Darkness: Those Who Kill (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

Afsnit 6

Stine, we need to talk about what
happened when Dad and I were away.
Mikkel says he got angry with you
because you stayed out all night
without letting him know.
He confesses to pushing you over.
But the other stuff you're
accusing him of
That he's done something else,
touched you
- Stop!
- Shut up!
It's a serious accusation.
Do you understand?
She runs around town with guys,
so it was probably one of them.
If someone's hurt you, Stine,
you need to tell us.
It's just tea. Would you like
something stronger in it?
No, thank you.
It's not as bad as it looks.
Was it Anders Kjeldsen?
He must have seen us at Greve
tonight and waited for her.
- Where did he drive you?
- To the old furniture factory.
- He ran off when a guard turned up.
- We found the car a kilometre away.
A blue Peugeot that was stolen
the day before yesterday.
- He wanted Natasha's dress.
- How does he know we have it?
Don't we have cameras
at the harbour?
- He hasn't been there.
- He has an accomplice.
He reacted strongly when I said that.
I noticed that about him.
You think the accomplice knew
the victims from the septic tank?
We'll find Kjeldsen and Emma
if we find the accomplice.
- Where could the three have met him?
- One victim hasn't been identified.
Who knows where Rose and Samira
might have met him.
Rose was a prostitute in Copenhagen,
Samira was at an asylum centre.
Until she left.
We don't know where to.
Maybe Copenhagen.
- And Kjeldsen and the accomplice?
- Maybe they met in prison.
We find out who he was there with and
see if we recognise any names.
I'll look it up straight away.
I'll let the technicians
start on the car.
Louise, you should go home
and try to get some sleep.
- You can talk to our psychologist.
- I don't need to.
Are you sure?
I'll place a car outside your house.
That won't be necessary. I'm fine.
I'll make sure you get a lift.
I am sorry I let you drive
home alone.
You couldn't have predicted
what happened.
Did he try to
No, he just wanted the dress.
Louise? I can drive you home now.
I'll drive her.
Sorry, Stine.
You'll stay here from now on.
And you will do as I say.
Sorry. Sorry.
It's not like Louise to be late.
Do you think something
happened to her?
Of course not.
- She does work for the police.
- Not anymore.
Yes, she does.
She just isn't telling us.
Something could have happened to her.
Maybe she isn't coming just to
see what we talk about.
I can call her and ask if she
can come tomorrow.
- Why don't you want to talk to us?
- Because it's pointless.
- I can text you when she's answered.
- You know all about Amanda and I.
- But know nothing about you.
- And?
- I don't understand why you're here.
- Okay.
Give me the criminal records.
John Poulsen shared a
cell with Kjeldsen.
- Who's John Poulson?
- The boss at Emma's karate club.
- What was he in for?
- Assault.
Released two months after Kjeldsen.
Good. Try the other side.
Hi. What are you doing here?
We'd like to speak with John.
Is he here?
Yes, he is in the office.
- Was that the police?
- Yes, but it's nothing. Line up!
- Come on, John.
- What?
Why didn't you tell us you
knew Kjeldsen.
Because I don't know him.
- You were inside at the same time.
- Okay, I didn't know that.
- Have you spoken to him since?
- No, and not in prison either.
What were you in for?
- Grievous bodily harm?
- It was self defence.
A guy provoked me in town.
He wanted to annoy the karate guy.
He hit me with a broken bottle.
- I just laid him down.
- Probably did a bit more than that.
If you have a black belt,
you end up in prison straight away.
Okay I was recently divorced,
and I was furious with my ex.
I took it out on this guy.
And Who's Emma?
Emma Holst.
Why did you visit her recently?
- To welcome her to the club.
- Do you often welcome new members?
Yes, sometimes.
Men, too?
Or just the female members?
- Both.
- Okay.
Check his history. The divorce and
the sentence could be stress factors.
- And a meeting with Kjeldsen.
- Jan?
- What did you talk to John about?
- We can't say.
Anything to do with what I said
about Emma?
We can't say.
Okay, but yesterday you needed me.
- You left six hours ago, Jan.
- I'll wait in the car.
Yesterday was a mistake.
It was unprofessional of me.
Yes, because it was your decision.
I had nothing to do with it.
I need water.
I need water.
