Dead Mountain (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Why are you going on about this ring?
- Maybe Sasha isn't as simple as he seems.
The gun, the ring,
maybe Gosya was right about him.
Did we brake up because of Gozya?
You can't go there.
There's Sorninai, she'll kill you.
6th episode
What's wrong with him?
- We need a first-aid kit.
Lyuda, bring the first-aid kit!
- No need, bring him to the tent instead!
Go ahead! One, two, three, pick it up!
- Come on!
Lyuda, water!
- Warm up the water!
And alcohol!
- Careful, careful!
I got him!
- Slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly!
Take care of his head!
Zina, put something under his head!
- He needs tea-sweet and hot.
Can you feel your fingers?
He's fine. No frost.
Give him alcohol!
- Don't!
Are you hungry?
- Yes, very much.
I ate snow for three days.
- What's your name?
Are you a local?
I'm Fyodor from Ivdel.
And what are you doing in the forest,
Fyodor from Ivdel?
I was hunting.
I was attacked in the woods.
- Who attacked you, wolves?
I don't know how I got out.
I don't know how I managed to get away,
I ran, I walked
a lot of time, I'm so cold.
- Careful, it's hot.
Calm down!
- Can you feel your hands?
Are you feeling better?
- Eat!
Enough adventures for today.
Let's go to bed!
Put them back!
Come on! Let's go out and talk.
Go on
Take out whatever else you took.
Your gloves are really crappy.
Only prisoners wear them.
- Yes, they make them.
In Ivdel, they sell them at every turn.
- No.
You didn't get them in Ivdel.
And you're not a hunter, mate.
And you're probably not even Fyodor.
Sit back down!
You're a prisoner.
You got camps written on your forehead.
Tell me who you broke away from.
From the convoy?
From friends.
Three of us escaped.
We ran out of the sawmill.
Have you gone far?
- I don't even know.
We walked for 10 days, if not more.
We made our skis at the sawmill.
We saved up as much food as we could.
Mostly leftovers from garbage.
That should have been enough for the three of us.
- Why wasn't it?
Couldn't you share it?
- If only.
As it turned out,
they took me as a piggy.
They were going to eat me, the bastards.
I barely fought them off.
Was it really necessary?!
There's not much to eat from me?
The camp drained me.
I'm just skin and bones.
They were like animals, my God!
For what paragraph did you serve a sentence?
I'm a thief.
For the robbery of 30 rubles,
I was sent here for 10 years.
Is this what I earned for 30 rubles?
What's your name?
Kostya, Zhmykh.
- I see.
Listen, Kostya
Tomorrow, when we get up,
you'll thank everyone for the hospitality.
and you will continue on your way.
We'll give you food and matches.
Understood. Until the day I die,
I will remember who I owe my life to.
And one more thing.
If I find out that you're up to something.
You'll have to forgive me,
but you'll get a bullet in the stomach.
Gosya! Where are you going?
I want to see the way to the passage.
Can I come with you?
Just a minute!
There it is - Otorten.
And there Kholat Syakhl.
And there is the passage
through which we must pass.
We'll leave the luggage down in the shed.
It's going to be easier to go on without!
What a beauty, isn't it?
Seems that we go camping
just for moments like these.
When everything is drowning in silence.
There's only the sky in front of you.
And mountains.
No, Zina!
Nothing can happen between us.
That's settled.
Because I can't do that to Yurka.
He's my friend, you know?
Because it's vile and mean.
It shouldn't be like this.
Gosya, we broke up.
- It doesn't matter.
You just don't love me, do you?
Tell me! Do you love me or not?
Zina! Where are you going? Wait!
Are you ok?
Calm down, calm down!
- Gosya!
Is he dead?
- Yes. Here's another one.
And that's the deal, guys.
So, he is not Fedya at all,
but a real criminal.
Why would you call him criminal?
You heard that he escaped from the camp.
- So what?
Isn't he human because of that?
I meant
that we have to do something.
But what? It'll take a week to reach
the nearest police station.
