Cupid (2009) s01e06 Episode Script

Left of the Dial

I put Lou Reed, Jimmy Reed, including Jerry Reed, R.
, pil, XTC, and now are n-so for the paving.
Three hours ago, this station n ³ officially became property analogous to a huge conglomerate ³ nimo And now my agent are trying to pull the door down I have decided to ignore List of topics group analyzed and market testing provided by our new corporate masters.
I am Jack Kozakowski, and do what I want, at least for a few hours more s.
Here is someone who will need to hear.
My favorite person between callers, begin as soon as to put all of us xitos, she will never listen n this station again.
Asa-s that are listening, Sweet Jane, called ¡mame.
Yes, © called to order by a bear.
As predicted, now I need to the mole sauce Felix daily.
I am fascinated by these small O Wax Slabs Acetate and even more s.
Please, dà © jame s once more, whatever you put your heart n want.
What are we listening? The most s better soon, Jane.
all I have here is a granola bar.
Those bastards are going to kill hunger.
Okay, I put a container extra mole sauce here.
S shall be tempted to rtelo © baby.
I recommend you do not do it.
- Trevor, that's my mole.
- Give him what he wants, goes for more.
I have a couple.
I guess that covers © their turn, © and feed to your psychiatrist.
Closing time.
Última call for drinks.
I appreciate the support.
I received dozens Call just not what we want you.
And look at that.
A call in batitelà © fono.
Are you s-air with Jack.
Hello, Jack.
Sweet Jane.
Saba-to-appear as.
 You call with an order? "Build Havana" Future Clouds and Radar.
My favorite song No one of my favorite artists.
Robert Harrison, the power of Elvis pseudoartÃstico pop.
Simply assumed to-be tell the truth.
We both know that never again ¡sa listen to this program after s today.
This is our last call.
Come and see us, face to face.
We have something here, Jane, something strange.
Sorry, Jack.
I can not.
She is so much undone, can not be repaired And I am so torn down, I can not understand # Cross-là nea today, Jack.
The Corporation will will want your head.
We both know that this is not going to happen, Sussman.
I am the Ginger Rogers Fred Astaire corporate.
They give me a salary, and I give class.
Morning until then.
Eres tà º.
The type of food.
The type of food / love detective.
I will help find the Sweet Jane.
So I thought, is like that will be my day-to-a Be demolished on the radio my girl soa ± ada and then bring a strange kind o my apartment to dock with Mexican food.
- That seems to have crack.
- She will not be knocked down.
- I was flirting with you.
- Are you s stoned.
I've been flirting with Sweet Jane in the line of orders for five years.
SÃ © sounds how to flirt.
Today it was demolished.
 What if she had said, "Yes, come and see us? -  ¿¡l Cua was the plan then? - That's the point.
Not need a plan.
We're the same person.
We have the same taste.
All the things I love, get out, watch bands, travel, you know º, do nothing on weekends, listen to discs, talking about music She should-a been my companions was in the crime.
This is the only tangible thing I have of it.
- Sent him to the station ³ n some time.
- Â ¿45? No, not all 45.
Otis Redding.
"You left the water running," Published in tribute stumo ³ spend.
I had no direction of devolucià ³ n in the envelope.
© revised.
Well, now we know how to find it.
How is that? Well, because, dear Watson Now we know that is the kind of girl who forgets to remove the label the price of the gifts.
Vinyl Countdown.
That is in Queens.
I have the afternoon off.
 ¿Y tà º? "You left the water running.
" '76, Edited by Tiny Label Memphis, but no one bothers to clarify ³ n ³ with the succession of Otis Redding.
The lawyers took it, and  ¡boom! Article instant collector ¡neo.
This place is a hidden treasure.
Why not get more movement s n? Because we have nothing edited s after the 1Â ° in August 1981.
Why August 198 -- Saturday black.
It's the day it was released ³ MTV.
