Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967) s01e06 Episode Script

White as Snow

(footsteps clicking)
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
His name, Captain Scarlet.
(engine whirring)
TVR-17 to control
TVR-17 to control
- Control to TVR17,
how's it going, Bob?
[Bob] Fine.
I just wanted to
check on tomorrow.
- It's all set, but I haven't
had your service report
for last night.
It's all ready for
Were bringing you down at
1400 hours our time tomorrow.
I have clearance from
the space controller.
- [Bob] Good.
We'll be glad to get back
on the ground.
- I thought you space
junkies enjoyed riding high.
- [Bob] Sure, but four
weeks is long enough.
- Okay, Bob, we'll program
your onboard computer
for reentry and landing at
1900 hours ready for tomorrow.
- Can you wait till the
end of transmission?
- All right, we'll
recompute for midnight.
We don't want to winter
up the late show,
it's usually pretty good.
- [Bob] Oh, don't tell me
you have time to listen.
- Well, we sometimes tune
in when things are quiet.
But let me have that report.
- [Bob] Right away.
Thanks, control.
Who's you?
(dramatic music)
(engine whirring)
- I have that service report
ready for transmission.
Come in, control.
(upbeat music)
What are you doing, control,
we're losing altitude.
We're heading for reentry.
Well burn up.
(dramatic music)
(ominous music)
(upbeat music)
This is Bob Lynn from your
favorite satellite TVR-17,
beaming down another non-stop
music program to the Earth.
(upbeat music)
- What the
Nothing better to do, lieutenant?
- No, sir.
I mean, well, things were
a little quiet.
Is the chair to your liking,
No, please don't get up.
Yes, sir.
I mean, no, sir.
That is--
- This is supposed to
be an operational base,
not a rest center.
- [Green] Yes, sir.
- Well, I suppose it's
harmless enough.
But turn it down, will you?
There is it coming from anyway?
- A communications satellite,
It's very clear.
You're not using the bass
amplifiers are you, lieutenant?
- No, sir.
They're still on
Spectrum wavelengths.
- The abnormal
reception must be due
to some freak weather condition.
(upbeat music)
- All right, I said
turn it down.
- I'm trying to, sir.
(upbeat music)
- What are they trying to do,
deafen us?
Do something, man
- The radar, sir, it's
picked up something.
- The display, lieutenant.
Yes, there it is.
(upbeat music)
Of course, it's almost
certainly that satellite.
That's why the music kept
getting louder.
[White] Details, lieutenant.
- Range, 87 miles.
Approximate speed, Mach 32.
Course, collision course.
- What?
- Check that Lieutenant.
- Yes, sir.
No possible doubt,
confirmed, collision course.
Impact, minus 203 seconds.
(dramatic music)
[Mysteron] This is the
voice of the Mysterons.
We know that you can hear us,
We also know of your pathetic
attempts to defend yourselves.
Our next act of
retaliation will be to kill
the commander in chief of
Spectrum, Colonel White.
Do you hear, Earthmen?
We will kill Colonel White.
(eerie music)
(dramatic music)
- Impact, minus 124 seconds.
(ominous music)
- Could be a
Mysteron booby trap.
I can't take that chance,
destroy it.
- But, sir, if it's
that satellite,
there are about a dozen
people onboard.
- It's going to hit us, captain.
- Impact, minus 108 seconds
- We can't just destroy them.
There s still time for
them to alter course.
- Yes, there's still time,
if they are not Mysterons.
I have no alternative,
launch Angel One.
Order her to seek and destroy.
- I gave an order, captain.
Yes, sir.
- Angel One, immediate launch.
- SIG.
(engine whirring)
(jet roaring)
(engines thrumming)
Have visual contact.
Will fire when within
1,000 yards.
(exciting military music)
(engines thrumming)
On target, firing now.
(explosion booming)
Direct hit.
Total destruct.
