Dahaad (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

An Impossible Choice

This way, madam.
I was the one who called you.
The door's been locked all morning.
What are you staring at? Move them along!
This door.
Jehangir, kick it in.
Your wife is pregnant
and she's left the house.
Couldn't you have stopped her?
She's at her mother's.
Why make such a fuss?
I'm making a fuss?
Did you hear that? He'll soon be a father,
and he's still behaving like a kid.
I have a lot of work. I'm getting late.
Bring your wife back home.
Even an uncaring man would not
upset his wife at a time like this.
What about my feelings?
Well? What about them?
I don't want children.
I tried explaining that to Neelam.
Isn't it a bit late?
We can abort it.
Are you crazy? Don't talk like that.
What's come over you?
Children bring happiness.
You have no idea what
today's world is like.
Wolves prowl in the guise of human beings.
Why bring a child into this
wretched world and ruin its life?
What is it to you?
The world has bad people
and good ones too.
I can't see any.
This is between Neelam and me.
Don't interfere.
Bhaati sir!
A girl's body was found near
Malviya Nagar. Same pattern.
-A case has been filed in Jaipur.
-Get the jeep ready!
-Mansoor, come with me.
-Yes, sir.
Parghi, come.
Another girl's body was found.
The Superintendent has called
me about the Rajni case.
Your promotion is all you care about!
She's Aarti Mehar's sister.
Madam, there was no ID on her.
We sent her photo for identification
to all the nearby stations.
Hey, I'm sending you the address
of a girl called Aarti Mehar.
Bring someone from her
family to identify the body.
Any idea what happened?
Her body temperature had
fallen to minus five degrees.
It means the time
of death was around 7:00 a.m.
We'll know more after the postmortem.
Any signs of intercourse prior to death?
If she had a contraceptive pill,
would it show up in the postmortem?
If she took it soon before
the time of death, then maybe.
Those pills usually dissolve very quickly.
Tell the person who does
the postmortem to look out for a pill.
It could be doctored with cyanide.
Let's go.
Come, madam. In here.
Has everything gone to forensics?
Paper, chewing gum, rubber bands?
Yes, madam.
There was so much rubbish here.
The stench was unbearable.
Did you find an empty bottle of water?
There was one… we sent that too.
-I need the fingerprints report ASAP.
-Did you see anyone suspicious?
-No, sir.
It must've been him.
But no one saw anything.
Find the CCTV camera footage.
Get it to me today.
You're moving permanently?
I mean, forever?
Yes, Miriam. Why are you asking
me the same thing again and again?
You know that was always my plan.
But you don't know anyone there.
That's what excites me.
A new city. A new life.
Starting with a clean slate.
Aren't you scared?
It's not as easy as you think.
I know. Settling down in
a new city won't be easy.
But if I had company, it'd be much easier.
Come with me.
Yes. You.
Richard, you're being ridiculous.
Miriam, no, I'm not.
A day doesn't go by without
us talking to each other.
We love each other,
so why can't we live together?
But how is that possible?
We'll get married.
Richard, you're not making any sense.
I'm not joking. Will you marry me?
Please say yes, Miriam.
Everything will work out.
You and me. A new city. A new life.
Thank you.
What? No news?
Do you have any idea how
much pressure I'm under?
Thakur is after my life.
His daughter, Rashmi,
ran off with his 100,000.
Sir, her name's Rajni.
If Thakur doesn't get
his money back, he'll have me fired.
Find that damn couple!
Sir, Rajni is an adult.
She left the home of her own free will.
But she ran off with her father's money.
What do we call it when someone
runs off with another's money?
What do we call that?
Theft, sir.
I don't think it's theft.
She was locked in the basement…
and the safe is in Thakur's room.
You seem to know everything.
Then, why don't you file a charge sheet?
Do as I tell you.
You want that promotion, don't you?
Yes, sir.
Then, find her!
Yes, sir.
And Altaf? Twiddling your
thumbs on that case too?
-I'm trying my best, sir.
-Like hell you are!