As you can see, the straight-lines in the sand models do not make business extraordinary.
 Do you have any idea what women bought ³ this two years ago? Wait.
DÃ © jame review my extensive database database shop on the computer.
I have no idea.
Rather Atlantic Soul to Motown Records.
His favorite album à ¡ de Clash's "Sandinista.
" "Sandinista.
" Okay, sounds like a bell.
There is only one woman to come here.
 Name?  It sounds how to? Is starts with? Yes.
I have nothing.
Here are some detenÃa s after work.
Wore an apron of of Town Grocery.
They are here.
Lo sà ©.
- How? - Are you going n Service Industry.
 ¿The best banda indie pop power outside of Austin? Know Tà º,  ¿instead of Muzak? Price Salsa Ma Pavia for spaghetti.
Is Sweet Jane? Your label may say "Sarah" but you might recognize voice anywhere.
Oh, God.
Why did you have to pick? This ruins everything.
P r e s e n t A Translation of: angie.
cortes, Garper, Iriel, and niko729 couch.
Adjustments and Correction n Iriel.
Cupid - S01E06 Left of the Dial I guess expected a little more of s Not only © perhaps your most enthusiastic reaction ³ n.
I thought we have something like what we had on the radio.
What we had on the radio was great, but I already have too many men in my life.
Manager to register six.
Look, I gotta go.
Sorry, Jack.
Simply Tena you filed in a very specific place in my life.
³ It works for me.
Well, I will then © Yes, with my dignity shattered.
They are good.
Well, I guess it's true.
I have a face made for radio.
But I suppose that if no doliera people do not escribrirÃa songs about it, or take the path to rapid top of Library Tower.
S Are you running with the white flag when our troops No still can take the hill.
We will make another attempt.
Hear what I said.
Are Too many men in your life? Yes, look, I see this as an opening.
She has no exclusivity with anyone.
At least we know who you are within our grasp.
I can not believe I'm saying it but, listening.
Some of you have expressed the wish that we focus in our meetings s to know more single people, instead of just talking about being single.
-Â ¡SÃ! To that end, I gustarÃa set appointments coffeepots for any of you who © are willing to do so.
-Â ¡SÃ! I will send by email every one of you an online questionnaire that I am developing for "DateWell", a new service internet meetings No.
Claire, computers are for Role-playing games with multiplayer.
To upload videos graciosos your cat.
They can not find someone your soulmate.
Can identify interests what people share well not waste their time with eros incompatible companions.
I need some good men and women, 100 each to be guinea pigs So that, Do we have to take coffee with 100 men? No.
Only the person s which are paired.
And not have to.
It's completely voluntary.
 Do you understand this?  Will Samson and Delilah need a computer?  Will Brad and Jen needed  Does your parent need?  ¿Are you sure that these are s the examples you use?  Are we prepared to put both in the hands of those machines?  ¿Hasta dà ³ nde arrive?  ¿¡Cua ndo shall say "no more than s?  ¿¡Cua ndo, like John Henry, who took a hammer in his hand ³ hits and one steam locomotive? Now we can say No, thanks, computers, I have covered, otherwise in the near future We like all those people obese at the end of "Wall-E".
So that, n Who is me? Who joins me n saying, "enough is enough"? Let's ask.
Cua ¡Â ¿mentation of you want to try "DateWell? Require the appropriate pairings No complete attention to detail.
 Okay? How Jack  on the radio this morning? I am paired with a girl! Ndolo never seen.
 Can you believe it? Love at first sound.
- Computers can not do that.
- The questionnaire that I developed may discover the same connection n but without all the drama.
I interned for suggesting that I have a divine gift to do exactly what s tà º are trying to do.
I interned for the of the "divinity" not by the "gift".
And I do not pretend to be omniscient.
I have a meeting with a state-n stico the fol l ¡are helping me process numbers.
 ¿Statistics  Is that what we have come? Do you really think that a nerd º can do the job of the Gods? Hello.
