Conversations with Friends 2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

This is my stop here.
I'll call you from my mum's.
Salty holding us steer ♪

Did you ever say ♪

Oh, no ♪

Did you ever say ♪
No ♪
No ♪

So am I gonna hear
about this holiday at all?
- Sure, yeah.
- What was the place like?
Um it was
It was really nice.
Did you have good weather?
Yeah, it was really hot.
I can't keep up with
the level of detail here, love.
Bobbi have a good time?
Bobbi always has a good time.
You two have a row or something?
No. No.
Just eat. You'll feel better.
Mum! Can you come here, please?
Can you come here
for a second, please?
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
You're alright.
When did this start?
- Just there.
- Is it your period?
I don't know,
it seems worse than my period.
Ah, no, this-this
doesn't look normal.
Is there any chance
you could be pregnant?
I don't know.
- Well think, Frances.
- It could be serious.
Yeah? Okay.
We're going
to the hospital, okay?
I'll get your clothes.
You wait there.
Kevin MacDonald?
He came in after us. Hang on.
Mum, it's fine.
Excuse me?
- Frances?
- Yeah.
Sorry to keep you
waiting so long.
I'm Dr. O'Dowd,
I'm gonna ask some questions,
and I'm gonna run a few tests.
- Okay.
- Oh, sorry.
If I could
just get that arm, please.
Yeah, perfect. Thank you.
And just relax your arm.
Can I get us some tea or
- Please.
- Thank you.
Are you sexually active
at the moment?
Uh, yeah.
What was the date
of your last period?
Um, I'm not sure.
What do you use for
contraception? Are you on the pill?
- Condoms.
- Do you always use condoms?
I've never had unprotected sex.
Well, like, not fully.
Well, not fully unprotected?
Sorry, I don't follow.
Not full sex.
I mean, he didn't come
inside me. Am I not being clear?
I am going to check
for signs of pregnancy.
The HCG levels would remain
elevated for a few days
if there had been one.
Do you have
a urine sample there?
Oh, my God.
Just one minute.
Everyone's still up there.
Just ducked out.
Sorry. I, um
I just wanted to talk.
Are you okay?
Um, just
Frances, are you drunk?
Hello?-No, I
- Bye.
- Frances
tonight and then we'll check
on her again in the morning.
- So, Frances
- Yeah.
Okay, so
You happy to talk to me still?
Uh, yeah.
You sure? Okay.
Well, there was
no sign of pregnancy,
so you did not
have a miscarriage,
and there's
no indication of infection
or any other irregularities.
Uh, the amount of pain you
are in concerns me though.
The gynecologist starts at 8:00.
I would like
to keep you here until then
so she can take
a look at you as well.
- Is that alright?
- Okay.
Alright, then,
try to get some sleep.
Mum should go home.
You both need to rest, okay?
Will you be okay like this?
- Yeah. Go.
- You're wrecked. I'm fine.
So, I'll have my phone on.
Yeah. Okay.
Hi, Frances.
I'm Dr. Rita Maguire.
I'm the gynecologist on today.
I'm gonna be doing
your examination this morning.
There'll be a bit
of pressure now. Ready?
Well done.
You're doing really well.
Okay, I'm examining the womb.
Would you like me to stop?
No, it's fine.
Okay, just say.
There's nothing serious showing
up as far as we can tell.
But I'm gonna get you in for an
ultrasound in Dublin, to be sure.
And in the meantime,
I'm gonna give you
a prescription for
the contraceptive pill.
That should help
when you have menstrual pain.
So was it just my period or
- We'll figure it out.
- Don't worry.
Let's get you home.
Seat belt.
So you're not pregnant.
I didn't realize
you were seeing anyone.
Who says I'm seeing anyone?

I told you
about kissing Melissa.
The fact that you didn't tell
me about Nick is embarrassing.
It makes me feel really stupid.
As if we're in wildly differentversions of this friendship.

