Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s01e06 Episode Script


Yes, the magazine interview was my idea.
Lorenza is my friend,
and we thought it'd be great
to discuss the business opportunities
that are opening up
for women with children.
That was
a great idea.
The board is very pleased.
You made the company look good.
And Jorge now looks particularly good
to our female executives worldwide.
[both men laugh]
Your marriage might be at risk now.
- Hey, no, no, no.
- [Mateus laughs]
Ana, we want to give you a promotion.
Oh, really?
As the new development officer
for all Latin America.
I told Mateus we should
give you a few days to think about it.
It's a full-time job
that requires a lot of traveling.
You have your babies, so
Thank you, Jorge.
But a man can't explain to me
what it is to be a working woman.
[both men laugh]
I love this woman! [chuckles]
But I wouldn't mind
taking a few days,
or even a week, to think about it.
[opening theme music plays]
[bell rings]
Hello, darling.
- [chuckles]
- Wow!
How come
you're home early giving kisses away?
I'm taking the week off.
- Really?
- Mm-hm.
- That's great!
- I know, right?
I'll do the same to be with you.
- Mm-hm! Great.
- But why?
Because they offered
and I deserve it, don't I?
- Of course you do.
- [chuckles]
Hey, Mom.
Look. The salon furniture just arrived,
and Lorena can't help me unpack.
But look how pretty the chairs are.
- Yes.
- Swipe right, there's more.
- [footsteps]
- Look.
- Anuar, what a surprise.
- Hello, Tere.
You dropped this.
Thank you.
I was at his place.
I wanted him to meet Regina.
- So he gave me a ride.
- What's that?
Pictures of some chairs
that just came in for my mom's salon.
I didn't know you had a salon.
I didn't know I had to tell you.
- Well, she just opened it.
- [phone rings]
These are nice chairs.
They must've cost you a fortune.
Not really.
Never spend your seed money on luxury
furniture if you're just starting.
The revenue of the business
must exceed its expenses.
First rule of business management.
And I suggest you get a card reader
for payments.
- They're efficient.
- [phone alert]
I already have one. Thanks.
I could be your adviser,
so it actually works this time.
What could be better than someone
pointing out my every mistake
and predicting disaster?
- Teresa
- Don't "Teresa" me!
He always does this,
he always puts me down.
I'm just trying to help you
so you don't fail again.
- [scoffs]
- Calm down. There's no need to get all
There's every need!
I don't need you.
You may leave now.
Fine. It's okay, Mariana. Excuse me.
What? He started it. Gah!
[Ceci] Time flies.
So we need to book everything right away.
The party could be
Cirque du Soleil themed.
- [laughs]
- Oh, yeah, I love it
How are the preparations going?
- Really?
- [Ceci] Mm-hm.
- So, you have a guest artist?
- Last year it was Reik.
It's not totally confirmed yet,
but we're about
to close a deal with Mario Bautista.
Aww. Like you could ever
get someone like Mario.
- Think what you want, Estela.
- I do.
Hello, Mom. I need your advice.
I was offered a promotion.
What is it, sweetie?
When my dad left you,
how was it?
Juan Carlos left you?
- No.
- Let me guess.
He slept with his secretary.
Same old story.
They look for someone inferior to them.
No, Mom. It's not his secretary
Oh, you know what? Forget it.
- I have to go.
- Ana, wait.
Whatever is going on
with Juan Carlos, take the promotion.
Don't let any man tell you what to do.
[sighs] All right.
Thanks, Mom. Bye.
- [girl] Check this out.
- What?
[music plays]
Want to come to my birthday party
and meet me in person?
Join the Good Vibes Challenge.
It's that easy. All you have to do
is spread the good vibes.
If you're the best, I'll see you here.
See you soon. Brrp!
No. Mm-mm. No way!
I won't make a fool of myself,
not even to meet Mario Bautista.
I have an idea.
I'll ask my Mom to get him for us.
Can she?
Dude, she's so competitive.
She'll take on any challenge.
[acoustic music playing]
- [chuckles]
- Good morning.