Repeat, total destruct.
- SIG, Symphony Angel.
If you'll excuse me, sir.
(engine whirring)
- Ah, there you are.
Beautiful day.
Well, if you want to be alone.
- I'm sorry, I was miles away.
You're right, it is a
beautiful day.
This is Colonel White to
all members of Spectrum.
We have heard the latest
Mysteron threat.
They do not make idle threats.
I am to be their next victim.
- Not the colonel.
- No one can tell when, where,
or even how the
attack will come,
but rest assured it will come.
The Mysterons have powers we
cannot hope to understand.
Intangible powers beyond
human experience.
If I remain here on Cloud Base,
any attack against me
could involve other members
of Spectrum, even Cloud Base
itself could be destroyed.
I have decided therefore to
leave for a secret destination.
While I am gone, Spectrum
will carry on as usual.
That is all.
Captain Blue, Captain
Scarlet, report to me at once.
- Let's get down there.
- Right away, his word
is our command.
- Are you still sore about
that satellite?
- Sore?
It was cold-blooded murder.
- You don't know that.
- That's just the point,
no one knew.
The colonel should never
have ordered its destruction.
- Wed better go.
Reporting as ordered, sir.
- At ease, gentlemen.
I'll come straight to the
point, Captain Scarlet,
I'd like you to take command
of Cloud Base in my absence.
Is that an order, sir?
- No, captain, a request.
- Then I'm afraid I must refuse.
- I see, how about you,
Captain Blue?
- I would consider it an honor,
- Thank you, captain.
You'll assume command as of no
Maintain Cloud Base as an
operational unit 24 hours a day.
I will leave immediately.
And remember, under no
circumstances try to contact me.
- Yes, sir.
Good luck, sir.
Take care, Colonel White
- [White] Thank you.
- Goodbye, colonel.
Goodbye, captain.
I just hope he knows
what he's doing.
- Don't worry, he usually does.
- Not always.
- You're wrong, captain.
We had a report.
That satellite was a
Mysteron booby trap.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
They found the wreckage
of the original TVR-17.
It was destroyed three hours
before the reconstructed
satellite attacked Cloud Base.
- Why didn't he say something?
Do you know where the
colonel's going?
But I've had my orders
and I'm saying nothing.
(dramatic music)
(heroic music)
- Right, take it down.
- Here?
- Yes.
- But were 50 miles from land,
are you gonna swim back?
- Just take her down.
- Okay, you're paying.
(militaristic music)
Are you some bigshot
in the navy?
I'm a deep sea fisherman.
(militaristic music)
- Welcome aboard.
Glad to have you with us.
- Thank you.
- Now, this is my first
officer, Lieutenant Belmont.
Lieutenant, this is--
Snow, Robert Snow.
(dramatic music)
- I'm taking her down,
clear the deck.
Dive, dive, dive.
(tense music)
Open water inlets.
[Crewmate] - Open water inlets.
Hold it.
(tense music)
- Close elevator hatch.
- Closing hatch.
- No, no, no wait.
Don't closer. Wait.
- Take her down to 10 fathoms.
[Belmont] Yes, sir
Open up.
Help, help.
Open up, open up.
- Eight.
10 fathoms, sir.
- Right, stabilize.
- Steady at 10 fathoms.
(eerie music)
- Set a course 124
magnetic, speed 30 knots.
[Belmont] Yes, sir.
- Well, Mr. Snow, I
think you'll find
we can make you very
- I'm sure you can.
- [Soames] Sir?
Take our guest to
his quarters
You will act as his steward.
Make sure he has
everything he needs.
Yes, sir.
I'll take care of Mr. Snow.
(dramatic music)
(explosions booming)
- Send them around for
another run, lieutenant.
- Not again.
- Yes, again, lieutenant.
- SIG, captain.
Angel Leader, attack as before.
Targets C, D, and E.
- SIG.
One more time, girls.
