Crazy Delicious (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Mushrooms, Cheese Toastie and a Takeaway Meal

[chimes tinkling]
[chimes tinkling]
Babies! I love babies!
You're so cute I could eat you.
[suspenseful music playing]
In this enchanted garden,
creative home cooks will compete
to make the most surprising
and delicious dishes imaginable
using ingredients
from our magical edible world.
Their Instafood creations must impress
the mighty food gods.
Chefs Carla Hall,
Heston Blumenthal,
and Niklas Ekstedt.
They've challenged
Chris, and Hanelore
to transform the tomato,
reinvent the chicken pot pie,
and create afternoon teas
for divine dining.
The winning cook will take home
the coveted Golden Apple.
This is span style="style2"Crazy Delicious!
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Three inventive cooks are here
span style="style2"to create magical dishes.
Oh, wow, guys, look at this.
[Chris] I'm a full-time food blogger.
I would be tempted to call myself
the king of comfort food
just because it's literally all I eat.
It's running through my veins.
I am living, breathing, comfort food.
My number one fan is, obviously, my mum,
because she says
my food's beautiful and gorgeous.
My aim of the game
when I'm cooking food is,
I want you to have fourths, and fifths,
and sixths 'cause it tastes that good.
Oh, cake!
I love the science of food.
I like to make something
that nobody's ever made before.
To make people think, "Oh,  I would never
have put that ingredient with that."
I don't think I really started
experimenting with food
until me boys moved out.
I'm definitely a groovy gran.
I'm not odd, but I am a bit different.
I started baking and cooking properly
around Christmas last year,
and I just couldn't stop.
I would describe myself
as a bit of a geek.
I always like to bring certain characters,
literary or from films, into my food.
I'm a very competitive person by nature,
and I like to be the best
at everything I do.
[Jayde]span style="style2" The cooks will compete
span style="style2"over three rounds.
The first is all about making
one ingredient
the star of their dish.
[chimes tinkling]
-[harp plays]
-[drum roll]
For their first course,
the gods have chosen an ingredient
from the enchanted garden.
The tomato.
There are tons of tomatoes
waiting to be transformed.
So, go forth and forage.
[Jayde] span style="style2"This pantry of dreams is brimming
span style="style2"with sumptuous ingredients.
What's in here?
Blue cheese.
Plant-based diets are so in at the moment.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The challenge now is to make
span style="style2"the tomato shine.
[Carla] It's delicious and beautiful
and unctuous,
but that grassiness of a tomato--
I love that. You know,
that comes from the stem.
Wow, look at these.
These are just stunning.
There's a tempting, luring thing here.
The tomato dessert.
'Cause they-- It does work.
Tomatoes work with strawberries,
with bitter orange.
They can work with all sorts of things.
-[Heston] However, my God,
you have to be careful with the balance.
You do.
-Those look really plum.
-[Lynn] They're lovely, aren't they?
They can go really wild and crazy.
But can we taste the tomato
and are we gonna be surprised
by what they give us?
Fire it up!
[Jayde] Everyone gathered
today's ingredient?
Your time starts now.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Whoever cooks the best tomato dish
span style="style2"will earn a crucial ten-minute advantage
for their next course.
Oh, it's bigger than me!
[Jayde] span style="style2"Science-lover Lynn has big plans
span style="style2"for her tomatoes.
I love Bloody Marys.
I really do.
And I love the spiciness of it.
So, I thought, "Well, let's see
if we can make an edible one."  
[Jayde] span style="style2"Lynn's making
span style="style2"a giant tomato-flavored macaron
filled with vodka and blue cheese mousse,
and topped with an edible tomato stem.
I'm using a
concentrated tomato flavoring.
It's quite technical, really.
Definitely being risky
with me first course.
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde] It's just Heston.
-"Just Heston." Just a food god.
-Just Heston.
[Jayde] Hello, sir.
This way.
Hello, Lynn.
Can you tell me what you're making?
I'm making an edible Bloody Mary
with a tomato macaron.
-Anything that you have concerns over?
-Oh, the macaron, without a doubt.
Drying time.
-Drying time?
-With it being a large macaron.
I'm really behind in time.
-Excuse me.
-So what-- And have you got any
[Heston] It's--
[Lynn laughs]
What are you doing?
-I'm knocking the air out of the macaron.
-[Jayde] Of course you are!
Look at her. Love it.
All right, well, good luck.
Sounds very interesting to me.
I'm looking forward to seeing
-what this tastes like.