I haven't slept for so long in ages.
You only slept eight hours,
like normal people do.
This is the best part of mornings at home.
- Mmm!
- Oh
- And a great way to start the day.
- Mmm!
[Ceci] I think it's time
you started taking care of yourself.
- You're 22 already.
- I'm an app developer and mom.
That doesn't mean
you can't dress up, go out,
- and maybe think about getting laid.
- [chuckles]
Yep. Nothing ever stops me
from thinking about sex.
- For real?
- Rodrigo.
- [Mariana laughing]
- Good morning.
- [Juan C.] Morning.
- [Mariana] Morning.
Mom, what are you doing home so late?
I'm taking a few days off.
- [both] Wow.
- I said the same, Rodri.
Come on, guys. It's only been ten
- Twelve?
- Thirteen.
Well, whatever.
- I haven't taken a break in ages.
- That many?
No matter how long it's been,
I'm glad you chose this week
because I need you
to help me with something hard.
Nothing's impossible.
What do you need, sweetie?
To get Mario Bautista for my prom.
For real?
- [scoffs]
- Leave her alone.
Being in charge of prom is no easy task.
I'll get you Marco Bautista, sweetie.
Mario Bautista.
Do you have an ice sculpture guy?
What for?
For the centerpieces.
- [laughing]
- [phone alert]
Sorry to interrupt, honey.
I booked a couple's baking lesson
for this afternoon. Wanna go?
Oh, how fun!
But I want to help Ceci
with this Miguel Bautista guy.
It's Mario, Mom. But it's okay.
Go to the baking lesson
and I'll handle the prom thing.
- Mm-hm.
- So, we're going?
- We are. As you wish, honey.
- Wow!
[both chuckling]
Hey, don't flaunt it
in front of the spinster.
- Oh!
- What spinster?
Can't you see she's sad and alone?
- I'm fine.
- I'm calling to confirm our attendance.
- This one?
- No.
- Mmm This one.
- No.
[Mariana] This one?
No, they're all bad.
- It's for a dating app, not a passport.
- Oh!
Can I have them?
Of course not.
- What about this one?
- Yes.
This one's way better.
So you don't look suspicious.
Well, it's not like
she has anything to hide.
Hey, are you looking
for men, women, or both?
Oh, I don't know.
I don't know which is more complicated.
Well, if I were you,
I'd play double the chances.
You know what?
You're right.
- Here goes nothing.
- Yeah.
Should I say I'm a mom?
No. No, of course not.
You don't want to scare them off.
Okay, okay, okay.
- [phone chimes]
- [squeals]
I did it! [laughs]
[phone rings]
Who is Paloma?
Uh, no one.
How do I look?
Very handsome.
Elements are formed
according to their atomic number,
which is equal to
the number of protons they have.
- Got it?
- [chiming]
By their electron configuration
and chemical properties too.
This is really hard.
Why don't you write it down and I read it?
[phone alert]
Yeah, Mario Bautista.
How much flour?
Well, please get it done, Cynthia. Bye.
I don't know, I didn't pay attention.
How much did she say?
- Hello.
- Look here
- Can you take a picture of us?
- Of course.
Thanks. [laughs]
- Mmm.
- [whispers]
- One more.
- Yeah.
Don't be silly.
- Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
- Just one more.
[both laughing]
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
I'm Pía and this is my husband, Alonso.
- Ana. Nice to meet you.
- Hi. Juan Carlos.
- Alonso.
- Hi.
By the way,
it'd be better not to use that bowl.
Use that one instead
and smear a bit of oil on it.
That'll keep the soufflé
from sticking to the dish.
- Hmm.
- Yes.
- Great. Thank you.
- You're welcome.
[phone chiming]
[Pía and Alonso chuckling]
How do I get Paloma to like me?
Scientific studies have proved
that a fundamental part
of the art of seduction
is about sending signals
to your crush's subconscious.
You have to get into her head.
- Get it?
- Sure.
Follow me.
[Ceci] What is this?
Take notes.
how old are you?
what's your favorite color?
Purple. Got that?
