Country Comfort (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Summer Lovin'

Hey, Bailey. Have you seen my
Plaid shirt?
Why would you say that?
A guess.
You're wrong.
I was actually lookin' for this.
- You don't know me at all.
- Mm-hmm.
Just like I don't know
you're gonna drink that coffee and say
[both] "Oh,
I forgot the hazelnut creamer."
How'd you know?
One of my best
and worst qualities is that I'm observant.
It's how I know any minute Cassidy's gonna
come bouncing down those stairs
and joyously announce,
[both] "Ladies and gentlemen,
I'm officially un-grounded."
[Cassidy sighs]
What should I do
with all my sweet freedom?
You could tell me
you've learned your lesson
and you're never gonna lie to me again.
I'm never gonna lie to you again.
Oh, dang. That might be a lie.
Okay, startin' right now,
I'm only tellin' the truth.
[Summer] Hey!
Oh, Summer's here.
- I'll start with her!
- [both] No!
- [Beau] Hey.
- Hey.
Mornin', y'all. I brought muffins!
One for me,
one for my baby,
and one for Bailey.
Oh, I didn't see that one comin'.
And Bailey, I was thinking about you
last night and what an excellent job
you are doing taking care of
Beau's beautiful children.
Another one I did not see comin'.
And sugar, since you have finally found
such a reliable, solid nanny
who you trust with the children,
how about tonight
when you come over
to my place for dinner
you stay for breakfast?
- I'm gonna go.
- That's okay, Bailey.
- You can stay.
- Nope!
Beau, is this really a conversation
we should have in front of the babysitter?
Sugar, we've been together
over eight months.
Don't you think
it's time we had a sleepover?
- Eight months and you haven't slept
- Oh, we have!
[laughs] A lot.
But just not overnight.
And I have been patient.
Real patient.
But baby, I don't understand why
you can't leave my place at 11 a.m.
instead of 11 p.m.
It's only a one-letter difference.
Honey, you don't think I want to?
- Believe me, I want to.
- [Summer chuckles]
A lot.
But it's not about what I want.
I gotta think about my kids.
- I mean, right, Bailey?
- Uh, dang!
Can you, uh
Can you just please help me
explain to Summer
how hard it is for kids who have lost
their mama to wake up in the morning
and not see their daddy in his bed?
- So I'll sleep over here.
- Or a woman who's not their mama in it?
[sighs] Baby, I I know it is not easy.
I mean, so not easy.
But they're just not ready.
Well, sugar, when you put it that way,
I do understand.
We are in two different places.
I am ready to move forward
in this relationship,
and you are ready to not move an inch.
I am gonna move forward out that door,
and if I have made a wrong assumption,
you will stop me.
Nobody said anything.
Okay, then.
Goodbye, Beau.
She'll be back in a minute.
[tires screech]
I did not see that one comin'.
[theme music playing]
What just happened?
Everything was going so good.
Why does she wanna rock the boat?
I don't think she has a problem
with the boat rockin',
she just wants the boat to dock overnight.
You don't think I wanna dock overnight?
But I'm the captain.
I gotta think about my crew.
Well, you also gotta
think about your first mate,
'cause it sounds like Summer's cravin'
the dockin' more than the rockin'.
- Huh?
- You know.
The cuddling, the talkin' all night,
the wakin' up the next morning together.
[sighs] I wanna do all that.
That's the second-best part.
But, Bailey, the kids
They're just not ready.
Well, how do you know?
Have you tried talkin' to them yet?
Are you seriously suggesting
that I have a conversation
about spendin' the night
- at my girlfriend's with my
- [Bailey] Um
Oh, hey! [Beau laughs]
What, uh What are you fellas doin' here?
We live here.
Yeah, of course you do.
You know
You know, I am so happy that you do.
You could always be together and talk,
like me and Bailey just were.
You didn't hear
what we were talkin' about?
