Dempsey and Makepeace (1985) s01e06 Episode Script

Nowhere to Run

Home, sweet home, eh?
I'll tell you, I don't care
if I never roadie another gig
after that lot.
You said that last time.
Yeah, well, that was Motorhead,
weren't it?
What is it this time? Old age?
- Too much of that German lager.
- Could be.
There we go, Chief.
Right on schedule.
You know what?
I should be running British Rail.
Hey, let's stop for some breakfast
before we get this lot back, yeah?
Save for the homeward stretch.
What do you think?
Oh, come on!
Oh, thanks a bunch, Eddie!
It's all right, my son.
Beautiful, beautiful.
Right, erm, can I have an egg
on toast and a tea, please, love?
Sure. Yes?
Er, me? I want a double egg,
bacon, beans,
tomatoes and a fried slice.
Oh, and, er, two rounds of toast
and a cup of tea, please.
So? I'm hungry.
Oh, they're making it simple for us.
You stay with the car
and follow me when I drive out.
And, er, nice and easy, right?
Tell you what, I'm gonna kip
for the rest of the week
when we've dumped that lot off,
if I can get my eyelids together.
Did you bring the cigarettes in
with you?
No, I left 'em in the van.
I don't carry 'em around for you.
Yeah, well,
if they bring my breakfast,
don't go nicking my egg, OK?
Don't bet on it.
Oi, what you doing?!
Get out!
Oi, Eddie!
Get off!
Go away!
I guess that does wonders
for your chest, huh?
Sure looks like it.
Hey, you hit it.
What, you got a Kewpie doll
or something?
No, I got a gorilla from America.
What are you doing here, Dempsey?
This is strictly for club members.
And don't tell me you've joined,
because they wouldn't have you.
See, now, there you go again
with that class barrier stuff.
What is that, anyway?
Something you got
with cereal box tops?
It's a compound bow, since you ask.
Works like a pulley system,
so the draw weight is minimised.
Frowned on in this sort of circle,
but certainly very powerful.
I don't see too many of
these Robin Hoods frowning.
How do you get away
with the bad form? Being a cop?
Will you please tell me
what you're doing here?
We got business, honey.
The crap has hit the fan
at Agincourt,
and Spikings V hath need of thee
and thy funny bow and arrow,
and forsooth has sent me
to fetch thee
and bring thee to split, like, now.
Will you stop torturing the language
and tell me
what you're trying to say?
A hijacked truck, murder with a .38
and the chief's going crazy
cos you ain't around
on your day off,
which is no longer your day off.
So, are you coming?
Of course, since you put it so well.
Don't give me the runaround
about preference, Frank.
You know what I want.
Aliases, known associates,
previous MO, the lot.
And I don't want them
next Wednesday. I want it now!
All right, you do that.
Ah, Makepeace.
Welcome back to the 20th century.
No bows and arrows in this one,
I'm afraid.
Just big, nasty bullets.
Dempsey's briefed you, I take it.
Yes, he has. I understand we have
a witness to the murder.
One Lovejoy, would you believe?
A sales rep in athletic supports.
An uplifting sort of a job, eh?
Yeah, well
- when do we get to talk to him, Chief?
- You don't.
He's given us all we want,
positive ID on the gunman,
and he's prepared to swear to it.
Summarise it for the Sergeant.
We wouldn't want our
colonial brethren to feel left out.
We whipped your butts 200 years ago.
- Sir.
- Hm!
Let me see the mugshot, Harry.
Name's Paul Marshall, aged 34.
Born and lives in London.
Started as a car thief,
graduated to robbery.
Did three years in Brixton,
'73 to '76.
No convictions since,
but twice arrested on suspicion
of trafficking in prohibited drugs.
Well, well.
Released on both occasions
through lack of evidence.
So he learned how to get slippery
while he was in the joint.
And where to buy a gun,
I should think.
Well, he certainly graduated
from being a car thief.
He certainly has.
What it doesn't tell you in there
is that Marshall's been making
some very funny friends,
for a minor crook.
If the whisper's right,
he's moved into the drug trade
coming from the Middle East.
