Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e06 Episode Script


Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
I had a dream last night
a bad dream![ Both gasp ]
I dreamt I was trying
to get to the stump,
but no matter how hard
I looked, I could not find it.
Aw, man.
That sounds scary.
It was scary.
So, I broughtthese!
Wait. Are we gonna go,
like, inside your dream
and rescue you?
No, they're blindfolds.
The stump is right over there.
We got to be able to find
our base even if it's dark.
Pick one and cover your eyes
with itdramatically.
you forgot Mortimer.
Ooh, here I go!
Here, base-y,
base-y, base-y!
Huh? Aah!
Trying to get me
when my guard is low, huh?
Boy, am I in my element.
[ Gasps ]
This rock just moved!
Guys! Guys! Guys!
I just found
the first livin' rock!
Wait. This ain't no rock,
it's a turtle!!
Ooh, we should
keep him!
Yeah! I'll make
a little base for him.
What should we name him?
He looks like a Sheldon to me.
Your name
should strike fear
into the hearts of your enemies,
like Mortimer.
I think we should
take him Turkle.
Who's going to fear that name,
unfinished math homework?
[ Mumbling ] You'reunfinished
math homework.
Wait! I got it!
You're gonna love
hanging with us.
Aw, don't be shy, man.
We're all friends here.
Hey, JP. Bring him
to the play pen.
Okay, so I put some
leaves down for a bed
and even a bowl of water
so he can use it as a pool.
I went all out.
I know.
Man, he is
lovin' that wall.
Aw. He loved it so hard,
he fell asleep.
You know nothing
about animals, Craig.
He's clearly bored.
That's how Mortimer was
when I first got him
from the pet store,
but then I gave him
a bird-sized basketball hoop,
and he was happy.
We just need to get
this turtle some toys.
Oh. Y-You think so?
I'm the only one
with a pet here.
Trust me.
Uh, I have a cat.
When's the last time
you've seen him?
Yeah, fair enough.
Crackers and a slightly
used jar of peanut butter.
Now, I can't promise
that a couple fingers
haven't been in that jar.
You've been warned. No refunds.
[ Chuckles ]
Get ready
for 10 more!
Thanks, Kit!
No prob.
Hey, there.
What can I --
Wait! There was
something else!
Do you have
any turtle toys?
Hmm. Maybe I should've said
toys forturtles.
Ah, Tur-terror!Huh?
He's gone!
Well, how did he
get out?!
[ Stomping ]All: Whoa!
Oh, my gosh!
Today is animal heavy.
Hand over our turtle!
Your turtle?
No. I refuse.
[ Barking ]
[ Straining ]
No! Kelsey!
But we found that turtle first,
so give him back!
Ah, she got me!
Your arm!
Are you all right?!
It's only a flesh wound.
I'm fine.
But there's blood
You fought valiantly, warrior,
but on the wrong side.
Allow me
to enlighten you.
Long ago, these forests
were filled with animals --
deer, wolves,
turtles, and tigers.
They roamed in packs
by the thousands,
but then the suburbs came,
burned their forest
and chased them
from their homes.
All that is left now
is this creek.
These creatures do not need
your toys and affection.
They need only to be
free and wild.
Plus, I'm pretty sure you
can get salmonella from turtles.
I bet you can.
I didn't think
about it like that.
Thank you, um
I am Wildernessa,
friend of nature,
and this is Cheese Sticks.
[ Chuckles ]
I'm Craig. This is JP, Kelsey,
and her falcon, Mortimer.
That isn't a falcon.Oh, I know.
I was just --
You don't know a thing
about animals.
But you?
You appear to have
a special kinship
with naturelike me.
I do?
Your feather friend stays
by your side
without leash
or harness.
Yeah, he does.
Well, I put him
in a cage at night.
Sorry. I must go.
A squirrel needs me.
Cheese Sticks,
let's dip.
Hey, Kelsey! We're gonna shoot
these guys into the sky
and then spend
a couple hours
trying to get them
out of a tree. You want in?
