Criminal Code (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Em Casa

[Benício] People talk about
Tijuana or Ciudad Juárez,
but that's because
they border the United States.
In reality, you don't need to go far
to see the brutality of the border.
A 20-kilometer stretch of border,
divided only by a highway,
and no border control.
They say the whole thing
started with coffee.
Back in the '80s.
Prices here were frozen.
You couldn't export anything.
So to sell abroad,
you had to do it illegally.
The same routes were used to move drugs.
[Suellen] You're the only one who likes
old and cold coffee, Benício.
Come on, it's time to kill
that motherfucker.
Vamos, Máscara! Do or die!
Our enemies have nowhere to hide, man!
[engine revving]
[unsettling music playing]
[Russo speaking Spanish]
Let's go!
[Suellen] Turcão, right?
Do you have a search warrant?
No need for a warrant just to chat.
Cooperate, and this'll be quick.
What can you tell us about Soulless?
[Suellen] Start talking.
Tell me how you introduced him to Cauã,
or I'll book you.
[Suellen] We arrested the guys.
You gonna collaborate or not?
Dad, what's going on here?
Nothing, sweetie. Everything's okay.
[car tires squealing]
[Suellen] Get down!
[men shouting]
Synara, where are you going?
[Synara whimpering]
[Synara screams]
[Russo] Máscara! Máscara!
That way! That way!
That way! That way! Go on!
[gunfire continues]
[Suellen gasps]
[Russo] No! Stop, stop!
We have your daughter, Turcão.
[man] You're gonna die
if you don't keep quiet.
Calm down!
Calm down! Calm down!
- [man] Can you see your dad over there?
- [Benício] Federal Police!
Stay calm.
[Russo] This isn't your business, feds.
Just let the girl go.
We can talk about this.
[Russo] This is none of your business!
[speaking Spanish]
What happened back there?
- [Benício] Stay calm.
- [Russo] Where's the other fed?
[Benício] Let's fucking talk.
Everyone calm down.
Calm down!
No, no, no, no, no!
[Synara] Dad!
No, Dad!
[dramatic music playing]
[Synara crying]
No! [crying]
[theme music playing]
[woman] And the big bad wolf said,
"I'll huff, and I'll puff,
and I'll blow your house in."
Yes, love?
Can you tell me the other story again?
There was once was a man
who was very, very courageous
who embarked on a journey that was
very important but very dangerous
because he needed
to protect his son who he loved
more than anything in the world.
Do you remember who that man is?
- My pa.
- [chuckles]
Your dad.
- [Isaac] Mm. Fuckin' delicious, man.
- [men] Mm-hmm.
[Gabriel] It's good.
Just try it with some of this.
[Isaac] Ah!
[Gabriel] What's wrong, man?
Just use the fork.
Have you used one of those?
We'll get you one.
[all chuckling]
[Soulless] That's not the problem.
You're taking too much time.
The ones who are watching us from the top
think we need to get on with it.
Tell us something we don't know, man.
Yo, why don't we rush what we do?
Because we don't wanna
do the job like shit.
[Isaac] And why not?
[woman] So we don't get caught
like those playboys did this week.
- Listen to her. She's smart, man.
- [Gabriel chuckles]
[Isaac] I leave no trace, man.
And I'm definitely
not stupid enough to kill a cop.
It's in the past. That happened ages ago.
[Isaac] Yeah, but that cop was the partner
of the guy investigating Proguard.
- [Amaro] Benício is his name.
- [Isaac] Hmm.
- He's tightly wound.
- Yeah.
No life. He's never
gonna forget about that.
So cut it out with this bullshit, trying
to teach us how to eat sushi with a fork
'cause all you're doing is shitting
on a wonderful afternoon of sushi.
- Get a life! Just fucking eat, boy.
- [all laughing]
You do realize there will come a time
when every one of us
will have to get our hands dirty.
And then,
and only then, you will have my respect.
