Curon (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

The Wolves

Hurry up!
Don't look at me.
I've been waiting for this moment
for 17 years.
What the fuck are you doing?
Get out, bitch.
Where are we going?
If I haven't already killed you,
there's a reason.
What happened to Pietro?
Are you still together?
I don't talk to monsters.
I'm not crazy.
But the monster begins to look like you.
Dad always cut them
The kids,
tell me everything about the kids.
You will never be like me.
I'll ask you again.
The kids.
Are you sure the light came from here?
No, please, not now. Don't come in.
Help. Help. We're here.
Come, Mauro. We're here.
Let's go home.
Where are you going at this time?
To Bolzano.
With the school.
Why haven't you told me anything?
After everything that happened,
it slipped our minds.
I don't believe you.
Mom, you're a pain in the ass.
We didn't want to tell you,
but at this point
Come on.
Let's go.
Come on, come.
Come, Mom.
Well, what's the matter?
Come, you won't expect this.
Come, let's go in.
Look out the window.
-No, Mauro. Really--
-Come on, Mom, it's a surprise.
And you'll like it.
-Come on.
Mauro, honey. Is this a joke?
Where's our mom? We know who you are.
Mauro, what are you saying?
Who told you these things? Grandpa?
You're not our mother! Where is she?
Mauro, it's useless. Let's go.
Open up!
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
I made you cookies.
Mom, real quick
Sorry, but friends are waiting for us.
Do you like it?
Are they good?
Is everything okay, Mom?
What's wrong?
It's been a very difficult period.
I made a lot of mistakes.
Also, these cookies are disgusting, right?
Don't ever doubt how much I love you.
Whatever happens.
That's how it is
and how it will always be.
Remember it.
Are you sure everything's okay?
You're beautiful.
See you later.
See you later.
-What the fuck is wrong with her?
-I don't know but she's acting strange.
Do you think it has to do with Dad?
What do you want to say?
Maybe she found out
if he is himself or his doppelgänger.
I don't know what to think anymore.
But now it's time to find out.
The kids?
They've already left.
And you?
No school today? Again?
It happened to me, too, Albert.
She's coming.
It's over.
Not while I'm here.
I'll go get the rifle.
In the meantime, you go close everything.
Father, what a relief.
Thanks for coming so soon.
An outstretched hand can do miracles.
Please. Come in.
The kid?
Where is he?
Here I am.
Father Luigi has come to visit us.
I called him,
given the events of the last few days.
The best of my life!
You see it?
Dear Lukas, come.
Let's go and have a talk.
Take your time. I'll go make you some tea.
You're worrying him.
You know, in life,
especially when you're young,
at a certain point, you get confused.
But there's nothing strange. It's normal.
Does it really happen to everyone?
Sure, son.
It's the most human thing in the world.
I feel different lately
At your age, you feel different
every day that passes.
You're only growing up.
There's a girl
and she's making me crazy.
Love is like fire.
Once you're in it,
you have to keep it going.
But we also have to be careful.
Because if we give it too much freedom,
in a minute, it can burn everything.
For instance
your father told me
that you took it out on the cat.
You almost got him fired
from the emporium.
Because I was confused, angry.
To use your same words
I let my fire burn for too long.
You promise that you'll think seriously
about what you did?
And that you'll pray?
You're a good boy.
Thanks, Father.
You, too.
So, Father?
Don't worry.
He's only a boy in love.
Mauro? Daria?
Open up!
Who is there?
It's me.
Help me.
Are you there?
The kids locked me in here and ran away.
They were saying crazy things.
Open it.
We have to go look for them.
Open it, please
Stand back.
Put down the rifle, you're scaring me.
I said stand back.
What have you told the kids?
They were out of their minds.
You're not my daughter.
Then, who the hell am I, Dad?
Shut up.
Why did you come to this prison cell
to check on me?
Every day for 17 years.
Why would you cook for me, cut my hair
and hug me, if I am not your daughter?
You were the only thing I had left.
I loved you.
But it was a mistake.
I didn't kill Anna.
I'm not a monster.
We still can be all
All together, all united,
like a real family.
It's all I want, I swear.
Where is she?
If you don't let me out,
I'll never tell you.
Turn around.
What's this Plain of the Dead?
A bunker.
A present from the Second World War.
Imagine a kind of labyrinth with tunnels.
It seems perfect for holding a prisoner.
Those who've been there
say it'll make you shiver.
Is there anything in Curon that doesn't?
Come on, let's keep hiking.
If we cut through the canyon, it's faster.
-Well, if I had my drone
-What would you do with it?
I'd check the area. Something's wrong.
What do you mean?
I don't know, I feel eyes on me.
-How long does it take to reach the top?
-Too long.
In fact, we'd have to find a shelter
for tonight.
The last time I slept outside,
I was on Chiara's terrace.