Now, leave!
Next time, show me your face
only when you have some results.
I'm not a fan of your face.
Sorry, sir.
-Was she identified?
-Her father has identified her.
She's the girl we've been trying
to contact. Aarti Mehar.
It's my fault, sir.
I went to her house,
spoke to her face-to-face.
She lied about who she
was and I believed her.
You had no reason to disbelieve her.
Don't blame yourself.
Besides, being emotional will not help.
Let's go.
Anything to report?
She probably died around 7:00 a.m.
The cause of death is poisoning.
We'll know what poison was
used when the lab report is in.
There's something else.
We found this pill in her stomach.
It hadn't dissolved.
That means she would've had it
close to the time of death.
I'm sending it to the lab.
How long will the report take?
I've asked them to hurry,
but it'll take 24 hours at least.
OK, thank you.
I was just starting.
Fast forward. Slow it down
between 6:00 to 7:00 a.m.
Zoom in.
Looks like her, right? The clothes match.
Find out who owns the car.
Sir… Aarti was spotted
getting out of a car.
Someone dropped her off
outside a public toilet.
We've got the car registration
number off the CCTV.
We'll know the owner's
details tomorrow morning.
She got down at 6:55 a.m.,
and 15 minutes later, it was all over.
So, clearly, the man who
drove the car murdered her.
And the others too.
At last, a breakthrough.
Well done, Bhaati.
Something's bothering me.
This is the first time he's struck
in a big city like Jaipur.
He's been operating in small
towns and villages till now.
He keeps moving,
so we don't detect a pattern.
He's covered most of Rajasthan.
Maybe, there aren't any
small towns left for him to find victims.
-OK, sir.
How did you link
the contraceptive pill with cyanide?
I needed a pill the other night.
So, it added up.
Sorry. I didn't mean
to pry into your private life.
It's OK, sir. Good night.
Good night.
What are you reading?
A suicide case.
Read it later.
What's wrong?
This case is stressing me.
You're a police officer.
Dealing with tough cases comes
with the territory. So, what's new?
This isn't the everyday kind of case.
What's special about it?
You wouldn't understand.
I understand everything.
You haven't even met him,
and you're ready to live with him?
Melissa, Richard and I have
known each other for three years.
I trust him.
But you've only emailed
and spoken on the Net.
People in the real world
are not the same as online.
Without trust, how can love exist?
This is not love, it's stupidity.
Melissa, I'm happy.
Finally, I'll have a life of my own.
I can start a family.
This is a gift from God.
I can't reject it.
You won't forget us
when you go there, right?
I'm marrying, I'm not dying.
-OK, bye.
-Bhaati sir.
I've texted you the details.
The car belongs to Shiv Swarnakar.
Shiv Swarnakar? Anand Swarnakar's brother?
The star, Deepika, wore it at her wedding.
This necklace is an exact copy.
See the workmanship.
It's lovely.
-Shiv Swarnakar?
I have a warrant for your arrest.
A warrant? Why?
You'll find out at the station.
-Sir, you're making a mistake.
-We love making mistakes.
What is this all about?
-I'll stay here.
-Search the house.
Search the house? Imtiaz, call my brother.
-Go. Take him.
-Tell him what's going on!
-Get the CCTV footage.
-Yes, sir.
Do you keep cyanide in your store?
No, sir. Cyanide is only
used in our workshop.
-Where do you keep the cyanide?
Here. Your left thumbprint.
Please tell me what this is about.
Do you know this woman?
You don't know her?
No, I don't.
Then, why was she in your car?
Madam, what are you saying?
I don't know her.
So, how could she have been in my car?
Where were you the night before last?
You promised to tell me
everything at the station.
Just answer my question!
Where were you two nights ago?
At home.
-Can you prove it?
Must I prove it?
Yes. Who were you with?
No one. I was alone.
How come?
Where was your family?
Your wife, your kids?
My wife was at her parents'.
Her father had an accident two days ago--
What were you doing all alone?
What does a man do alone?
How would I know?