[dramatic music playing]
[phone beeps]
The job was set up by the Ambassador.
The order came with short notice
that it was impossible to alert the police
so that the incident
could have been avoided.
If you're not in the field,
you can't know how it is.
It's a quick decision you make to kill.
Kill a police officer?
I'm not ready for that, man.
- Kill him, man!
- [voices echoing]
Do it! Finish it!
Or to be killed.
- [phone beeps]
- [sighs]
We discovered
three accounting docs on Mamute's phone.
And man, they have
an incredible level of detail.
The first lists his expenses
for the prison break at Foz penitentiary,
where Santos was shot.
The second contains the plans
for the heist on Proguard.
And the third, sincerely,
it's really unlike anything I've seen.
[Suellen] What do you mean?
[Assunção] It contains amounts
four times higher
than those other two sheets
combined together.
Yeah, Alvinegro said something
really big was going to happen.
Okay, but wait a second.
Was the Loanda heist even in those plans?
- [Assunção] No, it wasn't.
- Then maybe it wasn't planned.
They did that robbery to get back
the funds they lost at Proguard,
but it didn't work out.
[Suellen] So these guys
start to be pretty fucked, right?
They don't have the funds
to do some big town takeover.
[Benício] Look, you might think I'm crazy,
or obsessed, or whatever else,
but to me,
Soulless is still the key
to the whole thing.
This guy is on our radar for months,
yet no one knows anything about him!
[Rossi] Nobody's
disagreeing with you, Benício,
but Turcão was our biggest lead
up to this point, and he's been murdered.
Sometimes the dead still speak.
[curious music playing]
[Suellen] Well, the only thing
Turcão's daughter told us
was that he spent some time in prison
in Mato Grosso.
Hey, Assunção, can't we just look up
the names of the guys that were
in prison with him at the same time?
[Assunção] Their system
hasn't been digitized yet.
There's nothing here
and no way to search the data.
But the data's there, right?
All right. So this is the heated
magnetic stirrer, the orbital shaker.
- On that side, there's the cell
- The cell and tissue disruptor.
That's the thermal cycler,
and the pipetting machine.
Then it all goes through
the DNA sequencer, right?
Yeah. You know what everything's called.
Now, can you use it?
I'm sure I'll pick it up.
I'm at home here.
[woman] Good. That's great.
And honestly,
you've got the best teacher, right?
Especially compared
to the other people here.
Look, we usually follow
these work order requests.
That's great, but
I really want to try out this idea
I've been having to put it into action.
- What do you mean?
- [Yuri] It's just an idea.
I'll look at previous investigations
and pull samples of DNA.
Gloves, balaclavas,
bullets, the whole deal.
Right, like I did
with the Ghost Gang that time.
Right. Yeah, you were there. Of course.
[woman] Well, it won't be easy.
You've just arrived, so you'll have to get
supervisors to sign off.
I can help with some of it if you want.
No, that won't be necessary.
The challenge is mine.
Oh, Fernando,
I don't have time for this. I'm sorry.
Hey, what are you doing?
I have to go. I mean it!
I don't need long. Yeah?
[both breathing heavily]
- [Suellen] Oh fuck, I'm gonna be late.
- Oh yeah?
- [Suellen] Really late.
- Oh yeah?
["Ser Sua" by Flora Matos playing]
I think I need to take
more business trips.
[man] This dipshit is walking so slowly.
Ah, the longer he takes to do his rounds,
the better it is.
[man] Haste makes waste, right?
This is taking forever.
Take my picture. We have time.
Come on. I'm looking good.
Here he comes.
- [man] Dickwad's back.
- [Gabriel] Eleven minutes.
[man] Copy that. Eleven minutes.
Get my close-up. What are you waiting for?
Take a photo.
- [man] Idiot kid.
- [laughs]
Goddamn. You said 11 minutes.
It's 10 minutes, 53 seconds.
[scoffs] Come on, bro.