-Put this near the fan.
Heston, do you ever bang your food
on the floor?
What I would have done is this.
Oh, yeah.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Also hoping to give his tomatoes
span style="style2"an unexpected twist is Chris.
So, I'm gonna be making
a cherry tomato cheesecake.
And hopefully, it's gonna look exactly
like a really sweet cherry cheesecake.
[Jayde]span style="style2" Chris' savory cheesecake
span style="style2"has a Parmesan filling,
a tomato and watermelon chutney,
and tomato cherries on top.
I've been brought up on
classic comfort foods
like spaghetti Bolognese, chicken pies,
and cottage pies, and stuff like that.
And as I've grown up, I've kind of wanted
to really elevate it into something
you'd be happy to serve at a dinner party.
Hi, Chris.
-Bull in a china shop spring to mind?
-[Heston laughs]
[Chris] This is pretty clean for me
to be fair.
-[Heston] Is it?
So, can you talk me through
your cheesecake?
Yeah, so I really wanted to take something
that's classically cheese,
so I went for a cherry cheesecake.
And I wanna completely flip it on its head
and do cherry tomato cheesecake.
So it'll be a savory cheesecake.
So, hopefully when you look at it,
it'll be like your sweet tooth's tingling,
-but it's actually savory.
-What's the melon doing?
So, I'm doing a chutney
through the center of the cheesecake.
Just to replace some of the sugar
in the chutney, I thought,
what's sweet that I can put in there,
but pairs nicely with tomato?
-Oh, yes, mate.
-Good luck.
[laughs] Thank you.
I'm feeling a bit nervous
about the magic ingredient,
as tomato can be quite difficult
to work with.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Hanelore wants to celebrate
span style="style2"the tomato as a fruit,
using it in a sweet dessert.
So, this is a fairy cake.
The inspiration behind this dish
is Romanian folklore,
as I'm Romanian.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Her fairy-tale tomato sponge cake
will be filled with sweet tomato
and strawberry compote,
and topped with a flaming
marshmallow dome.
I'm definitely more of a baker
rather than anything else,
and I really do enjoy baking.
It's my happy place. Here we go.
How are you feeling?
[exhales] Very flustered
'cause you're here now.
Your cake itself, is that gonna be tomato?
Yes. So, that is a tomato sponge cake
with a tiny bit
of freeze-dried strawberry, as well.
What are you doing
to get the maximum tomato flavor?
I'm using a combination
of fresh tomato powder
because adding too much moisture
into it
-It doesn't work.
That's what I thought was a challenge.
There's so much moisture content
in the tomato
-that it messes up your sponge recipe.
-Exactly. Absolutely.
Hanelore, she's got fresh tomatoes
and tomato powder.
If she uses this right,
this could be a real surprise
secret weapon for her.
Time is of the essence here.
So, I'm trying to really reduce down
the amount of liquid I've got.
[Heston] Chris is using a lot of tomato
and melon.
You just have to be very careful
of the balance.
If you get the balance right,
they could be wonderful.
I've gotta keep hold of this.
it was like she was chopping wood.
So, you could see the meringue flattening
-and spreading like a pancake.
So, it's big.
I think the question is
whether she gets it dried enough.
[unintelligibly speaking]
Sorry. An hour to go!
Ay, ay, ay.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The cooks are halfway through,
and Lynn is onto the filling
for her Bloody Mary macaron.
[Lynn] I'm making a blue cheese mousse
with the vodka in it,
Worcestershire sauce.
I really want it to be punchy.
I'll only really know
if the cheesecake is set
when I put it on the stand
and pull it down.
So, I'm gonna chuck this
in the fridge right away.
Next part of this process is making
the tomato and strawberry jam.
I figured that tomato and strawberries
work together by testing it out, really.
I like to make some weird combinations
That's 30 minutes to go.
Thirty minutes to go
until you have to stop cooking.
Can you ever have too much basil?
Is that a thing?
[Jayde] span style="style2"Chris is making a sauce
span style="style2"to go with his savory cheesecake 
using roasted tomatoes and vinegar.
So, this is gonna be the balsamic glaze,
which is essentially gonna be
the chocolate sauce.
[Jayde] span style="style2"While Lynn's onto her decorations.
This is for the leaves on the top.
[Jayde] span style="style2"She's using tomato essence
and a sculpting sugar
to make an edible stem.
It's browning nicely on the top,
but it seems like it's still quite soft.
Right, we'll take our chances.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Lynn's about to find out
if her unique macaron technique
was successful.