Nothing really.
I poured myself a small peg…
-And then…
You don't remember?
I just remember I was drinking,
and I must've dozed off.
I woke up the next day…
A whole night wiped clean.
this will jog your memory.
-Do you recognize the car?
-It looks like my car.
It doesn't look like
your car, it is your car.
Madam-- Sir--
Just tell me what's going on!
This girl was found dead soon
after she got out of your car.
This is a murder investigation.
We'll leave you alone for a few minutes.
Gather your thoughts.
Next time you're questioned,
think carefully before you answer. OK?
Sir? Madam!
We found cyanide and the purchase
receipts in his workshop.
That's incriminating evidence.
Something's amiss. Why did he
have photos of only five women?
So what! The other photographs
must be hidden somewhere.
He's been so careful for nearly 12 years.
No witnesses. No fingerprints.
No evidence.
Suddenly, after all these years,
he gets caught on CCTV?
Even an ant can destroy an elephant.
Bhaati, calm down.
The CCTV footage has given
us the first serious lead.
Let's make use of this evidence.
Sir, the lab report.
The pill found in Aarti's stomach
was a contraceptive.
It was laced with cyanide.
Now, we must prove that
Shiv gave the pill to Aarti.
Yes, Sajjan?
Bhaati sir!
The fingerprints on the water
bottle match Shiv's fingerprints.
The others belong to the victim.
Shiv's fingerprints were
on the water bottle.
More evidence.
Sir, Shiv Swarnakar's
wife wants to see him.
Tell her she can't.
Let me talk to her.
Here she is.
Are you Shiv Swarnakar's wife?
Yes. I must talk to my husband.
Where were you two nights ago?
At my father's.
I came straight from there.
So, you were at your father's,
and Shiv was alone at home?
Can you guarantee that he was at home?
Can anyone confirm it?
We have a maid, but she leaves early.
Madam, Shiv is innocent.
Does anyone else drive his car?
Sometimes, I do.
-Anyone else?
Go home. We'll call you.
Madam, why have you arrested him?
Let me talk to him.
Talking won't make any difference.
He stays here till he's charged.
Charged with what?
Passenger's name?
Miriam Sushila.
I dropped your parents at home.
How's Arjun?
How can he be well without you?
Had anything happened to you,
we'd have been lost.
Did you ever think about that?
I didn't know what else to do.
as long as I'm with you,
you don't have to be so hard on yourself.
I'm always here for you.
Whatever happened…
was not your fault.
Put that fear out of your mind.
How do you know?
Papa told me.
The police were here.
-They want to talk to you.
You must talk to them.
No! I've put the past behind me now!
-Don't send me back there.
-I'm not sending you anywhere.
No, Sagar. I don't want to talk to anyone.
Fine. Don't.
Don't talk.
It's OK. You don't have to talk.
Do whatever you feel is right.
All right?
We have strong evidence against you.
-Just admit you murdered Aarti.
Sir, I was sleeping at
home the whole night.
How can my fingerprints
be on that water bottle?
So, you're right,
and the forensic report is wrong.
Sir, I didn't kill anyone.
It's the truth. I don't know this girl.
What about these girls?
Do you recognize them?
Who are they? I have no idea!
Chandni Kumari, Yasmin Khati,
Rani Damor, Zohra Silawat.
Ring any bells?
This is the first time
I've heard their names.
Oh, really?
Then why were these photos in your car?
-In my car?
-Yes, in your car!
-Sir, I don't understand.
Sir, I…
I swear to God.
I don't know any of these girls.
They're dead, just like Aarti.
Because of cyanide poisoning.
We found cyanide in your workshop.
Every jeweler's workshop has cyanide.
Not just mine.
Here. Where were you on these dates?
How can I remember?
These days are from years ago.
Sir, I don't go out.
I'm always in my shop.
Ask anyone. I'm always at work--
Till you tell us the truth,
you'll stay right here.
But I am telling you the truth.
Sir, just--
Madam, tell him. I haven't killed anyone.