Ceci, what grade are you in?
Stop. Guys, what are you doing?
Pablo is teaching me how to seduce Paloma.
Oh, that's easy.
Invite her to Vail
or buy her a Louis Vuitton bag.
No, no, don't listen to her.
She's too young for this. No.
I'll try this with Paloma tomorrow.
Yes. Attaboy!
- Is that supposed to happen?
- [door closes]
Let me.
Let me help you.
- [laughing] Stop it! Oh!
- I bet they're newlyweds.
We were just as corny at first.
- Wait
- No!
I begged her to come, but she refused.
I don't know what else to do
to make you get along.
Well, your mom and I
never really got along.
But I thought you were best friends.
That's what she wanted.
What do you mean?
I was in love with her,
but she never loved me back.
She even went out
on dates while I took care of you.
But that's in the past, right?
Are you still in love with her?
Mariana, please, don't tell her.
I don't want any trouble. Okay? Please.
Okay! [chuckles]
[Pía] The first one never goes right.
How long have you been married?
The best 20 years of my life.
What's the secret?
Never neglect one another.
Spending as much time together as we can.
- If it's doing something fun, even better.
- Yeah!
- Right.
- Like salsa classes.
- Sure!
- On Wednesdays.
It's amazing. You'll love it. Come!
- No, thanks
- Oh, yes, we'd love it.
- [both laugh]
- Only if you're as charming as today.
- Yes! This is great, isn't it?
- Yes.
[Mariana] He still loves her,
but my mom has no clue.
- Love is overrated. I blame Facebook.
- [chuckles]
So, can you dance salsa?
Yes, come here. I'll show you the basics.
- Grab my shoulder. I'll grab your waist.
- Mm-hm.
Take a step back
with this leg and I'll step forward.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
- One, two, three, four.
- [phone alert]
Is everything okay?
Yeah, well
Ceci helped me set up
my dating app profile.
- Ooh!
- And I just made a match.
Is that a bad thing?
Well, I don't know. I haven't been
with anyone since Regina was born
and I feel my body is not mine anymore.
[chuckles] I know exactly what you mean.
Don't worry,
everything gets back to its place.
Yes, but when?
You have to be patient,
it doesn't happen overnight.
That reminds me
This one's great, it tightens you up.
You can have it
if you promise never
to say you're not attractive again.
I promise.
Enjoy your match.
[phone rings]
What is it, Cynthia?
I couldn't get Mario Bautista,
the Youtuber influencer singer guy.
He's booked for the next two years.
Aren't there any other options?
There's Franco De Vita
Or the Emmanuel-Mijares combo.
[gasps] Oh, can't we book Mijares alone?
That would be amazing.
Mijares was at my prom.
Can you check with Ceci so I can book him?
No, no, no, go ahead and book him.
We can't risk it.
It'll be a surprise. Thank you.
All I want is for Regina
to have a family, but I don't know how.
You could start
by worrying less about me and Anuar.
That relationship is so old, so ancient,
it has nothing to do with you.
It absolutely does!
I have Anuar's last name.
But so what? It's a common last name.
It's not a fancy name or a trust fund.
Hey, it's a lot more than that.
[sighs] Love is the best thing to have,
and you're taking it for granted.
What makes you say that?
Okay, Anuar asked me not to tell you.
But you're a tattletale.
So, you'll tell me anyway?
- Yes.
- What?
He's still in love with you.
Oh, no!
- [laughs]
- Oh!
- Did he really tell you that? Ugh.
- Yes. [chuckles]
["Soldado del Amor"
by Mijares playing]
This song reminds me of our prom.
- [all talking]
- Oh, me too!
It was great.
Now it's Ceci's turn,
she's planning her prom.
I'm getting her Mijares as a gift.
- Oh!
- Oh, how nice!
Minus Emmanuel.
What do you mean? What about their duets?
I don't know where she goes
Where she lives and it's all bad ♪
Okay, I get it.
- It's always the same ♪
- That was great. Your turn.
It was awesome.
I remember
you ate your feelings that night, Ana.
And you lost your virginity.
