Cracked s01e06 Episode Script

Spirited Away

- Previously on Cracked - Symptoms of post-traumatic stress.
I'm lonely.
I'm afraid of my own brain.
I have nightmares, and not just when I'm sleeping.
It's over.
I'm sorry that we backslid.
- I'm ready, Liz.
- I'm sorry.
I'm done.
I'm keeping your key because somebody's gonna have to come and clean up after you blow your brains out.
Stay back! So, you gonna ask me how it feels to shoot somebody? OK, I'm asking.
- Better than the last time.
- Oh I got out of bed today Swear to God I couldn't see my face I got out of bed today Staring at a ghost Oh, have you seen my ghost? Seen my ghost? Seen my ghost? Oh, have you seen my ghost Staring at the ground? Na na na na na na na Come on.
Good luck with him.
- Oh! - Officer down! Oh, God! I think he threw up back there.
[Hot shot.
All units.
[Brock Street Shelter.
Male, white, 14 or 15 years old.
[He has a baby and some type of blade.]
[in a stand-off with shelter workers.
Papa Charlie One en route.
Roll down your window.
We need a cross breeze.
What's up? Street kid.
He said the baby wasn't his.
But when the worker asked him to give it to her, he showed her some kind of shiv.
A razor on the end of a toothbrush.
- Anyone hurt? - Just shaken.
- Where's the kid? Inside? - He left.
- Where's the baby? - He walked away with her.
- You let him walk away? - Couldn't calm the kid down, couldn't get close enough to grab the baby.
I didn't want to risk the infant getting cut.
He'd sprint, drop her, and right now, we'd be mopping cute baby off the sidewalk.
So, yeah, I let him walk.
OK, which way did he go? No infants reported missing.
- In the whole city? - The whole country.
Inspector! I think we should put out an Amber alert.
Shelter give you a description of the street kid? White male, 14 years old, shaggy brown hair, green jacket.
Jerking his body around.
Baby had a pink blanket with a ladybug or something.
And a stuffed toy sheep.
Alright, put out an alert.
Add "armed and dangerous.
" Kid's having verbal outbursts, too.
Think he's answering the voices in his head? Could be.
Schizophrenia takes a shine to teenage boys.
Well, let's hope his voices are telling him to keep that baby safe.
Green jacket.
Pink blanket.
Hey, what's that? Roadkill.
Everywhere the baby went - The lamb was sure to go.
- They're not far He's been running for what? Half a mile? Baby's gotta be getting heavy in his arms.
Getting jostled and bumped, so she's gotta be crying, but he can't stop running, he's gotta keep moving.
He's got three choices.
He can let the baby cry, and draw more attention, he can leave the baby somewhere and run away, or make the baby stop crying.
How? Bottle, pacifier, fresh diaper? Of which he has zero.
And you can't reason with a baby.
Last one I met, offered it ten bucks to please let go of my chest hair.
This kid, he didn't let go of the baby before, so he's not gonna let go of her now.
- But she's screaming.
- And everyone's staring.
They're staring, why are they staring? Why are they staring? Well, you are acting odd right now.
Everybody's gawking at him, he can't take it.
What's he gonna do? What he's gonna He's gonna hide right there.
Baby's got a vigorous cry.
That's good.
I'm not sure he's schizophrenic.
Looks more like motor and vocal tics.
Tourette's syndrome.
Hey there.
It's OK.
My name's Aidan Black.
I'm a police officer.
I just wanna talk.
Can we do that? Looks like someone roughed you up.
You OK? What's your name, son? Trey.
Trey, can I ask you to put down that blade? Looks like you've got a little friend with you.
What's her name? - Rose.
- How long have you had Rose? Last night.
I didn't steal her.
I only I only found her.
Yeah, no, it's good you found her.
But she looks really young.
It might be good to get her back to her mother, what do you think? Trey, I've got a friend with me.
She's a doctor.
Her name is Daniella.