Hey guys. Where are Zina and Gosya?
Zina, hurry up! We have to make it.
We need to warn the others.
Maybe we should try to run away?
- Stay where you are and don't move!
Who are you?
- Students of the Ural Polytechnic University.
Do you have any documents?
- They are there. We left them in the camp.
Where is your camp?
In this direction, 3 kilometers from here.
Students of the Ural Polytechnic University?
I was there.
This is a big and beautiful institute.
Did you study there too?
- No.
I was studying something else entirely.
Tell me. Did
you see anyone around?
Look at me! You too!
Who did you see?
- No one.
I may not have graduated from college,
but I immediately understand,
when am I being lied to?
Just like right now. Well?
Two men, down the hill.
- Real corpses?
They didn't tell you anything?
For example, where is their friend?
Alright then.
- Is that all?
Can we go now?
- How else? Straight to the camp!
And quickly!
And we will follow you.
Just don't be stupid!
Forward, march!
Thank you, daughter.
Did you really steal?
Yes. I couldn't survive otherwise.
To tell you the truth, that's how I lived.
I was getting away with it.
I was never caught.
I was telling myself, I'm "fortunish".
What does that mean?
I was lucky.
Only I wasn't so lucky.
In this life, sooner or later,
everything catches up to you, daughter.
What are you going to do now?
Stealing again?
To end up here again?
I'd rather be shot.
And how will you live?
You should go to school.
Choose a specialty.
We'll see.
Maybe I'll live like a human being.
- Live for real.
As an honest man.
I promise.
Half an hour passed.
That's it, I'll go look for them.
- Yura, I'm coming with you.
We're following in their footsteps.
If something happens, we'll split up.
I'll go with you.
Hold up, guys. They're coming back.
And they're not alone.
- Who's with them?
I don't know.
Listen, Commander.
Don't give me away, please!
I'll be executed right here.
Keep your head down.
It's all right guys, comrade soldiers
will just check our documents.
Shut up!
Drop the axe!
Are you all here or is there someone in the forest?
- Everyone are here.
What do we have here?
It smells delicious.
Any meat in there?
- A little bit.
Will you pour three portions?
Are you looking for someone?
- We're looking for jail-breakers.
They run away, and we catch them.
So they don't reach normal people.
Anyone in the tent?
No, it's just our stuff.
- We'll see.
It's dark here.
Everyone prepare the documents.
What a smell!
How do you even sleep here?
You are welcome.
- Are you the leader?
I am an instructor
of the base "Kaurov", Zolotarev.
Fought in the war?
- Yes.
Stop feeding!
I didn't give you the command.
First we have to do our job.
It's like this, students:
If I find out you've been hiding something,
we'll be back.
Keep sunbathing!
Come out! They're gone.
Thank you, brothers!
Thank you, brothers!
I'll never forget you.
Thank you, brothers!
Thanks. Thanks.
Here you go.
This will be enough for the first time.
And matches.
Take my gloves.
Yours are quite worn out.
What about you?
- I have spare ones.
Don't walk on the river,
you might run into them.
Keep going on rocks along the shore.
After 20 kilometers there is a village.
Yes, I understand.
I'll get out with God's help.
Listen, if you get caught
don't talk about us.
I swear. They can torture me,
I won't confess.
Thank you, kids!
Yes, may God give you everything.
- Good luck!
Just don't steal anymore!
You promised.
I won't let you down, daughter.
Kostya, wait!
Don't think I'm some kind of a fool.
Here, put it on your finger
and don't take it off!
What for?
- It's a sort of amulet.
Just trust me on this.
Maybe this really help me.
- This will help. Go on now.
It was a good hunt, Unhu.
We will definitely thank
the spirits when we get home.
Unhu! Unhu!
- Grandfather
I think I'm sick.
Sorninai was angry with me.
Will she take me instead of the deadmen?
The weather is getting worse.
- I see.
We need to find shelter.
There is a bank of the river, we're going there.
- We won't make it.
We will, stick together.
