Crash Course in Romance (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

There Are No Correct Answers in Life, Only Best Answers

Goodness! Hello.
Long time no see!
I came to work earlier than usual
because I woke up early.
I guess this is what you call
a miracle morning.
You're not open yet, are you?
I spotted Mr. Choi's car
in front of the convenience store.
You know he hasn't been coming by lately.
I wonder where he went
after parking his car there.
Speaking of which,
my boss has been acting strange too.
It's way past opening time.
Mr. Choi!
-You forgot your belt.
-Hold on.
-My belt.
Give me my belt.
I had no plans whatsoever
to hide this from you.
But Mr. Choi said…
It had to be a secret at all costs.
I mean, he said it'd be a huge problem
if people found out that he was tutoring.
He's neither the president nor a top star.
Why is he fussing about this?
As you already know, he's very--
Jeez. How ugly.
You know how self-important he is.
He emphasized that no one
apart from my family
should know about this.
Are you listening to me?
Please don't talk to me, ma'am.
I'm just an employee here.
From now on, I won't meddle
in your family affairs
and just focus on work.
So please don't cross the line
or address me casually.
After all, we're not family.
What do I do, Jae-woo?
She's going to sulk for a while.
The delivery!
Haeng-seon, the waffle maker
will be delivered today.
I wonder what time.
They usually deliver
either at 2 p.m. or 4 p.m.
I feel lonely.
I'm so lonely.
This is absurd
no matter how you look at it.
This is unlike you!
If it's because of their food,
I'll look for another place.
Or I'll become a chef myself--
It's not just because of her food.
It kept bothering me how she was
kicked out of the All Care program.
I get to eat,
and she gets to catch up on math.
It's a win-win.
Not at all. If people find out,
only you will suffer.
You're being quite pessimistic these days.
-What's wrong?
-What do you think?
It's because of you.
What's done is done. I don't care.
Big whoop.
Mr. Choi!
At least put your belt back on.
You look weird carrying it around.
You know how fussy the moms here are
when it comes to their kids' education.
What about the students?
The online community blows up
when you just high-five someone.
But tutoring?
-If people find out--
-We won't let them.
Why do you keep jinxing it?
Are you trying to tempt fate?
Two people have already found out
within a day of your first class.
That's unbelievable.
It is indeed.
There was an unpredictable variable.
Was I always such a lightweight?
Has it been that long since I drank?
I wasn't this bad before.
Mr. Choi.
I don't think this is right.
It's not too late--
Dong-hui, this is a private matter.
I'm using the personal time
I have after work.
Strictly speaking, it's not even tutoring.
I'm not getting paid.
It's a skill exchange.
-But still--
That's enough.
What is it, Hyo-won?
Hello, Mr. Choi.
Is Chiyeolsucks at it again?
Yes, they posted on just now.
They just don't change, do they?
At this point, they're my biggest fan.
Why can't the police find them?
Because the user is using
an overseas IP address.
I'll look for another way.
They're trying really hard
but to no avail.
I think you need to see this one.
It's quite heinous.
What's it about?
Do you know why that student
who killed himself a few days ago
jumped off The Pride Academy's building?
The police are hushing it up,
but the student had a fight
with Choi Chi-yeol just beforehand.
What's creepier is that
this isn't the first incident of its kind.
Choi Chi-yeol may have
cleaned up his image now,
but he had a scandal with a female student
back when he was an assistant.
He was sacked from that academy,
and the girl committed suicide.
What's even more shocking is that
her mom died not too long after,
and the police suspected
her younger brother.
That's right.
Choi Chi-yeol was the cause
of that infamous murder case.
He's responsible
for destroying that family.
Thank you. Goodbye.
They removed the post.
The post was recent,
so the view count wasn't high.
And since Chiyeolsucks is known
to write many malicious posts,
people won't care.
Mr. Choi.
-Don't let it get to you.
Chiyeolsucks makes up stories
every now and then.
All right. You may go.
Here you go.
-Cook the biji stew beforehand.
-I will.
You don't even use
artificial flavor enhancers, right?