It's not cooked.
Oh, God! The top one's all right.
The bottom one's still pretty soft.
Oh, no!
Right, so I'll just put this
on the bottom like this one.
And I'll just hide it.
With a bit of luck, the gods won't notice.
Oh, God! It's just broken!
[Jayde] Five minutes!
[dramatic music playing]
Please don't spill out.
Please don't spill out.
Oh, God!
Me fillings!
Come on. Come on. Come on.
-Yes, mate.
-Don't you dare high five that cheesecake.
I'm not gonna. [chuckles]
Blue cheese mousse.
Two, three
Oh, no!
[Jayde] Run! Run! Run!
I don't like running.
I don't even run in my own nightmares.
[Lynn] See if I can fix it into one piece.
Time to stop cooking!
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"The gods must now decide
span style="style2"which cook has created
a truly original dish
using the tomato as the star ingredient.
Hanelore's up first.
Her sweet tomato fairy cake is filled
with tomato and strawberry compote
and crowned
with a flaming marshmallow dome.
Look at that!
[suspenseful music playing]
-Aesthetically, it's so beautiful
-It's beautiful.
and the cake, it's so good. So tasty.
I'd like it to have
a little more tomato flavor.
The tomato isn't very pronounced
in the sponge.
I'm getting more strawberry flavor.
It was a missed opportunity
to showcase the fresh tomato
as a sweet thing with the fruit.
-Is that the tomato strawberry compote?
I really loved the idea of that.
It's a bit sweet for me.
But the cake is definitely moist enough.
If I would give you one advice
going into next course would be
to taste stuff a little more.
'Cause the pastry work,
and you as a pastry chef,
I mean, well done.
-Thank you very much.
-Thank you.
[Hanelore] I don't think I delivered
as much of a punch as I planned to.
So, there'll be some making up for that.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Next is Lynn
span style="style2"with her Bloody Mary macaron.
Tomato meringues
filled with blue cheese vodka mousse
and topped with an edible tomato stem.
And this is not the way
it was supposed to look like, right?
No, I broke it.
'Cause it looks
like your air-knocking technique
might've knocked a bit too much air out.
You gave that a--
-You gave that a right old wallop.
[group chuckles]
[Niklas] I would like the blue cheese
to have an even spread
throughout the dish.
Now it's a little bit like,
I don't know what I'm getting.
I don't taste the tomato in your macaron.
I do get it in yourspan style="style2" gelée.
That tomato stem flavor,
actually is almost making my mouth water.
This is such a part of the tomato
that no one explores.
-there's been a few mishaps on the way.
But with that said,
I think your creativity
you need to take with you
to your next course.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Finally, it's Chris.
He's made a savory
cherry tomato cheesecake
with a tomato and watermelon center
and a balsamic vinegar sauce.
[Carla] Wow!
-It looks fantastic, doesn't it?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Niklas] Oh, great.
-[Heston] That's a cracker.
-[Niklas] Delicious.
God, I'm gonna have more!
You think it's going to be sweet
and then it surprises you
-[Heston] Exactly.
-that it has acidity and savory.
[Carla] I have never had
tomatoes with watermelon.
-And it works.
-[Niklas] Yeah.
It's fabulous.
You get the tomato flavor.
We all talked about how important
this dish would be
that the tomato stand out.
And this really does.
I don't know how successful
the balsamic is 'cause it's over-reduced.
I might have taken it too far.
I can't wait to try your next course.
I mean, I'm so excited
-about the next course.
-No pressure.
[group laughs]
Go. Be fabulous!
To have that sort of reaction was just
That was the cherry
on the cheesecake. [laughs]
[Jayde]span style="style2" With one course down,
the gods must now decide
which cook deserves to win
that all-important extra ten minutes
for the next round.
Okay, wow!
Three very different tomato dishes.
That edible Bloody Mary wasn't
It was not good.
[Heston] The cheesecake was a great dish.
Was the cheesecake that good
that he could get away with serving
vinegar sauce that was too reduced?
Hanelore, who gave us this beautiful dish.
-Hers stood out on the aesthetic.
-[Carla] Right.
It didn't quite stand up as much
on the taste.
I've got a feeling that we've decided on
who deserves that extra ten minutes.
The gods have spoken,
and the cook whose tomatoes captured
their imagination the most was
Yay! Congrats.
you will now receive an extra
ten more minutes for your next dish.
For their second course,
the gods would like you
to reinvent the chicken pot pie.