He set up a run through Europe,
to Amsterdam and to London,
then probably New York.
Oh, yeah? I'd like to meet him.
I thought you might.
Well, now's your chance.
Whatever it is, it's a can of worms.
He wouldn't go back to
nicking transits for a laugh,
and now he's shooting.
The governor wants him,
and I want him, badly.
Well, thank you very much
for waiting, friend.
There's nothing like a bit of backup
when you need it!
You were stupid.
There is no room for stupidity
in what we do here.
What was I supposed to do
with the guy?
Bring him along for the ride?
You were supposed to deliver this
with the minimum of attention.
According to the radio,
you now have half the police
in London looking for you.
Not good, Mr Marshall,
for any of us.
Listen. You've got the stuff,
haven't you?
If the law's out to get me,
that's my problem.
You and your little mob
are still clean, aren't you?
Now, do you want the gear or not?!
So, show us, please.
It's that one there.
Now Laurel and Hardy
can do the donkey work.
Take his gun.
What's going on?
Unload the van.
You and me had a deal!
That was before the shooting.
Now we have a liability - you.
So we keep you until
you can no longer jeopardise us.
Then we shall see.
Yeah, all right.
Here we go, Piglet.
Couple of super dicks for you,
real heavy mob.
Hey, nice of you to notice.
What's he talking about?
Who are you?
Just a couple of cops, Piglet.
Don't get sweaty.
Mind if we call you Piglet?
Everybody seems to be doing it.
Suit yourself.
Anything's better than Cyril.
What do you want?
We'd like to hear your version
of what happened today,
and why you think it happened.
Well, I don't know, do I?
Some lunatic nicked the van
and shot my mate.
I've already gone over it ten times
with the other lot.
Well, go over it one more time.
What do you got to lose?
Got your little pad, Harry?
Naturally, Lieutenant.
Who are you?
Open the door.
He was all right, Eddie was.
We did a lot of miles together.
What a way to go. Eh?
I mean, what a way to go.
How easy would it have been
to plant you on the way back?
Switch a case or something?
Not impossible.
I mean, we're just a road crew,
not Securicor.
Hey do you reckon
that's what it was? They set us up?
You wouldn't be the first,
by any means.
It's a lot safer than taking it
through customs yourself,
if you're a dealer.
And no comeback
if anybody gets busted.
Listen, I'm sorry about your friend.
I know how it feels.
Yeah, I'm sure you do.
Hey, listen.
How much longer have I got to stay
cooped up in here?
I mean, I only saw
the back end of it.
You shouldn't be here much longer
once you've signed the statement.
If you'd like, I'll get them
to bring you a cup of tea.
Yeah, that'd be nice.
Hey, er, you couldn't get them
to put a bacon sandwich beside it,
could you?
I've just realised I'm starving.
He was giving us the truth,
wasn't he?
As far as I could see.
Didn't seem like
one of nature's gangsters to me.
Speaking of which,
we're no closer to Marshall
from anything he told us.
But there must be
a tie-in somewhere -
Marshall didn't just
pick them out of a hat.
It must be the studio.
Somebody who works there,
or something.
There's so many people
who go in and out of that
I'm gonna drop you off,
then I'm gonna go by my place.
I need to pick up a few things.
Dempsey, Spikings is waiting
with CID at Marshall's address.
We liaise, remember?
Yeah, or work around him
if we don't.
So, you liaise
and I'll work around him.
We'll save a lot of time.
Look, we got a killer out there,
we got drugs here.
We got rock and roll here.
There's only one thing missing
with us.
Oh, really? What might that be?
Oh, this is ridiculous, Masad!
You know that.
What do you think I'm gonna do?
Turn you in or something?
It'd be like cutting my own throat.
Perhaps not.
But for the present,
I prefer to keep you
where you can do us no harm,
consciously or otherwise.
Simply a precaution.
Oh, yeah.
Then what happens?
I suppose you'll pay me off
and we all live happily ever after.
I'm dead!
In this place of hidden desires
Secret love
That lights the fire ♪
Christy, that was
absolutely divine, darling!
