Call It Love (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Think about it
tens of thousands more times,
not just hundreds.
The reason why you shouldn't
show up in front of me anymore.
You can stop now.
That's good enough.
I'm sorry, but let's
have dinner some other time.
You can't possibly bring yourself to eat?
Why do you keep making
that miserable face?
If it bothers you that I held your hand
in front of her, I'll go tell her now.
Do you want me to go up there and tell her
that there's nothing going on between us
and it was just me acting up?
Are we friends or something?
Stop throwing such a fit.
And please don't do
something like this again.
I don't like being misunderstood,
nor misunderstanding.
Did I hug you? Or did I kiss you?
It's no big deal.
Even school kids hold hands.
What misunderstanding?
You should seriously stop overreacting.
No, that's not what I'm saying.
It's just that I might misunderstand…
I might misunderstand you.
All right?
Let's go. To have dinner.
I must really be a scumbag.
I told myself before I came back.
If he was already with someone,
I wouldn't go near Dongjin
or get seen by him.
But do you know what I first thought
when I actually saw him?
I wished that that woman would be
an even worse scumbag than I am.
Is it possible for someone
to be worse than you?
Stop rubbing it in.
Dongjin doesn't have a girlfriend.
That was probably
just an act to push you away.
I know that look.
When do you take that off?
What do you think
about suing her while you're at it?
I'm saying you should
sue your ex-girlfriend.
Technically, it's because of her that
you drank excessively and fell down.
She looked like she was rich, so do it.
How are you able
to say things like that so casually?
Should I be crying, then?
That's even weirder.
If you're bored,
try going on some internet forums.
There are so many stories there
that are way worse than yours.
Are you trying to console me?
Who says I'm consoling you?
I was just sharing information.
Whenever I thought life was unfair
with all the bad things
happening in my life,
I would read other people's life stories
and find far worse cases than mine.
Strangely, that made me feel better
and I could continue living on.
That's how it was with me.
Just to let you know.
Here are your noodles.
Why aren't you going home, by the way?
My brother saw you go into a motel.
Don't tell me if you don't want to.
I'm not that curious anyway.
Thank you.
I really didn't want to eat alone tonight.
So thank you.
They make good kimchi pancakes here.
Do you want to try some?
Excuse me, an order
of kimchi pancakes, please.
Yes, ma'am.
I hate spring.
The flowers do all the work,
but the season takes all the credit.
The queen of seasons, my foot.
What about summer?
Of course,
I hate it because it's hot.
I hate fall because it's gloomy.
As for winter,
I really hate the cold.
I wish it would rather just snow a lot.
Jun, are you a child? You called me
just because you didn't want to eat alone?
Me? Once I clock out,
I'm going to go practice
with my band and then head home.
Jun, Defcon level three is in effect.
What are you talking about?
The nutjob is here. I have to go, bye.
I thought I may be wrong,
but it is in fact my brother, Sim Jigu.
Woojoo. You must be quite shocked.
I see. You were on a date.
So you must have already had dinner…
This is a family matter, so you go.
And you stop saying nonsense
and go change.
We'll talk at home.
Okay, then I'll get going.
No! Please don't go.
Please stay. Please stay. Please stay.
If you leave now, she'll beat me
or cuss me out to death. Please.
Sim Jigu.
No. Let's talk while he's still here.
I'm scared!
Don't be absurd.
I know you're not scared of me.
You wouldn't be out here doing this
if you were scared!
What about your cram school?
Woojoo. Please calm down first,
and let's just talk, okay?
That's right. Just talk to him.
I am talking to him. Please step aside.
All right, I might as well just come clean
with everything while we're at it.
I quit the civil service exam.
I'm really grateful and feel bad
that you've supported me all this time.
But I can't give up on my dreams
just because I feel thankful and guilty.
The world stays the same
even if you give it up.
Sign back up for cram school
and go to a study dorm.
I want to pursue music!
I want to sing!
Please consider this
a life-saving measure and hold her tight!
I'll repay you one day!
Why did you take his side
when you don't even know him?
How could you be this oblivious to things?
He won't come home after running off
like that! And he has no money.
I didn't think it through. I'm sorry.
Why are you sorry?
I'm just shooting my mouth off.
Let's split up here. I'm going home.
Okay, then.
See you tomorrow.
-Not reading is better.
-I think reading is better.
How is that better?
Ignoring me after reading? That's worse.
He didn't come home last night?
Why aren't you surprised?
Did you know everything about Jigu?
Did you know he quit studying?
So you also knew about him working
at the café and trying to be a singer?
And despite all this, you've been upset
with me since early this morning.
