Destiny (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

I'll do the investigation.
Why did she tell you
my father had been murdered?
If he framed your father in some way,
I'll never forgive him.
I found it.
My father left a recording.
I wanted you to listen with me.
This is a record of the environmental
energy corruption case.
This case is clearly fabricated.
The e-mail that the prosecution
submitted as evidence
is completely fake.
Why is this witness changing his story?
Was it entirely a setup?
So it was my dad after all.
You and I should stop meeting each other.
What's the matter?
Hang on.
What's going on between you two?
I won't meet him anymore.
I don't want to meet him.
He has cancer.
He's actually critically ill.
We need to talk.
Come in.
Hey you.
set the fire.
So you're saying you did it.
Is this correct?
I did it.
Just after ten last night,
here in Mizuho Ward, Yokohama,
there was a fire at the residence
of attorney, Koichiro Nogi.
His unemployed son, Masaki,
who was near the site
admitted to setting fire to the house
and was arrested at the scene.
I listened to the voice recorder.
I wonder if he did it for you.
For your father.
Regarding the fire that occurred
in Mizuho-ku, Yokohama last night.
According to the police,
at the time of the fire,
only Mr. Nogi and his son
were present in the house.
The police are investigating the motive
Arson? What's happening?
If that's Kanagawa Prefecture,
then it's Yokohama District.
-I should call Kanade.
-You shouldn't.
Even if she finds out something,
she has a duty to be confidential.
She can't tell us anything.
What if his father dies as a consequence?
Would it be arson-homicide?
It would be arson
and a murder charge.
Good morning.
You're up already?
Whoa, I didn't realize how late it was.
Go wash your face.
Get ready to go. Hurry!
Yeah I'll hurry
Huh? Where's your dad?
Stop there.
Excuse me.
What will happen to me after this?
You'll be referred to the district
public prosecutors office shortly
to decide if you'll be detained.
If you're detained, it'll take ten days
to decide if you're indicted or not.
Or 20 days maximum.
The interrogation will be long.
Try to organize it in your head now.
-Come in.
-Pardon me, ma'am.
I want you to take this case.
It's my order as the branch chief.
BORN JUNE 12, 1989
I'm Nishimura, the prosecutor.
You have the right to remain silent
if you don't wish to speak.
You were arrested for the crime
of arson of inhabited buildings.
Please confirm. First, your name
Mr. Masaki Nogi, aged 35.
Place of birth, Yokohama.
Currently unemployed.
Do you affirm these facts
I've read as being true?
Is this all correct?
I wanted to know the truth.
That was the sole reason
I wanted to become a prosecutor.
To achieve results
as the prosecutor in charge,
you wanted to indict
Diet member Azuma at any cost!
I love you.
So it was my dad after all.
You and I should stop meeting each other.
That's why I am now
I'm Nishimura, the prosecutor.
Nice to meet you.
Today you have been referred
on the crime of arson
of inhabited buildings.
Do you affirm that you set the fire?
I did it.
I'd like to verify your actions
on the day of the arson.
The night before,
you were admitted to Minato
General Hospital in Yokohama
as an emergency with stomach pain.
You left the hospital
after 9:00 the next day.
Then you walked around Yokohama,
and at 5:40 p.m.
you called your father, Mr. Koichiro Nogi,
on your cell phone.
-Come in.
-Then you went to his house.
I did.
That day, your mother
She is not your birth mother, is she?
She's my father's second wife.
So on that day,
your stepmother and your sister
were in Tokyo
to see a theater performance.
It was only you and Mr. Koichiro Nogi
present at the house.
Mr. Nogi invited you into the living room.
The two of you talked.
Later, it became an argument
and you lost your temper.
There was a lighter on a shelf nearby.
You grabbed it and lit it.
When you threw it towards Mr. Nogi,
the curtains caught
on fire from the flame.
Then you left the house
with your father still in the room.
Is this all correct?
Yes, that is correct.
I want to ask you something.
What is it?
If you lit the flame
because you lost your temper,
then does it mean you didn't visit
the house with the intent of arson?
I didn't.
please tell me what you were talking about
and what caused the argument.
What was the conversation
about at the time?
Can I invoke my right to silence?
Right now, your father
is on the edge between life and death
in the hospital where he was taken.
He's suffering from inhalation burns
and carbon monoxide poisoning
from the fire
which resulted in cerebral hypoxia.
All because
you set fire to the house.
How do you feel about this fact?
How do I feel?