Sounded like your lunch
was coming up.
- What?!
- Listen, take a ten-minute break,
and we'll see if there's
anything there we can salvage.
Yeah, all right.
I'll see if I can learn the words.
Oh, this one's got words, has it?
Who are you?
Don't tell me
you're Terence Donovan,
cos he wears a whistle.
For taking pictures?
What does he need a whistle for?
It's a suit.
Whistle and flute - suit.
Are you a Yank?
Born and bred.
Not well bred, just bred.
Where abouts?
New York.
Where else is there?
Don't know. Never been.
You don't look American.
It's just your accent.
I don't, huh?
My old man was Irish,
my mother was Italian.
That ought to make me American.
What are you doing here?
Just trying to make a buck.
You print any of that,
and I'll sue you.
Or my manager will.
Personally, I couldn't give a toss.
What's your name?
Jim Dempsey. What's yours?
Christy, short for Christine.
Looks better on the posters, too.
Looks good enough to me.
Don't give me any of that rubbish.
Have any toot on you,
Jim Dempsey, have you?
I could do with some sparkle
in here.
Well, no. Uh
but I heard there was some around.
I just ain't run into it yet.
Makes two of us.
Midge went short for a fortnight
with all this law
that's been flapping around.
You hear about that?
Yeah. Somebody got shot, right?
Yeah, fella called Eddie,
one of the roadies here.
Madness, innit?
You said it.
Listen, Eddie was a friend
of Midge's, huh?
How should I know?
You'd have to ask Midge,
wouldn't you?
Just trying to score.
You know where I can run into him?
Who knows?
I'm not his agent.
OK, Christy,
let's have another crack at it.
Yeah, all right.
You're nearly all right.
Perhaps it's just being a Yank.
Are we wasting our time here,
or what?
Come on, spit it out.
Looks like it, sir.
Marshall hasn't been seen around
here for the last month or so.
Hasn't paid the rent either.
- You lot found anything?
- No, sir.
No, nothing.
he's moved on,
or this is just a meeting place.
Can't have all the luck, can we?
What about surveillance?
He could still use it as a bolthole.
Let's leave that to the uniforms.
They like all that hanging about.
What you've got to do is to round up
our vanishing American
and get your noses
out onto the street, as a team.
It's Paul.
How are you, darling?
Paul! I'm OK.
Well, apart from working.
Nobody in this town speaks English
any more.
- Where've you been?
- All over the place, love.
Listen, what are you doing
this evening?
Are you in, are you?
I thought I might drop round,
you know,
bring a bottle of wine or something.
Is that all right?
Oh, that'd be lovely.
I was only gonna go home,
have a bath and stare at the books.
Usual stuff.
I finish around seven, thank God.
All right, I'll see you later.
Don't take any wooden money now,
will you, eh?
Oh, Paul, I've missed you.
Yeah, me too.
You're a good girl, darling.
- See you later, then.
- Yeah, bye.
It's called procedure.
You must have heard of it.
Even in the wilds of New York.
What kind of police force
do you think we'd have
if everyone just took off
and played Humphrey Bogart
whenever they felt like it?
What's eating you?
Spikings tear one of your ears off
about me, is that it?
Not for the first time.
I didn't ask for you, Dempsey,
and I'm certainly not going to
jeopardise my career for you.
Do you understand me?
Just stay in line, will you?
OK, Commissioner.
I'm sorry.
You wanna hear about my lead now?
What lead?
Well, it seems there's this guy
who hangs around the studios,
a dealer, local candyman.
If there's a tie-in with Marshall,
chances are it's him.
Where do we find him?
Well, that part, I didn't get.
Just a name.
So you've got some legwork to do.
How are your legs?
Our friend Piglet's
a self-confessed pothead, isn't he?
Who also works for the studio.
Let's ask him.
Hey, why didn't I think of that?
And I'm supposed to be the brains
of this outfit.
No. I'm the brains, actually.
You're the mouth.
- There you go.
- Thanks, love.
Hi. Remember us?
Yeah, course I do.
- What do you want?
- You lose your appetite?