- Well, it was the '90s.
- Yeah.
With my boyfriend.
He said you weren't together anymore.
- Your turn.
- Sorry.
Hurry up, girls. I have a salsa class.
- Huh?
- You, salsa? But you have two left feet.
- Hmm.
- This nerd is so lame.
Besides, he keeps touching my shoulder.
Whatever, he's almost done
with my presentation.
No, chemistry. Uh-huh.
A different dork
is doing my math homework.
Anyway, I have to go. I'm meeting Paco.
I know, he's so cute.
I'm totally kissing him.
All right, bye.
I found a great breastfeeding article
for the app.
Hey, by the way,
we need it to run on Android too.
How is that going so far?
- It's almost done.
- Great. [laughs]
How's that dating app going for you?
You saw my profile?
Uh No, I don't use those things.
Ceci told me.
I didn't bring it up
because I didn't want to upset you.
[tuts] No.
[chuckles] Not at all.
You know what?
You can tell me about it.
- I'm all ears.
- [laughs]
- [chuckles]
- Okay.
I have a date tonight with someone,
but I don't know if I should go.
I feel very insecure right now.
Oh! I wish I was like Camila Sodi
and got hotter with every child.
The worst thing is,
I don't stop producing milk.
All day, every day.
Can I be honest?
Those boobs are a plus.
[both chuckle]
Oh, I don't know. I don't know.
Maybe sex for sex's sake
isn't my thing. You know?
It works fine for me.
It doesn't bother me.
So, you don't think I should cancel?
No way, you should go.
I'll look after Regina.
- Really?
- Yes.
- [laughs]
- Pablo, I need your help.
[Mariana] What is it?
I'm not letting anyone
take advantage of my brother.
Other than me.
You need a new strategy.
Why? I think things are going great.
She even remembered
I lent her a pencil in fifth grade.
It's part of the plan.
It's the next stage.
You'll love this class.
Can't wait.
Hi, all. How are you?
[all] Great!
I have a surprise for you.
Today will be a cha-cha-chá class.
Grab your partners, please.
- But you said it was salsa.
- Whatever, just go with it.
[cha-cha-chá music plays]
Ready? Five, six, seven, and
Cha-cha-chá. That's it, cha-cha-chá.
There you go.
That's it!
But Look how she does it. Like this.
María Pía,
you're doing a great job. Excellent.
Well done. [laughing]
[Juan Carlos humming]
[teacher] Uh Hey, no, no.
- I mean, you go that way
- Look at them.
One One, two, three
[teacher] That's it, great!
See? That's it, well done!
I love your taste in music.
- Please. [laughs]
- Thank you.
Here's the living room.
You're also very pretty.
I haven't been keeping up
with the latest music.
A beer?
- Yes.
- Yes?
Sure. Thanks.
- Make yourself at home.
- Thank you.
I'll be right back.
I'm Marta, Héctor's roomie.
- Ah!
- Don't worry about me.
I won't hear you with these.
Two cold beers coming up.
- Hope you're thirsty.
- [door closes]
- [laughs] Thank you.
- No problem.
You really don't mind me being a mom?
[laughing] No!
On the contrary. It's super hot.
Did you know there's an entire
porn genre dedicated to MILFs?
[both laughing]
I swear!
You're beautiful.
[winces] Ay, ay!
Sorry. Are you okay?
- Yes.
- Did I hurt you?
No, I'm fine.
I just need to use the bathroom quickly.
- Right now? Uh
- Yes.
- Where is it?
- Uh Down the hall.
Make yourself at home.
When is Mariana
getting back from her date?
[Regina cooing]
Is it weird for you?
No, it's fine.
I'm glad.
It was about time
she found a new love, right?
Mmm Well,
good night.
Where do you think Mommy is, penguin?
[high-pitched] We'll kick his ass!
Yes, we will. Bam, bam, bam!
- [Marta] Come on.
- [Héctor] What?
- [Marta] She's breastfeeding.
- So what?
I'm throwing her a bone. [chuckles]
Mariana, this is Marta,
my roomie. She's so cool.