The cook who makes
the least impressive pie
will be sent home by the gods.
Go forth and forage.
[chimes tinkling]
[Jayde] span style="style2"The second course
span style="style2"is all about reinvention.
The cooks must take an ordinary dish
and turn it into something truly original.
[Carla] I grew up having chicken pot pie.
It was one of my favorite, favorite dishes
growing up.
Oh, my God!
Look at the size of these lemons.
I think the challenges here is,
can you do comfort and still be surprised?
I think you can,
but I don't think it's easy.
I'm gonna go for the monster.
The bigger the better, I think.
What are the chicken pot pie rules?
-It has to have some kind of pastry.
-Right, I'm digging.
-[Heston] Personally,
I would never use chicken breast
in a chicken pot pie,
-'cause it just gets dry.
To find some eggs. Oh, there we go!
-In my dream
-it would be perfect crust on top
and when you open it, it steams out.
And then, the creaminess in the bottom.
-Let's hope it's a good pie.
-[group laughs]
[Jayde] span style="style2"All three cooks must now reinvent
span style="style2"the chicken pot pie.
But only two will make it through
to compete for the Golden Apple.
Chris, you better use
those ten minutes wisely,
'cause your time starts now.
-You wait here, I'm just gonna
There's chocolate around here.
I'm gonna
[Lynn chuckles]
I'm absolutely over the moon
to have these extra ten minutes.
My dish is essentially
a celebration of mashed potato
and I'm gonna mix it
with a sort of classic chicken pie.
It's actually gonna be levitating
above a fake cloud.
[Jayde] span style="style2"To make his pies
span style="style2"a soaring success,
Chris will serve them floating in the sky.
His light-as-air mash will top
a classic chicken and mushroom filling.
My love for mashed potato is just insane.
So, I kinda wanted to put it
at the highest stand that I could.
And that is way up in the clouds.
I'm just like that,
itching to go. Itching.
Right, ladies, Chris has had
his ten minutes. Your time starts now.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Lynn] Ten minutes!
The pies I make at home
are always very over-the-top decorated,
and they usually feature
supernatural characters.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Hanelore is hoping to up the ante
span style="style2"with her chicken pie pops.
Her decorative genie pastries
will be filled
with Moroccan chicken
and apricot tajine.
I'm really hoping
the gods will like the flavor.
After the previous challenge,
that's what I'm most concerned about.
[dramatic music playing]
In the first course,
you had this beautiful presentation,
and your flavors didn't live up
to what we saw.
So, how are you going to do this?
What I'm doing is a Moroccan-inspired dish
'cause my partner is Moroccan.
So, this is a dish for him.
So, what I've done is
I've focused more on the flavors
because I really want to pack a punch.
I see you have lemons.
You've got apricots.
And I hope that pastry is going to be
nice and flaky and delicious.
Yes, fingers crossed.
All right. I'll cross my fingers for you.
I did terribly in the last course.
So, like, get me head down.
Strut me stuff!
[Jayde] span style="style2"Lynn's turning her favorite curry
span style="style2"into a pot pie.
The spicy chicken filling will sit
inside a giant pastry egg,
served on an onion bhaji nest,
with cucumber raita on the side.
You're doing a golden egg?
When we saw you in the first course,
you did something that was really large.
-Yeah, too large.
-It was too large.
Now, is that the makings of your egg?
Yes, it is.
That looks like another large thing.
-It is a large thing. It is.
-Okay. All right.
Let's make sure you get it in there
so that you can get it all baked up,
so it's all even and everything.
That's the thing, isn't it, like?
Time now.
You just need the gods
to get out of your hair.
Yeah. [chuckles]
[Chris] So, instead of mashing,
I'm actually gonna use the potato ricer
to get every last bit of moisture out.
Hello! How are you?
Doing all right, I think.
So, how about those ten minutes
that we gave you?
I needed every second of that,
let me tell you.
What did you use it for?
-Peeled some potatoes.
-[group laughs]
-It's worrying--
You could have used that as flavor
and just gotten it out on the ricer.
-Don't say it now.
What you gave us before,
all these amazing flavors.
No pressure,
but we're expecting a lot from you.
Good luck, Chris.
Chris got an extra ten minutes
and he used it all on potatoes.
Usually, there are no potatoes
in a chicken pot pie.
I don't know how that's gonna work out.
Lynn is doing another big thing.
I'm concerned about her egg
and I'm just hoping that it's going
to be cooked properly because
the huge macaron was not cooked properly.