Honestly, I haven't heard anything
since Tuck told me Lorraine's cousin
wants to go on a date with me.
Thank the Lord.
you don't have to be that relieved, Daddy.
It's not like I've never been on a date.
You haven't.
- Not according to my Instagram.
- Well, that fake news ends tonight.
Guess who's goin' on a double date
with me and Lorraine?
[Bailey] Oh, honey! I am so happy for ya.
Okay. Startin' to get a complex.
What's goin' on?
Brody has a date.
- Finally!
- Finally!
Does anybody follow me on Instagram?
Well, look at that.
Everyone's movin' forward.
Tuck's movin' forward by helpin'
his brother after the whole "Jo" thing,
and Brody's movin' forward by
openin' himself up to someone new
after the whole "Jo" thing.
Anybody wanna talk about
how they'd like to move forward?
I'm movin' forward to the other room
to help put away this laundry.
With you.
[whispers] What's with you?
[whispers] Beau, you are clearly
havin' issues with this sleepover issue.
I'm thinkin' it's not your kids' issue,
it's yours.
No. It used to be my issue,
but I I worked through it, okay?
Now my issue is
I don't want the children to hate me.
- [loudly] Why would they hate
- Shhh!
Because I don't want them
to feel like I'm cheatin' on their mama.
You've been datin' Summer
for eight months.
Datin', not coming home
from Summer's. It's different.
Now, this issue is closed.
I get it. I'm done.
Beau, I want you to be happy.
I know the kids want you to be happy.
That's why I think if you talk to them
honestly, speak from your heart,
they'll understand.
I've said my piece. Now I'm done.
- You're not done.
- Nope. Beau,
the kids could never hate you.
I mean, I've never seen a more devoted dad
who protects and sacrifices
and loves his kids more than you do.
- And Summer likes you.
- [Beau chuckles]
Oh [chuckles bashfully]
And I like her.
I know you think I'm right.
you just may be.
I didn't see that one comin'.
Okay, everybody sit. Your daddy wants to
talk to y'all about something important.
Oh no.
Is he cancelin' our Netflix?
Chloe, don't even put that out there.
Where is he? I got to pump
the old biceps before my date tonight.
No worries, bro.
Lorraine showed her your picture, and
she still wants to go on a date with ya.
That's amazin'!
Wait, did you Photoshop it at all?
- At all.
- I can't believe that you
Oh, I look good.
Hey, y'all.
It's Daddy!
Uh, Daddy, can you please hurry?
I got 45 minutes
to look like my fake picture.
Done. Faster's better.
Okay. So, kids, uh,
you know how much I love you, right?
Why are you sweatin', Daddy?
From all the warmth
of this family sittin' before me.
I just love y'all so much.
We love you, too, Daddy. Tick-tock.
Speaking of growing,
we all need to grow.
That's what life's about.
The circle of life, the wheel of fortune.
It's the leap of faith. It's the
Lion King!
Daddy, what are you tryin' to tell us?
Yeah, Daddy.
What are you tryin' to tell us?
That I love them.
And your mama.
You know how much I love your mama
and I always will. Right?
So, having said that, well, tonight
after lots of thought
lots of thought, I, uh
I decided
that I was just gonna spend the night out.
Uh, I mean, that is,
you know, the whole night
I was going to, uh, sleep over
in Montgomery, Alabama
where I'm gonna bid on a new stud.
That's it! Okay. [chuckles]
Bye, y'all.
Whoa, whoa, whoa
You're goin' to buy a new stud
and that's why you needed to let us know
how much you loved Mama?
You know, because, uh
you know, your mama loved studs.
Which is how you're all here.
Anyway, look,
I'll be back first thing in the mornin',
so if you need me,
I'm just a phone call away.
- Where are you staying?
- At a hotel.
- Which one?
- The one by the stud farm.
- What's it called?
- The stud farm?
The hotel.
That That's the name of the hotel.
Bailey has all the information.