It's a seven-second difference.
Seven seconds? That's the difference
between heaven and hell, bro.
Between counting money
and sitting in a cell somewhere.
Bloody hell!
Lobo, what can we do to make up for it?
There's only one way
to make those seconds up.
As we make this turn around,
Cruel, you stay in the car.
These files contain
information on every prisoner
ever been held here
since the prison opened.
They're organized alphabetically.
Rachif Nabil Said. Review the S.
[guard] Uh, it could be under R or N too.
It's not that well organized.
Okay, thanks.
[blows air]
So you take the Rs, and I take the S?
And whoever finds him gets a beer?
[laughs softly]
You're on.
[hip-hop music playing]
- Benício, go get my beer.
- That's our guy?
- [laughs]
- [Benício] Who was his cellmate?
Hang on. It's a long list.
He was here for 12 years.
Shit, they used their real names
instead of their street names.
Ary Fonseca Paixão,
Leonardo de Jesus da Silva, Manoel
We have to pull the files
on all of these guys?
- Son of a bitch.
- [laughs]
Just keep that beer
in the fridge, please, for now.
You missin' Foz already, are ya?
- Oh yeah.
- What was the first one? A?
Ary Fonseca Paixão, or A, or F, or P.
[Yuri] You can put them
right here, please.
Thank you.
- [woman] So you got the files?
- Sure did. It wasn't too hard.
That's really great, man.
You can leave it right here.
Imagine how much our bank can grow
if all this contains DNA.
And plus, how this can change
the way we investigate crimes.
Everybody will collect DNA.
[sighs] That's been my battle
since I got here.
Look, I don't want to speculate too much,
but this could win DNA Hit of the Year.
Imagine? The Oscars of forensics.
- [Suellen] Holy shit!
- Looks like him?
Fuck yeah.
[camera shutter clicks]
Rossi, we just found Soulless's file
under the name
Wellington Pereira.
[guard] Wellington?
I remember. Yeah, I remember him.
Very well.
I liked Wellington.
When I arrived at the jail,
he was already here,
but I didn't know him as Soulless.
- Back then, they called him Sombra.
- What was he like when he was here?
[guard laughs] That depends.
Before or after the miracle of Jesus?
But why? Did he find God
while he was here?
It changed him completely.
- [Benício] And you're sure it was him?
- Absolutely. It's him, I'm sure.
Zito was the one who converted him.
Zito was really good at all that stuff,
so much so that when he got out,
he started a church here in town.
Here in Rondonópolis?
- [guard] Exactly.
- Do you know where?
[guard] Sure, sure.
Everyone knows where it is.
My brothers, I have spoken about
this before. It was the grace of God
[man] Amen, Pastor. Amen.
that led
my daughter to forgive me.
- [man] Praise God!
- [pastor] I was trying to fool myself.
Telling myself that my life in crime
was about earning money for my family,
but I was just thinking of myself.
And far from my daughter,
it was easier to hide my own selfishness.
- Amen.
- [congregation] Amen!
- Hallelujah, brothers.
- [congregation] Hallelujah!
- Glory to God.
- [congregation] Glory to God!
- [pastor] Peace be with you.
- [woman] Peace be with you.
- [Suellen] Pastor
- No, that's not necessary.
- Federal officers?
- Agent Benício.
[Suellen] Agent Suellen.
Pastor, we've come here today
to recover a soul that you have lost.
Wellington Pereira.
I have no idea
of his whereabouts these days.
What do you wanna know from me?
All of it.
[pastor] Wellington
is living proof of the power of the Lord
and the temptations of the devil.
A living, breathing battle between them
that I sometimes talk about
in my services.
Wellington was the most
proficient killer in São Paulo.
[door rattles]
He was feared and respected.
[door closes]
But only by those who never knew
the true meaning of respect.
[guard] Fifteen minutes, eh?
[pastor] But one day,
a new lawyer was assigned to his case.