Hey, Yoon Jun. Start talking!
Do you tell me everything?
You have things you don't share with me.
No wonder you were at the top
of your class. You're really smart.
What do you mean?
You'd think you can get away with it
if you sound serious when you're caught,
but that's not going to happen.
You know where Jigu is now, right?
Think however you want.
Hey, where are you going? Where's Jigu?
Psst. Hey, Jun, Jun, Jun…
Yoon Jun. Psst!
Jun! Jun! Jun! Jun!
Come here.
Gosh, I thought she'd catch on
and come after you.
How did you throw her off?
"Do you tell me everything?"
It was the best acting of my life.
Seriously, you are wasting your talents
by being just a pharmacist.
I just grabbed a few things.
You won't last long away from home.
Just spend a few nights out to save face
and come back home.
Jun, I'm serious
for the first time in 26 years.
It's not just a phase I'm going through.
How should I put it…
It's like I'm creating
a big turning point in my life?
It may begin with me
embarrassingly running away,
but I'm going to get her permission
and live on my own.
I get all that.
But don't let your guard down.
You have more than one older sister.
I know that, but I don't think
Haesung will be a problem.
Her interests are solely somewhere else.
She doesn't care about me.
That's true.
Suho, you like your coffee sweet,
don't you? I like mine sweet too.
Coffee has to be sweet
after all, doesn't--
I don't like it sweet.
This is for the chief.
Oh, I see.
Then what kind of coffee do you like?
Ms. Sim.
That day was my first day working here.
Which day are you talking about?
You know…
When you had your hair pulled out.
I saw it all.
I'm just saying.
I thought you might not know.
Right, I didn't know.
But if that was a test to see my reaction,
I think you'll be disappointed.
Because I'm not ashamed about that at all.
Things sometimes
go wrong in a relationship.
If you shrivel up from embarrassment
every time that happens,
how can you love anyone?
I want to brush it off, forget about it,
and start fresh.
Would you like this coffee?
You're really giving that to me?
It's still warm.
No, it's not.
It's piping hot.
Coffee has to taste sweet after all.
And it's extra sweet today.
Ugh, why am I jealous of Haesung?
That brat is impressive.
She did find another romance, after all.
Please set up another guardrail, then.
Yes, I will.
And please look over this
while you're at it.
Soohee. It's been a while.
What's this?
You're not even going to say hi
to your old boss?
Do you have an appointment?
He'll show up to work, won't he?
If I wait in there,
I'm sure he'll show up.
Let's see.
The CEO will be here soon.
By the way,
what's with the hospitality here?
I mean, shouldn't you be
bringing out some coffee at least?
Please wait.
And there's something
I've been curious about.
Who did you follow out here
to this company?
Was it your middle school friend,
Choi Sunwoo?
Or the venerable Han Dongjin?
You're wrong on both counts.
I didn't follow anyone out.
I ran away from someone.
I see.
You can go back to work, Ms. Baek.
Long time no see.
People don't change,
and I knew you would show up one day.
I just didn't think it'd be today.
This is why you're below me.
I heard you fired Cha Youngmin.
Then you should have guessed
I would come see you today.
What's this?
Are you scared or something?
Because that would make me so happy.
Back then, I was sitting there,
and you were over here. Right?
Come on, you idiots.
Was this the big picture
you guys had in mind?
To cripple this company
by taking a bunch of employees?
We didn't say anything,
and we're not taking
all the employees who quit--
I don't care about you.
Dongjin. You stay with the company.
You leaving me
doesn't cause much impact!
I'll give you whatever promotion
and salary you want.
Let's stick together until the end.
-Let's go, Sunwoo.
We'll leave the company as planned.
Are you sure you won't regret this?
No, I'm not sure.
But I'll just…
let myself regret it.
I'm sorry, sir.
-Let's go, Sunwoo.
I may not be able to help you succeed,
but I still have the strength to ruin you!
You'll see! I'm going to crush you!
What? You're not surprised.
Man, what a bummer.
I even had an early breakfast
to show you that, you know?
Stop trying to look tough
and just beg for mercy.
Then I'll go easy on you.
If this could have been resolved by me
begging, I'd have begged you already.
I'd get on my knees if you told me to.
You said it all the time.
Hesitate for three seconds,
and it's already too late.
Start your business when you can kneel
with just one second to think.
I remember that.
It must be today.
The day you kneel.
I know what's going on.
I know why you're going this far.
What are you saying?
It's not because your employee left
and started a new company.
I know that there's a different,
real reason behind it.
A table for four.
Of course. One moment,
let me clear the table.