You're truly a great cook.
Not at all.
I'm not the one you should compliment.
Ms. Kim plays
quite a big role in our food.
She's the best cook ever.
Ms. Kim has a perfect palate.
I see.
-Thank you.
-Come again!
-I will.
-Have a good day!
-Thank you.
The waffle maker is here!
Haeng-seon, can I stop by our house?
I need to try it out right away.
If there's an issue with it,
I can exchange it for free.
And if I don't like it,
the Act on the Consumer Protection
in Electronic Commerce
says I must cancel my order within a week.
Okay. Go test it out right away.
Thanks, Haeng-seon!
Gosh, he's so excited.
He's going to be obsessed
with making waffles for some time.
Brace yourself to eat a ton of them.
Catch! Gosh.
-Hey! Do you want to die?
My accuracy isn't that great today.
It's still nice to hear you talk.
I'm sorry.
Forgive me, will you?
The silent treatment is killing me.
I'll cook you your favorite
potato pancakes for lunch. Okay?
What's with you? Stop bothering me.
Yeong-ju, I'm sorry.
I guess I'm like
all the other moms after all.
Did you just smirk?
Here comes the final blow.
Stop it!
You burst into laughter! Oh, yes.
Betray me like this again,
and I'm cutting ties.
All right.
I was in the wrong, so please forgive me.
And those pancakes?
I'll make them.
It's so nice to talk with you again.
I was suffocating earlier.
There's one thing
I've been dying to ask but didn't.
About that star teacher.
Why did he come out of your place
in the morning scantily dressed?
He wasn't scantily dressed.
It was just his belt, so don't exaggerate.
Exactly. Why did he remove his belt?
Was he giving extra lessons
after tutoring?
That was because he can't hold his liquor.
Stop giving me that dirty look.
What are you imagining?
I wasn't home alone.
So if you had been home alone,
you two would have done something?
You're crazy.
You're practically begging me to hit you.
Gosh! You're so disgusting.
What's wrong with her?
He just arrived.
One minute, please.
-Mr. Jeon, this is for you.
Jeon Jong-ryeol speaking.
I have class in 30 minutes.
Whatever it is, make it quick.
Remember what you said at the bookstore?
Was it about this?
You just realized that?
Does that mean Su-hyeon's brother…
Are you serious?
Have you been living under a rock?
That case was
the talk of the town back then.
You weren't aware?
I was struggling in the countryside.
I heard about the case
but never thought it'd be about Su-hyeon.
After she died,
her mom went insane and started obsessing
over her younger brother even more.
In the end, she jumped off a building.
Her son was next to her,
so the police arrested him
for murdering his mom.
Luckily, he was acquitted and released.
Then where is he now?
I'm not sure. Well…
I heard he went missing.
Ignorance really is bliss, isn't it?
The guilt I felt for giving you
the education director's number
continued to haunt me.
I shouldn't have picked up your call.
I should've thought it through.
I shouldn't have given you the number.
Then Su-hyeon would still be here.
So would her mom and brother.
Jong-ryeol, had I known
that teacher's intention,
I wouldn't have called you.
Forget it.
It doesn't matter anymore.
Whether you were aware of it or not,
to me, you're still an asshole.
Don't ever call me about…
just don't ever call me again.
Mr. Choi!
I have a question.
Mr. Choi, I'm really having a tough time.
I just don't show it.
The kids at my school are too smart.
My mom even collapsed
after seeing my midterm grades.
She yelled at me
saying my life will be ruined
if I don't get good grades
for college admissions.
Look at your face.
Don't you feel bad and want to protect me?
Don't worry. I'm stronger than I look.
But to cheer me up,
can you give me that pen?
You always carry that around.
Sure. You can have it.
It wasn't expensive.
Hello, sir.
Don't you have a friend
at Jeonsin Foreign Language High School?
I do. Jeon Jong-ryeol, a math teacher.
Why do you ask?
Our academy is holding an info session
on foreign language schools,
so could you look into
their education director's number?
Hey, Su-hyeon.
Su-hyeon, what's wrong?
Did you flunk your finals?
