Courting Alex (2006) s01e06 Episode Script


Well, I'm late for work.
You said he'd be here to fix the cable between 8 and 9.
9:00 p.
?! That's not a window-- that's house arrest.
Okay, by 10:00 a.
Thank you.
Happy birthday, Alex.
Thanks, Julian.
- But you know how I am about gifts - It's a two dollar Starbucks muffin.
No fat, no frosting, no candles, no fun.
Just eat the damned muffin.
Fine, but I won't enjoy Ooh, zucchini.
Yes, the least festive of all breakfast snacks.
Perfect for the girl who hates her birthday.
I don't hate my birthday.
I just don't like being - the center of attention.
- the center of attention.
Yes, I know.
But, please, you've got to let me make a bit of a fuss.
It's not like it's some great achievement.
Yay, I made the trip through the birth canal.
Whoo-hoo! I love celebrating your birthday.
Yeah, which is precisely why your "no gift" policy is so unfair.
Every year you get me a fantastic present.
What about last year? Admit it-- you didn't like that teapot.
I'm British-- you get me a teapot.
It's quite clever, that.
All right, wise-ass, you want to give me a gift this year? Yes.
Anything, anything at all.
You can wait in my apartment for the cable guy.
Anything but that.
But, but, but, but that's what I want.
Well, how about one of those clubs that sends fresh fruit to your doorstep every month? Perfect for the girl who has everything except monthly fruit.
Come on, he'll be here by 10:00.
And I'll throw in a teapot hardly used.
Oh, all right, then.
Thank you.
You're a lifesaver.
Oh, and I don't want you to miss him, so if you have to go to the bathroom make sure you leave a note.
In fact, you know what, just go now.
What? I can't just go on command.
- Come on, I'm late.
- Alex, I don't have to.
English Channel.
North Sea.
River Thames.
Right, like that's going to make me want to Morning, Molly.
- Ooh, new sweater.
- Yes, it's for your birthday.
Since you don't let me get anything for you, I've decided to start getting things for me.
That's very thoughtful.
Oh, you're worth it.
There's my girl.
Happy birthday, - sweetheart.
- Thanks, Dad.
You know, it seems like just yesterday that Catherine told me she was pregnant.
- Wrong wife.
- Hmm? My mother is Susan.
Ah, whatever.
In the end they were all called "plaintiff.
" Happy birthday, Alex.
I know you're not a big fan of being the center of attention, on your birthday, but I wanted to at least acknowledge it.
You know, without making too big a deal of it.
I hope simply saying the words "happy birthday" isn't construed as making - Wrap it up, son.
- Happy birthday, Alex.
Thank you, Stephen.
That's very nice.
And a much shorter speech than last year.
Now don't let these humiliating little setbacks stop you.
I think you're making great progress with her.
Okay, so just keep doing what I'm doing? No, no.
Hey, Molly.
- Mr.
- Hey, Scott.
What do you got there? A present for Alex? Uh, yep.
Want some advice? You'll thank me for it.
I don't like you.
Thank you.
I like my daughter.
I respect her feelings.
Alex does not like to celebrate her birthdays.
So if I were you, I'd just pretend like this is just any ordinary day.
Right, right.
You're saying that I should just totally ignore it then? That's what I'm saying.
Sir, I have to believe you're messing with me.
You know what, you're right.
Make a big deal of it.
Go on in there and do a little dance.
You sing at all? Okay, Don, I'll have it to you in two days.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Happy birthday.
- Thanks.
Here's your present-- the best, most romantic kiss you've ever had.
So the best kiss I've ever had-- that's coming later, right? I'm just getting warmed up.
I also got you this.
- Scott, I told you not to - Trust me, it's nothing.
Wow, it really is nothing.
I'm giving you a birthday adventure.
- An adventure? - Mm-hmm.
Come on, grab your coat.
- Oh, you mean like leave the office? - Yeah.
Oh, Scott, that is so sweet, but I can't.
I have so much work to do.
- I have this closing tomorrow - Relax.
It won't take all day.
But still, I have I'll have you back in a couple hours, I promise.
So where are we going? It's a secret.
It's part of the adventure.
Molly, Scott's taking me out for my birthday, so He is? Don't worry.
I'll be back in a couple hours.
I don't get it.
Well, it's real simple, see.
Her, me going out on her birthday.
So if anything comes up with the Sinclair closing just call me on my cell.
No, no, no.
You haven't wanted to celebrate your birthday since you were a little kid.
Well, it looks like she wants to now.
But, hey thanks for the advice, Bill.
I think it was the dance that got her.
Did you hear that? He called me Bill! I'm not going to let that jackass show me up.
Molly, we're going to throw a party.
Order a cake.
What do you want it to say? Just "Happy Birthday, Alex.
" And "Screw you, Scott.
" Oh, I don't think all that's going to fit.
That's a good point.
Just make it, "Screw you, Scott.
" Julian the cable guy still hasn't come? No.