Do you have any feelings of remorse?
Not particularly.
Next, I'd like to ask you
about your actions since then.
According to the police
On this day,
Masaki didn't say
much of anything in the end.
What about the time
between when you left the house
and when the police officer
asked you questions?
Thanks for your work.
Great job.
We need the pre-indictment
detention request.
Are you going somewhere?
To the crime scene.
The crime scene?
Something is bothering me.
I see.
By the way
Huh? Isn't it still during working hours?
Not that.
It's about Masaki Nogi, the suspect.
Isn't he the one who had that big fight
in the lobby of Yokohama District Court?
You know, after that illegal drug
possession case.
What the hell is this?
You killed Eisuke Tsuji, didn't you?
Kanade, wait!
Let's go, Kaji.
Are you sure?
Yes, he is.
Well, I was wondering if he had
a long-standing feud with his father.
Maybe involving asking for money?
Could be.
I'll keep that in mind too.
-Thank you.
I wonder if Kaji noticed
that Masaki and I know each other?
Even if he knows,
I'll find out in my own way
the truth about this case.
This is Kaji.
Do you have time to talk now?
What was Masaki's
What was suspect Masaki Nogi's motive?
Why did he commit arson?
What was the reason
he decided to set the fire?
On the morning of the fire,
Masaki left the hospital,
and walked in the city.
The reason for him visiting his father
must have been the voice recorder.
It must be.
This is the truth I discovered.
So it was my dad after all.
What if he went to the house
with the intention of arson-homicide
from the start?
-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.
would he try to kill so suddenly?
There seems to be a big gap
between his motive and actions.
Thenjust as Masaki said
the two had an argument that night, and
I've had enough!
Masaki lost his temper.
He lit a lighter he found lying around.
The curtains caught fire from the flame.
A lighter
Ms. Nishimura.
-Oh, good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.
Did the fire start in the living room
as the suspect stated?
We're still trying to determine.
Was the lighter found?
Not yet.
I see.
Considering the house
burned down completely,
something is bothering me.
Why did he use a lighter?
What triggered him?
Are you Ms. Nishimura, the prosecutor?
Yes. Thank you
for taking the time to see me.
Is he still in critical condition?
He seems to have inhaled
a large amount of carbon monoxide.
A large amount?
The respiratory tract burn is also severe.
There's a possibility he won't wake up.
Is that so?
Of course, we'll try our best, but
What really happened
between Masaki and his father
on the day of the fire?
Kanade's the prosecutor
in the case against Masaki?
Yeah. That's what I heard.
No way.
Is it going to be okay?
Well, it does sound like a tough job.
Her superiors don't know
about her relationship with Masaki?
I imagine they wouldn't
let her do the job if they knew.
I quit the law firm.
to be precise,
it's like I didn't have a choice
but to quit.
Did you do something bad?
It's not that.
I didn't
do anything.
My goodness! Don't scare me like that!
It's just that the law firm
was poorly managed.
They started getting strict about quotas.
I'm looking for a job at other law firms.
But I'm having trouble finding one.
So I
kind of asked
Check. I don't mind.
No way.
International Cultural Law Firm.
They want to interview me.
International Cultural Law Firm?
That's awesome! That's great!
I didn't like my family to start with.
I mean,
I didn't like him.
By "him" you mean your father, right?
But why so much hatred?
I wonder why myself.
Long ago I shoplifted once.
It was from a convenience store,
when I was in junior high.
I was goofing around
with childhood friends.
What did you steal?
Vanilla ice cream.
Trading cards.
I wasn't caught that time,
but my friend shoplifted again
right after that.
And I was suspected.
My dad said to me at the time,
"Whatever they ask you,
don't ever admit you did it."
"Just insist you didn't."
"If you keep denying it,
that'd be the truth."
I realized something at that moment.
I thought, "Oh."
"I get it."
"So this is
the way he does things."
Did you follow his instructions?
What do you think?
If you did what he told you,
I guess you wouldn't have
this hatred toward your father.
The Nogi family is prominent
in Yokohama, isn't it?
Your grandfather was the founder
of Nikkai Shipbuilding Company.
Your father is an attorney.
I think ordinary people
would envy your background.
I don't fit in with them
because look at me.
After you dropped out of university,
where did you go?
If you're feeling ill, please tell us.
In that case
I went to the Tohoku region.
I had an acquaintance there.
An acquaintance?
A tutor
from high school and before college.
They were doing volunteer work in Miyako
after the great earthquake.
