Crash Course (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

The Loyalty Tests

Are you done, Dibakar?
Just five minutes, sir.
Who is getting these printed?
The new H.O.D. Mr. Kunal Shah.
Good morning, sir.
Hi, Dheeraj.
What the hell, Mr. Jindal!
Is this some kind of joke?
You went behind my back
and brought in Kunal Shah.
How about informing me?
I don't deserve this!
Come on, K.D., you're getting sentimental.
I'm not being sentimental.
I have ten more years
of work experience.
Precisely why
you deserve a post higher than
Mathematics HOD.
Now you need to be
a leader for the institute.
So, you've already decided?
Or do I have a choice?
Don't be childish, K.D.
Listen to me
Who do you think will
inherit this chair?
Not just the chair everything.
Tell me, who do you think
will get it all?
I don't have children!
You're wondering if you have a choice
and here I am, trying to get you
out of the classroom,
and take you to a place
full of choices
A place where you will be the boss!
I've worked with you
for years, Mr. Jindal.
I've seen how you conduct
your business.
I've often wondered,
how do those people feel,
who you so effortlessly crush,
to get ahead
But now I get it.
I think I will resign.
Snacks laced with weed!
What the fuck is going on?
One problem after another.
Find out who is supplying
these, motherfucker.
I don't want any problem.
Snacks laced with weed!
What's next?!
Sweets laced with hash?!
Find out and give me an update!
Goddamn motherfucker!
-Good morning, sir.
Sathya Shrinivasan?
Not "Sh", it's "S" Srinivasan.
"Sri" as in Sridevi?
Come, come
What would you like to have?
Something hot or cold?
Green tea, lassi?
-Nothing, sir, thank you. Thank you.
When I was growing up
I used to hear about Ramanuj,
the genius,
who used to solve theorems
at the tender age of 12.
Just like you.
It is fantastic to dream.
And it is our fundamental right
to dream big!
But, in order to achieve
and fulfill our dreams,
we have to be
the best.
You were number one.
Rank number 1.
Numero uno.
But that tremendous downfall
to rank number 250!
You didn't go for the S.C.U.,
for the psychometric analysis?
No, I didn't, sir.
Papa - IPS.
Mumma - IPS.
Both are IPS, yeah?
R.J. Rakshaks have informed me that
you are going around with
our medical student.
-That you're dating a medical student.
-No, sir, not like that.
My intentions were not
not like that.
I ignored it. I ignored it.
After all, you are my topper!
Everyone has hobbies
so do you. No problem.
Actually, it wasn't a problem earlier,
son, but now it is a problem.
Shall I inform your parents, or
should I inform her parents?
you have to go for the S.C.U. meeting,
for psychometric analysis.
Sir, I don't need to go for that, sir.
Sathya, you have no choice.
Seema, Seema
-Please come.
-Yes, sir?
This is the file of Mr. Sathya
-Set up his meeting with the
S.C.U. for the
psychometric analysis.
-Thank you very much.
-Sure, sir.
God bless you.
-Excuse me. Student Care Unit?
-Yeah? It's upstairs.
-What's your name?
-Robert De Niro.
Tell me about your family.
Dad - IPS, Mom - ditto.
Sister - younger.
Do you have any friends in Kota?
Or maybe, yes.
Why should I tell you?
We're trying to help you, Sathya.
Yeah, right.
Something has happened
and that's why you're unable
to focus on your studies.
I don't have any problem.
I was forced to come here.
Fucking Jindal!
Look, this happens to the best
of the students, okay.
Sathya, you are very, very special.
Let me give you some pills.
Pills? What pills?
Some concentration pills.
Now see, this is a perfect example
of how momentum can counter
high drag projectile.
Sir, I never thought I'd learn theories
on Aerodynamics in this manner.
If you could learn
everything from books
why would you need teachers?
Notice this.
There's going to be
no lift force on the shuttle cock
when its axis of symmetry
is aligned with velocity direction.
Sir, you're distracting me
by talking about Physics.
I have to do something.
You have the age factor on your side
And how many years?
14 years, come on!
Go, Vidhi.
Hello, darling.
Hello, Chubby Cheeks, what's up?
