Dekalog (1989) s01e06 Episode Script

Part 6

I received this notification There's nothing for you But I've been notified There's nothing Check it yourself if you wish When shall I come again? When you get another notification perhaps HalloHallo Enough of this nonsense! Who is it? I can hear you breathe, you skunk! Hallo I'm sorry I'm off to empty the dust-bin the chute's out of order I know, I know My milk hasn't been delivered I got a bottle yesterday but not he day before This is the gas-works emergency service I have a gas leak to report Are you sure? Yes.
You see, I can smell it Yes? I can hear it, too Where is that leak? In my gas stove Have you turned the gas off? Yes Your address, please? No 4, Piratow street Yes? Flat No376 I've taken not of it Our men will be there soon Who is it? The milkman You forgot to put the empty bottle out.
Yes Tomek Have you got a girl-friend? No I suppose nobody's ever told you You see, girls pretend to be unceremonious, they kiss boys But actually prefer them to be subtel Should you ever want to bring somebody to the flat you're quite free to I haven't a girl-friend Tomek! Tomek! Good morning Good morning I talked to you the last time didn't I? Yes I've received another notification Well, I don't know This is my second visit here I know, Madam, but there's nothing And the second notification which seems to be false Yes Quite a mess you have here? Yes I'd like to talk to an older person Pardon? An older person The postmaster or somebody Yes, Madam? This is the first one It's several days old And this is the second one Two notification about money orders but there's no money And no order, either There are notifications all right What's wrong? I'd like to see the orders Who's the sender supposed to be? I don't know It says twenty-four thousand Then how do you know the money was sent to you at all? Why, this is the second notification I got But the official's told you there's nothing, hasn't he? That's impossible I keep getting those Mr.
Wacek! Will you come here a minute? Yes, Madam? Take a look at these! Ordinary notifications They're from your area Did you write them you? No.
It wasn't me I always write with a pencil But they were in my post-box Don't you hear? They aren't form our office You heard what the postman said Now come on, Madam! I found these in my own post-box! And there's the stamp of your office on them! The post office isn't mine It's national You have to wrote them out yourself You'd better inform it to the police instead of playing a detective here Yes, you're right I'm going to the police station May I have the notifications please? Oh, no, you're not getting them! They're forged! Just look at her tried to swindle money! Want anything from me? I'd like you to know there wasn't any money And the notifications? That was my doing Why? I wanted Well? I wanted to see you To see me? You wanted to see me? You cried yesterday, didn't you? How do you know? I've been peeping at you what? I've been peeping at you through the window Get out of here, but quick! Hallo I'm counting three OneTwo Hallo Are you looking at me now? Yes I moved the bed for you Can you see it? Yes Have a good time Hey, you there! You bum! Come here, you post office wretch! Come on, s.
! You're a coward A coward AH so it's you, baby, eh? Now put your hands up! Put 'em up! And never try that trick again! At your age, it isn't good for you! I thought it was you Want to come in? I'm alone YOu're looking swell Harely a fighter, eh? Tell me why are you peeping at me? Because I love you I really do And what do you want? I don't know To kiss me? No Or perhaps to go to bed I mean, to make love to me? No Then what do you want? Nothing Nothing? Nothing Could I ask you to a coffee-shop? Buy you som eice-cream? Sorry How long have oyu been watching me? One year Remember what you said that morning? Repeat it I love oyu There's no love There is No Got any friends? Just one but he's away for the present Where is he? In Syria Serving in the Polish UN troops I'm living at his mother's now It's across the street from I can guess that He used to peep at you, too Did he tell you about it? When he was leaving he gave me his binoculare and showed me your window What did he say? Well Out with it A nice Go on A nice chickLikes a screw I know now.
All right, so you love me and work at the post office What else? I learn foreign languages And how many have you learned already? Bulgarian That's nice, but what for? We had two Bulgarian kids back at the orphanage Then I learned English Right now, I'm learning Portuguese You're a funny kid No.
I just have a good memory I remember everything From the very beginning Do you remember the monent you were born, too? I sometimes seem to remember it And your parents? No, not them Do you remember a boy a slender one Used to visit me last autumn I remember him, he brought you milk and bread rolls and collected some parcels That's him He went abroad and never came back I like him I liked him too, I guess Well, he went to Austria and then to Australia To Australia? Yeah lI used to steal your letters I didn't know they were from him I work at the post office You've encircled me Delivering my milk summoning me to the office sending gas-fitters to pester me stealing my letters Ah well, it doesn't really matter Give me your hand Now stroke me Look experienced men do it this way Our bus Let's make a deal: If we manage to catch it, you'll visit me If we fail, you won't.
? Then give me your hand What else do you know about me? Tell me what you see from your window when I'm having company It's called making love I once watched you do it I don't anymore It's got nothing to do with love Tell me what I do on such occasions? You take your clothes off and theirs you take their clothes off, too Then you both lie down on the bed sometimes on the floor, too Where else? In the kitchen You close your eyes then you raise your arms Can you imitate it? Ever had a girl? No Do youdo you play with yourself while looking at me do it? Not anymoreI used to Know it's a sin? Yes But now, I only think about you Don't say anything now You know I'm naked underneath don't you? A woman who wants to be with a man gets wet inside And that's what I am right now You have gentle hands Don't be afraid Finished? Well, did you like it? See, this is what love is You can go to the bathroom Wipe it away with a towel I'm not home I'm sorry.
Did I wake you up? No I'm looking for Yes, he lives here He forgot his coat at my flat Come on in You'd better lie down Is he out? No.
He's in a hospital What happened? Nothing serious He'll be out in several days a dozen maybe I'd like to visit him there You know, he only just left my flat I know I'm afraid lI harmed him No, please don't go in there He'll be back Please tell me what happened You'll think it's funny He fell in love with you This is his field-glass He used to peep at you throught it Must have stolen it somewhere I guess He had binoculars before that about a year long And here's his alarm clock set on half past eight You come home that time, don't you? More or less He's fallen on the wrong person hasn't he? Yes I take care of him You have a son of your own don't you? He's away And he's sure to go away again as soon as he's back He's been running away all his life Never wanted to stay with me I'm an old woman I neither need nor want anything But I'm aftaid to be alone I like to have somebody next to me Good night May I perhaps phone you Ask about his health? There's no phone in this flat Excuse me, Madam.
What is his name? Tomek What are these deletions supposed to mean? Please never delete anything Excuse me The number of your flat? I've got nothing for you Do you know what happened to that boy? Used to work at a counter in your post office He cut his veins Unhappy love, they say Do you know his nmae? Sorry.
You'll have to ask the postmistress Hallo? Is that you, Tomek? Say something! I've been looking for you everywhere I went to several hospitals I wanted to find you to let you know you were right Do you hear, Tomek? You were right I don't really know what to say how to say Hallow That you, Magga baby? Yes This is Wojtek speaking Was it you who phoned jsut a moment ago? Yeah.
But I couldn't get through damn it Did you hear what I was saying? No.
Look, we're in Excuse me, Madam Is he back? Not yet I don't peep at you anymore
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