[door closes, lock turns]
[pastor] Some people say
that I saved Wellington's soul,
but Jesus is always the one who saves.
It was he who made Mônica see
what no one else could.
[Suellen] Which was?
That he was really a good boy.
A good soul.
Abandoned by his parents,
a victim of abuse,
who, in the world of organized crime,
had found a purpose.
When Wellington saw that Mônica
had faith that he could change his ways,
he started coming
to church services in the prison.
He converted.
I married them myself.
So he's married?
A subpoena is the only way I'll continue.
I don't know the story
of Sombra or Soulless.
I know Wellington's.
All I can say about Wellington is
he's a good man.
[Suellen] Okay.
We appreciate it, Pastor.
[dramatic music playing]
[man] Slow down. Slow down!
[Suellen] Mm-hmm.
No, I'm on my way to the airport.
I'll probably get back around 11:00.
Okay. Tell her Mommy will be there soon.
Will be there really soon.
Love you. Bye.
What's wrong?
Mônica's alive.
She stopped working suddenly
and moved to a small town.
Assunção found her.
Here, Rossi just messaged me.
- Motherfucker.
- Right?
Assunção could find a needle
in a haystack. Why were you freaking out?
She's in Santa Isabel,
and Rossi wants us to go straight there.
- Oh, come on. No way, man.
- That's what I was telling you.
- I just said I was
- I tried to fucking warn you.
- Assunção is a fucking beast.
- I know.
- He's never off, man.
- No, he's not.
- Come on. They're booking our flights now.
- Oy!
[Benício] Is it?
[mysterious music playing]
[Suellen] And who are those two,
do you think?
No. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Look at 'em, man.
They're definitely not federal.
[Suellen] Hmm.
Let's go over to 'em.
- [chuckles]
- Give 'em a little scare.
Federal Police.
[man] Whoa. Afternoon, agent.
How's it going?
- What's going on?
- We're working. We're civil officers.
- [Suellen] Got it.
- Would you like to see our badges?
I don't think that's necessary.
It's pretty obvious.
[laughs] That could be,
but don't you think it's a little risky
coming out here by yourself?
Who says I'm by myself?
Why would you make that assumption?
Hey. How's it goin'?
[playful music]
[phone ringing and buzzing]
[tense music playing]
[Isaac] The stuff about Benício
and the trouble with Soulless,
that won you some points, man.
Now you deal directly with me.
That money you got is just the beginning.
Next time, you'll get double.
As long as you do your job properly.
What you got for me today?
[Guilherme] Benício
and another police officer, um,
have been sent out to Santa Isabel.
They're there casing a woman who seems
like she used to be married to Soulless.
- That's all they said.
- Right.
If they find out Soulless's location,
if they're getting close,
or mention the Ghost Gang,
call this number immediately.
Sure, no problem. I mean,
they don't tell me everything they do.
You'll manage. You're a smart guy.
Start by finding out
where they're staying.
And welcome to the family.
We'll take very good care of you.
[officer] Mônica falsifies documents
for a local gang of cargo thieves.
We're not the ones investigating.
This comes from São José.
But they reached out
to ask for our help a while back.
- To surveil her house, and such.
- Mm-hmm.
[officer 2] Getting home late kinda sucks,
but, hey, it's our job, right?
[officer 1] He says it's annoying,
but I think it's great.
- Nothing ever happens here. It's boring.
- [Benício] Yeah, I get it.
[Suellen] So you don't know anything
about a husband or an ex-husband?
[officer 1] Nothing.
She hardly goes out of the house.
She just goes out to go to work,
go to church,
or to pick up her kid from school.
Her kid?
- What? She has children?
- [officer 1] She does.
[officer 2] A four-year-old son.
No father listed on the birth certificate,
and we couldn't track down
a marriage license.
[Suellen] It seems she was married
in a religious ceremony.
That would have been
back about four years ago.
- About the age of the kid.