She booked it.
Okay, then. Bye, Daddy.
Hey, this doesn't just happen.
[Beau] Yo, hold up, boys.
- I'm gonna need you to cancel your dates.
- No way!
I just don't feel right with you goin' out
while I'm out of town.
I'd sleep better knowin' you're here
with your siblings.
Daddy, perhaps you're not comprehendin'
what's goin' on here.
I have a date. And no one's payin' her.
No one's payin' her, right?
It's okay, Daddy, we get it. It's your
first time sleepin' away in two years.
If it makes you feel more comfortable,
we won't go out tonight.
Thank you, boys.
- You're the one who said to move forward.
- I didn't tell you to lie!
It's not a lie unless the truth comes out.
So, don't let it come out.
Are you cryin'?
I'm too sad to cry.
Well, cowboy up,
'cause our dates are comin'.
But you just promised Daddy
I promised we wouldn't go out
with our dates.
I didn't promise they wouldn't come in.
You lied to Daddy?
I love you!
[Brody] Yee-haw! Come on!
I gotta say, bro, you look almost as good
as your fake picture.
I am feelin' kinda pretty.
Now for the finishing touch.
A splash of Daddy's cologne.
It's called Husk.
Oh, that sounds studly.
I need that.
I noticed how much Summer loved it
on Daddy, so I put some on one night
and Lorraine went crazy.
I want Lorraine's cousin to go crazy.
Pour it all over me!
Dude, if she can smell it
from another room,
she's got no motive
to move in close to get a whiff.
You're like a genius.
Not "like a."
- That's weird.
- What's weird?
Never mind. I don't wanna know
what's weird in Daddy's medicine cabinet.
The Husk is gone. I mean, Daddy always
keeps it right here on the second shelf.
Maybe he took it with him.
To a horse farm?
Okay, no way.
He only wears it when he's with Sum
[both sigh]
here I am.
Yep, here you are.
And stayin' clear through till breakfast.
Y-You are stayin' through till breakfast,
I got my toothbrush.
[laughs] And that's all you'll need.
[both laughing]
[giggles, gasps]
Oh, this is so crazy!
Oh, Beau, feel my heart.
It's beating a mile a minute.
Just like it did the first time
I saw you walk into my bank.
It's a good thing you didn't ask me
to feel it then. You would've been fired.
How about some bubbly?
I want to toast the kids.
My kids?
Of course your kids.
Obviously, they gave you the okay
to spend the night out.
Oh, uh
Yep. They were okay
with me spendin' the night out.
[cell phone rings]
[Beau sighs]
Oh! Mm-hmm.
- Bailey, what's wrong? Are the kids okay?
- [Bailey] No!
Cassidy's onto you. She doesn't know
where you are or what you're doin',
but she knows you've been lyin', because,
and I quote, "When Daddy's lyin',
he always gets a sweat mustache,
and he never sweats.
He always looks perfect."
- Cassidy said that?
- Last part might've been me.
Your lie is unraveling.
You need to come home!
Uh, well, that is not an option
for me right now, Bailey.
And I am payin' you
time and a half tonight,
so hopefully you can handle it.
I can't! But I'll still take the time and
a half for what you're puttin' me through.
Bailey, unless somebody's bleedin'
or somethin's on fire
- You mean like your pants?
- What?
You know, "Liar, liar, pants on fire."
- [whispers] Excuse me. Sorry.
- Mm!
[Beau] Bailey,
you were the one who got me into this,
and now I am in it.
And I love it.
And do you remember all the times
I was understanding when you screwed up?
It's my turn!
Sounds good. All right, Bailey.
Thank you for callin'. Okay, good night.
[strikes piano keys]
Sorry about that.
[Summer] Mm.
[Summer chuckles]
[Summer sighs]
where were we, baby?
Oh, um, let's see.
I think we were right around
Oh, good.
So, every time Pinocchio lied,
his nose grew?