Totally drunk.
Milan, terraces, civilization
You can't understand.
Tell me the truth,
you can't wait to go back there.
If you behave yourself,
I'll take you there.
Once again, you're on your feet.
The twins have disappeared.
She is in the room upstairs.
But she doesn't want to tell me
where my daughter is.
I don't know what to do anymore.
She says we can live
all together, like a family.
It's not true.
We can't live with our shadows.
She killed Lili.
We don't know what she's done to Anna.
You can't trust her.
I'll go and find the twins.
You have to make her speak.
Don't worry, my friend.
Where's the rifle?
-Micki has taken all the bullets.
I don't know.
Let's close the doors.
What's happening?
She's here.
No. No.
Hey, hey.
Look at me. Look at me.
This family exists only because of you.
And I will defend you at all costs.
This is the only thing that matters now.
Now we wait here for her.
And we catch her by surprise.
I don't want to die.
Don't give up now.
-I'm gonna take a piss.
-I'll come with you.
It's better if no one stays alone.
You wait for us here.
What do you think it would be like?
Your doppelgänger.
I don't know.
But I hope it never comes out.
I would be curious.
It has to be like talking to a mirror.
Except the mirror wants to kill you.
You know
my mom's double is scary.
She is really scary.
But it seems like she really loves us.
On the contrary,
my father's is just a monster.
Dad would have
never pulled the rifle on you.
Do you think we'll find them?
-What was that?
-Nothing, a fox.
Mauro, where are you going? Wait.
-How nice that we are all together!
-We're all in this together.
As a child, I remember hearing them talk
about shadows in the lake.
If you're standing there I can't go.
Do you want some help?
Come on!
-Come on!
-All right.
-Where's Micki?
-I don't know.
I heard a noise, so I went to see.
And she wasn't there anymore.
It's useless to hide.
Don't move.
Don't kill me.
I'm like you.
How weak you are.
All your life after a man
who has never loved you.
I pity you.
Kill her.
Here she is.
She's here.
Are you okay? What happened?
Don't move.
Tell me where Anna is.
Tell me!
Stop, Lukas!
You are crazy.
What the fuck are you doing?
I didn't want it to come to this.
You forced me to do this.
Then you found out about me.
I have no choice now.
Let us go, Lukas.
Please let us go.
We won't say anything.
"We won't say anything."
How come you don't call me
"kitten" anymore?
And you, what do you want?
Do you have anything to say?
Do you really want to kill us?
We don't give a shit about who you are.
Please, Lukas
Shut up!
Of course I want to burn you.
-Where is she? Don't make me keep going.
-Fuck you!
I have to bring her back to her children.
They're my children,
they must stay with me!
We'll start all over again.
We can overcome everything.
I've always protected you,
and I always will.
But I don't love you.
It's always been like that.
These 17 years have been your dream,
not mine.
Now that Anna's come back
I have to go to her.
What the fuck do we do?
We are tied too tight.
Micki. Micki.
Please, you have to talk to him.
Lukas, listen to me.
If you let us go now, nothing will happen.
We can be friends again.
Now you're being so nice to me, right?
If you really loved me
we wouldn't be here right now.
Who's there?
Tell me!
-Are you all right?
They're looking for her
in the Plain of the Dead.
Therefore, my children
have also gone with them.
Micki is armed.
We have to go immediately.
What do we do with him?
Wait for me here.
-No, Lukas. No!
What did you want to do?
Daria, help me.
He must have loved Grandpa very much.
Guys, I found a place.
We'll stay here tonight.
It seems safe.
We can sleep over there.
But someone has to stand guard.
I'll go first.
I'll stay with you.
I wouldn't sleep anyway.
Albert has left you alone already?
It's impossible.
Apparently, it is possible.
Once we are here, you can't get rid of us.
You repressed us for a long time.
Do you want my life?
Take it.
Maybe you'll live it better than I did.
You won't suffer anymore.
I promise.
It's not great,
but it's better than nothing.
Do you hear that, too, or am I crazy?
They're deer.
The wolves weren't enough?
It's freezing.
Come here.
If I had died, I would have hated it.
It's all so absurd.
I'm sure that sooner or later,
I will wake up in my bed in Milan.
I will make myself some coffee.
And I'll ask myself what I smoked
last night to have such nightmares.
There's one good thing.
We've found each other now.
Well, I think
it's the only good thing I have.
I've never done it.
Me, neither.
Don't worry.
Look, you were lucky.
My sister is a disaster, trust me.
But I'm tired of waiting
for the right one.
You're telling me.
Honestly, Curon seems like
the worst place to find your soulmate.
It's snowing.
You know, if I liked boys,
I would have wanted to fall in love
with someone like you.
Once, you used to be sorry
Now, I'm sorry.
Let's go get our children back.
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