I'm the nerd.
Peter Karnow.
It is a great honor finally meet you, Dr.
Lea-his book.
His work on the sign of the alizacià ³ n personality is clear and precise.
Well, thanks.
You're very kind.
And please call Claire ¡mame.
He is Trevor.
It is a railroad conductor, which is a very important which, sadly, not their ability to stay and chat.
¿En serio? ¿Tengo que irme? Porque quería estar aquí When you take your calculator love and quantify.
Buenas noches, Trevor.
I said, by the way, I hope you enjoy my quote "Pi.
" And by "Pi", I mean the relationship n my circle and my day! Meters.
Thank you very much for the encounter tonight.
- This will be very useful.
- Yes, it will be.
Hace rato me reuní con Kelsey Stanzler y hemos cubierto mucho terreno.
Is Kelsey Stanzler, columnist from "The Village Voice"? Saba not that "DateWell" was s using more of an expert.
We are covering interest in common and n values, and it is all about the atraccià will and desire, which may also be important, right? Algunas veces estas cosas no pueden pasarse por alto.
The Keith Jack to Mick.
We were never formally presented.
The name is Trevor and this bar chocolate are defective - ¿Quieres decir que está rancio? - No.
Esperaba un boleto dorado.
In its place there is something written in the wrap.
I really have no time for this.
Come on.
Sà ³ dà © jate the lead.
 Have you ever searched for a treasure? Tà º know where you to keep track.
I am familiar with the concept.
There is one here, in this market, which lets you lead Jack.
 ¡l ¿Cua is the best song of Prince of the 80 '? "Raspeberry Beret.
" Raspberry sorbet.
The best album for à ¡2:00 A.
"Velvet Underground & Nico.
" And there is one on the cover "The best song will be performed PA ³ stuma of all time.
" This is easy.
"Sitting on the dock of the bay" by Otis Redding.
Sarah is in the supermarket Thinking that I love # If only you could know the # or guitar lessons.
We eat at home help with homework.
That is not the life that you wish º n ning a single man, much less one that says best three months of his life were on a trip by car by 18 festivals.
The best three months, but this drive ³ lasts four months.
Lo que realmente quiero is to see as much as, as much as possible.
Well, prep ¡rate.
What they found in, can not be nice.
Hi, guys.
Hi, Trevor.
Hello, strange a.
How was your night? Â ¡returned home! Go home.
Adam never said that.
God, you're a baby ©.
Walking through dangerous terrain, Adam Miles Porter.
Of course, get on your side.
Is My Child ero called ³ ± a psychiatrist? Trevor not want-a ruin your event.
Ben ended up in the bathroom, - And apparently ³ - wet pants.
- SÃ.
- I thought that bean-masters beyond that.
The psychiatrist at the school, states that are associated with the absence of his father.
But when I began a new family, a year ago, the visits stopped.
The fear of abandonment can be very real Riots after a divorce.
I live a double dose.
Adam is in hiding your impassive facade, Ben and leads him to burst.
- Â So? How was it? - How was what? The pela-film, "Herbie is crazy.
" The appointment.
How was the appointment? The event was able to increase, but Not sà ©.
I think I have to assimilate, you know, what you what the kids mean.
Only I am I'm not sure can relate.
I have something to show you.
à ‰ ste n the room where it grows.
A shrine of rock n 'roll.
If you can not relate to these children, s are not trying enough.
Jack Kozakowski.
In person.
I listen to your program.
Hey, I appreciate that Child ± o "A".
Only to be very good.
but now sucks.
Thanks for the retroalimentacià ³ n.
It's not your fault can not put the music you want.
Why you want to AHA-working? Well, let's see keeps me off the streets, you know, pay rent, feeds my masochism general.
Yes, money.
I understand.
Watch four ¡n passes a rapid to be cone-worship to be sold one.
We did it.