Thought you were starving
back in the can.
Yeah, so did I.
Can't seem to get my mind off Eddie,
I suppose.
I mean, you don't see it every day,
do you?
Do you want to help us find the man
who killed him, then?
We know who he is,
but we don't know where he is.
We need an address, from you.
Me? Whose?
Fella named Midge.
Guy you buy your dope from.
Where is he?
Midge? Who said I know Midge?
Who told you that?
Let's say it was an educated guess.
Who's more important to you, Piglet,
your friend Eddie
or your dope dealer?
Or doesn't it work like that
with you?
After all, he's dead, isn't he?
Why put yourself out?
Yeah, all right.
I don't owe Midge any favours,
but I don't see how busting him's
gonna get you that far.
I mean, he's strictly an ounces man.
He gets it from a guy
who gets it from another guy
who probably carries a gun
to protect his investment.
We're not talking
peace and love here.
Now, where do we find him?
He lives off the Portobello,
near that Irish pub there.
I don't remember the number.
He's got a room in the basement.
Now, that's it, that's all I know.
That's good enough. We'll find him.
- I bet you will.
- Have a nice day.
Don't give him my regards, will you?
We should have kept these at hand,
Masad. He would not have gone far.
Perhaps not.
And perhaps we would have attracted
just a little attention
to ourselves.
Eh? You talk like a fool, Khalil.
What if he get caught?
He will tell them
all he knows about us.
- Then what?
- It changes nothing.
Even if he gets caught,
what can he tell them?
That he smuggled guns
for a man called Masad?
He knows nothing
of our purpose, Yasir.
And since we have
but one opportunity,
our plans remain the same.
We should have killed him sooner!
Once we had the guns,
we should have killed him!
Yes, we should have killed him.
But we didn't.
Perhaps the police
will do it for us.
He has a gun, and he is desperate.
And even if they find him,
they will not take him easily.
See if you can get an answer.
I'll check round the back.
Something I said?
Excuse me, lady.
- Not this time, Midge.
- Oh!
What's going on?!
You might have said who you were.
I mean, I could've had
a heart attack, the way you came in.
For a guy with bad nerves,
you're in the wrong business, Midge.
What do you do
when you hear a siren? Pass out?
Well, you could've been anybody,
couldn't you?
Who could he have been, Midge?
One of Paul Marshall's friends?
Er, who's Paul Marshall?
Wise up, little fella, or I'll
bite that nose off your face.
She'll bust you for dealing dope,
an accessory to a murder.
- You like the sound of that?
- Oh, come on,
I don't know what's going on.
I mean, I heard the news
on the radio
and I put two and two together,
that's all.
What do you do for Marshall?
He's serious.
So am I.
Well, I didn't do a lot.
Van numbers, tour dates,
anything I picked up.
Got a lump of dope out of it
now and again,
but I don't know
what's going down with him.
I mean, he's right out of my league.
How'd you make contact with him
when you needed him?
I didn't. He found me.
Look, I'm telling you the truth.
Erm he wouldn't come here,
so so I'd talk to him
in the street,
or we'd go into a bar somewhere.
Which bars? Name some.
Oh, I don't know.
Er some in the West End.
We went to a few in the West End
a couple of times.
Place in Covent Garden.
A sort of wine bar.
He was well in
with some waitress there.
- A girlfriend?
- Yeah, yeah, I'd say so.
What did she look like?
Did she have a name?
Erm, yeah.
Julie. Yeah, I think it's Julie.
I mean, sort of dark hair,
real good-looker.
That's Julie.
He was right - she's a doll.
I'm sure she'd be overwhelmed
to hear you say so.
'Charlie Five to control.'
Come in, Charlie Five.
What's happening, Harry?
We've got a tail on
Marshall's girlfriend, heading west.
Tell Spikings we'll sit on it
when we get to where she's going.
'Could be Marshall's bolthole. Out.'
Gotcha. I'll give him the word.
Get Spikings, will you?
Harry's onto something.
We just gonna sit here?
Why don't we shake her down?
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
We do nothing
without Spikings' word, remember?