What is it?
- Been looking for that dress?
- Shut up!
You need to tell me what's going on.
- Why was Louise alone this morning?
- The operation was finished.
Operation? You mean your illegal
stunt with a civilian as bait?
It wasn't illegal.
She was never exposed.
- We had it all under control.
- It doesn't matter.
Was it Jan's idea?
This is getting to Jan's head.
- We'll give him one more chance.
- Okay, he has three days.
- Should we monitor John Poulsen?
- We need more on him first.
- What did Karlslund want?
- She wanted to find Kjeldsen.
- What does she think we're doing?
- The media is pressuring her.
- We haven't had a case like this.
- I haven't had one, you mean.
She wants to bring in external help.
We have three days.
- When was Erika Bernn murdered?
- I'll check
She disappeared four years ago,
Friday, 26th September.
- Found the following Monday.
- Why do you ask?
John Poulsen could've been in Sweden
then. The karate club was there then.
You mean John could have
met Erika there?
Louise thinks that the accomplice has
a connection to Erika Bernn.
We need to talk to those
who were on the trip.
- Was it on the club's website?
- Yes.
- Were you there that year?
- Yes, John had a rough time.
- Why?
- He had just been released.
- But he came to Sweden anyway?
- Yes, he's there every year.
- But he left after a day.
- Where to?
Don't know.
He came back on Sunday night.
- Ask him, he's in the office.
- Thank you.
What is it now?
The men in the club travel
to Skåne every year.
Yes. We rent a cabin, train for five
days and have a party afterwards.
- Were you there in September, 2014?
- Yes.
- The whole time?
- Yes.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
Nick said that you left on
Thursday and came back Sunday.
That's right. I was feeling unwell,
so I stayed at a hotel in Malmö.
- I was drunk for three days.
- Why didn't you go home?
I considered quitting it all
but it was a good spot.
Did you leave the hotel
that weekend?
- Can you prove it?
- Well
You can ask Sisse. She was with
me from Thursday to Sunday.
- What was she doing there?
- What the hell do you think?
Yes, I was with John in Malmö.
He was threatening to take his life.
- Why did he call you?
- Because we are friends.
- Did he leave the hotel that weekend?
- No, he didn't even leave the room.
I'm good at handling men who
are going through a crisis.
- Okay, thank you.
- No problem.
Come in.
- I thought you might be hungry.
- Thank you.
I don't know what you like,
so I bought a bit of everything.
I want you to stay.
- Gitte told me about John Poulsen.
- It was a false lead.
- You could have probably told us.
- Yes.
I think Kjeldsen is
closer to his accomplice.
- Closer than sharing a cell?
- The way he reacted last night
What if Anders Kjeldsen is the
more dominant of the two?
No, both take pleasure in controlling
and abusing their victims.
Both of them enjoy it,
but in different ways.
- So if they had never met
- They're dependent on each other.
They've killed together for 4.5 years
and it started with Erika Bernn.
They must trust each other.
Who does Anders Kjeldsen trust?
I don't know.
I don't know. There's something
that I can't figure out.
Have you been able to sleep at all?
I'm not
Sorry, but I'm not hungry.
I think I'll go to bed now.
You know where to find the bedding.
Tell me now, what's happened.
- Anders?!
- They know that you exist.
Do you understand?
I heard them talking near the boat.
They know I'm not alone.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, damn it.
But they think you're a man.
Good. It's good you told me.
We stop now.
It's over with the basement.
- And the new girl?
- Fix it. She is your responsibility.
Kill her, and then we take off.
Good morning.
I have a meeting with my group.
Shut the door behind you
when you leave.
Come on. A little higher. That's it.
- Aren't there usually twelve of you?
- The others didn't show up.
Probably the rumours that John
has a connection to Anders Kjeldsen.
The whole town knows
that he was interrogated.
Do you have a couple of seconds,
- Did you tell them about Emma?
- I said I was with you in Malmö.
The damage is already done.
Twelve members have quit.
- I'm really sorry, John.
- I'm staying home this week.
Can you take my classes?
Do you know who I am?
Julie's brother.
I haven't had anything
to do with Julie.
- Why didn't you come yesterday?
- Something came up.
You work for the police, right?
On the case with the girls in Greve?
Unfortunately I can't tell you.