This is supposed to be a big dinner
to commemorate our leaving the company,
but this seems too casual.
This place is really famous.
Team Leader Han…
Our CEO Han and I used to be regulars.
Was CEO Han a workaholic
back when he was a team leader too?
He supposedly works even on weekends.
He doesn't have a life outside of work.
Back then and even now,
-he's just good at his job.
-Is that right?
-Please, sit.
-Thank you.
We walked out
before we even placed our orders.
I'll be right there.
But still…
Him seeing you and me together
won't help anything.
That's true.
Please call me if something happens.
That's enough, sir.
You can't even drink that much.
Your empty words
don't mean anything.
You're the reason
I'm drinking myself to death here.
Let me take you home.
Quit trying to be the nice guy already.
I won't fall for it again.
Damn it.
I'm sorry, sir.
Dongjin, please help me out then.
Please get up.
Help me out for just six months.
Then I won't try to stop you.
Working alone with new hires
is just too difficult for me. Please?
Dongjin, I know! I really do!
I've been bad.
I was hard on you guys
and kept taking everything out on you.
But you know,
I've lived this way for 50 years.
How could I change overnight?
I don't even know how.
-Please get up.
-If I get up, will you help me?
I'm begging you, please.
Please, I'm begging you.
You and I go way back.
That day…
Dongjin, please…
I heard that your wife collapsed.
It's understandable.
When a man suffers so much
and things are hard,
he can blame others
and lash out.
That's why I just let you
take it out on me a few times.
Because I felt so bad
and sorry for you.
But what happened to your wife
is not my fault.
Then whose fault is it?
If it weren't for you, I'd have picked up
the phone and called 119.
Then she wouldn't have had
to lie there so alone.
And you're saying
that this isn't your fault!
Your existence itself
is harmful and wrong!
What? You can't say anything
because what I'm saying is true, right?
There's no need to respond to such crap!
What? Crap?
You want to have a go?
Wasn't that your intention all along
when you got back at us?
I'm holding myself back from
cussing you out. Don't get all dramatic.
-Stop it.
-Stop what? I'm just now getting started.
CEO Shin. I mean, Mr. Shin Sungman.
Do you know when I decided
to quit working for you?
When you advised me
to work imagining my future.
I quit because I was so horrified
that my future would be to turn into you!
I said stop it.
I'm done.
You really need to manage
that look of helplessness.
This man is not going to even flinch
over hearing something like this.
Yeah, sure. Okay, all right!
Now you make me feel okay
saying what I've prepared.
You haven't left yet?
Yes, just a second.
Hey, Youngmin.
We're definitely going to do
the camping fair.
Internet, radio, electronic billboards,
and local newspapers.
Put up advertisements on everything!
The investment funds have come in!
So get this show on the road
starting today!
Go ahead!
We're not scared!
He's just sitting there
doing nothing again.
What do you want for dinner?
Beef brisket?
Or a full-course tuna sushi meal?
I know. I totally understand
you guys are feeling bewildered.
That's not it. We all have separate plans.
I know that too.
Then just let me know
where you're gathering.
I'll go there and just pick up the check.
I understand that you guys want to gather
to discuss what happened today
and talk trash about your boss.
Things are such a mess at the company
but there isn't much we can do
for you guys right now.
So can't you just play along with the boss
who wants to buy you drinks in the least?
Can we just drink by ourselves?
We just… want to do that today.
Okay. I'm sorry.
I should just give you my credit card.
Drink as much as you guys want,
and bill me for the cab fare.
I'm sorry, sir.
No, don't worry about it.
We'll see you tomorrow.
Sim Jigu quit.
Oh, right. If you see him,
please tell him to return his uniform.
The number you have
dialed is unavailable at the present.
Have you checked
the karaoke spots?
Do you really think he'd be here?
If he's found here,
he'll be punished more.
How are you not worried
when your brother ran away from home?
What do I have to worry about exactly?
That he quit studying for the exam?
Or that he's getting back into singing?
-Of course, it's both.
-So what?
If you plant that boy back at his desk
when he just wants to sing,
would that make you feel better?
Just let him be.
Let him try whatever he wants to try.
His dad used to sing.
So maybe he took after him.
His dad?
-Your dad.
-I don't have a dad.
All the more reason
for you to not crush his dreams.
That's your problem.
It's not Jigu's problem, but yours.
It's quicker for you to just give up.
And stop trying to control him.
"I supported you. You must do what I say."
This is what you're saying.
I guess being mean with words
is what I learned from you.
Why can't I say
those things to him?
I packed his lunch over a thousand times.
Give me the phone.
Give it back while I ask nicely.