Hi, Trey.
She just wants to come in and see that the baby's ok.
But Trey, first, I need you to put down that blade.
OK? I'm just gonna come a bit closer.
- I won't - No! I won't take her.
I won't take her.
I'm just gonna look.
That's it, Trey.
Good man.
Good man.
She OK? She's fine.
- They got the baby.
Little girl.
- I cancelled the Amber alert.
Tell Daniella to ask for bloodwork at St.
Stephen's we can cross-reference the baby's DNA with the new criminal system and see if one of her parents are listed.
Hey Tell them, good work.
So she was lying over here.
Um, here.
Inside of it.
You found her here, in this bag? This is good, Trey.
This is good you brought us here.
I know you took care of Rose all night, but she's not yours and you can't keep her.
You know that, right? Maybe it's time to give her to Daniella, what do you think? Babies don't see the imperfections we see in ourselves.
Feels nice for a change.
I can't stop it.
It's OK, I get it.
It's like a tickle in your throat sooner or later, you gotta cough, right? Who laid a beating on you? Two guys didn't like the way I looked at them.
Well, I like the way you looked after that baby, Trey.
You did good, man.
Thank you.
Alright, we got an empty baggage tag.
Why don't we take this thing back to forensics, see we can I.
the mother.
What? Don't turn around.
Behind you.
Teenage girl.
Long, dark hair.
Seems just a bit too interested in us.
Wait! Hold up! Wait! She's about 15, dark brown hair, kinda curly.
She was watching us close and bolted when she saw me coming.
Thanks, Poppy.
Detective Black.
The doctor set Trey up with a prescription.
It won't cure the Tourette's, but it'll take the edge off.
I'm gonna talk to the officer at the shelter, see if I can get the charges lessened or dropped, OK? She likes the bottle.
Molly Anderson, Child Protection.
You're Doctor Ridley? Yeah.
Sorry, hands are full.
This is our little Jane Doe? - Rose.
- Aww Hiya, Rosie! - Rose.
May I? Hello, sweetie.
Uh, wait.
Thank you.
Hey, pumpkin.
I know this prosecutor.
His name is John.
And John has Tourette's, and if you see him at home or at work, he's shouting out bad words or flinging his body all over the place.
But then when he steps into the courtroom, not one tic.
I mean, I've seen jurors give this guy standing ovations.
Then, when he walks back out of the court his tics come back.
But you know, he's got a wife and kids who love him despite his embarrassing tie collection.
Trey, Nurse Lilia is going to take you to the second floor.
There's a social worker there who will help you figure out where to go from here.
- OK? - My cell.
Just in case.
Detective, we got a tip that an infant was held hostage by a crazy homeless kid this morning.
Can you elaborate? Yeah, I can elaborate.
How 'bout I shove you head first into traffic, you railing slag? I got it.
Crazy homeless kid you're talking about? He found an abandoned little baby girl and protected her the only way he knew how.
Kid showed more decency and humanity than anything your channel has aired in the last decade, so why don't you go pick on somebody else? Why don't you go criminalize poverty or mental illness? Oh wait, you just did.
I want you to talk to someone.
I don't need to talk to anyone.
And I don't want to see you in the penalty box, pushing papers.
Aidan, you shot a man last week.
Didn't kill him this time.
Come on, you think that's got something to do with my starring role in Cops Gone Mad? Aidan, my superintendents are just looking for an excuse to get rid of Psych Crimes.
They think it's unnecessary.
I want this unit on the force.
And I want you in this unit.
Do not make me choose which one I want more.
Just stop acting like a loose cannon.
I am a loose cannon.
Inspector, my crazy's like a tickle in my throat.
Sooner or later, I'm gonna cough.
Ginger tea and honey.
Now go find that baby's mother.
Yeah, hold on.
- Why didn't you answer? - I didn't hear the question? Your phone.
Why why are you doing whatever it is you're doing here? Eat like this, you'll die in ten years.