- Frances Flynn?
- Yeah.
Try and take it at the same time
every day, okay?
An alarm should help with that.
Okay. Thank you.
Leave a message.
- Hey.
- Um, I'm just calling to talk.
I'll probably be here
another few days, so, um
Yeah, I'll try you again.

Well, you don't really
talk about your feelings.
You're committed
to this view of me
as having some kind of
undisclosed emotional life.
- Bye.
- Take care.
I'm just not very emotional.
I don't think
unemotional is a quality
someone can have.
That's like claiming
not to be very alive.
Well, you live
an emotionally intense life
so you think
everyone else does.
And if they're not
talking about it,
then they're hiding something.
Okay, we differ on that.

Hello. This is Dennis Flynn.
I can't take your callright now, but leave a message.
[pop music playing in distance[

- Frances.
- Hi.
I was just up at the house.
- For what?
- Sorry?
What are you up to?
Just out for a walk.
Well, are you heading back now?
Will I walk you?
Um, I'll just
put the kettle on.
Need to get that?
What were you up to today?
Not much.
Are you down for long?
Just a few days.
Did your mother send you?
What do you mean?
Did your mother send you
looking for me?
You found me anyways.
I need to head there.
Are you okay for everything?
Of course, I am.
- Hey.
- Hey. How's your dad?
At least you went.
He's your father.
It's important.
When you married him,
was he ever like this?
I don't know, Frances.
I don't remember.
Okay. I think I'll go back
to Dublin tomorrow.
- And I am feeling better.
- Thanks.
- I'm gonna go to bed.
- Frances.
Make it up with Bobbi,
will you?
I hate seeing you like this.

- Hey.
- Hey.
I was staying with Dara
for a few nights.
Home is just
too much right now.
- Do you want a drink?
- I'm fine.
I'm sorry
I didn't tell you about Nick.
I'm really sorry.
I've been feeling sick
about it all week.
Have you?
I think I just wanted
to work it out,
whatever it was.
Because I don't
really know what it is or
what it means.
If I hadn't have
walked in on you,
would you ever have told me?
I think so, but I-I don't know.
It's fucking embarrassing
walking in and seeing you together.
Feeling like I was the one
that shouldn't be there.
Do you understand
what that was like for me?
I do.
I am sorry.
But, Bobbi, it's hard
to tell you things sometimes.
You're judgmental.
You don't like Nick.
You think he's
boring or conventional.
You took every opportunity
to slag him off to me.
How was I supposed to tell you?
Why does it matter
what I think?
It matters to me
what you think.
Because it does.
You know that.
I hate that you feel like
you can't tell me things.
For what it's worth,
I do actually like him.
He's grown on me.
Nick's not actually
the problem, though.
You making me feel
like an intruder
in your life is the problem.
It horrifies me
that you felt like an intruder.
Doesn't even
make sense because
when I think of my life,
I imagine you at the center.
Okay, well, now you're
just being sentimental, Frances.
- Do you want to go get some air?
- Yeah.
I had to go to the hospital
the night we got back.
What? Seriously?
- Uh, yeah.
- Uh, I was in A&E for the night.
Are you okay?
Um I think so.
I-I don't really know. Um
They thought it might have been
a miscarriage.
Um, it-it wasn't, though.
That's pretty intense.
Is it? I don't know.
Come on, Frances.
- I I don't know.
- Probably. What
What are you even
allowed to feel about something
that probably
wasn't anything at all?
You tell me.
It was confusing.
Of course, it was.
And you could
have been pregnant?
Um what do you mean?
Like you didn't use protection
or whatever?
Uh, we didn't, uh, like
I'm not blaming you.
I'm just
surprised at him is all.
It was probably
my idea, honestly.
I mean, he's actually
very passive, so
- Right.
- But he could have said no.
Maybe he just acts passive
so he doesn't have to
take the blame for anything.
Bobbi, you're doing it again.
You're literally
doing the thing.
Sorry. Okay.
Are you still my friend?
Of course,
I'm still your friend.

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