Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

Swordsman Accompanying a Demon

Have you gotten changed?
Now that you're starting out
with the Demon Slayer Corps,
I'd like to explain a few things to you.
That Demon Slayer Corps outfit
you're wearing right now
It's made of a special kind of fiber.
The fabric is quite breathable,
yet it repels moisture and won't burn easily.
A low-level demon's talons or fangs
couldn't even manage to tear that uniform.
It's that strong?
that Nichirin Sword of yours
The color varies from owner to owner,
and each hue has unique properties.
But since not many people end up with
black blades, little is known about them.
So little, in fact, that—
So little is known that
What, Mr. Urokodaki?
Since so little is known about them,
black blades are said to be wielded
by swordsmen who'll never go far.
I don't know how I'll do
in the Demon Slayer Corps,
but I'm going to turn Nezuko
back into a human no matter what.
Yes, you're right.
I have faith
that you're going to make that happen.
One more thing.
Take this.
It's a box for you
to carry your sister in during the day.
Built out of an extremely light wood
called "Cloud Mist Pine."
I coated it with rock lacquer
to reinforce its exterior
and to make it even more durable.
Thank you very much!
It's so light!
It's really light, Mr. Urokodaki!
Get inside this, will you?
Can you do it?
Nezuko, from now on,
we're always gonna be together, okay?
All right, I'll be going now.
Hold on. Do you mind?
Nezuko, are you all right?
I'm just guessing here,
but it could be that Nezuko's recovering
her strength by sleeping
instead of consuming human flesh.
You get lots of rest.
Could this be the town to the northwest?
Oh, look, there's Kazumi.
Poor thing. He looks so haggard.
Because he was with Satoko
when she was taken.
Night after night It's so creepy.
It's so dreadful!
When night falls,
yet another young girl will be abducted!
Mr. Kazumi!
If you don't mind,
I'd like to hear your story.
Is that all right?
This is where Satoko vanished.
You may not believe me.
I do believe you!
I believe you, all right!
I believe you!
There's still a faint trace of demon scent,
but it's uneven, so to speak.
There's something strange about this.
Who is this kid anyway?
How dare you!
What do you mean, "vanished"?
You bastard!
That's enough! Please stop!
I want you to believe me.
She really did vanish.
I believe you.
After all, that's why I'm here.
You're gonna keep going?
Look how late it's gotten.
I'm flattered
that you're so concerned for me,
but shouldn't you pick up
again tomorrow and get some rest?
Those things are active during the night.
So, I can't afford to rest.
I've detected a new scent in this area.
It's gotta be somewhere nearby.
Those things
Don't tell me you're
You're seriously
How terrifying.
I want you to stay indoors
for the time being.
Yes, Mother.
Now then, good night.
I wonder what became of the girls
who were taken.
I just hope they're all right.
What's gotten into you all of a sudden?
So fast!
The scent just got stronger!
The demon's at large!
He jumped?
He spoke of demons.
The Demon Slayer Corps
He really
This is it.
They're here right now!
Two different scents.
A demon and a female human!
They're nowhere to be seen.
The spot where the scent is strongest
is right here!
A morphed demon!
The demons who use a special spell
called the "Blood Demon Art"
possess supernatural abilities.
You may have to fight those demons,
as well, from now on.
Where are those girls you kidnapped?
I've got two more questions for you!
Who was that?
Mr. Kazumi,
Please hold this person and stand nearby.
If you're inside my range of attack,
I can protect you!
From the ground or this wall
It can probably emerge from anywhere.
There's also the chance
that it could show up out of thin air.
But this demon
Even when it's submerged,
it can't erase its scent!
Here it comes!
Water Breathing,
Fifth Form!
There's three of them!
Settle down!
You can do it!
Eighth Form
Waterfall Basin!
Tanjiro, listen to me closely.
The type of demon with the blood
that can turn humans into demons
There's only one in this world.
Just one
The one who was the first
to become a demon
more than a thousand years ago.
In other words,
that is your family's foe.
Moreover, I believe he's the one
who might know how to turn
your sister back into a human.
That demon's name is
Muzan Kibutsuji!
Eighth Form,
Waterfall Basin!
Too shallow!
I missed all the vulnerable spots!
Because I switched forms
midway through!
All three of them
have the exact same scent.
I was told that demons
don't band together as a rule.
So, one demon has dispersed
into three.
I'm going to protect these two
while slashing those three demons!
Don't lose your nerve!
Make sure you get him to tell you
about Muzan Kibutsuji
and how to turn a demon
back into a human!
Total Concentration
Water Breathing
Second Form
Water Wheel!
Too shallow again!
I can't chase him too far.
And I can't take a full swing
while guarding others!
You bastard!
Back off for crying out loud!
That girl's gonna go stale on me, dammit!
That girl's already 16, okay?
If I don't devour her soon,
she's gonna lose flavor
by the second!
Calm down, my other self.
Hey, so what?
There are gonna be nights like this.
I've already fed on plenty
of 16-year-old girls in this town.
They were all quite meaty and delicious.
I'm satisfied.
Well, I'm not satisfied, my other self!
I wanna consume more!
You monster
Return Satoko to me.
The one you abducted the night before last!
Who are you talking about?
If her hairpin
is among these collectibles,
then I've devoured her.
I missed again!
He can escape underground so fast!
Oh no! I got too close to the wall!
Why would a mere human
be accompanying a demon?
What's the meaning of this?
Who are those two?
Are they a swordsman
and demon working together?
I don't get it at all.
This may only be cold comfort,
but while Nezuko was asleep,
I used hypnotic suggestion on her.
"All humans are your family."
"Protect humans."
"The demons are the enemy"!
"Never forgive any demon
who brings harm onto humans"!
Your kicks really saved the day, Nezuko!
It didn't break even after
all those kicks from the inside.
That box is super-strong!
But isn't it cramped in there?
Isn't it uncomfortable?
I'll build a much bigger box for you!
Now, it's time for a Taisho secret!
I heard today's demon has been grinding
his teeth like crazy since he was a human.
Next, Episode 7, "Muzan Kibutsuji"!
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