200 have completed singles our online questionnaire.
A homogeneous mixture nea © your singles group, faithful readers Stanzler Kelsey, and friends of employees of DateWell.
- So, it is time to do so.
- So it seems.
 Do you love of Tamara Lempicka, ³ gift to you or a patient Christmas? I am a great Fana ¡tica, almost everything about Art Deco.
I also n.
In fact, I am a member of the Art Deco Society of New York.
Not that I go to meetings or something well.
- SÃ ³ I like it - - Â ¿-n receive a ticket? Yes.
To find out when he organized tours and things well.
Well, thanks for making me feel less stupid.
Well, we are both totally stupid.
- I guess that masters must-start.
- SÃ.
Yes, I can not wait to see whom to choose No more.
Do complete the questionnaire? A chef has to prove their own food, do not you think? Perhaps s tà º as must-try.
I'm not sure it is appropriate.
Use a pseudo ³ nimo.
¡Nobody knows.
See what results.
We have much in common n.
Receives a call at work today.
Give me ten seconds n ³ statements of to know that my life is not a lie.
- Do you like dinner ³ - ³ I love the food.
Both, in fact, that I want to celebrate now.
Remember when you said  we want to be me - One night a year or - not compared to the progeny.
Elvis Costello recorded a ¡ presentation of live in the Bowery in 90 minutes, and we, You and I are 2 of the 30 people on the list.
Trevor is waiting.
What say? Ve tà º.
Here at home-Porter we started our projects science fair à © sta night.
She does not suffer She does not, does not suffer She suffers no fools, suffers fools to suffer fools gladly to suffer fools gladly She does not suffer She does not #, # does not suffer She suffers no fools, suffers fools to suffer fools gladly to suffer fools gladly So that Is your new single is called, "R.
L? Yes.
Quer-to a à ¡album that reflects me, is not that last no you've done, it was me, Only it was a different me,  ¿sabes? "What happens ‰," Jack? " I think what I'm trying to say is that à ¡Ã © ste album really reflects new to me,  you know? As the "me now", although © recorded six months ago.
She does not suffer # # She does not #, # does not suffer She suffers no fools, suffers fools to suffer fools gladly to suffer fools gladly She's not # # She does not suffer She does not #, # does not suffer She does not suffer # # # She does not, does not suffer # "LET THE CLUB 80 WATTS.
 Do you want to come?" Clifford and I work together bamos! some time ago in a No station in Flagstaff that no longer exists.
Now a management No station in Seattle, - Says there is a job for me.
- Â In Seattle? That is, what I do here, Trevor, in New York are killing me.
Alla In Seattle, let me pass the music I want.
It is a space in peak hours.
It's the perfect job.
Except that it is in Seattle, which is why you fail.
I said I will take a few hours to think about it.
Look, maybe can take s work, you know, keep things with Sarah, and when we're ready © will ask her and the kids - To be living with me.
- Seriously, have you're a rookie? The life of Sarah, the lives of children, n-are here in New York.
She does not want loose ¡ and move the city from the west where it rains throughout the year where they do not know anyone.
She wants someone Raa pour ces - at your side and stabilized.
So-is-as will run it.
Hi, guys.
- Hello.
- Hi.
 Do you have a little late, eh? - Not that saba tena hours.
- Do not.
Are You ate it? Sorry, I did not.
Why do not you take a rest and you relax? Oye, Â ¿Jack? Say, Child ± o "A".
Morning of day one we have information, racing school.
Do you mind, to attend? Are fresh air with the rest of parents lawyers? Do not complicate that.
Do not start to play with the ball everywhere.
Nothing talks sex unless you need one.
Only what I want to be clear, © Do not rub your hair and tell you © "That's my boy, champions ³ n".
Yes, you've understood.
Okay, count me out.
Well, some friends and Bobby Ronson I know you do not believe that.
 Is everything okay? Yes.
Yes, everything perfect.