Do you want to start today?
What happened to you,
have you been hit?
I can't tell you.
Do you want to start?
I grew up with Kasper.
We lived in the same apartment block.
He was my best friend,
even as adults.
One day we were watching Champions
League at my house-
-drank an insane amount of tequila
and ended up in bed together.
It wasn't our intention,
it just happened because we were
His girlfriend wasn't meant to
find out, but she did.
And then
Two weeks later, we were at a party.
I went out for a smoke-
-and he went outside too,
with his girlfriend.
He walked over to me
and started to hit me.
Then he stopped.
But his girlfriend asked him
to continue.
So he hit and kicked me,
over and over again-
-until she told him to stop.
Apparently she was the boss.
So, that was it.
I haven't been raped.
I have just been hit.
But it was a friend who did it.
Someone you trusted.
His girlfriend was watching, and
demanded it. That is also abuse.
Thank you for sharing that with us.
Thank you.
Hi. I thought of something
in my group today.
What if we've been wrong the whole
time. The accomplice may be a woman.
Someone who Kjeldsen is protecting
and is emotionally connected to.
It sounds reasonable. That's how
they got Samira in the car.
- Because a woman is calming.
- Maybe someone she trusts.
Our accomplice chooses her victims
because they won't be missed.
He takes Emma and Julie because the
other three don't look like Natasha.
So only she has met the three
victims from the sludge tank?
But where did they meet each other?
All three were at the same place.
You had a tip about the
last victim from the tank.
Mette Marcussen. From Faroe Islands,
but lived in Copenhagen for 10 years.
- Convicted for theft and burglary.
- Contact forensics.
- Something in common with the others?
- She was a prostitute, like Rose.
- Was she reported as missing?
- No, but she has no family here.
- Where did the tip come from?
- A Karla Vestager from Vesterbro.
- How often was Mette here?
- Four to five times a month.
About a year ago she stopped coming.
- Didn't you react to that?
- No, not at first.
She talked about returning to the
Faroes. Have you found her?
Unfortunately we think so.
Do you know where Mette lived?
Here and there.
- Did she have a boyfriend?
- No, she was probably very lonely.
- Did she visit other places?
- She stayed at a shelter sometimes.
- Which shelter?
- The Church women's shelter.
We're open from 11pm to 8am.
Women get a bed for the night
and can talk if they want.
A volunteer is always on night shift.
And who are they, the volunteers?
All sorts.
Women who like to help.
Mette Marcussen was often here.
Last time she was here was
4th April two years ago.
And her?
- Rose Bojali.
- She used to come here as well.
She didn't want to sign in.
Who was working last time
Mette was here?
It was Stine Velin.
A volunteer.
She hasn't been here
for at least six months.
Samira Khan? She might have been
here the 20th March three years ago.
Yes, Samira Khan stayed here
on the 20th of March.
And who did the shift that night?
Stine Velin.
Stine Velin, 36. Unmarried, no
kids, lives alone and no convictions.
She works at a car rental firm
where we got the picture.
We can link her directly to
Samira Khan and Mette Marcussen.
Louise, you said that Anders Kjeldsen
might go to Natasha's funeral.
We know that he didn't,
but what if he sent
someone in his place?
- What was her name?
- Stine Velin.
Do we have an address for her?
- Where are you going?
- On a holiday.
What do you want?
- We need to talk.
- I don't have time for that.
You're drunk.
There was a time when I would
have asked who hit you.
But now I don't care.
It doesn't interest me,
and you undoubtedly deserve it.
That's what you tell yourself.
What do you want, Mikkel?
What is it you want?
I have come to tell you that I never
ever want to see you again.
And you will never see
Camilla and Olivia again.
And you will never contact Mum
and Dad again. Do you understand?
Stay far, far away.
Let go!
- Police! Hands up!
- Turn around. Hands on your head.
I'll take her.
Police! Down to the floor!
Arms out!
- Stine Velin?
- Have you found him?
- Where's Emma?
- He is threatening to kill me.
You need to take me in.
The living room has been checked!
Upstairs is secured.
- Please, take me with you.
- Where is Emma?
- He has her in the basement.
- The basement is locked.
- The key is in the kitchen.
- Release her. Show me.
The key is upstairs.
Subtitle translation by: Karolina
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