I'm getting a pedicure.
What are you doing?
-Looks like you want to say something.
Say it. You will feel better.
Say it, come on.
What was the age difference
between you and Grandpa?
Fifteen years.
I was walking twice as fast as him
on our wedding day.
Are you okay, Granny?
Yes, darling, I'm absolutely fine.
Just a little cough.
Okay, let me tell you something
Guys are generally very slow.
They are either suffering or buffering.
But they start surfing
only when they have
a hottie in their life.
Granny, you will never change.
-Who wants to change, my sexy siren?!
-Sexy siren!
-Okay, bye.
-Vidhi, open the door, please.
Get lost.
-Please open the door.
-Get lost!
Lazy bum!
-Oh! Hi, ma'am.
-Hello, Tejal.
Meet Ritu, my niece.
She will be moving into 201,
replacing Payal.
-Oh, okay. So you're moving
Yes, ma'am?
-And this is Vidhi!
-The superstar of our hostel.
She's among the Top 25 at R.J.
-Vidhi, please help Ritu.
-Sure, ma'am. Of course.
-Okay, Ritu, bye.
-Bye, Vidhi.
Now we'll keep bumping
into each other, we're neighbors.
Batra Institute should also
have a ranking system.
No matter how sincerely you study,
or how intelligent you are
people only know you by your "rank".
Hey, hotness!
Thank God you're out of your psychedelic,
shitty room, man!
What are you doing?
Are you sitting under the open sky
and wishing upon stars?
Shut up, drama queen!
Your favorite.
Can't believe this baker
puts chilies on chocolate!
It is nice, isn't it?
Listen, on a serious note
I think we should really
consult somebody now.
You'll die if you carry on like this.
Are you mad?
I wish.
Shut up.
I need money.
How much?
20 million, maybe 30 million.
I want to leave this country
and get enrolled
in a medical course in Boston.
And practice medicine there.
Madam, how much do you
need right now?
500 bucks.
Take 1000, my damsel in distress.
-Thanks, I'll repay it as soon as
-No way!
I want you to owe me for life.
Once you become a world-class doctor,
and I get wrinkles, you'll be the one
doing the free Botox job on me.
Are you mad?
-You have to pay me.
-Nope, I won't.
Thank you.
Please give me some paracetamol pills.
How many?
As many as I can get.
Is everyone at the hostel down with flu?
Should I call the warden?
Yeah, lower it.
Lower the other one.
Yes, lower it.
A little more.
That's it.
-Sathya, Shanaya is
-Shanaya is dead to me.
-I sincerely don't care what she is doing
-Who she is doing. And
-Sathya, listen to me.
-I don't want to listen to you.
-Sathya, can you shut up?!
Shanaya has been hospitalized!
Where's the emergency room?
Are you the father?
No. I am her friend.
Father of the baby.
The one she tried to abort.
I don't get
why she didn't tell me?
We loved each other.
Really, Sathya?
You love her?
I thought you all were
keeping it casual?
"We're the greatest fuck buddies."
How do you tell your fuck buddy
that your uncle hits you with a belt
every time you are late from school.
"We love each other!"
let me know.
Keep this file in my office.
You go, be with your friend.
Call the patient's guardians.
Doctor, please don't involve them.
Abortion process was incomplete.
The lining of the uterus
needs to be scraped.
It's a surgical process.
A small but invasive process.
Doctor, Shanaya's uncle
and aunt will kill her.
Without the operation,
she'll die anyway.
She's bleeding heavily
There's a high chance of infection.
I need to talk to your senior.
Fine, speak to him.
The police will be informed.
Paracetamol overdose
is a case of suicide.
I have been in Kota
for the past two years
I have seen 34 abortion cases.
This would be the 35th.
And out of these, 12 have died.
They get pregnant at a young age,
don't have the courage to
inform their parents,
there is the fear of
getting publicly shamed
and when they don't see a way out,
they commit suicide.
please help us.
I'm begging you.
I'm sorry, I can't do anything.
The operation can be done outside.
You mean, without guardians and police?
It won't be as cheap
as a government hospital.
There's a greater risk
and it comes with a higher cost.