I've made peace with death.
Um, can I get you a drink? - No, thanks.
- Hungry? - I just ate.
- Uninvited? Yes, but you will forgive me when you hear what I have to say.
Okay, so you know how Baby Rose's DNA was checked for matches all across North America? Yeah.
A match.
What? - But not a complete match.
- Then by definition, no match at all.
We found a perfect match of the mitochondrial DNA.
The mitochondrial DNA is the DNA a mother passes on to her child.
Isabel Ann Fergus, aged 3 months, abducted from a SaveMart parking lot in the West End - Can you believe it? - I don't Isabel Ann Fergus was born 15 years ago.
She was kidnapped when she was 3 months old.
Her parents put her DNA into the system in case an infant or its remains were ever discovered.
She gave Baby Rose her mitochondrial DNA.
Isabel Ann Fergus is alive.
She's Baby Rose's mother.
Fifteen years ago, Isabel Ann Fergus was kidnapped and presumed dead.
But a month ago, she gave birth to Baby Rose.
Are you I know, you get news like this, you forget how to make English go like it should.
Isabel's parents.
They should be notified.
and Mrs.
Fergus? I'm Detective Black.
We have some news about your daughter.
If you haven't found her, how do you know Isabel's alive? We found an abandoned baby girl, and a blood test showed that your daughter is the baby's mother.
What? A girl? Where is she? She's safe.
With Child Protection.
In this job a good day is catching a serial rapist before he does it for the 5th time.
Quite the highlight.
Most cops never dream of finding a missing child.
Now we just have to actually find her.
Hello? [I just got your card from the boy.]
[who found my baby in the park.
Hi! Hey! Um, what's your name? Daniella! [Give her back to me.
Giver her back to me! [Your baby is safe.]
[with Child Protection.
Can I ask you where you are?.]
Okay, uh.
I'm gonna let you talk to my partner.
Her name is Doctor Ridley.
- This is her.
- Hi.
[Can you tell me why you left your baby in the playground?.]
'Cause I had to.
- Why? - There's something wrong with her.
Who told you that? I just know, OK? I just know.
What's wrong with your baby? You can't tell it on the outside, but on the inside, she's not right.
- [Is she sick?.]
- No, she's listening.
- Listening? - To what? Why is listening wrong? She's listening.
She has, in her chest, really deep inside, she has a device and it's hearing everything.
So I had to get her away from me.
And so you put her in the playground.
But you said you want her back now.
Why? Because now she's changed and she can listen to everybody.
[She can hear you.
She can hear you, .]
And I'm the one who has to do it.
It's my responsibility.
I have to take it out of her.
I have to cut it out of her.
[It's for everybody's safety.
I have to do this.
Maybe I could bring you your baby? [Meet you somewhere?.]
No, you're lying to me.
No, that's a trick.
I'm not no.
I'm gonna find her another way.
It's not a lie.
We'll meet you anywhere.
Anywhere you'd like.
Can't keep her from me.
I'm gonna find her! She's gone.
Number's blocked.
She's psychotic.
And it's odd to say this, but if we're lucky, her type of psychosis is postpartum.
Like baby blues? No, that's Postpartum Sadness.
Then there's Postpartum Depression.
Hormonal changes, no sleep, no help Every day is a living hell.
You say that like you've been through it.
Postpartum Psychosis is totally different.
It's rare, but it could happen to any woman.
Good mothers.
Birth just messes with their brain chemistry until they can't tell what's real and what's not.
So you carry a baby for 9 months.
You give birth to it.
You dress it in little bunny ear hats and then you take it to the park and leave it as an offering to bad men with candy? They think strange thoughts, hear voices telling them to harm their children, that "you're a horrible mother.
" So if we even find Isabel, can you treat her? That's the one good thing.
Put her on anti-psychotics for about a week or so, and she could be right back to normal.
But her 'normal' is 'kidnapped'.