Who called ³ n? Nobody important.
I was awake all night worried so you were going to do.
- © tries to call you.
- Â Did you? So many times I did ³ mode feel Inca.
- I eat a whole cake.
- I stay, I stay.
I have three good reasons to stay in New York.
Excellent decision n.
 Do you have the afternoon off?  Want a legendary course click Kozakowski Jack discs? I will give a talk in the class the Child ± o "A" in Queens.
It may help you select-as disc.
- Almost done.
- Â ¿A what hours should there be? - 1:30.
- 1:30.
1:30 Â ¿? Jack, you just need one hours and is in Queens.
Dream as a wife, Trevor.
Nothing rocanrolero.
Well, I have 20 minutes against this class.
I can give you some education n.
I can make the kids go on the right track.
I can say some things that do not know but you like it.
I believe that most gustarÃa s to arrive on time.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, give me a minute.
Well, start with "White Lines" the great Flash.
Well, you know th, a public service, type anti-drugs or so.
The encantarÃa teacher.
Well, good, and towards Queens we are happy.
And "War Pigs" by Sabbath after s.
As a "CÃ ¡llense" the heads of hard to seventh grade, they also n are our future.
And then, maybe raspberries.
Yes, live to enjoy Power Pop Are 1:25.
Discussions have taken my car.
No, most had to pass either s less in the enjoyment of the Power Pop " s and more in the A-B-C not fail the kids.
The train started to move ¡ at a time.
The company MTA apologizes for the delay.
It does not work.
Outside area.
Yes, I think we will be sure to say that we lost.
You will have to compensate the Child ± o "A" a very good way.
Lo sà ©.
I suspect that her mother s will be more difficult to compensate.
Hey, Why not try again with her? I've tried like ten times, Â okay? She took the decision of no reply.
© Inta ntal again.
-I have been here for a while.
With the hand up to play, can not touch Sí, debería dejarlos para aclarar todo.
Really sorry.
I do not care.
TÃ º Talks to live.
You're good at that.
My children, they do not need to talk more s.
We have had our share men disappoint.
We need a man to appear.
You know what hard sorprenderÃa what is found.
Yes, but Sarah, I am not one of those disappoint you.
Perhaps it was.
I admit, it did not seek settle.
I do not want you.
SÃ ³ tena so the idea that were equal to me.
You were an era companions nà ³ mada of Rock'n'roll.
Is That-a must rejoice? Now I just feel it, waiting to get home for a night of pizza, imagining it as a Ben your spelling test, trying to get a smile to Adam.
When I think of home, just think en dà ³ nde are n tà º and kids.
I was never interested in anything that ³, but thinking that should go, I did fall in love with you.
What you say? I do not repeat the chorus.
The kids are in karate.
And the mother of his friend Milo the pick! ! to stay there to sleep.
Well, seems the perfect occasion listening to "Astral Weeks.
" You appeal to Porter.
Leave a message.
Jack, I am Cliffy.
 ¿Dà ³ nde am calling? Is it true   Have you tamed? That is a là ¡stima, because I have the better jobs throughout United States wait ndote in Seattle.
I asked more s time to consider the offer.
You will © s more time.
But lets be avoided, man.
We know that there is no way that you are happy playing that crap in the Top 40.
- Hello.
- Hi.
So that such n of the radio station Is Jack? Yes.
If she passes out on his và ³ mito, tà º is clean.
Jack, What happened? Sweet Jane.
³ broke me.
He said that just as tena-amos two possibilities.
Or that I let the end-a, or me and quedarÃa guardarÃa grudge him for that.
He said that only finish what ¡gicamente work.
I told him he was wrong.
She did not escucharÃa.
Not hear-a today.
Morning is a great to-day to listen.
There is nothing retained © ndome New York now.
Must-have taken to the Clifford bid.
Perhaps s have not covered.
No Maybe I can still call.