How much?
Hurry up, madam.
The mess will close soon.
How did you get A.K. sir's notes?
After attending that seminar
you told me about,
I applied for his classes.
Why didn't you tell me?
It's not a big deal.
Being Rank 23 at R.J.
isn't enough for you, is it?
Come on, I just want to be the best.
What's wrong with that?
Every student who comes here
wants the exact same thing.
They want to be the best.
They want to be a topper.
But not everyone takes
shortcuts like you, Vidhi.
-Why are you overreacting, T.P.?
Yes, you are overreacting.
If A.K. sir doesn't have a problem
and I don't have a problem,
-why do you have a problem
-Because I'm just so irritated with you!
You act like Miss Goody-two-shoes
in front of everyone.
But you're actually just
a selfish bitch, Vidhi!
Sorry, T.P.
I had no idea that you'd be so hurt
And I know you are being mean
because you're angry with me.
-I know you don't mean it
-I do.
I mean everything I said.
Have you ever thought of asking me
"How are you performing, Tejal?"
-"Do you need any help, Tejal?"
Have you ever asked me?
Do you even know if I have any chance
of making it to the Top 10?
You don't.
It's always about you, Vidhi.
-It's always about you.
No, I love you, I care for you, T.P.
-You and Anil are my best friends.
-No, Vidhi!
Anil is not your best friend, Vidhi.
He likes you.
He loves you.
Everyone knows how
he feels about you
I know all his friends know.
Only you don't seem to know!
Can we talk about Anil later, T.P.?
Let's talk about you right now.
-I will handle him! Let's talk about us!
You think that you can handle him,
you can handle me,
you think you can
handle everything, Vidhi.
Please, come here
You know what
I'm applying for a room change.
Who got me here?
Calm down.
Listen I need to know
who got me here.
It doesn't matter who got you here.
Of course it fucking matters.
It's my life.
When you fucking popped the pills,
it didn't matter to you then?
Nikki got you here.
Where is Nikki?
It's okay. I have handled everything.
Sathya, you don't know
my uncle and aunt.
I do.
Nikki told me everything.
Shanaya, there's nothing
to panic about, okay?
It's a small procedure.
What procedure?
A minor surgery.
No one will inform your family.
Dr. Meenal has taken care
of everything.
She will meet us at a safe location.
It'll be just her and us.
Just one more day
and it'll all be over.
What kind of surgery?
What kind?
As if you didn't search about it.
I didn't want to drag you
into all of this.
I was taking care of it, but now
It's okay.
I will handle everything.
We will handle everything.
Naturally, I am equally
responsible for this.
There's one thing that's
bothering me though.
I'm sad because
you shattered my dreams
of becoming a father.
I had even thought of
a name for the child.
Glow-condom Srinivasan.
You don't like it?
Should we change it?
We'll make it Fluorescent Srinivasan.
How's that?
Sathya, can you please leave?
I need some space.
I said, I need some space.
Space? I heard pills.
Come in.
Sir, I
I wanted to share something,
sir, with you.
-Can I please, sir?
-Sure, tell me.
Sir, Vidhi and I are very good friends.
We are very good friends.
Sir, she she is my roommate and
She is weak in a particular subject.
I told her about A.K. sir.
So she
Sir, she's taking extra classes
from A.K. sir.
She didn't tell me about it but
she's taking private classes from him.
Sir, I'm her close friend but
Tejal, don't take this lightly.
Are you absolutely sure?
I'm telling you the truth, sir.
I saw A.K. sir's notes on her desk.
I'm telling you the truth, sir.
Tejal will be in the Top 100
but Top 10 looks difficult.
Are you okay?
Count it.
Vidhi Gupta
A Top 10 student from Khurja.
I am tired today.
Woke up at 5:00 a.m.
I had a dream,
everyone was in it
Sathya, Rakesh, Aviral, and you.
You were standing at the edge of a cliff.
I crept up behind you
and startled you.
Anil, you like me?
Yeah, I like you.
Anil, you like me?
Anil, you LIKE me?
Vidhi, I
I was too scared to tell you
But you told everyone else!
I didn't mean to
Really, Anil?
I'm sorry.