I'll only count to three.
Where are you going?
Aren't you going to look for your brother?
We should
mentally prepare ourselves.
It seems like they're planning
to leave the company all at once.
What if we actually
go out of business from this?
Why aren't you talking?
Silence doesn't suit you.
Do you always keep your mouth shut
because you think silence suits you?
I used to be pretty good
at running when I was a kid.
I used to win first place in county races.
This was possible because
it was a small countryside.
But the gym teacher told me…
to try out for the provincial competition.
He said I'd receive a scholarship
just for trying even if I didn't win.
I didn't participate.
How much was the scholarship?
It was 300,000 won.
That's a good amount.
All the kids in the provincial competition
were members of track teams.
The slowest kid of all of them
was three seconds faster than me.
That meant that
no matter how much I tried,
I'd have had to run
the track alone for three seconds.
Just thinking about that
made me lose it
even a month before the event.
My stomach hurt.
And so did my head.
So I gave up.
Because of those three seconds.
From birth,
I've always been weak-willed.
But you won't go down.
You know how sometimes you can tell a lot
about someone just by the way they walk?
I can tell you won't go down
no matter what.
I know for sure.
Ms. Sim.
But you won't go down.
I can tell you won't go down
no matter what.
I know for sure.
It's just that I might misunderstand…
I might misunderstand you.
All right?
Snap out of it, Woojoo.
Unless you have truly gone off the rails…
Thank you for everything.
I'll be off.
Thank you.
Take care.
Good work.
-Thanks! You'll do well.
-Take care.
-Thanks for everything.
I'm really sorry that I'm leaving too.
Yes, this is Best Fairs.
Lunch delivery?
Yes, I'll be right down.
Where is she anyway?
Ma'am, that'll be 2,000 won.
I'm giving you
a 500-won employee discount.
How generous of you to give
a discount to a former employee.
View it as an advance payment.
You'll quit that job soon
and come back here.
Why are you so surprised?
You said half of your entire company quit
and it's like a haunted house.
You said this would be
a good time for you to quit as well.
You said this the other day
after drinking.
I'll stop drinking.
When are you going to quit?
Three days? A week?
Stop rushing me.
It's not like I'll stay there forever,
I'll quit eventually.
I'll tell them when the time is right.
My background is in the Natural Sciences,
so I lack imagination.
But you're really fueling up
my imagination.
What do you mean?
Forget it if you don't understand.
I don't want to say it myself.
Lunch is here.
It's another lunch box?
I said I wanted to go out to eat today.
Tell Mr. Han to come and eat.
Mr. Han wasn't in his office.
He's probably crying alone somewhere.
I also cry alone like that these days.
I was just… washing my face.
It's not that…
Your button has come off.
I wish a bundle of cash
would just drop from the sky.
If we work well with the magazine company,
maybe we could proceed
without spending much money.
We're opening an advertising booth
at the camping festival
run by that magazine company.
So we do need some money.
Don't worry about the budget
and just focus on the plan.
Yes, sir.
CEO Shin probably has no idea
what we have up our sleeves.
Because I also didn't know
that Mr. Han Dongjin was
such a meticulous planner.
I mean, how long have you been
planning something like this?
Just eat your lunch.
A hands-on camping experience
at a festival.
Let's prepare well
and leave a mark in the industry.
Ms. Baek, you can take
your time with the budget plans.
What? Why aren't you eating anymore?
Leave it, sir. We'll clean it up.
I've eaten plenty.
Hey, don't throw mine away,
I'm going to eat more after I come back.
You know…
Minyoung called.
Asking if we needed an investment.
Stop glaring like that. I told her no.
you could at least consider it, right?
Desperate times
call for desperate measures.
Yesterday, I went through my mother's
jewelry box. I found one gold ring.
I wanted to even take that little thing.
I feel like we're standing
at the edge of a cliff.
Do you like it?
What if I do like it?
Do you want me to live with you?
Two men living together would be weird.
I bought this place
for when I got remarried,
but I don't have any woman to marry.
You can live here for a while.
I'm not just giving it to you.
I want someone living here
and taking care of it.
And like they say these days, I refuse
in advance to accept your refusal.
Something like this would be the only way
I'd get to see your face once in a while.
Please live here, for me.
The view is nice.
Finally, you call me.
I'm sorry. I was parking.
I see. How are you?
Well, I'm doing okay.
But I heard that
you were not doing so well.
You can text me
your company account number.
I can't help you a lot,
but I'll send whatever I can.
And don't get all touched
because of this.
You helped me out
back when I was in trouble.
So I'm repaying you.