Mr. Choi.
My mom had given me worksheets
to work on before the finals.
But during the exam, I noticed
the questions were identical.
I turned in the test anyway,
but I'm so scared.
What do I do, Mr. Choi?
Is that why you wanted
their education director's number?
To leak the exam questions in advance?
I wasn't the one who leaked them.
I just helped Su-hyeon's mother
by serving as a bridge.
By using me and my friend as that bridge.
How could you do this?
This is a serious felony.
Do you know…
how much pain Su-hyeon is in right now?
Admissions is just a process,
not the end goal,
-so why--
-I can't take this any longer.
How dare you lecture me?
Are you getting cocky
because I've been going easy on you?
Do you want to stop teaching
once and for all?
Threaten me all you want,
but you still need to fix this.
I can't believe this.
Get out.
You're fired.
Move out of the dorm too.
I will do that.
But if you don't fix this,
-I'll report you.
-Report me?
Be my guest.
What do you think will happen?
What's done is done.
She'll get a zero on the test,
and her mom will go to jail.
It'll be all over the news,
and that'll be the end for her.
Is that what you want?
Is it, you bastard?
You know she grew up without a dad, right?
Don't meddle in their affairs
and ruin the entire family.
Just get lost.
This is all her mom's doing.
I'm sorry, Mr. Choi.
You got fired because of me.
But Mr. Choi,
I'm so exhausted.
I wake up every single morning,
and I feel hopeless.
School is a nightmare,
and my house is a living hell.
I want some peace now.
But I was able to breathe a bit
thanks to you.
Thank you so much.
Why did you do this?
Go home.
You have exams next week.
Can I just…
stay here?
What's this rumor
about the exam questions leaking?
Before Su-hyeon died,
she told her school
about the exam questions getting leaked.
The principal just swept it under the rug,
but all the students found out.
-Tell me about it.
You're Mr. Choi Chi-yeol.
Su-hyeon told me a lot about you.
She also said she took your pen.
I gave it to her.
So it's hers.
I'm done, Mr. Choi.
The problem.
Right. Let's see.
You did well.
-Solve the rest on your own.
If you get stuck on any,
-we'll review them next class.
Are you done?
Did you talk it out with Mr. Ji yesterday?
Right, your lunch box.
I've packed a lot
of spicy marinated crabs.
Put the leftovers in the fridge
and throw away the ice packs.
Mr. Choi, have this. I made it myself.
I bought him a waffle maker.
Doesn't it fill our house
with a European vibe?
Thank you,
but my stomach's not feeling well.
Really? I should've made porridge instead.
-I can make it in 20 minutes.
I'm fine.
I see.
Goodbye then.
-Get home safely.
-Goodbye, Mr. Choi.
I really worked hard to make this.
It looks scrumptious. Let me have a taste.
Me too.
Is it really good?
It's so tasty.
Uncle, you could sell this.
Yes. You definitely could.
Okay, I'll make some more.
Hey, didn't Mr. Choi look down today?
A bit.
Is it because of earlier?
It's burning--
So you think it's round
and made of either glass or metal?
Please take another look
once I find a clearer photo.
Gosh, you startled me.
What are you doing?
Why so startled?
What shadiness are you up to?
It's nothing shady.
Look at this.
This shiny thing.
I asked forensics about this,
and they think it's round glass or metal.
Maybe it's a small ball.
-A glass or metal ball.
Maybe this thing scratched his face.
Cut the nonsense
and write up the final report.
I better not catch you
doing something else.
Make it quick.
I swear this smells fishy.
I want the head too.
It's the tastiest for stew,
but you always leave it out.
How much is the abalone?
They're wild-caught, not farmed.
Exactly. So how much is it?
How much do you want?
Did you win the lottery?
You've been splurging.
200,000 won for 1kg.
Where are the farmed ones?
You're going to add just one abalone?
It's not a truffle.
It's not just for the scent.
It's wild-caught,
so it's bigger than normal.
This is Andong sikhye.
It's a natural digestive.
I thought you rarely made this
because it was a hassle.
I didn't make much.