Particularly you,
which means no shaking down
of dolls, as I understand it.
OK, whatever you say, Sergeant.
I mean Commissioner.
Hey, we got company.
That's him, Dempsey. That's him.
Let's get him.
No! What do you want,
a war on the street?
We let him go in
and we call Spikings.
Charlie Five.
Come in, Control.
Yeah, control's the damn word,
all right.
It's Makepeace, sir.
Let's have it, Harry.
'A black cab just delivered Marshall
to the girl's place.'
He's gone in, sir,
and he's on his own.
'You leave him that way.'
I want to know where that van is
and what's in it.
And he's no good to me
with holes in him.
'Got that, Dempsey?
'You sit tight and wait for me.'
Yeah, I heard already.
I got a walking rulebook with me.
Right, Chas, get on that thing,
get some cars over there, fast.
Then get onto the governor
and tell him I want marksmen, too.
But I don't want Marshall to get
one single sniff of it, right?
- Right, Guv.
- Not one uniform, not one sound.
Tell them to wear tennis shoes
if they have to.
What's the matter, Paul?
- What are you looking for?
- Nothing.
you haven't had anyone
button-holing you today, have you?
I mean about me.
Course not. Why should I have?
It's all right.
I just got a deal going funny on me,
that's all.
See, I set up a bit of business
with a fella called Masad.
It's it's ridiculous, Julie.
I didn't even wanna get involved
in the first place.
he's not here now, is he?
And you're not gonna spend
the whole of the evening
looking out of the window for him,
I hope.
I thought you came round
to see me, anyway.
Yeah, course I did.
Course I did.
Harry, backup's on its way.
We're going to seal off the street
and put two men on the opposite roof
if we can.
If he comes out shooting,
we might need the insurance.
You stay put
until you get the word from me.
Just checking the insurance, babe.
If you want, I can whittle you
a couple of arrows
while we're waiting.
Why not? They make
a good deal less noise than you do.
Let's take the wine and go to bed,
shall we?
It's not far.
Now, that is the best offer
I've had all day.
- What are you doing?!
- Shut up!
Drop it, Marshall.
Let her go.
Now get out of my way!
Or she's dead!
I mean it!
You won't get out of this street
unless you drop that gun.
That's a promise.
Shut your mouth!
Now, you take one more step in here
and she's dead!
Do you understand me?!
Back off!
Come on, move.
You stay where you are.
Nice and gentle.
Come on, Julie.
Come on. Come on.
Give it up. You got nowhere to run.
Please get back.
I don't want
Argh! Argh!
Guess he ain't gonna
tell us much now.
So this was the first time
you'd seen him for a while, was it?
And you've no idea where he'd been
or what he was doing?
He rang me at work
and said he wanted to see me.
It was how it always was.
Did he say anything to you
after he'd arrived?
Did you know the police
were looking for him?
Not the police, no.
He said somebody was looking
for him, but not the police.
I didn't know, honestly!
I didn't know!
A name, girl.
We need a name.
Easy, easy, Chief, come on.
The girl just had a loaded .38
stuck in her face.
Did he say why they were looking
for him, Julie? Who they were?
He said they were Arabs, I think.
He said he didn't wanna do it!
Whatever it was,
he didn't want to do it!
Yeah, I bet.
But no names, nothing else?
He did say, erm
Masad. Nasad?
I think.
Yes, that was it, Masad.
Did he ever mention
this Masad before?
Did Marshall have an address?
Somewhere that you know about?
A house, or a flat?
Or did he always come to you?
He moved around.
The only thing he paid rent on
was a lock up garage in Battersea.
Know where it is, Julie?
Hassan and Khalil will be in
the van here, by the telephone box.
At that signal, Yasir and myself
will leave and take this route here
so to arrive here.
By that time, you, Khalil, should be
approaching from this direction.
It will be early
and there will be little traffic,
which is better for us.
When we see you,
we shall take our position here,
and here is where we act.
You follow this?
'Tomorrow, remember this.
'If necessary,
Kerim is worth all our lives.
'We succeed or we die for him.'
One hijacked van.
We hit the jackpot, Harry.