Next time, just buy me
some grilled beef at a barbeque place.
With all-you-can-drink soju and beer.
Do you remember
what you told me before?
If you can resolve an issue with money
and time, then it's not even a problem.
I said a lot of weird things.
Hang in there.
Thanks. Drive safely.
You won't go down.
I can tell you won't go down
no matter what.
I know for sure.
I mean, I haven't heard from you.
So have you given it some thought?
I'm busy. Let's talk later.
I'm not that old-fashioned.
Things can end between a couple.
What are you so embarrassed about?
Have you been well?
I've been good as usual.
This must have been fate.
I mean, we ran into each other
in that large department store.
I should have reached out to you…
I'm sorry.
Well… I didn't grab you
to get an apology from you.
Do you have some money?
Around 10 million won.
I can pay you back
as soon as the house is sold.
Let me borrow it for just two months.
I'll give it back to you right away.
What, don't you have any?
Obviously, I have to keep this
a secret from Dongjin, right?
Go ahead and say what you want.
You're the one who stopped me.
I wanted to ask you something.
What makes you think I'll answer you?
"What's their relationship?
How far along are they?"
"How close are they?"
I want you to continue to be curious.
Because I have no intention of answering.
I live right across from Dongjin.
I moved back into my old place,
so don't misunderstand.
Why aren't you going home,
by the way?
I felt like it'd be unfair
if I didn't tell you.
I'm leaving.
Minyoung, you're pathetic.
Is it fun?
Hey, I asked you if it's fun.
I mean, you suck at it.
I'm not having any fun.
Maybe it's because there's no one
to hide from. This is boring.
What are you, a teenager?
Hey, my dream is to live like a teenager.
Running to get lunch, and then running
to play soccer after lunch, you know.
What an innocent child I was.
But right now,
my life just seems so gloomy.
Running to sit in the front row
at a popular lecture,
and then running to get the best seat
in the study hall after the class.
I just wanted to be happy on stage,
singing my songs.
And they're not letting me do it.
So what? You're not going back home?
I'd go if they were looking for me.
But they're not.
You know?
I mean, no one is looking for me.
I don't know, man.
Having said that,
let me crash at your place.
I'm having such a hard time. I can't sleep
another night in the public sauna.
-Hey. You…
-Where are you right now?
This lying brat…
What a jerk.
What the…
Jajang or Jjamppong?
Jjamppong. I don't like jajangmyeon
because it's too sweet.
Me neither. I like jjamppong.
Uh, how about doenjang stew
or kimchi stew?
Kimchi stew.
I don't eat stuff that smells weird,
like soybean paste.
I don't even like the miso soup
they serve at sushi restaurants.
Okay, last one.
Fried chicken or pizza? One, two, three!
-Really? Pizza?
-Yes, I'm allergic to chicken.
Gosh, that's crazy.
We have so much in common.
I just don't understand why they say
fried chicken is Korea's soul food.
That's so interesting. Let's try more
and see if there's anything else.
What else could we explore?
How about tripe?
I'd never get tired of that.
Me too.
I'm the one that likes tripe.
It's you, Jun.
Long time no see.
Are you heading home now?
Yes, how are you, Haesung?
Suho, this is my sister's friend.
Hang in there, young boy.
Good luck.
He likes to wish people good luck.
Good luck to you too!
Good luck!
Good luck.
Good luck!
Good luck!
You're opening, right?
There weren't any real estate
offices open, so I walked all over.
Are you looking for a house?
Not really. I just want to ask something.
Do you have coffee inside?
Darn it.
Yes, Aunt.
Why are you picking up so late?
-What's going on?
-You didn't know either, right?
Now that I think about it,
you would have done something
with that temper if you had known.
I'm going to work, so let's talk later--
Hey! Going to work
is not important right now.
That woman moved into the house
where you and your siblings used to live!
I found out that
she never put the house up for sale,
and now she's moved in
and is living there.
Can you even believe this?
We were the only fools who didn't know!
Everybody in the neighborhood
already knew apparently!
So ultimately she kicked out your
mom and even took over the master bedroom.
Gosh, that sly scumbag!
Hey, are you listening?
If you don't believe me,
come see for yourself.
Woojoo is late.
She's not the type to be late to work.
Has she called?
This is Han Dongjin.
I don't know if you remember me.
This is Golden Country Realty.
Come over quickly.
That daughter you'd been looking for
is on her way here.
Darn it.
Flowery breeze, flowery breeze ♪
My life is like a flowery breeze ♪
I'm coming. I'm coming.
Oh, who is it?
Open the door.
Open this door!
Open up! Open the door!
I said open this door!
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