Can you put it in that glass bottle?
You talked about
cooking exclusively for him.
Have you decided
to become his personal chef?
From abalone porridge to this sikhye.
This isn't the royal kitchen.
It's a side dish store.
It's the least I can do
when he's teaching Hae-e for free.
Don't you know who he is?
He's a star teacher.
That's true.
I looked him up,
and he's way above tutoring,
regardless of the form of payment.
I don't know what's up,
but he didn't look well yesterday.
It seems after that whole belt incident…
you've become more concerned about him.
Am I right?
Where are the marinated crabs?
I ought to rip out your tongue
with their claws.
You little brat.
Hold on.
The sikhye could go bad
if he doesn't refrigerate it right away.
Is he still asleep?
Mr. Choi, I'm sorry for waking you up.
I was worried you wouldn't
refrigerate this properly…
Excuse me.
I'll put it in the fridge and leave.
You can go back to bed.
Did he work until late?
He's still half-asleep.
How marvelous.
Exactly how big is this place?
It feels so empty for such a big space.
He should raise a few dogs.
Why is the fridge so empty?
There's nothing in here.
Nothing in life is easy.
Everyone struggles with their own demons.
What's wrong with this?
I see. So that's how you open it.
I didn't want you to wake up,
so I was going to leave quietly, but…
What kind of man
just passes out like that?
Why does he have a sleeping bag
next to this comfortable bed?
I guess you can have it all
and still be unhappy.
Su-hui, she's the most
well-known tarot reader
-when it comes to college admissions.
-I see.
She's able to predict
the school's initials.
-Her accuracy is almost 100%.
I've heard.
She must really have such powers,
judging by where she's living.
Countless influentials and VIPs
ask her for help.
you know me.
She only made time for us
because she's my sister's friend.
All right. Stop bragging.
What? Isn't that Ms. Nam?
You're right.
What is she doing here?
-Tell me about it.
This early?
They only deliver for bulk orders.
Then why is she here?
Who knows?
By the way, did you read
what Chiyeolsucks posted yesterday?
-It gave me the creeps.
-Don't be absurd.
It's obvious that they removed the post
out of fear that they'd get sued.
-I asked Su-a about it.
She said Mr. Choi didn't argue
with Young-min that day.
The kid just acted out on his own.
The director of the academy
has been around for years,
but even he has never heard
of that scandal before.
Does that mean that story
is completely fake?
That's what Chiyeolsucks does.
Successful people are always cursed
with the likes of Chiyeolsucks.
Seeing how you're siding with Mr. Choi,
the All Care Program must be going well.
They're all top students, you know?
They're strong-minded,
and their teacher is excellent too.
By the way,
doesn't the All Care Program have
its own materials and textbooks?
Could you just share them with Dan-ji?
I'll treat you to an expensive meal.
At times, you say things
that make you seem less intelligent.
If we were going to share them,
why would our kids have gone through
the hassle of taking the level test?
That's rich, coming from
a no-name university graduate.
They brought the gimmari back! Let's go!
Let's have some gimmari.
-Come on.
-I don't like it.
I want tteokbokki.
-Come on.
-Let's go.
Let's go.
What is she working so hard on these days?
This is good.
-It's so spicy.
I told you not to eat that.
-Thank you.
It's super spicy.
You're so weak.
Give me that.
That's so spicy.
I'm so tired.
Hi, Geon-hu.
I'm too tired to say hi back.
Is that tasty?
-Hey, Hae-e.
Do I really have to memorize
100 English words by today?
Yes, they're basic ones.
You need them for reading comprehension.
There's steam coming out of my head.
I have a splitting headache.
Hey, she's eating.
Don't be a baby.
Just memorize them.
Yes, ma'am.
I should. Of course.
Of course.
There's one gimmari left.
This is good. Where did you get this?
Are you insane?
That was the last one!
Why are you so worked up about this?
-Spit it out.
-Spit it out?
-Spit it out.
-I can't do that!
Spit it out!
-Spit it out.
-There's no more?
What are you doing?
Why does Hae-e have this?
This is Mr. Choi's material.