Miyako in Iwate Prefecture.
I was there helping
to clear the dirt and so forth.
And you didn't tell anyone
at all about this?
I didn't.
I wanted to change my ways.
I felt
like I was totally naive.
About your university days?
Although I got in,
I wasn't attending classes
but just hanging around.
I didn't have any purpose at all.
So you didn't enjoy it there?
I did.
It was the best time
of my life.
Thinking back now
that period
was the happiest time.
Doing silly things all the time
but I was happy.
I fell in love there.
Show me.
Your answers, so, I, can, cheat.
Law major?
-Me too.
Don't you know me?
Did you have a partner?
Perhaps someone more
than that.
I love you.
Do you know there's a way to hold hands
that can never be separated?
When someone who you thought loved you
suddenly disappears,
it hurts. I know.
Until then, I didn't have
a lot of people
I could open my heart up to.
But when I was with her,
I could be myself naturally.
A minute longer together
A second longer together
That's what I was wishing for.
I don't really know what that was.
I think there was
a powerful mutual attraction.
Have you experienced
anything like that?
I have.
Masaki, wait! Don't go! Masaki!
I'm sorry!
Why did you break up with that person?
Maybe because
I thought it'd be too painful
to stay together.
I didn't want to see her being sad.
Didn't you tell that person
your honest feelings?
Don't you think that person
would have understood if you had?
It's too complicated.
I was probably
completely confused about it myself.
I thought I had to disappear.
Didn't you consider
those you abandoned without explanation?
I wasn't considerate enough.
I guess I'm selfish.
Would you say you have impulsive traits?
To want to throw everything away,
wishing everything would be gone?
Do you mean the fire?
No, not just that.
Hey, why are you asking me
so many unrelated questions?
These are not unrelated questions.
Your motive for committing the crime,
your strained relationship
with your father,
whether you regret
what you've done or not
Our job is to find answers
to these questions.
Whether to indict or not
depends on the decision of the prosecutor.
Your life depends on it.
We can't make the wrong decision.
That's an intense job.
I respect you.
That's right.
I thought at the time
if I could restart with a clean slate,
I might feel so much better.
If I burnt it all down
and everything was gone
Excuse me.
What is it?
Can I ask you one thing?
Go on.
How is he doing now?
I heard he was still unconscious.
Is he
going to die?
Nobody knows that.
Including me.
That'll be it for today.
Stand up.
These handcuffs
They're so cold.
I just found out.
You're going out now.
Ms. Nishimura.
I need to talk to you
about what you said the other day.
New evidence?
Since what you mentioned stuck in my mind,
I searched the garage
in front of the house.
Look at these.
We found a piece
of a burned-up plastic fuel can.
We also detected gasoline on it.
there is a new report
from a witness in the neighborhood.
-I'm home.
-Interrogation again today?
What's this?
It was in our delivery locker.
Tomo brought it for us apparently.
-Tomo did?
I know you're busy
so I'll just leave this here.
They're in an insulated bag.
Do a sniff test just in case.
You don't need to e-mail me.
Hang in there. Tomo.
We should eat.
-I'll go change.
This is comforting.
Yeah. I'm so grateful.
Do they feed people in detention?
What? Of course, they do.
How long is he
Masaki going to be in there?
Well, the maximum is 20 days.
Whether he committed the crime or not,
I think he should get treatment.
Has it progressed?
From the way he was in pain
Where does it hurt?
From my right side
to my back.
I see
Can you tell me again the situation
of how you started the fire?
As I've said many times,
we got into an argument.
I found a lighter on the shelf.
I threw the lighter,
then the curtains caught on fire
Mr. Koichiro Nogi quit smoking
five years ago.
Other family members
don't recall it being there.
Then who's lighter was it?
Why was it there?
I don't know.
But there was a lighter there.
The lighter was on the shelf
next to the sofa.
When you got into an argument,
you lit the lighter and threw it
towards your father.
The lighter caused the curtains
to catch fire and flare up.
After that, you left your father there
and you fled the scene.
Is that correct?
Are you feeling all right?
Are you able to eat?
I'm eating somewhat.
Any fever or listlessness?
If you feel ill in any way,
please inform us.
you sound like a doctor.
I feel fine.
Please proceed.
All right.
Actually, as a result
of an inspection of the crime scene,
there's a possibility
the fire started outside of the house.
Near the garage
adjacent to the living room,
we found evidence of a fire breaking out.
There were also traces of gasoline
detected from there.