Hanelore is really upping up the flavors,
which I love.
But the interesting thing is
that she was layering this pastry,
so she had one piece of pastry,
another layer,
and her pastry's already
a quarter of an inch thick.
But she's a trouper.
She is in it to win it.
[quietly] One hour left, guys!
One hour!
[Jayde] span style="style2"It's halfway through,
span style="style2"and all three cooks feel the pressure
to make their chicken pot pie fillings
stand out.
I'm moving onto my filling now,
which is gonna be a chicken,
leek and mushroom filling.
It's quite a classic combination.
I really wanna pack in the flavor.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Like Chris, span style="style2"Hanelore is using
span style="style2"chicken thighs in her pot pie.
Now, I'm putting in
traditional Moroccan spices.
Turmeric, cinnamon and some ginger.
[Lynn] When I think of a chicken dish,
I think of a curry.
Same recipe that I use at home:
garam masala, curry powder, cumin.
I'm using a chicken breast
in my curry today
because I'm not really a fan of thighs,
or anything like that.
I'm definitely a breast man.
[Chris] So, this is kind of
where it all comes together.
If my potatoes don't hold
their shape in the oven,
my pies will not fly.
I'm running very, very much behind.
I should have done all my pie pops
by now.
How did it feel about having those chefs
complimenting your food?
Niklas started clapping.
My heart just was doing backflips.
Loved it.
-He's quite a good chef.
-It was surreal.
-If a bit easy on the eye.
-[Chris] Eh?
You said it, not me.
[Jayde] Thirty minutes to go.
Sorry, everybody.
I've brought the whole garden.
They're not done.
Just wanna give my curry a stir.
More coriander.
[dramatic music playing]
My chicken's cooked.
So, I'm happy with that.
How's it going, Han?
I'm so behind time
that I'm scared my pops
will not have enough time to cook
so they actually hold their structure
when I prop them up.
Really, really worried about it.
[Jayde] span style="style2"It's crunch time
span style="style2"for Lynn's giant pastry egg.
It's stuck. Come off!
Whoo! Yes, babe.
[inhales sharply]
Phew. Lucky girl!
Five minutes!
-Oh, my God!
-[Jayde] Have you done it?
Just don't count me out.
Oh! My hands are shaking quite badly.
[Jayde] Come on, Lynn!
[Chris] I'm shaking like a leaf.
-[Jayde] The time stops
I can't take this.
-They're on.
Oh, my God. I have to carry this up.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Hanelore, Lynn, and Chris
span style="style2"are about to serve their unique takes
on the chicken pot pie to the food gods.
After which, one will be sent home.
It's been emotional, girls and boys.
[Jayde] span style="style2"First up is Lynn.
Her pie is a giant pastry egg
filled with chicken curry,
sitting on an onion bhaji nest
with cucumber raita on the side.
[Carla] Oh!
[Niklas] Beautiful.
-[Niklas] Whoa.
-[Carla] I love the idea of this.
It looks like a tandoor.
I think it looks great.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Carla] This pastry
is baked perfectly.
[Carla] There are no
underdone bits at all.
I love the idea
and I really like this spicing.
-The chili is there
-It doesn't
-Doesn't burn.
It doesn't get any stronger.
It just sits.
I don't think the chicken is that great.
-It's very dry.
-[Lynn] Yeah.
Personally, I'd prefer the thighs,
I think, in a dish like this.
The idea's great,
and the spiciness is there.
-Thank you so much, Lynn.
-Thank you.
[Hanelore] Do I see a smile?
I definitely redeemed meself
from the first challenge.
The only thing that was wrong
was me chicken was a little bit dry.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Next up to face
span style="style2"the gods is Hanelore.
Her genie pie pops are stuffed with
Moroccan-spiced chicken
and apricot tajine,
and served with a red wine gravy dip.
[Carla] Wow.
[Carla gasps]
You have such a way
with, like, this visual impact.
I just wanna bite into one of them.
[suspenseful music playing]
This is delicious.
For me, this is great. Has a lot of flavor
of the Moroccan spices.
[exhales in relief]
It is a lot of pastry
because you have layers of pastry.
The top layers are really flaky,
but there is that element
that is undercooked.
[Heston] For me, too.
There's too much pastry.
I would like to have more
of the inside,
'cause I think it's delicious.
I disagree with you.
I think there should be more pastry
on this.
[Heston and Niklas laugh]
[Carla] You gave us comfort food,
but it's reimagined in a new way,
and that was really successful.