How does she have
the All Care Program's material?
Did you lend it to her?
Or did she steal it?
It's mine.
I lent it to her.
What gives you the right to do that?
And what gives you the right
to rummage through her backpack?
Put it back before she comes.
Or should I tell the others
that you snoop around
when no one's looking?
Hey, Mr. Ji. I just woke up.
Mr. Choi, are you sick?
I'm feeling under the weather.
Do I have one CSAT repeater class today?
Did you read
Chiyeolsucks' post yesterday?
People should look into it
even though he's a star teacher.
But is the post even true?
Chiyeolsucks is a hater
who's obsessed with Chi-yeol.
That may be true,
but if you look at it,
I don't think he was
just posting baseless accusations.
After the recent incident,
Chi-yeol was the only one
who was interrogated.
But still, to say that he's the cause
of that murder is just pushing it.
What do you mean?
Her precious daughter committed suicide
after being used by him.
So of course the family would go crazy.
Choi Chi-yeol
basically annihilated a family.
If I were him,
I wouldn't be able to kill myself,
but I wouldn't be brazen enough
to continue working…
-What's wrong?
-I have class.
Where are you all going?
Look, Mr. Choi.
I just…
Mr. Ji, it's me.
I don't think I can make it today.
Let's reschedule the classes
so I can take the next two days off.
-Enjoy your lunch.
-Thank you.
-When we used to train before our matches,
our coach made us do a certain exercise
to help us sleep better.
What was it again?
The sleep exercise? This?
That's it.
And then?
Then like this.
Shake it off.
Today's class is canceled.
Ganghyeon Station, Detective Division.
Officer, I hear popping sounds
outside my window every night.
It's so loud that I can't go to bed
for the life of me.
Is that so, ma'am?
But you should contact the local precinct
or patrol station for that.
This is the Detective Division.
We deal with violent crimes.metal ba
But someone shot and killed
some stray cats with metal balls.
Isn't that a crime?
Exactly. Those metal balls…
Ma'am, did you just say "metal balls"?
Someone must have been
feeding the stray cats
because they've been
gathering around and annoying me.
But the popping sounds have been
getting on my nerves as well.
Was it last week?
Yes, it was.
I came out in the morning, and dear me.
One of the cats was already dead.
And another one
was bleeding and running away.
When did you first hear the sounds?
It's been a while.
At first, I thought some kids
were playing with firecrackers
and would stop eventually.
But I was wrong.
It's still going on to this day.
The sound is driving me crazy.
How did you know they were metal balls?
I once spotted them on the ground.
That's when I realized
they were shooting them.
But later on, they all disappeared.
I guess they picked them all up.
Isn't it great
to come to school during the break?
You get to see your friends.
Don't waste your weekends on your phones.
I can't stress this enough.
Your phone time and your grades
have an inverse relationship.
After the break,
the September mock
will be waiting for you. See you.
Hae-e, we need to talk.
-Okay. Hold on.
I finished memorizing.
Hurry up and quiz me.
-I might forget them.
I'm talking to her.
I don't care. Don't talk to me.
I'm going to forget the words.
I said I need to talk to her.
Do it tomorrow.
Tomorrow is Saturday.
It's a bit much
to take up her time on the weekend.
I promised Geon-hu first,
so if it's not urgent--
I can't even talk to you
if it's not urgent?
I'm done. I'm all ready.
I need to pack and get changed as well.
We still have time before the train.
Look at him. He's so excited.
It's been a while since we last camped.
-I'll just pour it.
Mom, why couldn't Mr. Choi come yesterday?
Beats me.
He just texted
and said that he couldn't make it.
I'm a bit worried.
He looked unwell two days ago too.
You're right.
He did seem a bit unwell.
Hold on.
Are you not done yet? Hurry up.
Stop rushing me!
-Hae-e, finish up while I get changed.
…is very popular.
Plastic wastes are heated,
and the fibrous tissues
are reprocessed to make clothes and shoes.
Compared to making new ones…
-Go! Hey!
Everyone came out on the weekend.
This place is packed.
You're right.