Mariana. Mariana!
- Mariana
- [door closes]
María Pía is such a natural, right?
Since when do you dance cha-cha-chá?
- [cha-cha-chá music plays]
- [Tere] No, no.
[laughing] Sorry!
- From the top.
- Wait.
- One and center.
- Uh-huh
Step forward and center.
Two steps two steps to the right.
- Other side, two steps to the left.
- Okay.
- Move your hips!
- Sorry!
- Like this. At least No!
- Like this!
They play it at the office parties
you never want to go to.
We should invite María Pía
and Alonso over to dinner sometime.
- Hmm.
- It'd be great to befriend them.
[Mariana] It didn't go well, did it?
Turns out he's a master at cha-cha-chá.
Wasn't it salsa?
- And he's inviting them for dinner.
- Hmm.
- Mmm.
- [babies babbling]
So, you're preparing for the occasion?
Well, how did your date go?
Ugh. Awful. I ran out when he said
he was throwing me a bone.
Hey, no.
What's wrong with him? You're perfect.
If I were a guy, I'd totally hit that.
[laughs] Thank you, but I guess
being a mom killed my mojo.
Oh, no. No, no, no.
Hey, I'm a mother of three.
Trust me, your mojo will come back.
- This? We could
- Yes, this one.
You canceled Mario Bautista?
I didn't cancel anything.
Really? That's odd. My mom said you did,
and you booked Mijares.
I mean, if it was with Emmanuel
Besides, you're getting ice sculptures?
You're joking, right?
No one voted for you
to throw an old-lady prom.
I say we remove Ceci
and vote for someone else.
Yeah, for me.
[recorder playing
"Ode to Joy" by Beethoven]
We should finish
the chemistry presentation.
No, I don't feel like doing homework.
You always feel like doing homework.
That's the old Rodrigo.
I know what you're doing here.
Acting cool doesn't suit you.
who plays the recorder
in this day and age?
Horacio Franco.
[sighing] Oh.
[door closes]
I'm done with you!
Mijares? Behind my back?
- Honey, that Marco Bautista
- Mario.
He was fully booked.
And to listen to reggae
Reggaetón, Mom. You never listen to me.
Everything has to be your way.
Estela humiliated me.
Want to hear about real humiliation?
Sit down.
Alma Toca and I
camped outside Mijares's house for days.
- I bet he doesn't even live here.
- He does. My cousin said so.
Let's just go, Alma.
- No, just a little longer. Please.
- How long?
- I don't know, ten minutes.
- Ten? Five and we go.
- No, ten, please. I swear he lives here.
- Five, that's my last offer.
Someone's coming.
- Go! Go, go, go.
- Okay.
- [brakes screech]
- Shit! You hit him!
- No, that's not him.
- Look at his curls.
[both scream]
[in unison] It's him!
Estela's mom
should tell her how she screamed
when Mijares finally came out.
- [laughs]
- No!
- Yes.
- [gasps]
How far would you go
to have Mario Bautista at your prom?
Mom, you finally said his name right.
[Ceci chuckles]
Your strategies don't work.
That's how it is, Ro.
You win some, you lose some.
Rodrigo, that little brat
is taking advantage of you.
We were just protecting you.
That's not true!
It is!
She's using you and other nerd kids
only so you guys do her homework
while she flirts with others.
But I must admit,
she's a pro for someone her age.
You'll be okay.
Will you tell them you cooked it?
Yes, Alta. Desperate times
call for desperate measures.
Just tell me what to do.
Turn off the oven and take it out.
There's the oven glove.
Very well.
That's all for today. Thank you.
Perhaps I could help you make one.
I could teach you,
now that you have some time off.
No need, thanks.
Excuse me.
- [Pía] It's delicious.
- I'll give you the recipe, it's so easy.
What do you do, María Pía?
[clears throat] Your occupation?
- I work at Alonso's company.
- Mmm!
But I try to carve out time
to travel whenever we feel like it.
We want to learn to dive,
walk the Way of St. James,
and maybe take a year off
to travel the world, right?