But not to worry.
Knowing you'll be eventually able to watch reruns of Pimp My Ride, makes it all worthwhile.
Come on, grab your jeans, Alex.
We got to go.
And what jeans might I need for this particular adventure, hmm? Dressy, casual, stretchy, formal? The first ones you see.
Now go.
- There's a difference - Just go.
So you're taking that one on an outing? - If she hurries.
- Good luck, mate.
Her idea of a wild adventure is red wine near the couch.
Don't! Back away from the couch.
Put the glass down.
Nobody gets hurt.
See, you are dating a control freak.
I am not a control freak.
I am a control enthusiast.
Come on, what are you doing with the bag? Just put your jeans on.
Well, someone won't tell me where we're going, so I packed options.
With shoes to match.
Okay, fine, take the bag.
We've got a 1:00.
Ooh, 1:00.
1:00 matinee? Boat ride? Hair salon? Yes, hair salon.
We're both getting our roots done.
- Come on, let's go.
- Okay, hold on, hold on.
You really need all those phones? Different providers have different dead zones.
So it's really very sensible considering No phones.
Come on, Julian, back me up here.
Sorry, chum, I'm not going to poke that bear.
It's your birthday.
You can go without your phones for a couple hours.
II Can we just talk about this for two seconds, because I'm pretty sure we can come to a good compromise-- the two of us Whoa! Okay, so this is how it's going to be.
Bye, Julian.
Don't worry.
How far can he possibly carry you? The airport?! It's fun.
I take it you keep repeating that because you're so excited.
- Wow, isn't this great? - We can go anywhere-- - California, Mexico - Next.
Look, really thanks so much for the birthday kidnapping, but I have a meeting tomorrow, and I really can't just go off to Boston.
1:00 please.
What? Alex, there's this place in Boston-- the best clam chowder on the coast.
We're going to have lunch.
We'll be back in three hours.
I do love clam chowder.
" They call it "chowdah" up there.
- Chowdah.
- Chowdar.
I'll order.
Boston and back.
I can do that.
Of course you can.
It's an adventure.
- Feels kind of good.
- You see? - Really good.
- May I have your ID, ma'am? Oh.
Look at me-- throwing caution to the wind, I'm letting go.
- Alex Rose is officially out of control.
- Aisle or window? That depends.
Are the seats two, three, two or three, three? Actually, do you have a seating chart? Or whatever.
Gate 21.
Enjoy your flight.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
- Can you believe I'm doing this? - Well, I didn't think you had it in you.
- I couldn't be prouder.
- "Proudah.
" - Well? - Not bad.
Let's go to the judges.
Guess you didn't stick the landing.
That's strange.
Your suitcase is ringing.
That is strange.
I thought I set it to vibrate.
So after all that talk about letting go, you hid a phone in your suitcase? No.
That was old Alex.
She hid the phone.
But new Alex just needs to answer it so she can give old Alex the message.
Excuse me.
I just need to get my phone out of my bag.
Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am, but you've already checked it.
No, no, it's just that one right there by your feet.
Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am, but it's already on my side of the security line.
You can't tamper with it.
I just need to get my phone out quickly so I can answer it.
That's not tampering, that's removing.
On your side of the line it is removing.
On my side it's tampering.
Enjoy your flight.
Okay I understand why you have say that whole tampering thing and you have the laminated badge Oh, look, the camera loves you.
Do I look like I'm done here? I have this very big deal that's about to close tomorrow and I don't think I could take it if it falls apart because my bag is two inches back of your line.
Okay, look, I wasn't going to say anything, but, um, today is my birthday.
So, can you please just help me out here? It's your birthday? Why didn't you say so? Oh, I'd be happy to get your bag back for you, as soon as you land in Boston.
I lied-- the camera hates her.
Why don't we just go? - Hold this.
- Why? Because it matches your shoes.
Just hold it.
What are you doing? Being a little adventurous.
What, are you crazy? You heard what she said about the line.
The line.
Who cares about the line? The entire free world cares about that line.
I am aware of that now.
I just needed to get my phone.
We have these rules for a reason.
I know.
I am a rules person.
Believe me-- I don't speed, I don't litter, I don't talk in theaters.
Ask him.
I've only known her a couple weeks, so Scott! You wait, while I go talk to the captain.
This could take a while.
Uh, really? Because I need to get back to my office.
My law office.
- Oh, a lawyer.
- That's right.
So you know we can hold you for 48 hours without even charging you.
I did not know that.
I do mainly corporate, you know, a little real estate.
Oh, look.
The camera loves you.
You, stay put.
You're free to go.
Well, I'll see you a little later.
You're going? You're just going to leave me here? Oh, you're right.
I better not.
This might be the last time we're together without bars between us.
Scott, this is not funny.
I could be in real trouble here.
God, stupid woman behind that stupid counter at the stupid airport.
Ah, it wasn't entirely her fault, you know.
Yeah, but at least you meant well.