Where should we put up our tent?
There's a fishing area.
Haeng-seon, let's go over there.
Sure, let's go.
I think there will be fewer people there.
What is it?
That's Mr. Choi.
Mr. Choi is fishing.
It really is him.
Mr. Choi!
-What are you…
What are you…
You really don't want ramyeon?
Mr. Choi.
Didn't I tell you to just ignore me?
You did.
But it's not easy for me to ignore someone
who's right in front of me.
I was worried
when you canceled your class,
but here you are fishing outside.
You must not have eaten anything.
Come have a bite.
Come on.
It looks so scrumptious.
That's hot.
Haeng-seon, Hae-e's ramyeon
tastes better than yours.
That's true.
Hers is tastier.
This is so delicious.
Did you catch one?
Haeng-seon, he caught one!
No way.
Why did you let it go?
It's too small.
I'm letting it grow bigger.
You're so cool.
I'm not in Seoul.
What? Where are you?
I'm at a camping site.
There's a fishing area too.
Camping, all of a sudden?
I'm working as a maid here.
I'm still so jealous.
I'm at a study cafe. Save me.
I'm so childish for being jealous.
Lucky you.
Relax while you're there.
What are you doing?
Do you need money?
I have some.
By the way, why do you need it?
Hae-e and Jae-woo are washing the dishes.
That's their job whenever we go camping.
I don't hear any music.
Have some coffee.
I don't drink instant coffee.
This isn't just any instant coffee.
I blended it myself.
Take a sip.
How do you even blend instant coffee?
How did you do it?
It's instant coffee.
The tastiest coffee is made
by big companies.
Trust me on that.
I have a question.
Ms. Namgoong Seon.
Jeez. You even got my surname wrong.
It's Nam Haeng-seon.
It's not Ho Nam-seon or Nam Haeng-sun.
And it's definitely not Namgoong Seon.
Shouldn't you know my name by now?
I'm not good with names.
Ms. Nam Haeng-seon.
Is it your hobby to cross boundaries?
I'm genuinely curious.
It runs in the family.
My mom used to be the nosy type.
Then what about you?
Isn't it tiring to always draw the line?
Isn't the opposite more tiring?
-Jeez, you always have the last word.
Isn't it nice to drink some coffee?
You need to fill your stomach
if you want to stay strong.
What is it this time?
Is something bothering you again?
Someone I knew said
the exact same thing in the past.
Your first love?
She was my savior
who fed me when things were tough.
I see. But now I'm the one feeding you.
This is making me competitive.
I should try harder.
By the way,
why did you cancel yesterday?
You're crossing my boundaries again.
It seems like you have a lot on your mind.
Maybe your head is too full of
difficult math questions.
I take a nap when I'm stressed,
and my mind clears out.
But math is black and white.
There's always an answer.
But my life isn't like that.
There are no set formulas or rules.
Every time I make a mistake,
I become dispirited.
But still…
you become that much closer to the answer.
Take handball for example.
If this angle doesn't work,
you change angles.
If your throw is weak,
you switch up the muscles you use.
That's how you improve your success rate.
That's life.
We're all fumbling for the answers.
We try out different approaches.
Don't overcomplicate things.
No wonder you have insomnia.
How did you know I have insomnia?
You're obviously very sharp,
so it was just a deduction.
I'm sensitive, not sharp.
A sharp person is sensitive
and vice versa.
I should turn on some music.
Promise me
That you will protect me
Right. Mr. Choi, get up.
-Just do it. I'll teach you something.
What is it?
This is something national athletes do
to sleep better.
Follow me.
Like this.
Move your arms.
What is this?
Good. Legs shoulder width apart.
Raise your arms.
Like this.
I'm doing it.
Raise your arms up to here.
Up to here.
Your shoulders--
Oh, no!
I sincerely apologize.
I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
What happened, Mom?
Are you okay?
So cold.
Gosh, that's cold.
Have some tangerines, Chi-yeol.
Why so polite? Am I older than you?
Yes, I looked you up online.
You're one year my senior, Chi-yeol.
No, thank you. I don't like sour food.