- [Suellen] True.
[Benício] Suellen, look at this.
[Suellen] Shit, Benício.
- Wow.
- Wow.
["Música de Guerra" by Rashid playing]
- [Isaac] Check it out.
- [Lobo] What is it?
- [Isaac] I have a job I need you to do.
- [Lobo] Where?
- It's out of the city.
- [Lobo] Okay.
Here are the details.
That's all you need to know.
- Is this just between you and me?
- That's right. I trust you, man.
- No problem. Consider it done.
- Good luck. Thanks, brother.
- How's it going?
- [man] Good, boss.
You've got until the driver gets back
to tell me what you need.
A unique opportunity has come up
to incriminate Soulless.
It would be a first here in Brazil,
but it's been done in other countries.
But I need your permission
to collect a DNA sample from his son.
The mother will definitely not allow it.
- Well, is this kid underage?
- Yeah.
It's controversial, I know.
But, Your Honor,
remember the DNA on the sausage?
I was right, wasn't I?
This is the future, Your Honor.
DNA is not going away.
The justice system must adapt.
And then we would be
at the forefront of it all.
And allow me one more request.
I'm going to need a bug
and a wiretap.
Federal team, the location is clear.
[over radio] Copy that. Let's break in.
Done, Suellen.
[phone ringing]
[woman] Hello?
No, go ahead.
From a popsicle stick?
Can you have a courier send it over
urgently and have it sent directly to me?
Thank you.
[Russo] There are some days in this job
where you're a fuckin' idol.
You put together an AK-47
in front of everyone,
and you get their respect.
Then there are days like today
where, if you think about it,
you're just a low-level employee.
We can wear all the gold we want,
but at the end of the day,
we're just shitty peons.
I need something bigger.
You want to manage bigger,
the risk you take gets bigger too.
That doesn't scare me.
Well, it should scare you.
[tapping on phone]
Two federal agents
far from home on another lonely night.
[laughs] What gets into you, man?
Why do you start up with this shit?
It's the truth.
Once I finish this can,
I'm gonna go to my room and rest.
You would miss the chance
to possibly hear Soulless on the phone?
Oh please, Benício!
All we've heard so far is
the pizza delivery guy and a telemarketer.
If something comes up,
you can just get me from my room.
Suellen, we're the same.
How are we the same, you and I?
Just because I can put up with you
doesn't mean I'm the same as you.
On the contrary.
Could you imagine two Benícios? God no!
What I mean
is that you like
the adrenaline in the moment.
[laughs softly]
Do you think all police officers
have to deal with
"When are you coming home?"
Well, say something, dude.
[Benício inhales deeply]
[clears throat]
I don't know.
I think the only thing
that cops and criminals
have in common is fucking up their kids.
[Suellen] Yeah, maybe.
I might be an exception to that rule.
As a daughter, I mean. Because as a mom,
I think it's too early to tell.
Well, maybe that exception
could be hereditary.
What's the deal
between you and your kid anyway?
Ever since we were told
that Soulless has a son,
you've been a little
Acting a bit weird.
- I am weird.
- Oh, Benício, come on.
Cut it out.
You fight the chance to talk about it
unless you're on the verge of death?
[phone ringing and buzzing]
Hi, my love.
How are you? How is she?
And how are you?
[Suellen chuckles]
I also miss you, babe.
- [Benício urinating]
- You guys went there?
- Oh yeah?
- [urinating continues]
[Suellen chuckles]
What? No. What noise?
No, hon, I'm by myself, obviously.
[toilet flushes]
Hang on just one sec.
Tonight when you go to sleep,
please leave the computer on
and recording.
Yes, ma'am.
[whispers] Piss off!
Hi, honey. Sorry. No, I was seeing
if I could have food brought up.
The best club sandwich here, seriously.
Honey, if you knew him better, you'd laugh
at the idea of being jealous of him.
- [receptionist] I'll get your key, sir.