So, the kid's stuffed sheep thing and the fuzzy blanket with the butterfly on it Ladybug.
Whatever bug, they were sold in big baby type chain stores.
Nothing helps us there.
Even the kid's diaper was sold all over the planet.
One of those with the bobble heads in froopy dresses? Not fond of princesses? - Not unless they're badass.
- Listen, forensics just finished analyzing the bag the baby was in.
They found something really interesting with this luggage tag.
OK, so look.
Empty, no address, right? Check this out.
Can't make it out.
Come here.
And voila.
- Selkirk Park Curling Club - Hey.
- Hey.
Hmm, Strawberry Point Cheerleading Camp St.
Paul's Catholic Church They have a girl's soccer team.
And this is a soccer ball.
Thanks for taking the time to see us.
Do you recognize this logo? Yes, that is our youth soccer team.
Father, has anyone on the team had a baby recently? Yes One of them, Hailey.
She had a baby about a month ago.
- Boy or girl? - A girl.
But Hailey hasn't brought the baby around yet.
I heard they're all down with a nasty virus.
Hailey? Katurno.
She's Angie Katurno's daughter.
- What's Hailey look like? - Oh, she's just a sweet girl.
Nice smile.
Her hair's curly.
Long and dark.
I pray every day that she'll rise to the challenge of teenage motherhood.
Is there anyone else in the Katurno household? Mr.
Katurno? No.
Just the two of them.
We're gonna need the Katurnos' address.
Detective Black, Metropolitan Police.
You haven't spoken to Hailey in 4 days? No.
I mean, I asked her to call and check in every day, but I thought she just she'd just been having a good time with her friend.
Can you please tell me what's going on? Fifteen yearold girl, with a new baby, you felt comfortable letting her stay with a friend for 4 days? I mean, she's she's been very down.
I mean, she said she'd been invited by a friend to stay and I thought the change would be good for her.
- Down? - Yes, since the birth.
What's what's happening? Could you get us some identification, any documentation you might have for Hailey and her baby? Yeah.
Thank you.
Yeah Hailey's birth certificate, and her daughter's.
Please, did some Is Hailey OK? Ms.
Katurno, is Hailey is Hailey really your daughter? What? Did you actually give birth to her? Is she your flesh and blood? Yes, Hailey's my daughter.
Why are you even asking me that? Ma'am, we know Hailey is not your daughter.
Hailey's not her real name.
Hailey wasn't yours to raise.
What are you talking about? Angie Katurno, you're under arrest for the kidnapping of Isabel Ann Fergus.
Could you put your hands behind your back, please, ma'am? Thank you.
Hailey's report cards, elementary through grade 11.
Some crayon drawings, spelling tests Baby Rose's real name is Catherine.
I bet it never crossed Hailey's mind that her mom isn't her mom.
We have evidence that proves that Hailey is really Isabel Ann Fergus, who was kidnapped when she was 3 months old.
Where is she? But I told you, I don't know.
Angie She needs your help.
She's very sick.
I know you care about her.
If you know where she is, please tell us right now.
I don't know how many times I have to say it! I don't know where she is, I don't know where she is! OK, Hailey's baby who's the father? Could she be with him? He moved 1,000 miles away with his parents 6 months ago.
He didn't even call Hailey to say goodbye.
Has Hailey been acting strange lately? Yeah, but I was watching her.
I was helping her with the baby.
And I thought that I thought that she'd be fine once she she settled into being a mom.
Hailey's my daughter.
I love her.
I'm a good mother! I don't know why this is happening.
I don't know why you're doing this to me.
She's lying.
I'm just not getting a lying vibe.
There's this thing called Paramnesia, where for some people, fact and fantasy become so mixed up in their heads, they can't tell which is which anymore.
The birth certificates check out.
Hospital records, everything.
That woman did give birth to a baby who'd now be a 15-year-old named Hailey.
Then what happened to that Hailey? OK, we go back in, we ride her as long as it takes.