Me? You're blaming me? Well, no, not blaming, exactly, but you got to admit, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be sitting here.
You got to be joking, right? You're the one who came up with the whole adventure thing.
You're the one that decided to hide a phone in your bag.
Only because you wouldn't let me take it.
That's right, you were playing with fire.
You know how I am about phones.
- Alex, it says "official use only.
" - I've got to check in.
Don't you think you're in enough trouble already? Scott, I'm sorry, but my life isn't all fun and adventure.
I've got responsibilities.
People count on me.
You better call your office.
You'll need a good lawyer.
Higher on the left.
Geez, I bill you guys out at 450 an hour.
Can't anybody hang a freakin' sign straight? Hey.
Let me.
- Alex Rose's office.
- Molly, it's me.
Where have you been? I've been calling you.
Sinclair came in early to sign the contracts.
Sinclair came in today and I wasn't there? I knew something like this would happen.
Relax, it's all taken care of.
Your dad walked him through it.
So, um, nothing else pressing? No major dilemmas? Try to find out if she'd rather see Macbeth or Spamalot.
Nothing you'd be interested in.
See you later.
Guess I didn't have to take that phone call after all.
It's funny, huh? Yeah, hilarious.
- I really made a mess of this day.
- No, it's my fault.
- No, it's not.
- No, it is.
You warned me you were no fun, and I didn't listen.
- I never said I was no fun.
- That's right, you just hate surprises, birthdays and adventure.
Other than that, you're a hoot.
I think I got Alex a gift she's really going to like, sir.
Tickets to Blue Man Group.
Come again? You know, those guys that paint themselves blue? They play these drums that splatter paint everywhere.
Son, son, you know you only get so many chances.
Here she comes.
Okay, everybody, okay, on my cue.
Everybody ready? All right, anyone want to see Blue Man Group? Entertainment Weekly called it a "Percussive Juggernaut.
" I don't want to talk about it.
Honey it's not, like, a female thing, or No, I just I made a mistake with Scott.
Thank God, you've come to your senses.
That guy is a tool.
No, he's not.
He planned this amazing adventure for me and I ruined it, and now I don't know if he'll ever ask me to do something like that again.
Honey, I promise you, There will be other adventures.
With other guys.
You know, Stephen is doing the climbing wall at the gym.
Dad, what's wrong with me that I can't just let go? Nothing's wrong with you, you're just a control freak.
Control enthusiast.
Honey, freak.
You have to plan everything.
But that's no shock, I mean, you got that from me.
Well, thanks for passing me your freak genes.
It's not too late to change.
I did.
One day it just hit me-- if I plan everything, I'll never be surprised.
And some surprises are very, very good things.
How'd you figure all that out? I had a daughter.
Found out that sometimes it's the things you don't plan that end up being the best things that ever happen to you.
Thanks, Dad.
It's so Wait.
I wasn't planned? Honey, I thought you knew.
Your bedroom was a converted wine cellar.
That explains why you look surprised in all my baby pictures.
No, no, that was because we were so hoping you would be a boy.
Well, now I've said too much.
The point is, honey, you gotta give up.
I mean, just let go, have some fun.
Scott said pretty much the same thing.
Oh, what the hell does he know about anything? Look, sweetheart.
There's a lot of people that want to celebrate your birthday.
What do you say? Let's give it a whirl.
- Okay.
- Okay.
That a boy.
All right, everyone, I'm ready for Happy birthday Julian.
- You're still here? - Oh, hello.
Just putting the finishing touches to my masterpiece.
Originally I was going to call it "Waiting for Cable Man.
" Then it became "Frustration," then " Rage," "Despair.
" But now it's just called "I Will Never Get You Anything For Your Birthday Again.
" Acrylic on canvas.
- I'm sorry you waited for nothing.
- Yeah, well On the plus side, this blank blue screen is really quite soothing.
So, how was your birthday adventure with Scott? Put this way, I could use a big glass of wine.
Oh, and I drank all your wine.
- I'll have a beer.
- No.
The cable guy's coming now?! Listen, laddie, I've been waiting here all day for! No, of course you're not the cable guy.
Why would you be the cable guy? - Ooh, does that happen to be wine? - He's had a long day.
Cable guy never showed.
Well, I'm no cable guy, but if you switch this here from "TV" to "cable" 14 hours.
I'm sorry.
You could have had fruit delivered to your door every month.
Kiwis the size of an infant.
Just remember, every time you watch your bloody TV, you could have had kiwis.
Well happy birthday.
Scott I didn't even think you'd want to see me, let alone get me a gift.
Just open it.
Aw Chowdah.
Uh, it's not exactly what I had in mind but hey, It'll have to do.
I am so sorry! Me too.
Do you wanna split like Three sips of wine.
As a matter of fact, I'd love to.
You still got a couple hours left in your birthday.
There you go.
Oh, red wine the couch.
You're sure about that? I'm trying to get better.
I've been working on something too.
We have a winner! Baby steps.

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