- [dark music playing]
- Come on, get out. Come on!
- [man] Go, go, go!
- [Russo] Move it, damn it. Quickly!
- [man] Go! Go!
- Hurry the fuck up, fuckers.
- [man] Let's go.
- [Russo] Go! Go!
- [man] Come on.
Let's go! Hurry up.
- Move!
- [Russo] This way. This way!
[man] Move, move.
Let's go. Come on!
[men laughing]
I fucking scared you, asshole!
You made it to the party, hijos de puta.
Now you're going to become
men with cojones!
[hip-hop music playing]
[Djeison] Welcome to
the Ambassador's hacienda.
Let's go.
[unsettling music playing]
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
[knock on door]
[Suellen] Ah!
- [Benício chuckles]
- I got you a club sandwich, man.
- [Benício] I got you one too. Let's eat.
- [Suellen] Yeah? Sure.
If this doesn't pan out, at least we've
found the best club sandwich in the city.
[Suellen sighs]
[Benício sighs]
They don't know about the job.
It's just those two.
[Isaac] Okay. Did you wire their rooms?
Sure did.
Should I dispose of them, or what?
You lay a finger on them,
and you'll be a dead man walking.
Feds, we just observe. Keep me posted.
[mellow guitar music playing]
[Isaac] Good. Everything brand new?
New SIM?
Affirmative, boss.
Ah, yeah.
[Amaro] Cruel.
- Where's Lobo at, man?
- Santa Isabel.
What's he doing there?
I don't know. Maybe I didn't hear right.
[Mônica] What is it?
You're scaring me, Wellington.
[inhales deeply]
You've said too much, Mônica.
Your actions hurt one of our brothers.
- [Mônica] I thought he had
- The cops.
They busted him. They have him here.
How could I have known?
My God, I didn't mean to.
Leave God out of this, Mônica.
You tipped them off. Got it?
Now the Organization has a hit on you.
But here's the thing. I spoke up.
I'm trying to save you.
It wasn't easy or good,
but it was the only thing I could do.
When I get out of here,
I'm going to carry on my journey
with the organization
You have found God.
- They already said you could be released.
- [Soulless] Now I have promises to keep.
- My word is my bond.
- [Mônica] You gave me your word too.
Now I have to work for the family
because of your error. Got it?
That promise is binding for me.
You better not set foot in here again.
Is that clear?
We won't cross paths again.
You go your way,
and I'll go my way.
Thank you for
showing me a different side of myself.
A more human side of myself.
[Mônica] You are so much more than this.
You are the love of my life.
This will all pass.
We'll see each other again.
I'm sure of it.
We won't.
- Welling
- [Soulless] We won't.
- I gave the family my word.
- [Mônica] Please.
Let's work something out.
I can quit work. Move to Santa Isabel.
I'll wait for you there.
Me and your son.
I'm pregnant.
[indistinct chatter]
[party music playing over speakers]
Do you know it?
An M40 rifle, 7.62 caliber
with a telescopic scope.
The Mona Lisa of hunting rifles.
[Djeison laughs]
They say the only guys
who miss with this rifle
are the ones who can afford to buy it.
[Djeison laughs]
- You're funny, asshole.
- Hmm.
[Djeison laughs]
So, um, tell me. Is this really a big job?
[Djeison laughs] Yes, it is.
When's it happening?
When it's supposed to.
For now, you just practice shooting a gun
and enjoy yourself at the party.
[cocks gun]
[Lobo] Just pick the beach, and we'll
go there on vacation, baby, I prom
Hang on.
Hang on. I'll call you back
in just a minute.
Hey, man.
- What's with the gun?
- Set your gun down on the bed.
- [Lobo] But why?
- Put your gun down, I said.
[Lobo] There. Take it.
What's this about, man?
What's wrong?
What the fuck are you doing,
going after my family out here?
Your family? I'm not after your family.
The feds are the ones out here.