Huh? Oh. Yeah.
Do you want to launch
Commander Snapper first?
Nah, he needs
to be a father to his kids.
Kelsey: As the words of the
beast girl echoed in her head,
Kelsey suddenly noticed
nature-y things
she had never noticed before.
Uh! Whoa!
He's stuck in a tree,
as planned.
Let's go get him!
Rabbits, the first
mammals to have hair,
which is why they
are also called "hares."
Craig: Ugh! Got it!
I found
Sergeant Shell!
The rescue mission
was a success.
The miracle of life!
So beautiful.
Aw, thanks.
Ah, looks like
it's time to go home.
Race ya!
I don't know
why I'm so itchy,
but that diamond
is hitting the spot.
Good morning,
my friends.
Cool camouflage!
Wait, cam--
Are you going off to war?
I always knew
this day would come!
No. That arc
comes later.
I had an epiphany.
Wildernessa opened my eyes to
the plight of all caged animals.
All animals should have
the chance to run free,
and it's up to us
to help them regain
their rightful place
in the animal kingdom.
I want to do something about it,
but I need your help.
We can help.
What do you want to do,
burn down a zoo?
I want to free all the dogs
in the neighborhood!
Yeah! That's --
Wait, what?
Sounds good.
I'm down.
Let's go.
You mean, like,
take them from their owners?
Um, yeah.
But I feel like
their owners
might be kind of angry
about that.
Listen to yourself!
Those dogs don't belong
to people.
They're just like
when we trapped him
in that cage.
Don't they deserve
their freedom?
I-I guess so.
Let's go!
How are we going
to free the dogs
with the owners
in the yards?
We just need some
kind of distraction.
I got an idea, but
it's a little complicated.
[ Both screaming ]
Look at me!
Hey, quit making
that racket!
I'm trying to spend
time with my dog!
Now, Kelsey!
Go! Go forth, noble beasts,
and be free!
Free to chase squirrels,
pee on whatever you want,
and let no human
tell you when to walk.
[ All barking ]
Now, it's your turn,
It is time for you to return
to your majestic life
as king of the Serengeti.
Of the 37 Mortimers
I've had in my life,
you were the only one
who truly understood me.
[ Laughs ]
Goodbye, my friend.
Now go!
Come on! Go!
No, in the other direction.
I release you!
[ People screaming ]That's coming
from the Trading Tree.
No, that's chocolate!
It's bad for you!
Shoo! Shoo! Hey!
Oh, this is all wrong!
This isn't roaming free!
[ Barking, growling ][ Whimpering ]
Hey, shoo!
Leave him alone!
There, there.
You're okay.
[ Growls, barking ]
Oh, no!
Stop! Heel!
[ Horn honks ]
Whew! Wildernessa.
Thank goodness.
You were just going to let this
dog run off into the street?
Well, actually,
I was --
Yeesh. You really don't know
anything about animals, do you?
Listen -- We really
need your help.
My dog!
What happened here?
Wildernessa, I tried
to free the dogs
so they could
go back to nature,
but it all went wrong --
terribly wrong!
I just wanted
to help the animals!
Instead, the dogs keep
trying to eat chocolate
and run into the street!
Two of my
favorite things.
Chocolate bars,
fast cars,
kids who know nothing
about nature.
It seems that even
the creek has been tainted
by the world of man.
[ Coughs ]
We have got to
get these dogs
back to their yards
before they got hurt.
I don't know how
we're gonna catch 'em.
They got a bunch of extra legs,
andthey're naked.
Wait. I have an idea.Peanut butter?
Hey, little doggies!
There is more where
that came from, babies!
Sorry, pal, but you'll
be the safest here.
Thanks for helping us,
dog bear.
So I guess
we'll see you around?
When nature has taken back
these suburbs
and the creek runs red
with the blood of humanity.
Bye! Hyah!
Mortimer, thanks
for choosing me and my head.
[ Chirps ]
When it's time to go to bed
Know you don't
have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
at the creek ♪
Just like I drew it.
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