 © hà Your musical resigned Roes when it became difficult?  What did The Clash? Are The Beatles The Doors Are? Well, in that order, yes, yes, and I've killed men for less that suggest that some time, I liked The Doors.
If you are ready to s resign so easily, s perhaps Sarah reason tena n leave in free before they broke your heart n.
- Â ¿be punished? - I listen to Jack.
- Change radio station, Ben.
- No.
Frank, s are in the air in Red Hook.
Hey, What happened to Jack? - Why are not à © l - Jack Kozakowski was done a couple of weeks.
Now they are s with the Queen of the Moon.
Probably © is now in Seattle.
Ben, you can choose the station in the car, Â right? Something you like.
 Can you bring a coffee large, please? And, do you have algae º n croissants today? © I think took the last.
Do you realize that you are bound s share it with me now, no? I did what I suggested.
Can be very suggestive.
© Fill out a questionnaire, choose a pseudo ³ nimo.
I have just the results here in my bag.
Must-Do masters Too busy to  a second appointment but not too busy for a rare pastel? Is "No True Sign? "When you know, you know.
DÃ © Mosler welcome the dawn.
" Tà º sà ³ loss, filthy liar.
"Â ¿DÃ © Mosler welcome dawn?" I guess we can not forget the past 40 seconds, Â ¿no? No.
But we can forget all the time leading up to it.
I understand.
 ¿Aà º n want to see the results of the appointment?  Or if we lose match any s ¡ faith in computer dating? No.
"Tamara from Lemicka.
" Â Is that your match? Tamara.
That is a name sexy girl, Â ¿no? I met two Tamaras.
You can go in another direction n.
Tamara Sarah.
 ¿Are you turned off your cell phone? - Battery-to death.
- They called the school of Ben.
Have been trying localizarte for one hour.
It has become a trap in the boys' bathroom.
- Ben, Â ¿s are good? - SÃ.
³ I called my cell phone.
- I came as soon as I heard ©.
- I brought you some clothes Unless you want to stay what you post.
More or less I feel I have put a dress, so that Thanks for coming.
Thought-as to be in Seattle now.
Seattle does not sound right.
Flannel shirts, coffee, canotaje clubs.
Thanks, but no.
The fact is that I think New York n still has much to offer.
- Â You think? - SÃ.
I've been working on averigurar what work will make me happy.
I notice that if I can make it more happy, may then extend-a -a something to cheer.
How are running it? I think my answer will © at the time.
I like their chances.
His interests HACA not harm-an o.
Listen, I'm going to see Jack Sarah and the kids s after that for the grand opening.
- Algae º Â ¿n s interest in joining? - Â ¿Yo? Â Now? Do not pretend that we have other plans? - © Take my bag.
- Perfect.
Outside there is a # Van ³ n de # goods waiting # # Outside of the family  ¿s are Still concerned have CDs next to the vinyl? Tà º no know, with MP3s everywhere CDs are the new vinyl.
Retro enough.
Look at Adam.
He loves this place.
Yes, the nia ± o knows his stuff.
Le aste teach well.
Watch this.
All the bands © listens in college.
Pavement, Liz Phair.
I loved these Lemonheads Record.
 Do you have a turntable? No, but maybe get one.
Maybe find a guy who n also like disks.
Explore things in common n.
As your DateWell questionnaire.
DateWell and I split paths.
Why? Recent discoveries suggest me that a computer may be unable to identify factors required to bring a n relationship to life.
-Â ¿SÃ, this is where you reveling, presumes, bailecito do your victory? No dancing.
It seems that we have a dance circle problems ideolà ³ logical.
What, you think that computers can ar plays a role alongside people? Always working hand in hand with a human understanding of relations.
Look, I could have been a little precipitate hard you, Claire, and I owe you an apology for not being more open to s other perspectives.
Well, thanks, Trevor.
That really means a lot.
De nada, Tamara.
Here comes your man-
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