We thought they found out about the heist,
but turns out they're going after
your wife, your son.
They collected your son's DNA
to get after you.
Did those fuckers touch my boy?
I don't know if they touched him, man.
I just came out here to wiretap them
to see what they're up to.
To see if they're tailing us or you.
Nobody better touch my family.
Is that clear, fucker?
[Lobo] I won't tell anyone about this.
It's between us. You have my word.
[door opens, closes]
[gentle acoustic music playing]
[sobbing quietly]
[phone ringing]
[phone picked up]
[Mônica] Hello?
[tense music playing]
[man breathing heavily on phone]
[Mônica] Wellington?
[Soulless] Hello, sweetheart.
I needed
I needed to hear your voice.
[Mônica breathing deeply]
[Mônica] It's been four years
since you
[Soulless] How's the boy?
He knows everything.
He knows you're coming back.
[Soulless] I was almost killed.
And it made me think
that I couldn't spend another minute
without talking to you
or knowing about him.
[Mônica] I saw guys
from the Organization
The Organization won't know about this.
Is that clear?
Don't you worry.
But I can't do any more right now.
Go into his room and+
and give him a kiss for me.
It feels like you're close to me.
That's because I am.
[unsettling music playing]
[breathes deeply]
[cocks gun]
[breathing deeply]
- [phone chimes]
- [Suellen sighs]
Assunção, you're on speaker.
[Assunção] I traced his phone.
I'm sending you the location.
It's nearby.
Nearby here?
We'll get backup
from the local civil police force.
Fine job, Assunção. Thanks.
[Benício] Hurry up.
I'm sending you the location
of where the phone pinged for Soulless.
[officer] Confirming receipt
of the location.
We're familiar with the area.
It's just an abandoned warehouse.
[Benício] Gangs can use places like that
as a base when they seize a town.
- We can capture him. We're nearby.
- Negative. Our ETA is about ten minutes.
Anything could happen with this guy,
and we don't know if he's alone,
so wait for us.
Dude, let's move in and get this guy.
We're not gonna lose him
after tailing him for so long. Come on.
[tense music playing]
- [officer 2] There's nothing here.
- [officer 1] Look over there.
[music building]
[phone ringing and buzzing]
[both yell]
[siren wailing in distance]
[indistinct chatter over radio]
[Suellen] They'd been [sighs]
surveilling her for some time now
and thought maybe that
she could lead them
to a local gang or something.
[officer] Fuck that, lady.
Because of that bitch,
Beto and Noronha are gone.
We gotta put her behind bars.
[Benício] How did he know
that we were here in Santa Isabel?
That we had wiretapped the house, damn it?
You tell me how the fuck he knew all that.
Obviously, there's a mole.
- Could it be the Civil Police?
- No, no. It wasn't.
Only Beto and Noronha
knew about this shit here.
Who else, though? Just a few people
know about it anyway, Benício.
Someone from inside.
You think it's our team?
You think it's our fucking team?
tell me one thing.
Who understands criminals
better than other criminals?
He's not even
on the investigation anymore.
Then you tell me how was he able
to find me on the river in Loanda.
That was pretty fucking odd.
[unsettling music playing]
[Russo in background]
I tell you, she was blonde.
- She was a blonde bombshell, bro!
- [Djeison laughs]
[Djeison] You were drunk, man.
[Russo] You were drunker than I was, dude!
- What are you talking about?
- [both laughing]
Fuckin' hell!
Scuse me, boss. Uh, I've just never sat
on something so soft. It's comfortable.
It is.
tell him what's gonna happen to his ass
if he doesn't get up off the boss's sofa.
[both laugh]
Look at his face! [whoops]
He just shat himself there, huh?
Fuckin' loser. All you need is
a cold cocktail and a charcuterie board.
The fuck?
He has never seen a sofa that nice.
Yeah, claro.
- Let's go outside. Come on!
- Máscara, let's go.