We go carefully.
Detail by detail.
After you gave birth to Hailey, did you nurse her? Or was she formula-fed? - I did both.
- Where did you buy the formula? Uh.
Harbour Drugs, SaveMart Good.
Remember one time you went to SaveMart it was different.
Maybe you were feeling pretty sad.
Saddest you'd ever felt in your entire life.
You parked your car.
What colour car? Blue? Two door or four door? Four door.
Why? What does that matter? It doesn't.
I just imagine it would be easier to take baby Hailey out of the back of a four door.
But on that day, you parked your blue car in the parking lot, you got out did you open the back door and reach inside to the car seat, did you take baby Hailey out to bring her inside with you? Hailey didn't come with me that day.
Where was she? There was a silver minivan in the parking lot that day.
And a woman loading groceries into the back When she went to the front of the store to return the cart, that's when you saw her, didn't you? A baby.
She was buckled into a blue and grey car seat, in the back of the silver minivan.
She had a pink pacifier in her mouth and she was sleeping.
I just She looked so I just wanted to hold her.
I just I just wanted to hold her.
And the car wasn't locked and So I I unbuckled her and I was just gonna take her home for an hour.
But I loved her so much.
And so I just kept her, I kept her longer And then it was on the it was on the news, so And you kept her.
And pretty soon, you convinced yourself everything was back to normal and you forgot what really was.
Angie, what happened to the baby you gave birth to? A couple days before I went into her room and she was blue.
She was cold.
I held her and I tried to get her to nurse.
I thought if she nursed, she would but she didn't.
I didn't have anybody to help me.
I didn't I had no one to to help me.
What did you do with your baby's body? Well, Doctor Ridley, thank you for saving me the trip to the Fergus house.
Just tell them I'll call them later about the application to become the baby's foster parents.
- Thank you.
- Thank you! OK, Rose Catherine And on his farm he had a goat E-I-E-I-O! With a cluck-cluck here And a cluck What do goats say? What do goats say? If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands OK, here we go, we got it! Rose Let me, please.
Thank you.
She's beautiful! Come on.
- I'll get it.
This is the chair that I had in Isabel's nursery.
I'm very happy for you.
I should let you get acquainted.
Whoa! Whoa! Just, everything's OK Give me my baby now.
- This is the baby's mother.
- Isabel? - I said give her back to me! - Hailey - Give her back! Give me my baby! I said give her to me! - Give her to me! - Hailey.
I'm Dr.
We spoke on the phone, remember? Hey, what's up.
[These people, they're Ron and Carol Fergus.
This is their house you're in.
[I don't care!.]
I don't care, give me my baby! I see you've got what is that? [A carpet knife?.]
Hey, we've got an attack in progress.
I understand what you need to do.
I'm going to help you.
You know I have to cut it out of her.
You told me and I believe you.
And, Hailey? This woman here, Carol, she's gonna take your baby into the other room and get her ready for the operation, OK? You and I, we're gonna talk about what's in your hand.
I don't think it's the right thing to do the job.
OK? I wanna do what I need! Give her to me! Give her to me! Look at you.
Didn't need me anyway.
OK, you're looking out the window, and you're trying to escape the words that you need to say, just as you've done since you were 16 years old.
Let's go to my place Do the opposite.
Let the words escape from you.
The big one is coming We'd better prepare This won't take long Let's just be strong I ran from the desert With rocks on my feet I couldn't run fast enough I'll admit my defeat I dream about him.
And in my dreams, we're walking on the beach.
And it's windy.
He's walking in front of me, barefoot.
And he looks back and his hair is blowing in his eyes, and he smiles.
'Cause that's where I belong He turned 17 last month.
At 2:33 AM, they said, congratulations, you have a son.
And for 3 days I did.
So please hold us as I take one last breath He'll probably be in college next year.
Might have a girlfriend.
He might I don't know.
I don't know.

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