi Yeong-seop here.
Gosh, no.
You're dead.
Grumpy's on her way. Run.
Oh, jeez.
Grumpy's on her way. Run.
Grumpy. Grumpy's on her way.
Mr. Nam!
Whoa, so pretty.
-Goddamn it!
-Oh, my.
-What the…
What's wrong with Mr. Nam?
Oh, well, I think it's the drugs.
-He'll come.
If he finds out Choi Yeong-seop's alive,
he'll come to kill him.
-Jeez. Just knock him out.
-He'll be dead before I do.
Pretty detective.
Did you check Choi Yeong-seop's alibi?
You did. You did!
So you know it too.
The real killer's someone else.
He'll be going after Choi Yeong-seop.
I'll pretend to be
Choi Yeong-seop and catch the killer,
so you go guard Choi Yeong-seop.
I need to catch the guy
who killed my friend.
No, you just want to prove
that Choi Yeong-seop wasn't the killer.
You said you wanted to believe me.
I'll show you that I wasn't wrong.
I'll catch the real killer for you.
So I'll stay here
and wait for the real killer,
and you go
get Choi Yeong-seop to confess.
One of us will succeed. Won't we?
But I'll be catching the killer, not you.
If anyone suspicious appears,
call me immediately,
no fooling around. Got it?
Yes, pretty detective, ma'am!
Damn it.
Oh my, poor Han-jun.
He's completely out of it.
Come on, stay still.
You people.
Get it together, Han Jae-hui.
You can't let Nam Han-jun mess with you.
That was not a kiss.
That was just an accident.
I'm surprised because it was unexpected.
My heart is not racing
because of Nam Han-jun!
Prosecutor Cha.
Inspector Han? What are you doing here?
Well, the thing is…
Choi Yeong-seop's in a different room.
Mr. Nam's in that room
pretending to be him.
Just follow me.
Mr. Choi.
I'm Prosecutor Cha Do-won.
I can't believe Grumpy of all people
saw me high on drugs
and acting like an idiot. Damn it.
Damn, this is so annoying, jeez.
Acting like an idiot was the least of it.
Don't you remember?
No way.
Oh, my precious lips.
Oh no, it can't be.
It was an accident. Like a car accident.
I think the angle and the timing were
too on the nose to call it an accident.
"Pretty Detective."
Damn it! Stop that right now!
Oh, my head hurts.
Hey, forget what happened yesterday, okay?
Put on the CCTV feed.
Nice timing.
Come on,
that Grumpy. Jeez.
The pretty detective
got rid of the CCTV, right?
It's good that the pretty detective
doesn't know about the bug, right?
Stop it! Stop sticking your lips out.
Stop it. Oh, my head.
-Hey, let's listen to the bug.
Mr. Choi.
This is Do Jun-ha, the man you killed.
Do you recognize him?
You can't assume he's the killer
when doing an interrogation.
do you recognize this man?
It's Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong.
Do you admit to the murder of
Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong?
I do.
Mr. Choi. Someone told me,
you are not the real killer,
you were being used by someone else.
Did someone other than you murder
Do Jun-ha
and Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong?
Don't move.
Did you kill him?
I think you remember me.
You're right.
I'm the officer who arrested you
at the scene of the crime three years ago.
We also met at the crime scene
after you were released
from the detention center.
This is my last warning.
Put it down.
That phone you were looking for
had a video of Do Jun-ha's murder.
Do you remember?
that phone?
I lost it.
Did you record the murder
of Prosecutor Han as well?
Mr. Choi.
Why did you murder Prosecutor Han,
when there wasn't
any enmity between the two of you?
Mr. Choi.
I know you didn't do it.
Someone used your grief and anger
at the loss of your daughter.
I'm truly sorry that you had to lose
your daughter like that because we failed
to punish her attacker.
-There is a cell phone at the crime scene.
Bring it to the address I sent you.
You'd better move quickly
if you want to save Prosecutor Han.
Why would you do that to him?
All he did was let me go…
Did you forget?
You promised
you'd take the blame in return
for my killing your daughter's attacker.
If you don't hold to the terms
of the contract,
more people will die.
There was no reason.
I just
killed him.
He must not know why.
This is a picture of Ms. Kang Eun-hye
that we found in your apartment.
Do Jun-ha,
Han Jae-jeong, and Kang Eun-hye
were all murdered in the same way.
Are you going
to confess to her murder too?
Mr. Choi.
We already checked out your alibi.
We believe that you didn't kill Ms. Kang,
but that you know who did it.
Is that correct?
You know better than anyone
how Ms. Kang's parents are feeling.
So please tell us who killed her.
He won't.
The killer must have looked like
a savior to Choi Yeong-seop.
Mr. Choi.
The killer must have felt
like your savior.
But revenge is just another crime.
It can never save you.
You are the only one who can
save yourself, Mr. Choi.
You know the killer tried to murder you.
We'll protect you,
so please don't hesitate
and tell us.
I think Prosecutor Cha has
a lot in common with you.
He does not!
Who are you comparing him to? Jeez.
What's he getting angry for?
Can I help you?
I'm here to give Mr. Choi
his antibiotic shot.
Check the CCTV in front
of the hospital room, just in case.
All right.
Let's see.
Everything's correct.
Gopuri's there.
Gopuri, you're dead.
Damn it.
Who are you?
Prosecutor Cha,
take the IV out and call a doctor!
Get him!
What the…
Let's split up and look.
Gopuri, you bastard.
You shameless bastard.
How dare you come here?
Don't you know why Prosecutor Han died?
You said Choi Yeong-seop should go free,
that he didn't do it, and he murdered him.
He didn't do it.
Why you…
I'd like to talk to you.
I'm Cha Do-won, the prosecutor in charge
of Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong's case.
Choi Yeong-seop
didn't kill Prosecutor Han.
I saw it.
The burn scar on the killer's arm.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
I'm sorry.
I apologize for having
ignored your opinion.
I guess Mr. Nam Han-jun was
the only one who saw through everything.
The killer felt remorse
and affection toward the victim.
She must have done something to reach him.
Which company did Eun-hye get into?
-Joyce Entertainment.
-Also known as "Pain in the Ass."
-He's a typical idiot conglomerate heir.
-Lieutenant Nam.
He's that cop from three years ago.
I should go see her.
Kang Eun-hye is the key
to solving this case.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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