Great, thank you.
[sighs deeply]
I think at this point,
going into the final
it's pretty much anyone's game.
Phew. And collapse.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Last up is Chris.
His floating mashed potato pies
are filled with a chicken thigh
and chestnut mushroom sauce,
topped off with a creamy chicken gravy.
[Carla] Wow!
Quite the setup, Chris.
-[Chris chuckles] Thank you.
-That really is pie in the sky.
[dramatic music playing]
[Niklas] You show us.
-[machine snaps]
-[group screams, laughs]
I saved the pie though.
-[Heston] That's the most important thing.
-Oh, my God!
[Carla] Okay.
[suspenseful music playing]
There's not much chicken in my
Is there any-- There is chicken in it?
-There hopefully should be.
-[Niklas] Yeah?
You have a lot of flavor in the crust.
You have a lot of flavor in the gravy.
You don't have a lot of flavor
in the mushrooms and the chicken.
There's too much mash.
So, you end up having to go through
a lot of potato to get something that,
you know, inside could have
more unctuousness to it.
When I saw this dish I knew exactly
what it was going to taste like,
and it did taste like that, unfortunately.
-[Hanelore] How'd it go?
-[mouths] Out.
-[Lynn] No.
-[Hanelore] Oh, no, don't say that.
I feel a little bit deflated
after going up and seeing the food gods.
I was kind of on cloud nine
after the tomato dish,
and then
they just weren't feeling the pie.
It's in the gods' hands now.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The gods must now decide
span style="style2"which two cooks will go through
to compete for the Golden Apple.
Let's talk about Hanelore.
I think with her tomato course,
we were let down by the flavor
'cause we didn't taste the tomatoes.
-And then, boom.
-[Carla] That's right.
-[Niklas] A great chicken pot pie.
-Let's look at Chris.
It was a potato pie.
It wasn't close
as good as his first course.
[Heston] So, Lynn.
I absolutely loved the idea.
It was just the fact
that the chicken was so dry.
-She did step up from her tomato dish.
-But we have to make a decision.
[suspenseful music playing]
Cracking work, everyone.
You've all done brilliantly.
Unfortunately, only two of you
can go head-to-head
for the Golden Apple.
Carla, who's it gonna be?
The two people
who impressed us the most
-Well done.
Aw, well done, guys.
It's all right, honestly.
It's absolutely fine.
I feel chuffed about what I've achieved,
you know. It was great.
I have loved it.
You're really good at cooking.
I hope you know that.
-Aw! I love you so much!
-[Lynn laughs]
See you later. It's been emotional!
-Well done!
-I won't snog ya.
Why not?
[Chris] I feel in complete disbelief.
I absolutely cannot wait
to compete for the Golden Apple.
I'm gonna put absolutely
everything I have into the last course.
I still can't stop shaking.
This is unreal. I cannot believe
I've made it to the final.
You excited for the next course?
-Um, yeah. I'm excited.
And breathe.
[all breathing deeply]
[Jayde] span style="style2"For the third course,
span style="style2"the cooks must create
a mouthwatering feast
in order to amaze and delight the gods,
in one last bid to win
the coveted Golden Apple.
Our divine deities have one final demand.
They would like you to make
the world's most crazy delicious
afternoon tea.
Your feast should be colorful
and elegantly fancy. Much like myself.
Go forth and forage, my dears.
[dramatic music playing]
I love afternoon tea.
There's something refined about it.
For me, afternoon tea is decadent.
-Yeah, special.
-What about you?
-So, I love tea.
And I want sandwiches
and delicious breads
and delicious fillings.
What's the one thing
you cannot do with an afternoon tea?
-I don't want clumsiness in this one.
-[Carla] Right.
It would be amazing
if something came out of there
that was a little more modern.
And bite-size, like a smorgasbord.
[in Swedish accent] "Like a smorgasbord."
Everything's Swedish in the end.
-[group laughs]
-Look at the size of that pepper.
-So red.
Time to make tea for two!
Well, actually, three.
Your time starts now.
[dramatic music playing]
[Chris] So, the inspiration
behind this is the fact
that I have actually
never been to an afternoon tea.
So, I thought,
what would I rather be doing?
And that is, kind of,
being sat at home in my PJ's,
just munching on junk food.
[Jayde] span style="style2"For his junk food tea,
span style="style2"Chris is making mini burger macarons,
chili quesadillas
that look like Bakewell tarts,
and fish and chip sandwiches.