Madam-- Why won't you believe me?
Namaste, Mom.
Neelu's reports aren't looking good.
What's wrong?
We didn't understand.
But the doctor said…
she must redo some tests.
Tests? When?
She said to get them done today.
I was thinking it would be nice
if you went along with her.
Son… Neelam is really worried.
Mom, I have so much work.
Today, it's impossible.
We'll fix the appointment
for this evening.
Come after work.
I'll try, but I can't promise.
I must go.
Yes, Parghi?
Jai Hind, sir.
Sir, I have some news about Altaf.
Go on.
It's a little sensitive.
I can't tell you over the phone.
I'm still at the office. Come now.
Yes, sir. I'm on my way.
Shiv said he was in his shop on
the days the other girls were found.
The CCTV footage will
show us if he's lying.
It'll take me the whole day
to watch all the footage.
Why don't you check it too?
I have an urgent meeting
with the Superintendent.
Oh, sorry.
So, your promotion isn't done yet?
You'd better fly!
Talk to me with more respect.
I'm your senior.
Sorry, sir.
Yes. Come in.
So? What's the news?
Sorry, sir.
What do you mean "sorry"?
My intel was wrong.
You came all this way to tell me that?
You think I have nothing else to do?
If you waste my time again,
I won't let you through that door!
A promotion if you please!
Sorry, sir.
You can't do anything right!
Get out!
Jai Hind, sir.
Namaste, Mom.
Bless you, son.
I'm glad you made it.
OK, then.
Stay with Neelu.
I must do some shopping.
I'll see you at home.
Neelam Parghi?
The doctor is calling you.
Doctor, is everything OK?
Yes. The second test results were fine.
There's nothing to worry about.
Did you guys find anything?
No. Shiv was in his shop on
the dates that interested us.
Same story here. He never left his shop.
Kassim, did you go through
Shiv Swarnakar's call records?
Almost done.
Here's what you need.
His mobile never left Mandawa.
The morning Aarti's body was found…
he received some texts.
Was his phone at home?
Yes, but the killer
doesn't take his phone.
Nor does he use it.
Sir… we've checked the footage.
Shiv was telling us the truth.
He was in his shop all the time.
At weekends too.
Impossible! We found his
fingerprints, and there's his car!
We also found cyanide in his workshop.
The girls' photos were in his car.
If he isn't the killer,
how come he had those photos?
Everything's been served
to us on a platter.
What do you mean?
When we were investigating his brother,
we couldn't find a damn thing.
Now that we're after Shiv,
there's a mountain of evidence.
What are you implying?
Talk plainly, please.
I have a hunch Anand is framing Shiv.
Anand is framing his own brother?
Would a man with blood on his
hands care about brotherly love?
I don't think we should charge Shiv.
We can't hold him without charging him.
But we can keep him
for another 48 hours, sir.
Allow me that time to prove I'm right.
The fingerprints and CCTV
only prove Aarti was murdered.
But they don't prove the other murders.
OK, but hurry up!
If you find anything conclusive,
charge him with Aarti's murder.
Or else, let him go.
Yes, sir.
I want to talk to you. It's important.
Why are you hounding my family?
What did we ever do to you?
Now, you've arrested Shiv
on a murder charge.
I know Shiv very well.
He's incapable of murdering anyone.
You're right.
I don't believe Shiv is
capable of murder either.
Then, why are you holding him?
There's evidence against him.
How is that possible?
Someone's trying to frame him.
Someone close to him.
What do you mean?
Where's your husband right now?
Do you know?
No. He must be at work.
Tarini tried to call him
to find a lawyer for Shiv.
But he didn't answer. He must be teaching.
I've just come from his college.
No one has seen him for two days.
Maybe you don't know your husband
as well as you think you do.
Jai's death was no accident, Vandana.
Someone had tampered with his hairdryer.
Why would anyone want to kill Jai?
What is this?
They concern our ongoing investigation.
All these girls were murdered.
Someone promised to marry them,
convinced them to elope,
and then murdered them.