You know what's even worse
than Pinocchio lyin'?
Askin' his nanny to lie for him.
I mean, she's not a liar.
She's never lied in her life.
You know the kind of anxiety
this is causin' that lyin' puppet's nanny?
Can we read Cinderella?
You know what's weird, Bailey?
I just tried to call Daddy's hotel,
and there's no Beau Haywood
at the Ramada in Montgomery.
- You know why?
- Nope.
'Cause there's no Ramada in Montgomery.
I know you and Daddy are hiding somethin'.
And I'm gonna find out what it is.
[doorbell rings]
Ooh! Comin'!
[Chloe] Hey!
Have you checked Daddy's trash cans?
They're filled with clues.
That's brilliant.
Don't thank me. Thank Scooby-Doo.
Please tell me you're not Lorraine
and Lorraine's cousin.
Nope, I'm Lorraine!
She's Lorraine's cousin.
[yells] Tuck!
- Hey, Tuck.
- Hey, Lorraine.
Hey, Lorraine's cousin. I'm Brody.
Listen, about my picture
You're even cuter in person!
Never mind.
Would y'all excuse us for a second?
She's so pretty! [chuckles]
I am certain
I heard you promise your daddy
you wouldn't go out with
the girls tonight.
That's why we brought 'em in!
[Brody laughs]
It was Tuck's idea.
So, you lied to your daddy?
He lied to us first.
What does that mean?
Dad's not at a stud farm.
He's spendin' the night at Summer's.
Well, that is
completely new information to me.
And, if true, which I cannot confirm
[whispers] don't you dare tell Cassidy.
Don't worry.
We can keep a secret if you can.
What's that supp
Are you blackmailin' me?
That's That's exactly what he's doin'.
You do realize who's in charge here?
Baby, let me be your loving teddy bear ♪
Put a chain around my neck
And lead me anywhere ♪
- Oh, let me be
- Oh, let him be ♪
Your teddy bear ♪
[in Elvis voice]
Thank you, uh Thank you very much.
- Wow, that was spot-on, Brody!
- Is there anything you can't do?
I can't believe this is happenin'.
Thank you, Daddy!
- I don't get it.
- Of course you don't get it.
Why? You think I'm dumb?
No, no, no!
There's just no way you'd know, 'cause
You better clean this up.
She is real sensitive about bein' dumb.
The reason he thanked Daddy is 'cause
if Daddy didn't lie to us tonight
and say he was sleeping out of town
instead of at his girlfriend's
Then I wouldn't have a new girlfriend!
I mean, not "girlfriend."
"Girl friend." Friend who is a girl. Tuck!
- [Brody] Oh, let me be
- Oh, let him be ♪
Your teddy bear ♪
[on phone]
You've reached Beau. Leave a message.
[message tone beeps]
The boys know. Cassidy's closing in.
I'm about to break. Come home!
- I don't believe him.
- Don't believe who?
- Where did you come from?
- Who are you talkin' to?
[Bailey] Um
Uh, he pizza guy.
He's still not pickin' up.
Uh, it's dinnertime.
- Maybe they're gettin' busy.
- Oh, they're gettin' busy, all right.
- Why don't you try to text your order?
- He won't answer my texts either.
- So try another pizza place.
- That's not the point.
If he hadn't put me in this position
none of this would've been happenin'.
You realize you sound crazy right now?
- A little bit.
- What did I tell you, Dylan?
- I'm hungry.
- I made you dinner. It's in the oven.
- So why are you tryin' to order pizza?
- Why are you asking me so many questions?
Hey, we're ordering pizza.
Y'all want some?
What's goin' on here?
You You told your daddy
you weren't goin' on those dates.
Why are you on those dates?
Do you really want us
to tell you why, Bailey?
I don't know. And I don't know
what I know anymore. I don't know anymore!
Well, here's what I know.
Daddy had a sweat mustache,
there is no Ramada in Montgomery,
and you two look like
you're hidin' something.