-[Chris] Hello.
-How you doing?
I've never been
to an afternoon tea in my life.
And I don't drink tea either.
-Wow. So, this is difficult for you?
My afternoon tea probably has about
3,000 more calories than a normal
-afternoon tea.
-[Jayde laughs heartily]
So, the potatoes.
What's going on with them here?
So, I'm just soaking them
to remove some starch.
And what I'm gonna be doing
is making mini fish and chips sandwiches.
Instead of battering the fish,
I'm going to batter the chips.
So, you're taking these
kind of big, fast-food classics
-and making them into miniature dishes.
So, sort of make them
as dainty and as small as possible.
Can't wait for the span style="style2"punk afternoon tea.
Come on.
It's okay.
I'm feeling the pressure
because I have a lot of elements to do
that are also very technically complex,
and I have to be focused
and rushed at the same time.
Ah, shoot.
[Jayde] span style="style2"For her fairy-tale afternoon tea,
Hanelore is making
blueberry meringue tarts,
salmon toadstool sandwiches,
and choux bun fairies
filled with creams and curds.
Oh, my!
-Hi, Niklas. How are you?
-How are you doing, Hanelore?
-A bit rushed at the moment.
-[Niklas] Okay.
So, you're using a lot of lime and eggs,
-and lemons.
-I am. Yes.
So, is there curd coming up?
Yes, over there.
-Tea and vanilla.
You got tea going on here.
You got curd, lemon curd, lime curd.
So, there's a lot of elements here.
Do you think you're trying
to do too much, though?
-Are you
-I'm definitely trying to do too much.
-I like pushing myself.
-Best of luck.
Hanelore does have
a lot of things going on.
There was something being cooked
in every little corner of her kitchen.
That will be difficult for her, time-wise.
Chris is making a junk food afternoon tea.
It will be crucial
that they're not too big.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Halfway through and both cooks
span style="style2"are trying to get their buns in the oven.
[Hanelore] Choux pastry is notoriously
difficult to make.
It has to have a pocket of air inside.
If you don't have that
you can't fill them properly
or it will be a very tough job.
I really hope the gods will be impressed
with these flavors.
[Chris] So, I've just got
my burger bun doughs out.
I just wanna kind of make them
as dainty as possible.
[dramatic music playing]
Now I'm making the meringue
that will go on top of my tarts.
Yeah, happy with that.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Hanelore is making a sweet tart
filled with blueberry compote
and topped with meringue.
While Chris is doing a savory twist
on cherry Bakewells.
[Chris] I'm going back to my roots
with this course.
And they love that element of surprise
from turning the sweet into the savory.
[Jayde] span style="style2"He's layering his tarts
span style="style2"with sweet potato and Mexican-spiced beef,
before decorating with a cherry tomato.
[alarm beeping]
Hang on. Hang on.
[suspenseful music playing]
Shoot. We might be in trouble.
I might have to do them again.
They didn't rise as,
like, they normally do.
One hour to go.
Oh, my God! I have to do it again.
This has set me back half an hour.
Please rise. Please rise.
The pressure's on for this last course.
There's, like, six or seven elements
that are kind of do or die.
I'm gonna try and get burgers done.
If I've got time at the end,
I'll really, really, really quickly
do the fish and chips.
[alarm beeping]
Oh, shut up.
Go on.
[alarm beeps]
They look much, much better.
-Fifteen minutes to go!
[Jayde] span style="style2"With time running out
span style="style2"neither cook has made a single sandwich
for their afternoon tea.
Lemon, lemon, lemon.
It's a bit of a race to the finish line.
Sandwiches are a huge part
of an afternoon tea.
So, I'm really going to try
and get some out.
So, it's going to be
a beer-battered chips,
cod in the center,
and then beer-battered chips.
I'm really hoping
I can get everything done.
I'm still quite concerned
because I haven't done my sandwiches yet.
I'm pushing myself to the limit
to get the beer-battered chips out.
If there was ever a time for a beer,
it's now.
You have five minutes to go!
[suspenseful music playing]
That'll do.
I'm doing it for you. I'm stressed!
Oh, no!
I mean, that's not helpful.
Cream cheese. Oh, this is so painful.
-[Jayde] One minute to go!
-Ay, ay, ay.
Blue cheese sauce, blue cheese sauce.
-[Jayde] Come on, babe.
I really want to get my sandwiches up.
I didn't do the avocado paste.
-Screw it!
-Sod it!
[Jayde] Stop cooking!