I love your car, Chi-yeol.
The interface is spectacular,
and the seams look very professional.
A smooth ride like this
should have either a multi-link
or a double wishbone suspension.
But this is my first time
experiencing this, so I'm not sure.
The dashcam is built-in,
and you can connect it
to your phone, Chi-yeol.
Hey, smarty-pants.
Why don't you just eat the tangerines?
You're being awfully chatty.
Okay, Haeng-seon.
The weather is warm enough, right?
I doubt you'll catch a cold.
I see. Did you push me
so that I could cool down?
I'm so touched.
Nevertheless, thank you
for offering to drive us home.
Your house is on the way anyway.
You can sleep if you're tired.
That's not right.
It'd be rude to doze off
in the passenger seat.
I'm used to going to the morning market.
Don't worry.
This is an accident blackspot.
Please be careful.
Be careful.
You need to be careful.
Watch out.
In 300m, reduce speed to 80 km per hour.
In 200m, reduce speed to--
Thank you, Mr. Choi.
-No problem.
-Get home safe!
Goodbye and thank you, Mr. Choi.
No problem.
Goodbye, Chi-yeol.
Can you all just say goodbye at once?
Should we do that? Attention.
Say goodbye to Mr. Choi.
-Goodbye, Mr. Choi.
She's so over the top.
She doesn't know moderation.
Let's go inside.
I should unpack and open the store.
Let me. I'll bring it in later.
-I need to make a call first.
-Okay, but this is heavy. Goodness.
Hey, Hae-e.
You picked up.
I didn't expect you to
since you ignored my texts yesterday.
I checked my phone too late.
-Are you home?
-Yes, just got back.
You have the All Care class today, right?
Can we meet before that?
How are you feeling? Do you feel better?
Yes, I think so.
Did you schedule the makeup classes?
Yes. I just need to announce it.
Okay. Do we have
the third talk show scheduled?
Yes, the association called.
They're thinking the 30th of next month
and asked if you'd be free.
-You don't have classes that evening.
-Okay, let's do that.
Okay. Anything else you need?
do you know this song?
Can you be a bit more precise…
What song is that?
I have perfect pitch.
You may have hearing issues.
I have perfect pitch too.
Perfect pitch isn't that common.
I guess it's common.
By the way, what about that song?
It's just a song that's been
stuck in my head.
It's annoying me.
I see.
Give me a more accurate melody,
and I'll record it--
Forget it if you don't recognize the song.
You always go over the top too.
I tend to be like that
when it's about you.
There's someone else like that?
Yes. Someone who's even worse.
I'm so sick of this song!
You've been replaying this song
thousands of times already!
I'm going to vomit, Haeng-seon!
Let's listen to something else!
Or how about we just listen to a playlist?
There's nothing…
Hey! As your boss,
I can pick what we listen to!
Why are you suddenly into this song?
I've always liked this song,
but now I love it even more
for some reason.
I love the lyrics
and the melody.
Spend the rest of your life with me
I say this to you again
With confidence
It's so tasty to eat out
after eating at home every day.
It feels good to eat some MSG
every now and then.
I agree.
This is better than
the convenience store burgers.
Were you upset with me two days ago?
I was.
You've been prioritizing Geon-hu.
That's not true.
It's just that I promised that I'd help.
And you're my closest friend.
Anyway, I'm sorry.
What did you want to tell me yesterday?
That day, after the supplementary class,
I caught Su-a
rummaging through your backpack.
Why would she…
She said you had
the All Care Program's material.
I told her it was mine
and that I had lent it to you.
Sun-jae, you see…
Anyway, it's top secret.
It stays between us and Mr. Choi. Got it?
It's okay.
You can tell me when you're ready.
Let me know if you need any materials.
Thanks, Sun-jae.
Don't worry about it.
You're free, right?
We need to blow off some steam.
Why is everyone so down?
What's the problem?
Say something
-The vibe is so cold
-The vibe is so cold
-Is that the trend nowadays?
-Is that the trend nowadays?
Why is everyone so boring?