- [Djeison laughs] That guy! What a trick.
- [Russo] Her hair wasn't dyed.
No, man, she was a natural blonde.
Everyone get out.
Get the fuck out.
Where the fuck did you go?
I had some shit to handle.
You're a real motherfucker, man.
Coming back here after you blew up
two cops before my operation?
Anyone who goes after my family
is finished.
That goes for the feds,
and that goes for you too.
You think you killed that Benício guy?
You killed two civilian officers,
you fucking idiot!
You're screwing with my fucking job, boy.
Just keep talking,
and I'll make sure to quiet you down.
Now, we're gonna leave,
and if I say "get going," it means go.
[Gabriel] We have
10 minutes and 53 seconds.
Afternoon, pal.
We got a tip about some narcotics.
Our team in there has requested backup.
Don't sound the alarm, okay?
We don't want 'em to run.
[guard] One moment.
[men shouting]
[man] On the ground!
- [Isaac] Come on! You, too, motherfucker!
- [men shouting indistinctly]
- [Gabriel] Look out. Come on.
- [man] Come on, you guys.
- [Soulless] Go, go, go.
- [Isaac] Keep moving. Let's go!
- [Gabriel] Go on!
- [Isaac] You too!
- [Gabriel] Keep moving.
- [Isaac] Move.
[Gabriel] Faster!
Go, go, go!
Turn around, face me,
sit on your hands, now!
[Isaac] If everyone does as they're told,
no one gets hurt.
Now, where is the shipment from DC-ALF?
Who can tell me?
Am I gonna have to ask again?
Tell me now, or I'll blow
someone's fucking head off.
- It's J. Over in aisle J.
- Come with me. Show me.
- [man 1] Who can operate a forklift?
- [man 2] I can.
[Gabriel] Move, move, quick.
If everyone does their part,
you're all gonna be fine.
[men shouting indistinctly]
[woman] Over there.
It's that one up there. The blue one.
[man 1] Now! No time to waste.
[forklift whirring]
[man 1] Come on. Come on.
[Soulless] Bring it down.
Turn it. Turn it this way.
Facing back, okay?
[Isaac] Four and a half minutes.
Come on, bring it down.
[Soulless] This way. Put it here.
Push it. Push it.
[Lobo] Come on. That's it.
Keep moving.
Eyes on the floor, motherfucker!
- [Isaac] Drop it.
- [Soulless] Reverse the forklift.
[Isaac] All right, buddy.
It's all up to you now.
[steady beeping]
[rapid beeping]
- [Isaac] Let's go.
- [Soulless] Be ready to move. Pick it up!
[Gabriel] Come on. Let's go!
Move that way!
Holy shit!
- [Soulless] Bring the forklift.
- [Gabriel] Go!
[Isaac] We've only got three minutes
to get out of here!
[Lobo] Heads down.
- Put your heads down!
- [Gabriel] There, lower it in the van.
[Isaac] Everyone in.
[man] The patrol's right on time.
How's it going?
[engine turns over]
[Isaac] Fucking hell!
[engine revving]
It's too fucking heavy!
We have to take some of the gold out.
[Soulless] No fucking way.
[man] Where the fuck are you?
[engine revving]
[Isaac] Fucking hell.
It won't fucking move!
- We have to leave something.
- [Soulless] You three, get out.
- [Isaac] What the hell? We're family!
- [Soulless] Get in the other truck!
- [Gabriel] Take it easy.
- [Soulless] Get the fuck out.
- [man] They're getting closer.
- [Isaac] Go, go, go, go, go!
- Get in! Get in!
- Come on!
- Let's go! Come on!
- Let's go!
Look at the fucking time, Gabriel.
- [Isaac] The tip was bogus. Thanks.
- [guard] Copy that.
[Isaac] I have only one thing to say.
A metric ton of gold
and not a shot fired, boy! Ha!
It's still not over.
["Música de Guerra" by Rashid playing]
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