Dear Child (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Für Lena

Hello, Lena.
Help me.
-I got you one. Here.
we do our job properly, you know? I mean
Oh, I see. All good.
I'm here for something else.
Oh. For what?
I can't talk about it.
Thank you.
Just stay down, okay?
Like we talked about.
-Mr. Beck!
-Mr. Beck!
-Mr. Beck!
-Mr. Beck!
Mr. Beck! Hey!
Mr. Beck!
Mr. Beck, hey!
Mr. Beck, just stay for a moment!
-Don't be scared, Hannachen.
-Mr. Beck! Hey!
Get lost!
Get lost!
I'd like you to meet Hannah.
this is your grandma.
We were going to go home, Grandpa.
we are home.
This is not home.
Who's this? Is that your cat?
I kept trying to reach you.
Why didn't you pick up?
Later, please.
Come on, Hannah.
I'll show you your room.
Why are you here?
I'm here because my parents
are getting divorced,
and my mother flipped out on me a bit.
And you?
I'm not allowed to talk to you.
-I'm not allowed to talk to you.
Says who? Your sister?
My dad. I promised him
that I wouldn't talk to anybody.
He said he'd come pick me up
when our new home is ready.
Jonathan, you have to let him sleep,
all right?
Don't disturb him
or sneak a peek at him, understood?
You see, I've got a lot of work to do,
so I can't take you with me.
But I'll be watching you all the time.
And I'll take care of you.
You know that, right?
One, two,
three, four,
five, six,
seven, eight,
nine, ten,
eleven, twelve
I drew that.
I know.
Dad, Mom, Jonathan, me, and Miss Tinky.
And Mom,
is that Lena?
The real Lena who gave birth to you?
Dad said that's not important.
Not important?
It's not about
whether she gave birth to us.
The important thing is that she behaves,
obeys the rules, and loves us.
The mom in the drawing,
she has a baby in her arms.
That's Sara.
Our sister.
We didn't keep her for long.
-Matthias, come here, please.
-In a minute.
You can't act like nothing's happened
and play happy families with the child.
But we are her family.
-Hannah is our granddaughter!
And all that madness out front,
you're exposing her to that.
You bring her here
Because Hannah needs us.
She needs normalcy.
She doesn't even know what that is!
She needs professional help
from therapists.
I'm still taking her
to the therapy sessions!
Where are you going?
I need some time to myself.
The shoulder blade bone belongs
to a 24-hour home nurse from Croatia.
The DNA match for that guy
from the security company
came back negative.
I thought so. Otherwise, he probably
wouldn't have agreed to the test.
But the reason for my call,
we got a tip from the Maastricht police.
Jasper Neeskens, a Dutch national,
has been missing since the accident.
He was travelling in a silver Volvo V70
and is a very good match
for our facial composite.
And could he be a possible accomplice?
No. He returned from South Africa
with his wife and three kids
only four months ago.
He worked there for more than ten years
as a raw materials extraction engineer.
That's all that you have to say about it?
You need to talk to Jasmin Grass
about why she identified the wrong man.
Yeah, I'll drive to her place.
If the dead man
had nothing to do with it, then
why would Jasmin Grass lie to us?
I'll ask her.
Jasmin Grass.
My father is visiting on short notice,
so I'd like to reschedule today's
therapy session for next week.
No. I already have an appointment
with my gynecologist on that day.
For my pregnancy.
Yes. Thank you.
Then Right, I'll get back to you.
You have a visitor.
Your grandma would like to meet you.
He has an upset stomach.
Probably too many sweets.
I'll leave the door ajar.
Just call if you need anything, okay?
Well done.
Better now?
Mom? Can we get back
to the English lesson?
All right.
Everyone, back to the classroom.
Go on.
Open your notebooks.
Very good, you two.
Thanks, Dad.
You know you shouldn't cry
in front of the children.
You'll get your punishment.
But first we're taking a pregnancy test.
Hannah, Jonathan, come on now!
What are you doing here?
Someone threw pebbles at my window.
And why did you roll up the shutters?
It happened on its own.
How about some hot milk with honey?
It helps when you can't sleep.
No, thank you.
I remembered everything exactly.
I did everything right.
I'm a big girl.
Mr. Beck!
-Just a minute!
-Mr. Beck!
Just a minute!
There's Mom.
And that's where we're going.
Yes. This will be our new home.
Then everything will finally be
like it used to be.
Dad? Where's Mom?
There she is again.
Do you want to lie down for a bit
before we go pick up Mom?
It's time, Lena.
Go out through the gate.
I'll wait around the corner.
-Hannah is gone.
I've searched the house.
She was still here last night.
The front door was open.
The plush cat
and the storybook are also gone.
-You have to somehow
-Matthias, calm down, okay?
The press outside would have
noticed something if Hannah
She must have left
in the middle of the night
I'll send someone, understood?
There'll be charges filed
if you don't keep your distance.
We got a tip
-How'd you get this address?
-A text message.
-From whom?
Hello! Yes, go on!
-Call the Becks right now.
But first, call my department.
They need to go there immediately.
-And send forensics as well, okay?
-What's happened?
Hannah has disappeared.
Probably last night.
And where are you? I tried to call yo
-I'll explain later.
But you need to find out
if the head of the security company
-Rogner and Son.