I'm one of them
-Tell me what
-I got to do
-Turn on the Bluetooth right now
-Turn on the Bluetooth right now
-Turn on any song
-Turn on any song
Turn on any fun song
Dance however you like
-So that you look okay
-So that you look okay
-I don't want to think
-I don't want to think
When the sun shines
I naturally wake up and open my eyes
Seems to have changed
Like that
Heart-fluttering events
That I thought only happened…
Are happening to me
Hey, where are you?
Why would I tell you?
You're just going to tell me to drop it.
I get that this area in Gangnam
is about to be redeveloped,
but how could there still be
no CCTV cameras?
I swear that was empty a moment ago.
Who are you? Stop!
Darn it.
I'm already hungry again.
Should we grab something to eat?
Do you have time?
I do.
You have an hour left.
Sure, let's eat.
She's my friend.
-He's my older brother.
I see. Hello.
Aren't you hot?
Why the hell did he run away?
Who is he?
Come on.
He's my brother.
Were you surprised?
Yes. A bit.
My brother…
never went to the UK to study.
He stays home all the time.
You know what a shut-in is, right?
That's him.
He usually stays in his room…
and quietly goes out once in a while.
And then today…
he ran into me.
He wasn't always like this.
He had good grades in school.
But our mom forced him to retake the CSA
to get into a better school.
But then…
he disappeared on the day of the CSAT.
He didn't take the exam.
Our entire family searched everywhere,
only to find him at home.
He had locked himself in his room.
That was the start.
Our mom refused to let me fail as well,
so we moved here
despite our dad's disapproval.
You're going out often these days.
Where were you?
I feel better now that I've said it.
I've wanted to tell you this
numerous times, but I just couldn't.
I understand.
I totally get it.
I can't tell you everything,
but I must confess something.
The All Care Program's material
was from Mr. Choi.
He's tutoring me these days.
-He felt bad that I was kicked out.
He told me to keep it a secret,
so I couldn't tell you.
But I feel like
I should at least tell you this.
Because I told you a secret?
That's part of it.
Thank you for telling me.
Your secret's safe with me.
Okay. I trust you, Sun-jae.
So trust me too.
If we were to draw the question,
it would look like this.
Look at these two triangles.
This one and this one. What are they?
That's it. Then this length will be two.
And the length of BH will be the same.
Then how will we get the radius
of ABC's circumcircle?
That'll be 2 square root of 65
over the square root of 2.
-The answer is square root--
-Of 130.
Who was that?
Are you sure it's 130? Positive?
How are you so quick? Are you a machine?
You can take over.
-Mr. Choi.
Can you give me some room?
The square root of…
I made spicy stir-fried octopus
and two fried eggs.
This is my attempt
at surpassing that savior of yours.
You seemed more energetic
after getting some rest.
Going to Nation's Best?
-Hae-e needs a makeup session too.
-That test is for her, right?
You left it on your desk.
You saved me the trouble. Thank you.
I'll prepare her material from now on.
I'll print it out.
I'd be grateful for that.
This doesn't mean I approve.
I'm still against this. Goodbye.
He's so charming.
How is he still single?
But then again,
I'm super charming myself,
but I'm also single.
It's understandable.
I'm glad they still had some croissants.
They usually sell out quickly.
I think Sun-jae is leaking
All Care materials to Hae-e.
Seriously? Are they dating?
I don't know, but they're awfully close.
I never took him for that type,
but he's so thoughtless.
How can he leak those materials?
It's so annoying, and it bothers me.
Of course. You studied hard
to get into that program.
I'll speak with Sun-jae's mom.
-She's not a thoughtless person.
-That was Mr. Choi's car!
It's him. That's his plate number.
You're right.
But why is he in our neighborhood?
I'm surprised
by how easily startled you are.
You must have weak energy.
-Hello? Why did you--
-Mr. Choi!
You're truly the best. I respect you!
Did you really give Hae-e
the All Care Program's material?
Have you gone insane?
-What are they doing?
-It's a downing match.
She's married and the mother
of my student at that.
What's wrong with my heart?
It's almost done.
I'm certain that he's totally into you.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
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