Follow me!
Wait for me!
Don't leave!
Don't leave me!
Lyuda, it's me.
Are you all right?
Take off your backpack!
It's all right, don't worry.
We'll get out now.
Tie yourself to me!
Tie yourself!
Can you walk?
Gosya, are you sure that
we have to go to the forest?
Yes. There is no other way.
We'll make a covering
and at least will be sheltered from the wind.
No, it's dangerous in the woods.
- We could get hit by a falling tree.
So what! At least it doesn't blow like that there.
I've got it up to here with this wind.
Are we all here?
Where is Lyuda?
- Lyuda!
- And Kolya.
Kolya Thibault and Lyuda are gone.
- They're nowhere to be found. They got lost.
What are we doing?
- If we enter the forest,
they won't find us.
We can't stay here either.
We can split up.
Some will make a shed, the others are waiting here.
You can't! The wind will cover our tracks,
then we won't find each other at all.
Decide, you're in charge!
Lyuda, don't fall behind!
The wind covers the tracks quickly.
Maybe they're hiding somewhere.
- We only walked 200 meters.
And if they have gone somewhere, they are nearby.
- What if they fell under the ice?
No, the ice is more than a meter thick.
- Lyuda!
Can you smell it? The smoke.
- What?
Smoke, can you smell it?
Rustic, help me!
There's a yurt,
just up the coast.
They are heating the stove.
Sasha, take everyone and go there.
I'll go look for Lyuda and Kolya.
- Alone?
Should I come with you?
- No, I'll go alone.
Go into the house. Faster!
- Gosya, what if you get lost too?
I'll go with him.
Let's go!
The blizzard intensified.
Don't worry. They'll be back soon.
It's not dad.
- I'll go see.
Whoever it is, you don't have to open it.
Good afternoon.
We are tourists from Sverdlovsk.
Could you let us in
until the snowstorm subsides?
Come in.
Why did you let them in?
You know you shouldn't do that.
They are frozen.
- Dad won't like it.
This is my home. It's up to me.
Take off your jackets.
and sit by the fire.
I don't think your wife
likes us very much.
You don't have to be afraid of us.
It's not you she's afraid of.
Dry your things!
I'll go fill the kettle
with snow and make tea.
Thank you.
We have to go.
- Wait.
Wait another minute.
Can I ask you a question?
Go ahead.
Where did you get this name?
Are you really French?
My great-great-grandfather on my father's side
he came here from France 200 years ago.
My father was an engineer,
In Magnitogorsk iron and steel works.
In 1931, he was arrested.
And was sent to labor camp in Siberia.
I was born there.
In 1943, my father died.
The work in mines destroyed his health.
I did not know.
I haven't told anyone.
But don't think that
I'm ashamed of my father.
On the opposite, I'm very proud of him.
He's been doing mining all his life.
Imagine, even in the camp.
They took the guards off of him
and he was in charge of the mining operations.
That's the kind of man he was.
He'd be proud of you,
I'm sure.
Thank you, Kolya,
for not leaving me there.
I was so scared.
I couldn't get up
and there was no one around.
I wouldn't forgive myself.
- Kolya!
We won't find them that way.
They can't hear us. We should split up.
Pull the rope out!
We'll anchor up so we don't get lost.
Come on quickly! Yura!
What are you doing?
Take it easy! Take it easy!
Come to your senses! Take it easy!
You knew I love her.
Yura, I told her that nothing
is or can be between us.
Don't you understand?
Get up, they're waiting for us.
Thank you.
Are you not afraid to live here?
So far away from everyone?
We are here for as long as I remember.
I was born on Lozva.
My wife is here.
This is her father's house.
Now they're hunting with my eldest son.
It's time for him to become a man.
- How old is your son?
He is six years old, he is almost an adult.
And who are you by nationality?
Thank you.
- The locals call us ostyaks.
Are these cuttings on the trees your doing?
- Some are ours.
Some are from other hunters.
- Is it true,
that someone lives in these mountains
the evil goddess?