No more tinkering.
It's time for tasting!
Smashed it. Yes! Yes!
[Jayde] span style="style2"After four hours
span style="style2"creating their dishes,
the gods must now decide
which cook has created an afternoon tea
worthy of winning the Golden Apple.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Chris has created
a bite-sized buffet of junk food delights,
with fish and chip sandwiches,
burger macarons,
and quesadillas
in the shape of Bakewell tarts.
This looks fantastic.
Your play on the shapes
that we're used to seeing at a tea,
it actually works.
-That is decadent.
-It is.
[suspenseful music playing]
Cherry Bakewells.
Ground beef
and roast sweet potato quesadillas.
[Niklas] Mmm.
That's good.
-[Niklas] Yeah.
It has creaminess.
There's spiciness to it.
-And sour cream?
Gives it a good acidity.
Can't wait for the fish and chips.
So, here, Chris, you've flipped the idea
of fish and chips.
Yeah. So, the chips are in a beer batter,
and I just wanted to keep
the cod flaked in the center.
[Carla] Mmm.
It's nice.
It looks great.
I've never been so greasy at a high tea.
[group laughs]
It's crispy. It's juicy.
It's light.
Yeah, I think I could
definitely, definitely
eat too much of these.
The flavors are fantastic.
I think it was a very brave move
to do mini buns
-in the time that you've got.
-Yeah, I think it's a great snack.
And it's something that I would easily eat
for an afternoon tea.
And they really add
an extra element to the presentation.
Honestly, this can be a big thing
into the future, junk food tea.
Bring it on!
-Well done.
-Thank you very much.
[Heston] Thank you.
For her afternoon tea,
Hanelore has made choux bun fairies,
blueberry meringue tarts,
and salmon and cream cheese
toadstool sandwiches.
Let's just hope it tastes good.
I do wanna start
with the savory part of your creations.
That is the smoked salmon
and cream cheese finger sandwich
with the span style="style2"tuile biscuit on top.
[suspenseful music playing]
It certainly takes me
to a quintessential afternoon tea.
Smoked salmon, cream cheese,
and just a little bit of the dill
gives it a nice little burst.
-Okay, shall we do a choux puff?
-Choux puff.
Your choux pastry is really good.
It really is. It's dried out enough.
It's not gummy.
The flavors are distinct enough.
-In this bite, you get variety and flavor.
-[Niklas] Yeah.
Finally, the meringue.
[Jayde and Hanelore laugh]
-Aw! It's great!
-You've got it on your nose.
-I love that.
-[Heston] These are really good.
The meringue's light. It's not too sweet.
The filling with the berries
gives a wonderful acidity.
Your pastry work on this is really good.
I'm gonna cry.
This was so delicious.
-[Niklas] Thank you.
-[Heston] That was delicious.
-See you later.
-Thank you.
-See you later.
-[Carla] Bye.
[Niklas] Both really good.
How are you feeling?
[Chris] I don't think it's ever gonna sink
in that I served food to the food gods.
I have given it my everything.
I don't think I could have done more.
I'm super thrilled.
I can't believe
the comments were so positive.
I really hope I've done enough.
How about that?
Both decadent.
I liked the way
Chris approached the brief.
He ticked the creative, exciting boxes.
So, what did you think
of Chris's fish and chips?
I loved them.
I mean, I loved the idea
of doing the potato crispy,
and then having the fish in the middle.
That [biting noise]
For Hanelore,
I think her best bite was the tart.
Oof! [blathers]
-By far.
-I mean, there were really
delicious and special bites on both sides.
Which one was delicious enough to win?
It's a tough one. It's a hard decision.
[lightning and thunder crackling]
If there isn't enough drama
What an entrance!
Well done to both of you.
Two highly individual,
totally original afternoon teas.
But there can only be one winner.
[suspenseful music playing]
And the Golden Apple
to Hanelore.
-Oh, my God.
-[Heston] Congratulations.
Oh, my God. Thank you so much!
-Come here, you!
-[Hanelore] Congrats. Well done.
[Chris] I'm over the moon for Hanelore.
I think she thoroughly deserved it.
I'm incredibly proud
of what I achieved in these three courses.
Oh, my God!
I can't believe I actually won!
I-- Is this happening? Is this for real?
Woohoo! [laughs]
-Well done!
-[Niklas] Hanelore blew us away.
She's only been cooking for a year
and still she can pull
these amazing flavors out.
That's astonishing.
[dramatic music playing]
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