-Yeah, exactly.
If he has any connection to the Becks.
Okay, will do.
Like that, Dad?
That's not necessary.
How are you, Lena?
You're pregnant?
How lovely.
Where are we going?
To our new home, Mom.
Yes, my darling?
Can't we take Nurse Ruth from the hospital
home with us?
As Grandma?
All children have a grandma and grandpa.
Yes, but they don't always
necessarily live with the family.
But you also lived in a house
with your grandma and grandpa.
But they were like my parents.
And your biological parents?
What about them?
Please, Dad.
Can we take Nurse Ruth with us as grandma?
Hannah, I'm afraid that's not possible.
But you can wish for something else, okay?
I promise.
Then I want to go to the sea
before we drive home.
To the lighthouse
that looks like a candy cane.
Where is that?
Grandpa said it's in Egmond.
I'm sorry, I can't find
any customer named Beck here.
Tax consultant, Meerbusch near Düsseldorf.
It may have been 13 years ago.
Then maybe it was
before the company moved here to Aachen.
I'll need to check the file folders
in the back.
Until I arrived,
they didn't have anything digitized.
Is that Rogner senior?
Lars Rogner really looks very similar
to his father.
That's his grandfather.
And this?
Rogner senior as well.
With his wife and daughter.
And little Lars.
That's Lars Rogner's mother?
Yeah. Just ran away one day.
She was still very young.
And what about his father?
There isn't one.
Here it is.
Beck, tax office and private residence.
Both were equipped
with an alarm system in 2002.
The last call-out was almost 13 years ago.
It was a false alarm. Someone went over
and restarted the system.
Zero, two, one, six, one
for Mönchengladbach,
and then 27 three times.
-They can turn it off again.
-No problem, Lenchen.
-And again, sorry.
Say hi to Mom, yeah?
Enjoy your anniversary.
I watch the dog for just one weekend,
and something like this happens.
Look away for a moment, please.
Thank you so much!
I'm so sorry.
We deserve an ice cream for that, right?
Why me?
Why did you let me live?
Why did you even send Hannah along?
Simples, Mom. Because I wanted it.
It's broken.
My treasure is broken!
Give me that. It's dangerous.
Jonathan, you stay here and tidy up.
And clean the carpet.
And I'll go look for Mom.
When Dad wakes up, tell him that.
Do you understand?
Hey, are you okay?
Can you hear me?
I'll call an ambulance. Yeah?
I'll call an ambulance, okay?
What are you doing? You could have died!
You can't just run out like that!
But I had to run after Mom.
That guy back there ran her down.
But I already punished him.
We need an ambulance for Mom.
Hannah, that
that's not possible.
Please, Dad.
I want to keep this mom.
She can tell stories much better
than the moms before her.
She does it like the first mom.
This time, an ambulance has to come.
You're crying, my darling.
Here, Dad.
You can defend yourself with that
when he wakes up again.
Wait here until I come back.
Do you remember everything?
The man was nice and took care of Mom.
He only disappeared
right before the ambulance arrived.
It wasn't his fault
that the accident happened.
Very good.
Soon we'll be a happy family again. Okay?
I'll come back for all of you
as soon as Lena is better.
I'll call the ambulance. When you see
the blue lights, run towards the road.
As agreed.
As agreed.
I know that you'll do everything right,
my big girl.
I asked for it.
And Dad did everything
the way I wanted it.
Because I'm his favorite child.
Yes, Bühling?
Yeah, this is Teske.
We didn't find any signs of forced entry.
No finger or footprints either.
-We're packing up here.
-Sorry, may I speak briefly?
Gerd, what's going to happen now?
My colleagues are doing
everything they can.
Hannah is somewhere out there, all alone.
She's clueless about this world.
-If anything happens to her, then
I'll bring her back to you. I promise.
-Do you know where she is?
-I can't tell
-On the A73 just outside Nijmegen
Please pull the door shut when you leave.
I have to
Who is that?
Dad. But in very old.
You're doing so well, Jonathan.
And who do you see in this picture?
Dad again.
But in less old.
And Mom.
But different.
Can I ask you one more thing, Jonathan?
Why did you stay in the house?
The door was open.
Because Hannah left
and told me I had to stay.
I'm sorry.
You didn't do anything bad.
Come here.
It's 12:00 p.m.
-We're almost there.
-I have to use the bathroom.
Go on.
Jonathan has identified him.
It is Lars Rogner.
In his office,
there's a picture of his mother.
She looks just like Lena Beck.
-The skirt, the blouse, everything.
Nobody in the company
has any idea where he is.
But Rogner has inherited a house
from his grandfather near Mönchengladbach.
I'm on my way there right now.
Turn around, please.
Lena, wake up.
I'm not pregnant.
I am not Lena!
I am Jasmin.
Where is Lena?
Where did you bury her?
At home.
In the garden.
How do you like the sea?
How does it feel?
And cold.
But still like happiness.
My name is Matthias Beck.
This is my wife, Karin.
Thirteen years ago,
our daughter, Lena, went missing.
She was a fun-loving person.
Hello, Hannah.
-Hello, Benedikt.
-And smart.
And ready to help.
A great storyteller.
For all of those many years,
we didn't know what had happened to her.
Now she has finally been found.
We buried her.
She is with us.
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