Is that why you came here?
- No, our route is going through here.
They just told us
that there was such a legend.
There is one.
There are many different legends.
Not everyone is here.
- What?
There are others.
Are there any other people out there?
How do you know?
- Yes, two of our comrades got lost.
And the other two went looking for them.
Are you talking to me?
What did she say?
- She said they'd be back.
And the one you're waiting for,
will be back as well.
Kolya, I'm sorry
for pestering you all the time.
Lyuda, save your breath.
I used to think you were a narcissist.
And you're not.
You're not like that at all.
I don't understand.
Are we lost?
Kolka! Lyuda!
- Guys, I thought this was the end.
Did you think we'd leave you here?
Give me the backpack!
Follow us!
We found shelter.
Lyuda, come on, come on!
I have a bad feeling about these ostyaks.
And the guys are still not back.
I hope nothing bad happened.
They're already here.
- What?
Guys, finally!
Come in, come in!
Get out of here!
- It's my fault.
What is your fault?
Kolya saved me.
Thibault is a hero.
You saved the food warden.
If Gosya and Yurka hadn't found us
Come on, come on.
Well, tell me!
Hi. Forgive us.
We showed up uninvited
like a snow on the head.
It's all right! There is room for everyone.
Lie down on the floor.
I'll lay down some skins, it'll be more comfortable.
- Thank you.
Tell us what happened out there.
Gosya, come with me.
We need to talk.
Do you love her?
- If you really love her,
if your feelings for
her are serious,
I won't stand between you.
I shouldn't!
You know, when we were together,
she talked about you all the time.
Gosya this, Gosya that.
Despite that, I was hoping
for something.
Just promise me one thing.
To do everything
to make her happy.
Get out of here!
- Lyuda, quickly!
Get your stuff and get out!
Dad, what are you doing? Stop it!
Get out! Go on, get out!
- Why did you let the deadmen in our home?
Stop it!
- They don't belong here.
Guys, I think that's the boy
I saw in the woods.
Kolya, what's wrong with him?
- I don't know. Get dressed!
It's because of you!
You brought death here.
Get out of here!
So much for local hospitality.
There it is, in all its glory.
Yes, they took us in and now it's over.
Guys, come on!
We need to find a place to build a shed.
We'll leave the luggage there
and we'll go up without it.
Rustic! Enough.
That shed will pop.
You insult me.
- Kolka!
Mark it on the map properly.
- All right.
Well? Is everyone ready?
Lyuda, what's wrong?
I think maybe we
shouldn't go there.
Where, on Otorten?
Guys, just think about it.
So many things have happened.
First those circles in the sky,
then the bear,
those men with machine guns
and the old man with the rifle.
It's like everything is telling us
not to go there.
Perhaps the Mansi were right,
when they were warning us.
Well, they got to the warden.
Lyuda, what do you suggest?
Should we go back?
Gosya may Lyuda is right.
Look a blizzard is getting stronger.
All right.
I understand everything,
we've been through a lot.
We're all very tired.
And if you tell me now,
that we should go back,
I'll understand.
Let's do it!
We'll put it down to a vote.
Who's in favor of going back?
I'm sorry guys,
I don't know what came over me.
Gosya is right, we've been through
too much to just go back now.
We have to get to the end.
We are "iron tourists from the UPI" after all.
Who else is in favor?
I'm for it.
- Me, too.
Well, guys, it's decided!
Today we spend the night on the pass.
Yurka, are you coming?
- Go on!
I'll catch up with you.
I must perpetuate this moment.
This is triumph! Clear as water!
The power of the spirit!
8 hours before the death of the group.
Everything is ghostly
in this raging world
There is but a moment
just hold on to it
There is but a moment
between the past and the future
and that very moment
is called life.
Eternal peace is unlikely
to please the heart
eternal peace is for the ancient pyramids
but for a star,
that breaks away and falls down,
there's just a moment, a blinding moment
but for a star,
that breaks away and falls down,
there's just a moment, a blinding moment
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