[laughs] Yes.
And leave the house
and the kids to themselves?
- [Pía laughs]
- It's all about planning, Ana.
We have a safari scheduled for next month.
- Wow!
- Yes.
Why don't you come along?
It'll be out of this world.
- It would be awesome.
- [Pía chuckles]
You have a ton
of unused vacation days, honey.
Mmm. Mmm
I hate safaris.
I hate cooking.
I hate dancing cha-cha-chá.
I especially hate women like María Pía
who remind the rest of us
how imperfect we are.
We don't have to go anywhere.
You don't have to dance cha-cha-chá.
And, luckily, we don't have to cook.
All I want is for you to be happy.
- Mom?
- Don't tell me.
He left you for the masseuse.
She gave him a happy ending and
No, Mom, he didn't leave me.
I'm not taking the promotion.
I can't believe it.
You let Juan Carlos have his way.
- You know, Mom? Let's talk later, okay?
- Ana
Your dad left
because he wanted to.
There was nothing I could do to stop him.
Life is about doing what makes you happy.
Even if it's drinking milk all day.
Right, baby?
[Valentina fussing]
Everything okay?
Any news on your love life?
Maybe it's better to close up shop
until things are back to normal.
It's different for you,
you have Juan Carlos.
I do, but
that comes with its own complications.
Maybe you should
I don't know,
try it with someone you trust first.
- You think?
- Yes, I do.
But what's most important is
accepting yourself for who you are.
Flaws and all.
If only it were that easy.
No, no, it's anything but easy.
[Valentina crying]
We all have to start somewhere.
I'm doing it, okay?
The Good Vibes Challenge.
- Seriously?
- Mm-hm.
That's embarrassing.
What's wrong
with spreading good vibes all over?
You have to fight hard
for your dreams, Olivia.
Hmm? So, here you go.
Let's do this.
[upbeat music plays]
Hi, this is Ceci Aguilar
and this is my Good Vibes Challenge.
Follow me!
Good vibes for you, good vibes for you,
good vibes for you, good vibes for you!
Good vibes for all!
Hi, Mario. I love you.
[whispers] Cut.
[school bell rings]
What do you want, nerd?
Guess what grade I got? An F.
Get a good grade
and you'll make up for it.
Yeah. How would I do that?
My parents will kill me.
Look, I like you. I was given
advice that I should hit on you.
That didn't work.
That's why I didn't do the presentation.
I'll help you with your exam,
but you have to help me too.
All right, see you later, nerd.
Come in.
Rodrigo just told me he kissed Paloma!
- Really?
- [laughing] Yes.
- No way!
- I told you.
We make a great team.
And you, Ceci, are a very good sister.
What? You don't you don't like me?
No, that's not it, Ceci. You're a minor.
Then why did you call my name
while touching my shoulder?
Aah Sorry, I didn't mean to.
You're an idiot. Get out!
- Get out! No!
- Ceci, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
Why didn't you tell me?
Nothing would've changed, Tere.
Besides, you never loved me back.
That's true, Anuar.
We can't get back together.
But Mariana needs grandparents
that get along for Regina's sake.
I'll do my best.
And I need someone with expertise
to help me run my business.
Maybe you know somebody.
I'm afraid that'll be somewhat expensive.
- Oh, really?
- [laughing]
Yes. But you can pay him with facials.
Look at you. Always so vain.
- You haven't changed in years.
- [chuckles]
- Hello.
- May I come in?
Yes, come in.
I'm glad you could come.
I need to talk to you.
- Later. This is more important.
- No, wait.
- I want to tell you something.
- Later.
[Juan Carlos sighs] Mmm!
I've been offered the position of
development officer for Latin America.
For all Latin America?
But that means
traveling all the time, right?
You said all you wanted
was for me to be happy.
That's what makes me happy.
[door opens]
- Oh
- [door closes]
["Cuando Volvamos al Mar
by Fer Casillas playing]
Whoa. Wow!
Does it hurt?
Wait, wait, wait.
First, I have to make sure.
This is just sex, right?
Yeah. Yeah.
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