- Uh, wish we could help. We know nothin'.
- Nothing!
Hello? You just said your daddy's hidin',
that he's sleepin' over
at his girlfriend's house!
[chuckles] Who's dumb now?
So, cheese or pepperoni?
Daddy's at Summer's?
Okay, boys.
I think it's time you thanked Lorraine
and Not-Lorraine for a lovely evening
and said good night.
[Brody] Oh! No!
It's all right. I got an early flight
to Atlanta tomorrow.
She flies back to Atlanta
tomorrow morning!
Safe travels! Text him.
It's over.
Just like that.
- My night, my life. It's all over.
- Oh, would you stop with the drama?
You've known her three minutes.
I was in a relationship for nine years.
You don't see me walkin' around mopin'
- Cassidy!
- [phone chimes]
She went to Summer's.
How's she gonna get to Summer's?
Well, we got horses, four-wheelers, bikes.
She could hitchhike.
Everybody in the truck, now!
Maybe we should stay here
in case she comes back.
Or in case you invite Lorraine
and Not-Lorraine back?
Her name is Sue-Anne.
- And she is the love of my life.
- [whispers] Luanne.
- Luanne!
- ¡Ándale!
[Summer] Sugar.
Yeah, baby?
[Summer] I hope you're prepared,
cause I'm fixin' to slip into
my "something more comfortable" attire.
Now I'm prepared.
[cell phone rings]
- All right, Bailey. Who's on fire?
- [knock on door]
Seriously? It is one little white lie.
How hard can it be to
What are you doing here?
What are y'all doing here?
Seems the boys went to your bathroom
and saw your cologne was missing,
- and put two and two together.
- Why'd you let 'em go through my stuff?
I think you can lose the phones.
- Where's Cassidy?
- What? She's not here?
- What?
- Comin' through!
Because she's here! How did you get here?
Same way you did.
I knew you'd follow me, so I sent the text
and hid in the back of the truck.
Seems like you got Daddy's lyin' genes.
Speakin' of,
I can't believe you lied to us.
- Honey, I know it may look that way
- 'Cause it is that way.
Why would you tell your brothers
and sisters about this?
- We didn't.
- Lorraine and Not-Lorraine did.
Oh, you went on your dates
after you promised
Technically, they came in. [chuckles]
It was Tuck's idea.
Daddy, don't look at me like that.
You lied to us first.
- I begged you to be honest.
- And I told you the kids weren't ready.
[Summer] All right, sugar.
Prepare to be
[awkwardly] dazzled.
Lord love a duck.
- She looks
- Cold.
I knew comin' here tonight was a mistake.
Excuse me?
Oh, no. No, no. no.
Don't lie to me.
Get in line.
You told me the kids would understand
if I came here.
No, I said if you told them
you were coming here, they'd understand.
You told me they were okay
with you stayin' the night here.
Well, I told you they were okay
with me spendin' the night out.
He's pathological.
You grounded me for two weeks for lyin'.
How could you turn around and lie to us?
[Beau sighs]
That'd be a refreshing change.
I was
Of what?
That me stayin' here overnight
might make you feel like
I was disrespecting your mama's memory.
So you lied to us first.
I think we established that, Tuck.
Just tryin' to get the timeline straight.
I am so sorry, honey.
I should've been honest with y'all
from the start.
Yeah, you should've.
I hate that you lied, Daddy.
But what hurts the most
is you didn't think
we were mature enough to handle this.
We love you, Daddy,
and we just want you to be happy.
[chuckles lightly]
Look at my baby girl
growin' up right before my eyes.
And if stayin' here overnight with Summer
makes you happy, you go right ahead.
Even though the Bible says it's a sin
to have relations before marriage.
You know what, sugar?
Cassidy has a point.
People really should get married
before havin' relations.
[Summer] Whoo!
Oh, nighty-night, y'all.
I did not see that one comin'.
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