(jets roaring)
(explosion booms)
(explosion booms)
Make it a clean sweep.
SIG, Symphony.
(explosion booms)
Great shooting, girls.
Right, let's get back to base.
Right, lieutenant, I
want all personnel
not on duty in the sick bay.
I've arranged a lecture.
- They're not gonna like it,
But you're in command.
Will all Spectrum
personnel not on duty
report to the sick
bay immediately.
Dr. Faun will give a lecture
on the physiology of the
lower primates.
- Talk on monkeys?
That s all we need.
What is Captain Blue
trying to do eh?
- I'll be very glad when
the colonel gets back.
- The colonel?
Well, I think we'll all
be glad when he returns.
(dramatic music)
- Where's Mr. Snow?
I think he's resting in
his cabin, sir.
Shall I wake him?
- No, no, lieutenant,
let him sleep.
(ominous music)
What time is it, lieutenant?
- 1900 hours, sir.
- Good.
We'll surface for 15 minutes.
Ask Mr. Snow if he'd
care to join me on deck.
- [Belmont] Yes, sir.
(ominous music)
- We will be avenged,
Colonel White.
(alarm blaring)
- What's going on back there?
- Someone has sealed
the bulkhead.
And I thought I heard shots.
- Shots?
Davidson, Clark, follow me.
Get this door open and hurry.
Come on, hurry it up.
- I know you re in there,
You don't stand a chance.
All right.
I'm coming in.
- Heave.
(tense music)
What a mess.
I just can't understand it
I want this whole ship searched
with a fine tooth comb.
Mr. Snow must be found.
What's that?
(muffled grunting)
(revelatory tones)
(dramatic music)
- I knew it, I just knew it.
I'll have your commission
for this, Scarlet.
- You know this man, colonel?
I mean
- It's all right, captain,
I think the rest of the crew
can now know my true identity.
Yes, I know this man and
I can tell you he faces
a court-martial as soon as
we're back on Cloud Base.
Colonel, you don't understand.
- When I'm finished with him,
hell wish he'd never been born.
- Sir, I don't think you
appreciate that the man is dead.
- That's no excuse.
Hitting a superior officer,
binding and gagging.
Why, I never in all my
born years, oh.
(dramatic music)
Lieutenant, where are
those reports?
I'll check, sir.
- [White] And get me Spectrum
headquarters, London.
Yes, sir.
- The duty Angels will take off
for target practice
in 15 minutes.
- Here we go again.
The colonel is back.
I really missed that voice.
- Move, this is supposed
to be a Spectrum base,
not a rest center.
And I want those
files I asked for.
- [Green] Yes, colonel.
- And where's Captain Scarlet?
- Captain Scarlet?
He's been waiting outside
for an hour, colonel.
- Well, get him in here.
- Captain Scarlet, the
colonel will see you now.
(military music)
- Lieutenant Green, I'm still
waiting for those reports.
I'm very busy, Captain Scarlet
I'll give you 30 seconds
for your explanation.
- Well, sir, I-
- How did you know
where I'd gone?
- I told him, sir.
- [White] You?
- It was my fault, colonel.
I pulled rank on him.
- This gets worse and worse.
How did you get aboard
the submarine?
My Spectrum pass got me
through naval security.
Then I stowed away just
before it'd left the base.
I think you know the rest.
I certainly do, and
a fine story it makes.
Gross insubordination,
striking a superior officer,
impersonating another
rank, apart from the list
of charges the
navy could bring.
Yes, sir.
Is that all you have to say?
Yes, sir.
You leave me no alternative.
Captain Scarlet, I
sentence you to death.
(dramatic music)
- I understand, sir.
- However, as you are
there'd be little point
in standing you
up before a firing squad.
And you can wipe that grin
off your face, lieutenant.
- Yes sir, colonel, sir
- [White] And get me
those reports.
(militaristic music)
(dramatic music)
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
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