Or what's left of it.
Let's see if we can put some light
on the subject.
Looks like whatever came in
went out in a hurry.
So, Marshall must have
delivered the goods -
to Masad, presumably.
Maybe not.
Maybe Marshall ripped him off
before he could get here,
and that's why
Masad's looking for him.
You've got a criminal brain,
Yeah, well, I went to a good school.
This must be the one.
Opened with a crowbar,
by the look of it.
So much for the guarantee.
Hello, what's this?
I have a feeling you might be
somewhat familiar with this.
Oh, yeah?
It's cartridge paper.
- Gun oil.
- Thought you'd recognise it.
Yeah, you make it sound like I used
it as an aftershave this morning.
You gotta be thinking
what I'm thinking.
Just for once.
Marshall was gun running.
Yeah, and not for
the League of Decency, either.
This is terrorism, Harry.
All right, squire, you fit?
Here's our man.
Salim Masad.
Born Syria, 1949.
Aged 35.
Suspected terrorist affiliation,
Lebanon, 1977.
Organised student groups, Beirut,
1978 to '80.
in Black September operations
under the leadership
of Yassouf Kerim.
I doubt whether he knew it,
but Marshall teamed himself up
with a genuine revolutionary.
Black September? What is that,
an English weather report?
It's a terrorist organisation,
financed by drug running.
It's probably
where Marshall came in.
They must have had enough on him
to get him into this one.
Still doesn't explain
what Masad's up to over here.
Wait a minute.
What was that second name
on the printout?
Yassouf Kerim.
Bells are ringing somewhere.
Get me Roscoe at the Yard, will you?
Very soon now, Kerim.
Very soon.
No, I'll handle it, Roscoe.
You let your governor know
what's going down, will you?
We've had Kerim locked up
under our noses all this time.
He shot an Arab diplomat
outside his home two months ago.
It's like bloody tribal warfare!
- Where is he?
- Brixton.
They're moving him
to high security today.
Spikings, SI-10.
I want a word
with your governor, fast!
Masad's going to spring him.
He's got the iron to do it,
that's for sure.
- Come on.
- Oi, where are you going?
Brixton. Masad's probably on the
street with those guns right now.
All right,
but you keep your radio open!
Any sign of trouble,
you call for backup!
Right, Dempsey?!
I hear you, boss. I hear you.
You're well versed in ballistics,
What do you think
they're armed with?
Something small and nasty.
Machine pistols, I guess.
Throw a lot of bullets real fast.
Control to Charlie Five.
'Are you receiving me, Charlie Five?
'You'd better be,
unless you fancy being unemployed.'
You can't fire me -
I'm an American citizen.
Forget about the prison, Dempsey.
Kerim's already on his way.
There's a three-car convoy
going east to Wandsworth.
Get after it and back 'em up.
I've got a nasty feeling
they're gonna need it.
We're on our way.
If Masad's gonna hit him,
he's gonna hit him now.
Where the hell are we?
Not far, but not near enough.
Oh, well, sit tight.
Where in the hell
did you learn to do that?!
Your private public school?
What's the matter? I thought you
were used to that side of the road.
You radio the convoy!
Yes, sir. They're armed
and they've been told what to expect.
Good. They might need help.
They are with us now, Hassan.
Move it! That's them!
Are we in Wandsworth or Chicago?
Get down!
Both hands on the roof!
On the roof!
You move, I'll kill you.
Come on, spread 'em! Spread 'em!
Give me that.
This one's loaded.
Who do you think you are,
anyway, huh? Red Cross Battalion?!
You charge in here,
- you're not even armed!
- Don't tell me you're complaining.
You know, Makepeace,
you're a lousy cop
and you're a worse driver.
If there's any shortcoming
in my ability to do my job,
it's because I have to be shackled
to you while I'm doing it.
Shackled to me, huh?
That's not a bad idea.
Would that be day and night?
Heaven forbid!
Look at this.
What in hell do you call this,
Don't you know where you are yet?
This is Wandsworth, not Chicago!
Hey, you can't blame me for this!
I wasn't driving!
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