Thank you, my best friend.
Vidhi, nothing will change, we
-We'll be friends like before
-So easy for you to say
This is so easy
-It's not what you
-It's alright.
It's alright.
You're right. My parents are right.
T.P. is right
I'm the crazy one here!
I would've told you earlier but
Too late.
Trust me.
They followed me to my house.
What do you mean?
They are still here.
So what can I do?
I got a message from a regular customer.
Students don't have my number.
Shamim deals with them.
Who made the last delivery?
Because Shamim didn't.
-Let me call you back.
Madam, hello.
Superb, sir.
The way you teach is really different.
Your presence is definitely gonna help
the Education Board.
Here is your approval letter.
And this
is the second grant cheque.
Shashank, it was only possible
because you helped.
I waited so long that
I had given up all hope.
-So, thank you.
-Oh, come on.
-We're like family, right?
Thank you.
As family, I must ask
will you have time for your research,
classes at the institute,
and private classes for R.J. students?
Who told you about this?
Batra's best teacher is teaching
one of R.J.'s top students!
How long could this have stayed a secret?
Shashank, she's a really good student.
-She just needed a little help
-But why little help?
Give her all your help.
Just help her here.
Vidhi Gupta can be a JEE girl topper.
She's an opportunity.
-An opportunity, for you?
-For the institute, goddamn it!
It'll be good for everyone.
Convince her.
Good morning, sir.
-Good morning.
-Good morning, sir.
Good morning, sir.
Good morning, sir.
Good morning, sir.
Good morning, sir.
Shashank, I'm your Physics professor,
not some wheeler-dealer
who'll poach students for you.
This isn't right.
And is it right to teach a girl student
secretly at home?
Come, guys.
-Did you call her?
-Keep the change.
Yeah, I'm calling her.
Call her, fast.
Does she know that we've reached?
Yeah, I'll just let her know.
Hello, Doctor? We've reached.
Go down the stairs?
She's asking us to go down the stairs.
-Down the stairs?
-Okay, Doctor. Okay.
Down the stairs. Let's go.
Why is she calling us there?
I think it's them
Sathya, where are we going?
Sathya, I think these are the people
who started a fight at the party.
Thank God you're here.
Let's go to the hospital, Doctor.
-Yeah, they're all here.
This is the hospital!
What do you mean,
"This is the hospital"?
Why else would I meet you
under the bridge at this hour?
-What we're doing here is illegal.
We'll do the procedure in here.
Won't happen, Doctor.
This is not happening.
-Let's get out of here.
-Listen, this is happening.
No, no, we're leaving. Listen!
-We're leaving.
-We're not leaving. We have to do this.
This is about me.
Have you seen the state of this van?
We'll find some other way
There is no other way!
Understand my situation.
Shut the fuck up!
This was your idea, wasn't it?
Oh, God, I know this was my idea
but this is a big mistake.
-Now let's go back.
-We can't go back, are you fucking
Shanaya, you can't talk
like a baby right now.
Stupid! You're talking like a baby!
Are you
Listen, what will I tell
my uncle and aunt?
My education! My home!
I'll lose everything!
-Try and talk some sense into her!
-What if you die?!
-Listen, it's not about your
-Shut up! Shut up!
-Shut up!
You better decide quickly.
I won't be here for long.
Move aside.
-Yeah, go.
-Yeah, actually
-Let her go!
-Shut up.
-Are you mad?
-I need to do this.
-Are you sure?
Shanaya, no. You can't do this.
If something happens to you
-Okay, I'm coming with you.
-Doctor, I'm sure about this.
No, only the patient
-Shanaya, listen.
-She's not gonna listen.
-Meet us here after an hour.
-She's not gonna listen.
-She's not gonna listen.
-Wait here.
-Look at her. She's not going to listen.
-Shanaya! You can't do this!
Let me close the door.
After one hour
-She's not going to listen
-Shanaya, this is not safe.
-She's not going to listen.
-Are you mad?
-You think she is listening to us?
-You okay?
-Look at the attitude.
Shanaya, listen.
-Shanaya, stop
-There's no point in talking.
-No! It's not safe!
-She's not going to listen.
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