There is now an eyewitness account
of a man roaming around the area.
These facts don't seem to align
with your statements.
I wanted the fire to grow bigger.
After I left the house,
I spread gasoline around.
Where was the gasoline?
It was in the garage.
Was it something you had prepared?
I'd rather not say.
Then why didn't you tell us before
that you spread gasoline around?
I didn't want it to be
a more serious offense.
Right after setting the fire, you admitted
to a police officer that you did it.
Even though you admitted to the crime,
you wanted to avoid
a more serious offense?
That's right.
Masaki Nogi is hiding something?
Yes. His statement has
some strange points.
Such as?
First of all,
he says that after an argument
he used a lighter he found
in the room to set the fire.
But his family says Mr. Koichiro Nogi
quit smoking five years ago,
and there was no lighter in the house.
Couldn't Masaki Nogi have had it with him?
I've considered that,
but he's been saying he didn't have
any intention of arson when he went there.
Koichiro is currently in the ICU.
To be injured so seriously,
he must have inhaled
a substantial amount of smoke.
I wondered if he failed to escape
due to trying to put out the fire,
but no fire extinguisher had been used.
Also, he had no pre-existing conditions.
No high blood pressure or heart disease.
If Masaki Nogi's statement about setting
the fire in front of Koichiro is true,
Koichiro Nogi could have escaped early on,
in the same way as Masaki did.
But the fact is he didn't make it out,
he's unconscious, in serious condition.
Moreover, the crime scene
inspection revealed
a piece of a burned plastic fuel can
with gasoline traces.
We also have a witness
who saw a suspicious man
roaming near the house
on the night of the fire.
When Masaki Nogi was asked about this,
he began saying things
he hadn't stated before.
What did he say?
"I wanted the fire to grow bigger."
"After I left the house,
I spread gasoline around."
I see.
Right after allegedly committing arson,
Masaki was questioned by a police officer
and easily admitted to his crime.
Then why didn't he mention
the gasoline before?
Is the man the eyewitness saw
and Masaki Nogi the same person?
Still unknown. The Yokohama Minami Police
are investigating now.
That means the arsonist
might be still at large.
There may be another individual
besides his son who holds a grudge
against Koichiro Nogi.
Will you allow me to investigate
a little longer?
We'll extend the detention.
Ms. Nishimura!
Masaki Nogi lost consciousness
in his cell, vomiting blood!
Yes. The medical procedure is done.
We knew he had gallbladder cancer,
but they said it metastasized into
his duodenum and made him vomit blood.
He needs to rest for the time being,
then they would consider surgery.
I see.
We'll stop his detention for a while.
Make the arrangements now.
Yes. I will. Goodbye.
The interrogation is canceled.
What is the possibility of surgery?
It's just that if he doesn't get surgery,
he may not last long.
When his condition stabilizes,
he'll need it as soon as possible.
You should stay with him.
Y-You don't mind?
For now
it's better if someone is with him.
Where am I?
The hospital.
How do you feel?
Oh, the worst.
The prosecutor's interrogation is a pain.
About my illness
Did you know?
I heard from your doctor.
I see.
Did you really set the fire?
You're still asking?
I might vomit blood again.
I won't ask for now.
It was so hard.
We were face-to-face for hours.
You were right there
so close to me.
But you're the prosecutor.
Staring at me with a scary face.
And I even had a rope around my waist.
That can't be helped.
Hold out your hand.
What are you saying?
It's Kanade's hand.
So soft.
You asked me
why I came back to Japan.
You want to know
the real reason?
Huh? What is it? Tell me.
I wanted to see you.
Of course,
my father
and Kaori
were part of it too.
you were more important.
When I thought
I might die soon,
the one I wanted to be with
is you, Kanade.
So that's why
I came back to see you.
But then
this whole thing happened.
I'm such an idiot.
Why do things
always turn out the wrong way for me?
I guess it's my own fault, huh?
It is all your fault.
The things you do are always messed up.
You're selfish.
You do as you please.
And you're self-righteous.
You've always been that way.
And you just go away
without telling anybody.
It's the same even now.
Want to run away?
Let's run away.
Just the two of us.
I want to be with you.
I want to see that starry sky
with you alone.
That was the second crime
I ever committed.
Subtitle translation by: Ikuko Sachs
I don't mind dying
if I'm with you, Kanade.
Masaki Nogi is missing?
I have a question.
You're hiding something.
What's the truth?
-It was recorded on the dashcam.
What were you doing
in front of the house that day?
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