Why are you showing me these photos?
Have a look. Maybe you know one of them.
No… I don't know any of them.
What are you after?
We suspect their disappearances
and deaths are your husband's doing.
What proof do you have?
The proof is what I'm trying to find.
How can you make such a serious
accusation without any proof?
The girls' names are on
the back of the photos.
Have a look.
Did Anand ever mention these girls to you?
Please leave.
Please go, or I'll file
a complaint about harassment.
I'll leave.
Call me if anything crosses your mind.
If you talk to your husband,
tell him I need to speak to him.
Ma'am, the quotations are here.
Kapish is unwell. I'm going home.
See you tomorrow. OK?
Anand's wife is not cooperating.
I'm sure she's hiding something.
Your theory may be proven right
if Sindoora makes a statement.
-Is she still in the hospital?
Let's go.
-Which hospital?
-The Jaipur Kesara.
What's wrong?
Let's see what Auntie Chanda
has made for dinner.
Where's Kapish?
Where were you?
In college. Where else?
The second-year students
are staging a play, so--
I had called the college.
No more lies, please.
You are doubting me?
You were the one having an affair.
Anand, tell me the truth! What's going on?
What's going on?
The police came to see me.
She came more than once.
The same officer who searched your van.
What did she say?
Why did they arrest Shiv?
How would I know?
Don't you know?
You know nothing
about those dead girls? Or Jai?
Are you crazy?
Why didn't you return Tarini's call?
Tell me the truth! Now!
What are you talking about?
I don't get it, Vandana.
-What is this?
-You tell me.
You gave me this pendant
on our anniversary.
She's got the same one.
And this?
Do you know these girls?
How would I know them?
-Who are they?
-Anand, stop lying for Kapish's sake.
You've gone crazy.
You're talking a load of nonsense.
OK. I'm crazy. Let's call the police.
Maybe they'll know what I'm talking about.
Hey, Vandana--
Hey, what are you doing, Anand?
What are you doing?
Anand, open the door!
Anand, open the door!
Anand, what are you doing? Open the door!
Anand, open the door!
Calm down. Everything will be all right.
Anand, talk to me. Please talk to me.
Calm down. Everything will be all right.
Anand, what are you doing? Open the door!
Anand, please open the door.
Anand, what are you doing?
Anand, what are you doing?
Anand, open the door!
Why is she here? Tell her to go.
I don't want to talk to them, Sagar.
Sindoo, you will be fine.
They're investigating a very serious case.
Tell them what you know.
I'm right here.
You won't get into any trouble. I promise.
You only care about catching this man.
You don't care what it's doing
to me and my family.
We have a small child.
What will he feel when he knows
what his mother has gone through?
What if you had a daughter and not a son?
She could be among those 29 girls
this monster murdered without mercy.
Twenty-nine girls, Sindoora.
They were innocent.
They were murdered
because they trusted him.
Their bodies lay rotting
in public toilets.
Only you can stop this monster.
Talk to me.
He said his name was Mayur.
He made me big promises.
I thought I would never
find a better man than him.
I thought I'd never be able to marry.
My family tried many times.
But the talk stopped when
it came to the dowry.
Eloping with him seemed the only option.
We spent the first night at a lodge.
When we woke up the next morning, he said…
What did he say, Sindoora?
He said his condom had broken,
so I should take
a contraceptive pill for safety.
He stopped his car at a medical store.
He bought the pill there
and put it in my hand.
He told me to take it in a bathroom
because I might throw up.
I believed him.
I went into the toilet…
and I don't know why,
but I decided to taste the pill.
Then, what happened?
It's a blank after that.
I fell unconscious.
When I woke up,
I was lying in a hospital bed.
I called my family
and they rushed over to see me.
At first, we thought
of reporting him to the police…
but if we had,
everyone would've heard
about it and gossiped.
We decided it was better that
I forget all about it and move on.
Are you ready to give us
a written statement?
You've done a brave thing, Sindoora.
Can you identify Mayur
from these photographs?
That's him.
It's him.
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